1. Pulverize the grass cuttings as much as you can. ou must !o this to ru"ture the cellular structure the "lant. A goo! #ay is to "ut the "lant material in the $reezer overnight% remove the ne&t !ay% tha# it% "ut it in the $reezer again% an! then remove an! tha# it again. A$ter t#o or three such cycles it #ill usually 'e mushy an! easily mince! in a 'len!er. 'len!er. Place the "halaris in the 'len!er #hen it is $roze! an! the 'len!er #ill cho" it easier. (. Ne&t a!! enough #ater to the much to ma)e ma)e a "oura'le sou". *. No# you must a!! an aci!. +ust enough to 'ring the P, !o#n to a'out . ou ou can use #hite vinegar% lemon uice% or acetic aci!. Chec) the P, #ith P, "a"er% it is usually sol! at most !rug stores. The aci! reacts #ith the al)aloi!s in the "lant material an! converts them into a salt. A goo! #ay to $acilitate this reaction is to simmer the aci!i/e! sou" in a slo# coo)er overnight0 leave the li! on% as #e !ont #ant any li2ui! to eva"orate. 3. 4train the "lant matter through cheesecloth% then through a "a"er co5ee /lter. The 'ul) roughage may no# 'e !iscar!e! 'ecause the al)aloi!s #e see) have migrate! into the a2ueous solution. . A!! a small "ercentage o$ a !e$atting solvent such as methylene chlori!e% ether% chloro$orm% chloro$orm% or na"htha. Na"tha is easily availa'le in the $orm o$ Coleman $uel or lighter 6ui!. The reason #e !o this "roce!ure is to remove the oils an! $ats #hich are in the solution - they #ill migrate into the solvent. 4ha)e u" the mi&ture an! "ut it asi!e long enough to se"erate into t#o layers% one a2ueous% the other solvent. I$ youve ever ma!e vinegar an! oil sala! !ressing then youve seen this !one. 7. A se"aratory $unnel is use$ul $or this ne&t o"eration. This is a sim"le la' tool consisting o$ a ta"ere! glass container #ith a ta" at the 'ottom an! a sto""ere! o"ening at the to". The t#o li2ui!s are "oure! in the to" 8the 'ottom $aucet is close!% o$ course90 The container is cor)e! cor)e! an! sha)en a'out to mi& its contents. It is then set asi!e until the 6ui!s se"erate into ( layers. Then a ta" is o"ene! to allo# the lo#er stratum to !rain into a container containe r. +ust 'e$ore the !escen!ing !escen!i ng u""er $raction reaches the $aucet% it is close! o5. ou ou can also !o the a'ove se"aration "roce!ure "roce!ure #ith a tur)ey 'aster :9 ;iscar! the solvent 8along #ith the un#ante! oils an! $ats9 an! no# the remaining a2ueous solution contains the al)aloi!s. <. The ne&t ste" is to a!! a 'ase to our solution. One o$ten use! in e&traction $ormulas is ammonium hy!ro&i!e% hy!ro&i!e% a li2ui!. I$ this is uno'taina'le you can su'stitute regular lye crystals. This is sol! as !rain cleaner an! is also calle! so!ium hy!ro&i!e. hy!ro&i!e. ;issolve this is #ater to a high concentration. This 6ui! is a!!e! in small increments to the a2ueous solution% sha)ing the mi&ture each time% then testing it until eventually the ", reaches = or 1>. ?e "atient. It usually ta)es a #hile to get it ust right. No# you have unhoo)e! unhoo)e! the salt an! trans$orme! the al)aloi!s into their $ree'ase $orm. They are
no# no longer a salt% an! hence no longer solu'le in #ater... #ater... 4o no# the are accessa'le to e&traction 'y one o$ the organic solvents mentione! a'ove. @sing coleman starting $uel is 'est an! easy to o'tain. . A ratio o$ 1> "ercent o$ the a2ueous solution shoul! 'e enough solvent $or each e&traction. The easiest #ay to estimate this is to visualize #here the 1>B line is on your container o$ a2ueous solution% then a!! that amount o$ solvent to the #hole% increasing the volume to 11>B 8A su"er accurate measurement measurement is not necessary9 The container must 'e )e"t close! tightly so that the solvent #ont eva"orate $rom the solution. =. our e&tractions e&traction s are ma!e to ma)e 4@RE that all o$ the al)aloi!s are remove!. These are !one at one (3-hour% an! then at three #ee)ly intervals. The solvent layer #ill soon ta)e on a !ar)er !ar)er tint% usually yello#ish or re!!ish-'ro#n. re!!ish-'ro#n. This in!icates the "resence o$ al)aloi!s as they slo#ly move out o$ the a2ueous solution. It #ill ta)e almost a month to get most o$ them% an! the mi&ture shoul! 'e sha)en at least t#ice a !ay to ensure that all o$ the al)aloi! molecules come into contact #ith the solvent. At each #ee)ly e&traction care$ully se"arate this $rom the a2eous solution 'e either o$ the metho!s mentione! a'ove. 4ave these solvent $ractions an! com'ine them in one container. container. each time a!! $resh solvent to the a2eous solution until the e&traction series is com"lete. 1>. The last ste" is to "our the com'ine! solvent $ractions into a shallo# 'a)ing !ish or "an an! allo# it all to eva"orate in an o"en s"ace $ree $rom 6ame or s"ar)s. The resi!ue remaining a$ter the eva"oration contains the al)aloi!s% an! may 'e "ut into gelatin ca"sules. I$ it is un!uly gummy% one may a!! small amounts o$ or!inary 6our to the gum until it thic)ens. ---------------O)% #ell thats a'out it $or no#. no#. Remem'er to not smo)e more than ( mg your /rst time. ou can gra!ually gra!uall y raise the !ose over time as you 'ecome more e&"erience!.
no# no longer a salt% an! hence no longer solu'le in #ater... #ater... 4o no# the are accessa'le to e&traction 'y one o$ the organic solvents mentione! a'ove. @sing coleman starting $uel is 'est an! easy to o'tain. . A ratio o$ 1> "ercent o$ the a2ueous solution shoul! 'e enough solvent $or each e&traction. The easiest #ay to estimate this is to visualize #here the 1>B line is on your container o$ a2ueous solution% then a!! that amount o$ solvent to the #hole% increasing the volume to 11>B 8A su"er accurate measurement measurement is not necessary9 The container must 'e )e"t close! tightly so that the solvent #ont eva"orate $rom the solution. =. our e&tractions e&traction s are ma!e to ma)e 4@RE that all o$ the al)aloi!s are remove!. These are !one at one (3-hour% an! then at three #ee)ly intervals. The solvent layer #ill soon ta)e on a !ar)er !ar)er tint% usually yello#ish or re!!ish-'ro#n. re!!ish-'ro#n. This in!icates the "resence o$ al)aloi!s as they slo#ly move out o$ the a2ueous solution. It #ill ta)e almost a month to get most o$ them% an! the mi&ture shoul! 'e sha)en at least t#ice a !ay to ensure that all o$ the al)aloi! molecules come into contact #ith the solvent. At each #ee)ly e&traction care$ully se"arate this $rom the a2eous solution 'e either o$ the metho!s mentione! a'ove. 4ave these solvent $ractions an! com'ine them in one container. container. each time a!! $resh solvent to the a2eous solution until the e&traction series is com"lete. 1>. The last ste" is to "our the com'ine! solvent $ractions into a shallo# 'a)ing !ish or "an an! allo# it all to eva"orate in an o"en s"ace $ree $rom 6ame or s"ar)s. The resi!ue remaining a$ter the eva"oration contains the al)aloi!s% an! may 'e "ut into gelatin ca"sules. I$ it is un!uly gummy% one may a!! small amounts o$ or!inary 6our to the gum until it thic)ens. ---------------O)% #ell thats a'out it $or no#. no#. Remem'er to not smo)e more than ( mg your /rst time. ou can gra!ually gra!uall y raise the !ose over time as you 'ecome more e&"erience!.
htt":DD###.shroomery.orgD$orumsDsho#6at."h"DNum'erD7=*1>1> This tek is not mine, but taken from elsewhere on the web...the final product can be washed in a simple ammonia wash to purify it. No more need for grinding, powdering, freezing, etc. The main text describes in detail...following this is the numbered steps, with extensive notes following. For lye, you can use the "ooter" brand lye from !ce ardware #powder in a small plastic $ar% labeled &''( lye in yellow on the front. )))))))))))))))) The *azy +ans uide to -xtracting +imosa ostilis oot ark by /o /ortex ! report and guide for a new way of extracting + -xtraction Time0 & gm in 1.2 hrs, 3 gm in 4 hr, 4.2 g total 536 hrs from +exican + 7nner oot ark -8uipment0 2 *itre ceramic or stainless steel mixing bowl, stainless stell 9otato masher, 1''' ml measuring cup, *arge flat glass baking pan, Fan, /+:9 Naphtha; hardware store, Na< sodium hydroxide; online auction, often listed as ed =evil *ye. Foreword0 This process is much simpler than all of the other =+T extraction teks for +imosa hostilis root bark. !ll you need to do is throw pieces of root bark into water which has had a measured amount of Na<>sodium hydroxide dissolved into it, wait an hour, add naphtha, stir for a few minutes and then pour the naphtha off into a collection container for evaporation. 7n essence that is all there is to this tek. No need to fuss with acidifying the root bark for a defat, no p papers needed, no separatory funnel, nothing fancy yet this is a very effective techni8ue with higher yields than any other method out there yet. ere is a more detailed explanation of the extraction method using a half kilo of root bark0 reak 3'' to 2'' grams of +imosa hostilis root bark, whether inner, outer or whole root into small enough pieces all of it will fit into a large ceramic or stainless steel mixing bowl with enough room left over to only fill the bowl half way to the top. Next, completely dissolve 1'' grams of Na<>sodium hydroxide into 1'''?@''' ml of tap water and add to the root bark. Aait an hour for the lye>sodium hydroxide to soften up the root bark and then using a stainless steel potato masher stir and mash the base ad$usted water into the pieces of root bark for 1'?@' minutes and then pour in 12'B ml of naphtha into the bowl and mix for another 1'?@' minutes. !fter you are done mixing the r oot bark let it sit for a few minutes so that any emulsion which might have stirred up into into the solvent to settle out and then $ust pour the ma$ority of the solvent off of the top of the basified a8ueous mix into a large flat glass baking pan and evaporate with a fan blowing air across the top of the fluid to net C''?&''' mg of alkaloid in $ust a few hours. 7s there any easier process to extract and isolate that much alkaloid in two to three hours from a pound of root barkD !lthough the initial yield will be much higher if extracting powdered root bark which takes much less time, whole or broken root bark can also provide high yields if you wait two or three days for the hard
strips of bark to turn into a mush as the Na< breaks it down further and further over time in the basified solution for a higher extraction yield. 7f waiting 13 hours and performing a single extraction the broken root bark the basified a8ueous mix will still need to be extracted over again three or more times to get more of the =+T alkaloid out. ThatEs it, a very simple process with yields others have reported to be much higher than the more often used !? or acid to base teks. Aith dried +imosa hostilis root bark the =+T is already in the form of a salt as is and there are so little plant fats many people simply do not bother with a defat cycle so going strait to base chemical works out very well with this material. =ry defat without acid !lthough +imosa hostilis root bark extracts fairly cleanly with minimal plant fats if you want to remove what little of it there is you can do so without adding an acid to the powder with water by $ust mixing the dry #no 1'% root bark powder into enough naphtha to allow all of the powder to be freely stirred up into the fluid for a few minutes and then filtered out of the naphtha which is then discarded. For an extreme defat heat the naphtha to near its boiling point and then stir the powder into it but be sure to pour off every drop of naphtha you can when done and throw that naphtha away, you should not use it for an ything more in the process.
sodium hydroxide lye lye powder into 1 liters of tap water in a large measuring cup. @. !dd the basified water you $ust made to the bowl of broken root bark, stir for a few minutes and set aside for two or more hours #longer is better%. 3. !fter soaking the root bark in high p Na< ad$usted water #which is near a p of [email protected] or more% for a couple of hours or more take a stainless steel potato masher and start mashing the broken root as best you can in the basified water for 1'?@' minutes #longer is better%. 2. !fter you are done mashing the root bark for a few minutes #which will still be fairly hard if only soaking 1 hours% then add 12' to 3'' ml of clean room temperature naphtha #more makes separation from the soup easier% and stir the solvent into the a8ueous mix for 1'?@' minutes #longer is better%. C. !fter mixing the naphtha into the bowl pour as much of the solvent as you can easily get off of the top of the a8ueous mix #naphtha floats on top in water as a distinct layer% into another container, leaving all of the dark soup behind which will be extracted over again later. e sure not to allow any of the dark water or any
of the bubbly emulsion which may have formed in the solvent to go out with it, you $ust want clear solvent now leaving everything else behind in the bowl. Note0 7f you have so much emulsion that the solvent is half filled with it wait a few minutes to an hour for it to settle out so you can get more of the solvent out. 4. Take all of the clear naphtha without any water or bubbles in it you have carefully separated from the basified mix of water and root bark and pour all of it into as large a flat glass container you can find for evaporation. Hsing a fan to blow air across the top of the fluid will help speed the rate of evaporation several fold faster. 6. !fter all of the naphtha has been evaporated you will find small white =+T bumps of extract stuck to the glass which can be scraped off with a flat blade. 7f you also see some shiny clear film on the glass it is best to wait until they completely solidify into a white deposit of =+T before scraping off together with the larger white clumps.
-xtraction notes0 Ahen this extraction process was first tried with inner root bark &.' grams of very white alkaloid without discernable fat impurities was extracted from beginning to end in $ust 1 and a half hours and that includes the time to fan evaporate the naphtha in a broad flat glass pan.
for 1 liters of water when extracting 12' to 2'' grams of broken root bark and from 1''?12' grams of this base per @B liters of water when extracting from 2'' to &''' grams of broken root bark. Third extraction !fter the first two extractions the root bark was extracted a third time right way. 3'' ml of fresh solvent was added to the mix again and stirred for @' minutes before pouring the naphtha off for evaporation to yield about G&.12 grams on the third try that day, all in $ust a few hours. From there another 3'' ml of naphtha #which is way more than needed on a solubility basis% was added to the brown to black appearing a8ueous solution, covered to prevent further evaporation and put away to soak for close to 13 hours. Forth extraction, long soak0 !fter another day the root bark had become far softer and almost slimy instead of stiff root bark as it had been the day before, the Na< clearly doing its $ob at breaking the plant material down. The solvent from this forth long term extraction was evaporated to yield another &.2 grams of white extract for a total of close to 2 grams of impure =+T from 2'' grams of inner root bark from the four extractions spread over @'B hours from when the root bark was first placed in the bowl. Fifth extraction, another 13 hours and warming0 For this fifth extraction of the a8ueous solution naphtha was added into the bowl and allowed to sit another 13 hours before pouring the naphtha off for evaporation. !n hour before pouring it off the mix was warmed to &1' degrees F. and stirred for 1' minutes. Hpon evaporation 7 found that the warming had made 8uite a difference, even after having extracted the mix four times prior 7 found that 7 was able to draw nearly 1 grams of alkaloid into the solvent this time which was more than any of the previous single extractions, even greater than the first or second which you would naturally assume would be greater. 9art of the reason for this might be that the root bark had soaked in the basified solution longer releasing more alkaloid to the water and also part due to both the basified mix and solvent being warm but in any case the draw was highest on the fifth extraction of the solution bringing the total net up to GC.2 grams with more left in the root bark to get out, all from 2'' grams of inner root bark. ixth extraction, more heat caused problems0 ! sixth and last extraction was performed to the mix by pouring 2'' ml of fresh naphtha back into the bowl, stirring for a few minutes and then heating the a8ueous solution under the naphtha to &@' degrees F. for an hour, stirring often. The temperature of the naphtha floating on top of the basified solution was measured to be &'?&2 degrees cooler than the basified mix below it due to what 7 assume was being caused by cooling as the solvent evaporated off the top, even though a fairly slow rate of evaporation. !fter an hour at &@' F. the warm naphtha was poured off for rapid fan evaporation in the large flat glass pan which yielded close to 1 grams of yellowish extract #only becoming yellow after solidifying, clear until then% but this time upon cooling did not firm up very 8uickly and even after 6 hours was a very soft sticky extract which was obviously mostly =+T as indicated by both smell and crystalline formations but would not dry into a firm wax?like substance very 8uickly due to what 7 believe might be fatty impurities released from the root bark when heated too far in the base solution. -xtraction advice; soak longer, extract more with less work0
7nstead of all of the multiple extractions one after the other you could save yourself some work by $ust throwing 2'' grams of broken pieces of root bark into 1 liters of water with 1'' grams of Na< dissolved into the water and then pour in 42' ml of naphtha and set the whole container aside for three days, stirring $ust once a day for 1' minutes at a time. !fter three days the solvent from a single draw of the a8ueous mix should contain far more alkaloid, maybe has high as two thirds the total amount 7 had pulled out in four separate draws done over 13 hours. water>root you may need to first pour the solvent off the top of the mix into a large measuring cup allowing some of the dark basified water to come over with it so that you can more easily pour the solvent off using the small spout on the measuring cup because when pouring the solvent out of a bowl it is difficult to control what pours out. To warm or not to warm the basified mix of root bark0 !lthough the ma$ority of the alkaloid had been extracted at room temperature for this extraction 7 found that the amount of alkaloid extracted is greater when the mix is warmed up to &'' degrees F. ? Ahether it is a good idea to warm highly basified =+T containing plant material 7 do not know. !lthough the yield was greater in a shorter amount of time on that last draw at over &@' degrees F. the extract was different, although clear before complete evaporation of the naphtha it turned a yellow color and remained as a syrup? like li8uid for two days, although which took days to begin to crystalize yet it appears to be fairly high percentage =+T by both smell and appearance when it does crystalize. 9erhaps heating the mix allows plant fats to come over which did not do so beforeD 9erhaps Not being any kind of a chemist 7 do not know the answer to this but 7 can accurately report on what 7 observed which is all this tech really is, a report. Ahen soaking the root bark in the warmed solution be sure to periodically check the temperature to make sure the solution does not go over &1' F. or you might get a lot of the gummy impurities in the extract which showed up when 7 did so. -ven though 7 am recommending &'' degrees F. and suggesting an upper limit of &1' degrees F. even &'' F might be too warm if over a long enough period of time causing some of the gummy substance 7 had observed coming over into the solvent at G&@'B degrees to be extracted. To assure this substance does not extract along with the alkaloid it might be better to $ust leave the solution at normal room temperatures while soaking the bark in the a8ueous mix for 41B hours and only raise the solution to &1' degrees F. for an hour prior to pouring the solvent off for evaporation. 7f you decide to heat your basified mix with naphtha in it for hours to days as the root bark is broken down by the Na< 7 would cover the container with kitchen plastic wrap or something to slow the evaporation of the naphtha. !fter 36 hours the root bark is broken down pretty good by the lye to where it becomes fairly soft and extracts well but if you are using powdered root bark 7 do not believe it would be necessary to soak the bark for that long a period of time at all, probably $ust an hour or more should be enough to chemically break the powder itself down further for a higher extraction yield. There is a report that =+T will break down in solution over time, more easily if at high p. Ahile 7 have
not verified this report 7 did get a runny extract when the temperature was allowed to rise to &@'B degrees for an hour. Just in case, if you do one of these extractions at the high p called for in this tech to help break the root bark down #and to increase the amount of yield which comes over at a p of [email protected]% 7 would limit the amount of time the root bark soaks in the basified mix to no more than three days. ! few last words about the tek !lthough 7 have written this tek as a how to do guide, it is also a report and not meant to imply that this is "the way" to do an extraction, it is $ust one way which 7 am sure can be improved upon as people start getting more experience with it. 7 might not be doing everything $ust right, but 7 think 7 am close with the amount of yield that 7 was able to get. eating is the big 8uestion, should we heat a basified mix at allD 7 donEt know, but the yields do come over fast if you do. +aybe the safe thing to do is only heat the mix $ust prior to the last hour or so and keep the mix at room temperature the rest of the time.
http0>>www.erowid.org>chemicals>dmt>extractionKguide&>dmtKextraction Kguide&.shtml
NOTE OF WARNING: QT's DMT Extraction for Students is archived by Erowid as a historical document. The process as described has been critiqued as flawed and dangerous several ways. Safer and more effective DMT extraction and purification techniques have been developed and made available in the years since the document below was created. For one such process see !oman"s #DMT for the Masses#. Specific concerns regarding $T"s te% detailed below were sent to Erowid on behalf of the community at The DMT !exus who note& #Time and time again people have come to The DMT !exus or other web forums because they were following $T"s te% and it either didn"t wor% or they ran into serious issues trying to follow it. 'ur largest concerns with $T"s te% are related to health and safety. Throughout the te% comments on safely handling chemicals are scant. (f we"ve learned one thing it"s that people doing extractions by following a te% as though it"s a recipe often are not stic%lers for proper handling and safety. Following the te% as it is written could lead to serious bodily harm it may not successfully extract DMT and even if some DMT is obtained there is a strong possibility of it being contaminated with toxic substances.# Erowid is grateful to be able to share the detailed commentary and harm)reduction efforts of The DMT !exus fol%s. -- The Erowid Crew, February 4, 2011 Hea!h a"d #a$e!y Co"%er"& *+ The te% recommends using hydrochloric acid without appropriate guidance on safe handling. ,hile it also mentions other acids -l is specifically recommended. -owever wea%er acids li%e citric acid or
vinegar are preferable alternatives because they can be handled more safely and are readily available at grocery stores. /+ ,hile the te% mentions the health ha0ards of wor%ing with dichloromethane 1DM+ it fails to note the flammability ha0ards of naphtha and ether. (t li%ewise does not mention the intoxication ha0ards from the fumes which necessitate minimi0ing contact and using them in a well)ventilated and spar%)free area 1and some fans that one might use for ventilation could have the potential of creating spar%s+. 2+ The te% describes a method for obtaining ether from starting fluid. This method will generally not obtain pure ether. 3nless the extractor has a good wor%ing %nowledge of chemistryand has consulted the Material Safety Data Sheet 1MSDS+ for the specific starter fluid this could easily lead to very unhealthy contaminants in one"s end product. The te% specifically mentions oleman fuel 4ippo lighter fluid and 5onsonol all of which have been reported to contain non-volatile contaminants . 6articularly since the te% instructs the extractor to obtain the final product by evaporation this seriously needs to be addressed to prevent people from unwittingly smo%ing harmful contaminants. 7+ !o health and safety warnings are provided with regard to chloroform which may be carcinogenic and can have other negative health effects if not handled properly. 8+ Suggesting that people employ 0iploc bags as separatory funnels is ha0ardous in a couple of ways. Such bags are not made from high)density polyethylene 1-D6E+ a plastic %nown to have a high resistance to chemical solvents. 4iploc bags contain plastici0ers 1additives that increase flexibility and that have been implicated in adverse effects on health when consumed+ which would li%ely leach into naphtha9 and since the naphtha is being evaporated these plastici0ers will end up in the extracted DMT. ,hile the te% does suggest ma%ing sure that the solvent used doesn"t melt the bag this ignores the li%elihood that it may leach harmful contaminants. 1The suggestion to use a #tur%ey baster# may present a similar problem depending on what type of plastic it is constructed from.+ Furthermore there"s a very good chance of spilling caustic chemicals if the 0iploc bag fails to wor% as anticipated. :+ The te% calls for #warm naphtha# on multiple occasions but ma%es no mention of how to go about safely warming this flamable solvent. (f unwary extractors were to heat it on a gas stove they could easily find themselves with a fireball in their face; <+ The te% does not present sufficient safety warnings regarding lye 1sodium hydroxide+. #Ta%e proper precautions# is not specific enough advice. ,hen wor%ing with lye one should wear shatter)resistant anti) fog safety goggles chemical)resistant 1nitrile+ safety gloves a vapor=fluid)resistant face mas% and a polyethylene safety apron to prevent blindness and chemical burns. 'ne should also have an acid such as vinegar on)hand to neutrali0e any possible lye spills. >+ The te% recommends obtaining the DMT by evaporating)off the naphtha. ?efore it was widely %nown that purification could be performed via free0e)precipitation this might have been excusable if not for the fact that many of the te%"s recommended varieties of naphtha include non)volatile contaminants and the te% suggests employing non)-D6E plastics. onsidering the processes recommended in the te% any DMT obtained by evaporation is reasonably li%ely to be tainted with harmful contaminants and would not be safe to consume. The te% ac%nowledges that the product will be impure but provides no information on purifying it. (ndeed it explicitly seems to recommend consuming it impurities and all. @nd #Don"t worry about weighing it# is bad advice plain and simple. Te%h"i%a Error& *+ (ncorrect terminology is used in step 2. 'ne is not converting the DMT to a salt9 it"s already a salt in the plant material. @nd of course the ions dissociate when salts dissolve. The step might be more appropriately titled #Dissolving DMT ations in ,ater# or at least #Dissolving Salts of DMT#.
/+ (ncorrect terminology is used in step >. 'ne is not unhoo%ing the DMT salts 1they"re in solution so they aren"t really hoo%ed together at all+. 'ne is actually deprotonating the DMT cations to generate the free) base. 2+ $T suggests that ammonia is typically used to basify and that this te%"s use of lye is a departure from the norm. -owever ammonia is not an effective base for Mimosa tenuiflora AB M. hostilisC root)bar% 1M-5?+. @ll one will get is a stubborn emulsion. 7+ The recommended p- after adding the base is too low9 p- is not high enough. ,ith M-5? in particular there are serious emulsion issues at p- 9 but even ignoring that p- is only .2/ above the pa 1) log* acid dissociation constant+ of DMT))not terribly efficient. 8+ The te% states that it is ideal to extract an al%aloid at its pa. This not necessarily true. @t its pa half of the al%aloid is protonated and the other half unprotonated. (n ideal conditions 1i.e. assuming infinite solubility in the nonpolar extraction solvent+ this is sufficient since Ge hHtelier"s principle is on one"s side. ?ut unless there are instability)related complications or other factors to account for it"s better to have the vast maIority of the al%aloid in the desired form 1in this case unprotonated+))especially with M-5? where emulsions are a crucial issue. :+ The te% treats emulsions as though they are inevitable that one should not be concerned if these ta%e several days to resolve and that it"s near)miraculous for an emulsions to resolve in less than an hour. This is insanity. Emulsions can be prevented by ensuring sufficiently high p- and by mixing gently 1rather than sha%ing as the te% suggests+. The addition of plain salt may be employed as a further preventative measure. <+ The te% suggests that the final product may contain #hydroxide#. -ydroxide is not a molecule it"s an ion. (t is possible that the product could contain sodium hydroxide or other hydroxide salts but neither of the recommended methods for eliminating the #hydroxide# would help at all if the product actually were contaminated with sodium hydroxide or another hydroxide salt. 'ra%!i%a I&&ue& *+ The p- for step / is unnecessarily low. ,hile p- / won"t hurt anything it"s a waste of materials. /+ 5idiculously long times are presented for the aqueous acidic extraction. The te% recommends /7 hours for the first soa% and a whole wee% for subsequent soa%s. (n reality simmering *8)2 minutes three times will get most of the DMT out of the M-5? and into solution. There is no need to spend two wee%s9 this step can be done in two hours or faster. 2+ The te% recommends defatting even though it is designed for use with M-5? which is not a fatty material. This is a waste of solvent and time. 7+ Step < says to add warm naphtha to the acidic M-5? extract and sha%e it for five minutes before adding lye. This won"t accomplish anything. 8+ The te% says to repeat steps <) two more times. (n step > one is told to add 8 grams of lye to the mix. (s the te% really suggesting that this step is also supposed to be repeated with more lye added each timeJ 'f course that extra lye isn"t going to hurt))on the contrary it will li%ely bring the p- up into a more practical range than the te% 1seems to+ recommend. ?ut why is the te% suggesting that one add more base prior to each extraction with nonpolar solvent instead of adding all that one is going to use at one timeJ ,e suspect that this is Iust an artifact of poor phrasing on the part of the te%"s author.
:+ The te% calls for using wa too much naphtha for extractions suggesting * ml per pull for 2 grams of M-5?. @ tenth of that would be sufficient. <+ (n #Gab !otes# under step : the te% suggests that one should be saving the naphtha from the defatting process but discarding the DMT)laden naphtha from the later steps. ,hy would one want to save the 1practically non)existent+ fats from M-5? but throw away the DMTJ >+ #Kou will %now when DMT is in the final product by the smell.# This is an odd statement since DMT is supposed to be the final product not merely be contained in it. + 'utdated info& The te% suggests using 5ed Devil lye9 however the manufacturer of this brand discontinued production in /8. *+ The three sets of #Gab !otes# from $T"s extraction record that the extractions too% /7 days 2 days and :* days. Ki%es; @ quic% and effective acid=base extraction can be completely finished in /7 hours 1and that includes time for free0e)precipitations+9 a big leisurely 1and fran%ly unnecessarily long+ acid=base extraction 1?G@?+ is still done in a wee%. From a legal standpoint it seems prudent to complete an extraction as quic%ly as possible so that))if worse comes to worst))the extractor is only on the hoo% for possession of a controlled substance and not for manufacture as well. **+ The te% is written for M-5? with lye as the base and naphtha as the non)polar solvent9 yet it implies that it would be Iust as effective for !halaris grasses with chloroform as the solvent. 3nfortunately different factors need to be ta%en into account for different plants and solvents. Letting clean DMT out of !halaris grasses in particular is a massive chore requiring its own speciali0ed te%. (i"or Gri)e& *+ Measuring p- with beets and cabbageJ SeriouslyJ That"s pretty ghetto. Gitmus papers and p- monitors are fairly cheap if one cared to measure the p-. @nd with M-5? it"s not necessary9 a dash of acid is fine for the initial extraction and M-5? provides its own handy color)changing reaction when enough base has been added. /+ Multiple times the te% refers to #naptha# instead of naphtha.
#(t lasted for a million years and for a split)second. ?ut it"s over and now it"s your turn.# )Timothy Geary
Che*i%a Na*e:
!!)Dimethyl)*-)indole)2) ethanamine
A!er"a!i+e Che*i%a Na*e&:
2)A/) 1dimethylamino+ethyleCindole DMT
Che*i%a For*ua:
*/- *:!/
(oe%uar Weih!:
(e!i" 'oi"!: 77.:)77.> 1crystals+ oii" 'oi"!:
:)> 1crystals+
:)* mg 1smo%ing+ 28 mg 1orally+
ontrolled substance 1hallucinogen+ 3.S. ode of Federal 5egulations Title /* 6art *2>.** 1*>8+.
(n modern times there has been a reduction of ritual. The ceremonies that previously served to cast out an individual from modern associations and throw him into a field of epiphanies have become merely form betraying the inner forces that must somehow manifest. Shamen %now of these inner forces. They understand the inevitable overwhelming psychological experience that everyone will face if they are to complete their inward path to open the unconscious and fall in. The psychological crisis is the fulcrum of any metaphysical reali0ation the individual may have about himself or his world. ,ithout these intense experiences without the rituals that convey the message of the Iourney and without shamen to show the way many are lost in the world searching constantly farther for what is contained only within. To chemically force such spiritual brea%through may be interpreted by some as a way to circumvent the trials that are necessary to test each soul willing to see the truth of their life. ?ut in contemporary society where is the individual to see% these tests of the self or to be struc% silent in awe of their own natural beauty or that of the universeJ The shamen offered these opportunities to the individuals of their society for generations helping people maintain a healthy psychology between the %nown world and the mystical. ( now offer this ability to you in one of many forms DMT. DMT is perhaps the most powerful hallucinogen %nown to man. (t is related to GSD and psilocybin. There are no Acommonly used ) ErowidC drug tests that would show DMT usage. !one of the basic !(D@)8 drug tests AErowid !ote& !ow called the #S@M-S@)8#C or any extended drug test will show a result for DMT. DMT is naturally formed in the body and has been found in abnormal levels in the body fluids of persons suffering from schi0ophrenia. DMT is almost never sold through dealers rarely synthesi0ed and seldom used. (t is however easily extracted from common plant materials and has been used in various forms for hundreds of years 1timeline+. DMT is not a #social drug# however. 5espect the drug and its incredible potential. This drug is not for the inexperienced nor is it recommended to those who are Iust loo%ing for another #high.# Few see%
the visions enabled through DMT and even fewer return to them. Even avid psychedelic users have had frightening experiences with DMT on their first encounter with the drug. Ta%e care to research and find out if DMT is for you. " stress that educating ourself about this drug #and about all drugs ou intend to use$ will ma%e ou a more competent and prepared chemist& tripper& and guide.
This manual is presented as a quic% bench guide for the complete novice on how to extract DMT. @lthough the text and illustrations for the process were all created by myself there are a few pictures which are not my own. The origins of these pictures are credited in the bibliography. ( would li%e to encourage others to add to this manual their own written observations. ,hen attempting to produce any of these products the reader is encouraged to read through the steps several times to closely familiari0e himself with the entire process. 6lease ta%e note that DMT is an illegal substance in the 3nited States of @merica and is controlled under federal regulations. The following is for educational purposes only.
How !o E/!ra%! .(T $ro* Na!ura #our%e& 1in Ten Easy Steps+
First a plant must be selected that contains the %he*i%a& we wish to extract. !one of these plants are illegal and they can be found growing wild and free all over the world 1much less can be said for some of our other favorite plants.+ Most of these plant materials can be ordered through the internet. @ little research may reveal a large quantity of some useful plant material growing near you. @l%aloid contents of each plant mary vary according to the growing conditions. Specifics about these plants and how to grow them are beyond the scope of this manual but the information can easily be found. ?elow is a chart of several plants that contain !!)DMT 8)'-)DMT and 8)Me')DMT 1DMT"s close cousin.+
Aaoid& reported as percent of total dry plant source mass=weight&
A%a%ia bar .<*N !!)DMT
A%a%ia *aide"ii bar .2:N !!)DMT
A%a%ia &i*)i%i$oia bar .>:N !!)DMT
(i*o&a ho&!ii& roo! bar .8
3iroa &hoo!& $ower& .77N !!)DMT
.e&*a"!hu& ii"oe"&i& roo! bar
.27N !!)DMT
'io%ar)u& ora"e"&i& *.:N
8)Me') DMT
'haari& !ubero&a .*N !!)DMT >.// N
8)Me') DMT
>.8 N
>.: N
8)Me') DMT
>./ N
'haari& aru"di"a%ea 1"net gossip+
'&y%ho!ria &)e%ie&
1averaged from
Oonathan 'tt+
DMT 1!!)dimethyltryptamine+ is one of the most hallucinogenic compounds %nown. DMT is not active orally 1unless in the form of an ayahuasca brew+ but must be smo%ed in it"s freebase form to experience its effects. 1DMT can be ta%en orally when mixed with a M@'(s but this is not recommended for the first time user.+ The body quic%ly builds a tolerance for the drug. Kour DMT dose must be ta%en within : seconds. @ny more of the drug after this first minute will not enhance the experience. (t is recommended to give at least one hour before attempting another DMT trip.
Effects of 8)Me')DMT are psychedelic without the visual distortions found in !!) DMT. 8)Me')DMT is ta%en at *=7 the dose of !!)DMT and will overpower the !!) DMT.
1?ufotenine+ can cause severe physical discomfort including circulatory distress nausea psychological distress 1panic and fear+ severe s%in flushing and has the possibility of being fatal.
1Monoamine 'xidase (nhibitors+ will intensify and prolong the effects of !!)DMT however this is never recommended. Foolish combinations of M@'(s and other drugs can lead to serious health problems and even death. The tryptamines are normally metaboli0ed by an M@' in the body. M@' metaboli0es serotonin norepinephrine and dopamine. ?y inhibiting this M@'(s increase levels of those neurotransmitters. Tyramine will not be metaboli0ed and will cause an increase in tyramine levels in the blood.
E/!ra%!io" 'ro%edure For our e/)eri*e"! we wi be u&i" (i*o&a ho&!ii& roo!-bar !o )ro+ide a +ery )ure )rodu%! o$ NN-.(T wi!hou! !he o+er )oweri" i"$ue"%e o$ 5-(eO-.(T or !he "ea!i+e &ide e$$e%!& o$ 5-OH-.(T6 For a &o+e"! we wi be u&i" %o**o" "a)h!ha6 No!e& o" ada)!a!io"& $or %he*i%a& a"d o!her +aria!io"& o$ !hi& )ro%e&& are de&%ribed a& we6 The $oowi" i& a i&! o$ *a!eria&:
(t helps to test all non glass materials with solvents to ma%e sure there aren"t any adverse reactions.
16 Mimosa hostilis root)bar%
12g suggested starting amount ) P78=*g+
26 Muratic acid
1pool acid ) P7=gallon+
76 p- papers
1litmus papers ) P2=* tests+
46 Gye
15ed Devil ?rand ) P8+
56 !aphtha
14ippo lighter fluid ) P8+
86 offee filters and cotton swabs=cloth
1 ) P/+
96 Funnel
1 ) P/+
6 2 labeled glass Iars with lids 1thic% canning Iars wor% best but pic%le Iars will do+
1labeled ;ar A ;ar and ;ar C ) P2+
<6 Evaporating dish
1glass ba%ing pan ) P*+
106 Llass pipette
1tur%ey baster ) P7+
116 Loggles and gloves
1 ) P*+
126 Distilled water
1 ) P/+ To!a = >?100600
#TATE(ENT OF HA@AR.#: Methlene hloride Suspect cancer ha0ard. 5is% of cancer depends on duration and level of contact. -armful if swallowed. auses s%in and eye irritation. auses respiratory tract irritation. May affect blood cells. May affect the central nervous system. May cause blindness. @void breathing vapor or mist. -andle with caution. eep in mind these ris%s whenever substituting DM for any other solvent. #TATE(ENT OF HA@AR.#: Muratic (cid
#TE' 1
6reparing 6lant Material
Lrind the plant material to a fine powder. The finer ground the material the better your yields will be. The best technique to pulveri0e and rupture the cell structure of any plant material is to repeatedly free0e and thaw it over and over again. @n example of a plant requiring this treatment is !halaris arundinacea a strong and limber grass. Mimosa hostilis root)bar% is easily pulveri0ed to a fine powder in a blender releasing a pin% ha0e.
First place the grass clippings in the free0er over night.
@bove photo credit to Oim Deorne
6 5emove them and place the fro0en clippings into a blender. Try and liquefy the clippings as much as possible while they are fro0en. C6 5epeat this process of free0ing thawing and blending with the plant material several times for best results.
Mimosa hostilis root-bar%
Q / Erowid
#TE' 2 @cidify ,ater to p- /
Ta%e two pic%le Iars 1about / ounces each+ and wash them in the dishwasher to help sterili0e and clean them. Gabel the Iars A and. Fill ;ar A /=2 way full with distilled water 1R*8 ounces or R8 ml filtered preferable.+ 6our *=/ teaspoon 1R/ml+ of acid into ;ar A . Test the p- of the water in ;ar A . The p- of the water should read / (f not add more distilled water to dilute 18N acidity+. There are many sources of acid& #(lwas add acid into water& not water into acid. )se distilled water to avoid an adulterates.$
electronic p- meter in Iar
A6 Distilled white vinegar 18N acidity R/ cups or 8 ml for every 8g root) bar%+ or lemon Iuice. 6 Muratic acid from pool shop 1* ml 2N -l to * liter water is recommended.+ C6 5eagent grade hydrochloric and sulfuric acid 1over)poweringly potent without dilution.+
@dd powdered root)bar% to ;ar .
*ab +otes,
6roper method of testing p- with p- papers9 3se a glass stirring rod 1or something that won"t corrode with acid+ to stir the acidic solution. Dab the p- paper with the stirring rod lightly. To save p- paper you can cut only a small section of strip for a single test. (f a p- meter or p- papers are unavailable there are certain organic sources that produce antocanines which change color with different pranges. 5ed beats or red cabbage may be used to produce a rough estimate of p- range. This is not always recommended but it wor%s. To create the indicator solution blend or grind either red beats or red cabbage. Strain off the Iuice from the pulp and filter out any remaining plant material. (f not enough pigment is found try extracting more with water from the mushy pulp. (f there is too much pigment simply dilute solution with water. (ndicator solution produced has a short shelf life but can be stored in a refrigerator for several wee%s. ?elow is a rough p- chart for reference& 1litmus paper comes with its own pchart+
Figure *
#TE' 7 onvert Aaoid& to Salts
3sing a pipette 1or tur%ey baster+ transfer enough acidified water from ;ar A into ;ar to cover the root)bar% in the bottom of ;ar 1R> ounces or /8 ml acidified water into ;ar .+ ,hen the acid reacts with the root)bar% it converts the aaoid& 1e$-&)i%e+ into salts. To help facilitate this process we can&
A6 6eriodically sha%e the contents of the Iar. This helps more root)bar% come in contact with the acid. 6 The wea%er the acid the longer it should be heated for. Do not allow evaporation of the liquid inside. Do not boil. Maintain temperature below 8 or *// F. Since we are using pic%le Iars and not pyrex they can shatter easily if heated or cooled too quic%ly. (t is recommended using a double boiler with hot 1not boiling+ water to warm the solution. To cool simply turn off the heat source and allow the solution to slowly return to room temperature.
16 ,hen using muratic acid heat the Iar for
Figure /
*8)2 minutes. ,hen using wea%er acids 26 simmer the contents overnight. @llow the contents of the ar /7 hours to react the first time. The aaoid& 1!ry)!a*i"e&+ are converted into salts and become water soluble. 'ur e$-&)i%e is now contained in the aqueous solution.
#TE' 4 Filtration
6lug the bottom of the funnel with cotton balls or cotton cloth to create a cotton)filter. 6our the contents of ;ar through the funnel and into ;ar C. Squee0e the root)bar% contents inside the filter to press out the remaining Iuices. Save the root)bar% that has been caught by the filter and place it bac% into ;ar .
*ab +otes,
,hether filtering material through a cotton)filter or a coffee filter it helps if the thinner parts of the solution are filtered first followed by the mushy and more bul%y components 1which may clog the pores of your filters as you strain.+ The better your filtration the more rapid and efficient your emulsions also resulting in a
Figure 2
cleaner product. otton must be specifically used. 'ther fibers have the potential to react with our solvents. @ tea strainer 1wire strain+ can be a simple way to separate bul% ruffage. @nother way to improve this method is to use a vacuum filter. There are several varieties the most affordable being a tap) water aspirator "pump" that attaches to a household faucet and connects to filter. See ,i%ipedia& @spirator . These cost about P2. 1in /*+ and are very quic% useful and effective.
#TE' 5 ollect 2 Extractions
Repeat the process outlined in STEPS 2, 3, and 4, two more times. The initial extraction is most important. For best results allow the contents of the Iar more time to react during the remaining two extractions. Sha%e ;ar 7 times a day for * wee% before filtering each time through a cotton)filter. ollect the acidic contents in ;ar C each time. @fter these initial 2 cotton) filtration cycles clean ;ar A and ;ar and dispose of remaining root)bar%. @fter all 2 extraction phases filter the contents of ;ar C again this time using a paper coffee)filter instead of a cotton filter.
6lace several paper)filters A6 1coffee filters+ in the bottom of the funnel. Strain contents of ;ar 6 C through the paper)filters and into ;ar . C6
,hen finished clean ;ar C.
Repeat this process as necessary to remove as many of the particulates from our solution as possible.
*ab +otes, Figure 7
The maIority of the aaoid& we are searching for will convert to salts in the first extraction phase. The second and third extraction phases ta%e place over a longer period of time. This will ensure that we will be able to extract as many aaoid& as possible from our material. The third phase can be reduced to *)/ days but will not produce the best yields. 5emember these measurements are all crude estimates.
#TE' 8 Defatting !ext we defat the solution. This is part of standard lab procedure whenever extracting aaoid& of this sort. This process removes the oils fats and other unwanted substances from our aqueous solution and also helps with yields. @ll DMT salts are insoluble in non)polar solvents )) with the exception of DMT acetate )) which is soluble in chlorinated non)polar solvents such as chloroform and DM. Thus if you are using white vinegar 1acetic acid+ as your acid you will need to use naptha or ether to defat as chloroform or DM would extract the DMT acetate along with the oils and fats defeating the purpose of this step.,hen using mimosa hostilis root) bar% you may find this step unnecessary however any plant material foliage containing chlorophyl it is strongly recommended. To do this we add an organic 1non)polar+ solvent to the acidic solution. ?efore using any solvents test a significant amount 1R8 ml+ of the solvent by evaporating it in a dish. This will verify that there are no residues or orders left when evaporation is complete 1commonly found in many over)the)counter solvents.+ Gater in the procedure 1#TE' 10+ you will be evaporating this solvent to leave a smo%able form of DMT. @nything your solvent contributes you may be smo%ing in the final product. ?elow are listed several more common organic non)polar solvents.
A6 aphtha! oleman fuel M6 naphtha 4ippo or lighter fluid. Evaporate a small amount in a dish and inspect the residue if you are unsure of it"s contaminants. (f used for the extraction phase instead of the defatting phase warm naphtha will extractaaoid& much better than cool naphtha. !aphtha is considered more selective for catching these aaoid& than DM. +aphtha rises to the top of the ar .
Figure 8
6 "ethylene #hloride! @lso %nown as DM or dichloromethane. 'ften used as an adhesive solvent for acrylics. 6ure DM can be found in craft stores. DM must be distilled first from all non)flammable paint strippers beforehand 1they contain a paste that holds several unwanted substances.+ The paint stripper may also contain methanol 1most marine grade paint strippers are >)N DM.+ Methanol is also an organic solvent. DM distills at 7* or *: F. 6ure DM is best. May cause cancer and blindness. Ta%e necessary precautions. Methlene chloride sin%s to the bottom of the ar . C6 Ether! !aphtha
ontained in engine)starting fluid purchased at automotive stores. To remove liquid ether from an engine)starting aerosol can spray the contents of the can down a */ inch 1R2cm+ length of 2=7 inch 6 pipe. The ether will condense on the sides of the pipe and fall into the Iar while the inert propellant will be released into the air. Ether is extremel volatile. Ether floats to the top of the ar . .6 #hloroform! hloroform 1-/*/+ can be purchased over the internet from arts and crafts warehouses. (t has a tendency to be harsh on organics and has a boiling range of 28):8 18)*7 F+. hloroform sin%s to the bottom of the ar .
(t is important to remember what type of organic solvent you use. For our defatting process we will use naphtha.
Def at t i ngp r o c es s
@dd to ;ar R8)* ml 1R/)2.8 ounces+ naphtha. 1'nly *)*8N the volume of our acidic solution is enough naphtha for this step. isuali0e what *N of the total of the solution is and add that amount of naphtha into the ar .+ ap the lid on ;ar and sha%e the contents vigorously for / minutes. Set ;ar aside and allow for emulsion 1foam bubbles solutions particles etc.+ to separate into two distinct layers 1much li%e oil and water will separate.+ This may ta%e R/7 hours 17> in some cases.+ The oils and fats will migrate into the non)polar solvent layer leaving our aaoid& in the aqueous solution. Since we are using naphtha the solvent layer will rise to the top of ;ar . 3sing a pipette 1or tur%ey baster+ remove the solvent layer and discard.
Repeat defattin$ process 2 times.
*ab +otes,
@ separatory funnel is very handy for dividing and eliminating layers of solutions. This device consists of a single chamber with a tapered bottom. 'n the bottom is a closed faucet. The container is filled with the two solutions and they are mixed. @fter mixing the apparatus is set aside until both fluids separate into two distinct layers. The lower fraction of the fluids can be drained via the bottom faucet and into a container for preservation 1in this extraction when using naptha during the defatting process+ or to discard 1in this extraction when using naptha during the basification process+. @ quic% separatory funnel can be made by filling a 4iploc% plastic baggie with your mixtures and hanging it
Se pe r a t o r yF un ne li nJ a r
from one corner. ,hen the layers have separated the bottom corner of the bag is pinched and then cut for drainage. (t is suggested to test the baggie to ma%e sure your solvents will not melt it.
#TE' 9 6repare to ?asify I nt hi ss t epwewi l l bepr epar i ngt hes ol ut i onf ort he al mi g r a t i o nu s i n gac o mmo no r g an i cno np ol a r k a l o i d s s ol v ent .Forours ol v entwewi l l us ewar apht ha( ot hers ol v ent sar ei dent i fi edi nSTEP6. ) mn Ad dt oJ 1 00ml ( ~3ou nc e s )wa r mn ap ht h a.Sh ak et h ej a rf o r5mi n ut e s . a rB
#TE' ?asify to p-
!ow we must basify our solution. ?y doing this we will #unhoo%# the salt and transform the aaoid into its #free base# form. Theaaoid& will no longer be a salt nor will they be soluble in water. This allows us to extract them with the organic solvent added in #TE' 9. @mmonium hydroxide is normally used but for our experiment we will be using !a'- found in household lye crystals 15ed Devil drain cleaner+ and purchased at hardware stores. *e is ver caustic and can react violentl . Ta%e the proper precautions when using lye. @ good mixture for basifying is 8g 1R./ ounces+ lye mixed with 8g 1R2 ounces+ distilled water. The reason we dilute the base is to prevent locali0ed p- spi%es which will destroy the aaoid& in the area that we are adding the concentrated base. reate a basic mixture as follows&
A6 Fill ;ar A 8ml 1R2 ounces+ full with water. 6
Slowly add 8g 1R* teaspoon+ of lye to water. Sha%e and mix contents thoroughly.
C6 Test to ma%e sure p- is R*/.
!ow using a pipette transfer small amounts of solution in ;ar A into ;ar .
Stir and chec% the p- of contents in ;ar after each transfer of lye solution until the solution in ;ar reaches a p- of R)**.
Sha%e the ar but be careful of pressure that will build up inside the Iar. elease the lid and vent often The solution will change a gray color as the aaoid& are turned from acid 6 salts to free base. (t may resemble a thic% gel. Then the solution will turn blac% and slippery as you add more base. The ar will heat up during this process.
@pproximate ?asification olor
Figure :
Kou have now formed the free base aaoid& that are soluble in non)polar solvents. @ccording to the Merc% (ndex the pa 1natural p-+ of DMT is >.:> 1which would ma%e this the ideal p- to extract at.+ (n many experiments the average p- of the final basified solution in#TE' was R* which gave satisfactory results everytime.
#TE' < Emulsions @s these aaoid& dissolve in non)polar solvent added in #TE' 9 an emulsion will form. The strength of emulsion formed is directly proportional to the strength of stirring. -eavy rapid stirring produces a thic% emulsion that ta%es up to 7 days to settle out. Gight slow stirring over a longer period of time produces and emulsion that separates quic%ly without affecting the yield. Get the Iar sit overnight until the emulsion has separated into t wo distinct layers. (f emulsion has not cleared in 7> hours try the following&
A6 Sometimes adding a lot of salt and gentle stirring will ma%e the polar layer more polar and help with emulsions. 6 @dd more organic solvent. C6 Filter solutions again through a cotton filter several times. @ paper filter will not wor%. .6 Test and increase the p-.
Thic% emulsion
E6 (n most cases the solvent layer will have slight tint or may sometimes appear completely clear. (f you want an early test of your extraction simply evaporate a small amount in a glass dish. The residue left should smell a bit synthetic 1a smell li%e plastic.+ This smell is a trait of your tryptamine.
The naphtha will create a thic% orange=pin% emulsion with small bubbles that sometimes ta%es over 7> hours to separate. @lways wait a few days before trying other methods to brea% down the
Figure <
emulsion. eeping the naphtha warm will increase the amount of aaoid& it carries with it during each extraction. To help %eep the ar warm place it in a pot surrounded by warm water. !aphtha floats. (f DM is used for our extraction solvent in #TE' 9 we will have a faster resolving emulsion than naphtha 1less than an hour in some cases.+ The solvent may turn a slightly dar%er color usually only a tint of reddish)brown or yellow. DM sin%s. @llow a minimum of /7 hours for the contents of the Iar to react completely. (f using methanol allow a minimum of 7 days warmed to room)temperature for reactions to complete. 3sing a pipette remove the corresponding solvent layer from ;ar and save it in ;ar A.
#TE' 10 Final Aaoid Extraction and Evaporation Repeat STEP % and STEP & 'in that order( 2 times. 'ur e$-&)i%e falls from the basified aqueous solution and into our solvent. The combined solvent fractions from our solvent extractions should now be in ;ar A. 6our contents of ;ar A into a glass ba%ing dish. @llow for the solvent to evaporate. Evaporation may ta%e up to one wee% 1depending on your solvent.+ During this time %eep dish with solvent awa from heat or open flame.
Q / Erowid
The remaining substance may resemble anything from a stic%y orangish goo to white or pale)orange crystals depending on how well you followed the procedure. Scrape up this substance from the ba%ing pan with a ra0or. @bout /8 mg is a good starting amount 1try about the si0e of a pea.+ @ssuming best yields you could get 8): doses 1/<8 mg+ from 2g mimosa hostilis root)bar%. Kou will %now when DMT is in the final product by the smell. DMT has a distinct synthetic smell almost li%e some manufactured plastics. Q/ Erowid
/Don't worr about weighing it. Smo%e it 'til our high& then save the rest for next time. emember the flame should never touch the dmt& 0ust the glass that's holding the dmt. 1ust heat up the /bulb/ and gets to to%ing. Slow 2 stead& deep inhalation& hold the smo%e 'til ou burst. "f nothing after 3st hit& huge to%e again& etc. The 4rd to%e will usuall be the one./
*ab +otes,
@fter DM has evaporated your product may contain trace amounts of hydroxide. Some find hydroxide to be unpleasant in the final product. To help reduce this try washing the DMT crystals in water and letting the water evaporate. ,ater can be added to the solvent evaporating dish to help carry off hydroxide. Q / Erowid 6hotos of DMT crystals ta%en from The aults of Erowid
Gab !otes from 6revious DMT Extractions G@? U*
(a!eria& *. /8g mimosa hostilis root)bar% /. 6ool acid 2. Gitmus 6apers 7. 5ed Devil Gye 8. Distilled ,ater :. offee Filter and otton T)Shirt <. 6lastic Funnel >. 6ic%le Oars . ?a%ing dish and Tur%ey ?aster *. oo%ing 6ot **. Gighter Fluid
.ay 1:
The root)bar% is brittle. To powderi0e it one had to simply place the stic%s of dried bar% into the blender. They were immediately ground to a fine powder without any trouble giving off a pin% ha0e when the cover of the blender was released. The powder was stored in a tupperware
container and placed in the bac% of a free0er. .ay 2:
Muratic acid is powerful. Thic% gloves were worn along with eye protection. 3sing a stainless steel teaspoon about *)8ml 1* teaspoon+ of muratic acid was poured into a pic%le Iar that contained roughly 2=7 filtered water 1*8 ounces or about 8 ml.+ The pic%le Iar was previously washed twice in a dishwasher in an attempt to ensure sterility. 3nder the lid of the pic%le Iar the manufacturer had painted on a thin ring of some type of latex or rubber to help seal the Iar. The mixture of water and acid do not seem to affect the ring 1it doesn"t dissolve or melt the latex in any way+ so the Iar and its lid were used. The Iar was shoo% to mix the acid and water. (mmediately afterwards the p- of the water was tested. The p- was * using p- papers to measure. 1ompare p- within 2 seconds with litmus.+ @dded the /8g root)bar% to the bottom of Iar ?. Then the baster was used to pour enough acidified water to Iust cover the root)bar%. Then Iar ? was capped and shoo% vigorously for * minutes. ,hile sha%ing the Iar it began to foam up with pin% foam. Then the Iar rest for a couple hours. The contents of the Iar bro%e into 2 layers. The top was pin% foam. The middle was a very very dar% red 1burgundy+ color. Gight didn"t seem to pass through it very well at all. The bottom layer was a lighter red sediment.
.ay 7:
The dar% red color of the top layer of liquid has now turned almost blac% it seems. !o light passes through it.
.ay 4:
(t was decided to heat the solution for several hours in an attempt to speed up the process. The Iar and it"s contents were propped up on a porcelain stand inside a coo%ing pot. To this pot was added enough water to surround the pic%le Iar. The lid to the pic%le Iar was made finger tight so that the contents could not evaporate but still allow pressure to escape. For roughly 2 hours the mixture sat in very warm water 1not boiling.+ 'ccasionally one would lift the Iar and sha%e the contents before placing it bac% on the stand. @fterwards the heat source was turned off and the water and the pic%le Iar contents cooled to room temperature.
.ay 5:
@ funnel was placed in the empty Iar @. (nside the funnel was placed a cotton T)shirt filter. (n Iar ? the root)bar% and the solution had formed two layers. This made it easier to sift the smaller particles through the filter before the larger particles clogged the pores of the filter. @fter the filter was full of sediment ( too% the edges of the filter and twisted to squee0e any remaining liquid into the second Iar. The process was repeated until the Iar ? was empty. Then Iar was filled with roughly /=2 filtered water and was added roughly 8ml of muratic acid. The cotton filters were opened again and the sediments they held were poured bac% into the Iar ?. ?oth Iars were capped tightly and chec%ed for lea%s again. !eedless to say anytime one is wor%ing with these chemicals one should wear thic% gloves and the proper eye and body protection. @cidified water from Iar was siphoned with a tur%ey baster into Iar ? until the water covered the sediments. The contents of the Iar were again left to sit in warm water this time about 2 minutes.
.ay 8:
Strained aqueous solution and collected. @dded acidic water to remaining plant material. Simmered for 2 minutes.
.ay <:
Final collection of aqueous solution. 6lant material was thrown away. Solution was strained 2 times through coffee filters.
!aphtha 1Gighter Fuel+ was added. @bout * ml. The Iar was sha%en vigorously for R* minutes resulting in a thic% bubbly solution. This was allowed to rest for /7 hours. @fter /7 hours the top layer resembles water with a few drops of mil% added. There is also a layer of translucent pin% scum. This this is the nasty stuff we want to get rid of. To remove the naphtha layer 1top layer+ it was agreed that it would be best to siphon the bottom layer out of the Iar and save it instead then clean out the Iar containing the remaining nasty naphtha stuff. 3sing a plastic tur%ey baster we slowly squee0ed the bulb as it passed through the layers into the Iar. This forced small bubbles to pour from the no00le and prevented any naphtha from entering the baster before we could suc% up the bottom layer. @fter removing the naphtha the remaining contents were again filtered once through a paper coffee filter. @dded * ml of naphtha again and shoo% the Iar for 8 minutes. .ay 10:
@ 8N base solution was made with lye crystals and water in an empty Iar.. @bout * ml water for * teaspoon 18mlJ+ lye crystals. The Iar was sha%en and stirred and made sure all the lye crystals had dissolved. This was added slowly to the Iar containing our main solution. @fter 7 teaspoons of base solution the mixture changed from a burgundy red to a very grayish blue color. The p- was tested and found to be <. @fter > teaspoons of base solution the mixture has turned a dar%er gray color. The p- tested was R*. @fter * teaspoons of base solution the mixture changed from gray to very in%y blac%. There is a lot of foam. The p- tested was found to be R**)*/. @ total of * teaspoons were added to this mixture before the p- was R**. The Iar was sha%en for several minutes with the cap tightly sealed. Then the Iar was placed in a pot of warm water for *8 minutes while slowly stirred. Then the Iar was allowed to rest for 2 hours inside the warm water.
.ay 11: .ay 12:
.ay 17: .ay 14:
Solution has not separated into two layers. The naphtha layer on top still resembles a thic% oily foam. Solution has not separated into two layers. Mar%ings were made on the side of the Iar to see if any progress had been made. !othing changed in the Iar within the last 7> hours. More solvent was added. !o change in solutions. @bout * teaspoon of salt was added to the mixture and stirred gently for 2 minutes. !o change in solutions. The p- was ta%en of the aqueous solution. ?ecause of the dar% color of the material being tested it"s hard to get an accurate measurement. @ small sample was ta%en and lightly diluted with water. The p- was about or *. @nother mixture of lye and water was made in a separate Iar. @bout / teaspoons 1* ml+ of base solution was added to the mixture in Iar ?. The p- was tested again and read about ** or */. There seemed to be an immediate change in the emulsion. @ clear layer appeared on top of the Iar followed by the familiar thic% orange bubbles and then finally the aqueous solution on the bottom. The container was steeped in warm water for * hour. @fter * hour the contents were strained 2 times through a cotton)filter and the emulsions were
allowed to separate. There was a dramatic improvement after filtration. The top layer of naphtha was removed and saved. @nother * ml naphtha was added and the Iar was heated again for perhaps another hour. The best technique to mixing the two solutions does not seem to be sha%ing or stirring. (nstead very slowly tip the Iar end over end repeatedly for several minutes. This produces an emulsion that settles in about /)2 hours time. .ay 15:
The contents of the Iar were heated and mixed slowly for a period of / hours. @fterwards the top layer was saved and another * ml naphtha was added. @gain the Iar was heated and stirred for a few hours. The solvent layer was removed and placed with the rest of the previous solvent fractions.
.ay 18:
The combined solvent fractions were poured into a glass ba%ing dish and set aside for evaporation.
.ay 19-20: 2 day evaporation process. ?ottom of dish there appears small yellow=orange crystal formations circular in pattern about /)2mm across. .ay 21:
Some of the outer edges of the crystals have dried a bit. The larger crystals still seem wet.
.ay 22:
The entire dish was scraped with a ra0or. The crystals bunched together and dissolved into a caramel gum li%e substance. This substance was smeared across a 2V8 note card.
.ay 27:
The brownish goo has dried up and reveals a more crystalline structure. This was scrapped off using an exacto %nife.
.ay 24:
Elf)spice hyperspace. The experiment was a success.
G@? U/
(a!eria& *. /8g 6halaris arundinacea 1rather dry note this grass contains 8)Me' al%aloids as well+ /. 6ool acid 2. Gitmus 6apers 7. 5ed Devil Gye 8. Gighter Fluid :. otton ?alls <. 6lastic Funnel >. 6ic%le Oars . ?a%ing dish tur%ey baster coo%ing pot
.ay 1:
6halaris grass is very hard to pulveri0e. The grass was placed in a free0er and then into a blender. To help mash the grass down towards the blades of the blender a small amount of water was added. 5epeatedly the lid to the blender was lifted and the grass had to be pushed bac% down. (t too% over an hour to pulveri0e the grass sufficiently. The mixture of water and clippings was placed into a baggie. The baggie was fro0en and thawed several times over a period of /7 hours.
.ay 7:
8ml muratic acid added to a pic%le Iar that contained roughly 8 ml water. ,ater and acid were mixed well. /8g of grass was placed in the bottom of Iar ? and the acidified water covered this amount of grass. Shoo% the Iar and contents.
.ay 4-11:
Oar contents are sha%en daily.
.ay 12:
@ funnel was placed in Iar @. (nside the funnel was placed a cotton ball. The material from Iar ? was filtered through the funnel into Iar @. The remaining material in the filter was placed bac% into Iar ? and covered again with acidified water. Oar ? contents are sha%en daily for < days.
.ay 1<:
ollection of aqueous solution same as Day */.
.ay 28:
Final collection of aqueous solution. 6lant material was thrown away. Solution was strained 2 times through coffee filters. * ml !aphtha added. The Iar was sha%en * minutes. This was allowed to rest for /7 hours. @fter /7 hours the nasty stuff was s%immed off the top along with the naphtha solvent. This was done twice. @dded * ml of naphtha again and shoo% the Iar for 8 minutes.
.ay 2:
@ 8N base solution was made with lye crystals and water in an empty Iar. This was added slowly to the Iar containing our main solution. The p- was now R**. The Iar was slowly stirred for several hours while heated.
.ay 2<-71: @fter the emulsion had cleared the top layer of naphtha was collected and more naphtha added to the original mixture. This was done 2 times. .ay 7<:
The combined solvent fractions were poured into a glass ba%ing dish and set aside for evaporation. @fter 7 days the dish was scraped clean and the crystals put to use. Success;
G@? U2
(a!eria& *. 78g Mimosa -ostilis 5oot ?ar% /. Muriatic @cid 2. Gitmus 6apers 7. Gye
8. 5onsonal Gighter Fluid :. otton Filter <. Separatory Funnel >. 6yrex Dish and Stove
.ay 1:
I ngr edi ant swer ec utwi t hs c i s sor sandpl ac esi nc off eegr i nderf orpul v er i z i ng.Thec ont ent s wer et henpl ac edi npy r e xdi s hwi t hc ov er .Di s hwaspl ac edong ass t o v eandal l o wedt oboi l . Af t erboi l wasac hi e vedt hest o vewast ur nedoff .Per i odi c al l yt hest o vewast ur nedont oappl y heatt ot hedi s h.Af t er20mi nut est hebi omas swass t r ai ned.Pl ac edbi omas sbac ki nt ot hedi s h andr epeat edt wi c e. .
.ay 2:
AddedRons onal l i ght erfl ui daboutequal t oex i s t i ngv ol ume,c o ver edj arandshook .Res ul twas mas s i v eemul s i on.Le ts i tf ort womont hs . .Amuddl ys i l tf or medont hebot t om oft hej ar .I ' m gues si ngi t ' sf r om notfi l t er i ngfi nel yenough. Separ at edbot t om l i qui dl ay erus i ng1Ls epf unnel i nt oac l eanj ar ,anddi s car dedt opl ay er .
.ay 80:
( ThoughtI ' dt r ydef at t i ngonc e.I tdoes n' ts eem wor t hi twi t hMHRB.Pr obabl ywon' tdoi ti nt he f ut ur e. )
.ay 81:
Ipr ev i ous l ypr epar edami x t ur eofRedDev i l L yeanddi s t i l l edwat er .I tt ak esawhi l et of ul l y di s s ol v et hepel l e t s .Agai naddedaboutt hes ameamountofnap t haasIhadl i qui d,andt hen addedbas i csol ut i onwhi l es t i r r i ngt oapHof11. 6.Whi l es hak i ng,Ino t i c edi tf or mi ngav ac uum, andper i odi c al l yv ent ed.I ' m nots ur eoft hemec hani s mt her e.Il eti ts et t l e,t hens epar at ed,s av i ng t hebot t om l ay erf or2ndandt hi r dex t r ac t i ons ,andt opl ay erf ordr y i ng. Dr y i ngTi p:geta4i nc h f an,andl ayi tont opoft hepy r e xdi s h,andi twi l l dr yov er ni ght
?(?G('L5@6-K The 3au!& o$ Erowid: www.erowid.org 6erhaps the best collection of information on the internet about chemicals and plants for anyone new to drugs. ,ithin this document ( have reprinted several smaller pictures found from their website. @lthough ( as%ed permission ( was never sent a response but here ( credit their wonderful database and used the pictures anyway. olor photo of a large ultrapure DMT crystal grown in *:. The crystal is approximately * inch across. @nonymous 6hotographer. 3sed by Erowid. =chemicals=showWimage.phpJiBdmt=dmtWcrystal*.Ipg olor photo of a pile of DMT crystals extracted with !aptha.
6hoto by ?ucwheat. Q / Erowid. =chemicals=showWimage.phpJiBdmt=dmtWcrystal/.Ipg olor photo of a small vial full of !!)DMT crystals. @nonymous 6hotographer. Q / Erowid. =chemicals=showWimage.phpJiBdmt=dmt/.Ipg olor photo of a collection of rootbar% pieces layed out on a plate. 6hoto by Murple. Q / Erowid. =plants=showWimage.phpJiBmimosa=mimosaWhostilis:.Ipg '&y%hedei% #ha*a"i&* The Cu!i+a!io", 're)ara!io" a"d #ha*a"i% B&e o$ '&y%ho!ro)i% 'a"!&6 Deorne Oim. 1*7+ 6ublisher & Goompanics 3nlimited (S?! & *)888)**)2 olor photo of grass growing outdoors. 16ictured as found on Erowid.+ =plants=showWimage.phpJiBphalaris=images=archive=phalarisWarundinacea*.Ipg Rhodiu* - a" i"$or*a!i+e ee*e"!: 5hodium @ collection of highly technical information. ( humble myself before the %nowlege they posess. rhodium=chemistry=equipment=ph)indicator.html Ayahua&%a A"aoue&: 'a"ae" E"!heoe"& . 'tt Oonathan. 1*7+. ennewic% ,@& !atural 6roducts. (S?!& ):*7/27)8)8 Try)!a*i"e& I Ha+e "ow" A"d Do+ed: The Che*i&!ry Co"!i"ue&6 ?y @lexander and @nn Shulgin.
16art /+
;our"a o$ 'har*a%eu!i%a #%ie"%e&6 ol. 8: page *8/:.
.(T $or !he (a&&e& A "imosa tenuiflora = ". hostilis Roo!-ar E/!ra%!io" Te by No*a" +164 - ;u" 28, 2012 Re+i&ed +er&io" o$ a" ar!i%e orii"ay )ubi&hed i" The Entheo$en Review
itation& !oman. #DMT for the Masses 1v *.7+#. Erowid.org. Oun /: /*/. 'nline edition& Erowid.org=plants=nutmeg=nutmegWarticleU.shtml. 'riginal published in The Entheogen 5eview. @utumn /:9*812+&*)/.
NOTE: ?efore performing any extraction procedure it is always a good idea to read the entire description of the process from start to finish. 6lease see the @ddendum at the end of this te% for additional tips
refinements and clarifications regarding to the processes described. @lso see the related article eep that Mimosa MudJ by O. oc%toasten.
.i&%ai*er 6erforming this procedure is illegal in most countries. ( do not advocate performing it where illegal and ( do not perform it myself where illegal. The intent of this te% is to simplify the extraction procedure as much as possible so that the average person can complete it in a %itchen in one evening. ,hile ( thin% that ( have accomplished this goal experimentalists must still do their homewor%. (t is a good idea to read a few different te%s before deciding which one to use and to research safe handling procedures for the chemicals and equipment required. ( don"t provide instructions for decanting siphoning and filtering for example because ( assume that those interested in performing %itchen chemistry will educate themselves on such basic procedures.
(a!eria& •
Mimosa tenuiflora 1B M. hostilis+ root)bar%
@ coffee grinder or heavy)duty blender 1one that will crush ice+ @ wide)mouthed glass mixing Iar with a tight)fitting lid 1a quart Iar can do 8 grams of root)bar% a gallon pic%le Iar can do / grams+
Gye 1granulated sodium hydroxide+
@ bottle of vinegar 1for neutrali0ing any lye spills+
@ dust mas% safety goggles and rubber gloves
!aptha 1M6 not lighter fluid+
Four wide)mouthed >)ounce glass collection Iars with lids 1canning or Ielly Iars wor% well+
@ separatory funnel or gear to siphon or decant offee filters
@ rubber spatula
@ free0er set to a very cold temperature 1it should free0e ice cream roc%)hard+
!on)sudsy ammonia 1*N solution e.g. #Ianitor strength# is optimal but 8N #household strength# will do as well+ @n eyedropper
'ro%e&& *+ Snap the Mimosa tenuiflora root)bar% into small pieces and run it through the coffee grinder or blender at high speed. Kou may need pruning shears to cut the root)bar% small enough to grind properly. 6ulveri0e it until it is Iust fiber and pin%=purple dust))it needs to be completely bro%en down. The dust produced is very fine and astringent to one"s respiratory tract. 3nless you dig big ca%ey purple boogers wear a dust mas%.
@fter grinding wait for a bit before opening the top of the coffee grinder or blender so that the dust has some time to settle. /+ ombine the lye and the water in the mixing Iar. 3se *8 ml water and * gram of lye for every gram of powdered root)bar% that will later be added into the mixing Iar. A!'TE& See @ddendum point U* below.C For example& 8 grams of root)bar% powder would require <8 ml water and 8 grams of lye. 'ne level tablespoon of lye weighs about *8 grams. A!'TE& Gye is dangerous. ?lind)you)forever dangerous. -ave a bottle of vinegar handy as an acid to neutrali0e the caustically basic lye when cleaning up any spills that occur and wear eye protection and rubber gloves when wor%ing with lye. @dd the lye to the water while slowly and constantly stirring until it has completely dissolved. @lways add the lye to the water and not the other way around. @dding water to lye may cause a volcano)li%e reaction. Erowid No!e: Dissolving lye in water must be done slowly because it causes an exothermic 1heat)releasing+ reaction and this heat can cause dangerous splashing the container to be too hot to touch and can even crac% non)borosilicate glassware all of which could lead to dangerous situations.C 2+ @dd the powdered root)bar% into the lye=water solution in your mixing Iar. ap and sha%e the Iar then let it sit for about an hour. 7+ !ow add to the mixing Iar * ml of naphtha for each *8 ml of water used to create the lye solution. A!'TE& See @ddendum point U/ below.C Turn the Iar end)over)end. Do not sha%e or splash 1or there will be a tendency for the solution to form an unwanted emulsion+9 simply roll the naphtha around in the root)bar%) powder)solution to mix it. Lently do this for one minute and then let the Iar stand until the naphtha has mostly separated and is floating on top. Then repeat this agitation process three more times. 8+ @fter the final agitation allow enough time to pass for the naphtha to again float on top and then separate the two layers. The naphtha 1top layer+ goes in one of the collection Iars everything else stays in the mixing Iar. @ separatory funnel is the easiest means to accomplish separation of the two layers but various techniques of siphoning or decanting could also be employed. !one of the dar% 1lower+ solution should be allowed into the collection Iar))Iust the naphtha. A!'TE& (f you save the dar% 1lower+ basified solution this can be used to extract #Iungle spice# from& see Entropymancer />. #"Oungle Spice"& Mystery @l%aloid1s+ of Mimosa 5oot)bar%# The Entheogen eview *:12+& ><)*>.C :+ 5epeat steps 7)8 above three more times but do not add any new powdered root)bar%. Kou will be reprocessing the same original root)bar% material in order to thoroughly extract the DMT from it. ,ith the final 1fourth Iar+ extraction leave the powdered root)bar% soa%ing in the naphtha for a day or two 1agitating it occasionally+ to better extract any remaining DMT before separating off the naphtha. A!'TE& See @ddendum point U2 below.C ,hen you have finished place all four collection Iars into your free0er and go to bed. Kou will have four #snow globes# waiting for you in the morning. <+ 6our the naphtha from each Iar through a coffee filter saving the naphtha. 1The naphtha can be reused for your next batch of extractions or it can be evaporated off to produce a residue that can be further refined))see #5ecrystalli0ation# below+. A!'TE& (t has been pointed out that using fresh naphtha for each extraction results in significantly better quality material with less DMT)oxide and oils in the final prod uct and a better free0e precipitation.C @ lot of paste will stic% to the Iar so use a small rubber spatula to scrape this paste from the Iar"s sides down into the filter as well. Spread out each filter to dry. There will still be some residue in the Iars9 a bit of Salvia divinorum or annabis can be used to scrub them out providing an enhanced aspect to those herbs. >+ The paste must be allowed to dry thoroughly9 chop and stir it a couple of times to ma%e sure that this is the case. 'nce it seems to be dry crush up any lumps. A!'TE& Minimi0e the airflow above your product while evaporating)off the solvent and drying the DMT. -aving a fan blowing above the product 1not recommended+ has been reported to transform white crystals into yellow goo9 such airflow may convert some of the DMT into DMT)oxide which is a yellow stic%y goo 1and apparently not as strong as DMT or
different in effect depending on who you tal% to+.C + A!'TE& (f you intend to recrystalli0e your material in order to further purify it you can s%ip this step. A&o, &ee Adde"du*, )oi"! 4 beow6C ombine all of the dried material into one coffee filter. ,ash this material by pouring free0er temperature non)sudsy ammonia over it and through the coffee filter. (t is imperative that the ammonia you use is of the non)sudsy variety. Kou can sha%e the bottle to tell9 if it creates suds get a different %ind. 5insing won"t ta%e much ammonia about 7 ounces for a /)gram batch. Stir the powder around while rinsing to ma%e sure that all of it is thoroughly wetted. @ good bit of the mass will wash away)) perhaps /8)78N))but it"s nothing you want to be smo%ing anyway. Kou should be left with about .8N of the weight of the root)bar% in DMT powder. ,hen dried it is perfectly smo%able at this point but it can be refined further by recrystalli0ation. @lthough recrystalli0ation inevitably results in some prod uct loss once you"ve had a hit of DMT that left absolutely nothing behind in the pipe you won"t want to use anything else.
Re%ry&!aia!io" For our current purposes the idea behind recrystalli0ation is that the chosen solvent holds more DMT when hot than when cold and that some impurities remain more easily within cold solvent. ,hile naphtha will wor% for recrystalli0ation a better solvent to use at this point is heptane. -eptane is available in ?estineX a rubber cement remover available at art supply stores. A!'TE& ,e have been informed that not all types of ?estineX use heptane so chec% to ma%e sure that this is the sole ingredient.C 6lace a glass container holding the DMT and a glass container filled with the recrystalli0ation solvent together in a pan of hot water. Shot glasses in a saucepan wor% well for a gram or two. The fumes from your solvent are extremely flammable so only use a contained electric heating source. 1Electric ranges with coil style elements can ignite fumes as can the heat coils in electric ovens. Las ranges or any sort of open flame obviously must be avoided.+ The DMT will already be melting if the water is hot enough. 3sing an eyedropper add the hot solvent little)by)little while agitating the DMT until all of the material has dissolved. 3se /)2 ml of solvent 1or less+ per gram of powder9 you want to use as little solvent as possible. ,hen all of the material has gone into solution the solvent will be a clear yellow. Geave the pan of water with the DMT container to cool down to room temperature. Then remove the DMT container and place it into your refrigerator. Gater move it into your free0er. This step)wise process allows for gradual cooling and the precipitation of crystals. Kou will end up with DMT crystals of varying purity on top of a pellet of slag which still contains quite a bit of DMT 1but also some lye if you s%ipped the ammonia wash+. Do the coffee filter bit again to dry the material and then separate the crystals from the slag. The crystals can be further refined through one or two more recrystalli0ations into pure clear DMT. The slag can also be further refined or simply redissolved into the next batch. The solvent can be reused or evaporated down with the residue scraped and cleaned. @nd don"t forget to scrub those Iars and utensils with some of your favorite smo%ing herb.
Adde"du* by No*a" a"d E"!ro)y*a"%er *+ (f pre)powdered bar% is being used *.8 to / times of the water called for will be required. 6re)powdered bar% requires more water because commercial suppliers pulveri0e the fibrous bits that a home blender 1or a coffee bean grinder+ leaves intact9 this material turns to a sludge in the lye solution that won"t release the naphtha if it"s added while the solution is still sludgy. /+ 5egarding the free0e precipitation process& ,hen the te% was written commonly available Mimosa tenuiflora 1B M. hostilis+ root)bar% was of much higher quality than what has been available more recently. Due to the lower)quality material these days a partial evaporation is sometimes necessary to get the solution concentrated enough to precipitate. 3sing a bit less naphtha allows the extractions to be concentrated enough to free0e)precipitate more reliably. 1(t may end up ta%ing one or two more pulls to get all the DMT but easy free0e)precipitation is a good trade)off for one or two extra pulls.+ ?y using around .7
ml of heated naphtha per gram of bar% every pull except the last one free0e)precipitated easily. 1This was with an acid=base extraction in a sep funnel but it should li%ely wor% Iust as well with a straight)to)base extraction.+ 2+ 3sing heat for the last pull will increase the yield. This was left out of the original te% for the sa%e of simplicity but it is probably worth mentioning. A!'TE& @gain naphtha is flammable. !aphtha)based extractions can be warmed by partially submerging the closed extraction Iar into a hot water bath.C 7+ Let rid of the ammonia wash. For whatever reason it seems to cause problems for at least half the people that use it. hange it to a wash of the naphtha with a wea% basic solution. A@ccording to ovin"s Te%& Dissolve a pinch of sodium carbonate in about 8 ml or distilled water then add a small amount of this solution 1approximately one)twelfth by volume+ to the naphtha sha%e well then allow the water to separate from the naphtha and discard the water. Following this wash the naphtha two more times using pure 1non) basified+ distilled water 1again using an amount of approximately one)twelfth by volume+. ovin cautions to avoid leaving the water in the naphtha for too long saying& #no sitting for hours letting it "soa%"9 you need to get it in and out.#C
No!e& This is a revised version of a te% published under the same name in The Entheogen eview 1see citation above+. @n error in the printedE version of this article made it appear as though the root)bar% should be thrice run through a new lye=water mix and then extracted with naphtha. This is not the case. The YsameY lye=water=root)bar% should be used in each of the three re)processesings9 only new naphtha is added each time. )) .a+id Aard+ar, The Entheo$en Review For some additional tips related to this extraction process see #eep that Mimosa MudJ# by O. oc%toasten. For general information about various te%s used see the #DMT Extraction 'verview# by Entropymancer. @n adapted spin)off version of this article containing color photograph s is available here.
htt":DD###.lycaeum.orgDne"enthesDPlantsDPhalarisD"halaris.e&tract.html Phalaris e&tract
=eLorne says he discovered that you could make a smokable extract by accident, after leaving an extract intended for ayahues8ue use out where the alcohol evaporated, leaving "a gummy tar" which he "on a sudden whim" decided to smoke. "7 took one inhalation of this essence and found my mind immediately blasted into a cerebral hurricane of rapidly pulsing white light. Fortunately, 7 already knew what a =+T flash is like, so 7 was not totally taken by surprise." is idea of extraction is this0 •
Pulverize the grass cli""ings
A!! #ater% Fenough... to ma)e a "oura'le sou"F
Aci!i$y to ", or so 8O"tional9 4immer the aci!i/e! sou" in a slo# coo)er overnight% not allo#ing the li2ui! to eva"orate. 8FIt may ta)e t#o or three such o"erations to get all o$ the al)aloi!s into solutionF9 4train the "lant matter through cheesecloth% then through a "a"er co5ee /lter A!! 1>-1B o$ the mass o$ the solution in a F!e$atting solventF such as methylene chlori!e% ether% chloro$orm% or na"tha. GHowever, see this warning about napthaH 4ha)e vigorously The cra" #ill go into the solvent% leaving the goo! stu5 in the #ater. 4e"arate the #ater $rom the solvent. A!! a 'ase to the a2ueous solution in small increments until the ", gets to a'out = or 1>. This converts the al)aloi!s into their $ree 'ase. E&tract #ith 1>B o$ the mass o$ the solution o$ an organic solvent $our times% at one (3-hour an! then three #ee)ly intervals. The solvent layer #ill ta)e on a !ar)er tint% usually yello#ish or re!!ish-'ro#n. It #ill ta)e almost a month to e&tract all o$ the al)aloi!s% an! the solution shoul! 'e sha)en at least t#ice a !ay 'et#een e&tractions. Eva"orate the solvent o5 $rom the com'ine! e&tract $ractions. ou no# have the al)aloi!s.
,e #as smo)ing >mg o$ this goo at a shot. !s a footnote, he tried similar stuff with Arundo donax and got some really nasty reactions from whatever other crud was in the plant. 7Em gonna cross this one off of my list.
https0>>www.dmt?nexus.me>forum>default.aspxDgMposts:tM3&262 i Ez4U ... much love btw great experiment, I thought I would add something my friend has been doing! ecently a friend has being doing a slightly modified version of lazymans te and getting "#g $ "%g extract from &''g of inner root bar! yes this is medium dar yellow dmt, but when crystallized twice, she gets white crystals to about (' $ (&) of the original weight. there is *uite a bit of n$oxide and oils left after re$crystallizing, which she enhances some leaf with.
+ll she does which is different to standard lazymans te is the following ... reeze the -/ , blend it all up, then sieve it then blend the fibrous particles so its almost all pure powder. 0hen mix in at first # litres of water with #''g of lye and "'' g of salt, then blend the hell out of it with a hand held blender, repeat this step thrice daily for & days, on day % she adds &'g more lye and about %' g of salt, with about " litre of water, by this time, % days sitting in a very basic solution, the basified mix has thicened up and is *uite viscous! I was surprised at how thi it gets! 1n the &th day add a further litre of water and blend again. 2ow here is the bit that we thin maes the difference, instead of using a limited amount of naphtha, she uses copious amounts, lie ".& litres per pull! I now its a hec of a lot of naphtha, but its not expensive in the scheme of things and damn does it pull some spice!, this is done & times and in the end 3ust over #) of extract is recovered with about (') $ (&) of this being pure white spice! I now the bar in this batch is excellent, so this could be a deciding factor, she first tried to extract "''g and yielded 3ust under #g of extract using standard lazymans te but with excessive naphtha but not blending up the bar, but 3ust cutting up the bar into small chuns, and mashing instead of blending twice daily as per standard lazymans te. 0his is the extract from about ''g of bar, without recrystallizing