Setio 11 of dia Peal %ode 180 6the %ode7 defie pero. t read the word pero ilude ay %ompay or +oiatio or a ody of per o whether iorporated or ot.; *urther etio 2 of the %ode pro of thee two proh it i ot the ole le>ilatio whih proral part of our oiety ad with deifiat ator i our eoomy our oiety ru i the rik of >etti> al peroality ad they are differet from their memer ad thi i uffiiet to make it poile to held them liale ad eure them. 1 %rimial )iaility i the Auality or tate of ei> le>ally oli>ated or aoutaleB le>ally repoile to aother or to oiety whih i eforeale y rimial puihmet. +d therefore %orporate %rimial )iaility mea the e=tet to whih a %orporatio a a le>al pero a e held rimially liale for it at ad omiio ad for thoe of the atural pero employed y it. !hi paper i iteded to e=amie ilatio.
. S!"R%+) ,+%C/R"$N# 1 Doh !. ,yam The Economic Inefficiency of Corporate Criminal Liability 6ol. 27 1982 pp. 582E585.
!he >rowth of %orporate rimial liaility a e traed i the term of the followi> four ta>e. !hi i alo a hroolo>ial aout of how the ourt o otale: 1. Puli Nuiae E %ourt i (>lad ad the $ited State firt impoed orporate rimial liaility i ae i oEfeaae of AuaiEpuli orporatio uh a muiipalitie that reulted i puli uiae.2 2. %rime ot reAuiri> rimial itet E + the preee ad importae of orporatio >rew ourt e=teded orporate rimial liaility from puli uiae to all offee that did ot reAuire rimial itet. the Fuee <. /reat North of (>lad Railway %o. 3 )ord #ema ruled that orporatio ould e rimially liale for mifeaae ad +meria ourt oo e>a followi> thi tred. 4 !hi deed ourt to e=ted orporate rimial liaility to all rime ot reAuiri> itet. 3. %rime of itet E %ourt were low to e=ted orporate rimial liaility to rime of itet. Not util New -ork %etral ad udo Ri fator of thi reult wa the eed for effetiait orporatio. %reatio of orporate peroality had otherwie reated too lar>e a <. haitat of )ifto 101 (> Rep 280 6C, 1G947 Re= <. haitat of /reat ,rou>hto 9, (> Rep 418 6C, 1GG17 %ae of )aford ,rid>e G9 (>. Rep. 919 6C, 1357.