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Orthognathic Surgery Jaw Surgery
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UWorld 2 CK NotesFull description
immuno smle
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Notes from UWorld for Step 2 CK and Comlex Level 2Full description
UWorld 2 CK Notes
Uworld notes, part 2Full description
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mcqs in endocrine surgery made easy. important questions
ABI < or = 0.90 diagnostic of occlusive PAD with 90% sens, 95% sec in s!"to"atic ts Arterial #$ of &s is less sensitive and less seci'c $usected urethral in(ur!) *+lood at urethral "eatus *igh riding rostate on D-& *ina+ilit! to coid irst $te) Retrograde urethrogram
Pulmonary contusion: arench!"al arench!"al +ruising of the lung /* ri+ fracture 1ach!nea, 1ach!nea, tach!cardia, h!o2ia h!o2ia develoing develoing in "inutes *34hrs Ph!sical e2a") chest wall +ruising, decreased lung sounds over contusion 6-) atch! irregular alveolar in'ltrate 1 can hel "a7e earl! D2 AB8) h!o2e"ia h!o2e"ia +! itself is indication to susect ul" contusion in trau"a ts
at e"+olis") ong +one fracture f racture 1ach!nea, 1ach!nea, tach!cardia, :P;tension, :P;tension, A$, thro"+oc!toenia, thro"+oc!toenia, etechiae Ileus 33 vagal r2n due to ureteral colic *needle shaed cr!stal cr!stal on #A indicate uric uric acid stones radiolucent radiolucent on a+d 2ra!> *1 or I?P to visuali@e uric acid stones ische"ic colitis) *co"licates % of rocedures rocedures on aortoiliac a ortoiliac vesselsie AAA reair> * in distal left colon *dull ain over ische"ic +owel and he"atoche@ia *olonosco! charactericall! shows discrete segment of cyanotic mucosa and hemorrhagic ulcerated bowel 1) +owel wall thic7ening -etrohar!ngeal -etrohar!ngeal a+scess) eared eared co"lication) sread to "ediastinu" can lead to acute necroti@ing "ediastinitis "ediastinitis
haracteri@ed +! h!ocalce"ia and h!erhoshate"ia in resence of nor"al renal function