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Old Truth About the Ling Kong Jing Series
Below I've reproduced my series of articles on the Ling Kong Jing martial qigong system which was srcinally on as I will e removing the series from that site. Ling!ong" will e the new site for all things Ling Kong Jing. #ver the coming months I'll e revamping $ rewriting this material to present it in a di%erent format. &o please ma!e sure you suscrie via email so you can get the updates.
The Truth About the Ling Kong Jing Series At least once a week I get an email from someone asking me about the Ling Kong Jing. Due to the fact that I frequent seeral martial arts forums man! know that I stud! the Ling Kong Jing. It isn"t a secret that the Ling Kong Jing is a controersial to#ic in martial arts circles. So$ t!#icall!$ I either refer them to %aul Dong"s book or I &ust tell them to do a lot of 'han 'huang. I hae recentl! come to beliee that such a res#onse will no longer cut it. So$ oer the ne(t few weeks I"ll be #ublishing seeral #osts that will shed more light on the realities of the Ling Kong Jing and outline the entire training method. )o#efull!$ this will satisf! the masses.
What is the Ling Kong Jing? The Ling Kong Jing literall! means *%owerful +m#t! ,orce*. S#eci-call!$ the term refers to a skill in which one is able to use his or her *i* in a -ghting conte(t. The *i* energ! of the Ling Kong Jing #ractitioner is used to #ush$ #ull$
or in some other wa! inca#acitate a would be assailant / all without touching them 0the *%owerful ,orce* is able to trael oer *+m#t!* s#ace1. It also refers to the 'han 'huang2qigong training method used to build the skill. ,or sometime the Ling Kong Jing skill was considered b! man! to be a legend. In fact$ in his book +m#t! ,orce$ %aul Dong lists 3ang Luchan$ 4ou 3un Shen$ and 5ang 6iang'hai 0this is dis#uted1 as some of the man! famous martial artists to hae mastered the Ling Kong Jing abilit!. )oweer$ in recent times there hae been seeral indiiduals claiming to #osses the skill and !et were unable to demonstrate the skill under #ressure. This has led man! to beliee that the Ling Kong Jing is either sim#l! a hoa( or that onl! the delusional would claim to hae such an abilit!. 3et$ there are still others who beliee that the skill is real and that it is the ultimate wea#on for an! martial artist / those who trul! #ossess the skill don"t adertise that the! hae the skill. As I"ll discuss later$ the truth ma! be somewhere in between these two e(tremes
Finding a Master of the Ling Kong Jing I learned Ling Kong Jing st!le 'han 'huang from Sifu 7harles Dragoo 0a student of 8ichard 9oone!1. I -rst met sifu Dragoo at a igong class. At the time I was under the im#ression that igong was more like !oga and would be useful in hel#ing me recoer after training 0I was training in a Korean2Ja#anese based art at the time1. During the class sifu Dragoo would make references to how this skill or that skill would be useful in a -ght. I was #rett! confused b! these statements because all we were doing were sim#le moement e(ercises and standing #ostures. So$ after the class I ste##ed aside with sifu Dragoo and asked him to e(#lain further what he meant. In all honest!$ I thought he was full of shit. So$ he gae me a little demo of the Ling Kong Jing skill. During the demo sifu Dragoo was able to #ush and #ull me backwards and forwards as as moetouching m! arm me. awa! from him as I was holding a #ractice knife against his throat /well all without I knew what I felt during that demo and I was seriousl! im#ressed. I"e been a student of his eer since.
Through him I"e l earned the Ling Kong Jing :han :huang method$ Tai&i 8uler ;ei 4ong$ and 6ing!iquan. I want to #oint out that throughout our training together he alwa!s stressed how im#ortant it was to actuall! know how to -ght because the Ling Kong Jing skill wasn"t meant to be$ as both he and 8ichard 9oone! #ut it$ an *end all$ be all* skill. During that initial demonstration and through subsequent demonstrations I noticed a few things that I found #eculiar and er! interesting. ,or one$ I noticed that it was a er! real force / I could de-natel! feel it. )oweer$ it wasn"t trul! *#owerful*. I mean$ I could resist it if I tried. These things and others #rom#ted me to do a little #ersonal research. I think !ou"ll be intrigued to see what I found.
What I Found -
5heneer sifu Dragoo would *#ro&ect* the +m#t! ,orce at me I could de-nitel! feel it / there was no doubt it was a real force. And I wasn"t alone. All of Dragoo"s students could feel it. 5e could een feel it when we #ro&ected at each other 0though the strength of the *force* was much less #ronounced1. Interestingl!$ we all re#orted the force actuall! feeling the same wa!.
The Science of Qi As I e(#lained in #art ?$ the traditional de-nition gien for the Lin Kong Jing is the act of using one"s i to #ush$ #ull$ or otherwise harm an attacker. =ut what e(actl! is i> ,or a long time the idea of i energ! was considered some sort of m!stical life/force that e(isted inisibl! all around us and within us. +s#eciall! here in the 5est$ the conce#t of i carried a lot of s#iritual2religious baggage.
During the middle to late twentieth centur! howeer$ new research into Acu#uncture$ +(ternal i Thera#!$ Tai 7hi$ and igong 0#ronounced *chee/gong*1 o@ered man! im#ortant insights into the nature of this energ! we call *i*. %erha#s one of the most im#ortant -ndings to come out of this research was that the energ! known to the 7hinese as *i* was in realit! the bioelectromagnetic energ! all liing organisms #roduce. 3ang$ Jwing 9ing and 8andall L. 5aechter hae both done e(cellent &obs summari'ing the research into human bio/energ! and i. =ased on the oluminous amounts of research into human =ioelectricit! 0i1 we know
1 That the hu!an bod" #roduces an easil" !easurable electrical current and !agnetic $eld %also &no'n as bioelectromagnetic felds( do to the the electrical acti)it" of the heart* brain+ner)ous s"ste!* and the #ie,oelectric eect of bones and )arious other connecti)e tissue . These bioelectro!agnetic currents are /SS/0TIAL to our sur)i)al - thought* s#eech* #erce#tion* organ function* loco!otion* tissue regeneration* ect are all guided b" bioelectric %Qi( acti)it" The bioelector!agnetic $elds our bodies #roduce radiate out fro! us in$nitel" 2 A #erson3s !ood* #ro#rioce#tion* sense of direction* and e)en )ision are all aected b" e4ternal electro!agnetis! 5 There is a signi$cant a!ount of research %in both the east and the 'est( 'hich sho's indi)iduals %#articularl" those trained in Tai6i and Qigong( can consciousl" !ani#ulate their bioenerg" 7 The bioelectric energ" of one #erson can aect the brain'a)e acti)it" of another 'hen the t'o are in contact or close #ro4i!it" %but not touching( Those last two are im#ortant for our discussion. So$ based on the aboe B #oints it isn"t reall! that much of a stretch to imagine that a trained igong #ractitioner could deelo# the abilit! to a@ect others through the use of bioelectromagnetic energ!. The real question is would such an e@ect be all that #owerful>
8oes the 9:o'erful /!#t" Force9 Li)e ;# to its 0a!e? I"e hinted at this a cou#le times$ but I"ll go ahead and be more e(#licit here The Ling Kong Jing isn"t all that #owerful. I mean there is a real force / no doubt about that. I"e e(#erienced it and I"e known man! others who hae e(#erienced it.
The #roblem is$ for it to work !ou hae to be a #assie$ coo#eratie #artici#ant to the demonstration. At an! #oint !ou could easil! resist the force. I hae ;+<+8 been a #art of or witnessed a belieable demonstration b! A;3O;+ claiming to use the Lin Kong Jing abilit! 0or similar abilit! where the attacker is thrown or moed b! i1 against a determined$ non/com#liant aggressor. I"m also #rett! damn sure I will neer see one and neither will !ou. So$ then what"s the #oint> It is m! #ersonal belief that the igong2:han :huang and intent training that make u# the traditional Lin Kong Jing s!stem aren"t meant to bestow *su#ernatural* #owers u#on #ractitioners. 8ather the training in this s!stem is meant to build something much more #ractical. =ased on m! training$ research$ and conersations with m! Sifu 07harles Dragoo1 I assert that training for the Lin Kong Jing is useful for
.( I!#ro)ed Focus / =ecause of the arious meditatie and focal isuali'ations Lin Kong Jing #ractitioners get a #rett! damn good mental workout. %ractitioners note an im#roement in reaction s#eed$ abilit! to handle stress 0#articularl! in a -ght1$ and abilit! to rela(. All great things for a -ghter.
( Wea&en+8e-!oti)ate =our >##onent / This is the most *esoteric* bene-t of Lin Kong Jing training so bear with me. I established #reiousl!$ that the *i* 0bioelectromagnetic energ!1 of one #erson can a@ect the brainwaes and$ thus$ the mental state of another. ;ow$ this is an im#ortant fact$ because if #ro#erl! trained indiiduals can consciousl! control their i and #ro&ect it outside of their bodies at s#eci-c targets 0 which we know the! can also here1 then that #erson can literall! inEuence another on a er! subtle 0which I don"t mean as a s!non!m for *weak*1 leel. This can be er! useful for the -ghter. 3ou see$ it is well documented that electromagnetic radiation that falls within the +L, 0e(tremel! low frequenc!1 range has the #otential to #roduce feelings of an(iet!$
fear$ memor! loss$ weakness2loss of coordination$ and een hallucinations in human beings. %rimaril! due to the fact that the #ineal gland and other #arts of the brain are sensitie to changes in the electromagnetic -eld of the surrounding enironment. 7an !ou guess what range the frequenc! the human bioelectromagnetic -eld falls within> 3e#$ the +L, range. So$ it isn"t at all out of the question that one human can inEuence another and cause feelings of fear and an(iet! and #erha#s een make another #h!sicall! weaker 0een if onl! slightl!1. In fact$ we"e all e(#erienced that #erson who &ust seems to e(ude negatie energ!. +er! time !ou interact with this #erson !ou feel drained of energ!$ an(ious$ and !ou !ourself begin to hae negatie thoughts and emotions. Or$ #erha#s !ou"e had to s#ar with or -ght someone who seems to #ro&ect nearl! unconquerable leels of con-dence. 3ou -nd it diFcult to attack and defend against this #erson !ou don"t feel as strong$ but when -ghting or s#arring with others !ou can #erform at normal leels. And that is the ke! to the Ling Kong JingG It"s an e(tra line of defense that sits somewhere between situational awareness and actual -ghting techniques. It hel#s !ou win the -ght before it een starts. And it"s in that sense that the *%owerful +m#t! ,orce* is *#owerful*. ;ot in the oert$ oer/the/to# wa! most #eo#le imagine it. The #ower comes from its subtlet!.
Ti!e to et Training / 9ake sure !ou start o@ eer! training session with H/ 8e#s of %ushing and %ulling )ands igong
The traditional %owerful +m#t! ,orce s!stem consists of roughl! ? di@erent :han :huang #ostures intended to deelo# H subsets of the Lin Kong Jing abilit! C. This is wa! too man! #ostures It isn"t a sur#rise that the Lin Kong Jing s!stem has so man! #ostures as it is closel! related to 3iquan. =ut$ then again$ I"e alwa!s thought 3iquan had too man! #ostures as well. To sim#lif! things I want !ou to focus on of the most im#ortant #ostures
8ouble-Weighted :osture 1 - 9@ands on the Water9%bi-lateral(
3ou"ll be standing with !our feet about shoulder width a#art or slightl! further. Shift !our weight so that all of it rests eenl! across the whole surface of !our foot. Lightl! clench the ground with !our toes. ;e(t tuck !our butt in as though !ou are going to do a slight *crunch* while standing. This will cause !our lower back to Eatten slightl!. As !ou tuck !our butt in !ou will also tuck !our chin in slightl!. This will cause the to# of !our head to rise u# a small amount. %lace !our tongue to the roof of !our mouth$ behind !our teeth$ and begin breathing through !our nose. 3ou can utili'e either the =uddhist or the Taoist breathing method. 0mi( it u# with both1 ;ow$ bring !our arms u# with !our elbows bent and #alms down as shown in the #ictures aboe. 9ake sure !ou kee# !our shoulders rela(ed and !our arm#its *hollow* 0imagine as though there are golf balls in !our arm#its1. A good isuali'ation for this #osture is to imagine !our hands are resting on to# of the surface of water.
This #osture is irtuall! the same as #osture ?$ e(ce#t the arm #osition. Instead of *resting !our #alms on to# of water*$ !ou"ll be doing a high *embrace* t!#e #osture. Kee# the hand high 0-ngerti#s about forehead leel1 and make sure to leae seeral inches of s#ace between the -ngers of each hand.
All other #ostural requirements remain the same.
9Single-Weighted9 :osture 1 - San Ti Shi %uni-lateral(
This #osture is er! similar to San Ti e(ce#t for the hand and arm #osition. 3our going to be holding !ou arms in an *+mbrace* t!#e #osture with the lead hand held about face leel and the rear hand at about heart2chest leel. 9ake sure !ou rela( !our shoulders and kee# the *golf balls in the arm#its* isuali'ation. During all of these #ostures make sure !ou allow !ourself to rela( 0but not so much that !ou break #osture1. 3ou should feel !our weight sinking into the ground beneath !ou. There are other as#ects to *rooting* but these will be good for now. Also$ strie to maintain an *alieness* in !our #ostures / !ou should feel as though !ou could *s#ring into action* at an! moment.
9@o' Long and @o' >ften Should I @old These :ostures?9
There are all kinds of cra'! stories about martial arts masters haing new students hold :han :huang #ostures for ridiculous amounts of time. I"e heard as long as two da!sG And all of this was to #roe how serious the student was about training. Other stories describe how some instructors would teach nothing but :han :huang for as man! as three !ears / again to test the seriousness of the students. Initiall!$ m! instructor$ 8ichard 9oone!$ and %aul Dong all suggested that Lin Kong Jing #ractitioners should #erform :han :huang training for roughl! and hour a da! followed b! an hour and a half of seated meditation. That"s two and half hours of training nothing but standing and sitting stillG It"s also 5A3 TOO ,7KI;4 97). Look$ I"m a huge fan of :han :huang but it is sim#l! irres#onsible to tell !our students to #erform this much standing eer! da!. Luck! for me$ sifu Dragoo ended u# telling me the truth. According to m! instructor$ a Lin Kong Jing #ractitioner need onl! *stand* for about ?/ minutes a da!. In m! own training I hae found that the ?/ minute time length is #erfect. 5e"re looking for qualit! not quantit!. So$ here is what a t!#ical ? minute session would look like
War! u# 'ith so!e Joint Mobilit" 8rills and :ushing+:ulling @ands Qigong 1 San Ti - hold for . !inutes each side . 8ouble Weighted :osture 1 - hold for . !inutes Single Weighted :osture . - hold for . !inutes each side 2 8ouble Weighted :osture . - hold for . !inutes Finish 'ith re#s of 9athering Blouds9 %rett! sim#le stu@. ?/ sessions of this routine dail! is more than enough :han :huang training. In the beginning !ou want to focus on !our breathing and maintaining the #osture. As !ou become more and more comfortable in the stances !ou can begin to add certain isuali'ations. ;ow$ Lin Kong Jing training has seeral isuali'ations and *meditations* !ou can use$ but earl! on 0and es#eciall! for those who are interesting in deelo#ing a strong -ghting abilit!1 the *7reating a Sense of "+nem!" Drill* is the most im#ortant.
Breating a Sense of 9/ne!"9 ;ow this isuali'ation is great for a few reasons
• •
It hel#s !ou oercome come the fear of -ghting. It hel#s deelo# the right *intent* !ou will need should !ou -nd !ourself in a iolent encounter. It hel#s !ou deelo# more self con-dence and ma! hel# !ou #ro&ect that self con-dence so an! would/be attacker ma! think twice before tr!ing an!thing. 0this is the real Lin Kong Jing1 This isuali'ation is incredibl! sim#le. In %aul Dong"s book$ and the wa! I was srcinall! taught$ a s#ecial stance was used for this isuali'ation. don"t like the stance and #refer to use either one of the *Single 5eighted* stances=ut or I&ust a standard -ghting stance. In general I &ust use a t!#ical 9ua! Thai2Kickbo(ing st!le stance.
;ow get in stance and face a wall2hea! bag2tree. ;e(t$ imagine as though what !ou"re standing before is actuall! a er! strong o##onent or attacker. This #erson wants to kill !ou and eer!one !ou loe. 3ou reall! hae to get this image in !our head and reall! e(#erience the emotions it creates. ,eel !our heart rate increase. ,eel the an(iet! and anger$ but control it / direct it at !our target. ,eel !ourself becoming read! to attack at an! moment. 3our whole bod! should feel as though !ou are about to lash out at this #erson. It has to be real in !our mind. )old this isuali'ation for /M minutes while standing in !our !our stance. Another wa! !ou can use this isuali'ation is &ust #rior to and during a shadowbo(ing2hea! bag session. Some of the best -ghters in the world isuali'e beating their o##onent during training before the! eer ste# inside the ring or cage with them. 3ou hae to do the drill eer! da!$ but the more often !ou do it the better results !ou don"t will see. 9ake sure !ou s#end a time dail! in silent seated meditation to hel# balance out this drill.