how to get start up ideas and following up on them.
Airline Start-Up InformationFull description
Descripción: UIUC Start-up Handbook
Descripción: Transmisión electrónica a través de un potencial silla en presencia de espín-órbira (primer borrador aun no terminado)
Start Up • •
• •
Steam clean through maintenance hatch to ensure sterility Digester flled with bioethanol plant euent while agitation starts when operating level reached Stabilised to mesophilic temperature (35 oC) Headspace purged with itrogen gas ! also biogas piping purged ("or sa"ety and ensure completely anaerobic conditions) Digester seeded with biologically activated sludge (procured "rom similar plant) ! #roduces population o" bacteria re$uired "or %D& 'olume o" seed solid is approimately &5* o" total volume& (Can reduce the start+up time to two wee,s or less compared to the - days o" no seeding) ! Saves on additional chemicals to control pH .low o" organic slurry starts at very slow rate and incrementally increased over ensuring digester conditions remain within the ranges provided/ o Temperature Temperature between 34.5 and 35.5 C, with 35 C target value. Ratio of volatile acids/alkalinit less than !.35 o o p" between #.5 and $.!, with target value of %.& o Ratio of T' feed/T' in digester between !.!5 to !.& o Ratio of (' feed/(' in digester between !.!3 to !.& )igester gas methane concentration higher than 55* b volume concentration o +ntil full flow is increased, the digester effluent can be reccled
0t can ta,e up to 3-days to achieve "ull operation o" the digester due to the slow growth o" the anaerobic1 methane "orming bacteria&
Maintenance 9hen maintenance may be re$uire Hydraulic washout1 temperature loss1 mechanical repairs1 organic overload or toic loading/ %ll piping can be isolated "or cleaning itrogen purge to remove any ?ammable biogas be"ore access to digester Suitable plans to replace any "ailed e$uipment e&g& agitator 2ultiple temperature sensors to ensure mesophilic conditions& 'ariable ?ow on heating system to help maintain system temperature1 alter ?ow until temperature is e$ualised& Slow miing to reduce heat loss through the thin fed dome roo"& 0" hydraulic washout occurs through accidental over pumping ! recycle slurry "rom the digester and reduce the "eed rate&
6rganic or toic over loading ! increase in?uent to dilute content
Cleaning 2aimum "re$uency is once every three years& Cleaning re$uired i" ! @rease or grit accumulation occurs1 miing e
Shut Down • • • •
urn o "eed and agitation Drain digester (i" going to be restarted ! leave ;5* "ull) #urge system with nitrogen Eeave to e$ualise ;+7 days and re+purge then open to environment