Employee Investment Declaration Form For the Financial Year 2018-2019 Employee ID Employee Name PAN Numer Date o! "oinin# A$$ress A$$ress From Date
.o Date
%etro &Yes'No(
PAN o! )an$lor$
ent Per %onth
*ection + - ,hapter I A - De$uctions !rom .otal Income Medical Insurance Premium (U/s 80D) - Individual, Spouse & Children (Ma !imi" I#$ %,000 P') Medical Insurance Premium (U/s 80D) - Paren"s no" ein* Senior Ci"i+ens (Ma !imi" I#$ %,000 P') Medical Insurance Premium (U/s 80D) - Paren"s ein* Senior Ci"i+ens (Ma !imi" I#$ 0,000 P') Medical rea"men"/andicapped rea"men"/andicapped Dependen" (U/s 80DD) .80 Medical rea"men"/andicapped rea"men"/andicapped Dependen" (U/s 80DD) 80 Medical rea"men" rea"men" 1or Disease/ilmen"-Sel1/Dependen" Disease/ilmen"-Sel1/Dependen" (U/s 80DD2) (Senior ci"i+ens 30 4rs and .80 4rs) Medical rea"men" rea"men" 1or Disease/ ilmen"-Sel1/Dependen" ilmen"-Sel1/Dependen" (U/s 80DD2) Super Senior ci"i+ens ( 80 4rs ) In"eres" on 5duca"ional !oan (U/s 805) Permanen" Permanen" Ph4sical Disaili"4 (80U) . 80 Permanen" Permanen" Ph4sical Disaili"4 Severe Disaili"4 ( 80U) 80 #a"ional Pension Scheme(80CCD)
.otal *ection , - ,hapter IA *ec 80, !i1e Insurance Premium Pulic Providen" 6und (PP6) #a"ional Savin*s Cer"i7ica"e (#SC) Children 5duca"ion (ui"ion 6ees nl4) a Savin* Mu"ual 6unds / 59ui"4 !in:ed Savin* Scheme (5!SS) Su:an4a Samriddhi Scheme U!IP a Savin* ;ear ;ear erm 6ied Deposi" ousin* !oan - Principal moun" paid, $e*is"ra"ion 6ees, S"amp du"4 "hers (Please men"ion i1 an4)
Anneure-1 Interest on 6ousin# )oan !or the FY 2018-197 Note <'In"eres" on ousin* loan allo>ed up "o $s'%,00,000' B' ddi"ional eemp"ion o1 I#$ 0,000 provided "he 1ollo>in* condi"ions are sa"is7iedA a' he home loan should have een sanc"ioned sanc"ioned in 6; %0<3-<' ' !oan amoun" should e less "han "han $s B !a:h' c' he value o1 "he house should no" e more "han $s 0 !a:h d' he home u4er should no" have an4 o"her eis"in* residen"ial house in his name' B' Sanc"ion !e""er/Provision Cer"i7ica"e is manda"or4 1or claimin* in"eres" on housin* loan'
Important In!ormation For In$ivi$uals In$ivi$uals the .a ates as elo !or the FY 2018-19 Income in s7 Up"o $s' %,0,000 $s' %,0,00< "o $s' ,00,000 $s' ,00,00< "o $s' <0,00,000 $s' <0,00,00< and aove
ate o! Income .a Applicale #I! %0 ($ ($s'<%,00%0 aove $s' ,00,000) B0 ($s'<<%,00B0 aove $s' <0,00,000)
Note <' 5duca"ion Cess E@ as applicale %' a $ea"e o1 $s'%,00 1or "o"al aale aale income up "o $s' B' !a:h (s per Sec"ion 8) B' o Claim $ 1ollo>in* suppor"in*s should e provided in ?anuar4 %0<=' a' $en" $eceip"s ' P# o1 "he >ner >i"h address is manda"or4 in case "he ren" eceeds $s'8,BBB/-Per Mon"h c' Cop4 o1 $en"al a*reen" is manda"or4 i1 ren" pa4ale is more "han $s'8,BBB/-Per Mon"h @' Medical Insurance is disallo>ed i1 i" is paid 4 cash' Should e paid 4 che9ue/#56/nline'