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D. Gevaña/ Chemistry 26.1 (2017)
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APPENDI X St andar di zat i onofEDTASol ut i on
St andar dCaCO3 s ol ut i on Wei ghtofpureCaCO3:0. 50g For mul ama mas sof1 s t andar d:100. 09g/mol °
% Puri t yofpureCaCO3:99. 9% Vo l umeo ffina ls o l ut i o n:1 0 0 . 0mL mL Wor ki ngs t andar dCaCO3 s ol ut i on Vol umeofs t andar dCaCO3s ol ut i on:5. 0mL mL Vo l umeo ffina ls o l ut i o n:5 0 . 0mL mL Tr i al Vol umeofwor ki ngCa( I I )s t andar d,mL Ne tvol umeofEDTA,mL M EDTA Ave r ageM EDTA Ti t e r
1 10. 0 6. 8
2 10. 0 6. 7 -3
3 10. 0 6. 7 -3
7.34 × 10 7 .45 .45 × 10 7 .45 .45 × 10 −3 0.007412007858 0.007412007858 M or 7.41 × 10 M 0.7418678665 0.741867866 5 mg/mL or 0.74 mg/mL mg/mL
Samp mpl eAn Anal ys i s Br andofmi ner alwat erus ed:Vi va!
mg L mg 1 0 L
Mi ne r a lWa t e rc o nt e nt :5 4
ppm CaCO3 f r om ppm Ca ppm CaCO3 f r om ppm Mg Tot alwat e rhar dne s s : Tr i al Vol umeofwat e rs ampl e ,mL Ne tvol umeofEDTA,mL Tot alHar dnes s Aver age RSD ConfidenceI nt er val