GOBLIN FRUITS & ODDMENTS Blushberries : - Pink fruits slightly larger than cherries. Picked in Spring. (CtL) Dream-a-Drupe: Dream-a-Drupe: - Which looks like a purple nectarine and is faintly intoxicating. A Suer fruit. (CtL) Murmurleaf : - A !losso that curls up"ard at the end of the leaf. #ound in the Autun onths. (CtL) Ertwen: Ertwen : - $ealy seeds inside a pod% siilar to peas. &n season during Winter. (CtL) Amaranthine: Amaranthine: 'his go!lin fruit is coparatiely rare and looks like a sall% red eggplant. ating an aa- ranthine heals the changeling of a single point of aggra aggraat ated ed daage daage.. *lutti *lutting ng on aaran aaranthi thine ne has no adad- dition ditional al e+ect, e+ect, aaranthine restores only a single point of aggraated daage per scene. (CtL) Coupnettle: Coupnettle: A delicate% leafy plant that gro"s in the edge% coupnettle is often used to ake tea. Wheth- er steeped as tea or eaten ra"% coupnettle has a !itter !itter%% inty inty taste. taste. Consu Consuin ing g an entir entire e coupne coupnettl ttle e plant plant inigo inigorat rates es the changeli changeling% ng% allo"ing allo"ing her to restor restore e a single single spent spent point of Willpo" Willpo"er er.. ach additi additiona onall coupne coupnettl ttle e concon- sued sued in any gien gien /-hou /-hourr period period resto restore res s an additional point of Willpo"er% !ut iposes a 01 die penalty to Coposure rolls. (CtL) Fear Gortach: Gortach: 2ungry grass3 planted !y "icked fae to entrap those ortals "ho 4nd theseles lost in the edge (or possi!ly those trying to escape #aerie)% fear gortach akes the person "ho consues it faished. Lost ortals and ignorant changelings soeties eat this grass in desperation 5 fe" "ould "illingly eat it if they kne" its e+ects. 6o atter ho" uch he eats% he adly desires ore. A character "ho tastes fear gortach teporarily suspends the e+ects of any other go!lin fruits he has eaten (if they hae lasting e+ects 5 healing fruits% for exaple% are una+ected !ecause they7e already restored points of daage) and any he ay eat for the reainder of the scene (healing fruits fruits includ included ed here). here). Als Also% o% a char char- acter acter "ho has eaten eaten fear fear gortac gortach h ust ust succeed at a Wits 8 Coposure roll if he encounters it in the next scene or he ust ust consu consue e fear fear gortac gortach h again. again. Charac Character ters s "ho "ho hae hae the *lutt *luttony ony 9ice 9ice su+er a three-dice penalty to this roll. n- like other go!lin fruits% fear gortach also a+ects ortals and other creatures. creatures. (CtL) Jarmyn: Jarmyn: ;oth the leaes and the oaries of the
ules and Systes) dice to the roll for a character to stay a"ake after a period of extensie "akefulness. (See pp. 1?@0 1B of the World of arkness >ule!ook for ore inforation on fatigue and staying a"ake). 'he
esole roll% "hich ay !e attepted eery hour. ;ugle"ort spins a character into a "ild state of alertness% increasing his &nitiatie !y / for the dura- tion of the scene (though soe "ho eat !ugle"ort say it akes the irrita!le or distracted). Additional doses don7t stack e+ects% though a person can !e under the inEuence of !oth siultaneously. (CtL) !itt Moss: Pitt oss looks a !it like ru!!ed sage% and has a ery rich% pungent taste% used in sparing Fuantities in any opulent dishes in #aerie. aten ra"% in Fuantity (a!out a salad7s "orth)% and !y itself% ho"eer% pitt oss !esto"s an oer"heling dolor upon the indiidual. &f pitt oss consued 2in the 4eld%3 a point of Willpo"er is su!tracted fro the character7s pool% and he is una!le to spend Willpo"er for the reainder of the scene. (CtL) Gallowsroot : 'he gallo"sroot is a ropy ine that gro"s on lo"% spra"ling !ushes. &t is considered an oddent !e- cause the ends of its lo"est-gro"ing ines are shaped like nooses. When slipped oer the head and around the neck of any liing icti% the root iediately constricts like a hangan7s rope. 'he gallo"sroot 2attacks3 as a Strength G co!atant "ielding a garrote for three turns. 'he gallo"s- root ay not !e attacked in return 5 all the icti can do is hope to hold it at !ay or !reak it like a garrote. (CtL) Jennystones: escri!ed soe"hat poetically as the rotten fangs fallen fro the outh of =enny *reenteeth% a folk legend. &n truth% they7re ather% they gro" as occasional chaotic a!errations aong the leaes of other plants aong the edge. 'hey look siply like engorged leaes of "hateer plant they7e attached to (or assiilated% or "hateer their uniFue case is) and they hae a distinct% parchent feeling. Proise leaes can extend the duration of certain Contracts to "hich they7re added. Speci4cally% the changeling cruples the proise leaf
"hen he inokes it "ithin the context of a Contract. As the proise leaf is used% the husk of the proise leaf desiccates as it falls to the ground% often !lo"ing a"ay in the Fueer "ind that arises in their proxiity. ('he 2;lessing of Perfection3 clause on p. 1GH is the ost coonly kno"n Contract that can !ene4t fro these leaes.) (CtL) $tabapple: 'he fruits of the sta!apple tree are !enign go!lin fruits% o+ering no !ene4t or detrient to those "ho consue the other than a ild% saory taste. 'he thorns of the fruit% ho"eer% are sharp and hard as !one% long as a an7s forear. A changeling "ho !reaks a sta!apple thorn fro the tree ay use it as a knife% "ielding it in elee or thro"ing it as he chooses. A sta!apple thorn does one lethal daage and has a SiIe of 1. &t can !e thro"n as descri!ed on pp. J?0J of the World of arkness >ule!ook. (CtL) %i&efruit' 'his go!lin fruit is sall% copara!le in siIe to a poegranate seed% "ith an eFual !lush of crison as its color. 'he inside of a hidefruit% ho"eer% proides a piFuant punch of !ro"n ooIe% siilar in consistency (though not in taste) to olasses. ;ecause the fruit is sall and gro"s not in clusters !ut alone on rare ines ixed in "ith the rest of the edge% they can !e diKcult to 4nd and procure. Assue a Wits 8 Surial roll is necessary% "ith the nu!er of dice su!tracted fro the roll deterined !y the thickness of the !riar at that point (thicker edge eFuals larger penalty). Consuing the fruit helps a changeling hide fro any 'rue #ae near!y. 'he changeling doesn7t appear erely ortal 5 no% to ost #air #olk% he does not appear at all% as if the fruit i!ues hi "ith an essence deanded that he !e consciously ignored. 'he #ae ust succeed on a Wits 8 Coposure roll to track the changeling% !ut su+ers 0 H dice to this roll until the e+ects of the hidefruit expire. 'he e+ects last for a nu!er of inutes eFual to the changeling7s o"n Wits 8 >esole score. (A6)
Somnus Pollinated Goblin Fruit: Goblin fruit that has been pollinated by a Somnus-swarm is undetectable from that which has not been. It looks, smells, feels and tastes like any other goblin fruit of its kind. However, after eating a Somnus-pollinated goblin fruit, the consumer must make tests exactly as if he has been stung or bitten by a Somnus. hose who have had the ill fortune of consuming more than one Somnus-pollinated fruit must make additional tests for each additional fruit consumed, every !" minutes. #$%& $lumberberries: 'hese sall% dark green !erries gro" sparsely on parasitic ines that spread through the edge. 'he sour !erries appear only in clups of 4e or six% "ith each !ranch of the ine only producing fruit at one spot. When eaten ra"% the !erries cause dro"siness, if eaten
in "ith other foods and preents the !lood7s clotting agents fro "orking. 'he single dose can cause gut craps or inor !leeding into the lungs and the e+ects "ear o+ after a day and a night. o"eer% if it is consued regularly% it attacks the character7s !one arro"% preenting creation of ne" !lood cells% and can cause assie internal !leeding. &f consuption is stopped% the character "ill eentually recoer% although they "ill !e sick for soe tie. ;lood!ane is 'oxicity G "ith one dose% !ut rises to 'oxicity J if taken ore than once in a onth. (6*#) Fuguespores: 'hese !ro"n spores coe fro a type of fungus that gro"s on the !riars of the edge. When ingested% they tend to lodge in the intestines% gro"ing slo"ly through the gut "all and releasing toxins into the !loodstrea. 'hese toxins% oer tie% can cause hallucinations or diIIy spells. When the fungus atures inside the !ody% ore spores can !e released into the !loodstrea to gro" in other parts of the !ody. &f a spore lodges in the character7s !rain% the fungus destroys the character7s eories% leaing hi in a fugue state (see World of arkness >ule!ook% p. 1BB). &n extree cases% it can put the character in a coa or cause peranent !rain daage. #uguespores are 'oxicity H. (6*#) Bloo&apple: A dark crison fruit% splotched "ith sall patches of deep reddish purple% the !loodapple is shaped like a slightly kno!!y and irregular ersion of an ordinary apple. &ts skin is slightly tough% !ut edi!le% concealing cloyingly s"eet% pulpy% extreely
resists all attepts to cultiate the fruit in any "ay that "ould ake its harest less perilous, under such circustances% it siply "ill not gro". (6*#) Wido"root: 'his oddent can !e spotted !y the single% sall !lue Eo"er that sprouts fro it% "ith seen petals and long% drooping leaes. 'he root itself usually rests t"o or three feet !elo" the surface and is a "rithing tangle of hard% "oody stalks a!out the siIe and shape of a foot!all. When an entire root is chopped up and soked oer glo"ing coals for a fe" hours% it s"eats a tiny Fuantity of a clotted a!er-colored sap. &f this sap should enter the !loodstrea (say% on the end of a !laded "eapon)% it erodes an indiidual7s sense of coniction. 'hose thus a+ected lose t"o points of Willpo"er. A single root creates enough sap to coat a single "eapon for a single strike and a person ay only su+er fro the e+ects of one dose of "ido"root on any gien day. (6*#) Flower-)f-)ne-%our : Also called 'iger $allo"% is a "eedy hi!iscus that gro"s rapant in hotter% ore huid parts of the edge. 'he !loos look 4rst like thistles !efore unfolding s"iftly and unfurling ele- teen petals of ipossi!le !lack. 'he !loo7s pistil and staen are 4erce orange: the color of the sun or a tiger7s fur. 'he Eo"er only !loos for a single hour a day% !ut not the sae hour each day. 'o harness the properties of 'iger $allo"% a changeling ust !re" it into a tea during its !looing tie, if the changeling drinks the tea after this hour has passed% the tea tastes of !itter licorice and chills the !ones. &f con- sued during the proper tie% ho"eer% the tea 4lls the drinker "ith "arth !oth literal and 4guratie: tender% sun!urned skin paired "ith a 4ery passion (or soeties an uncon- trolla!le rage). #or the next hour% the changeling ay trade points of >esole to either Strength or Staina. &f she oes ore than t"o dots in this anner% ho"eer% she !urns out after the hour is copleted. ;urning out eans the character feels epty% exhausted% een occasionally confused. She ust i- ediately sleep for eight hours or su+er a 0G penalty to all dice rolls until she does. Dne 4nal perutation: these e+ects only apply to those "ho possess dots in Suer $antle. 'ea !re"ed fro #lo"er-Df-Dne- our has no e+ect on those possessing $antle fro other seasons !eyond its taste. (LoS) Cocorange: 'hese assie seeds are a!out the sae siIe and shape as a foot!all% "ith a hard outer shell. 'hey gro" in tropical and su!tropical clies and contain pulpy% 4!rous% citrus Eesh that can !e eaten ra"% sFueeIed for its
Dactyl: 'hese% oily% esole 8 Staina roll% and keeping it (and anything else recently eaten) do"n at the end of the scene reFuires a second. (*$) Jennyapples: 'hese isshapen% !lack-spotted apples hang on the lo" !ranches of a tall shru!. 'he apples% if eaten% cause a roiling% acidy stoach that confers 0G to all rolls ade for the rest of the day !ut trust e% eery!ody kno"s not to eat a =ennyapple. As soon as the skin is pierced (easy to do% it peels a"ay like skin sloughing o+ a sore)% it gies o+ the "retched odor of the =ennystone: the nauseating scent spreads in a 4e-yard diaeter% potent enough to inEict a 01 dice pool penalty to anyone "ith a sense of sell unfortunate enough to !e in that area. (>eFuires a drea to gro".) (>oS) Ne#ernip: 'his cross-!reed of !lush!erries and fear gortach proides the healing !ene4ts of !lush!erries% !ut at a steep price. 'hose "ho eat the lush purple !erries that dangle fro the stalks of the tall grass 4nd that the taste is eFuires !lood to gro".) (>oS) *renchmint : Should a changeling hy!ridiIe the Willpo"er-giing coupnettle "ith the Willpo"er-taking pit oss% a fragile plant eerges fro the cross-!reeding. With airy stes topped "ith curling clusters of iolet leaes% trenchint is oddly inasie% spreading "hereer it can 5 "hole 4elds of the stu+ spring up "ithin a "eek% gro"ing up and around the looing "alls of 'horns. When one "alks through it% trenchint erupts "ith an acrid% inty odor. Consuing trenchint ra" causes the changeling to lose one point of Willpo"er: !ut% this Willpo"er then grants hi a 8G !onus to a $ental Skill of the changeling7s choice% proided that the changeling concentrates on that Skill upon eating the trenchint leaes. (&f he doesn7t concentrate% then the 8G !onus is granted to a rando $ental Skill of the Storyteller7s choosing.) 'his lasts for the reainder of the scene. After that scene is oer% ho"eer% the changeling feels tired% slothful. 'he character su+ers a 01 to all Physical rolls for the reainder of the day% unless the character7s 9ice is Sloth% "hich then dou!les the penalty to 0 dice. (>eFuires no speci4c nutrients to spread, no roll reFuired to transplant this hy!ridiIed "eed.) (>oS) Brumebulb: ;rue!ul! is e+ectiely a sall% alost sour-tasting onion. &t gro"s !eneath the ground% and gies only a inute curl of pale foliage to announce its presence. Dne ust 4rst succeed on a Wits 8 &nestigation roll to een 4nd !rue!ul!% and ay su+er penalties to that roll !ecause it so often gro"s !eneath heay grasses or tangles of !riar (assue a 0G penalty in such an instance). 'he onion% ho"eer% proides a po"erful !ene4t to those "ho 4nd
and consue such a thing: an instant exit fro the edge. ating the !ul! is unpleasant% to say the least (it ay reFuire a >esole 8 Coposure roll to choke do"n the acidic% che"y sourness)% !ut upon doing so a character7s ery Eesh !egins turning to a drifting apor. 'he !ody !ecoes all apor and then% "ith a !rief "ind% is gone fro the edge. 'he character reappears "ithin a fe" iles of "hereer the character entered the 'horns in the 4rst place. pon returning% the character oits% su+ering t"o !ashing points of daage in the process (it7s a heaing% painful regurgitation). 'ransplanting !rue!ul! reFuires an expenditure of one7s sanity (see a!oe for nutrient costs). (>oS) %era !ear : &t "ould see there7s hardly anything exotic or strange a!out this pear tree: its leaes ay !e a little greener% the yello" fruits a !it ore succulent and polished. ;ut "hat these pears can do is unparalleled: copletely heal one of a disease% !e that person a ortal or changeling. Consuing a single pear "ill rid the person of one disease of that person7s choice% anything fro ring"or to !one cancer. (erangeents do not count.) As al"ays% though% the pear extracts a cost upfront: eery era Pear tree is guarded !y a po"erful ho!go!lin. 'his ho!go!lin ay take any for% "hether a pack of !riar"oles or soe onstrous serpent coiled around the !ase of the tree. Dne ust defeat the ho!go!lin to pluck a pear 5 or% at least% soeho" get past it long enough to snatch one fro the !ranches. era Pear trees cannot !e transplanted. Soe say they only gro" near the 2center3 of the edge% if such a thing een exists. (#urther legend suggests that to 4nd a era Pear tree eans that you7re at the point of no return 5 keep going past it% and you7re no" on the "rong side of the edge% the one closest to the kingdo of the Neepers.) (>oS) +yrmthumb: 'his Eeshy 4g% !lack and 4lled "ith diIIyingly s"eet tar-sap% is found on the dinner ta!les of any Dthers. 'hey see dra"n to its honeyed goo% their 4ngers sticky "ith it. Dddly% though% the 'rue #ae al"ays discard the ery center of these 4gs% "hich is a cluster of ilky gru!s "ith !lack andi!les. Soe changelings% ho"eer% recogniIe that these gru!s are the true re"ard: eating the sFuiring cluster alie proides the character "ith ipossi!le Eexi!ility. #or one scene% the changeling gains 8H dice to any rolls ade to escape any kinds of !onds% "hether fro handcu+s% rope% a grapple attept or een fro !eneath a fallen tree. &n addition% eating the "ors replenishes one lost *laour point. >eplanting a Wyrthu! tree isn7t easy. #irst% it reFuires an Attri!ute dot to take root (*ift of Attri!ute). Second% the Wits 8 Crafts roll to replant is penaliIed !y 0/ dice. (>oS) *o#il(s )o,e: &n cold parts of the distant edge% sinkholes a!out a foot "ide soeties open up and sup- purate a olasses-like su!stance fro the ground. 'his ooIe% cold and gooey% proides defense to "hateer it7s slathered upon: if the ooIe is spread across an o!
o"eer% 'oil7s DoIe doesn7t coe o+. At all. +orts to reoe it ay result in soe of it peel- ing a"ay 5 !ut then it siply regro"s oer the spot. 'he only "ay to reoe 'oil7s DoIe is 4re% "hich alost certainly !urns the o!oS) $carthistle: 'he Eo"ers atop this ilky thistle are as !lack as night% seeing to eat any light that coes near it. ;ut it7s not the Eo"er that changelings "ant% it7s the sharp-needled !ar!s that circunaigate the Eo"er. 'he Lost use these needles to tat- too theseles. A Lost using a scarthistle needle can only tattoo herself% not another fae. $oreoer% only other change- lings (and% soe speculate% other supernatural !eings such as apires or ages) can see this tattoo% "hich !leeds through and arks the character7s ien. When a changeling arks herself "ith such a tattoo% it 4rst appears ilky% !ut then 4lls in "ith "hateer color she desires oer the next day. At the oent the tattoo is copleted% the changeling7s player ust choose one Social Skill for the changeling. 'his tattoo is linked to that Skill fro here on out. As long as the tattoo reains on the changeling7s !ody ("hich is approxiately a onth !efore it fades)% the player can spend one *laour point and gain a 81 !onus to that chosen Social Skill for the reainder of the scene. Scarthistle transplants reFuire a Skill point (*ift of Skill) to take root. A character can hae up one such tattoo per point of Wyrd at any tie. (>oS) +aling Gertru&e: &t7s a strange thing to coe across Walking *ertrude for the 4rst tie: these tall stalks% thrust together !y 4!rous tissue and ade to look like a spider ade of sugarcane% to"er oer ost change- lings !y 1B or ore feet. And they "alk. 'hey literally oe% uprooting and replanting theseles up to B feet a"ay. 'hey don7t "alk Fuickly (Speed )% and they aren7t sentient enough to aoid attacks. What7s strange is that the slo"ness of this lu!ering stalklegged 2plant3 is that it can !e transferred to an un"itting icti. Dne ust 4rst !reak a stalk o+ the Walking *ertude% and then contained "ithin the stalk is a gritty% odorless residue. When the residue is ru!!ed on the inside of one7s shoes% that target su+ers fro a haled Speed "hile using those shoes. 'he shoes ust !e reoed for this e+ect to end. 'he shoes theseles ust !e discarded or neer again "orn: eery tie the character "ears the% the e+ect continues. Scraping out the residue doesn7t see to end the curse. 'his oddent can !e replanted% !ut at a ery high cost. While it only reFuires a single stalk to repro- duce% and ust only !e fed soe anner of carcass% the Wits 8 Crafts roll to transplant su+ers a 0H dice pool. (>oS) %og Eye: Also kno"n as the ore foral 2Claiger Sedge%3 this reed (topped !y a kno!!y outgro"th) is a curious oddent that gro"s up out of the $ire. &n !reaking o+ a piece of og ye% a changeling can use the narro" reed-end as an iproptu onetie-use lock pick. #or a single instance% og ye grants 8H
to a Lockpicking roll (instant or extended). When the action is oer% "hether succeeded or failed% the reed sees to sense that its use is coplete and turns to dry% desiccated sliers in the hand of the user. og ye has a secondary use 5 soeties% the kno!!y !ulrush tip is !roken o+ and used as a Eoating !o!!er "hen 4shing aong the 'horns. (;ogs And S"aps) (W$) *he Ju&as .ew: 'his tree gro"s up out of the "alls of the desert edge. ;e they the hard rock "alls of a deep gully or a tangle of !rittle!ush% the =udas Me" gro"s in% around and all oer the "all. &ts !erries are red% each no !igger than a thu!% and gro" at a!out the 1B-yard ark and a!oe. 'he !erries are a ixed !lessing: consuing one is poisonous% doing one point of lethal daage to the changeling "ho eats the !erry (this is unaoida!le regardless of $erits or Staina that the changeling possesses). And yet% the consuption of a single !erry allo"s the changeling to go three ties the noral length "ithout food or drink. #or o!ious reasons% the !erry is Fuite popular aong the local edge deniIens 5 all anner of strange !irds% reptiles and insects coe to the tree to take a taste. Df course% opportunistic predators are rarely far !ehind (eserts) (W$) %ea&gour&: &n the edge% often around "here other go!lin fruits gro"% one ight 4nd "hat7s called a *ourd- !ody. 'uescent ines lined "ith "hisper-thin spines gro" up into a for that appears not unlike a scarecro" 5 ars dangling o+ a cross% legs hanging loosely
Babel Gum: 'his go!lin fruit gro"s lichen-like on the surfaces of the ur!an edge. ;a!el *u rese!les nothing so uch as a large "ad of ulticolored che"ing gu that has !een left on a surface to harden. Consuing the ;a!el *u ("hich is soething like eating a hard arshallo" that releases licorice-like cordial) has a strange e+ect on the language center of the eater7s ind. While under the e+ects of the go!lin fruit% the character cannot ake sense of any "ritten "ords, they appear to !e distorted% rando collections of failiar and not-so-failiar letters. At the sae tie% he !ecoes capa!le of understanding and speaking any language he encounters. 'he e+ects of the gu last for a scene. (Cities) (W$) Chu Chu Culm: 'his !a!oo-like grass% pale green and al- "ays gently s"aying% is found in teperate parts of the edge7s grasslands. 'he story% still told in 9ietna today% goes that a hap- py drunken an (called Chu Chu) "andered out of his "orld and into this one% and eentually died !lissful and ignorant aidst the !a!oo. &t7s further said that the !a!oo that gro"s in that re- gion contains part of this drunken an. ;reaking open the !a- !oo stes (or 2culs3) and drinking the !lood-red liFuid inside ("hich tastes curiously like sour lie) is like consuing a highly potent alcohol. A single thi!leful ine!riates one utterly. 'he drunkard feels happy% gaining a 8 to Social rolls% !ut a 0 to any dice pools !ased on exterity% Wits or &ntelligence. 'hese e+ects fade entirely after one hour as one7s head clears. (*rasslands) (W$) *he Cousin(s *rumpet : 'his yello"% conical Eo"er is not a carniorous plant like any in the
renants% a character gains the Wind"ing kith !lessing (*ift of the Sky% found on p. 1BG of Changeling: 'he Lost) for a full hour. (6ote that the !lessing "orks exactly as it does in the !ook% reFuiring *laour expenditure to actiate.) ($ountains) (W$) Bottle#oice: 'his triEe is rare in the sea-reEected edge% appearing soeties on the ground (stuck in the sand% slick "ith sea foa) or dangling fro the aIe-like "alls (perhaps on a riecrusted 4shing hook). ;ottleoice is% Fuite siply% an old !ottle "ith a cork in it. pon uncorking it% a changeling erely needs to !reathe in the heady iasa that rises fro the ri ("hich soeties erupts "ith the sound of a an7s groan or "oan7s sigh)% at "hich tie the player chooses a $ental Skill to odify. #or the reainder of the scene% that chosen Skill alone gains a 8G during rolls. (Seas And oceans) (W$) !e&icle /el#et : 'his 2go!lin fruit%3 if it can !e called as such% is actually a pale% sage-colored lichen. &t7s soft to the touch and% "hen consued% is said to proide a a
ULTI!"TE GOBLIN FRUITS "ND ODDMENTS #leshy plus that pulse "ith a heart!eat. ark pods "hose desiccated cha!ers are hoe to narcotic pollens. Whisper-thin grasses that keep secrets trapped in their cellulose esicles. 'he 'horns are hoe to soe ery strange plants% indeed. Mes% you hae "hat appears to !e a 2noral3 ar- ray of foliage cast in a faintly ythic eneer: assie oak trees% skeletal shru!s% cared aIes of pale !a!oo. 'he further one gets fro a door"ay in or out of the edge% ho"eer% the ore alien and incoprehensi!le the la!y- rinthine garden !ecoes. Colors !ecoe !righter. #lo"- ers ay see to take on the hint of life neer-seen in our "orld (petals gently Euttering like a !utterEy7s "ings% closing upon a plup red Ey so that the pu+y anthers can drain the !ug of its
Lost). 'he Fuestion reains% though% can one cultiate go!lin fruits Perhaps planting aaranthine along the edge of one7s ollo" cottage Dr protecting a hidden token !e- hind a draped curtain of gallo"sroot gro"n for
Blood #$%: A plant ay hunger for fresh !lood. nough !lood ust !e spilled (close to a pint) to soak the ground around the plant. Dne concern "ith this is that spilling !lood ay attract ore oracious ho!go!lins. Spilling !lood causes one lethal point of daage to "hateer creature is giing up the red stu+. Carcass 1234' Curling a dead !ody 5 !e it fro a sFuirrel% cororant% ho!go!lin or huan 5 around the plant gies it the essential life it needs. 'he !ody decays ery Fuickly% turning to an unrecogniIa!le pile of oldering "aste !y the end of a 1-hour period. Again% ay attract carrion-feeding ho!go!lins. reas (81): 'he character erely needs to "hisper to the plant one of his dreas fro the last three nights. &n giing up a drea% ho"eer% the character can neer again recall that drea (it literally leaes his ind the oent he "hispers it 2into3 the plant). 'he character "ill also su+er a 0 penalty to all xpression rolls for the reainder of the day. Soe !eliee that giing up one7s dreas% een nightares% is unhealthy% a "ay of 2giing up one7s thunder.3
Gift of Attribute 1254' 'he plant literally dra"s out one of the character7s Attri!ute dots into itself. 'he character doesn7t usually hae the choice of "hich Attri!ute, in deciding to gie the plant any dot% the plant decides "hat it "ants (though soeties this ay ake a !it of theatic sense: choking gallo"sroot% for instance% desires Strength "hile the stiulating leaes of the
ulti'ation: Dnce a plant has receied its nutrient% the player ust roll her character7s Wits 8 Crafts score. She gains a nu!er of !onus dice appropriate to "hateer food the plant reFuired (see a!oe). 'he roll ay su+er penalties such as if the character is distracted (01) or if the fruit or oddent is transplanted to a "ildly inappropriate locale (0G). 'his roll% "hich inoles physically packing the soil around the seed or shoot% can !e ade only once per day. &f the character fails the roll on the 4rst attept% successie attepts can !e ade / hours later% and at a cuulatie 01 penalty to the Wits 8 Crafts score. 'he sacri4ce of speci4c nutrients needs to !e paid only once% up front. (&n other "ords% if the plant thirsts for !lood% the character doesn7t need to spill ne" !lood eery day 5 one tie at the !eginning does the trick. >epeating a sacri4ce "ill eliinate a nu!er of penalty dice eFual to the initial !onus% ho"eer.) &t usually takes seeral days for a plant to gro" into a ature ersion% and t"ice that tie to actually proide usa!le fruit or oddent. 'o 4gure the exact nu!er of days% assue that the tie is eFual to ? inus the successes gained on the Wits 8 Crafts roll% do"n to a ini- u of one /-hour day. ou!le this to deterine ho" long it takes for the plants to start fruiting or to proide functional oddents. edge fruits or oddent plants cannot gro" outside of the edge. 'he results of these plants 5 the fruits or oddents
theseles 5 can leae the edge "ith a changeling. 'he plants "ill not gro" outside the 'horns% ho"eer.
Ps()*oa)ti'it(: Siilar to the edge at large !ut to a lesser extent% cultiating go!lin fruits and oddents is su!
+(bridi,ation : A character could create a hy!rid of t"o edge plants% though it ust al"ays !e a go!lin fruit "ith a go!lin fruit% or an oddent "ith an oddent (recall that go!lin fruits are largely consua!les% "hile oddents proide soe functionality as non-consua!le tools). oing so reFuires that the character place t"o seeds% sprouts% scions or fruits in the sae spot of edge earth. 'he process is generally the sae !y "hich one cultiates one plant: soe anner of nutrient ust !e proided to the hy!rid so it takes root% and a Wits 8 Crafts roll ust successfully !e ade. 'his roll is ade at a 0 penalty !ecause of the diKculty of the hy!ridiIation process. o"eer% it also reFuires a single point of *laour spent on the part of the gro"er. Dnce the *laour is spent at the tail end of the process% the hy!rid plant gro"s.