Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT Fourth Judicial Region Branch __ ____________ ____________ City
XXX, Petitioner,
Civil Case No. 123456 For: Nullity of Marriage
, Respondent. x -------------------------------------------------------------- x
CM!" CM!" N#, N#, Petiti Petitione oner, r, throug through h the unders undersign igned ed counse counsel, l, unto this $onorable Court, %ost respectfully states that&
'( )nder "ectio "ection n *, paragraph paragraph + + of .(M( No( No( /0-''-'/ /0-''-'/-"C, -"C, Petitio Petitioner ner is re1uired to serve a copy of the Petition on the ffice of the "olicitor 2eneral and the ffice of the City or Provincial Prosecutor, 3ithin five days fro% the date of its filing and sub%it to the court, proof of such service 3ithin the sa%e period(
Compliance 1
0( 4hat it 3as on 5ece%ber ', 0/'* that Petitioner learned that his case 3as raffled to R4C Branch __(
6( By sheer inadvertence, ho3ever, a copy of the Petition 3as not i%%ediately furnished to the ffice of the "olicitor 2eneral +7"28 and the ffice of the City Prosecutor +7CP8 3ithin the period re1uired( 9t is i%portant to note, ho3ever, that all succeeding pleadings 3ere furnished to the "2 and the CP(
( 9n co%pliance 3ith the said rule, a copy of the Petition is hereby furnished to the "2, 3hich copy is here3ith attached for the "2(
*( .lso, it is %anifested that the CP is hereby furnished a copy of the Petition, 3hich copy is here3ith attached for the CP(
#$!R!FR!, undersigned counsel hereby %anifests that she has co%plied 3ith the .(M( No( /0-''-'/-"C to furnish a copy of the Petition to the ffice of the "olicitor 2eneral and the ffice of the Prosecutor(
________, date(
A#C$E Counsel for Petitioner Ma:ati City 4el( No( +/0 '06-*;< By&
Compliance 2
ATT. AAAA Roll of .ttorney No( 9BP No( P4R No( MC=! No( !-%ail&
Copy Furnished&
O%%i&e o% '(e )oli&i'or Ge*eral Registry Receipt No( _________ 5ate& ___________________
O%%i&e o% '(e Ci'+ "rose&'or Registry Receipt No( _________ 5ate& ___________________
"ervice of this Co%pliance is done by registered %ail to the ffice of the "olicitor 2eneral and to the ffice of the City Prosecutor of .ntipolo City due to the lac: of %aterial ti%e and office personnel to effect personal service(
Compliance 3