Tomb of Annihilation Dungeons and DragonsDescripción completa
Tomb of Annihilation Dungeons and Dragons
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Tomb of Annihilation Dungeons and DragonsFull description
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Tomb of Annihilation Dungeons and Dragons
Tomb of Annihilation Dungeons and DragonsFull description
Tomb of Annihilation Dungeons and Dragons
Tomb of Annihilation Dungeons and DragonsDescrição completa
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I have done my best to help you prepare to run Tomb Tomb of Annihilation. I went through the book and looked up page numbers, effects, and all the weird little things things that are easy to forget. This pdf is an extension of my blog: Power core !P" I am running Tomb of Annihilation on #outube. #outube. #ou can check it out here. here.
In a week or two, I$ll be releasing the Tomb of An% nihilation &ompanion, which will have an alter% a lter% nate dinosaur racing system, '( days of travel completely set up for you, magic item stats for the relics, and a bunch of other o ther things. Thanks for checking this out)
Cr e di t s *ritten *ritten by: ean +c"overn &over by: owy Anderson
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I have done my best to help you prepare to run Tomb Tomb of Annihilation. I went through the book and looked up page numbers, effects, and all the weird little things things that are easy to forget. This pdf is an extension of my blog: Power core !P" I am running Tomb of Annihilation on #outube. #outube. #ou can check it out here. here.
In a week or two, I$ll be releasing the Tomb of An% nihilation &ompanion, which will have an alter% a lter% nate dinosaur racing system, '( days of travel completely set up for you, magic item stats for the relics, and a bunch of other o ther things. Thanks for checking this out)
Cr e di t s *ritten *ritten by: ean +c"overn &over by: owy Anderson
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Howt oRunTombofAnni hi l a t i on In this article, I am going to try to help -+s figure out how to take all of the things in Tomb Tomb of Annihilation and actually line it up and turn it into a fun campaign.
I fYouAr eaNe wDM This book might feel a little bewildering when you first look at it. ome sections are a sort of toolkit for you to use or not use. #ou decide what happens when, and there is no wrong way to do it. The authors of this book ex% pect you to change things and make it your own. Please remember that you will make mistakes. *e *e all do) -on/t be too hard on yourself if things go wonky, 0ust make little ad0ustments and roll with whatever is happen% ing. 1o matter how long you/ve been running games, you/ll make mistakes every single session, so it/s no big deal. There/s simply too many things you have to do at once to be a perfect -+. There is no such thing as a perfect -+) All you can do is perfect your style. The most important thing is to make it fun. 2un for you, and for the players. #ou/re #ou/re not the enemy of the players. #ou/re a referee. -on/t fall into the trap of getting re% venge on the group for ruining or circumventing one of your encounters. The bottom line is that you can kill the characters any time you want. #ou can 0ust say, #ou have a heart attack and die. That/s not your role, though. Think of yourself as the director and the audience. The characters are the stars of your movie. #ou #ou and the play% ers write the script.
ThePl ot 3ere/s the basic story: •
The heroes want to end the death curse. They learn that the source of the curse is in the lost city of 4mu.
They search the 0ungle for the lost city. city.
They find the lost city. city.
They go through the Tomb of the 1ine "ods. The source of the death curse, the oulmonger, is at the bottom.
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Howt oSt a r t 4ne of the trickiest things in the whole boo k is figuring out how to involve the characters. The de% fault option in the book is to use yndra ilvane, a friend of the heroes. he/s got the death curse and wants the adventurers to find the cure before it is too late. The problem with this is that the players don/t know this 1P& at all. It/s a little weird to hinge ev% erything on some random rando m person. #ou #ou could tie her into the group/s backstory, but she might not fit what the player had in mind. 3ere are some ways to tie in the death curse: Relative is Dying : A hero/s father5mother has the death curse. Kingdom in Peril : The king has the death curse, and the next in line to the throne is a real scoundrel5idiot. Hags: A character has a link to one of the sewn sisters 6the hags on page 78(9. +aybe one of the hags has done something terrible and the hero wants revenge. The Atropal : #ou #ou could do something with the atropal, 0ust be careful % you don/t want to spoil it) It/s such a weird, shocking creature that I think you should keep it mysterious until the heroes get to area in the dungeon. +aybe the character was part of an organi;ation dedicated to ke eping the atropal locked away. away. Then Acererak showed up and freed it5stole it, killing the guardians. The hero survived, and is determined to make things right. The Evil Patron : *hat might be really cool is for a warlock who is unaware that the atropal is their patron) It is calling the warlock to it so that when it rises as a god, the warlock can serve it and explain the mortal world to it. Item Quest: A hero hero might want to go to the tomb 0ust to retrieve an item, either a story item 6pg 78<9 or a magic item 6pg =(>9. Other Heroes : Also, you might want to tie a character to the &ompany of the #ellow #ellow ?anner. They are heroes who went to 4mu a while back and haven/t been heard from. They died in the tomb. I wrote up the group in my guide.
Wha ti st hedea lwi t hAr t usCi mb e r? #ou might notice that Artus &imber and his ring of win% ter are here, but he has no real relevance to the plot. Ar% tus is in the 0ungle waiting for the city of o f +e;ro to return from another plane % his girlfriend is there. #ou can do d o whatever you want with Artus, 0ust keep in mind that the ring is really, really powerful 6pg =(9 and might unbalance things.
Por tNy anza r u o now, how do you start this thing@ The group gets to Port 1yan;aru, and then what@ I would say you/ll want to do a few things, here: •
Adventure: A combat5encounter, combat5encounter, to spice up the exposition. -inosaur !ace: In my opinion, this is one of the best things in the book. 1P&: +eeting a guide and preparing for the exposition.
3ere/s an example of how you could do this. 1. e!re on a "oat: -oes the group know each other@ If not and they/re arriving by boat, you could say that they all happen to be on the same boat. #ou #ou could use the ?ra;en Pegasus, described in the harbor ward section on page =7. #. Pirates$ Their boat is attacked by pirates 6pick from the three ships on pg >9. The pirates board and while the other passengers flee, the adventurers can do their thing, beat up the bad guys and show off their abilities.
#ou can have h ave Aremag the dragon turtle 6pg =9 pop up and demolish the pirates. That/s his 0ob, to defend Port 1yan;aru from pirates. %. Arrival: The ship arrives at Port 1yan;aru, and Bindar 6pg ='89 lands on the ship. 3e learns of what happened and is impressed with the group. +aybe he gives them a document and tells them to go meet a merchant prince 6whichever one you think is cool9.
It might be a good idea to use essamine 6pg =>9. he has the death curse and by using her, you will reinforce that this curse is a big deal and that there isn/t a lot of time.
ing will give them a nice sum of o f gold to fund their expedition. ). 'eet and Pi(* a +uide : The group can stay at the Thundering Ci;ard or Daya/s 3ouse of !epose 6both described in red ba;aar on page p age ='9. #ou #ou could have them be approached by a few of the guides that you think would be fun to use. They can hire whoever they want 6or none at all9. ,. Dinosaur Ra(e : The next day, they have the race.
After the race, one dinosaur goes on a rampage. The group saves "randfather Bitembe 6pg =79 =7 9 from the angry beast, and he is very grateful. *hen he learns of what the heroes want to do, he/ll use his magic to tell them the stuff on page =7. That gives them a pretty solid idea of where to go. -. Euip and Prepare : The group can stock up on eEuipment 6special items on pg '7 and '=9. The guide can help them, and make sure they get insect repellent and rain catchers.
TheJ ungl e 4D) This is the most wide open part of the adv en% ture. The heroes wander the 0ungle in search of 4mu. The book says you should roll random en% counters, but I think you will find that doing so slows the game to a crawl and leads to you run% ning encounters you either don/t like or aren/t fa% miliar with. I suggest that you plan out travel days, generic ones that are not tied to a certain location that can be used in any part of the 0ungle. #ou #ou should go through these sections and pick out all of the things you want to use: •
Dis(overies : pg =(F
Diseases : pg (
En(ounters : pg 7<
/reatures: pg =(< -on/t forget to work in the plants, like the tri%flower frond, the assassin vine, etc.
&. 'er(hant Prin(e : *hen they meet the merchant prince, the prince rewards them for fending off the pi% rates and sees potential in them. The prince asks them to ride the prince/s dinosaurs in the next dinosaur race. *in%
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Pl anni ngTheJ ourne y Cet/s make a bunch of travel days. These can be used when the group travels to a hex that doesn/t have any% thing special on it. All I/m doing is taking my favorite creatures, encounters and spreading them out. I made up a bunch of details to give it variety. ome groups are fine with having straight combats with monsters every day on an open field, but most people like it when there are all sorts of situations that can lead to cool moments.
they could lure the brontosaurus herd here by en% ticing them with the wildroot. The brontosauruses would trample all of the ;ombies. &: Towards the end of the day, the adventurers find a hidden waterfall and lake, a perfect place to camp. There could be a cave behind the waterfall if you want. &olorful, friendly parrots are in the trees and are Euite amused by the heroes. The point of this is to show the group that not every% thing in the 0ungle is out to kill them, and that &hult is a special place worth saving. Day %
+ake sure not to make all of the encounters negative) 3ave good things happen, too. It/s more fun that way, and the group won/t feel like everything and everyone is out to get them.
+agic 2ruit: *hile foraging, the group finds some fruit that has 0uice in it 6dancing monkey fruit, pg =(F9. If you want, after someone begins dancing, a pterafolk or two swoop down and attack.
Day 1
Gmpty &: The group finds an abandoned camp with supplies 6treasure cache, pg 7<>9. Place evi% dence that they were abducted5slain by pterafolk or goblins, depending how near the group is to #ellyark or 2irefinger.
The "uide: The guide will tell the group a few things: •
Gntering a goblin village is very dangerous, be% cause legend has it that the villages can actu% ally soar through the air like a meteor. The dinosaurs aren/t good or evil. They are the children of Hbtao and should be respected. The guide has heard of ryath roots and can identify them on sight. These roots make you strong) The more you eat, the better) They/re Euite rare and very useful 6the guide is a bit misinformed. ee pg =(F9
-ee; *ukka 1uts: Cater in the day, the group comes upon some wukka trees 6pg =(F9. A wukka nut falls from the tree and begins emitting ha;y light. The group could climb a tree to get more. A 0aculi is lurking up on the branches. 1ight: The group sets up camp. Gstablish that you will assume this is how they set up every night unless you hear differently. Day #
?rontosaurii: The heroes come upon a herd of bron% tosauruses drinking from a lake. They are harmless. A baby brontosaurus plays with the group. The heroes no% tice that the brontosauruses are devouring wildroot 6pg =(F9 until there/s none left. The group continues on, passing a lot more wildroot. They come upon a huge horde of ;ombies with blue tri% angles on their heads blocking their path. The ;ombies are eating a brontosaurus corpse. If the group thinks of it, Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
1ight: That night, ;ombies wander into the camp and try to eat sleeping heroes. Day &
2ood: 2oraging isn/t going so well. The onl y edi% ble stuff they can find is bananas that taste like black licorice. They spot a few Al +ira0 6pg =779 nearby, who are oblivious to the forager/s pres% ence. *ill the group kill and eat these defenseless unicorn bunnies@ !ing of *inter: The heroes notice melting icicles on a number of trees, which is obviously very strange. They are attacked by goblins or pterafolk, and Artus &imber and -ragonbait show up to help the group. Those icicles are from the ring of win % ter. Hbtao !uins: The group comes upon the ruins of a shrine to Hbtao. Euite a few #ahcha 6harmless bee% tles, pg =(F9 are here. Tracing the ma;e%rune on a wall reveals a secret underground chamber, a won% drous and safe place to rest) Day )
Treasure in a -inosaur: The adventurers spot a few ;ombies lingering around a dead and decaying t. rex. Through a hole in its stomach, the group can see the inert corpse of an adventurer with gleam% ing armor and perhaps a magic item 6a treasure A GUIDE TO TOM O! ANNI"I#ATION
drop, pg 7<9. If the group decides to go get the stuff, they/ll need to climb into the t.rex to get it. If a hero climbs inside it, the t.rex gets up) It/s a tyrannosaurus ;ombie 6pg =79) 3ave an Ice -ay: 2rost giants are searching for Artus &imber 6frost giants pg =((9. Their winter wolf sniffs the group out. The giants ask the group if they/ve seen Artus &imber. They warn the group that the ring of win% ter is evil and will corrupt anyone who wears it. The gi% ants say that they want it because they alone can handle it. This is meant to make the heroes wary of Artus. &an he be trusted@ hould they take the ring from him@ Day ,
Cet/s ?ee 2riends: The heroes come upon a person, who is alive, tied to a post and covered in honey. "oblins did this to him) The group must decide whether or no t to free this person. The person can explain that the goblins are having trouble with ;ombie attacks, and that he thought it was a good time to partake in a little thievery. In &hult, illage Invade #ou: Cater in the day, what looks to be a huge green meteor appears in the sky. It/s heading right for the group) The goblins had to catapult their village and as fate would have it, it/s about to land right on top of the group. &hwinga: Cate in the day, the group comes upon a gleaming section of forest with weird shimmering rocks. A chwinga lives in a central rock 6pg =7>9. It will spy on the group and listen to their conversation. That night, a band of ;ombies are on their way. The chwinga will warn the group. 4nce the ;ombie situation is dealt with, the chwinga will reward the bravest of the heroes with a su% pernatural charm 6-+" pg ==89. +aybe the charm of animal summoning or the charm of restoration 6which would be really handy for a group without a healer%type9.
-ay 8 -ead "uy: The group spots a dead explorer up on a precarious spot, perhaps up in a tree where a ;orbo lurks@ The explorer has some good loot 6pg 7<9 and a useful 0ournal. ?erry "ood 2or #ou: The heroes spot some sinda berry bushes 6pg =(F9. A stegosaurus shows up. It likes to eat these. If the group plays it cool, the stegosaurus will share the sinda berries with them. 1ight: 4ne of the sewn sisters 6pg 78(9 tries to steal a lock of hair. Day 0
Tri, Tri Again: The group comes upon a triceratops trying to fend off a bunch of ;ombies. If the group helps it, it will travel with the group for a da y or two, and can be used as a beast of burden. *ater #ou *aiting 2or: It is incredibly dry all day. 1o rain at all) They do come upon clear water at the end of the day 6they risk getting throat leeches) pg (9 1ight: Bombies attack. A sewn sister is in the ethe% real plane, watching. If blood is spilled, she mate% riali;es and carefully collects blood from the ground. -ay 7( It/s #our Time to hrine: The heroes come upon a shrine of Hbtao guarded by a wereboar. 1ight: The group is probably really wary of the hags, now. A sewn sister will actually try to attack and subdue 6not kill9 whoever is on watch, and then steal more hair or blood.
Runni ngt heJ ourne y
The &hase: It/s Euite rainy and windy. It is loud enough that it is hard to hear at certain times. A band of ;ombies pop up out of the ground 6or whatever9 and attack. 7 round later, Artus &imber and -ragonbait come running. To help@ 1o) They keep running and tell the group to forget the ;ombies. 3e/s being chased by the tyran% nosaurus ;ombie 6if they killed it on day F, then this could be a living t. rex9.
1ow that we have created a bunch of cool things to happen on the 0ourney, we need to figure out how to handle all of the weird little rules on page '8. #ou have to try and make sure that it doesn/t slow the game down and bore everybody to death. To avoid that, you 0ust need to be a little orga% ni;ed.
That/s ust "rape: It stops raining. Toward the end of the day, the group comes upon a hot spring. 1ature/s 0acu;i) And look, there$s a plant the is full of wild grapes) It/s an assassin vine 6pg =7'9. Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
At the start of each day: 7. Players Pick a 3ex: Hse the map on page ='. =. 1avigate: 4ne character is the navigator. They must make a survival check. The -& is either a 7( 6&oast5Cake9 or a 7F A GUIDE TO TOM O! ANNI"I#ATION
60ungle5mountain5river5swamp5wasteland9. 2ail: The party is lost. They end up in one of the > hexes around them. #ou might want to roll their navigation checks for them in secret. If a player rolls a F, they know that they failed. Their character don/t know that) ?y keeping the rolls a secret, you don/t have to worry about metagaming. '. 2orage: As the heroes travel, they can forage for food. They roll a survival check, -& 7( 6the 0ungle is abundant with food9. uccess: The forager finds d> J their *isdom modifier in pounds of food. !epeat the roll for gallons of water. . Gncounters: !un any encounters that happen through% out the day. If there aren/t any, 0ust say to them: #ou make your way through the 0ungle without incident. "ive them a chance to do anything they want on that day. Players come up with the weirdest things. F. Travel Time: "enerally, the group will travel 7 hex per day. •
Travel via &anoe: = hexes per day.
*alk at a !egular Pace: 7 hex per day.
3ustle: !oll a d. !esult of ' or means they travel = hexes per day. %F to perception checks. 2lying: &heck out tracking miles on pg '8. A character with a fly speed of '( can travel miles per hour.
>. &: Gach night, the group makes camp. They should set up their raincatchers. The first night they make camp, you should have them describe the set%up and if5how they keep watch. Tell them you will assume that this is how they set up camp every night unless they tell you differently. That way, there won/t be any retroactive I was sleeping in a tree kind of stuff if the group gets ambushed at night. . *ater: The water situation is a bit complicated. A wa% terskin holds pints 6aka half a gallon9. Gach character needs = gallons a day) o each character might want waterskins, or maybe barrels full of water 6which then re% Euires a beast of burden9. They can rely on the raincatch% ers and drink from them, but if it doesn/t rain, they are in trouble. tuff to Dnow: •
-ehydration rules are on page '8. !iver water is not fit for drinking unless boiled.
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If a character doesn/t drink = gallons of water in a day, they must make a -& 7F con save or suffer 7 lvl of exhaustion 6P3 pg =<79. Those in medium or heavy armor make this check at disadvantage.
&heck out -+" page 777 for food and water rules. Gach beast of burden is going to reEuire probably pounds of food and gallons of water)
Us i ngt heL o c a t i ons The group will probably end up at a number of lo% cations listed in chapter = 6pg '9. #ou can have them wander freely or you can direct them to places you want to run. ?ottom line, they can do whatever they want, but if you point them towards the coolest places, that makes your life easier and makes the game more fun because you/re not scrambling for material. I picked the places I liked best and linked them to each other. 3ere/s a way for the group to get from Port 1yan;aru to 4mu: 7. The group is in Port 1y;an;aru. An 1P& tells them about the home of the bird people, and how they are friendly and can help the group. They might even be able to fly the group to 4mu) The group is given directions to their home of Dir abal. =. If the group decides to try to find Dir abal, they travel south, possibly crossing river Tiryki, or canoeing down it. '. ome pterafolk attack the group. An aarakocra swoops down from the sky to aid the group. 3e is friendly and his name is 1ephyr. 3e/ll chat for a bit then fly off, and 6unbeknownst to the heroes9 he is captured by the pterafolk. . The pterafolk from firefinger attack the group again. Cater, the heroes meet a sickly person who claims that he and his friend had been abducted by the pterafolk. 3e mentions that an aarakocra 61e% phyr9 flew down to help them, but was subdued by the pterafolk and taken away. F. The group goes to 2irefinger and frees 1ephyr. 1ephyr can give them exact directions to Dir a% bal. >. 2ollowing his directions, the heroes cross Ataa; +uhahaha.
. They might spot the wreck of the 1arwhal if you want to use that. They might come upon 1eedle/s bones if you want to use that. 8. They arrive at Dir abal. They meet Princess +wax% anare, and learn that the aarakocra can cast a ritual to give the heroes the power to fly) A special component is needed for the flight ritual to work. It is the black orchid 6pg <9 found in the ruins of 1angalore. <. The adventurers go to 1angalore and get the orchid. 7(. The group returns to Dir abal and are granted the power of flight. They have a fly speed of '(, and the flight power lasts for ' days. ee Tracking +iles on page '8. A character with a flying speed of '( feet can travel miles per hour. If the heroes want to push on past 8 hours, use the forced march rules on P3 pg 787. They/ll need to make a &on save or gain a level of exhaustion 6P3 pg =<79 The group can fly closer to 4mu, but the magic will likely run out long before they get there and they/ll have a number of days of wandering the 0ungle, which is thick with undead. According to the book 6pg <79, The city is notoriously hard to find and it lies in a basin hidden in the depths of the rainforest. 77. In 4mu, I don/t like the yuan%ti dungeon and the grung and etc. I am going to simplify it so that the yuan% ti are in the city, as is the dinosaur and the tabaxi hunters. The hunters could tell the group about the shrines. 7=. Then the group must get the < pu;;le cubes while dealing with yuan%ti ambushes and sudden rampages. 7'. !as 1si has the last pu;;le cube. 7. The group uses the pu;;le cubes to enter the Tomb of the 1ine "ods, and boom that/s the rest of the adventure. That/s it) 1ot so bad, right@ #ou are a rare breed. +ost people don/t want to be a -+) A lot of the 0oy of -+ing is in reading an encounter and wondering what the group will do. It/s so hard to guess) 2reEuently, what they do is really clever and hilarious.
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I'm going to start off by listing groups of NPCs in clumps. I'll try to put all of their info right here.
Li s tofNPCGui des •
(pg 33) Guides must register and serve the merchant prince obal. !hose "ho don't are #beaten$ blinded$ or be% headed.#
;esistant to poison dmg.
?ar0vision B ft.
/he hides her lycanthropy as best she can. -ill guide group for free if they'll retrieve an item from firefinger (page &). It's a mas0 of the beast (page 1). 2fraid of heights. -o". /he's a couatl polymorphed into the form of a Chultan "oman
6e "ants to go 0ill the dragon at -yrm% heart ine (pg A&).
6e" had his arm bit off by a red dragon named !inder.
Page ** has #handouts# that e+plain "hat each guide can offer.
(pg 34) Faroul and Gondolo , 6uman and halfling scouts ( pg 3*7) •
@erser0er ( pg 3**)
(pg 34) Eku, Couatl ( pg *3) •
Guides charge & gp per day$ 3 day up front (& gp).
(pg 33) Azaka Stormfang , -eretiger ( pg ) •
(pg 34) !e" !a#kinstone , ?"arf
!hey communicate through uni>ue sign language. Da"asha hates the undead and is a ch"inga magnet.
(pg 35) Salida , Euan%ti pureblood (page 3) •
Poses as a human guide.
/ecretly "or0s for ;as Nsi.
/he communicates "ith ;as via a send% ing stone. Good liar$ an insult artist.
(pg 35) S%ago , Gladiator ( pg 3*B) •
/on of merchant prince 8hanthi. -or0s at 9ort @eluarian$ in league "ith 9laming 9ist. -ants to be proactive about the undead threat. 6opes to move up the ran0s by impress% ing Fiara Porter.
Pi r a t eCa p t a i ns (pg *) Elok +a%ar"on , -ereboar$ captain of the ?ragon 9ang.
;ecently thre" 8illa 2ta=i overboard for insubordina% tion. !hey don't 0no" that she is alive and imprisoned by the yuan%ti (area A$ pg A).
(pg -5) fan al6roa , @easts •
2 noble ( pg 3*A).
/ells animals (list on page B).
!rusts no one$ has no family.
ealous of -a0anga and 50ene%2fa.
(pg *) ,askilar , 6uman$ captain of the /tirge (pg -.) /rtima0 , 9emale gnome$ captain of the @ra=en Pegasus. •
(info from pg %) Eou can find this ship in the harbor "ard (pg ). Eou can boo0 passage for gp:day (for the "hole group). Co%Captain ?ar0, gnome bandit captain ( pg 3**)$ clever and calm. st mate Greg ;uddell, male human veteran ( pg 3&)$ big guy "ith a heavy greyish beard. Cre", B sailors a0a bandits ( pg 3*3)
(pg *) 1aroum Al2ar0ak , 6uman$ captain of the 5mer% ald 5ye
!he 1 richest people in the city.
5ach has an e>ual vote in matters of the state.
!hey conduct business at Goldenthrone (page ). 5ach has a monopoly on the sale of certain items in the city.
/he is a famous former gladiator (see #Grand Coliseum# on pg ).
2 gladiator ( pg 3*B).
6er husband is ura$ a painter.
/he has t"o t"in sons$ /ohen (city guard) and !iry0 (dinosaur racer). /he sells some magic shields and "eapons (list on pg &). Hilla, 6as "eapon:shields:painting on display. Fots of caged parrots.
4nly sells flying sna0es to the 8hen% tarim. Hilla, ;elics on display. 9lying sna0es ( pg 3) flying around.
2ssassin ( pg 3*3). /ells all poisons in the ?G (?G pg &1).
6as the death curse.
Duiet$ usually casts the deciding vote.
6as a monopoly on sanctions % legal murder. Hilla, Fots of sna0e decorations:carv% ings.
(pg -) +o&al , Guides and mercenaries. •
/cout ( pg 3*7).
In charge of the guides (listed on pg 33).
Chief spy:consort is 2a=on !alieri (/py pg 3*7). -ants /yndra /ilvane's map real bad. Hilla, ounted heads of beasts on dis% play.
/ecretly informs the yuan%ti "hen ad% venturers are heading their "ay.
Consorts include I+is (succubus pg A&) and Indar (incubus pg A&) ?espises 8hanthi.
5mploys traders "ho sell te< and insect repel% lent (pg 3). Hilla, /trong smell of perfume. @ra=iers al% "ays burning.
(pg -*) Wakanga /6tamu , agic and lore •
age ( pg 3*1).
9riend of /yndra /ilvane.
/ecret ally of the 6arpers.
/ells potions and scrolls.
!he company captured an intelligent li=ard and used it as trap bait in the tomb. It survived and is hanging out on a green devil face in area *B on pg &A. !here "as a doppleganger (@iff Fong% steel) in their midst.
6as a
!hey got split up fighting a four%armed gargoyle. !he embers of the Company,
If the group gives -a0anga Horn's amulet$ he "ill give them a spellboo0 "ith & random spells in it.
,ord 7ri8ton , night. 6as a magic s"ord that lets you spea0 ?raconic. ?ied "hen he "as trapped in area &A$ pg B7.
Hilla, /oft music plays throughout. 9lying s"ords ( pg ) and rugs of smothering ( pg ).
7ravus 7oulder&orn , ?"arf cleric of oradin. -ears a turban and chain mail. 6as a shield. ?estroyed by a locust trap after stepping on a pressure plate (pg &).
(pg -*) 1%ant%i , Gems$
;as Nsi caught them$ stripped them of their "eapons$ and thre" them in the tomb.
Noble ( pg 3*A). /ecret member of the Etep0a /ociety. 6er son is /hago$ "ho is at 9ort @eluarian. 6e send her reports on "hat is happening there. no"s about Fiara Porter's deal "ith the pi% rates. /he has 8indar loo0ing for people to ta0e care of it. Hilla, /uits of gold%plated armor. @e
Comp a nyoft heYe l l owBa nne r !his is an adventuring group that "ent to the tomb "ithin the last month or t"o. !hey might be useful for character bac0story purposes. !hey have a lantern inhabited by a spirit named the /tar% fallen$ "as a moon elf "arloc0 that "as 0illed $ year ago by a fomorian. 6er spirit has been inhabiting the lantern ever since.
Se"ard, 6uman ranger (pg **%*&) turned into a tomb d"arf. 6e has a ghost lantern contain% ing a spirit named the /tarfallen. Sep%irius , ?ragonborn paladin of @ahamut. People call him #/eph#. 6e has a y0l"a$ and an ivory bac0scratcher. 6e died in the rotating cra"l% "ays (area 3$ pg *A). 9evlin 7as%ir , 2 "i=ard cursed to loo0 li0e a half%goat. illed by tomb d"arves (area 7$ roo m 37). 6e "rote
OmuRoy a l t y 9e" are a"are of the 4mu royal line. •
!he company is trying to bring her bac0 to life. 6ere is "hat "e 0no" about this group's
!hey made landfall at itcher's Inlet
9ollo"ed the ;iver 4lung to Fa0e Fuo
/earched for pu==le cubes in 4mu
6ad brushes "ith yuan%ti
?iscovered the true tomb entrance
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1alkore, Fur0ing in Nangalore (area A$ pg 17). :apaka (granddaughter of 8al0ore), in the sarcophagus on pg B&. -ore a blac0 go"n and a hornet mas0. ;rin#ess "a8anare (granddaughter of Napa0a), 6iding out at ir /abal (pg B7).
TheDe a t hCur s e •
-as activated days ago.
2nyone "ho has previously been brought bac0 from the dead begins to "aste a"ay. !heir hit point ma+ is reduced by $ and de% creases by every midnight. 4nce at hit points$ they die. !he soul of anyone "ho dies is trapped in the /oulmonger. 2n atropal eats the souls. 4nce it has enough$ it "ill become an evil god. !he spells revivify$ raise dead$ resurrection$ and true resurrection do not "or0. !he /oulmonger does not affect pre%e+isting ghosts and spirits. /pea0 "ith dead and other spells li0e it still "or0 normally. -hen a soul is trapped in the /oulmonger$ roll a d each day. 4n a roll of $ the soul is de% stroyed. /pells li0e commune and divination can deter% mine if a soul ha been destroyed yet. !he ? decides "hen the atropal has enough souls to become a guide. It could be months or years.
!he group is in @aldur's Gate. !heir friend$ /yndra /ilvane$ has the death curse. /he as0s the group to go to Chult to find the /oulmon% ger. /yndra "ill be dead in 17 days. !hat's ho" long the group has to get this done. !he /oulmonger is in the !omb of the Nine Gods$ "hich is located in 4mu. ;as Nsi and the yuan%ti are in 4mu$ trying to end the "orld. 2lso in 4mu are the tric0ster gods and their shrines. 5ach shrine holds a pu==le bo+ that is a 0ey to getting into the !omb of the Nine Gods. !he /oulmonger is feeding souls to an atropal. 4nce it has enough$ it "ill transform into an evil god.
2cerera0 "ill attac0 the heroes. !he tric0ster gods "ill aid the adventurers in their battle against him
Summar yandLe ve l i ngGui de •
Fiches can't trap souls in their phylacteries.
ThePl ot •
(level ) !he heroes e+plore Port Nyan% =aru. (levels %B) !hey e+plore the
!he boo0 says the group "ill be around th level at the end. !he tomb is very big. eatgrinder ode , If you "ant$ you can say that the /oulmonger ma0e it so that you only pass a death save on a roll of & instead of . f a <%ara#ter 9ies , !hey can't be raised. !he player needs to use a ne" character. W%at6s t%e 9eal Wit% Artus &tao= •
btao "as a god "ho lived among the people of Chult. !he constant "arring bet"een tribes eventually led to btao deserting them in disgust. !he Chultans have made peace in the years since$ but btao has not re% turned. ?inosaurs are revered as btao's sacred children.
If the heroes destroy the /oulmonger$ the death curse is ended.
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Cha p t e r1 : Por tNy a nz a r u -hen the group arrives$ /yndra /ilvermane "ill be stay% ing at -a0anga's place. !here are t"o places that the group can stay at, !he !hundering Fi=ard or aya's 6ouse of ;epose. En#ounters , It's easy to overloo0 page 73$ "hich has a bunch of fun encounters you can use in Port Nyan=aru. a0e sure to chec0 it out Side 'uests, 6ere's a super%short version of all this stuff, •
Collect a ?ebt, @eat up a gladiator Create a ?istraction, 5scort a spy to a
In 5ncounters in Port Nyan=aru$ there is a scenario "here a dude falls in and the group has to save him. 3$ Refuse ;it (pg -@) , People thro" their garbage in here. !here are otyughs ( pg *A) at the bottom.
In 5ncounters in Port Nyan=aru$ there's a scenario set here involving an otyugh that is tric0ing people into coming into the pit. er#%ants6 Ward (pg -@) , pper class area full of shops. 4$ Goldent%rone (pg -@) , Guarded by A gladiators ( pg 3*&). !he erchant Princes run Port Nyan=aru from this place. If you sho" up to meet "ith a prince$ there is a in B chance they are there. If they are$ you'll have to "ait d3 hours to meet them. 5$ er#%ant ;rin#e6s illa (pg -@) , !here are de% tails on each individual villa on pg 1. 6ere they are, •
6elp a ?yeing an, !he group has days to 0ill a certain dude. 6elp the Fords' 2lliance, If the group can ma0e an accurate map of the locations of t"o ruins$ they get a sailing ship. 6unt Pirates, !a0e out 3 pirate ships and cap% ture the captains. /ave an Innocent an, 6elp a guy survive a public fight "ith velociraptors "ithout being noticed by the cro"d. /ee0 -isdom at 4rolunga, !he group is mys% teriously directed to spea0 to a seer "ho lives south of bala.
TheLoca t i onsi nPortNy anz ar u
!he city is divided into sections$ some of "hich are out% side the city "alls. /ld
50ene%2fa, Fots of caged s>ua"0ing parrots. Paintings$ shields and "eapon hanging on the "alls. Ifan !alro'a, 9lying sna0es s"oop around freely. ?isplays of relics ob% tained from ruins. essamine, -alls and pillars painted "ith colorful serpents$ decorative ser% pent%themed fountains. obal, /il0 draperies$ mounted heads of beasts. "ayothe, ;ee0s of perfume. !here are bo"ls of fruit for you. 4il lamps and bra=iers are al"ays lit. -a0anga, Fit "ith continual flame spells. agic music plays throughout (easy listeningJ). ?oors are arcane loc0ed (P6 pg &. 9lying s"ords ( pg ) and rugs of smothering ( pg ) abound. 8hanthi, /tanding suit of gold%plated ar% mor$ be
$ Grand Souk (pg -@) , Eou can buy almost any% thing in the P6 here. No elephants. 6eavy armor is rare. Chec0 out page 3$ #@uying /pecial A GUIDE TO TOM O! ANNI"I#ATION
Items#. 6eavy armor costs 3+ the normal price. If the character ma0es a ?C & persuasion chec0$ it's +. 2r% mor prices are on P6 pg *&.
arket Ward, iddle class area "ith shops and tradesfol0.
(pages 3%3) /pecial Items,
*$ emple of Savras (pg -@) , /avras is a god of "i=ards:fortune tellers.
6ead Priest, Grandfather 8itembe (priest pg 3*A) -hen the group first meets 8itembe$ he is arguing "ith three members of the 8hentarim (assassins pg 3*3). 8itembe shoos them a"ay. 8itembe can use his magic to locate 4mu. ?$ emple of Gond (pg -.) , Popular among crafters. !here is a huge fountain here that has "ater
Canoe & gp
Insect ;epellent gp for doses
;ain Catcher gp
!e< (fermented honey) 2 mug costs * cp$ gallon cas0 is sp. El0"a (a type of spear that does dA dmg) gp
.?$ Red 7azaar (pg -3) , Eou can buy dinosaur meat ()$ vegetables$ fruit$ te< (fermented honey)$ insect repellent$ rain catchers$ etc.
.@$ +e"el arket , /ells
!he !hundering Fi=ard, & sp:night$ raucous clientele. Eou might "ant to have someone men% tion that a taba+i minstrel disappeared fairly re% cently. 6is name is Pottery /hard. 6e is a prisoner of the yuan%ti (pg A).
6arbor -ard, Eou can boo0 passage on the @ra=en Pega% sus for gp:day (for the "hole group).
aya's 6ouse of ;epose, gp:night$ nice place$ >uiet.
..$ Ro0al 9o#ks (pg --) , 5+clusively used by the rich and fabulous.
.B$ Fis% arket (pg -3) , Prices are higher in the morning.
.-$ Statue (pg --) , !his is Na N'buso$ an #ancient 0ing#. !he statue "as made & years ago and it is meant to im% press outsiders.
-@$ Grand
3. 6arbormaster's 4ffice (pg ), 4utside of this build% ing is a bulletin board that lists the available guides (see pg 33). 8indar is a half%gold dragon "ho "atches over the harbor. 6is stats are on page 37. *. Fighthouse (pg ), It can ma0e colored smo0e that can be seen from far a"ay. &. 9ort Nyan=aru (pg ), It has a chain that can bloc0 the harbor. It's got stuff, ballistas, @allista, B to hit$ B (3d) damage. It ta0es an action to load$ an action to aim$ and an action to fire. noble ( pg 3*A). * veterans ( pg 3&). * guards ( pg 3*1). B. -arehouse ?istrict (pg ), /hips are to"ed by di% nosaurs. 1. ?ry ?oc0 (pg ), /hips get repaired here. ?inosaurs pull ships out of the "ater. Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
-.$ !all of Gold (pg -3) , !emple to -au0een$ goddess of trade and "ealth. It is also a mauested. 2 masseuse costs d sp. alar6s %roat, @uildings on either side of a ravine$ connected by rope bridges. -4$ emple of 0mora (pg -4) , !his is "here the people of alar's !hroat flee to "hen =ombies at% tac0. ir0iki An#%orage , 6ome to animal trainers$ river fol0 and unsavory types. !his is "here most dinosaurs are trained.
-5$ 9inosaur ;ens , ?inosaurs trained for street racing are stabled here.
Vi l l a (pg -*) .$ Entr0"a0 , d* gladiators ( pg 3*B). (pg -?) 5$ Garden , 6as rare plants (see pg &). (pg -?) *$ Sauna , fire elemental ( pg &) (pg -?) ?$ 7at%, !hey hold meetings in the bath. Eou should probably s>uee=e that in if you can (bring a s>ueegee). (pg -B) .@$ ,i&rar0 , 9ull of mythical romance novels. Fet's "hip some up, •
?eath @etrayed, !he ;aven Dueen and Nerull story. !he @rimstone 2ngel, 9aridah and Forcan. 9rom the oathouse -ith Fove, ;ufus and @urne (from the Hillage of 6ommlet).
I$ /trahd, /trahd$ !atyana and /ergei.
2byssal Passions, Gra=='t and Igg"ilv.
Crustaceans of Fove, !he many suitors of @lipdoolpoolp. 6ell's 9ury, !he story of the love triangle be% t"een Glasya$ Fevistus$ and Naome (Glasya's mother). ?ar0 ?eeds, Folth and Corellon. Caged Eearning, /hemesh0a the arauder and 2'0in the 9riendly 9iend. I Fove Eou$ e, !he tale of one ettin's erotic a"a0ening.
?C & Investigation Chec0 reveals boo0s on Chultan lore$ "hich can be used to help direct players. .-$ aster Suite, !reasure chart is on ?G page 31. Eou might "ant to roll this ahead of time to 0eep thing moving.
If there's uires a ?C & thievery chec0 to open. .3$ Guard Room , d* gladiators ( pg 3*B).
( p g2 9 ) L a wsa ndPuni s hme nt s •
!he court is not corrupt
/lavery is fro"ned upon
urder is illegal$ but you can purchase a #sanction# for & gp that allo"s you to "hac0 someone.
( p g29) F a c t i ons 5merald 5nclave, !hey focus on handling the hordes of undead in the
( p g3 1 ) Thi ng st oDoi nPor t Ny a nz a r u 7u0ing a Spe#ial tem , Eou can get pretty much everything in the P6. 6eavy armor cost %3 times more than normal.
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7la#k arket, sing the blac0 mar0et in !iryi0i 2n% chorage or alar's !hroat re>uires as ?C & ?eception chec0. @lac0 ar0et prices are d* times more e+pen% sive •
(pg 3) Canoe & gp a+ speed of mph. /tats of a ro"boat (?G pg 7). (pg 3) Insect ;epellent gp for Fasts for A hours$ %foot radius. Hial of salve is g p$ lasts for * hours.
(pg 3) ;ain Catcher gp !arp and frame that can catch and hold up to A gallons of "ater. (pg 3) !e< sp for a gallon cas0 9ermented drin0 made from honey. "ayothe sells this stuff.
(pg 3) E0l"a gp 2 spear that does dA dam% age.
( p g3 2 ) Di nos a urRa c i ng 2 race day has three races, . ;ace for four%legged beasts$ mu==led. 2n0y% losaurs$ triceratopses and dimetrodons. . ;ace for t"o%legged beasts$ mu==led. ostly hadrosauruses and deinonychuses. 3. #nchained#, 2ll dinosaurs that run. No mu=% =les. !hese races are "here you are most li0ely to see young allosauruses and tyrannosauruses. ?inosaurs "ithin & feet can attac0 each other. 7etting •
Foo0 at the chart on page 3. 5ach di% nosaur has a different ?C. If you suc% ceed$ you gain its speed (the first num% ber) in points. /o$ for an allosaurus$ you need to roll a B. If you do$ you gain & points. 4nce you have 3$ you "in. Fashing Eour ?inosaur, If you #lash# or "hip your dinosaur$ you ma0e your ani% mal handling chec0 "ith advantage. If you succeed$ you use the second speed number. If you fail by & or more$ the di% nosaur goes berser0 and is out of the race. !he dinosaur must ma0e a ?C Con chec0. If it fails$ it is at half speed for the rest of the race.
W%ere6s /mu= Chec0 out the map on page 37. Port Nyan=aru is up near the top. 4mu is pretty much straight do"n near the southern coast$ ne+t to the Pea0s of 9lame.
;unning the ourney, 6ere's ho" it "or0s. . @ust out the player's he+ map on page *3. . Fet the group pic0 their path.
;anges from cp to & gp If you're not playing out the races$ roll on the chart on page 3. Fosers "ho don't pay up are trac0ed do"n by d* thugs or gladiators.
!he boo0 tal0s about heroes "ho don't race. I "ould guess most characters "ill "ant to ta0e part. It seems tric0y to effectively cut from the race to the heroes "atching the race. !he boo0 suggests letting those play% ers control NPC racers. 6ere's ho" dinosaur racing "or0s,
5ach round$ every rider ma0es an 2ni% mal 6andling chec0.
Chap t e r2: TheLandofChul t
3. 4ne character is the navigator. !hey must ma0e a survival chec0. !he ?C depends on "here you are. •
(pg 33) Ra#ing
No initiative rollsJ !here are still rounds$ though.
!his is abstract. !he first racer to get 3 feet (points) "ins. ;iders can't attac0 or be attac0ed.
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Coast:Fa0e is a ?C . ungle:mountain:river:s"amp:"asteland is a ?C &. 9ail, !he party is lost. !hey end up in one of the B he+es around them.
*. Generally$ the group "ill travel he+ per day. •
!ravel via Canoe, he+es per day.
-al0 at a ;egular Pace, he+ per day.
6ustle, ;oll a d*. ;esult of 3 or * means they travel he+es per day. %& to percep% tion chec0s and roll.
&. 2s the heroes travel$ they can forage. !hey ma0e a survival chec0$ ?C (the
dant "ith food). /uccess, !he forager finds dB their -isdom modifier in pounds of food. ;epeat the roll for gallons of "ater. (page 3?) 9e%0dration , !he group might need some rain catchers for this to be doable. •
/tarting on page 7& is a massive list of
;iver "ater is not fit for drin0ing unless boiled. If a character doesn't drin0 gallons of "ater$ ma0e a ?C & con save or suffer lvl of e+% haustion (P6 pg 7). !hose in medium or heavy armor ma0e this chec0 at disadvantage. Chec0 out ?G page for food and "ater. 5ach beast of burden is going to re>uire proba% bly * pounds of food and * gallons of "ater
!his re>uires a bit of boo0 0eeping$ but I thin0 you can 0eep it manageable. It seems li0e this is meant to be a significant part of the adventure.
( p g40) Di s e a s e s ad onke0 Fever , 2 blue mist rolls around the uare feet. Contact "ith it, ?C 3 Con save. 9ail, 2fter dB hours$ you get long term mad% ness (pg B$ lasts d+ hours). 4nce the madness is gone$ you save again. 9ail means you get long term mad% ness again. S%ivering Si#kness , Eou get this from insects. It 0ic0s in after the ne+t long rest. ?C Con save (adv on the roll if you have natural armor). 9ail, Eou regain only : nor% mal hit points "hen you spend a hit die$ and gain no hit points from a long rest. Eou also have disadvantage on s0ill chec0s and attac0 rolls. 2fter the ne+t long rest$ you can repeat the save. %roat ,ee#%es , /"eet fancy oses If you s"allo" tainted "ater$ ma0e a ?C Con save. 9ail, 2fter dB hours$ you gain lvl of e+haustion (P6 pg 7). 4n the ne+t long rest$ save again. 9ail means you gain another level of e+haustion. /uccess mean your e+haustion de% creases by level.
( p g40) RandomEnc ount e rs 4n the map$ a blac0 s0ull and bones symbol means an encounter "ith undead is li0ely. 2 red s0ull and cross% bones mean there's even more of a chance.
!he group finds an abandoned (J) camp "ith supplies. 2rtus Cimber sho"s up to help the he% roes "hen they're in danger or the group coming up a #"interscape# created by the ring of "inter (described on page 3). 9inding #!reasure drops#. 2 "ild boar runs to"ard the group. It is being chased by deinonychuses. 2 random chart of dead e+plorers !hat's on page 7A. I thin0 it "ould fun to find someone tied to a post covered in honey$ soon to be devoured by giant in% sects if the group doesn't help. 2 t. re+ fighting a horde of =ombies or ghouls. @atiri goblins attac0ing the group's camp at night. 4ne of the se"n sisters steals some hair from a PC at night. 2 statue of btao that can bless heroes "ho can solve the ma=e inscribed upon it. !ri%flo"er fronds try to infiltrate the group's camp.
!he group is attac0ed by a =ombie t. re+
2 "ereboar guarding a shrine to btao.
8orbos in "u00a trees.
( p g41 ) L oc a t i onsi nChul t Aldani 7asin , Named after lobsterfol0 (see page ). !hey hide in the la0es. -hen the s0y is clear$ you can see the 6eart of btao (page &A) floating from up to & miles a"ay. Ataaz a%akla, !he gorge of death !he "alls are lined "ith coral$ ma0ing a rainbo"%colored seascape. !here's s0eletons of dinosaurs and shar0s mi+ed in$ too. Ataaz u%a%a% , 2 bridge "here mon0eys hang out. !he bridge has ma=e designs lin0ed to btao. /ometimes the laughter of the mon0eys echo and sound li0e haughty$ gloating laughter. !his ma0es
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the mon0eys go silent. !here are three special things on this bridge$ a shrine$ a gap$ and hanging vines... (pg 4-) S%rine of >&tao , !his statue has gem eyes ("orthless gems). !he statue is an iron golem. !ouch it and you're in for a "orld of hurt. It "ill try to push you off of the bridge It has advantage on athletics chec0s to do so Iron Golem is on pg 1. It has 1 to athlet% ics chec0s !hat's a foot drop$ a0a dB damage. •
@ridge Gap, umping rules are on P6 pg A. Eou can
(pg 4-) Ataaz Ckl"azi , !his gorge is full of sharp stones. !he group might encounter, •
to a Chultan myth "here a crocodile tric0ed a dude into carrying him around for years. 2nyone carrying someone on their shoulders "on't trigger any trap in here. !hat's the hurdle here. I can see some players get% ting really frustrated "ith this$ because the #get on my shoulders# solution is very #outside the bo+# and unorthodo+. ust be a"are of that and drop a clue if you thin0 you have players "ho might sour the evening over this. •
* firene"t "arriors (volo's pg *) on giant striders (volo's page *3). !inder the red dragon ( pg 7A)
(pg 4-) 7a0 of <%ult , Eou have to pay 2remag$ the dragon turtle ( pg 7) to get by 2remag "on't say ho" much he "ants. ;oll dB+& gp. !hat's the mini% mum he'll ta0e.
6e might blo" steam at the group. ?C & /tr or ?e+ save. 9ail means you fall overboard "here d* reef shar0s ( pg 33B) are hanging out. (pg 43)
!his is a long$ trapped hall"ay "ith a ruined camp around it. onsters, •
Goblin ( pg BB)
Goblin @oss ( pg BB)
8ombie ( pg 3B)
/0eleton ( pg 1)
2llosaurus ( pg 17)
2+e bea0 ( pg 31)
Poisonous sna0e ( pg 33*)
$ !ouse of t%e an and
Ba. Concealed Pit !rap, ?etecting it is a ?C 3 Perception "ith disadvantage. !here's a &L chance each person trig% gers it. dB falling damage. Bb. @lade !rap, &L chance that * blades slice you, ?C 3 ?e+ save$ A (*dA) dmg. Eou can uares... "hile someone is on your shoulders If the group hasn't figured this out$ this might get real frus% trating for your players. !ouching the "rong s>uares, ?C 3 Con save. 9ail, 7 dmg$ pushed feet 4N!4 !65 !IF5/. /uccess, 6alf dmg$ not pushed.
Be. !reasury, !rapped /teps /teps 3$ $ 1$ and 3... step on one$ foot ra% dius ball of lightning ?C 3 ?e+ save. 9ail, damage /uccess, 6alf dmg. If you grab the
2lchemy ug (?G pg &), Eou can use this thing to mae A gallons of "ater per day !hat's a big deal out in the
(pg 4*)
Feader, Niles @rea0bone. Nice guy$ bad leader. Captain 4rd 9irebeard and Captain Perne /al% hana are in charge of A veterans and * guards. /ister Cyas leads the B acolytes. Forsa @il"atal and -ulf ;ygor lead & tribal "arriors.
!his scenario involves a stic0y predicament, If the group arrives by boat$ Commander @rea0bones "ants the group to bring 1 sic0 soldiers to Port Nyan% =aru. If the group sho"s up on foot$ he "ants the group to ta0e * guards and * tribal "arriors on an undead%hunting e+pedition that "ill ta0e t"o "ee0s. Getting out of this predicament re>uires the group be ing able to "in over 4rd and Perne. •
Noble ( pg 3*A)
Heteran ( pg 3&)
Guard ( pg 3*1)
2colyte ( pg 3*)
Priest ( pg 3*A)
!ribal -arrior ( pg 3&)
/cout ( pg 3*7)
Goat ( pg 33)
(pg 4B) 9ungrunglung , Grung stats are on page 3. !his is "here the grung live. Getting through the ma=e that surrounds the settlement could ta0e a session all on its o"n Eou need to ma0e B successful ?C & /urvival chec0 to get through. Eou might "ant to roll up about ma=e encounters chec0s in advance
4nce inside$ the group "ill li0ely become embroiled in some tric0ery$ teaming up "ith rr'oo0 to tric0 Groa0. Groa0 "ants to ma0e s"eet love to the tric0ster goddess$ Nangnang. !he group can use Nol=ur's pigments to tric0 him into ma0ing it happen. If things go south$ here$ the group "ill be facing * grungs and B grung elite "arriors Eou can al"ays have the grung capture rather than 0ill$ chuc0ing the heroes in the pit in area 1. !his might ma0e for a fun chase scene$ "ith the group trying to get out of the ma=e as the grung chase them. aybe.. "hen the group first gets near ?ungrunglung$ they see a huge herd of =ombies loitering some"here. !hat "ay$ if the group ends up being chased by a grung Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
horde$ they could lure their grung pursuers into the =ombie mob to facilitate their escape /tat /tuff, •
(pg 5-) Firefinger , !his place is home to or more pterafol0. 2scending the pinnacle involves navigating ladders and chimneys. !he group "ill need to pass through a cave "ith giant spiders$ a cave of stirges$ a pterafol0 lair and another pter% afol0 lair "here the leader$ Nra0$ lur0s.
Eou can do a lot of fun stuff as the group climbs outside$ especially if a member of the group has featherfall. !hat's 0ind of a license for you to go nuts$ 0no"ing they're 4 if they fall. •
Pterafol0 (pg 7)
Giant -olf /piders ( pg 33)
/tirges ( pg A*)
2ara0ocra ( pg )
Commune "ith Nature (PG pg *)
as0 of the @east (page 1) Fets you cast animal friendship (P6 pg ) 3+ per day.
(pg 54) Fort 7eluarian , !his is "here the 9lam% ing 9ist hangs out. !heir leader$ Fiara$ has a secret deal "ith the pirates. /he has spies in Port Nyan% =aru "ho find out "here merchant ships are going and then tell the pirates. Fiara gets a cut of the ta0e.
!he 9laming 9ist e+pect people to buy a charter from them % a document "hich #allo"s# people to e+plore Chult. If a 9ist patrol comes upon people e+ploring "ithout a charter$ they "ill attac0 them. 2 charter is & gp$ and you can hire up to B guards to come "ith you. Eou must pay the guards each gp per #tenday#.
!he bell at f. (pg &1) is rung every four hours to signal a change of shift. -hen used as an alarm$ it rings for 3 seconds straight. :;< ,ist •
Fiara Portyr (stats pg 1) % !he evil leader. Gruta 6alsdottir % /econd in command. /he does most of the day%to%day "or0.
orhie ?onadrue % Chief armorer.
/hilaue '"enya % Priest of 6elm.
!haeven the @ald % /tablemaster.
aro % 2 merchant "ho run the store (area A$ pg &B).
;ahl 8uberi % Chultan dinosaur trainer.
/igbeorn ?unebar % 6ead coo0.
stroy it. /he probably "on't try to 0ill the heroes and might "or0 "ith them. •
Fich ( pg )
/"arm of bats ( pg 331)
8ombie ( pg 3B)
Girallon 8ombie ( pg *)
2rcane Gate (P6 pg *)
(pg @) !isari , !hese ruins are detailed in the ;u% ins of 6isari on the ?s Guild. (pg @) !rak%amar , !his d"arven forge "as ta0en by firene"ts. 2lbino d"arves "ant the he% roes to ta0e it bac0. Inside is a treasury "ith doors that are difficult to open % you need to grab the molds for the 0eys and actually ma0e the 0ey in the forge.
!here are traders here selling stuff for &L more than prices in the P6.
!his place has a *%mile%long tunnel that connects to -yrmheart ine.
!he albino d"arves are led by /ithi Hinecutter$ "ho is very blunt. !"o of the albinos have been captured. !hey are in area 7 on page B3. !heir names are Fa= ?rumthunder and al0ar /tone% grist. Eou might "ant to someho" "or0 in the story of a firene"t being abducted by yuan%ti. !his is Gorma+$ "ho is imprisoned on pg A. aybe some of the albino d"arves "itnessed the abduc% tion.
(pg 5?) !eart of >&tao , !his is a floating chun0 of earth that is shaped li0e a human heart. !his is the home of a villain in disguise. /he appears to be an elf$ but she is ac% tually Halindra /hado"mantle$ a lich and the main villain of the Never"inter 4$ among other things. /he's here to either sei=e control of the /oulmonger or to de% Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
9irene"t "arriors (pg 7)
9irene"t "arloc0s of Imi+ (pg 7)
Giant striders (pg )
2lbino d"arf "arriors (pg )
Carrion cra"lers ( pg 31)
Giant spiders ( pg 3A)
obolds ( pg 7&)
(pg 4) !valsp0d , !his ship is & feet long and has sails made from "hite dragon "ings. !he frost giants sail this thing. !hey are searching for 2rtus Cimber and his ;ing of -inter. !he giants "ant to use the ring to plunge the "orld into an ice age.
4n the map$ they put this ship on the coast. It is to the right of Port Nyan=aru. •
9rost giants ( pg &&)
-inter "olves ( pg 3*)
(pg 4) s%au , /un0en ruins teeming "ith shar0s. A GUIDE TO TOM O! ANNI"I#ATION
(pg 4) +a%aka An#%orage , !his is "here the pirates lur0. !here is al"ays, •
4ne ship at the doc0.
!his place is home to over & aara0ocra. !hey are led by an aar0ocra named 2sharra$ "ho has spe% cial stats,
4ne ship protecting the area.
2sharra, 2C 6P 3 /pd ft.$ fly & ft.
4ne ship out plundering and sei=ing booty.
* to hit$ * dmg
9inding the Cave, •
a0e a ?C & perception chec0 /ail through ring of submerged roc0s. ?C Intelligence chec0. 9ail by * or less, ship springs a lea0$ but no serious dmg. 9ail by & or more, hip' peed is halved until it is repaired.
Ba. @osco's @ilge, !his is a really fun location. It's a tav % ern for the pirates run by @osco ?aggerhand and his pet deinonychus$ nuc0les. Perfect spot for a bar fight
?ive 2ttac0, 3 dmg "hen I dive 3 feet and hit "ith melee
/pells, & to hit$ ?C 3 •
Cantrips, ?ruidcraft$ mending$ produce flame st level, ?etect magic$ faerie fire$ thun% der"ave nd level, Gust of -ind$ hold person$ lesser restoration
9lying s"ords ( pg )
@andit ( pg 3*3)
/!; ?5K * C4N IN! * -I/ 1 C62
!hug ( pg 3&)
6istory *$ Insight &$ Perception 1
?einonychus (pg 1)
/pea0s 2uran and Common
;eef shar0s ( pg 33B)
Feomund's tiny hut (P6 pg &&)
noc0 (P6 pg &*)
;ing of animal influence (?G pg A7)
Potion of "ater breathing (?G pg AA)
Princess "a+anare, /he is the rightful ruler of 4mu$ and she is your classic stuc0 up princess type. /he as0s the group to retrieve the /0ull Chal% ice of Ch'ga0are from 4mu for her. /he "ill li0ely develop romantic feelings for one of the heroes. I'm all over this one.
(pg ?) ir Sa&al , !his is a safe place for the group. If they go to Nagnalore to get a blac0 orchid$ the aara0ocra can give them the po"er of flight
!his monastery is on a high plateau. !o get there$ you need to spend an hour ascending. a0e three ?C & chec0s, •
2thletics to climb.
2crobatics to cross gaps in "al0"ay.
Perception to avoid parts that "on't hold your "eight. 5ach failure means either you ta0e damage$ or gain lvl of e+haustion (P6 pg 7). !he player chooses "hich. •
3rd level, Call lightning$ "ind "all
!he ?ance of the /even -inds, !his "ill give the group the ability to fly (speed 3) for 3 days Pretty s"eet. •
2ara0ocra ( pg )
Princess "a+anare (pg A)
Gargoyles ( pg *)
Potion of poison (?G pg AA)
(pg *-) it#%er6s nlet , Provides access to Port Castigliar and e=ro. (pg *-) ,ake ,uo Portions of this la0e boil$ sending up clouds of steam. !here are no fish in here. (pg *-) ,and of As% and Smoke , Gray$ barren valley that has streams of lava. !=indelor the red dragon lur0s here. (pg *-) &ala , !his ruined village is home to Nanny Pu'pu$ a hag "ho poses as an old crone. /he can turn dead heroes into undead adventurers.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
@efore doing so$ she'll as0 the group to ta0e out a bunch of pterafol0 that have been causing her problems.
reali=ed that he hadn't after he died. No" she does drugs to pretend he is still "ith her.
!he ;itual of /tolen Fife, !his ta0es an hour. !he group "ill need to provide a fe" things,
/he also got turned into a medusa by an erinyes.
2 gem "orth at least gp.
2 living humanoid that must be sacrificed.
!he ndead Character, •
Is undead ?oesn't need to sleep:eat:breathe. 6it point ma+ is reduced by d* every day !hey're rotting a"ay. 4nce their 6P ma+ is $ the gem embedded in their forehead shatters and they are a corpse once more.
Eou might "ant to reduce the 6P a+ loss to uietly.
!he final encounter can go many different "ays. /he's covered and it is not obvious she is a medusa. /he tal0s as if her husband is there. If the group messes "ith his ashes or badmouths him$ things get ugly >uic0. /he might might try to feed them poison food. If the group is here for the blac0 orchid$ she "ill trade it for valuables or an attrac% tive slave. !ons of encounters in this place, •
6ave that plant page ready (pg &).
Crocodiles ( pg 3)
antrap (pg 1)
Eello" mus0 =ombies (pg 31)
Eello" mus0 creeper (pg 31)
2lmira< (pg )
2ssassin vine (pg 3)
Ch"inga (pg B)
9lying mon0eys (pg )
aculis (pg &)
Giant /pider ( pg 3A)
/"arms of poisonous sna0es ( pg 33A)
Green 6ag ( pg 11)
!ri%9lo"er 9ronds (pg 3*)
9lying on0ey (pg )
5blis (pg 7)
9lesh Golem ( pg B7)
edusa ( pg *)
Comprehend Fanguages (P6 pg *)
9olding boat (?G pg 1)
Potion of Greater 6ealing (pg A1) heals *d**
(pg *4) ezro , !he 9laming 9ist patrols this place regu% larly. It is fully detailed in the ;uins of e=ro supple% ment on the ?s Guild. (pg *4) ist#liff , $ foot%high cliffs that are home to aara0ocra$ pteranadons$ and other flying monsters. (pg *4) :angalore , Eou might "ant to as0 in advance "hich characters$ if any$ are trained in edicine. It might come into play in area A$ pg 17.
!he group can e+plore this e+otic$ ruined garden and learn that 8al0ore ruled this place$ and mista0enly thought that her husband !hiryu%0aya betrayed her. /he Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
(pg ?@) :eedle6s 7ones , !his is a muddy pool "ith the bones of a dead dragon in it. !here is a secret compartment that holds some treasure. •
/"arm of >uippers ( pg 33A)
-and of 9ear (?G pg )
(pg ?@) :si Wastes , !his area is "here ;as Nsi's old ruined fortress is. !he area around it is full of sic0ly$ poisonous plants. (pg ?@) /mu , !his is "hat all of chapter 3 "ill be about. (pg ?@) /rolunga , !his is a =iggurat "ith ro"s of magical steps. !he only "ay to ascend is to use the
steps$ you can't fly$ teleport$ etc. 5ach set of steps has a special solution. . 9irst /teps, 6as thorns that do damage to you. 6old an orange and a purple orchid. . /econd /teps, !hese "ill crumble beneath your feet unless you hold the orchids and carry a red parrot feather. 3. !hird /teps, !his is "here it gets fun0y. !here's all these poisonous sna0es on the steps. Eou have to s"allo" a poisonous sna0e. !hen you'll be able to slither up the steps Past the steps is /a