VTU Design and Analysis of Algorithms 15CS43 Lecture Notes Module 1
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#Module 1
Are you?
Are ya?
How to use the word “you” like a native Video 1: you = ya
ok? busy? interested? curious? ready? better? free to meet?
You are a re Are ya
Are you?
I am You are He is She is We are They are It is
Am I? Are you? Is he? Is she? Are we? Are they? Is it?
What When Where Why What time
are ya
doing? going? buying it? talking about it?
What are you doing?
What are you talking about?
What are ya doing?
What are ya talking about?
Whatarya doing?
Whatareya talkingabout?
Are you really busy now? Are ya really busy now? Areyareally bizzinow?
Are you free to meet tomorrow? Are ya free to meet tomorrow? Areyafree tameet tomorrow?
What time are you working tomorrow? What time are ya working tomorrow? Whattimeareya workingtomorrow?
#Module 1 How to use the word “you” like a native Video 2: do you = Doya
Do you?
you want
Do ya?
Do you want?
DO makes it
clear that it is a question
I am You are He is She is We are They are It is
Am I? Are you? Is he? Is she? Are we? Are they? Is it?
I am You are
You are You can You must You will You should You could You would
Verbs like TO BE 10% Are you? Can you? Will you?
Do I am? Do you are?
Are you? Can you? Must you? Will you? Should you? Could you? Would you?
Verbs using DO in questions 90% of verbs
DO is for I, YOU, WE, THEY
What do you do? DO
I you we they
want need
to do? to go? to buy? to talk?
Do you?
What do ya do? Whatdoyado?
Do ya?
Do you have any money? Do ya have any money? Doyahav anymoney?
After WH words DO is STILL necessary What When Where Why What time Who
do ya
want need
to do? to go? to meet? to buy? to call?
Why do you need it? Why do ya need it? Whydya needit?
What do you mean? What do ya mean? Whatdyamean?
#Module 1 How to use the word “you” like a native Video 3: did you = Didya
What time do you need to be there?
Did you?
Did ya?
What time do ya need to be there? Whattimedoya need ta be there?
What do you think I should do?
You wanted to go
DID you want to go?
What do ya think I should do? Whatdya think I should do?
DID makes it
clear that it is a question
I was You were
Did I was? Did you were?
I do You do We do They do She does He does
I did You did We did They did He did She did
you wanted to buy it
you didn’t want to buy it You were You could
Were you? Could you? Did you want to buy it?
you wanted to buy it
Verbs like TO BE 10% Was I? Were you?
Verbs using DID in past questions 90% of verbs
you didn’t wanted to buy it
Did you wanted to buy it?
Where did you learn to speak English? Did you?
Did ya?
Where did ya learn to speak English? Wheredidyalearn taspeak English?
How long did you live there? What When Where Why What time Who How
want need
to do? to go? to meet? to buy? to call?
Why did you do that? Why didya do that? Whydidya do that?
How long did ya live there? Howlongdidya livthere?
Did you think it was funny? Did ya think it was funny? Didyathink itwazfunny?
What time did you finish work last night?
What time did ya finish work last night?
In English the infinitive = TO plus the verb
Whattimedidya finishwork lasnight? To
#Module 1 How to use the word “you” like a native
I want I need I would like I’m going
go buy work be have
Video 4: Can you = Canya
Can you?
Can ya?
I can go I can to go I can going
I can You can We can They can He can She can It can
I can You can
Can I? Can you? Can he? Can she? Can we? Can they? Can it?
Can you meet me in the city center tomorrow? Canya meet me in the city center tomorrow? Canyameetme in the city center tomorrow?
Do I can? Do you can?
Can you wait for me there please? Canya wait for me there please? Canyawaitfa me there please?
Can you?
Can ya?
Can you send me the link by email? Can ya send me the link by email? Canyasendme thelink byemail?
Can you help me with this please?
#Module 1
Can ya help me with this please?
How to use the word “you” like a native
Canyahelpme with this please?
Video 5: Were you = wereya
Can you give me the money tomorrow please?
Can ya give me the money tomorrow please? Canyagimme themoney tomorrowplease?
you we
Can you tell me if it’s possible to pay with credit card? Can ya tell me if it’s possible to pay with credit card? Canyatellmeif it’s possible tapay with credit card?
I was You were He was She was We were They were It was
Was I? Were you? Was he? Was she? Were we? Were they? Was it?
What were you doing? Were you?
Were ya?
What were ya doing? Whatwereya doing?
ok? busy? interested? curious ready? better? free to meet?
Were ya
What When Where Why What time
were ya
doing? going? buying it? talking about?
Where were you yesterday? Where were ya yesterday? Wherewereya yesterday?
Were you at home yesterday? Were ya at home yesterday? Wereyaathome yesterday?
Were you very busy yesterday? Were ya very busy yesterday? Wereyavery busy yesterday?
#Module 1 How to use the word “you” like a native Video 6: call/meet/help you = Callya/meetya/helpya
Were you waiting for a long time? Were ya waiting for a long time? Wereyawaiting fa a long time?
I want I need I would like I’m going
call you help you meet you
Were you able to find it? Were ya able to find it?
Wereyaable tafindit?
I want I need I would like I’m going
To call ya To help ya To meet ya
To call you To meet you To help you
To call TO you To meet TO you To help TO you
You ALWAYS after the verb I need to call you
We can call you tomorrow We can call ya tomorrow Wecancallya tomorrow
NEVER before!!!
Is it ok if I call you back tomorrow? Is it ok if I call ya back tomorrow?
I need to you call
Izitok ifi callya backtomorrow?
He said he will call you later
She is not sure when she can meet you this week
He said he will call ya later
She’s not sure when she can meet ya this week
He said he‘ll callya later
She’snotsurewhen she can meetya this week
We can meet you later if you want
Ok, just a second, I am going to help you now
We can meet ya later if you want
Ok, just a second, I’m going to help ya now
Wecanmeet ya later ifyawant
Ok, jusasecond, I’m going tahelpya now
I’m really sorry but I can not meet you today, can I meet you tomorrow?
They should be able to help you
I’m really sorry but I can’t meet ya today, can I meet ya tomorrow?
They should be able to help ya
I’mreallysorry but I can’tmeetyatoday, canI meetya tomorrow?
Theyshud be able tahelpya
We are sorry but we simply can not help you
To give you the keys 80% We’re sorry but we simply can’t help ya We’resorrybut we simply can’thelpya
To give the keys to you 20%
The object at end of sentence
#Module 1 How to use the word “you” like a native Video 7: send/give you = sendya giveya
To send you an email
SEND + YOU connected
The object after the verb
To send you an email 80% To send an email TO you To send an email TO you 20% TO in front of Person (you)
The object at end of sentence I want I need I would like I’m going
To give you the keys
send ya give ya
GIVE + YOU connected
The object after the verb
Can I give you the money next week? Can I give ya the money next week?
To give the keys to you
CanIgiveya the money next week? TO in front of Person (you)
I want I need I would like I’m going
send you give you
Can they send you the files next week? Can they send ya the files next week? Cantheysendya da files next week?
She can give you more time if you need it
We need to send you the documents tomorrow because they are not ready today
She can give ya more time if ya need it
We need to send ya the documents tomorrow because they’re not ready today
She cangiveya more time ifyaneedit
We needtasendya the documents tomorrow because they’renot ready today
I need more time to be able to send you everything I need more time to be able to send ya everything I need more time tabeableta sendya everything
He can give you the photos later today if they are ready he can give ya the photos later today if they’re ready hecangiveya the photos later today ifthey’reready