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Questionnaire for CLIL teachers English? I am not teaching CLIL at the 1. If you teach CLIL, how much time of your class is conducted in English? moment.
Less Less than than 10% 10%
betw betwee een n 15-3 15-30% 0%
betw betwee een n 40-5 40-50% 0%
more more than than 50% 50%
enumerate 3 the most important difficulties that you face: 2. If you teach CLIL please enumerate
3. What kind of support you feel you should get as a CLIL teacher by your employer / school?
4. How much do you agree with the following statements: Strongly agree
A.CLIL teacher’s prof professional essional development development is a Do-It-Yourself activity B.Being a CLIL teacher is an attractive option in terms of prestige
C.Effective C.Effect ive language learning is a real benefit provided by CLIL classroom
D.Students are more motivated in CLIL classroom because of English lg learning
E. CLIL is equally effective as non-CLIL classes when it comes to content learning
Strongly disagree
5. Could you rate the areas for the development of CLIL teacher competence in terms of your own
competences: Very confident
Confident to some extent
More training would be useful
1. Identifying learner needs
2. Choosing student-centred approach in the classroom
3. Multimodal approaches to learning because of learner differences
4. Planning forms of interaction to stimulate cognitive & linguistic skills
5. A focus on the specific aspects of subject literacies
6. Learners’ evaluation and assessment for learning
7. Cooperating with other subject and language specialists 8. Concentrating on cultural issues
100% training needed
6. Do you agree that English (as a language of instruction) distorts original ideas you could better convey in
Spanish? Yes.
7. If yes, to what extent is English a distorting mirror? What is gained, what is lost? Could you comment on that?
First of all I would like to comment that it depends a lot on the teacher’s ability to transmit knowledge, included his/her competence and language skills in English. Sometimes Spanish teachers of CLIL regret about the poor English language competence of the students, but the English language competence of the teachers is not as good as it should be either, so lessons are not fluent enough for the students to keep attention properly. I think English is a very economic language comparing to Spanish, so it is possible to express the same ideas using less words. The information is presented in a more compact way, so no native students need to be prepared to decode differently. The way English language uses nouns as adjectives, just putting one noun after another instead of using prepositions as Spanish does, requires extra mental work at the beginning. Cultural factors are also involved. English speakers tend to use more polite words than Spanish speakers at the standard language and the vocabulary native English speakers cover at a standard level is richer that the one native Spanish speakers at the same level do.