CNC PURE WATER JET CUTTING MACHINES Darren Cedrick S. Madlansacay 2011-45294 ME 136 WIJ
CNC Water Jet Cutting Machines comprises of technology that considers a
hydr hydraul aulic ic pump pump proc procuri uring ng regu regular lar tap water water or a mixtur mixture e of water water and and abra abrasiv sive e substance, and pressurizing it up from 30,000 to 100,000 psi. The water passes through a tiny opening containing a gemstone ( material that withstands the cutting pressure at the tip, constraining and concentrating the volume through the nozzle The diameter of the !ewel orifice ranges from 0.010 to 0.01" in. This concentrates the energy into the opening, creating velocity of up to #$0 %m&hr. 't is characterized into two ma!or types )brasive and *ure +ater!et utting. DIFFERENCE OF ABRASIE AND PURE WATERJET CUTTING!
Fi!re 1.+!re Wa%er Je% C!%%in, (e *e)elled n&le c(annels %(e)a%er %& 'r&d!ce a (i( 'ress!re e/i% $el&ci%y & %(e %(e *e%
Fi!re 2. "#rasi$e Je% C!%%in. C!%%in. "n addi%i&nal addi%i&nal se% !' %& %(e '!re )a%er *e% c!%%er s!''lyin a#rasi$e %& %(e (i( 'ress!red )a%er
+ater !et cutting is divided into two subcategories. )brasive!et is where an abrasive (esp. garnet, pyrite - olivine is coalesced with a water!et to accelerate the cutting process and uic%ly erode most materials. *ure water!et does not involve an abrasive, utilizing only the !et of water to graze. The latter starts out the same as a pure water!et but as the thin stream leaves the nozzle, a vacuum suc%s the abrasive which then mixes it with the water. CNC PWJ MU"TI#A$IS DIMENSION CUTTING!
/ *ure +ateret utting can occur in 1 2 continous water!et slitting and cutting, 4 2 cutting table where the cutting head moves along the 5 and 6 axes according the command given by the computer. The z axis ad!usts the height in generally non4flat surfaces. +e also have the 342 subgroup where in addition to the three ma!or axes ( 5, 6,7, a rotation axis is added. This gives way to cutting out complex geometries. +hat really stands out with this cutting process 8ne very special feature of the *+9 is its use in the modern " axis ( multiaxis machining. This is where computer aided manufacturing and computer aided design supports cutting in translation in 5,6,7. :asically, manufacturers primarily focusing on flat 42 surface can now produce 342 models li%e pipes and cylinders ( for abrasive!et cutting, than%s to the inherent properties and the low structural deformation in cutting by the water!et method.
Fi!re 3. CC Wa%er*e% ac(ine ca'a#le & 5 a/is diensi&n c!%%in
Fi!re 4. +!re Wa%er Je% C!%%in Mac(ine a% )&rk
*ure water !et cutting is said to be one of the versatile cutting processes as it caters to a number of parameters as it (1 ;emoves taper and induces only minimum stress in the sections you are removing. +ith this, brittle materials li%e ceramic and glass become conducive for the pure water!et cutting. ( 's a cost and time efficient cutting process that (3
aves the manufacturer a lot of material since nesting ( laying out cutting patterns is applicable. This significantly reduces the amount of scrap material produced during cutting. (" *recision is a %ey feature of a purewater!et cutter, adhering to diameters of less than 300 microns at a deviation of plus minus 1 micron while cutting at a rate of = cm per minute. 'ts most reliable use is due to the extremely fast set4up and programming of the design to be cut. ) machining head is controlled by a computer, following the specifications indicated in your drawing (thru )2 programming.
($ ?ixturing is relatively easy, !ust loading the drawing by means of a software, setting the depth and thic%ness of cut. @ery little material is also removed due to cutting. (A /o structural changes in the material including change in hardness (strain hardening (B ompletely environmentally friendly, as no pollutants are produced in the process (#
/ *ure +ater!et utting is limited to soft and non metallic materials materials li%e cloth, paper, foam, rubber and other brittle materials. This is due to the very low cutting forces brought about by the thin stream. This is not suitable for high production reuirements due to the very costly maintenance costs of the euipment. APP"ICATIONS!
*+ is able to produce many products in the mainstream mar%et. omponents for car interiors li%e carpets, mats, compartments and leather seat cushions are cut using this process. The textile industry also is ma!or user of this type of cutting process especially parting @C ( @inyl omposition Tiles. >ome of the material cutting appications of *+ include
Fi!re 5. Dia'ers &r inan%s a&n %(e earlies% 'r&d!c%s & %(e )a%er*e% %ec(n&l&y
Fi!re 6. F&a s%r!c%!res deri$ed r& #ase a%erial %(r&!( )a%er*e%
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