Prognosticating Death all about predicting death
by Sarajit Poddar Jyotish Guru, Sri Jagannath Center
Causes of Death Serial 1
Combinations The Sun in 10th and Mars in 4th
2 3 4 5 6 7
Saturn in 4th, the Moon in 7th and Mars in 10th Both Both the the lumi uminari naries es in Virgo irgo aspe aspect cteed by male alefic fics Both Both the the llum umiinari naries es in Lagn Lagnaa ha happe ppened ned to to be a dua duall si sign Saturn in Cancer, the Moon in Capricorn The Mo Moo on in Mart Martia ian n sign sign hemm emmed in betw betweeen mal maleefics The Moon in Virgo betwixt malefics
8 9 10
14 15
The Mo Moon in in Sa Saturni rnine si signs in in be betwixt ma malefics 5th and and 9th 9th occup ccupiied by by mal malef efiics witho thout bene beneffic asp aspec ectt Deca Decana nate te of 8th 8th hou house se be Sarp Sarpaa (Se (Serp rpen ent) t) or Pasa asa (No (Noos ose) e) or Nigada (Fetters) Virgo irgo happ happen ened ed to be 7th 7th (Pi (Pisc sces es Lagn Lagna) a) occu occupi pied ed by the the Moo Moon n along with malefic, Venus in Aries(2nd), Sun in the Lagna Sun Sun or or Mar Marss in in 4th 4th,, Sat Satur urn n in in 10t 10th, h, weak weak Mo Moon on conj conjoi oine ned d wit with h malefics in the 1st or 5th or 9th The The Sun Sun in the the 4th 4th,, Mar Marss con conjo join ined ed with with weak eak Moo Moon n in in the the 10th 10th aspected by Saturn Four Four plan planet etss ment mentio ione ned d abov abovee in 8th, 8th, 10th 10th,, 1st 1st and and the the 4th 4th Abo Above fo four plane lanets ts in the the 10t 10th, h, 9th, 9th, 1st 1st and and 5th
Mars Mars in 4th, th, the the Sun Sun in in 7th 7th and Satu aturn in the the 10th 0th
17 18
Satu Saturn rn in 2nd, 2nd, the the Mo Moo on in in 4th 4th,, Mars Mars in 10th 10th Sun in 10th, Mars in 4th
19 20
Mars Mars in 7th, th, the the sun, sun, Moon and and Sat Satu urn in the the Lag Lagna na Mars Mars in Libr Libra, a, Satu Saturn rn in Arie Aries, s, the the Moo Moon n in in Sat Satur urni nine ne sign sign
21 22
Weak eak Mo Moon on in 10th 10th,, the the Sun Sun in 7th 7th and and Mars Mars in 4th 4th Weak Mo Moo on asp aspeecte cted by by str stro ong Mars Mars,, Sat Satu urn in 8th 8th
The The Sun Sun in Lagn Lagna, a, Mars Mars in in 8th 8th,, Sat Satur urn n in in 5th 5th,, the the Mo Moon on in 9th 9th
24 25
Mars and Sa Saturn af afflicted Lagn Lagnaa be be a water atery y sig sign n or or Am Amsa sa aspe aspect cted ed by the the Moo Moon n and and Venus, 8th and 12th occupied by malefics Birt Birth h dur durin ing g the the Visa isa gha ghati tis, s, 8th 8th occ occup upie ied d by by mal malef efic ic The The Mo Moon on in the the fata fatall degr degree ee of Lagn Lagnaa or or 8th 8th or 12th 12th
11 12 13
26 27
Cause of Death Fall from the top of a mountain. Falling into a well. Own Kinsmen/ Poisoning. Watery grave. grave. Dropsy. Weapons or Fire. Vitiation Vitiation of blood or consumption. Hanging, Fire or fall. Captivity/ Prison. Captivity. Die on account of a woman. Impalement. Beaten with wooden clubs. same same resu result lt.. Suffocation\ Fire\ Imprisonment\ Beating. Weapon\ Fire\ Royal displeasure. Wounds or Worms. Fall from a Vehicle/ Injuries received from stone throwing. Machine. Death in between filth and night soil. Same Same as abov above. e. Worms\ Tumour\ Instruments\ Fire\ Disease of private parts. Fall from a precipice\ Fall of thunderbolt or of a wall. Suffocation In water. Poison/ Fire/ Weapons. Weapons. Water or Machinery.
8th 8th lor lord d in in the the Na Nav vam amsa sa wh whic ich h is is ter terme med d as as vis visa, a, and and be be conjoined with malefics
The The Sun Sun and and Mar Marss in in eac each h oth other’ er’ss sig sign n and and also also Kend Kendra ra from from the the 8th lord
The The Moo Moon n in in Lag Lagna na,, wea weak k Sun Sun in 8th, 8th, Jupi Jupite terr in in 12t 12th h and and a malefic in the 4th Lagn Lagnaa lor lord d in in the the Na Nava vams msaa of of the the 8th 8th hou house se,, is is ecl eclip ipse sed do orr iin n the the 6th 1st 1st and and 8th 8th lord lordss wea weak, k, Mars Mars conj conjoi oine ned d wit with h 6th 6th lor lord d Lagn Lagnaa or or 7th 7th lord lord conj conjoi oine ned d wit with h lord lordss of 2nd 2nd and and 4th 4th Lord Lord of Na Nava vams msaa of of the the 4th 4th hou house se in dust dustha hana na or conj conjoi oine ned d with Saturn Above lord with Rahu or Ketu Weak eak Moo Moon n con conjo join ined ed with with Mars Mars or or Sat Satur urn n or or Rah Rahu u in in the the 8th 8th Weak eak Moo Moon n con conjo join ined ed with with Mars Mars or or Sat Satur urn n or or Rah Rahu u in in oth other er dusthana Weak Sun Sun or or Mar Marss in in the the 8th, 8th, Male Malefi fics cs in 2nd 2nd The The Moo Moon n or or Jup Jupit iter er in the the 8th 8th (W (Wat ater ery y sig sign) n),, asp aspec ecte ted d by by malefic Venus in 8th aspected by malefics
Rahu in 8t 8th aspected by by ma malefics
8th 8th lor lord d asp aspec ecte ted d by by Ven Venus us,, the the Sun Sun or or Sat Satur urn n con conjo join ined ed with with Rahu posited in a Krura Shastiyamsa The The Moo Moon n con conjo join ined ed with with Satu Saturn rn,, Rah Rahu u and and Mand Mandii pla place ced d in in a dusthana and aspected by Lagna lord Benefics occupy 4th Mars Mars in in 8th 8th,, Mal Malef efic icss occ occup upy y Tri Triko kona na fro from m Asd Asdt. t. or the the Moo Moon n The The Sun Sun and and Mar Marss in in the the12 12th th,, Rah Rahu u and and the the Moo Moon n in in the the 7th, 7th, Jupiter in any Kendra
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
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Snake poison/ by vultures/ by wild boar according to the name of particular Navamsa. The first Navamsa of Aries, Taurus, Virgo and Sagittarius called snake poison; the middle of Gemini, Leo, Libra and Aquarius is called Vulture poison. Impalement on account of royal displeasure. [This also happens when Mars and Saturn are in each other’s sign or Amsa, in the sign or Amsa of the 8th house (or in the fatal degree) and at the same time in Kendra from the 8th lord]. Fall from the couch/ Attack by hunters at night. Hunger in a place far away from kith and kin. In battle/ Weapon. Indigestion. Poisoning. Hanging. Ghost/ Fire/ Water. Epilepsy. Bilious disease. Consumption Rheumatism, Consumption or Diabetes. Heat blisters/ Snake bite/ Small pox/ Mental Disease Head chopped off. Violent death. 10th or 1st Captivity/ Hanging. Far away from home in a temple garden.
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Satu Saturn rn in Tauru auruss in in co conju njuncti nctio on wi with a mal maleefic fic Saturn aspect rising Sun or Moon The sun sun in in 4th 4th,, Ma Mars in 10 10th aspe specte cted by by wea weak k mo moon Satu Saturn rn in 8th 8th with with weak eak Moo Moon n aspe aspect cted ed by stro strong ng Mars Mars
The The dise diseas asee with with wh whic ich h the the nati native ve suff suffer ered ed befo before re dyin dying g can can be ascertained from the diseases indicated by the planets occupying the 8th house. If there is no planet in the 8th then the 8th lord have the say on it.
Hanging Prison. Crucifixion. Surgical operation, Piles, Fistula.
In the absence of aforesaid conditions the nature of death is to be judged from the 22nd Decanate which falls in the 8th house. house . Sign First Decanate Second Decanate Third Decanate Aries Water ater,, Sna Snake ke-p -poi oiso son, n, Bite Bite Water ater,, wor worms ms,, Sno Snow w, For Fores est. t. Fall Fallin ing g int into o the the tank tank or well ell Taurus Elephant, Horse, Camel Bile, Fire, Wind, Thieves Fall from a vehicle, seat or horse or through Weapons Weapons in Battle. Gemini Cough, Asthma Buffalo, Poison, Typhoid wild animals, Mountain, Snakes or elephants, Forester or forest Cancer Crocodile, Liquor, Thorns, Blows, Drinking po poison Birds, Di Diabetes, Tumour, Sleep Blood vitiation, Sleepiness. Leo Water, Poison, Disease of the Drop Dropsy sy,, Diar Diarrh rhoe oea, a, Fore Forest st Poiso oison, n, Inst Instru rume ment nts, s, feet (Operation), Curse, Fall Virgo Head or brain disease Wild Elephant, Snake, Chasm, Food & Drink, Forest, Mountain, Prince’s Woman, Weapon, Water, displeasure Donkey, Elephant Libra Young woman, Animal, Fall Stomach disease Snake, Water Scorpio Poison, Weapon, Woman, Clot Clothe hes, s, Loa Load, d, Fal Fall, l, Dise Diseas asee Pain ain caus caused ed by Clo Clods ds and and Food stones, Fracture of the shank Sagittarius Disease of Anus, wind Poison, Wind disease. In water or water complaints, complaints Stomach diseases Capricorn Torture at the hand of King, Fire, weapons, Thieves, Women Tiger, Breaking of Thighs, Fever, Piercing Piercing by a nonAquatic animal, Poison, human agency Snake, Animals of uncloven hoofs Aquarius Woman, Water, Stomach Wom oman an,, Vener enerea eall disea disease sess Sexu Sexual al exce excess ss,, Quad Quadru rupe peds, ds, complaints, Savages Facial Diseases Pisces Tumour, Diarrhoea, Ship-wreck Fell Diseases Diabetes, Young woman, Disease of the Shanks and Water Elephant, Evil spirit ⇒
Timing Death: Maraka Dasa & Bhukti: Primary Determinant: 1. The planets, especially malefics, associating with the 2nd and the 7th lords. 2. The 2nd and the 7th lords. 3. The occupants, particularly malefics, of the 2nd and 7th houses. Secondary Determinant: 1. Benefic planets in association with the 2nd and 7th lords. 2. Lords of 3rd and 8th. 3. The lord of the 3rd or 8th house associating with the 2nd or the 7th lord. Tertiary Determinant: 1. Saturn in conjunction, aspect or association with any of the primary or secondary determinants of death. 2. The lords of the 6th or the 8th house. 3. The weakest planet in the horoscope.
Chidra Graha Dasa The following are called the Chidra - grahas and the strongest of them can cause death in his period: 1. The 8th lord. 2. The planet occupying the 8th house. 3. The planet aspecting the 8th house. 4. The lord of 22nd Decanate. 5. The planet in association with the 8th lord. 6. The bitter enemy of the 8th lord. The 8th house is the house of the life and if afflicted terminates life. If the 8th lord is in the 6th, 8th or the 12th house, death of the person can occur, 1. in the the dasa dasa and bhukti bhukti of tthe he 8th 8th lord lord or 2. in the dasa dasa of the lord lord of the the sign occupi occupied ed by Saturn Saturn in the sub-pe sub-period riod of the the 8th lord, lord, or or 3. in the dasa of of the 8th lord lord and and the bhukti of the the 9th 9th lord lord
Transits: 1.
When Saturn Passes Passes through the house occupied by the 8th or the 12th lord from the lagna, Death occurs. Passage of Saturn through these houses or their trines reckoned from any other house result in destruction of that house. 2. Saturn’s transit of the sign or the trine occupied by the lord of the 22nd Decanate or Mandi brings about death. 3. When Saturn passes through the rasi and Navamsa or their trine obtained from subtracting the longitude of Saturn from that of Mandi, Mand i, Death is likely. likely.
Saturn’s transit through the sign or the trine obtained from the sum of longitudes of 6th, 8th and 12th lords brings death. 5. Saturn’s transit of the sign as far removed from Mandi as Mandi is from the 8th lord is also a fateful transit. 6. Add the longitudes of the five upagrahas headed by Dhuma, and note the Decanate of the resulting sign. When Saturn arrives this Decanate of the sign, the death is indicated. 7. Add the longitudes of Mandi and Saturn. Multiply the sum by 9. Note the resulting sign and Navamsa. When Saturn arrives this sign and Amsa, the event may take place. 8. Find the weakest of the three sets of planets, viz.(1) Lords of the 8th houses counted from the Asdt. and the Moon (2) Lord of the 22nd Decanate (3) The Moon and Mandi. Note the Navamsa occupied by that planet. When Saturn arrives at this Amsa or its trine, death is likely. likely. 9. Note the sign which happens to be the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the Asdt. See how far it is removed from Aries; Aries; count so many signs from the 8th lord. When Saturn comes to this sign, death is likely. 10. For the Night birth death is likely likely during the transit of of Saturn through a trine of the sign occupied by by Mandi at birth; and for day birth it is 7th house from above. 11. Again Again for the Night Night birth birth the event event may occur occur when when Saturn Saturn passes passes throug through h the sign and Amsa occupied by the Moon or Mandi; and for Day birth, when she passes through the sign and Amsa occupied by the Sun or the 5th, 7th or 9th from that. 12. Count Count the distance distance of Mandi from that that of 8th lord in signs and count count as many signs from Mandi. Mandi. When Saturn arrives at that sign, death occur. 13. Jupiter’s transit through the sign occupied by the 8th lord or its trine. 14. Jupiter’s transit through the sign or the trine obtained from the sum of longitudes of Lagna, the Sun and Mandi causes death. 15. When Jupiter crosses the rasi indicated by the sum of the longitudes of Jupiter and Rahu or through its trines, death can be expected. 16. When the Sun comes to the sign and the Amsa obtained from the longitudes of Mandi and the Asdt, death may happen. 17. When Sun transits the Dwadasamsa he occupies in Rasi or the Navamsa occupied by the 8th lord or the Navamsa occupied by Lagna lord or the Trines of any one of these signs, death may be apprehended. 18. Passage of Sun through the 6th, the7th or the12th house from Venus indicates death. 19. The solar month of death would be identical with the sign occupied by the 8th lord. 20. When the Moon crosses the Rasi or Navamsa by the 8th lord or the Sun or their trines, death is likely. likely. 21. Moon’s passage through the sign indicated by the sum of Mandi and Moon. 22. Moon’s passage through the sign occupied by the lord of 22nd Decanate reckoned from the Moon or through the trines of these houses. 23. Transit of the Moon through the Lagna, the 8th or the 12th house also causes death. 24. Find out the Navamsa, Dwadasamsa and the Decanate occupied by Mandi. The transit of Jupiter through the sign indicated by the Navamsa; of Saturn through that of Dwadasamsa and the Sun through the one or its trine indicated by the Decanate indicates death. The Lagna denoted by the Sum of the Lagna, the Moon and the Mandi indicates the time of Death. 25. The Asdt. at the time of death will be the sign obtained from the sum of the longitudes of the Asdt., Mandi and the Moon.
Place of Death: 1.
If the 8th house house is a movable movable sign, sign, death occur occur in a foreign foreign place place or country country i.e., far far from the home; home; if it is fixed sign, death takes place in home; if it is a common sign then death takes place nearby home or way to home. Place of of death is indicate indicated d by lord of the sign sign occupied occupied by the lord lord rising Navam Navamsa sa as follows: follows: • The Sun - Temple, Forest or a Religious institution. •
The Moon - A fertile place with green vegetation and garden.
Mars - Hospital, Operation room, Special wards.
Mercury - Playground, Sports club, Gambling den.
Jupiter - Theatre house, Public office, Court, Lawyer’s house.
Venus - Rich flats and apartments, Nursing homes.
Saturn - Dirty places and Dens of Prostitutes. Planets occupying the Lagna, or the rising Navamsa or the Lagna lord or the planets aspecting the Lagna or the Lagna lord have their say on the place of death •