$n the %hilippines, the police& law enforceent is spearhea!e! by what agency&ies' 1.%hilippine (ational %olice )%(%* 2. (ational +ureau of
$nvestigation )(+$* #.%hilippine Drug Enforceent Agency )%DEA*
System A
combination of related elements that is functioning as a whole in order to achieve a single goal or objective.
Comparative Police System %rocess
of outlining the similarities ad di!ereces of oe police system to aot"er in or!er to !iscover insights in the 3el! of international policing.
W"y Compare# Crie
has becoe a glo$al phenoenon. /ransnational /ransnational cries crosses crosses bor!ers an! the nee! for $ilateral ad iteratioal cooperatio becoe iperative.
researcher researcher
visits another country.
comm)icates with *oreig researcher
are servats o* t"e %oliceen are comm)ity. servat o* "ig"er a)t"ority. E6ectiveness of /hey 7ust follow policeen !epen!s on the the wishes of top express wishes of o/cial of the the people.
9nifore! policeen will go out to CO+TI+E+TAL0 MO'ER+ SYSTEM the 3el! an! patrol for the public to OL' POLICI+ see the which gives the the /he yar!stic8 yar!stic8 of police feeling of security an! the e/ciecy is the eliination of opportunity to coit a$sece or lesser /he yar!stic8 of crie on the part the criinal. o* the of ofocc)rrece e/ciecy crimes. the police is !eterine! by the Police )m$er o* arrest. omipresece is P)is"met is the consi!ere! as the tool sole instruent of or instruent in crie
$t ephasi"es T%REE STYLES O& on inforal $t ephasi"es POLICI+ eans of on helping the 1.Legalistic resolving counity, as !isputes. $toppose! to ephasi"es
2.Watc"maenforcing the usethe of 3.Service
law. or threats actual arr arrests ests to solve !isputes.
Iteratioal Crimial Police Orgai4atio
largest international police organi"ation in the worl!, with (ational Central +ureaus in 154 eber countries. 155 )2:1:*
here is its hea!quarter here hea!quarter locate!'
T"e Iterpol is comprised o* t"e *ollo5ig $odies6
1. >eneral Assebly
Executive ecutive Coittee 2. Ex #. >eneral Secretariat . (ational Central +ureaus . A!visers . /he Coission for the Control of
/@E >E(E-A< >E(E-A< ASSE+
s)preme goverig $ody , it eets a)ally an! coprises !elegates appointe! by eac" mem$er co)try . /he assebly ta8 ta 8es all importat resources, decisios relate! to policy, resources, wor8ing etho!s, 3nances, activities an! progras. $t also elects the ;rgani"ations Executive Coittee
/@E EEC9/$E EEC9/$E Marc", C;$//EE 8)ly
ad $t 137mem$er coprises Immediately $e*ore t"e committee which is electe! by eeral Assem$ly
the >eneral >eneral Assebly Assebly.. /he Executive Executive Coittee Coittee is $(/E-%;
@ow long is the tenure of !uty of the executive coittee' iceF %resi!ent %resi!ents years # years
They are not immediatel immediately y eligible eligibl e for re-election either to the same posts, or as delegates to the Executive Committee.
Mrs. Mireille (allestra44i She
is the I+TERPOL:s c)rret Presidet , electe! at the 51st $(/E-%;< >eneral Assebly hel! in -oe in (oveber 2:12. rs +allestra""i will serve as %resi!ent until 2;1<.
>E(E-A< SEC-E/A-$A/ here
is the >eneral Secretariat
base!' $t coordiates the international activities of eber countries, "olds a li$rary of international criinal
ho is calle! the hea! of the >eneral Secretariat' SEC-E SEC-E/ /A-B A-B >E(E >E(E-A<
ho is 8nown as the Current Curr ent secretary general' RO+AL' ?E++ET% +O(LE @2;1;7 2;1>
hat are organi"ation?s four oHcial languages' 1. Arabic 2. English #. =rench . Spanish
(A/$;(A< CE(/(A/$;(A< CE(/-A< A< +9-EA9S )(C+* /he
(C+ is the !esignate! !esign ate! CO+TACT POI+T for the >eneral Secretariat, regional oHces an! other eber countries requiring assistance with overseas investigations an! the location an! apprehension of fugitives. Eac" I+TERPOL eber country aintains a (ational Central +ureau sta6e! by national law enforceent
9SA )(C+*
%@$ )(C+*
> S C@$(A )(C+*
IA%A( IA%A( )(C+*
(ational Central +ureau J anila C@A$-A(' Director
>eneral %hilippine (ational (at ional %olice E+E-SK Director, (ational +ureau of $nvestigation Coissioner, +ureau of Custos Coissioner, +ureau of $nternal -evenue -evenue Coissioner, +ureau of $igration >overnor, +ang8o +ang8o Sentral ng %ilipinas Executive Director, Dangerous Drug +oar! + oar!
AD$SE-S /hese
are are experts in a purely advisory capacity, who ay be appointe! by the Executive Executive Coittee an! con3re! by the >eneral Assebly.
C;$SS$;( =;- /@E C;(/-;< ;= $(/E-%;
ensure that the processig of personal inforation by $(/E-%;< complies with the ;rgani"ations regulations, /o /o advise $(/E-%;< on any pro7ect, operation, set of rules or other atter involving the processing of personal inforation an!
/he $(/E-%;< (otices Syste An
$nterpol notice or international notice is issue! by $nterpol to s"are i*ormatio $et5ee its mem$ers.
Red Notice To seek the arrest or provisional arrest of wanted persons with a view to extradition.
Black Notice To seek information information on unidentified bodies.
Ye Yellow Notice To help locate missing persons, often minors, or to help identify persons who are unable to identify themselves.
(l)e +otice /o /o collect additioal i*ormatio about a person?s i!entity or activities in relation to a crie.
ree +otice /o /o provi!e provi!e 5arigs ad crimial itelligece about persons who have coitte! criinal o6enses an! are li8ely to repeat these
Orage +otice /o /o warn warn police, public entities an! other international organi"ations about potetial t"reats fro !isguise! weapons, parcel bobs an! other
%@$<$%%$(E CE(/E- ;( /-A(S(A /A(S(A/$;(A< /$;(A< C-$E )%C/C* )%C/C* $ts
ission was to forulate an! ipleent a concerte! progra of action of all law enforceent an! governent E.;. 2 agencies for the prevetio ad cotrol o* trasatioal crimes.
hat is the other agency of %C/C' ;Hce of the %resi!ent %resi!ent
worl!s oldest ad largest nonpro3t ebership organi"ation of police eec)tives. $AC%s lea!ership consists of the operating chief executives of international, fe!eral, state
-.S. POLICE 'EPARTME+T 1.fe!eral, 2.state, #.county an! .city
City Count y State =e!er al
ow fol!* =irst,
respon ' /wo
one ust !eterine which govermet )it pro"i$its t"e acts. =or exaple, hoici!e is an act that is prohibite! prohibite! at the state level. So, as a general rule, only law enforceent agencies with authority to enforce state laws
one ust loo8 at the place @ve)e 5"ere t"e crimial act occ)rred. $f the ur!er occurre! in Alabaa, the Alabaa authorities will be responsible in investigating the crie.
police are ainly responsible for enforcing the law in their o5 city. (B%D A small to5 ay have a police force of only oe or t5o o/cers.
$n ost cities in 9SA, who appoints the hea! of the police !epartent in cities'
2. CO-+TY POLICE /he
powers of of a county police force exten! throughout the co)ty. hat !o we call the chief law enforceent oHcer in ost counties' S@E-$==
ho appoints the Sheri6' PEOPLE
by a commissioer or s)peritedet. hat is ter calle! for all of the state police oHcers' TROOPERS
ho appoints the coissioner or superinten!ent' State >overnor
@ow any police states are there in the 9SA' )3fty* )3fty* : out of 1 states ExceptK ExceptK @awaii
. =e!eral %olice /hey are are responsible responsible in enforcing law within the 5"ole co)try of 9SA inclu!ing o)tside $oarders.
&(I C"ie*
ivestigatig $rac" of the 9nite! States 'epartmet o* 8)sticeD $nvestigates *ederal crimes an! han!les cases involving stolen oney or
+atioal Crime I*ormatio Ceter @+CIC A
coputeri"e! inforation syste that stores recor!s on wante! persons an! stolen property =+$ ho operates it' ashington, here is it locate!' DC.
OT%ER &E'ERAL AE+CIES 1.Secret Service %rotecting all living c)rret ad *ormer -.S. presidet an! their failies
Alco"ol, To$acco, To$acco, &irearms, &irearms, 2.()rea) O* Alco"ol, Ad Eplosives Assist in controlling the sale of )taed liquor an! cigarettes, cigarettes, illegal 3rears, 3rears, an! explosives. 3.'r)g E*orcemet Admiistratio
a 9.S. citi"en $s at least 21 years of age ?5L )A
shoul! have no criinal conviction, although soe is!eeanor cries ay bar applicants fro a law enforceent position. All applicants are expecte! to be free fro !rug use, be of goo! oral character, an! have personal integrity. (o applicant shoul! have any history of criinal or iproper con!uct, have a poor eployent recor!, or have an irresponsible 3nancial history. >enerally, applicants shoul! at least have a >ED equivalency or a high school !iploa, however, soe !epartents, !ep artents, such as that in Dallas, /exas, /exas, are requiring : or ore hours of coplete!
a can!i!ate receives an appointent to the police !epartent, the can!i!ate ust then successfully coplete recruit training, which can last *rom several mot"s to more t"a a year, !epen!ing on the training requireents of the police !epartent.
8APA+ POLICE 8APA+ SYSTEM +atioal Police Agecy or +PA +P A
ho is the parent agency of (%A' (ational %ublic Safety Coission $t ensures that Iapans police are an apolitical $ody an! free of !irect central governent executive ex ecutive control.
central coor! coor!inating inating bo!y bo!y Coission for the entire police syste. er >eneral ho is the the hea! of (%A' (%A' ho appoints the Coissioner >eneral' (ational %ublic Safety Coission with the approval of
()rea)s o* +PA# %olice
A!inistration A!inistration +ureau Criinal $nvestigation +ureau /raHc /raHc +ureau +ureau Security +ureau -egional %ublic Safety +ureaus +ureaus
A!inistration A!inistration +ureau is concerne! with police persoel, ed)catio, 5el*are, traiig, ad )it ispectios.
is inFcharge of research statistics an! the ivestigatio of nationally iportant an! international international cases.
TRA&&IC (-REA$t is concerne! of the liceses drivers, enforces enforces traHc safety laws, an! regulates traHc.
forulates an! supervises the execution of sec)rity policies. $t con!ucts research on equipent an! tactics for s)ppressig riots an! oversaw an! coor!inates activities of the riot police.
(ational %olice Agency has seven regional police bureaus. hat is calle! the hea! of -%S+' Director >eneral
hat are the 2 police !epartent exclu!e! ex clu!e! fro the 7uris!iction of -%S+' /o8 /o8yo yo
etropolitan etropolitan %olice Departent @o88ai!o %refectural %olice
?O(A+ $t
is a police post locate! in )r$a neighborhoo!. /he smallest orgai4atioal )it in to!ays Iapanese police syste.
@ow any N ar are e !esignate! as Ooban oHcers aong the total police strength in Iapan'
C%-FAIS%O $t
is the r)ral eB)ivalet of the urban urban Ooban. Ooban. hat is the ter calle! for the police oHcers of Chu"aisho'
chu"aish an
ho provi!es personal security for the the Eperor, Eperor, Crown %rince an! other ebers of the $perial =aily of Iapan' IMPERIAL -AR' -AR'
units were were fore! after after riots at the $perial %alace in 102, to respon! quic8ly an! e6ectively to large p)$lic dist)r$aces. ain requireents' /he overwheling a7ority of oHcers are $ac"elors who live in !oritories within riot police
hat is the oHcial parailitary antiFterrorist unit un!er the Iapanese (ational %olice Agency' Agency' SAT SAT SPECIAL ASSA-LT TEAM
hat police force is the worl!?s secon! an! the Asias 3rst police agency to operate with a o!ern policing syste'
hat is the highest police ran8 in @ong8ong' @ong8ong' )April )April 2:1*
Coissioner of %olice
C%I+A POLICE SYSTEM %eople?s %olice
P)$lic sec)rity police /he
largest largest an! ost visible coponent of the Chinese %olice that perfors a wi!e range of ordiary police *)ctios.
8)dicial proc)ratorates police /hey
escort s)spects in cases investigate! by the proc)ratorates %rosecutors in the %hils.
8)dicial people co)rt police /hey
aintain security an! or!er in the various co)rts an! also ay carryout deat" setece.
/o becoe a police oHcer, /o oHcer, a can!i!ate ust have the followingK 1.At least 15 years of age but not ore than 2 years ol!.
P As a preferential treatent for can!i!ates fro ethnic inority groups, the regulation exten!s the axiu age liit to #: 2.ust support the constitution #.ust be of >oo! oral character .+e in goo! health . E!ucation level no less than high school gra!uate .+e willing to serve as a police oHcer 4.(o criinal recor!s an! ust not have been expelle!
Age *or Recr)itmet ad Retiremet Soe
entere! policing as early as 12 years of age but the recruitent age is now aroun! 1< years. -etireent is at least 3; years in service
Police Tas &orce @PT& $t
is an e6ective gro)d respose force to serio)s icidets such as a7or !isasters, 3rear situations an! riots. /hey are calle! upon to restore public or!er in ties ti es of
Special Tactics ad Resc)e @STAR -it /he
S/AS/A- 9nit pr provi!es the Singapore %olice =orce with a tactical armed7respose capa$ility. +esi!es !ealing with highly !angerous criinals, S/AS/A- is also involve! in ris8y protective security
Police ?7J -it @P'- /he
%olice %olice OF0 OF0 9nit has !ogs traine! speci3cally for explosive !etection, !rug !etection, guar! !uties an! antiFcrie operations.
Priso police $t
is responsible for s)pervisio o* covicted o!eders i priso.
ho is 8nown as the shortest %olice ;Hcer in 9nite! Oing!o'
Sue Day ) feet 1: inches*
Royal Malaysia Police $ts
hea!quarters is locate! at ()it Ama, ?)ala L)mp)r. /he police force is le! by an Ispector7eeral o* Police @IP
police !epartents require require at least a high school !iploa or equivalent e!ucation fro their oHcers. hile soe hire hire gra!uates right out of high school, any require require potential oHcers to be at least 21 years old . -etireent is <> yrs o* age
Idia Police Service P%ILIPPI+ES
Bou Bou ust possess possess a baccalaureate !egree.
Bou Bou have a !egree !egree certi3cate
At least 21 yrs ol!.
At least 21 years ol!.
Bou Bou ust pass the the Bou Bou ust be physically physically 3t. e!ical, psychological, physical an! !rug test. ale )12c* =eale )14c* in height.
ale )1 c* =eale )1:c*
Bou Bou ust pass the exa exa Bou Bou ust pass the the # stage in (A%;