Best-selling author Dan Brown and his well-known protagonist Robert Langdon return in Brown's long-awaited novel, The Lost Symbol, Symbol, released in the fall of 2009. aving returned fro! "urope and his adventures in Angels in Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code, Code, arvard s#!bologist Robert Langdon is su!!oned to $ashington, D.%., b# his !entor, &eter olo!on, to speak at a prestigious !ithsonian fundraiser. owever, when Langdon arrives, olo!on is nowhere to be found. (f (fter ter )alling olo!on's assistant, Langdon learns that his s)heduled spee)h was onl# a tri)k to bring hi! to the %apitol. *o!ents later, s)rea!s are heard and a severed hand+olo!on's+is found in an ada)ent roo! in the %apitol Building. ne of the ngers wears a ring that bears the !ark of the /ree!asons' highest honor. "a)h of the ngers is tattooed, as is the pal! of the hand, with s#!bols that onl# Langdon )o!prehends. Langdon realies that the tattoos are an invitation to unlo)k !#steries of the an)ients. oon, a nu!ber of high-ranking national se)urit# o1)ials de!and that Langdon help the! as he is the onl# one able to de)ipher the !#sterious invitation. Langdon, the )hief of %apitol se)urit# rent (nderson, and %3( o1)ial ato nd the!selves in a sub-base!ent roo! of the 4nited tates %apitol Building5 the roo! is set up in a s)ene fa!iliar onl# to Langdon and *asons the world over. *eanwhile, olo!on's sister, 6atherine, goes to work in a se)ret lab )onstru)ted b# her brother in an e!pt# pod deep within the !ithsonian's storage fa)ilit#. 6atherine, tr#ing to advan)e the s)ien)e of noeti)s, nds it strange that &eter is not answering his phone. u!!oned b# a !#sterious Dr. (bbadon, who )lai!s to have been working with &eter to deal with ps#)hologi)al distress, 6atherine learns that her brother has shared so!e of her se)ret resear)h with the do)tor, whi)h sho)ks her. 6atherine and Robert are are eventuall# brought together in a desperate atte!pt to save &eter olo!on+and the nation+fro! a single !ad!an deter!ined deter!ined to reveal infor!ation that )ould )hange life as we know it. The Lost Symbol is Symbol is a fast-!oving, a)tion-pa)ked thriller told in Dan Brown's riveting st#le that will keep readers readers turning page after page.
3n 7998, Dan Brown )a!e out with his rst thriller, Digital /ortress. e went on to write (ngels and De!ons and De)eption &oint. is !asterpie)e, he Da in)i %ode was published in *ar)h 200: and sold nearl# ;000 )opies on its ver# rst da# and rea)hed the Best eller List in its ver# rst week.
1) Dan Brown who is renowned all over the world for his best selling novel, The Da Vinci Vinci Code was born on 22nd June, 196! "e was the eldest of three children in #$eter, %ew "a&'shire! "e did his schooling fro& (hilli's #$eter cade&*, which which was considered to be a highl* e$clusive school! "is father was a &athe&atics instructor in the sa&e school! "is &other on the other hand was a &usic 'rofessor+ chiefl* involved in 'racticing ver* revered &usic! #ven though Dan Brown attended o'enenroll&ent schools, till he entered 9th grade, he nevertheless lived with his fa&il* and also 'roactivel* too- 'art in college related activities, which were also influenced greatl* b* Christian nor&s and traditions+ such as singing carols in the Church and going to College Ca&'!
2-Born? 22 @une 79;A Birthpla)e? "eter,
De)eption &oint E2007F and he Da in)i %ode. *ost of his books share Brown's signature !i of se)ret so)ieties, international intrigue, s)holarl# pules and fast-pa)ed a)tion. ( feature l! version of he Da in)i %ode was released in 200;, dire)ted b# Ron oward and starring o! anks as Robert Langdon. ( l! of (ngels and De!ons followed foll owed in 2009, with oward and anks reprising their roles, and a third Landgon book, he Lost #!bol was released later that #ear. #ear. "tra )redit? Brown wrote the funn# 799G advi)e book 78 *en to (void? ( urvival Huide for the Ro!anti)all# /rustrated /rustrated $o!an under the pseudon#! of Danielle Brown. (fter his third novel, De)eption &oint E2007F, Brown returned to Langdon with he Da in)i %ode, a thriller that )entres on art histor#, %hristianit#>s origins, and ar)ane theories. (tte!pting to solve the !urder of the Louvre>s )urator, Langdon en)ounters !#sterious organiations Epus Dei and the &rior# of ionF, dis)usses the hidden !essages in Leonardo da in)i>s art, raises the possibilit# that @esus !arried *ar# *agdalene and fathered a )hild, and dis)overs the ol# Hrail. he Da in)i %ode proved )ontroversial, and !an# theologians and art s)holars dis!issed Brown>s notions. he novel, however, proved i!!ensel# popular with readers. B# 2009 !ore than 0 !illion )opies had been sold, and editions were available in so!e A0 languages. 3ntense interest in the novel resulted in a spate of %ode-related books and sparked sales of Brown>s earlier works5 in 200A all four f our of his novels appeared si!ultaneousl# on he s poe! he Divine %o!ed# in an eJort to stop the release of a plague. he latter book was also adapted for the big s)reen, in 207;, with anks again portra#ing Langdon.