Diagram Diaries

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Descrição: Hack de Herois sobre o aclamado RPG Shotgun Diaries.

Good, free rpg fun.Full description

Foreword. This diary is half baked. It’s made up of fifty percent sincerity and fifty percent secrets, which were deleted during editing. This diary is half real, nothing here is fictitious…Full description

Es-pe-ta-cu-larFull description

technological research roleFull description

Tradução não oficial, adquiram o jogo original (em inglês) neste link http://flamesrising.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=64667

It is a project for the student of AADFull description

Material Teknik

baca sendiri!!!

Geologi StrukturFull description

Pressure Vessel Design: Bree Diagram