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Descripción: unit 7 bachillerato review english
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Descripción: Natural science
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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region VIII Division of Calbayog City CALBAYOG CITY NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL
Calbayog City
Name: _______________________ Grade:___ Section:_______ Date:_________ Score:______ Rating:____ % Test Test I. TRUE or FALSE. Write Write True i t!e statement is true and "rite Fa#se i it is not. no t. $ &ts.eac!' _____ (. A re#ation is a ru#e t!at re#ates )a#ues rom a set o )a#ues $ca##ed t!e domain' to a second set o )a#ues $ca##ed t!e range'. T _____ . A unction is a re#ation "!ere eac! e#ement in t!e domain is re#ated to on#* one )a#ue in t!e range +* some ru#e. T ru#e. T _____ ,. A gra&! re&resents a unction i and on#* i eac! )ertica# #ine intersects t!e gra&! at most once.T once. T _____ -. A re#ation is a unction i or eac! /)a#ue t!ere corres&onds se)era# */)a#ues.F */)a#ues. F _____ 0. T!e domain o a re#ation is t!e set o a## &ossi+#e )a#ues )a#ues t!at t!e )aria+#e * can ta1e. F ta1e. F _____ 2. T!e sum o (3, and 30 is (03((. F _____ 4. T!e &roduct o (53( and (036 is 630. F _____ 6. A rationa# e&ression can +e descri+ed as a unction "!ere eit!er t!e numerator or denominator on#* !a)e a )aria+#e on it. F _____ 7. T!e 8eroes o a unction are t!e )a#ues o "!ic! ma1e t!e unction 8ero.T 8ero. T _____ (5. T!e gra&! o t!e in)erse o a one/to/one unction can +e o+tained +* re#ecting t!e gra&! a+out #ine *9. _____ ((.I t!e / and */)a#ues o a one/to/one unction are interc!anged t!e resu#t is a unction +ut i t!e / and */)a#ues o a unction t!at is not one/to/one are in)erted t!e resu#t is no #onger a unction. T _____ (.Some o t!e a&ications in rea#/#ie o e&onentia# unctions are &o&u#ation gro"t! e&onentia# deca* com&ound interest ece&t car+on dating and gro"t! o an e&idemic. F _____ (,. ;ne strateg* to so#)e e&onentia# unctions is to "rite +ot! sides o t!e e
'. T
_____ (0. In +ot! t!e #ogarit!mic and e&onentia# orms + is t!e +ase. T _____ (2. Logarit!ms "it! +ase e are ca##ed common #ogarit!ms. F
Test Test II. >ULTI?LE @;I@E. Se#ect t!e corres&onding #etter o *our +est ans"er. an s"er. ?ro)ide so#utions.
+. /3(0 x 2 T!e interce&ts o $ $'9 x 2 are :
a. ( +. /( c. //( d. /(/ BFind a## )a#ues "!ic! do not ma1e t!e denominator 5C t!is is a ru#e to ind t!e: a. */interce&t +. /interce&t c. range d. domain BFind BFind t!e t!e )a#u )a#ues es o o "!ere "!ere t!e t!e nume numerat rator or is is 8ero 8ero +ut t!e denomi denominat nator or is is non/8 non/8ero eroC C is is a ru#e ru#e to ind ind t!e: t!e: a. */interce&t +. /interce&t c. range d. domain BUse BUse t!e t!e degr degree ee o o t!e t!e &o#*n &o#*nomi omia# a# in in t!e t!e numera numerator tor and t!e denomi denominat natorC orC t!is t!is is is a ru#e ru#e to to ind ind t!e: t!e: a. !ori8onta# as*m&tote +. )ertica# as*m&tote c. range d. domain Gi)en: $'9 x 3 "!at is t!e )a#ue o $/,' a.
d. (03
Gi)en: $'9
+. x3
x 6
x 6
x 3
1 "!at is t!e )a#ue o $ 1 x '
3 x 2 1 x
2 x 3 x 1
3 x 2 x 1
3 x 2 1 x 6.
2 3 1 So#)e or : x 2 x 5 . a. 03
2 x7
+. 30
2 x3
≤ 32
c. 0.
d. .0
c. 732=
d. 237
. So#)e or .
a. 237=
+. 732/ 3 2 x isanexampleof :
T!e unction $' 9
d. none o t!ese
a. e&onentia# unction +. e&onentia# e
d. -
c. /
Test III. ?R;LE> S;LHING. So#)e t!e o##o"ing &ro+#ems using t!e ru#e o o&erations. (. ou ta1e out a ?!? 5555 #oan at a 0% interest rate. I t!e interest is com&ounded annua##* $a' gi)e an e&onentia# mode# or t!e situation and $+' !o" muc! "i## *ou o"e ater (5 *ears . Su&&ose *our +aranga* starts "it! (555 indi)idua#s and tries e)er* 65 *ears. $a' Gi)e an e&onentia# mode# or t!e situation. $+' W!at is t!e si8e o t!e &o&u#ation ater (55 *ears ,. Gra&! t!e o##o"ing unction and its in)erse. Function ?oints: ( - 2 , - 4 ), ( 0 , 1 ), ( 2 , 6 )
Test IH. >AT@ING T?E: Se#ect t!e #etters on t!e rig!t side t!at corres&ond to *our ans"er or t!e
(. Linear Function _____