René Alfaro
[email protected]
October 26, 2016
Human Resources Department IO !l "al#a$or %olonia & %alle a'uilis(uat A#eni$a A#eni$a las A)aleas, %asa *1+ "an "al#a$or, !l "al#a$or Re: Senior Project Assistant, Case Management Job Posting
Dear HR DirectorDirector-
I am riting in reference to &our opening for a "enior /roect Assistant, %ase anagement as poste$ on t(e classie$ a$s section of La La Prensa Gráfca . our our position especiall& interests me because it seems to perfectl& matc( m& bac3groun$ an$ e4perience, an$ I am con$ent t(at I ill e4cel at carr&ing out t(e tas3s liste$ for t(e opening. I (a#e or3e$ in #ariegate$ el$s suc( as patent e4am e4amin inat atio ion, n, (ar$ (ar$a are re store store mana manage geme ment, nt, lega legall tran transl slat atio ion, n, an$ an$ e$it e$itor oria iall cop& cop&e$ e$it itin ing. g. I as as also also a cons consul ulta tant nt to 5orl$ orl$ isio ision n Inte Intern rnat atio iona nall for for &ear &ears, s, somet(ing t(at alloe$ me as a migrant m& self to see migration 7os, it( all t(eir c(allenges, especiall& t(ose from Haiti to t(e Dominican Republic. As a $ual citi)en of t(e 8.". an$ !l "al#a$or, I can attest to meet se#eral if not all &our re'uirements, especiall& t(e communication s3ills in !nglis( an$ "panis(, (ere m& ac(ie#ements are probabl& unparallele$ in !l "al#a$or. I coul$ gain a t(oroug( 3nole$ge of t(e specics of &our organi)ational culture in a brief time as I t(ri#e in multicultural en#ironments. In m& latest un$erta3ing, I (a#e or3e$ as a freelance e$itor for a publis(ing (ouse of 9e or3 or3 %it&, 9. 9. As an e$itor, e$itor, I (a#e (a$ ample ample e4perienc e4perience e using m& 3nole$ge of !nglis( grammar, s&nta4, an$ argument structure to impro#e t(e or3 of e#en publis(e$ ction aut(ors in a polite an$ sensiti#e manner. manner. :(is position (as enable$ me to furt(er (one m& craft. I consi$er t(at m& e4perience in t(e abo#e el$s (as prepare$ me for &our position an$ I am eager to pro#e it. I oul$ li3e to report t(at I am completel& 7uent in !nglis(, "panis(, an$ ;renc(. I am also a$#ance$ in /ortuguese, an$ possess an interme$iate le#el in
:(an3s for &our time an$ consi$eration. I loo3 forar$ to meeting &ou. "incerel&,
René Alfaro Resi$encial :a)umal, ;inal A#e. =os >amb?es, /e. Henr'ue), 9o. 1, "an "al#a$or obile- B0C