Report Submitted in Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Bachelor of Engineering Technology Technology (Hons) in Networking System Malaysian Institute of Information Technology, Universiti Kuala Lumpur
I declare that this re port is my original work and all references have been cited adequately as required by the University.
Date: 16/May/2014
Signature: Full Name: Norhamizan Bin A.Hamid ID No.: 52208111095
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We have supervised and examined this report and verify that it meets the program and University’s requirements for the Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Hons) in Networking
Signature: Date:
Supervisor’s Name: Dr.Megat Farez Azril Zuhairi
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Declaration of Copyright and Affirmation of Fair Use of Unpublished Research Work as stated below:
Copyright @ 16/05/2014 by Norhamizan Bin A.Hamid (52208111095) All rights reserved for The Impact of Mobility on The Performance of ZigBee Network
No part of this unpublished research may be r eproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, ele ctronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the c opyright holder except as provided below: i.
Any material contained in or derived from this unpublished research may only be used by others in their writing with due acknowledgement.
MIIT UniKL or its library will have the right to make and transmit copies(print or electronic) for institutional and academic purposes.
The MIIT UniKL’s library will have the right to make, store in a retrieval system and
supply copies of this unpublished research if requested by other universities and research libraries.
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I would like to dedicate this thesis to my parent, my sibling whom have supported me throughout the four years in the university and to whom I am forever grateful. My friends that have give full support to accomplish the work I have done. The work I have done on this project is dedicated to them. Thank you for the support, love, faith and trust. I am truly blessed as a family. I also want to dedicate this report to our entire lecturer for about 4 years lecture. Thank you for the guide and support that you have showed me.
First and foremost, I thank Allah S.W.T for endowing me with health, patience, and knowledge to complete this work. I acknowledge, with deep gratitude and appreciation, the inspiration, encouragement, valuable time and guidance given to me by Dr.Megat Farez Azril Zuhairi, who served as my project supervisor and read my numerous revisions and helped make some sense of the confusion. Thereafter, to my assessors, Husna BintiOsman, and Dr.Megat NorulAzmi Megat Mohammad Noor, who offered guidance and support. Next, my appreciations go to our family for always giving me love and support. Without their attention, it would be difficult for me to get through all the circumstances in completing this Final Year Project.
This project would not have been possible without the support from numerous friends and all other relatives, for their emotional and moral support throughout my academic career and also for their love, patience, encouragement and prayers.
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TITLE PAGE ...................................................................................................................................... i DECLARATION PAGE ...................................................................................................................... ii APPROVAL PAGE ........................................................................................................................... iii COPYRIGHT PAGE .......................................................................................................................... iv DEDICATION .................................................................................................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................... vi
LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................... x LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................... xi LIST OF ABBREVIATION ........................................................................................................ xiii ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................. xv ABSTRAK ................................................................................................................................... xvi CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1 1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Project Background .............................................................................................................. 2 1.2 Project Objectives ................................................................................................................ 2 1.3 Project Scope ....................................................................................................................... 2 1.5 Project Expected Outcome ................................................................................................... 3 1.6 Project Limitation ................................................................................................................ 3 CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................... 5 2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 5 2. 2 Introduction of ZigBee ........................................................................................................ 5 2.2.1 ZigBee device types ...................................................................................................... 5 2.2.2 ZigBee network characteristic ..................................................................................... 6 vii | P a g e
2.2.3 ZigBee network topology ............................................................................................. 7 2.3 Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) .................................................................................. 12 2.3.1 Characteristics of routing protocol .............................................................................. 13 Proactive Routing Protocol .................................................................................. 13 Reactive Routing Protocol ................................................................................... 14 2.3.2 Mobility Pattern .......................................................................................................... 16 Random Waypoint Model .................................................................................... 17 Manhattan Grid Model ......................................................................................... 18 Gauss-Markov Models ......................................................................................... 19 Freeway Model .................................................................................................... 19 2.3.3 Standard for MANET.................................................................................................. 19 2.4 Comparison between previous project ............................................................................... 22 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ....................................................................... 24 3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 24 3.2 Project Methodology .......................................................................................................... 24 3.2.1 Planning phase ............................................................................................................ 25 3.2.2 Research phase ............................................................................................................ 25 3.2.3 Implementation phase ................................................................................................. 25 3.2.4 Analysis phase ............................................................................................................ 26 3.2.5 Result phase ................................................................................................................ 26 3.2.6 Documentation phase .................................................................................................. 26 3.3 Hardware Requirement ...................................................................................................... 27 3.3.1 SKXBEE ..................................................................................................................... 27 3.3.2 XBee-S2 ...................................................................................................................... 28 3.3.3 XBee Shield ................................................................................................................ 29 3.3.4 Arduino ....................................................................................................................... 30 3.4 Software Requirement ....................................................................................................... 32 3.4.1 X-CTU ........................................................................................................................ 32 3.4.2 Arduino IDE ................................................................................................................ 33 3.5 Project Gantt Chart ............................................................................................................ 34 viii | P a g e
3.6 Work Breakdown Structure ............................................................................................... 34 3.7 Final Year Budget and Costing .......................................................................................... 35 CHAPTER IV: IMPLEMENTATITION OF ZIGBEE AD HOC NETWORK .......................... 37 4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 37 4.2 Hardware Implementation ................................................................................................. 39 4.3 Network Diagram ............................................................................................................... 51 CHAPTER V : TESTING AND RESULT .................................................................................. 52 5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 52 5.2 Metrics ............................................................................................................................... 52 5.2.1 Average End-to-End Delay ......................................................................................... 52 5.2.2 Packet Delivery Ratio ................................................................................................. 53 5.2.3 Throughput .................................................................................................................. 53 5.3 ZigBee range experiment ................................................................................................... 54 5.4 Testing connection between sender and receiver ............................................................... 55 5.5 Result .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER VI: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ............................................................ 63 6.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 63 6.2 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................. 63 6.3 SUGGESTIONS ................................................................................................................ 64 REFERENCES APPENDIX A: ............................................................................................................................ A1 APPENDIX B: ....................................................................................................................... B1-B6 APPENDIX C: ....................................................................................................................... C1-C3 APPENDIX D: ............................................................................................................................ D1 APPENDIX E: ..................................................................................................................... E1 -E57
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page on Table 2.1 : Zigbee, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi Characteristics
Table 2.2 : MANET Routing Protocol table
Table 2.3: Summary of different wireless network
Table 2.4: Comparisons of Bluetooth Version
Table 3.1 : Hardware costing
Table 3.2 : Software costing
Table 5.1 : ZigBee range
Table 5.2 : Full Result
page on Figure 2.1: Star Topology
Figure 2.2: Tree Topology
Figure 2.3: Cluster Tree Topology
Figure 2.4: Mesh Topology
Figure 2.5: ZigBee protocol stack
Figure 2.6 :Classification of Mobility Model
Figure 2.7: Random Waypoint Mobility
Figure 2.8 : Manhattan Mobility Model
Figure 2.9 : Freeway Model
Figure 3.1 : Project Methodology
Figure 3.2 : SKXBEE
Figure 3.3 : XBee-S2
Figure 3.4 : XBee Shield
Figure 3.5 : Arduino Uno
Figure 3.6 : X-CTU interface
Figure 3.7 : Arduino IDE interface
Figure 3.8 : Final Year Project Work Breakdown Structure
Figure 4.1 : Flowchart for Zigbee Mobile Network using Random
Waypoint Mobility Model Figure 4.2 : XBee plug in into SKXBEE
Figure 4.3 : X-CTU interface
Figure 4.4 : X-CTU establish communication
Figure 4.5 : Modem(XBee) configuration and information
Figure 4.6 : Setup XBee PAN ID
Figure 4.7 : Configuration for Sender Node
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Figure 4.8 : Configuration for Relay Node
Figure 4.9 : Configuration for Receiver Node
Figure 4.10 : Plug in XBee into XBee Shield
Figure 4.11 : Integration Between XBee, XBee Shield and Arduino
Uno Figure 4.12 : Arduino IDE folder
Figure 4.13 : Arduino Uno power up using USB Cable
Figure 4.14 : Arduino IDE interface
Figure 4.15 : Arduino IDE selection Board
Figure 4.16 : Arduino IDE selection Port
Figure 4.17 : Uploading Source Code into Arduino Uno
Figure 4.18 : Network Diagram
Figure 5.1 : Two Arduino Uno interface
Figure 5.2 : Packet from Sender to Receiver via XBee
Figure 5.3 : Real Time Stamp using Window 7
Figure 5.4 : Real Time Stamp using Ubuntu
Figure 5.5 : Random Waypoint Pattern
Figure 5.6 : Total Packet Graph
Figure 5.7 : Packet Delivery Ratio Graph
Figure 5.6 : Average End-to-End Delay Graph
Figure 5.6 : Throughput Graph
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Ad Hoc on-demand Distance Vector Routing
Carrier Sense Multiple Accesses with Collision Avoidance
Destination Sequence Distance Vector
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
Dynamic Source Routing
Fisheye State Routing
Frequency Hoping Spread Spectrum
Graphical User Interface
Hybrid Ad hoc Routing Protocol
In Circuit Serial Programming
Industrial, Scientific and Medical
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Integrated Development Environment
Intelligent Vehicular Ad Hoc Network
Light-Emitting Diode
Mobile Ad Hoc Network
Personal Area Network
Radio Frequency
Task Group N
Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm
Transistor – transistor logic
Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
Universal Serial Bus
xiii | P a g e
Vehicular Ad hoc Network
Wireless Personal Area Network
Wireless Routing Protocol
Work Breakdown Structure
Zigbee Coordinator
ZigBee device object
Zigbee End Device
Zigbee Router
Zone Routing Protocol
Zone-based Hierarchical Link State
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This study is conducted to investigate the impact of mobility on the performance of ZigBee mobile network. Zigbee Mobile Network rapidly used in many industries. It is because the network technologies have features such as low power operation, sensor capability, and small form factor mobility. The data collected from a single sensor node is forwarded from one to the other until it reaches the location of the data collection center. This project focuses on a study about Zigbee mobile network and mobility's pattern which is Random Waypoint mobility models and to construct a simple wireless ad hoc network topology to investigate the performance. The project objective is to set up a simple wireless network using the current available Zigbee wireless devices. Subsequently, the devices are evaluated in network environment, which include mobility patterns
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Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji kesan mobiliti kepada prestasi rangkaian mudah alih ZigBee. Rangkaian ZigBee bergerak pesat digunakan dalam banyak industri. Ini adalah kerana teknologi rangkaian ZigBee mempunyai ciri-ciri seperti operasi yang menggunakan kuasa rendah , keupayaan sensor, dan faktor bentuk kecil mobiliti. Data yang dikumpul dari nod sensor tunggal yang dihantar dari satu kepada yang lain sehingga ia sampai ke lokasi pusat pengumpulan data. Projek ini memberi tumpuan kepada satu kajian mengenai rangkaian mudah alih ZigBee dan corak pergerakan ini yang merupakan mobiliti model Random Waypoint dan membina rangkaian topologi ad hoc tanpa wayar mudah untuk menyiasat prestasi. Objektif projek ini adalah untuk menubuhkan satu rangkaian wayarles mudah menggunakan yang ada alat-alat tanpa wayar ZigBee. Selepas itu, peranti dinilai dalam persekitaran rangkaian, termasuk corak mobiliti
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1.0 Introduction
Zigbee Mobile Network is typically used in many industries. It is because the network technologies have features such as low power operation, sensor capability, and small form factor mobility. The data collected from a single sensor node is forwarded from one to the other until it reaches the location of the data collection center. Typically, Zigbee allows bi-directional communication to connect and communicate. Each node has common parts, which include a radio transceiver with internal antenna or connection to an external antenna and a microcontroller. Many industries have employed the technology to automate process with minimum human intervention. Nevertheless, not the entire node has mobility capability in their system. Simulation of mobility pattern is a technique used to evaluate the performance of Zigbee network. It provides an improvement in the mobile ad hoc environment and network performance. The purpose of this project is to employ mobility pattern into the Zigbee network and then compare the performance. The mobility pattern behavior of a node movement can be described using both analytical and simulation models .In this project, the actual mobility pattern is employed. For the mobility pattern, Random Waypoint Model is used in this project. The mobility pattern can help the investigation of the network performance, which later can be used to alleviate the weakness.
1.1 Project Background
This project focuses on a study about Zigbee mobile network and mobility's pattern which is Random Waypoint mobility models and to construct a simple wireless ad hoc network topology to investigate the performance. The objective of this project is to study the Zigbee mobile network using by the mobility patterns. The performance will be measured by using real-life node wireless sensor in different network topology. Each mobility pattern use different individual movement and the node's location. The wireless node employs protocol such as Ad Hoc on-demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV). The experiment is conducted in a real-life testbed to evaluate the performance network with the mobility pattern. The network node hardware that can be used is XBee Series 2 (support Zigbee Protocol) and Arduino Uno as the microcontroller. The outcome of the result is compared to see the attributes of mobility pattern.
1.2 Project Objectives
1. To setup a simple wireless sensor network based on current wireless sensor network technology. 2. To empirically investigate the performance of Zigbee mobile network using mobility model Random Waypoint Mobility model.
1.3 Project Scope
The project focuses on setting up a simple wireless network using the current available Zigbee wireless devices. Subsequently, the devices are evaluated in network environment, which include mobility patterns. Initially experiments are conducted empirically with using chain topology and later under various network topologies. Based on the results, the data is analyzed and later a suitable application for the Zigbee network nodes is proposed.
1.4 Project Problem Statement
The applications of ad hoc network are limited and many lack the ability to be mobile. As such, the performance of Zigbee devices may be affected. In this project, the mobility attributes of Zigbee is investigated.
1.5 Project Expected Outcome
The project expected outcome is to employ mobility pattern into Zigbee network. It can be implemented into many industries such as agriculture, military, and medical. It will help the features of mobility to their current networking system. With this method, it may increases the performance of the network and the work or method of collecting data will improve.
1.6 Project Limitation
1. Difficulties to reproduce accurate mobility movement for each mobility model
2.1 Introduction
This chapter reports the literature review of the project to be developed, which is Wireless Mobile Ad hoc Network. It discusses about ZigBee network and mobility pattern of wireless node. 2. 2 Introduction of ZigBee
ZigBee is known as Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.15.4 Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN). It is designed for low-cost, low-power applications that require relatively low data throughput which is down to an average of less than 1bps. It is also differentiated from IEEE 802.15.1TM (Bluetooth TM) in several respects; it does not support voice, as Bluetooth does. Application of ZigBee technology is well suited to a wide range of energy management and efficiency, building automation, industrial, medical, home automation applications. Essentially, applications that require interoperability and/or the radio frequency (RF) performance characteristics of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard would benefit from a ZigBee solution. ZigBee is a set of speciation built around the IEEE 802.15.4 wireless protocol. ZigBee is designed to provide highly efficient connectivity between small packet devices. ZigBee is a specification for a suite of high level communication protocols using small, low-power digital radios based on an IEEE 802 standard for personal area network. ZigBee device is used in mesh network form to transmit data in longer distance, passing data through intermediate devices to reach more distance. ZigBee has 16 separate channels, which means that up to 16 networks can be presented in a single location without interfering with each other. ZigBee was founded by a consortium called ZigBee Alliance which is consisting of more than
270 companies including Freescale, Ember, Mitsubishi, Philips, Honeywell and Texas Instruments. 2.2.1 ZigBee device types 1. ZigBee Coordinator (ZC). The coordinator forms the root of the network tree and might bridge to other networks, there is exactly one ZigBee coordinator in each network. It is able to store information about the network. The characteristic of coordinator are shown by the following points.
Selects a channel and PAN ID (both 64-bit and 16-bit) to start the network
Can allow routers and end devices to join the network
Can assist in routing data
Cannot sleep--should be mains powered
Can buffer RF data packets for sleeping end device children.
2. ZigBee Router (ZR). A router can act as an intermediate router, passing on data from other device. Characteristic of router are show below.
Must join a ZigBee PAN before it can transmit, receive, or route data
After joining, can allow routers and end devices to join the network
After joining, can assist in routing data
Cannot sleep--should be mains powered.
Can buffer RF data packets for sleeping end device children.
3. ZigBee End Device (ZED) It have just enough functionality to talk to the parent node. A ZED requires the least amount of memory and therefore can be less expensive to manufacture than a ZR or ZC. Characteristic of end device are
Must join a ZigBee PAN before it can transmit or receive data
Cannot allow devices to join the network
Must always transmit and receive RF data through its parent. Cannot route data.
Can enter low power modes to conserve power and can be battery-powered.
2.2.2 ZigBee network characteristic There are several standard currently exist for wireless networking, including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Wimax. ZigBee is a new standard for wireless sensor and control network. Besides features of lower power consumption, high density of nodes per network and low costs, there are some features are enabled by the following characteristics.
Regional operation in the 915 MHz (Americas) and 868 MHz (Europe).
Frequency agile solution operating over 16 channels in the 2.4 GHz frequency.
ZigBee uses small packet compared with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
Easy to implement.
Low data rate. Maximum data rate for a ZigBee device is 250 Kbps.
Utilizes the industry standard AES-128 security scheme.
Fully hand-shake acknowledged protocol for transfer reliability.
Allocation of guaranteed time slots.
Allocated 16 bit short or 64 bit extended addresses.
Table 2.1 summarizes the characteristic of the technologies previously stated.
Table 2.1: ZigBee, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi Characteristics Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 Bluetooth
Wireless LAN
Cable replacement
monitor Frequency bands
2.4 GHz
2.4 GHz
2.4 GHz 868 MHz 915 MHz
Battery life (days)
0.1 – 5
1 – 7
100 – 700
Nodes per network
2 – 100 mbps
1 mbps
20 – 250 kbps
Range (meters)
1 – 100
1 – 10
1 – 75 and more
Star, tree, cluster tree and mesh
Standard current
2 * 10 – 3 amps
200 * 10 -6 amps
3 * 10 – 6 amps
100 kb
100 kb
32 – 60 kb
2.2.3 ZigBee network topology ZigBee uses the IEEE 802.15.4 2003 specification for its physical layer and MAC layer. It offers star, tree, cluster tree and mesh topologies; however ZigBee only supports star, tree and mesh topologies.
1. Peer-to-peer topology
In peer-to-peer topology, there is also one PAN coordinator. In contrast to star topology, any device can communicate with any other device as long as they are in range of one another. A peer-to-peer network can be ad hoc, self organizing and selfhealing. Application such as industrial control and monitoring, wireless sensor networks, assets and inventory tracking would benefit from such a topology. It also allows multiple hops to route messages from any other device to any other device in the same network. It can provide reliability by multipath routing. 2. Star topology
Star topology consists of a coordinator and several end devices (nodes). In this topology, the end device will only communicate with coordinator. Any packet exchange with end device must go through the coordinator. The disadvantage of this topology is the operation of the network depends on the coordinator of the network because all packets between the devices must go through the coordinator. In this case, the coordinator may become bottlenecked. There is also no alternative path from source to destination. The advantage of this topology is that it is simple and packets go through at most two hops to reach their destination. Figure 2.1 shows the example of star topology
Figure 2.1: Star Topology
3. Tree topology.
In this topology, the network consists of a central node (root tree), which is a coordinator, several routers, and end devices. The function of the router is to extend the network coverage. The end nodes that are connected to the coordinator or the routers are called children. Only routers and the coordinator can have children. Each end device is only able to communicate with its parent. The coordinator and routers can have children and, therefore, are the only devices that can be parents. An end device cannot have children and, therefore, may not be a parent. A special case of tree topology is called a cluster tree topology. Figure 2.2 shows the example of tree topology
Figure 2.2: Tree Topology The disadvantages of tree topology are: If one of the parents becomes disabled, the children of the disable parent cannot communicate with other devices in the network. Even if two nodes are geographically close to each other, they cannot communicate directly. 4. Cluster Tree Topology.
A cluster tree topology is a special case of tree topology in which a parent with its children is called a cluster. Each cluster is identified by a cluster ID. ZigBee does not support cluster tree topology, but IEEE 802.15.4 does support it. Figure 2.3 shows the example of cluster tree topology
Figure 2.3: Cluster Tree Topology
5. Mesh Topology. Mesh topology, also referred to as a peer-to-peer network, consists of one coordinator, several routers, and end devices. Figure 2.4 shows the example of mesh topology The following are the characteristics of a mesh topology: 1. A mesh topology is a multihop network; packets pass through multiple hops to reach their destination. 2. The range of a network can be increased by adding more devices to the network. 3. It can eliminate dead zones. 4. A mesh topology is self-healing, meaning during transmission, if a path fails, the node will find an alternate path to the destination. 5. Devices can be close to each other so that they use less power. 6. Adding or removing a device is easy. 7. Any source device can communicate with any destination device in the network. 8. Compared with star topology, mesh topology requires greater overhead. 9. Mesh routing uses a more complex routing protocol than a star topology.
Figure 2.4: Mesh Topology ZigBee builds upon the physical layer and medium access control defined in IEEE standard 802.15.4 (2003 version) for low-rate WPAN shown in Figure 2.5. The specification goes on to complete the standard by adding four main components: network layer, application layer, ZigBee device objects (ZDOs) and manufacturerdefined application objects which allow for customization and favor total integration.
Figure 2.5: ZigBee protocol stack
Besides adding two high-level network layers to the underlying structure, the most significant improvement is the introduction of ZDOs. These are responsible for a number of tasks, which include keeping of device roles, management of requests to join a network, device discovery and security. Because ZigBee nodes can go from sleep to active mode in 30ms or less, the latency can be low and devices can be responsive, particularly compared to Bluetooth wake-up delays, which are typically around three seconds. Additionally, ZigBee nodes can sleep most of the time, average power consumption can be low, resulting in long battery life. ZigBee is a low-cost, thus allowing the technology to be widely deployed in wireless control and monitoring applications. It operates in the industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio bands. Data transmission rates vary from 20 to 900 kilobits/second.
2.3 Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET)
The rapid development of computer and wireless communication causes mobile computing to be the field of interest for research. MANET is a wireless connectivity where nodes construed by actions of the network that has dynamic shape and limited bandwidth. It generally signifies a solution that has been custom -designed for a specific problem, it is non-generalized, and cannot be adapted to other purpose. In general, MANET is a collection of wireless node communication with each other in the absence of any infrastructure. The WSN nodes are low cost and MANET has attracted a lot of attention from academic and industry in recent years. There are three types MANET which are Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANETs), Intelligent Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (In VANET) and Internet Based Mobile Ad hoc Network (iMANET). The application of MANET can be ranged from small, static network that is limited by power source to large-scale, mobile, highly dynamic network. Magnus Frodigh, Per Johansson and Peter Larsson [1] describe “Mobile ad hoc networks have been the focus of many recent research and development efforts. So far, ad hoc packet-radio networks have mainly been considered for military applications, where a decentralized network configuration is an operative advantage
2.3.1 Characteristics of routing protocol There a many ways to classify MANET protocol based on how routing information is acquired and maintained by mobile nodes. Using this method, MANET routing protocol can be divided into proactive routing, reactive routing and hybrid routing. Proactive Routing Protocol
Proactive Routing also called "table driven" routing protocol. Nodes in MANET are capable to continuously evaluate routes to all reachable nodes and attempt to maintain consistent, up-to-date routing information so that source node can get routing path immediately if needed. Typical Proactive Routing Protocol i.
The Wireless Routing Protocol (WRP)
WRP is a proactive unicast routing protocol for MANET. It is used to improve Bellman-Ford Distance Vector. To establish dynamic features of MANET, some mechanisms are introduced to ensure the reliable exchange of update message and reduce route loops. Each mobile node maintains a distance table, routing table, a link-cost table and MSL (Message Retransmission List). An entry in the routing table contains the distance to a destination node, the predecessor and the successor along the paths to destination and a tag for identification ii.
The Destination Sequence Distance Vector (DSDV) Routing Protocol
DSDV is a proactive unicast routing protocol for MANET. It has the same concept with AODV except their mechanisms to improve routing performance in MANET are quite different. An entry stores the next hop towards destination, the cost metric for routing path to destination sequence number that created by the destination.
The Fisheye State Routing (FSR)
FSR is proactive unicast routing protocol based Link State routing with the effect of reduced overhead to maintain network topology information. FSR can maintain the accurate distance and path quality information about the neighbor node and progress to reduce details when the distance increases. Reactive Routing Protocol
Reactive Routing or also known as "on-demand" routing protocol. With this routing protocol, routing path is searched only when needed. The discovery procedure terminates when either route has found or no route are available after examination for all route permutations. i.
The Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol
DSR is Reactive unicast routing protocol that utilizes source routing. In DSR each node uses caching technology to maintain route information that the node has learnt. There are two major phases in DSR, the route discovery and the route maintenance. When the source node sends packet, it first consults with the route cache. Later if the required route is available, the source node includes the routing information inside the data packet before transmission. ii.
The Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV) protocol
AODV is reactive unicast routing protocol for MANET. It only maintains the routing information about active path. Routing information is usually maintained in routing tables at nodes. Every node keeps next-hop routing table, which contain destination to which currently that have a route. iii.
The Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA)
TORA is Reactive routing algorithm based on concept of link reversal. It improves the partial link reversal method by detecting partitions and stopping non-productive link reversals. It also can be used for highly dynamic MANET. Hybrid Route Protocol
Hybrid Routing Protocol is proposed to combine the merits of both proactive and reactive routing protocols and to overcome the weakness. Hybrid routing protocol for MANET typically exploit hierarchical network architectures. i.
The Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP)
ZRP is a hybrid routing protocol for MANET. The purpose of this protocol is to reduce the control overhead of proactive routing approaches and decrease the latency caused by route search operations in reactive routing approaches. ii.
The Hybrid Ad hoc Routing Protocol (HARP)
HARP is a hybrid routing scheme that exploits two level zones based hierarchical network structure. Different routing approaches are utilized in two level, intra-zone routing and inter-zone routing. iii.
The Zone-based Hierarchical Link State routing (ZHLS)
ZHLS is a hybrid routing protocol. Mobile nodes are assumed to know the physical location with assistance from location system such as a GPS. The network is divided into non-overlapping zones based on geographical information. It uses hierarchical address scheme that contains zone ID and node ID. Node determines its zone ID according to its location and the pre-defined zone map well known to all nodes in the network. Table 2.2 summaries the MANET routing protocol table
Table 2.2: MANET Routing Protocol table
2.3.2 Mobility Pattern Mobility pattern of nodes can be described by mobility models. The mobility models are designed to describe movement pattern of mobile users and how their location, velocity and acceleration changes over time. After the nodes are initially placed, the mobility model dictates how the nodes move within the network. Mobility Model is usually used for simulation purpose when new communication or navigation techniques are investigated. It characterizes user movement patterns. After nodes have been distributed, the mobility model dictates the movement of the nodes within the network. Because the mobility of the nodes impact directly the performance of the protocol, the results obtained with unrealistic movement model will not correctly give definitive of the true performance of the protocol. Emre Atsan and Öznur Özkasap [2] describe "A better understanding of the behavior of mobility models and using the appropriate ones give us a chance to achieve realistic conclusion from
There are two types of mobility model: 1. Entity/Individual mobility model :All node movement is independent of other node example such as Random Waypoint, Random Direction and Random Walk 2. Group Mobility Model :A mobile node move dependent of one to another like Reference Point Group Mobility Model, Column, Nomadic, Pursue and Exponential Correlated. The pathways, Manhattan, obstacle are classified as geographical restricted model. Figure 2.6 show the classification of mobility model.
Figure 2.6: Classification of Mobility Model Random Waypoint Model
It is widely used mobility model that emulates the mobile users in real time. The nodes are placed at random location in the network. All the movement of the node is independent with another node in the network. The nodes have a uniformly distributed speed between [minSpeed, maxSpeed]. After arriving at the destination, again waits for the same period of time before moving to new place.S.Balaji Gupya, T.Navnrrth, S.Sundar and C.M.Vidhyapathi [3] describe " the movement of the mobile node in Random Waypoint Mobility is similar to the Random Walk Mobility if the pause time is set to zero and [minspeed, maxspeed] = [speedmin, speedmax]
Figure 2.7: Random Waypoint Mobility Manhattan Grid Model
Manhattan Model uses a grid road topology. The purpose of this topology is for the movements in urban area, where the streets in organized manner and the mobile nodes are allowed to move only horizontal or vertical direction. It also usually used to emulate the movement pattern of mobile node on streets defined by maps. It is also a model that is very similar to the Freeway Model. This model can be used in Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) and Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET). Figure 2.8 shows the Manhattan mobility pattern.
Figure 2.8: Manhattan Mobility Model Gauss-Markov Models
In Gauss-Markov Models, each mobile node is commenced with speed and direction. In fixed intervals of time, movement occurs to updating the speed and direction of each node. Freeway Model
The Freeway Model emulates the motion of mobile node on Freeway. It can be implemented in exchanging traffic status or tracking vehicle on a Freeway. The model makes several uses of the maps. There are several freeways on the maps and each freeway has lanes in both directions. Every mobile node is limited to the lane on the freeway. The velocity of mobile node is temporally dependent on previous velocity. Figure 2.9 shows the freeway mobility pattern.
Figure 2.9: Freeway Model
2.3.3 Standard for MANET MANET has two standards that are IEEE 802.11 standards and Bluetooth standard. 1. IEEE 802.11 Standards IEEE 802.11 group protocol currently being develop for long-range communication at much higher data rates and distance. The introduction of 802.11n as implementation by Task Group N (TGn) stimulated lot of research in area of the
802.22 family of protocol. Many of the standards have been developed by IEEE 802.11 task force to improve communication in wireless network. It has different characteristic in term of speed, throughput and compatibility of chipsets among different vendors. The IEEE 802.11b is designed by the IEEE to have higher data rates when operational and the frequency band of the operation is 2.4GHz. Other task group or organization continues to improve the other standards such as IEEE 802.11 c, d, e, g, f and n. IEEE 802.11 has become standard specifies MAC and physical layer for Wireless LANs. The physical layer use different technologies like Frequency Hoping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) and Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS). MAC protocol distributed coordinated function that has a carrier sense multiple accesses with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA). Table 2.3 shows different wireless network. Table 2.3: Summary of different wireless network
2. Bluetooth Standard Bluetooth is a project that been develop by Special Interest Group SIG). Ajay Jangra, Nitin Goel, Priyanka, Komal Kumar Bhatia [4] describe" Bluetooth was originally started as a project by the Ericsson Company and later formalized by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), includes Sony Ericssion, IBM, Intel, Toshiba and Nokia ". Bluetooth is the de-facto standard for low-cost, short-range radio links between mobile PCs, mobile phone and other portable devices. It has built-in short-range radio transmitter. The data rate for Bluetooth is 1Mbps with 2.4GHz bandwidth. Table 2.4 shows the standard for Bluetooth. Table 2.4: Comparisons of Bluetooth Version
2.4 Comparison between previous project
Currently there are only a handful of real life simulation but the parameter of the experiment are followed by using network simulation software.Current researcher are using network simulation software to run simulation to study the impact of mobililty mobile pattern on the ZigBee mobile network performance. The previus network simulation parameter and procedure are follow to conduct the real life experiment. Past Related
A Simulation Study on
Analysis of Reactive
Analysis of MANET
the Impact of Mobility
Routing Protocols
Routing Protocols
Models on the
for City Scenario
over Different
Network Connectivity,
Mobility Model in
Mobility Models
Hop Count and Lifetime
Characteristics Scope
of Routes for Ad hoc
Wireless sensor
Performance mobility
The high-level
networks (WSN) is
models on routing
comparison based on
contribution of this paper
emerging technology protocols in mobile ad
existing routing
is a simulation-based
finds variety of
analysis of the network
hoc networks.
applications in
connectivity, hop count
military, movement
and lifetime of the
tracking, industries
routes determined for ad
and medical fields.
hoc networks.
Random Waypoint,
Random Waypoint,
Random Waypoint,
Random Waypoint model,
Random direction,
Manhattan and City
Manhattan Grid,
Gauss-Markov model,
Random Walk,
Scenario model
City Section model and
(combination of
Reference Point
the Manhattan model.
Point Group
Random Waypoint
Group and
Mobility model,
Model and Manhattan
Column, Nomadic,
Mobility Models
22 | P a g e
Pursue, Exponential Correated, Manhattan Routing Protocol
23 | P a g e
3.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses methodology used in the project. The method is followed to achieve the objectives of the project. To run this project, the methodology for this project is based on project approach. The methodology involves six phases which are planning, research, implementation, analysis, result and documentation. 3.2 Project Methodology
It begins with data and information gathering process which are related to the project and objectives. The process of searching data involves finding information from Internet, journal, article and previous project that have similarity with the project. The project model methodology is used as a guideline in the project.
Figure 3.1: Project Methodology 24
The phases are dividing into 6 phase, which is Planning, Research, Implement, Analysis, Result and Documentation. 3.2.1 Planning phase In the planning phase, a problem is identified. To study the impact of mobility pattern on the performance of ZigBee mobile network .There are not many of real life mobility pattern research are being done Then, the solution is formulated by creating objectives that can achieve the target. The planning to simulate mobility pattern using ZigBee mobile network are being done. With the availability of the objectives, the project can run smoothly and have direction for the project. In addition, the scopes of the project need to be develop to make it easy to determine the scope of the project that need to be reviewed. Then, propose an appropriate topic related to the scope, objectives and problems that need to be solved. 3.2.2 Research phase In research phase, it is very important to further the research to get better understanding of the project that need to be done. In this phase, comprehensive studies need to be done by reviewing previous projects, read research journals and understand the original concept of the project. Also to study what MANET hardware is suitable for this project. The hardware must meet the criteria of the project. After that, reviewed the methodology to be applied in the project. 3.2.3 Implementation phase In implementation phase, it involves the development of hardware and software for the project. In this phase, the development of hardware design was developed by just plug in the XBee series 2, XBee Shield and Arduino Uno. By using XBee Shield, it make a lot easier to integrate the XBee series 2 and Arduino Uno. For the software design, the source code from the Arduino playground. Than the source code are edit for suitable need of the project. After the adjust source code are done. Upload the source code into
Arduino Uno. After that, the process can be carried out in real life simulation base on random waypoint pattern.
3.2.4 Analysis phase In this phase, the mobility pattern and routing protocol need to be analyzed to get the result. The parameters for the experiment simulation are following using the network simulation software. This analysis can prove which mobility pattern and routing protocol that is suitable for MANET. 3.2.5 Result phase In this phase, all project objectives and scope must be achieved. The data from the test can be collected. All the raw data than need to be calculate manually. After that, the data will be compare than the result will be analysis to show the result 3.2.6 Documentation phase In the documentation phase, data collection and analysis that has been done will be documented. Besides that, the result can be use for further study.
3.3 Hardware Requirement
3.3.1 SKXBEE
Figure 3.2 : SKXBEE Figure 3.2 shows the SKXBEE module. SKXBee has been designed for 5V TTL logic interface, no extra voltage divider is necessary. With minimum interface, it is ready to be connected to microcontroller for embedded XBee development. Furthermore, on board USB to UART converter offer easy yet reliable communication to PC for functionality test and as XBee dongle. SKXBee can support both XBee and XBee PRO because they are interchangeable and Pin-to-pin compatible with each other. Features of SKXBEE are:
Support both XBee and XBee PRO modules
USB Plug and Play UART function
5V powered
5V UART interface, ready for microcontroller interface
Default baud rate of 9600bps
Long Range Data Integrity
Low power consumption 27
Compact yet easy and reliable platform
As serial port replacement (wireless)
Point-to-point, point-to-multipoint and peer-to-peer topologies supported
Dimension: 8cm x 4cm
3.3.2 XBee-S2
Figure 3.3 : XBee-S2 Figure 3.3 shows the XBEE S2 module. It is XBee RF ZB (ZigBee) module, but often refers to XBee Series 2. Series 2 improves on the power output and data protocol. Series 2 modules allow user to create complex mesh networks based on the XBee ZB ZigBee mesh firmware. These modules allow a very reliable and simple communication between microcontrollers, computers, systems, really anything with a serial port! Point to point and multi-point networks are supported. These XBee Series 2 modules have the same pin out as XBee Series 1 Features:
3.3V @ 40mA
Same pin out as XBee Series 1.
250kbps Max data rate
Default UART interface: 9600, 8-N-1 28
2mW output (+3dBm)
400ft (120m) range
Built-in antenna
Fully FCC certified
6 10-bit ADC input pins
8 digital IO pins
128-bit encryption
Local or over-air configuration
AT or API command set
3.3.3 XBee Shield
Figure 3.4: XBee Shield Figure 3.4 shows the XBee shield module. The XBee Shield is a compliant solution designed to meet low-cost, low-power wireless sensor networks with special needs. The module is easy to use, low power consumption, and the provision of critical data between devices reliable transmission. As the innovative design, XBee can be in the range 2-3 times beyond the standard ZigBee modules.
3.3.4 Arduino An Arduino is an open-source microcontroller development board. It can use the Arduino to read sensors and control things like motors and lights. This allows to upload programs to this board which can then interact with things in the real world. With this, you can make devices which respond and React to the world at large. Basically, if there is something that is in any way controlled by electricity, the Arduino can interface with it in some manner. And even if it is not controlled by electricity, it can probably still use things which are (like motors and electromagnets), to interface with it. The possibilities of the Arduino are almost limitless.
Figure 3.5: Arduino Uno The Arduino board actually is a specially designed circuit board for programming and prototyping with Atmel microcontrollers. The nice thing about the Arduino board is that it is relatively cheap, plugs straight into a computer's USB port, and it is dead-simple to setup and use.
Some of the key features of the Arduino Uno include: 1.
An open source design. The advantage of it being open source is that it has a large
community of people using and troubleshooting it. This makes it easy to find someone to help debug your projects 2.
An easy USB interface. The chip on the board plugs straight into USB port and
registers on your computer as a virtual serial port. This allows to interface with it as through it were a serial device. The benefit of this setup is that serial communication is an extremely easy (and time-tested) protocol, and USB makes connecting it to modern computers really convenient. 3.
Very convenient power management and built-in voltage regulation. It can connect
an external power source of up to 12v and it will regulate it to both 5v and 3.3v. It also can be powered directly off of a USB port without any external power. 4.
A 16 MHz clock. This makes it not the speediest microcontroller around, but fast
enough for most applications. 5.
13 digital pins and 6 analog pins. These pins allow connecting external hardware to
your Arduino. These pins are key for extending the computing capability of the Arduino into the real world. Simply plug devices and sensors into the sockets that correspond to each of these pins and you are good to go. 6.
An ICSP connector for bypassing the USB port and interfacing the Arduino
directly as a serial device. This port is necessary to re-boatload chip if it corrupts and can no longer talk to the computer. 7. An on-board LED attached to digital pin 13 for fast an easy debugging of code. 8. And last, but not least, a button to reset the program on the chip
3.4 Software Requirement
3.4.1 X-CTU
Figure 3.6: X-CTU interface Figure 3.6 shows the X-CTU interface. X-CTU is a window based application. This program was designed to interact with the firmware files found on some of RF products and to provide a simple to use graphical user interface (GUI) to them. 32
3.4.2 Arduino IDE
Figure 3.7: Arduino IDE interface
Figure 3.7 shows the Arduino IDE interface. The Arduino development environment contains a text editor for writing code, a message area, a text console, a toolbar with buttons for common functions, and a series of menus. It connects to the Arduino hardware to upload programs and communicate with them. Software written using Arduino are called sketches. These sketches are written in the text editor. Sketches are saved with the file extension .ino. It has features for cutting/pasting and for searching/replacing text. The message area gives feedback while 33
saving and exporting and also displays errors. The console displays text output by the Arduino environment including complete error messages and other information. The bottom right hand corner of the window displays the current board and serial port. The toolbar buttons allow verifying and uploading programs, creating, opening, and saving sketches, and open the serial monitor. 3.5
Project Gantt chart
Gantt chart is a graphical illustration of schedule that helps people to coordinate, plan and track their specific tasks in the project. Gantt chart is very useful tools for people to plan and schedule their project. This tool allows people to estimate the length of the time need to complete the project and determine the resource that need in the project. When project is underway, Gantt chart can monitor the project progress. Gantt chart can be referred in Appendix A.
Work Breakdown Structure
Work Breakdown Structure is a deliverable oriented decomposition of a project into smaller components. WBS is also a model of work to be performed in a project organized in a hierarchical structure. WBS is important tool that can help project manager to overview the project.
Figure 3.8: Final Year Project Work Breakdown Structure
3.7 Final Year Budget and Costing
Figure 3.8 shows the final year project work breakdown structure.This section shows the overal project cost estimation. This project is about developing a system; the budget of this project depends closely to the tools used in developing it which is hardware and software. The estimate budget is shown in Table 3.1 and 3.2. Table 3.1 is shows estimated cost for hardware; Table 3.2 illustrates the estimated cost for software. Budget and costing are essential to produce a project, product or services.
Estimate cost for hardware: Table 3.1: Hardware costing Items
Price (RM)
Total (RM)
Laptop(Dell Studio XPS 16)
Arduino Uno R3
Loan from UniKL
Loan from UniKL
Battery 9 V
Starter kit for Arduino Uno
XBee Series 2
XBee shield (without module)
Estimate cost for software: Table 3.2: Software costing Items
Price (RM)
Total (RM)
Arduino IDE
4.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses the project implementation .It begins with hardware development to software development. This is an essential stage to complete the research study of Zigbee Mobile Network by using mobility pattern (Random Waypoint) In this stage, the the construction of hardware and experiment set up is done. Initially, the project requirement are identified and studied in the pre-development phase.
development phase is divided into several stages, which include the implementation of the hardware,
configuration of the hardware, coding the hardware, and finally
conduct experiment of Zigbee Mobile Network by using mobility model pattern(Random Waypoint) . Figure 4.1 shows the experiment flow for Zigbee Mobile Network study by using Zigbee standard. Typically, the Zigbee device has the default Mobile Ad hoc (MANET) routing protocol which is Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Distance Vector Routing (AODV) protocol. After commencing routing protocols, the sender node connects with the receiver node. If the nodes are not connected, the XBee Series 2 and Arduino Uno R3 configuration reconfigured. Upon connections set up between nodes, then the experiment for the Mobility pattern movement is conducted.
Figure 4.1: Flowchart for Zigbee Mobile Network using Random Waypoint Mobility Model
4.2 Hardware Implementation
The following illustrates the procedure of setting the XBee Series 2 for experiment. 1. Connect XBee Series 2 into the SKXBEE. After that, the usb cable from Laptop is connected to SKXBEE to enable XBee to be configured. Figure 4.2 shows the XBee connection.
Figure 4.2: XBee plug in into SKXBEE 2. Figure 4.3 shows the configuration of XBee Series 2 using X-CTU software
Figure 4.3: X-CTU interface 39
3. The Test/Query is activated to communicate with Modem(XBee). It will enable the laptop to communicate with the XBee. Figure 4.4 shows that com4 establish the communication between laptop and Modem(XBee)
Figure 4.4: X-CTU establish communication
4. Figure 4.5 shows the Modem Configuration tab. The read button is pressed and later it shows the configuration and information about the Modem (XBee). The user is allowed to configure the Modem (XBee) based on the network specification.
Figure 4.5: Modem (XBee) configuration and information
5. Figure 4.6 shows the interface to setup XBee PAN ID. Click the network icon to configure the PAN ID. The ZigBee networks are called personal area networks or PANs. Each network is defined with a unique PAN IDentifier (PAN ID). For the sender and receiver node to communicate, the PAN ID must be identical. This identifier is common among all devices of the same network. ZigBee devices are either preconfigured with a PAN ID to join, or they can discover nearby networks and later choose a PAN ID to associate. In this setup, the XBee PAN ID are configured using 7779 as the PAN ID.
Figure 4.6: Setup XBee PAN ID 42
6. Figure 4.7 shows the configuration for Sender Node. It can be done by setting Zigbee Router AT. Then, the configuration is written into Modem (XBee) for sender node.
Figure 4.7 : Configuration for Sender Node
7. Figure 4.8 and Figure 4.9 show the configuration for Relay mode. The same step is repeated to the sender node configuration to configure relay and receiver node. However in function set, choose Zigbee Coordinator AT for relay and Zigbee End Device AT for receiver.
Figure 4.8 : Configuration for Relay Node
Figure 4.9: Configuration for Receiver Node 44
8. Figure 4.10 shows the connection of XBee to XBee shield .After the configuration of the Sender, Relay and Receiver XBee is completed. The XBee is connected to XBee Shield platform. Using XBee Shield, it allows XBee to communicate with Arduino Uno.
Figure 4.10: Plug in XBee into XBee Shield 9. Figure 4.11 shows the integration between XBee, XBee Shield and Arduino Uno. Then, plug in the XBee Shield with XBee into Arduino Uno. By using XBee Shield, it allows the user to conveniently program the Arduino Uno without removing the XBee. The users only need to switch the mode XBEE to USB and from RUN mode to PROG mode.
Figure 4.11: Integration Between XBee, XBee Shield and Arduino Uno 45
4.2 Software Implementation The software development is done via GUI system. The Arduino IDE is used to write the compiled code into Arduino microcontroller. The GUI system is convenient to be used because the USB port is commonly available and widely used on computer. This Arduino IDE offers reliable, high speed programming and free windows interface software. The following illustrates the procedure of setting the Arduino for experiment. 1. The Arduino board and USB cable are prepared beforehand. 2. The Arduino environment from Arduino Website is downloaded. Later the file is decompressing with the folder name preserved. Figure 4.12 illustrates the step.
Figure 4.12: Arduino IDE folder 3. The Arduino Microcontroller is connected. The Arduino Uno draw power from either the USB connection to computer or Adapter 5V. It also can be powered on using Power Bank by using USB cable. The green power LED should go on indicate the device has 46
sufficient power and able to be operated. Figure 4.13 show an Arduino Uno power up using USB cable.
Figure 4.13: Arduino Uno power up using USB Cable 4. The Arduino Uno driver is installed with windows7. The Arduino microcontroller remains connected until the driver installation is completed. 5. Figure 4.14 shows the Arduino IDE software.
Figure 4.14 : Arduino IDE interface
7. Figure 4.15 shows the Arduino IDE selection board. The entry in the tools > board menu that corresponds to the Arduino board used is selected.
Figure 4.15: Arduino IDE selection Board
9. Figure 4.16 shows serial port selection. The serial device of the Arduino board from tools – serial port menu is selected.
Figure 4.16: Arduino IDE selection Port
10. Figure 4.17 shows the code and the corresponding process of uploading to the board. To do this, button upload in the environment is pressed. After that, the rx and tx leads on the board is flashing. When the upload is successful, the message “done uploading” appears in the status bar. The source code into is uploaded sender and receiver Arduino Uno. The source code can be referred at Appendix B and C. The source code includes the Time Stamp code and Packet Size for Appendix B and Time Stamp in Appendix C.
Figure 4.17: Uploading Source Code into Arduino Uno
4.3 Network Diagram
Network diagram in Figure 4.18 indicates the network design for the project. It contains of the proportion of network devices in the PAN for Zigbee. The purposes of design the network to show the process of data are sending from sender to receiver.
Figure 4.18: Network Diagram
5.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses the impact of mobility on the performance of ZigBee mobile network. After the software and hardware implementation development, all the modules are integrated to each other. The system is then tested to ensure the system meet the requirements and achieves all the objectives. The Average End-to-End Delay, Total Packet and packet delivery ratio are the three measurement used to study the impact of mobility on the Performance of ZigBee mobile network using random waypoint mobility pattern.. The behavior of the node is also discussed to show its functionality and output. 5.2 Metrics
The metrics used to study the impact of mobility on the performance of ZigBee mobile network by using random mobility model pattern. To evaluate the performance, the metrics shown in the subsequent section are discussed 5.2.1 Average End-to-End Delay Average End-to-End Delay is an average time delay from source node to destination node. It counts all possible delays that can occur in the source mode and all intermediate nodes, including queuing time, packet transmission and propagation, and retransmission at the MAC layer. The queuing time can be caused by network congestion or unavailability of valid routes. Average end-end delay computation is shown by equation 5.1: Average End-to-End Delay = ∑ (Arrive time - Send time)
∑ Number of connection
5.2.2 Packet Delivery Ratio The ratio of the numb er of data pack ets suc cess full y delivered to all destination nodes and the number of data packets generated by all source nodes. Packet delivery ratio formula computation is shown by equation 5.2: Packet Delivery Ratio =∑ Number of packet receive
∑ Number of packet send
5.2.3 Throughput The throughput is amount of data received by destination. It metric measure how well the network can constantly provide data to the sink. Throughput formula computation is shown by equation 5.3: Throughput
= (received size / (stop time - start time)) * (8 / 1000)
5.3 ZigBee range experiment
This section discusses the radio ability of ZigBee transmitter to connect with ZigBee receiver. The 5.1 shows the result of ZigBee range Table 5.1 ZigBee range Range (Meter)
ZigBee Analysis
Meter 1 to meter 20
The ZigBee receive the data from sender accurately
Meter 21 to meter 40
The ZigBee receive the data from sender accurately
Meter 41 to meter 60
The ZigBee receive the data from sender accurately
Meter 61 to meter 80
There was a delay between the sender and receiver data
Meter 81 to 100
After 85 meter there was no data received at the receiver.
5.4 Testing connection between sender and receiver
1. Figure 5.1 shows two Arduino Uno interface, which allow the Sender and Receiver node to be monitored at the same time using one laptop.Com 5 represent Sender node and Com 8 represent Receiver node
Figure 5.1 Two Arduino Uno interface
2. After that, the Serial Monitor icon to monitor packet sent and received is pressed. Com 5 is the Sender node and Com 8 is the Receiver node. The packet that being sends forms the sender to receiver is the "ABCDEF". Figure 5.2 shows the packet from sender to receiver via XBee.
Figure 5.2 Packets from Sender to Receiver via XBee
3. To capture the packet lifetime, there are two method can be employed. If the user use window 7 operating system, user have to use the epoch time, than type T (epoch time)! On the other hand for Ubuntu operating system, use the command referred in Appendix D in the terminal. Figure 5.3 and 5.4 shows the captured timestamp
Figure 5.3 Real Time Stamp using Window 7
Figure 5.4 Real Time Stamp using Ubuntu 57
5.3 Random Waypoint mobility pattern
Figure 5.5 Random Waypoint Pattern From the ZigBee range experiment, it shows that a suitable network area size to implement the experiment is by using the dimension of by 70mX30m. In Figure 5.5, it shows a random waypoint pattern created randomly. The red line represents the receiver node path from point A to F and the blue line represent sender path from point A to F.
represent the relay for sender and the receiver node. The experiment are
conducted by using the network area size of 70mX30m to produce result for the study. The sender and receiver node are carried using motorcycle as the medium of transport to create an simulation movement for Random Waypoint pattern, while the relay are set as stationary.
5.5 Result
Based on experiment conducted, the measurement of Total Packet, Average End-to-End Delay, Packet Delivery Ratio and Throughput are collected. Each calculation of the performance metric can be referred in equation 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3.
Figure 5.6 Total Packet Graph In Figure 5.6, packets are substantially lost at 5km/h. On the other hand, the node speeds of 20km/h incur the lowest packet lost. The primary reason of packet lost at lower velocity i.e. 5km/h, is may be due to slow convergence of route reconnection. For instance, when nodes are moving at low speed and the sender and receiver separation distance are high, the route establishment process is severely affected. As shown in Figure 5.5, the sender and receiver are located at the two ends of the network area. As such, when the sender attempt to establish connection, it constantly fails. on the contrary, when the speed of node are increased, the nodes i.e. sender and receiver, may frequently be in proximity. Therefore, route establishment is more rapid. However, route breakage may also occur. Based on the experiment, it shown that at lower speed, route connection may be affected in Random Waypoint Mobility Pattern. The ideal speed for routing protocol i.e. AODV, to operate is within the velocity of 20km/h.
Figure 5.7 Packet Delivery Ratio Graph Figure 5.7 shows the Packet Delivery Ratio. It is the ratio of the number of packet delivered to the number of packet received by the destination node. In short, the greater packet delivery ratio, the better performance for the network. In the experiment, the velocities of 10km/h offer the highest packet delivery ratio for AODV. On the other hand, at 15km/h, the packet delivery ratio is the lowest. In addition, the packet delivery ratio result shows that at 15km/h, the performance is reduced to nearly haft. This may be due to the effect of external noise. Note that the experiment is conducted in an open space; however, external elements such as weather may affect the result.
Figure 5.8 Average End-to-End Delay Graph 60
Figure 5.8 shows the Average End-to-End Delay. It is the average time taken by a data packet to arrive at in the destination. It also includes the delay caused by route discovery process and the queue in data packet transmission. Only the packets that successfully delivered to destination that counts. A lower value of average end to end delay is ideal for application which requires low latency such as voice over IP phone
Figure 5.9 Throughput Graph Figure 5.9 shows the throughput. It refers to how much data can be transferred from one location to another in a given amount of time. It is typically used to measure the network connection performance. Based on the experiment, the at 10km/h, the throughput is the high set while at 15km/h the throughput is the lowest. It is observed that the result is consistent with Figure 5.7. The throughput is closely related to the packet delivery ratio and the nodes offer the lowest performance at 15km/h.
Table 5.2 shows the complete result from the experiment conducted. The raw data can be refer in Appendix D Table 5.2 Full Result Packet
Packet Delivery
Total Byte Receive
Total Packet
Packet Lost
Byte Lost
This chapter discusses about the project conclusion and recommendation. The conclusion is a complete summary of the whole project, and it also known as complete result of the project. From the project itself, a lot of challenges faced upon finishing the research study of this project. 6.2 CONCLUSION
The project shows the capability of ZigBee technology and the impact of mobility on the network performance. Although the project is completed it still need a lot of improvement. Analysis and observation were conducted to test the impact of mobility on the performance of ZigBee mobile network. To develop a reliable system in a real environment requires significant effort. There are many elements of the technology which has not been considered. Each can have influence on the performance of MANET. Arduino IDE is the software used to interface the entire component to microcontroller. In general, the system operated as expected even though there were many difficulties encountered throughout the project. As such the objectives of the project are successfully fulfilled. The same movement models, size of network area and number of nodes were used and the variable for the real life simulation parameter is the velocities of the node speed. By using random waypoint as the mobility model pattern and ZigBee and Arduino Uno as the network node, it is observed that the velocities of the node speed can affect the result of the experiment as can be seen in the result in chapter 5. From the experiment, it is shown that the packet varies lost if the velocities of the node speed are changed. One of