26 January 2016
Mr. Jomel Abad #69 Mesmerized Street, Angeles City, Pamanga !ear Mr. Jomel Abad, FIRST AND FINAL DEMAND OF PAYMENT; NOTICE OF EJECTION
"e rite on be$al% o% our &lient, Ms. 'oena !oran. "e understand t$at in some time sin&e 2010, you $a(e been leasing t$e roerty )are$ouse* o% our &lient, situated at #6+ Mesmerized Street, Angeles, Pamanga, %or t$e are$ousing o% motor&y&les in &onne&tion it$ your Motor&y&le rading -usiness. "e understand, %urt$er, t$at t$e loan s$all be ayable in mont$ly installments at a rate o% Two Two Hundred Thousand Pesos (P2! "# er mont$. $at in early 201, $oe(er, you $a(e been de%aulting your 'ental Payment to our &lient, Ms. 'oena !oran, and t$at by !e&ember 201, you already oed our &lient t$e t$e amoun amountt o% One M$%%$on S$& Hundred Thousand Pesos (P'! ! "# at t$e agreed rate o% 2! " er mont$. Tha) we are wr$)$n* )h$s %e))er )o ser+e as a ,$rs) and ,$na% de-and u.on /ou )o .a/ Ms" Rowena Doran )he ,u%% a-oun) o, P '! ! " as .a/-en) ,or )he %ease $n )he warehouse! w$)h$n se+en (0# da/s ,ro- re1e$.) hereo, and )ha) /ou are %$ew$se $ns)ru1)ed )o +a1a)e )he sa$d .ro.er)/ u.on re1e$.)" /ou may remit said ayment to us, and e ill a&&et it on be$al% o% our &lient. t$erise, e s$all be &onstrained to %ile t$e ne&essary legal a&tions against you in order to rote&t our &lients interests.
"e trust t$at you ill %ully &ooerate it$ us in order t$at e &an settle t$is matter in t$e most mutually %air and eeditious eed itious manner. /ours sin&erely,
Atty. oby 3. 4s&obar