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ADDRESS TO SADHAKS We are all born but only a few of us learn to live when the rest are busy b usy surviving. Survival is a constant struggle against the tide of the self created inflections. Survival is not living. reedo! defines the wonder that unloc"s the divinity in all beings. reedo! is what all !en deserve. reedo! is what !ust be earn through dedication. A !an !an !ust learn to stand for so!ething only then has he truly lived. A belief which one !ust adhere to so he !ay find strength in the ti!e of challenge. #i"e steel is forged in fla!e$ a !an is forged by his dedication and so if you truly wish to live$ learn to %ay the %rice. &f one wants blessings to be continuous$ then the dedication too !ust be continuous as what we achieve defines us. What we achieve is directly %ro%ortionate to the %rice we are willing to %ay ' for our society$ our country$ our fa!ily and ulti!ately ourselves. The day & beca!e conscious$ & was taught by !y father that (ust as sic"ness can be %assed fro! one !an to another$ (ust as a disease s%reads$ so you have the %ower to s%read (oy$ ha%%iness and divinity to your fellow !en. A novel thought which & had the fortune to see in action in the years of !y life. One !an ' !y )aba ' on a solo !ission to s%read divinity. And & saw he was right. ro! one he beca!e !any and now a wave wal"s with hi!. So & too (oined hi! as & saw either & could waste !y life co!%laining about the s%read of disease or & could be the architect in the s%reading of the light. So & too dedicated to the cause and in the ha%%iness of the world that was created by the sweat of !y father & truly felt alive. *od and devil both cannot saddle in the sa!e !an and if one chooses divinity$ li"e the "ings of old rode their horses to battle one+s guru !arches hi! to victory$ a feeling second to none. #i"e a bird flying into the sunset$ & too find !y %ur%ose and in its fulfill!ent & found life. & found !yself. )irthdays are to celebrate a day ha%%ened in the %ast. & learned to disconnect fro! the %ast a long ti!e ago. ,eo%le say satyug was was %ast. They say Shiva wal"ed the the earth but as for !e$ what & have seen$ & have co!e to to believe !ore in the good of hu!anity. hu!anity. & believe in the ca%abilities of all !y Shiv -og -og brothers so & say satyug will co!e and Shiva will wal" again. & will wor" hard with all the Shiv -ogis -ogis behind !e$ !y )aba before !e$ leading !e as for us Shiv -ogis$ -ogis$ satyug is not a %ast to be re!e!bered but a future to be created so & dont re!e!ber the %ast & celebrate the %resent and %re%are for the future. & was born a long ti!e ago but & a! starting starting to live now with all all of you beside !e. Here is so!ething for you all to re!e!ber ' -ou -ou a have a big and loving fa!ily. )less you/ #ove you/ &shan Shivanand