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CHAPTER 6 Objective of Conducting an Audit of Financial Statements
The purpose of an audit is to provide financial statement users with an opinion by the auditor on whether the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable financial accounting framework. Steps to Develop Audit Objectives
Audito!s Responsibilities The overall objectives of the auditor are: (a) To To obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, thereby enabling the auditor to express an opinion whether the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with an applicable financial reporting framework and (b) To To report on the financial statements, and communicate as re!uired by auditing standards, in accordance with the auditor"s findings. "ateial #esus $mmateial "isstatements# "isstatements # $isstatements are usually considered material if the combined uncorrected errors and fraud in the financial statements would likely have changed or influenced the decisions of a reasonable person using the statements. Reasonable Assuance% Assurance is a measure of the level of certainty that the auditor has obtained at the completion of the audit. Eos #esus Faud% Auditing standards distinguish between two types of misstatements: errors and fraud. Either type of misstatement can be material or immaterial. An error is an unintentional misstatement of the nancial statements, whereas fraud is intentional
Pofessional S&epticism% Auditing standards require that an audit be designed to provide reasonable assurance of detecting both material errors and fraud in the nancial statements. Faud Resulting fom Faudulent Financial Repoting vesus "isappopiation of Assets% bot' fraudulent nancial reporting and misappropriation of assets are potentially harmful to nancial statement users, but there is an important dierence between them.
Audito!s Responsibilities fo Discoveing $llegal Acts Diect%effect illegal acts% Certain violations of laws and regulations have a direct nancial eect on specic account balances in the nancial statements. $ndiect%effect illegal acts% ost illegal acts aect the nancial statements only indirectly. Evidence accumulation ('en t'ee is no eason to believe indiect%effect illegal act e)ists% any audit procedures normally performed on audits to search for errors and fraud may also uncover illegal acts. Evidence accumulation and other actions when there is reason to believe direct- or indirect-eect illegal acts may exist- !he auditor may nd indications of possible illegal acts in a variety of ways Actions when the auditor knows of an illegal act- !he rst course of action when an illegal act has been identied is to consider the eects on the nancial statements, including the adequacy of disclosures.
"inancial #tatements Cycles Audits are performed by dividing the nancial statements into smaller segments or components.
Management assertions are implied or e$pressed representations by management about classes of transactions and the related accounts and disclosures in the nancial statements. International auditing standards and U.. !AA classify assertions into three categories" Assertions about classes of transactions and events for the period under audit Assertions about account balances at period end Assertions about presentation and disclosure
*ccuracy&'ecorded Transactions *re +tated at the orrect *mounts osting and +ummari-ation&'ecorded Transactions *re roperly ncluded in the $aster /iles and *re orrectly +ummari-ed lassification&Transactions ncluded in the lient"s 0ournals *re roperly lassified Timing&Transactions *re 'ecorded on the orrect 1ates
!eneral &alance-related Audit $b%ectives xistence&*mounts ncluded xist ompleteness&xisting *mounts *re ncluded *ccuracy&*mounts ncluded *re +tated at the orrect *mounts lassification&*mounts ncluded in the lient"s 2isting *re roperly lassified utoff&Transactions 3ear the 4alance +heet 1ate *re 'ecorded in the roper eriod 1etail Tie#n&1etails in the *ccount 4alance *gree with 'elated $aster /ile *mounts, /oot to the Total in the *ccount 4alance, and *gree with the Total in the 5eneral 2edger 'eali-able 6alue&*ssets *re ncluded at the *mounts stimated to 4e 'eali-ed