Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
Chapter 16 Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy Multiple Choice Questions
1. Homemade leverage is: A. the incurrence o de!t !y ! y a corporation in order to pay dividends to shareholders. ". the e#clusive use o de!t to und a corporate e#pansion pro$ect. C. the !orro%ing or lending o money !y individual shareholders as a means o ad$usting their level o inancial leverage. &. !est deined as an increase in a irm's de!t-e(uity ratio. ). the term used to descri!e the capital structure o a levered irm.
*. +hich one o the ollo%ing states that the value o a irm is unrelated to the irm's capital structure, A. Capital Asset Pricing odel ". Proposition / C. Proposition // &. La% o 0ne Price ). )icient arets Hypothesis
2. +hich one o the ollo%ing states that a irm's cost o e(uity capital is directly and proportionally related to the irm's capital structure, structure, A. Capital Asset Pricing odel ". Proposition / C. Proposition // &. La% o 0ne Price ). )icient arets Hypothesis
3. +hich one o the ollo%ing is the e(uity ris that is most related to the daily operations o a irm, A. maret ris ". systematic ris C. e#trinsic ris &. !usiness ris ). inancial ris
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
4. +hich one o the ollo%ing is the e(uity ris related to a irm's capital structure policy, A. maret ". systematic C. e#trinsic &. !usiness ). inancial
6. "utter 5elly reduced its ta#es last year !y 247 !y increasing its interest e#pense !y 18777. +hich o the ollo%ing terms is used to descri!e this ta# savings, A. interest ta# shield ". interest credit C. inancing shield &. current ta# yield ). ta#-loss interest
9. he unlevered cost o capital reers to the cost o capital or a;n<: A. private entity. ". all-e(uity irm. C. governmental entity. &. private individual. ). corporate shareholder.
=. he e#plicit costs8 such as legal and administrative e#penses8 associated %ith corporate deault are classiied as >>>>> costs. A. lotation ". issue C. direct !anruptcy &. indirect !anruptcy ). unlevered
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
?. he costs incurred !y a !usiness in an eort to avoid !anruptcy are classiied as >>>>> costs. A. lotation ". direct !anruptcy C. indirect !anruptcy &. inancial solvency ). capital structure
17. "y deinition8 %hich o the ollo%ing costs are included in the term @inancial distress costs@, /. direct !anruptcy costs //. indirect !anruptcy costs ///. direct costs related to !eing inancially distressed8 !ut not !anrupt /. indirect costs related to !eing inancially distressed8 !ut not !anrupt A. / only ". /// only C. / and // only &. /// and / only ). /8 //8 ///8 and /
11. he proposition that a irm !orro%s up to the point %here the marginal !eneit o the interest ta# shield derived rom increased de!t is $ust e(ual to the marginal e#pense o the resulting increase in inancial distress costs is called: A. the static theory o capital structure. ". Proposition /. C. Proposition //. &. the capital asset pricing model. ). the open marets theorem.
1*. +hich one o the ollo%ing is the legal proceeding under %hich an insolvent irm can !e reorganiBed, A. restructure process ". !anruptcy C. orced merger &. legal taeover ). rights oer
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
12. A !usiness irm ceases to e#ist as a going concern as a result o %hich one o the ollo%ing, A. divestiture ". share repurchase C. li(uidation &. reorganiBation ). capital restructuring
13. )d%ards Farm Products %as una!le to meet its inancial o!ligations and %as orced into using legal proceedings to restructure itsel so that it could continue as a via!le !usiness. he process this irm under%ent is no%n as a: A. merger. ". repurchase program. C. li(uidation. &. reorganiBation. ). divestiture.
14. he a!solute priority rule determines: A. %hen a irm must !e declared oicially !anrupt. ". ho% a distressed irm is reorganiBed. C. %hich $udge is assigned to a particular !anruptcy case. &. ho% long a reorganiBed irm is allo%ed to remain under !anruptcy protection. ). %hich parties receive payment irst in a !anruptcy proceeding.
16. A irm should select the capital structure that: A. produces the highest cost o capital. ". ma#imiBes the value o the irm. C. minimiBes ta#es. &. is ully unlevered. ). e(uates the value o de!t %ith the value o e(uity.
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
19. he value o a irm is ma#imiBed %hen the: A. cost o e(uity is ma#imiBed. ". ta# rate is Bero. C. levered cost o capital is ma#imiBed. &. %eighted average cost o capital is minimiBed. ). de!t-e(uity ratio is minimiBed.
1=. he optimal capital structure has !een achieved %hen the: A. de!t-e(uity ratio is e(ual to 1. ". %eight o e(uity is e(ual to the %eight o de!t. C. cost o e(uity is ma#imiBed given a pre-ta# cost o de!t. &. de!t-e(uity ratio is such that the cost o de!t e#ceeds the cost o e(uity. ). de!t-e(uity ratio results in the lo%est possi!le %eighted average cost o capital.
1?. AA ours is comparing t%o capital structures to determine h o% to !est inance its operations. he irst option consists o all e(uity inancing. he second option is !ased on a de!t-e(uity ratio o 7.34. +hat should AA ours do i its e#pected earnings !eore interest and ta#es ;)"/< are less than the !rea-even level, Assume there are no ta#es. A. select the leverage option !ecause the de!t-e(uity ratio is less than 7.47 ". select the leverage option since the e#pected )"/ is less than the !rea-even level C. select the unlevered option since the de!t-e(uity ratio is less than 7.47 &. select the unlevered option since the e#pected )"/ is less than the !rea-even level ). cannot !e determined rom the inormation provided
*7. ou have computed the !rea-even point !et%een a levered and an unlevered capital structure. Assume there are no ta#es. At the !rea-even level8 the: A. irm is $ust earning enough to pay or the cost o the de!t. ". irm's earnings !eore interest and ta#es are e(ual to Bero. C. earnings per share or the levered option are e#actly dou!le those o the unlevered option. &. advantages o leverage e#ceed the disadvantages o leverage. ). irm has a de!t-e(uity ratio o .47.
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
*1. +hich one o the ollo%ing statements is correct concerning the relationship !et%een a levered and an unlevered capital structure, Assume there are no ta#es. A. At the !rea-even point8 there is no advantage to de!t. ". he earnings per share %ill e(ual Bero %hen )"/ is Bero or a levered irm. C. he advantages o leverage are inversely related to the level o )"/. &. he use o leverage at any level o )"/ increases the )PS. ). )PS are more sensitive to changes in )"/ %hen a irm is unlevered.
**. 5essica invested in Duantro stoc %hen the irm %as unlevered. Since then8 Duantro has changed its capital structure and no% has a de!t-e(uity ratio o 7.27. o unlever her position8 5essica needs to: A. !orro% some money and purchase additional shares o Duantro stoc. ". maintain her current e(uity position as the de!t o the irm did not aect her personally. C. sell some shares o Duantro stoc and hold the proceeds in cash. &. sell some shares o Duantro stoc and loan out the sale proceeds. ). create a personal de!t-e(uity ratio o 7.27.
*2. +hich one o the ollo%ing maes the capital structure o a irm irrelevant, A. ta#es ". interest ta# shield C. 177 percent dividend payout ratio &. de!t-e(uity ratio that is greater than 7 !ut less than 1 ). homemade leverage
*3. Proposition / %ith no ta# supports the argument that: A. !usiness ris determines the return on assets. ". the cost o e(uity rises as leverage rises. C. the de!t-e(uity ratio o a irm is completely irrelevant. &. a irm should !orro% money to the point %here the ta# !eneit rom de!t is e(ual to the cost o the increased pro!a!ility o inancial distress. ). homemade leverage is irrelevant.
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
*4. he concept o homemade leverage is most associated %ith: A. Proposition / %ith no ta#. ". Proposition // %ith no ta#. C. Proposition / %ith ta#. &. Proposition // %ith ta#. ). static theory proposition.
*6. +hich o the ollo%ing statements are correct in relation to Proposition // %ith no ta#es, /. he re(uired return on assets is e(ual to the %eighted average cost o capital. //. Financial ris is determined !y the de!t-e(uity ratio. ///. Financial ris determines the return on assets. /. he cost o e(uity declines %hen the amount o leverage used !y a irm rises. A. / and /// only ". // and / only C. / and // only &. /// and / only ). / and / only
*9. Proposition // is the proposition that: A. the capital structure o a irm has no eect on the irm's value. ". the cost o e(uity depends on the return on de!t8 the de!t-e(uity ratio8 and the ta# rate. C. a irm's cost o e(uity is a linear unction %ith a slope e(ual to ;E A - E &<. &. the cost o e(uity is e(uivalent to the re(uired rate o return on a irm's assets. ). the siBe o the pie does not depend on ho% the pie is sliced.
*=. he !usiness ris o a irm: A. depends on the irm's level o unsystematic ris. ". is inversely related to the re(uired return on the irm's assets. C. is dependent upon the relative %eights o the de!t and e(uity used to inance the irm. &. has a positive relationship %ith the irm's cost o e(uity. ). has no relationship %ith the re(uired return on a irm's assets according to Proposition //.
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
*?. +hich o the ollo%ing statements related to inancial ris are correct, /. Financial ris is the ris associated %ith the use o d e!t inancing. //. As inancial ris increases so too does the cost o e(uity. ///. Financial ris is %holly dependent upon the inancial policy o a irm. /. Financial ris is the ris that is inherent in a irm's operations. A. / and /// only ". // and / only C. // and /// only &. /8 //8 and /// only ). /8 //8 ///8 and /
27. Proposition / %ith ta# supports the theory that: A. a irm's %eighted average cost o capital decreases as the irm's de!t-e(uity ratio increases. ". the value o a irm is inversely related to the amount o leverage used !y the irm. C. the value o an unlevered irm is e(ual to the value o a levered irm plus the value o the interest ta# shield. &. a irm's cost o capital is the same regardless o the mi# o de!t and e(uity used !y the irm. ). a irm's cost o e(uity increases as the de!t-e(uity ratio o the irm decreases.
21. Proposition / %ith ta#es is !ased on the concept that: A. the optimal capital structure is the one that is totally inanced %ith e(uity. ". the capital structure o a irm does not matter !ecause investors can use homemade leverage. C. a irm's +ACC is unaected !y a change in the irm's capital structure. &. the value o a irm increases as the irm's de!t increases !ecause o the interest ta# shield. ). the cost o e(uity increases as the de!t-e(uity ratio o a irm increases.
2*. Proposition // %ith ta#es: A. has the same general implications as Proposition // %ithout ta#es. ". states that a irm's capital structure is irrelevant. C. supports the argument that !usiness ris is determined !y the capital structure decision. &. supports the argument that the cost o e(uity decreases as the de!t-e(uity ratio increases. ). concludes that the capital structure decision is irrelevant to the value o a irm.
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
22. he present value o the interest ta# shield is e#pressed as: A. ;C × &<E A. ". G ;C × &<. C. I)"/ × ;C × &
23. he interest ta# shield has no value %hen a irm has a: /. ta# rate o Bero. //. de!t-e(uity ratio o 1. ///. Bero de!t. /. Bero leverage. A. / and /// only ". // and / only C. /8 ///8 and / only &. //8 ///8 and / only ). /8 //8 and / only
24. he interest ta# shield is a ey reason %hy: A. the re(uired rate o return on assets rises %hen de!t is added to the capital structure. ". the value o an unlevered irm is e(ual to the value o a levered irm. C. the net cost o de!t to a irm is generally less than the cost o e(uity. &. the cost o de!t is e(ual to the cost o e(uity or a levered irm. ). irms preer e(uity inancing over de!t inancing.
26. "ased on Proposition // %ith ta#es8 the %eighted average cost o capital: A. is e(ual to the aterta# cost o de!t. ". has a linear relationship %ith the cost o e(uity capital. C. is unaected !y the ta# rate. &. decreases as the de!t-e(uity ratio increases. ). is e(ual to E G × ;1 - C<.
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
29. "anruptcy: A. creates value or a irm. ". transers value rom shareholders to !ondholders. C. technically occurs %hen total e(uity e(uals total de!t. &. costs are limited to legal and administrative ees. ). is an ine#pensive means o reorganiBing a irm.
2=. +hich one o the ollo%ing is a direct !anruptcy cost, A. company C)0's time spent in !anruptcy court ". maintaining cash reserves C. maintaining a de!t-e(uity ratio that is lo%er than the optimal ratio &. losing a ey company employee ). paying an outside accountant ees to prepare !anruptcy reports
2?. / a irm has the optimal amount o de!t8 then the: A. direct inancial distress costs must e(ual the present value o the interest ta# shield. ". value o the levered irm %ill e#ceed the value o the irm i it %ere unlevered. C. value o the irm is minimiBed. &. value o the irm is e(ual to L C × &. ). de!t-e(uity ratio is e(ual to 1.7.
37. +hich one o the ollo%ing has the greatest tendency to increase the percentage o de!t included in the optimal capital structure o a irm, A. e#ceptionally high depreciation e#penses ". very lo% marginal ta# rate C. su!stantial ta# shields rom other sources &. lo% pro!a!ilities o inancial distress ). minimal ta#a!le income
31. he capital structure that ma#imiBes the value o a irm also: A. minimiBes inancial distress costs. ". minimiBes the cost o capital. C. ma#imiBes the present value o the ta# shield on de!t. &. ma#imiBes the value o the de!t. ). ma#imiBes the value o the unlevered irm.
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
3*. he optimal capital structure: A. %ill !e the same or all irms in the same industry. ". %ill remain constant over time unless the irm changes its primary operations. C. %ill vary over time as ta#es and maret conditions change. &. places more emphasis on operations than on inancing. ). is unaected !y changes in the inancial marets.
32. he static theory o capital structure advocates that the optimal capital structure or a irm: A. is dependent on a constant de!t-e(uity ratio over time. ". remains i#ed over time. C. is independent o the irm's ta# rate. &. is independent o the irm's %eighted average cost o capital. ). e(uates the ta# savings rom an additional dollar o de!t to the increased !anruptcy costs related to that additional dollar o de!t.
33. he !asic lesson o heory is that the value o a irm is dependent upon: A. the irm's capital structure. ". the total cash lo% o the irm. C. minimiBing the mareted claims. &. the amount o mareted claims to that irm. ). siBe o the stocholders' claims.
34. +hich orm o inancing do irms preer to use irst according to the pecing-order theory, A. regular de!t ". converti!le de!t C. common stoc &. preerred stoc ). internal unds
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
36. +hich o the ollo%ing are correct according to pecing-order theory, /. Firms stocpile internally-generated cash. //. here is an inverse relationship !et%een a irm's proit level and its de!t level. ///. Firms avoid e#ternal de!t at all costs. /. A irm's capital structure is dictated !y its need or e#ternal inancing. A. / and /// only ". // and / only C. /8 ///8 and / only &. /8 //8 and / only ). /8 //8 ///8 and /
39. Corporations in the G.S. tend to: A. minimiBe ta#es. ". underutiliBe de!t. C. rely less on e(uity inancing than they should. &. have relatively similar de!t-e(uity ratios across industry lines. ). rely more heavily on de!t than on e(uity as the ma$or source o inancing.
3=. /n general8 the capital structures used !y G.S. irms: A. tend to over%eigh de!t in relation to e(uity. ". generally result in de!t-e(uity ratios !et%een 7.34 and 7.67. C. are airly standard or all S/C codes. &. tend to !e those %hich ma#imiBe the use o the irm's availa!le ta# shelters. ). vary signiicantly across industries.
3?. A irm is technically insolvent %hen: A. it has a negative !oo value. ". total de!t e#ceeds total e(uity. C. it is una!le to meet its inancial o!ligations. &. it iles or !anruptcy protection. ). the maret value o its stoc is less than its !oo value.
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
47. +hich one o the ollo%ing statements related to Chapter 9 !anruptcy is correct, A. A irm in Chapter 9 !anruptcy is reorganiBing its operations such that it can return to !eing a via!le concern. ". Gnder a Chapter 9 !anruptcy8 a trustee %ill assume control o the irm's assets until those assets can !e li(uidated. C. Chapter 9 !anruptcies are al%ays involuntary on the part o the irm. &. Gnder a Chapter 9 !anruptcy8 the claims o creditors are paid prior to the administrative costs o the !anruptcy. ). Chapter 9 !anruptcy allo%s a irm to restructure its e(uity such that ne% shares o stoc are generally issued prior to the irm coming out o !anruptcy.
41. +hich one o the ollo%ing %ill generally have the highest priority %hen assets are distri!uted in a !anruptcy proceeding, A. consumer claim ". dividend payment to preerred shareholder C. company contri!ution to the employees' retirement account &. payment to an unsecured creditor ). payment o employee %ages
4*. A irm may ile or Chapter 11 !anruptcy: /. in an attempt to gain a competitive advantage. //. using a prepac. ///. %hile allo%ing the current management to continue running the irm. /. only ater the irm !ecomes insolvent. A. / and /// only ". / and // only C. /8 //8 and / only &. /8 //8 and /// only ). /8 //8 ///8 and /
42. he "anruptcy A!use Prevention and Consumer Protection Act o *774: A. permits creditors to ile a prepac immediately ater a irm iles or !anruptcy protection. ". prevents creditors rom su!mitting any reorganiBation plans. C. prevents irms rom iling or !anruptcy protection more than once. &. permits ey employee retention plans only i an employee has another $o! oer. ). allo%s irms to pay !onuses to all ey employees to entice those employees to remain in the irm's employ.
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
43. Kelso )lectric is de!ating !et%een a leveraged and an unleveraged capital structure. he all e(uity capital structure %ould consist o 378777 shares o stoc. he de!t and e(uity option %ould consist o *48777 shares o stoc plus *=78777 o de!t %ith an interest rate o 9 percent. +hat is the !rea-even level o earnings !eore interest and ta#es !et%een these t%o options, /gnore ta#es. A. 3*8*7= ". 338131 C. 368222 &. 3?8669 ). 4*8*69
44. Holly's is currently an all e(uity irm that has ?8777 shares o stoc outstanding at a maret price o 3* a share. he irm has decided to leverage its operations !y issuing 1*78777 o de!t at an interest rate o ?.4 percent. his ne% de!t %ill !e used to repurchase shares o the outstanding stoc. he restructuring is e#pected to increase the earnings per share. +hat is the minimum level o earnings !eore interest and ta#es that the irm is e#pecting, /gnore ta#es. A. 248?17 ". 2=8416 C. 3*8777 &. 338131 ). 3487*7
46. Se%er's Paradise is an all e(uity irm that has 48777 shares o stoc outstanding at a maret price o 14 a share. he irm's management has decided to issue 278777 %orth o de!t and use the unds to repurchase shares o the outstanding stoc. he interest rate on the de!t %ill !e 17 percent. +hat are the earnings per share at the !rea-even level o earnings !eore interest and ta#es, /gnore ta#es. A. 1.36 ". 1.47 C. 1.69 &. 1.== ). 1.?3
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
49. iller's &ry oods is an all e(uity irm %ith 348777 shares o stoc outstanding at a maret price o 47 a share. he company's earnings !eore interest and ta#es are 1*=8777. iller's has decided to add leverage to its inancial operations !y issuing *478777 o de!t at = percent interest. he de!t %ill !e used to repurchase shares o stoc. ou o%n 377 shares o iller's stoc. ou also loan out unds at = percent interest. Ho% many shares o iller's stoc must you sell to oset the leverage that iller's is assuming, Assume you loan out all o the unds you receive rom the sale o stoc. /gnore ta#es. A. 24.6 shares ". 37.7 shares C. 33.3 shares &. 39.4 shares ). 47.1 shares
4=. ou currently o%n 677 shares o 5KL8 /nc. 5KL is an all e(uity irm that has 948777 shares o stoc outstanding at a maret price o 37 a share. he company's earnings !eore interest and ta#es are 1378777. 5KL has decided to issue 1 million o de!t at = percent interest. his de!t %ill !e used to repurchase shares o stoc. Ho% many shares o 5KL stoc must you sell to unlever your position i you can loan out unds at = percent interest, A. 1*7 shares ". 147 shares C. 1=7 shares &. *77 shares ). *47 shares
4?. Maylor's is an all e(uity irm %ith 678777 shares o stoc outstanding at a maret price o 47 a share. he company has earnings !eore interest and ta#es o =98777. Maylor's has decided to issue 9478777 o de!t at 9.4 percent. he de!t %ill !e used to repurchase shares o the outstanding stoc. Currently8 you o%n 477 shares o Maylor's stoc. Ho% many shares o Maylor's stoc %ill you continue to o%n i you unlever this position, Assume you can loan out unds at 9.4 percent interest. /gnore ta#es. A. 277 shares ". 247 shares C. 294 shares &. 3*4 shares ). 477 shares
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
67. Pe%ter lass is an all e(uity irm that has =78777 shares o stoc outstanding. he company is in the process o !orro%ing 6778777 at ? percent interest to repurchase 1*8777 shares o the outstanding stoc. +hat is the value o this irm i you ignore ta#es, A. *.4 million ". 3.7 million C. 4.7 million &. 4.4 million ). 6.7 million
61. he 5ean 0utlet is an all e(uity irm that has 1368777 shares o stoc outstanding. he company has decided to !orro% the 1.1 million to repurchase 98477 shares o its stoc rom the estate o a deceased shareholder. +hat is the total value o the irm i you ignore ta#es, A. 1=82=9897* ". 1=84778777 C. 1?86668669 &. *187778777 ). *183128222
6*. Stacy o%ns 2= percent o he o%n Centre. She has decided to retire and %ants to sell all o her shares in this closely held8 all e(uity irm. he other shareholders have agreed to have the irm !orro% 6478777 to purchase her shares o stoc. +hat is the total maret value o he o%n Centre, /gnore ta#es. A. 1891784*6 ". 1893=8*1? C. 1899187=? &. 18=718376 ). 18=7=863?
62. +inter's oyland has a de!t-e(uity ratio o 7.9*. he pre-ta# cost o de!t is =.9 percent and the re(uired return on assets is 16.1 percent. +hat is the cost o e(uity i you ignore ta#es, A. 1?.21 percent ". 1?.93 percent C. *7.*? percent &. *7.36 percent ). *1.32 percent
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
63. 5eerson &aughter has a cost o e(uity o 13.6 percent and a pre-ta# cost o de!t o 9.= percent. he re(uired return on the assets is 12.* percent. +hat is the irm's de!t-e(uity ratio !ased on // %ith no ta#es, A. 7.*6 ". 7.22 C. 7.29 &. 7.32 ). 7.34
64. he Corner "aery has a de!t-e(uity ratio o 7.43. he irm's re(uired return on assets is 13.* percent and its cost o e(uity is 16.1 percent. +hat is the pre-ta# cost o de!t !ased on Proposition // %ith no ta#es, A. 9.17 percent ". =.9? percent C. 17.6= percent &. 19.46 percent ). 1=.37 percent
66. L.A. Clothing has e#pected earnings !eore interest and ta#es o 3=8?778 an unlevered cost o capital o 13.4 percent8 and a ta# rate o 23 percent. he company also has =8777 o de!t that carries a 9 percent coupon. he de!t is selling at par value. +hat is the value o this irm, A. ***849?.21 ". **28222.22 C. **3817=.16 &. **48*??.21 ). **48396.?1
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
69. Hanover ech is currently an all e(uity irm that has 2*78777 shares o stoc outstanding %ith a maret price o 1? a share. he current cost o e(uity is 14.3 percent and the ta# rate is 26 percent. he irm is considering adding 1.* million o de!t %ith a coupon rate o = percent to its capital structure. he de!t %ill !e sold at par value. +hat is the levered value o the e(uity, A. 4.*7? million ". 4.21* million C. 4.326 million &. 6.41* million ). 6.97= million
6=. "right orning Foods has e#pected earnings !eore interest and ta#es o 3=86778 an unlevered cost o capital o 12.* percent8 and de!t %ith !oth a !oo and ace value o *48777. he de!t has an =.4 percent coupon. he ta# rate is 23 percent. +hat is the value o the irm, A. *348477 ". *398677 C. *418477 &. *638=77 ). *918277
6?. )#ports Gnlimited is an unlevered irm %ith an aterta# net income o 398=77. he unlevered cost o capital is 13.1 percent and the ta# rate is 2* percent. +hat is the value o this irm, A. *978=69 ". *?382=7 C. 22?8779 &. 29=8333 ). 33983=?
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
97. An unlevered irm has a cost o capital o 19.4 percent and earnings !eore interest and ta#es o 2*98477. A levered irm %ith the same operations and assets has !oth a !oo value and a ace value o de!t o 6478777 %ith a 9.4 percent annual coupon. he applica!le ta# rate is 2= percent. +hat is the value o the levered irm, A. 182?98*1* ". 182?=8*46 C. 1837*847? &. 183798*=6 ). 183138313
91. &o%n "edding has an unlevered cost o capital o 12 percent8 a cost o de!t o 9.= percent8 and a ta# rate o 2* percent. +hat is the target de!t-e(uity ratio i the targeted cost o e(uity is 14.41 percent, A. .62 ". .6= C. .91 &. .96 ). .=3
9*. 5ohnson ire &istri!utors has de!t %ith !oth a ace and a maret value o 1*8777. his de!t has a coupon rate o 6 percent and pays interest annually. he e#pected earnings !eore interest and ta#es are *81778 the ta# rate is 27 percent8 and the unlevered cost o capital is 11.9 percent. +hat is the irm's cost o e(uity, A. **.36 percent ". **.=9 percent C. *2.*7 percent &. *2.4? percent ). *4.13 percent
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
92. Country arets has an unlevered cost o capital o 1* percent8 a ta# rate o 2= percent8 and e#pected earnings !eore interest and ta#es o 148977. he company has 118777 in !onds outstanding that have a 6 percent coupon and pay interest annually. he !onds are selling at par value. +hat is the cost o e(uity, A. 1*.44 percent ". 12.26 percent C. 12.63 percent &. 13.79 percent ). 13.*? percent
93. he PiBBa Palace has a cost o e(uity o 14.2 percent and an unlevered cost o capital o 11.= percent. he company has **8777 in de!t that is selling at par value. he levered value o the irm is 318777 and the ta# rate is 23 percent. +hat is the pre-ta# cost o de!t, A. 3.92 percent ". 6.1= percent C. 6.4? percent &. 9.** percent ). ?.?* percent
94. he reen Paddle has a cost o e(uity o 12.92 percent and a pre-ta# cost o de!t o 9.6 percent. he de!t-e(uity ratio is 7.64 and the ta# rate is 2* percent. +hat is reen Paddle's unlevered cost o capital, A. 11.=4 percent ". 1*.9= percent C. 13.*? percent &. 13.36 percent ). 14.7= percent
96. "o!'s +arehouse has a pre-ta# cost o de!t o =.3 percent and an unlevered cost o capital o 13.6 percent. he irm's ta# rate is 29 percent and the cost o e(uity is 1= percent. +hat is the irm's de!t-e(uity ratio, A. 7.9* ". 7.96 C. 7.9? &. 7.=* ). 7.=9
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
99. &ouglass Fran has a de!t-e(uity ratio o 7.34. he pre-ta# cost o de!t is 9.6 percent %hile the unlevered cost o capital is 12.2 percent. +hat is the cost o e(uity i the ta# rate is 2? percent, A. 12.9? percent ". 13.=6 percent C. 14.?* percent &. 1=.37 percent ). 1=.=9 percent
9=. he 5une "ug has a *978777 !ond issue outstanding. hese !onds have a 9.4 percent coupon8 pay interest semiannually8 and have a current maret price e(ual to ?=.6 percent o ace value. he ta# rate is 2? percent. +hat is the amount o the annual interest ta# shield, A. 28?3=.94 ". 3811*.67 C. 48211.** &. 98=?9.47 ). =8**4.*7
9?. eorga's Eestaurants has 38477 !onds outstanding %ith a ace value o 18777 each and a coupon rate o =.*4 percent. he interest is paid semi-annually. +hat is the amount o the annual interest ta# shield i the ta# rate is 29 percent, A. 129826*.47 ". 16*8311.?7 C. 1=98947.77 &. *1783*7.77 ). *228==9.47
=7. &. L. ucers has *18777 o de!t outstanding that is selling at par and has a coupon rate o 9.4 percent. he ta# rate is 2* percent. +hat is the present value o the ta# shield, A. 473 ". 614 C. 633 &. 68*77 ). 689*7
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
=1. 5emisen's has e#pected earnings !eore interest and ta#es o 68*77. /ts unlevered cost o capital is 12 percent and its ta# rate is 23 percent. he irm has de!t %ith !oth a !oo and a ace value o *8477. his de!t has a ? percent coupon and pays interest annually. +hat is the irm's %eighted average cost o capital, A. 1*.3= percent ". 1*.66 percent C. 12.=9 percent &. 13.13 percent ). 13.29 percent
=*. A irm has de!t o 1*87778 a leveraged value o *683778 a pre-ta# cost o de!t o ?.*7 percent8 a cost o e(uity o 19.6 percent8 and a ta# rate o 29 percent. +hat is the irm's %eighted average cost o capital, A. 11.39 percent ". 11.4* percent C. 11.6? percent &. 1*.*2 percent ). 1*.3= percent
=2. oung's Home Supply has a de!t-e(uity ratio o 7.=7. he cost o e(uity is 13.4 percent and the aterta# cost o de!t is 3.? percent. +hat %ill the irm's cost o e(uity !e i the de!te(uity ratio is revised to 7.94, A. 17.=? percent ". 11.39 percent C. 11.97 percent &. 12.=? percent ). 13.*2 percent
=3. Percy's +holesale Supply has earnings !eore interest and ta#es o 1768777. "oth the !oo and the maret value o de!t is 1978777. he unlevered cost o e(uity is 14.4 percent %hile the pre-ta# cost o de!t is =.6 percent. he ta# rate is 2= percent. +hat is the irm's %eighted average cost o capital, A. 11.?3 percent ". 1*.64 percent C. 12.34 percent &. 13.71 percent ). 13.29 percent
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
Essay Questions
=4. &ra% the ollo%ing t%o graphs8 one a!ove the other: /n the top graph8 plot irm value on the vertical a#is and total de!t on the horiBontal a#is. Gse this graph to illustrate the value o a irm under %ithout ta#es8 %ith ta#es8 and the static theory o capital structure. 0n the lo%er graph8 plot the +ACC on the vertical a#is and the de!t-e(uity ratio on the horiBontal a#is. Gse this second graph to illustrate the value o the irm's +ACC under %ithout ta#es8 %ith ta#es8 and the static theory. "riely e#plain %hat the t%o graphs reveal a!out irm value and its cost o capital under the three dierent theories.
=6. "ased on the propositions %ith and %ithout ta#es8 ho% much time should a inancial manager spend analyBing the capital structure o a irm, +hat i the analysis is !ased on the static theory,
=9. Pete is the CF0 o &e#ter /nternational. He %ould lie to increase the de!t-e(uity ratio o the irm !ut is concerned that the irm's shareholders may not !e %illing to accept additional inancial leverage. Pete has come to you or advice. +hat is your recommendation,
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
==. /n each o the theories o capital structure8 the cost o e(uity increases as the amount o de!t increases. So %hy don't inancial managers use as little de!t as possi!le to eep the cost o e(uity do%n, Ater all8 aren't inancial managers supposed to ma#imiBe the value o a irm,
=?. )#plain ho% a irm loses value during the !anruptcy process rom !oth a creditors and a shareholders perspective.
Multiple Choice Questions
?7. )ast Side8 /nc. has no de!t outstanding and a total maret value o 1268777. )arnings !eore interest and ta#es8 )"/8 are pro$ected to !e 1*8777 i economic conditions are normal. / there is strong e#pansion in the economy8 then )"/ %ill !e *9 percent higher. / there is a recession8 then )"/ %ill !e 44 percent lo%er. )ast Side is considering a 438777 de!t issue %ith a 4 percent interest rate. he proceeds %ill !e used to repurchase shares o stoc. here are currently *8777 shares outstanding. /gnore ta#es. / the economy enters a recession8 )PS %ill change !y >>>> percent as compared to a normal economy8 assuming that the irm recapitaliBes. A. -97.?9 percent ". -62.14 percent C. -4=.7= percent &. -3*.*? percent ). -2=.=9 percent
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
?1. Morth Side8 /nc. has no de!t outstanding and a total maret value o 1948777. )arnings !eore interest and ta#es8 )"/8 are pro$ected to !e 168777 i economic conditions are normal. / there is strong e#pansion in the economy8 then )"/ %ill !e 24 percent higher. / there is a recession8 then )"/ %ill !e 97 percent lo%er. Morth Side is considering a 978777 de!t issue %ith a 9 percent interest rate. he proceeds %ill !e used to repurchase shares o stoc. here are currently *8477 shares outstanding. Morth Side has a ta# rate o 23 percent. / the economy e#pands strongly8 )PS %ill change !y >>>> percent as compared to a normal economy8 assuming that the irm recapitaliBes. A. 2=.=7 percent ". 34.*6 percent C. 47.34 percent &. 42.?* percent ). 61.79 percent
?*. ala#y Products is comparing t%o dierent capital structures8 an all-e(uity plan ;Plan /< and a levered plan ;Plan //<. Gnder Plan /8 ala#y %ould have 19=8477 shares o stoc outstanding. Gnder Plan //8 there %ould !e 918377 shares o stoc outstanding and 1.9? million in de!t outstanding. he interest rate on the de!t is 17 percent and there are no ta#es. +hat is the !reaeven )"/, A. *=98=9=.9= ". *?=8222.22 C. 2418111.11 &. 2228222.22 ). 2318313.13
?2. A"C Co. and NO Co. are identical irms in all respects e#cept or their capital structure. A"C is all e(uity inanced %ith 3=78777 in stoc. NO uses !oth stoc and perpetual de!t its stoc is %orth *378777 and the interest rate on its de!t is 11 percent. "oth irms e#pect )"/ to !e 4=8377. /gnore ta#es. he cost o e(uity or A"C is >>>>> percent8 and or NO it is >>>>>> percent. A. 1*.19 1*.6= ". 1*.19 1*.?3 C. 1*.19 12.22 &. 1*.*? 1*.6= ). 1*.*? 12.22
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
?3. Lamont Corp. uses no de!t. he %eighted average cost o capital is 11 percent. he current maret value o the e(uity is 2= million and there are no ta#es. +hat is )"/, A. 283*28777 ". 2847=8677 C. 289=18177 &. 28=?=8977 ). 381=78777
?4. he SL Corp. uses no de!t. he %eighted average cost o capital is 1* percent. he current maret value o the e(uity is 21 million and the corporate ta# rate is 23 percent. +hat is )"/, A. 381=78777 ". 38=*181?3 C. 486268263 &. 68*27871= ). 6846=8477
?6. +.. rees8 /nc. has a de!t-e(uity ratio o 1.3. /ts +ACC is 17 percent8 and its cost o de!t is ? percent. he corporate ta# rate is 22 percent. +hat is the irm's unlevered cost o e(uity capital, A. 1*.2= percent ". 1*.9? percent C. 12.6= percent &. 13.17 percent ). 13.34 percent
?9. "ruce Co. e#pects its )"/ to !e 1778777 every year orever. he irm can !orro% at 17 percent. "ruce currently has no de!t8 and its cost o e(uity is *7 percent. he ta# rate is 21 percent. +hat %ill the value o "ruce Co. !e i the irm !orro%s 438777 and uses the loan proceeds to repurchase shares, A. *=78127 ". 2368677 C. 2618937 &. 29=8?77 ). 2=184*7
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
?=. "ruce Co. e#pects its )"/ to !e 1778777 every year orever. he irm can !orro% at 11 percent. "ruce currently has no de!t8 and its cost o e(uity is 1= percent. he ta# rate is 21 percent. "ruce %ill !orro% 618777 and use the proceeds to repurchase shares. +hat %ill the +ACC !e ater recapitaliBation, A. 16.27 percent ". 16.=9 percent C. 19.14 percent &. 1=.*? percent ). 1=.=6 percent
??. Me% Schools8 /nc. e#pects an )"/ o 98777 every year orever. he irm currently has no de!t8 and its cost o e(uity is 19 percent. he irm can !orro% at = percent and the corporate ta# rate is 23 percent. +hat %ill the value o the irm !e i it converts to 47 percent de!t, A. *?8=91.19 ". 2189?6.39 C. 2*8379.16 &. 23844*.7= ). 29811?.27
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
Chapter 16 Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy Ans%er Key
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Homemade leverage is: A. the incurrence o de!t !y a corporation in order to pay dividends to shareholders. ". the e#clusive use o de!t to und a corporate e#pansion pro$ect. C. the !orro%ing or lending o money !y individual shareholders as a means o ad$usting their level o inancial leverage. &. !est deined as an increase in a irm's de!t-e(uity ratio. ). the term used to descri!e the capital structure o a levered irm. Eeer to section 16.*
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%& o(ic: )omemade le!erage
*. +hich one o the ollo%ing states that the value o a irm is unrelated to the irm's capital structure, A. Capital Asset Pricing odel B. Proposition / C. Proposition // &. La% o 0ne Price ). )icient arets Hypothesis Eeer to section 16.2
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%* o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition .
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
2. +hich one o the ollo%ing states that a irm's cost o e(uity capital is directly and proportionally related to the irm's capital structure, A. Capital Asset Pricing odel ". Proposition / C. Proposition // &. La% o 0ne Price ). )icient arets Hypothesis Eeer to section 16.2
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%* o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition ..
3. +hich one o the ollo%ing is the e(uity ris that is most related to the daily operations o a irm, A. maret ris ". systematic ris C. e#trinsic ris D. !usiness ris ). inancial ris Eeer to section 16.2
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%* o(ic: Business ris
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
4. +hich one o the ollo%ing is the e(uity ris related to a irm's capital structure policy, A. maret ". systematic C. e#trinsic &. !usiness E. inancial Eeer to section 16.2
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%* o(ic: 0inancial ris
6. "utter 5elly reduced its ta#es last year !y 247 !y increasing its interest e#pense !y 18777. +hich o the ollo%ing terms is used to descri!e this ta# savings, . interest ta# shield ". interest credit C. inancing shield &. current ta# yield ). ta#-loss interest Eeer to section 16.3
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: .nterest ta2 s3ield
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
9. he unlevered cost o capital reers to the cost o capital or a;n<: A. private entity. B. all-e(uity irm. C. governmental entity. &. private individual. ). corporate shareholder. Eeer to section 16.3
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: 4nle!ered cost of ca(ital
=. he e#plicit costs8 such as legal and administrative e#penses8 associated %ith corporate deault are classiied as >>>>> costs. A. lotation ". issue C. direct !anruptcy &. indirect !anruptcy ). unlevered Eeer to section 16.4
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$* Section: "#%5 o(ic: Banru(tcy costs
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
?. he costs incurred !y a !usiness in an eort to avoid !anruptcy are classiied as >>>>> costs. A. lotation ". direct !anruptcy C. indirect !anruptcy &. inancial solvency ). capital structure Eeer to section 16.4
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$* Section: "#%5 o(ic: Banru(tcy costs
17. "y deinition8 %hich o the ollo%ing costs are included in the term @inancial distress costs@, /. direct !anruptcy costs //. indirect !anruptcy costs ///. direct costs related to !eing inancially distressed8 !ut not !anrupt /. indirect costs related to !eing inancially distressed8 !ut not !anrupt A. / only ". /// only C. / and // only &. /// and / only E. /8 //8 ///8 and / Eeer to section 16.4
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$* Section: "#%5 o(ic: 0inancial distress costs
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
11. he proposition that a irm !orro%s up to the point %here the marginal !eneit o the interest ta# shield derived rom increased de!t is $ust e(ual to the marginal e#pense o the resulting increase in inancial distress costs is called: . the static theory o capital structure. ". Proposition /. C. Proposition //. &. the capital asset pricing model. ). the open marets theorem. Eeer to section 16.6
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%# o(ic: Static t3eory of ca(ital structure
1*. +hich one o the ollo%ing is the legal proceeding under %hich an insolvent irm can !e reorganiBed, A. restructure process B. !anruptcy C. orced merger &. legal taeover ). rights oer Eeer to section 16.17
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$* Section: "#%"6 o(ic: Banru(tcy
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
12. A !usiness irm ceases to e#ist as a going concern as a result o %hich one o the ollo%ing, A. divestiture ". share repurchase C. li(uidation &. reorganiBation ). capital restructuring Eeer to section 16.17
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$* Section: "#%"6 o(ic: Li7uidation
13. )d%ards Farm Products %as una!le to meet its inancial o!ligations and %as orced into using legal proceedings to restructure itsel so that it could continue as a via!le !usiness. he process this irm under%ent is no%n as a: A. merger. ". repurchase program. C. li(uidation. D. reorganiBation. ). divestiture. Eeer to section 16.17
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$* Section: "#%"6 o(ic: 8eorgani9ation
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
14. he a!solute priority rule determines: A. %hen a irm must !e declared oicially !anrupt. ". ho% a distressed irm is reorganiBed. C. %hich $udge is assigned to a particular !anruptcy case. &. ho% long a reorganiBed irm is allo%ed to remain under !anruptcy protection. E. %hich parties receive payment irst in a !anruptcy proceeding. Eeer to section 16.17
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$* Section: "#%"6 o(ic: Absolute (riority rule
16. A irm should select the capital structure that: A. produces the highest cost o capital. B. ma#imiBes the value o the irm. C. minimiBes ta#es. &. is ully unlevered. ). e(uates the value o de!t %ith the value o e(uity. Eeer to section 16.1
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%" o(ic: Ca(ital structure
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
19. he value o a irm is ma#imiBed %hen the: A. cost o e(uity is ma#imiBed. ". ta# rate is Bero. C. levered cost o capital is ma#imiBed. D. %eighted average cost o capital is minimiBed. ). de!t-e(uity ratio is minimiBed. Eeer to section 16.1
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%" o(ic: 0irm !alue
1=. he optimal capital structure has !een achieved %hen the: A. de!t-e(uity ratio is e(ual to 1. ". %eight o e(uity is e(ual to the %eight o de!t. C. cost o e(uity is ma#imiBed given a pre-ta# cost o de!t. &. de!t-e(uity ratio is such that the cost o de!t e#ceeds the cost o e(uity. E. de!t-e(uity ratio results in the lo%est possi!le %eighted average co st o capital. Eeer to section 16.1
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%" o(ic: Ca(ital structure
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
1?. AA ours is comparing t%o capital structures to determine h o% to !est inance its operations. he irst option consists o all e(uity inancing. he second option is !ased on a de!t-e(uity ratio o 7.34. +hat should AA ours do i its e#pected earnings !eore interest and ta#es ;)"/< are less than the !rea-even level, Assume there are no ta#es. A. select the leverage option !ecause the de!t-e(uity ratio is less than 7.47 ". select the leverage option since the e#pected )"/ is less than the !rea-even level C. select the unlevered option since the de!t-e(uity ratio is less than 7.47 D. select the unlevered option since the e#pected )"/ is less than the !rea-even level ). cannot !e determined rom the inormation provided Eeer to section 16.*
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Com(re3ension Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%& o(ic: 0inancial le!erage
*7. ou have computed the !rea-even point !et%een a levered and an unlevered capital structure. Assume there are no ta#es. At the !rea-even level8 the: . irm is $ust earning enough to pay or the cost o the de!t. ". irm's earnings !eore interest and ta#es are e(ual to Bero. C. earnings per share or the levered option are e#actly dou!le those o the unlevered option. &. advantages o leverage e#ceed the disadvantages o leverage. ). irm has a de!t-e(uity ratio o .47. Eeer to section 16.*
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Com(re3ension Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%& o(ic: 0inancial le!erage
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
*1. +hich one o the ollo%ing statements is correct concerning the relationship !et%een a levered and an unlevered capital structure, Assume there are no ta#es. . At the !rea-even point8 there is no advantage to de!t. ". he earnings per share %ill e(ual Bero %hen )"/ is Bero or a levered irm. C. he advantages o leverage are inversely related to the level o )"/. &. he use o leverage at any level o )"/ increases the )PS. ). )PS are more sensitive to changes in )"/ %hen a irm is unlevered. Eeer to section 16.*
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%& o(ic: Brea$e!en (oint
**. 5essica invested in Duantro stoc %hen the irm %as unlevered. Since then8 Duantro has changed its capital structure and no% has a de!t-e(uity ratio o 7.27. o unlever her position8 5essica needs to: A. !orro% some money and purchase additional shares o Duantro stoc. ". maintain her current e(uity position as the de!t o the irm did not aect her personally. C. sell some shares o Duantro stoc and hold the proceeds in cash. D. sell some shares o Duantro stoc and loan out the sale proceeds. ). create a personal de!t-e(uity ratio o 7.27. Eeer to section 16.*
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Com(re3ension Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%& o(ic: )omemade le!erage
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
*2. +hich one o the ollo%ing maes the capital structure o a irm irrelevant, A. ta#es ". interest ta# shield C. 177 percent dividend payout ratio &. de!t-e(uity ratio that is greater than 7 !ut less than 1 E. homemade leverage Eeer to section 16.*
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%& o(ic: )omemade le!erage
*3. Proposition / %ith no ta# supports the argument that: A. !usiness ris determines the return on assets. ". the cost o e(uity rises as leverage rises. C. the de!t-e(uity ratio o a irm is completely irrelevant. &. a irm should !orro% money to the point %here the ta# !eneit rom de!t is e(ual to the cost o the increased pro!a!ility o inancial distress. ). homemade leverage is irrelevant. Eeer to section 16.2
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Com(re3ension Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%* o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition . wit3 no ta2
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
*4. he concept o homemade leverage is most associated %ith: . Proposition / %ith no ta#. ". Proposition // %ith no ta#. C. Proposition / %ith ta#. &. Proposition // %ith ta#. ). static theory proposition. Eeer to section 16.2
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%* o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition . wit3 no ta2
*6. +hich o the ollo%ing statements are correct in relation to Proposition // %ith no ta#es, /. he re(uired return on assets is e(ual to the %eighted average cost o capital. //. Financial ris is determined !y the de!t-e(uity ratio. ///. Financial ris determines the return on assets. /. he cost o e(uity declines %hen the amount o leverage used !y a irm rises. A. / and /// only ". // and / only C. / and // only &. /// and / only ). / and / only Eeer to section 16.2
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Com(re3ension Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%* o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition .. wit3 no ta2es
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
*9. Proposition // is the proposition that: A. the A. the capital structure o a irm has no eect on the irm's value. ". the ". the cost o e(uity depends on the return on de!t8 the de!t-e(uity ratio8 and the ta# rate. C. a irm's cost o e(uity is a linear unction %ith a slope e(ual to ;E A - E &<. &. the &. the cost o e(uity is e(uivalent to the re(uired rate o return on a irm's assets. ). the ). the siBe o the pie does not depend on ho% the pie is sliced. Eeer to section 16.2
AACSB: N/A N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Knowledge Difficulty: Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: Obecti!e: "#$" "#$" Section: "#%* o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition ..
*=. he !usiness ris o a irm: A. depends A. depends on the irm's level o unsystematic ris. ". is ". is inversely related to the re(uired return on the irm's assets. C. is C. is dependent upon the relative %eights o the de!t and e(uity used to inance the irm. D. has a positive relationship %ith the irm's cost o e(uity. ). has ). has no relationship %ith the re(uired return on a irm's assets according to Proposition //. Eeer to section 16.2
AACSB: N/A N/A Bloom's: Com(re3ension Com(re3ension Difficulty: Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: Obecti!e: "#$" "#$" Section: "#%* o(ic: Business ris
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
*?. +hich o the ollo%ing statements related to inancial ris are correct, /. Financial ris is the ris associated %ith the use o d e!t inancing. //. As inancial ris increases so too does the cost o e(uity. ///. Financial ris is %holly dependent upon the inancial policy o a irm. /. Financial ris is the ris that is inherent in a irm's operations. A. / A. / and /// only ". // ". // and / only C. // C. // and /// only D. /8 //8 and /// only ). /8 ). /8 //8 ///8 and / Eeer to section 16.2
AACSB: N/A N/A Bloom's: Com(re3ension Com(re3ension Difficulty: Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: Obecti!e: "#$" "#$" Section: "#%* o(ic: 0inancial ris
27. Proposition / %ith ta# supports the theory that: cap ital decreases as the irm's de!t-e(uity ratio increases. . a irm's %eighted average cost o capital ". the ". the value o a irm is inversely related to the amount o leverage used !y the irm. C. the C. the value o an unlevered irm is e(ual to the value o a levered irm plus the value o the interest ta# shield. &. a &. a irm's cost o capital is the same regardless o the mi# o de!t and e(uity used !y the irm. ). a ). a irm's cost o e(uity increases as the de!t-e(uity ratio o the irm decreases. Eeer to section 16.3
AACSB: N/A N/A Bloom's: Com(re3ension Com(re3ension Difficulty: Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: Obecti!e: "#$& "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition . wit3 ta2es
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
21. Proposition / %ith ta#es is !ased on the concept that: A. the A. the optimal capital structure is the one that is totally inanced %ith e(uity. ". the ". the capital structure o a irm does not matter !ecause investors can use homemade leverage. C. a C. a irm's +ACC is unaected !y a change ch ange in the irm's capital structure. D. the value o a irm increases as the irm's de!t increases !ecause o the interest ta# shield. ). the ). the cost o e(uity increases as the de!t-e(uity ratio o a irm increases. Eeer to section 16.3
AACSB: N/A N/A Bloom's: Com(re3ension Com(re3ension Difficulty: Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: Obecti!e: "#$& "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition . wit3 ta2es
2*. Proposition // %ith ta#es: . has the same general implications as Proposition // %ithout ta#es. ". states ". states that a irm's capital structure is irrelevant. C. supports C. supports the argument that !usiness ris is determined !y the capital structure decision. &. supports &. supports the argument that the cost o e(uity decreases as the de!t-e(uity ratio increases. ). concludes ). concludes that the capital structure decision is irrelevant to the value o a irm. Eeer to section 16.3
AACSB: N/A N/A Bloom's: Com(re3ension Com(re3ension Difficulty: Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: Obecti!e: "#$& "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition .. wit3 ta2es
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
22. he present value o the interest ta# shield is e#pressed as: A. ;C × &<E A. ". G ;C × &<. C. I)"/ × ;C × &
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: - of interest ta2 s3ield
23. he interest ta# shield has no value %hen a irm has a: /. ta# rate o Bero. //. de!t-e(uity ratio o 1. ///. Bero de!t. /. Bero leverage. A. / and /// only ". // and / only C. /8 ///8 and / only &. //8 ///8 and / only ). /8 //8 and / only Eeer to section 16.3
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Com(re3ension Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: .nterest ta2 s3ield
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
24. he interest ta# shield is a ey reason %hy: A. the re(uired rate o return on assets rises %hen de!t is added to the capital structure. ". the value o an unlevered irm is e(ual to the value o a levered irm. C. the net cost o de!t to a irm is generally less than the cost o e(uity. &. the cost o de!t is e(ual to the cost o e(uity or a levered irm. ). irms preer e(uity inancing over de!t inancing. Eeer to section 16.3
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Com(re3ension Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: .nterest ta2 s3ield
26. "ased on Proposition // %ith ta#es8 the %eighted average cost o capital: A. is e(ual to the aterta# cost o de!t. ". has a linear relationship %ith the cost o e(uity capital. C. is unaected !y the ta# rate. D. decreases as the de!t-e(uity ratio increases. ). is e(ual to E G × ;1 - C<. Eeer to section 16.3
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition .. wit3 ta2es
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
29. "anruptcy: A. creates value or a irm. B. transers value rom shareholders to !ondholders. C. technically occurs %hen total e(uity e(uals total de!t. &. costs are limited to legal and administrative ees. ). is an ine#pensive means o reorganiBing a irm. Eeer to section 16.4
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$* Section: "#%5 o(ic: Banru(tcy
2=. +hich one o the ollo%ing is a direct !anruptcy cost, A. company C)0's time spent in !anruptcy court ". maintaining cash reserves C. maintaining a de!t-e(uity ratio that is lo%er than the optimal ratio &. losing a ey company employee E. paying an outside accountant ees to prepare !anruptcy reports Eeer to section 16.4
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Com(re3ension Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$* Section: "#%5 o(ic: Banru(tcy costs
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
2?. / a irm has the optimal amount o de!t8 then the: A. direct inancial distress costs must e(ual the present value o the interest ta# shield. B. value o the levered irm %ill e#ceed the value o the irm i it %ere unlevered. C. value o the irm is minimiBed. &. value o the irm is e(ual to L C × &. ). de!t-e(uity ratio is e(ual to 1.7. Eeer to section 16.6
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Com(re3ension Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%# o(ic: O(timal ca(ital structure
37. +hich one o the ollo%ing has the greatest tendency to increase the percentage o de!t included in the optimal capital structure o a irm, A. e#ceptionally high depreciation e#penses ". very lo% marginal ta# rate C. su!stantial ta# shields rom other sources D. lo% pro!a!ilities o inancial distress ). minimal ta#a!le income Eeer to section 16.6
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Com(re3ension Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%# o(ic: O(timal ca(ital structure
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
31. he capital structure that ma#imiBes the value o a irm also: A. minimiBes inancial distress costs. B. minimiBes the cost o capital. C. ma#imiBes the present value o the ta# shield on de!t. &. ma#imiBes the value o the de!t. ). ma#imiBes the value o the unlevered irm. Eeer to section 16.6
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%# o(ic: O(timal ca(ital structure
3*. he optimal capital structure: A. %ill !e the same or all irms in the same industry. ". %ill remain constant over time unless the irm changes its primary operations. C. %ill vary over time as ta#es and maret conditions change. &. places more emphasis on operations than on inancing. ). is unaected !y changes in the inancial marets. Eeer to section 16.6
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Com(re3ension Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%# o(ic: O(timal ca(ital structure
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
32. he static theory o capital structure advocates that the optimal capital structure or a irm: A. is dependent on a constant de!t-e(uity ratio over time. ". remains i#ed over time. C. is independent o the irm's ta# rate. &. is independent o the irm's %eighted average cost o capital. E. e(uates the ta# savings rom an additional dollar o de!t to the increased !anruptcy costs related to that additional dollar o de!t. Eeer to section 16.6
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%# o(ic: Static t3eory of ca(ital structure
33. he !asic lesson o heory is that the value o a irm is dependent upon: A. the irm's capital structure. B. the total cash lo% o the irm. C. minimiBing the mareted claims. &. the amount o mareted claims to that irm. ). siBe o the stocholders' claims. Eeer to section 16.9
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%; o(ic: +,+ 3eory
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
34. +hich orm o inancing do irms preer to use irst according to the pecing-order theory, A. regular de!t ". converti!le de!t C. common stoc &. preerred stoc E. internal unds Eeer to section 16.=
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%< o(ic: -ecing$order t3eory
36. +hich o the ollo%ing are correct according to pecing-order theory, /. Firms stocpile internally-generated cash. //. here is an inverse relationship !et%een a irm's proit level and its de!t level. ///. Firms avoid e#ternal de!t at all costs. /. A irm's capital structure is dictated !y its need or e#ternal inancing. A. / and /// only ". // and / only C. /8 ///8 and / only D. /8 //8 and / only ). /8 //8 ///8 and / Eeer to section 16.=
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%< o(ic: -ecing$order t3eory
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
39. Corporations in the G.S. tend to: A. minimiBe ta#es. B. underutiliBe de!t. C. rely less on e(uity inancing than they should. &. have relatively similar de!t-e(uity ratios across industry lines. ). rely more heavily on de!t than on e(uity as the ma$or source o inancing. Eeer to section 16.?
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%= o(ic: Ca(ital structure
3=. /n general8 the capital structures used !y G.S. irms: A. tend to over%eigh de!t in relation to e(uity. ". generally result in de!t-e(uity ratios !et%een 7.34 and 7.67. C. are airly standard or all S/C codes. &. tend to !e those %hich ma#imiBe the use o the irm's availa!le ta# shelters. E. vary signiicantly across industries. Eeer to section 16.?
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%= o(ic: Ca(ital structure
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
3?. A irm is technically insolvent %hen: A. it has a negative !oo value. ". total de!t e#ceeds total e(uity. C. it is una!le to meet its inancial o!ligations. &. it iles or !anruptcy protection. ). the maret value o its stoc is less than its !oo value. Eeer to section 16.17
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$* Section: "#%"6 o(ic: ec3nical insol!ency
47. +hich one o the ollo%ing statements related to Chapter 9 !anruptcy is correct, A. A irm in Chapter 9 !anruptcy is reorganiBing its operations such that it can return to !eing a via!le concern. B. Gnder a Chapter 9 !anruptcy8 a trustee %ill assume control o the irm's assets until those assets can !e li(uidated. C. Chapter 9 !anruptcies are al%ays involuntary on the part o the irm. &. Gnder a Chapter 9 !anruptcy8 the claims o creditors are paid prior to the administrative costs o the !anruptcy. ). Chapter 9 !anruptcy allo%s a irm to restructure its e(uity such that ne% shares o stoc are generally issued prior to the irm coming out o !anruptcy. Eeer to section 16.17
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Com(re3ension Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$* Section: "#%"6 o(ic: Banru(tcy
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
41. +hich one o the ollo%ing %ill generally have the highest priority %hen assets are distri!uted in a !anruptcy proceeding, A. consumer claim ". dividend payment to preerred shareholder C. company contri!ution to the employees' retirement account &. payment to an unsecured creditor E. payment o employee %ages Eeer to section 16.17
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$* Section: "#%"6 o(ic: Banru(tcy
4*. A irm may ile or Chapter 11 !anruptcy: /. in an attempt to gain a competitive advantage. //. using a prepac. ///. %hile allo%ing the current management to continue running the irm. /. only ater the irm !ecomes insolvent. A. / and /// only ". / and // only C. /8 //8 and / only D. /8 //8 and /// only ). /8 //8 ///8 and / Eeer to section 16.17
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$* Section: "#%"6 o(ic: Banru(tcy
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
42. he "anruptcy A!use Prevention and Consumer Protection Act o *774: A. permits creditors to ile a prepac immediately ater a irm iles or !anruptcy protection. ". prevents creditors rom su!mitting any reorganiBation plans. C. prevents irms rom iling or !anruptcy protection more than once. D. permits ey employee retention plans only i an employee has another $o! oer. ). allo%s irms to pay !onuses to all ey employees to entice those employees to remain in the irm's employ. Eeer to section 16.17
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$* Section: "#%"6 o(ic: Banru(tcy
43. Kelso )lectric is de!ating !et%een a leveraged and an unleveraged capital structure. he all e(uity capital structure %ould consist o 378777 shares o stoc. he de!t and e(uity option %ould consist o *48777 shares o stoc plus *=78777 o de!t %ith an interest rate o 9 percent. +hat is the !rea-even level o earnings !eore interest and ta#es !et%een these t%o options, /gnore ta#es. A. 3*8*7= ". 338131 C. 368222 &. 3?8669 E. 4*8*69 )"/378777 Q I)"/ - ;*=78777 × 7.79
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%& o(ic: Brea$e!en >B.
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
44. Holly's is currently an all e(uity irm that has ?8777 shares o stoc outstanding at a maret price o 3* a share. he irm has decided to leverage its operations !y issuing 1*78777 o de!t at an interest rate o ?.4 percent. his ne% de!t %ill !e used to repurchase shares o the outstanding stoc. he restructuring is e#pected to increase the earnings per share. +hat is the minimum level o earnings !eore interest and ta#es that the irm is e#pecting, /gnore ta#es. . 248?17 ". 2=8416 C. 3*8777 &. 338131 ). 3487*7 )"/?8777 Q I)"/ - ;1*78777 × 7.7?4
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%& o(ic: Brea$e!en >B.
46. Se%er's Paradise is an all e(uity irm that has 48777 shares o stoc outstanding at a maret price o 14 a share. he irm's management has decided to issue 278777 %orth o de!t and use the unds to repurchase shares o the outstanding stoc. he interest rate on the de!t %ill !e 17 percent. +hat are the earnings per share at the !rea-even level o earnings !eore interest and ta#es, /gnore ta#es. A. 1.36 B. 1.47 C. 1.69 &. 1.== ). 1.?3 Mum!er o shares repurchased Q 27877714 Q *8777 )"/48777 Q I)"/ - ;278777 × .7.17
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%& o(ic: Brea$e!en >-S
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
49. iller's &ry oods is an all e(uity irm %ith 348777 shares o stoc outstanding at a maret price o 47 a share. he company's earnings !eore interest and ta#es are 1*=8777. iller's has decided to add leverage to its inancial operations !y issuing *478777 o de!t at = percent interest. he de!t %ill !e used to repurchase shares o stoc. ou o%n 377 shares o iller's stoc. ou also loan out unds at = percent interest. Ho% many shares o iller's stoc must you sell to oset the leverage that iller's is assuming, Assume you loan out all o the unds you receive rom the sale o stoc. /gnore ta#es. A. 24.6 shares ". 37.7 shares C. 33.3 shares &. 39.4 shares ). 47.1 shares iller's interest Q *478777 × 7.7= Q *78777 iller's shares repurchased Q *47877747 Q 48777 iller's shares outstanding %ith de!t Q 348777 - 48777 Q 378777 iller's )PS8 no de!t Q 1*=8777348777 Q *.=33333 iller's )PS8 %ith de!t Q ;1*=8777 - *78777<378777 Q *.97 iller's value o stoc Q 378777 × 47 Q *87778777 iller's value o de!t Q *478777 iller's total value Q *87778777 *478777 Q *8*478777 iller's %eight stoc Q *87778777*8*478777 Q 7.=====? iller's %eight de!t Q *478777*8*478777 Q 7.111111 our initial investment Q 377 × 47 Q *78777 our ne% stoc position Q 7.=====? × *78777 Q 198999.9= our ne% num!er o shares Q 198999.9=47 Q 244.4446 Mum!er o shares sold Q 377 - 244.4446 Q 33.3 shares C3ec: ?our new loans @ 6%"""""" × &6666 @ &&&&%&& ?our total unle!ered income @ 166 × &%<11111 @ ""*;%;< ?our total le!ered income @ *55%555# × &%;6 E &&&&%&& × 6%6< @ ""*;%;<
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: .ntermediate Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%& o(ic: )omemade le!erage
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
4=. ou currently o%n 677 shares o 5KL8 /nc. 5KL is an all e(uity irm that has 948777 shares o stoc outstanding at a maret price o 37 a share. he company's earnings !eore interest and ta#es are 1378777. 5KL has decided to issue 1 million o de!t at = percent interest. his de!t %ill !e used to repurchase shares o stoc. Ho% many shares o 5KL stoc must you sell to unlever your position i you can loan out unds at = percent interest, A. 1*7 shares ". 147 shares C. 1=7 shares D. *77 shares ). *47 shares 5KL interest Q 1m × 7.7= Q =78777 5KL shares repurchased Q 1m37 Q *48777 5KL shares outstanding %ith de!t Q 948777 - *48777 Q 478777 5KL )PS8 no de!t Q 1378777948777 Q 1.=66669 5KL )PS8 %ith de!t Q ;1378777 - =78777<478777 Q 1.*7 5KL value o stoc Q 478777 × 37 Q *m 5KL value o de!t Q 1m 5KL total value Q *m 1m Q 2m 5KL %eight stoc Q *m2m Q *2 5KL %eight de!t Q 1m2m Q 12 our initial investment Q 677 × 37 Q *38777 our ne% stoc position Q *2;*38777< Q 168777 our ne% num!er o shares Q 16877737 Q 377 Mum!er o shares sold Q 677 - 377 Q *77 shares C3ec: ?our new loans @ "/*&1666 @ <666 ?our unle!ered income @ #66 × "%<####; @ ""&6 ?our le!ered income @ 166 × "%&6 E <666 × 6%6< @ ""&6
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: .ntermediate Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%& o(ic: )omemade le!erage
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
4?. Maylor's is an all e(uity irm %ith 678777 shares o stoc outstanding at a maret price o 47 a share. he company has earnings !eore interest and ta#es o =98777. Maylor's has decided to issue 9478777 o de!t at 9.4 percent. he de!t %ill !e used to repurchase shares o the outstanding stoc. Currently8 you o%n 477 shares o Maylor's stoc. Ho% many shares o Maylor's stoc %ill you continue to o%n i you unlever this position, Assume you can loan out unds at 9.4 percent interest. /gnore ta#es. A. 277 shares ". 247 shares C. 294 shares &. 3*4 shares ). 477 shares Maylor's interest Q 9478777 × 7.794 Q 468*47 Maylor's shares repurchased Q 947877747 Q 148777 Maylor's shares outstanding %ith de!t Q 678777 - 148777 Q 348777 Maylor's )PS8 no de!t Q =98777678777 Q 1.34 Maylor's )PS8 %ith de!t Q ;=98777 - 468*47<348777 Q 7.6=2222 Maylor's value o stoc Q 348777 × 47 Q *8*478777 Maylor's value o de!t Q 947 Maylor's total value Q *8*478777 9478777 Q 287778777 Maylor's %eight stoc Q *8*478777287778777 Q 7.94 Maylor's %eight de!t Q 9478777287778777 Q 7.*4 our initial investment Q 477 × 47 Q *48777 our ne% stoc position Q 7.94 × *48777 Q 1=8947 our ne% num!er o shares Q 1=894747 Q 294 shares C3ec: ?our new loans @ 6%&5 × &5666 @ #&56 ?our unle!ered income @ 566 × "%15 @ ;&5 ?our le!ered income @ *;5 × 6%#<**** E #&56 × 6%6;5 @ ;&5
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: .ntermediate Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%& o(ic: )omemade le!erage
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
67. Pe%ter lass is an all e(uity irm that has =78777 shares o stoc outstanding. he company is in the process o !orro%ing 6778777 at ? percent interest to repurchase 1*8777 shares o the outstanding stoc. +hat is the value o this irm i you ignore ta#es, A. *.4 million B. 3.7 million C. 4.7 million &. 4.4 million ). 6.7 million Firm value Q =78777 × ;67787771*8777< Q 3 million
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%* o(ic: 0irm !alue
61. he 5ean 0utlet is an all e(uity irm that has 1368777 shares o stoc outstanding. he company has decided to !orro% the 1.1 million to repurchase 98477 shares o its stoc rom the estate o a deceased shareholder. +hat is the total value o the irm i you ignore ta#es, A. 1=82=9897* ". 1=84778777 C. 1?86668669 &. *187778777 E. *183128222 Firm value Q 1368777 × ;1.1m98477< Q *183128222
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%* o(ic: 0irm !alue
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
6*. Stacy o%ns 2= percent o he o%n Centre. She has decided to retire and %ants to sell all o her shares in this closely held8 all e(uity irm. he other shareholders have agreed to have the irm !orro% 6478777 to purchase her shares o stoc. +hat is the total maret value o he o%n Centre, /gnore ta#es. . 1891784*6 ". 1893=8*1? C. 1899187=? &. 18=718376 ). 18=7=863? Firm value Q 64787777.2= Q 1891784*6
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%* o(ic: 0irm !alue
62. +inter's oyland has a de!t-e(uity ratio o 7.9*. he pre-ta# cost o de!t is =.9 percent and the re(uired return on assets is 16.1 percent. +hat is the cost o e(uity i you ignore ta#es, A. 1?.21 percent ". 1?.93 percent C. *7.*? percent &. *7.36 percent E. *1.32 percent E ) Q 7.161 ;7.161 - 7.7=9< × 7.9* Q *1.32 percent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%* o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition ..
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
63. 5eerson &aughter has a cost o e(uity o 13.6 percent and a pre-ta# cost o de!t o 9.= percent. he re(uired return on the assets is 12.* percent. +hat is the irm's de!t-e(uity ratio !ased on // %ith no ta#es, . 7.*6 ". 7.22 C. 7.29 &. 7.32 ). 7.34 E ) Q 7.136 Q 7.12* ;7.12* - 7.79=< × &) &) Q 7.*6
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%* o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition ..
64. he Corner "aery has a de!t-e(uity ratio o 7.43. he irm's re(uired return on assets is 13.* percent and its cost o e(uity is 16.1 percent. +hat is the pre-ta# cost o de!t !ased on Proposition // %ith no ta#es, A. 9.17 percent ". =.9? percent C. 17.6= percent &. 19.46 percent ). 1=.37 percent E ) Q 7.161 Q 7.13* ;7.13* - E d< × 7.43 E d Q 17.6= percent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%* o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition ..
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
66. L.A. Clothing has e#pected earnings !eore interest and ta#es o 3=8?778 an unlevered cost o capital o 13.4 percent8 and a ta# rate o 23 percent. he company also has =8777 o de!t that carries a 9 percent coupon. he de!t is selling at par value. +hat is the value o this irm, A. ***849?.21 ". **28222.22 C. **3817=.16 D. **48*??.21 ). **48396.?1 G Q I3=8?77 × ;1 - 7.23
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition . wit3 ta2es
69. Hanover ech is currently an all e(uity irm that has 2*78777 shares o stoc outstanding %ith a maret price o 1? a share. he current cost o e(uity is 14.3 percent and the ta# rate is 26 percent. he irm is considering adding 1.* million o de!t %ith a coupon rate o = percent to its capital structure. he de!t %ill !e sold at par value. +hat is the levered value o the e(uity, A. 4.*7? million B. 4.21* million C. 4.326 million &. 6.41* million ). 6.97= million L Q ;2*78777 × 1?< ;7.26 × 1.*m< Q 6.41*m ) Q 6.41*m - 1.*m Q 4.21*m
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition . wit3 ta2es
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
6=. "right orning Foods has e#pected earnings !eore interest and ta#es o 3=86778 an unlevered cost o capital o 12.* percent8 and de!t %ith !oth a !oo and ace value o *48777. he de!t has an =.4 percent coupon. he ta# rate is 23 percent. +hat is the value o the irm, A. *348477 ". *398677 C. *418477 &. *638=77 ). *918277 G Q I3=8677 × ;1 - 7.23
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition . wit3 ta2es
6?. )#ports Gnlimited is an unlevered irm %ith an aterta# net income o 398=77. he unlevered cost o capital is 13.1 percent and the ta# rate is 2* percent. +hat is the value o this irm, A. *978=69 ". *?382=7 C. 22?8779 &. 29=8333 ). 33983=? G Q 398=777.131 Q 22?8779
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition . wit3 ta2es
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
97. An unlevered irm has a cost o capital o 19.4 percent and earnings !eore interest and ta#es o 2*98477. A levered irm %ith the same operations and assets has !oth a !oo value and a ace value o de!t o 6478777 %ith a 9.4 percent annual coupon. he applica!le ta# rate is 2= percent. +hat is the value o the levered irm, A. 182?98*1* ". 182?=8*46 C. 1837*847? D. 183798*=6 ). 183138313 G Q I2*98477 × ;1 - 7.2=
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition . wit3 ta2es
91. &o%n "edding has an unlevered cost o capital o 12 percent8 a cost o de!t o 9.= percent8 and a ta# rate o 2* percent. +hat is the target de!t-e(uity ratio i the targeted cost o e(uity is 14.41 percent, A. .62 ". .6= C. .91 &. .96 ). .=3 E ) Q 7.1441 Q 7.12 ;7.12 - 7.79=< × &) × ;1 - 7.2*< &) Q 7.91
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition .. wit3 ta2es
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
9*. 5ohnson ire &istri!utors has de!t %ith !oth a ace and a maret value o 1*8777. his de!t has a coupon rate o 6 percent and pays interest annually. he e#pected earnings !eore interest and ta#es are *81778 the ta# rate is 27 percent8 and the unlevered cost o capital is 11.9 percent. +hat is the irm's cost o e(uity, A. **.36 percent ". **.=9 percent C. *2.*7 percent &. *2.4? percent ). *4.13 percent G Q I*8177 × ;1 - 7.27
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: .ntermediate Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition .. wit3 ta2es
92. Country arets has an unlevered cost o capital o 1* percent8 a ta# rate o 2= percent8 and e#pected earnings !eore interest and ta#es o 148977. he company has 118777 in !onds outstanding that have a 6 percent coupon and pay interest annually. he !onds are selling at par value. +hat is the cost o e(uity, . 1*.44 percent ". 12.26 percent C. 12.63 percent &. 13.79 percent ). 13.*? percent G Q I148977 × ;1- 7.2=
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: .ntermediate Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition .. wit3 ta2es
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
93. he PiBBa Palace has a cost o e(uity o 14.2 percent and an unlevered cost o capital o 11.= percent. he company has **8777 in de!t that is selling at par value. he levered value o the irm is 318777 and the ta# rate is 23 percent. +hat is the pre-ta# cost o de!t, A. 3.92 percent ". 6.1= percent C. 6.4? percent D. 9.** percent ). ?.?* percent E ) Q 7.142 Q 7.11= ;7.11= - E &< × I**8777;318777 - **8777
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition .. wit3 ta2es
94. he reen Paddle has a cost o e(uity o 12.92 percent and a pre-ta# cost o de!t o 9.6 percent. he de!t-e(uity ratio is 7.64 and the ta# rate is 2* percent. +hat is reen Paddle's unlevered cost o capital, . 11.=4 percent ". 1*.9= percent C. 13.*? percent &. 13.36 percent ). 14.7= percent E ) Q 7.1292 Q E G ;E G - 7.796< × 7.64 × ;1 - 7.2*< E G Q 11.=4 percent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition .. wit3 ta2es
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
96. "o!'s +arehouse has a pre-ta# cost o de!t o =.3 percent and an unlevered cost o capital o 13.6 percent. he irm's ta# rate is 29 percent and the cost o e(uity is 1= percent. +hat is the irm's de!t-e(uity ratio, A. 7.9* ". 7.96 C. 7.9? &. 7.=* E. 7.=9 E ) Q 7.1= Q 7.136 ;7.136 - 7.7=3< × &) × ;1 - 7.29< &) Q 7.=9
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition .. wit3 ta2es
99. &ouglass Fran has a de!t-e(uity ratio o 7.34. he pre-ta# cost o de!t is 9.6 percent %hile the unlevered cost o capital is 12.2 percent. +hat is the cost o e(uity i the ta# rate is 2? percent, A. 12.9? percent B. 13.=6 percent C. 14.?* percent &. 1=.37 percent ). 1=.=9 percent E ) Q 7.122 ;7.122 - 7.796< × 7.34 × ;1 - 7.2?< Q 13.=6 percent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition .. wit3 ta2es
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
9=. he 5une "ug has a *978777 !ond issue outstanding. hese !onds have a 9.4 percent coupon8 pay interest semiannually8 and have a current maret price e(ual to ?=.6 percent o ace value. he ta# rate is 2? percent. +hat is the amount o the annual interest ta# shield, A. 28?3=.94 ". 3811*.67 C. 48211.** D. 98=?9.47 ). =8**4.*7 Annual interest ta# shield Q *978777 × 7.794 × 7.2? Q 98=?9.47
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: .nterest ta2 s3ield
9?. eorga's Eestaurants has 38477 !onds outstanding %ith a ace value o 18777 each and a coupon rate o =.*4 percent. he interest is paid semi-annually. +hat is the amount o the annual interest ta# shield i the ta# rate is 29 percent, . 129826*.47 ". 16*8311.?7 C. 1=98947.77 &. *1783*7.77 ). *228==9.47 Annual interest ta# shield Q 38477 × 18777 × 7.7=*4 × 7.29 Q 129826*.47
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: .nterest ta2 s3ield
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
=7. &. L. ucers has *18777 o de!t outstanding that is selling at par and has a coupon rate o 9.4 percent. he ta# rate is 2* percent. +hat is the present value o the ta# shield, A. 473 ". 614 C. 633 &. 68*77 E. 689*7 Present value o the ta# shield Q 7.2* × *18777 Q 689*7
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: - of ta2 s3ield
=1. 5emisen's has e#pected earnings !eore interest and ta#es o 68*77. /ts unlevered cost o capital is 12 percent and its ta# rate is 23 percent. he irm has de!t %ith !oth a !oo and a ace value o *8477. his de!t has a ? percent coupon and pays interest annually. +hat is the irm's %eighted average cost o capital, A. 1*.3= percent B. 1*.66 percent C. 12.=9 percent &. 13.13 percent ). 13.29 percent G Q I68*77 × ;1 - 7.23
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: FACC
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
=*. A irm has de!t o 1*87778 a leveraged value o *683778 a pre-ta# cost o de!t o ?.*7 percent8 a cost o e(uity o 19.6 percent8 and a ta# rate o 29 percent. +hat is the irm's %eighted average cost o capital, A. 11.39 percent ". 11.4* percent C. 11.6? percent D. 1*.*2 percent ). 1*.3= percent +ACC Q RI;*68377 - 1*8777<*68377J × 7.196 I;1*8777*68377< × 7.7?* × ;1 - 7.29
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: FACC
=2. oung's Home Supply has a de!t-e(uity ratio o 7.=7. he cost o e(uity is 13.4 percent and the aterta# cost o de!t is 3.? percent. +hat %ill the irm's cost o e(uity !e i the de!te(uity ratio is revised to 7.94, A. 17.=? percent ". 11.39 percent C. 11.97 percent &. 12.=? percent E. 13.*2 percent +ACC Q I;1.71.=< × 7.134J I;7.=1.=< × 7.73?J Q 7.17*222 +ACC Q 7.17*222 Q I;1.71.94< × E )J I;7.941.94< × 7.73? E ) Q 13.*2 percent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: FACC
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
=3. Percy's +holesale Supply has earnings !eore interest and ta#es o 1768777. "oth the !oo and the maret value o de!t is 1978777. he unlevered cost o e(uity is 14.4 percent %hile the pre-ta# cost o de!t is =.6 percent. he ta# rate is 2= percent. +hat is the irm's %eighted average cost o capital, A. 11.?3 percent ". 1*.64 percent C. 12.34 percent &. 13.71 percent ). 13.29 percent G Q I1768777 × ;1 - 7.2=
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: Basic Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: FACC
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
Multiple Choice Questions
?7. )ast Side8 /nc. has no de!t outstanding and a total maret value o 1268777. )arnings !eore interest and ta#es8 )"/8 are pro$ected to !e 1*8777 i economic conditions are normal. / there is strong e#pansion in the economy8 then )"/ %ill !e *9 percent higher. / there is a recession8 then )"/ %ill !e 44 percent lo%er. )ast Side is considering a 438777 de!t issue %ith a 4 percent interest rate. he proceeds %ill !e used to repurchase shares o stoc. here are currently *8777 shares outstanding. /gnore ta#es. / the economy enters a recession8 )PS %ill change !y >>>> percent as compared to a normal economy8 assuming that the irm recapitaliBes. . -97.?9 percent ". -62.14 percent C. -4=.7= percent &. -3*.*? percent ). -2=.=9 percent Share price Q 1268777*8777 Q 6= Shares repurchased Q 4387776= Q 9?3.119639 Annual interest Q 438777 × 7.74 Q *8977 )PS Mormal Q ;1*8777 - *8977<;*8777 - 9?3.119639< Q 9.91*1?4 )PSEecession Q RI1*8777 × ;1 - 7.44
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: Basic >OC G: "#$" Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%& o(ic: >B. and le!erage
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
?1. Morth Side8 /nc. has no de!t outstanding and a total maret value o 1948777. )arnings !eore interest and ta#es8 )"/8 are pro$ected to !e 168777 i economic conditions are normal. / there is strong e#pansion in the economy8 then )"/ %ill !e 24 percent higher. / there is a recession8 then )"/ %ill !e 97 percent lo%er. Morth Side is considering a 978777 de!t issue %ith a 9 percent interest rate. he proceeds %ill !e used to repurchase shares o stoc. here are currently *8477 shares outstanding. Morth Side has a ta# rate o 23 percent. / the economy e#pands strongly8 )PS %ill change !y >>>> percent as compared to a normal economy8 assuming that the irm recapitaliBes. A. 2=.=7 percent ". 34.*6 percent C. 47.34 percent &. 42.?* percent ). 61.79 percent Share price Q 1948777*8477 Q 97 Shares repurchased Q 97877797 Q 18777 Annual interest Q 978777 × 7.79 Q 38?77 )PS Mormal Q I;168777 - 38?77<;1 - 7.23
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: Basic >OC G: "#$& Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%& o(ic: >B. ta2es and le!erage
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
?*. ala#y Products is comparing t%o dierent capital structures8 an all-e(uity plan ;Plan /< and a levered plan ;Plan //<. Gnder Plan /8 ala#y %ould have 19=8477 shares o stoc outstanding. Gnder Plan //8 there %ould !e 918377 shares o stoc outstanding and 1.9? million in de!t outstanding. he interest rate on the de!t is 17 percent and there are no ta#es. +hat is the !reaeven )"/, A. *=98=9=.9= B. *?=8222.22 C. 2418111.11 &. 2228222.22 ). 2318313.13 )"/19=8477 Q I)"/ - 7.17;189?78777
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic >OC G: "#$1 Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%& o(ic: Brea$e!en >B.
?2. A"C Co. and NO Co. are identical irms in all respects e#cept or their capital structure. A"C is all e(uity inanced %ith 3=78777 in stoc. NO uses !oth stoc and perpetual de!t its stoc is %orth *378777 and the interest rate on its de!t is 11 percent. "oth irms e#pect )"/ to !e 4=8377. /gnore ta#es. he cost o e(uity or A"C is >>>>> percent8 and or NO it is >>>>>> percent. A. 1*.19 1*.6= ". 1*.19 1*.?3 C. 1*.19 12.22 &. 1*.*? 1*.6= ). 1*.*? 12.22 A"C: E ) Q E A Q 4=83773=78777 Q 1*.19 percent NO: E ) Q 7.1*19 ;7.1*19 - 7.11<;1<;1< Q 12.22 percent Mote: A"C: )(uity Q 3=78777 NO: )(uity Q *378777 &e!t Q 3=78777 - *378777 Q *378777
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic >OC G: "#$= Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%* o(ic: Cost of e7uity
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
?3. Lamont Corp. uses no de!t. he %eighted average cost o capital is 11 percent. he current maret value o the e(uity is 2= million and there are no ta#es. +hat is )"/, A. 283*28777 ". 2847=8677 C. 289=18177 &. 28=?=8977 E. 381=78777 Q 2=87778777 Q )"/7.11 )"/ Q 381=78777
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic >OC G: "#$"6 Learning Obecti!e: "#$" Section: "#%* o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition . wit3 no ta2
?4. he SL Corp. uses no de!t. he %eighted average cost o capital is 1* percent. he current maret value o the e(uity is 21 million and the corporate ta# rate is 23 percent. +hat is )"/, A. 381=78777 ". 38=*181?3 C. 486268263 &. 68*27871= ). 6846=8477 G Q 2187778777 Q )"/ ;1 - 7.23<7.1* )"/ Q 486268263
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic >OC G: "#$"" Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition . wit3 ta2es
Chapter 16 - Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy
?6. +.. rees8 /nc. has a de!t-e(uity ratio o 1.3. /ts +ACC is 17 percent8 and its cost o de!t is ? percent. he corporate ta# rate is 22 percent. +hat is the irm's unlevered cost o e(uity capital, . 1*.2= percent ". 1*.9? percent C. 12.6= percent &. 13.17 percent ). 13.34 percent +ACC Q 7.17 Q ;1*.3< E ) ;1.3*.3< ;7.7?< ;1 - 7.22< E ) Q 7.1444= E ) Q 7.1444= Q E G ;E G - 7.7?<;1.3<;1 - 7.22< E G Q 1*.2= percent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: Basic >OC G: "#$"& Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition .. wit3 ta2es
?9. "ruce Co. e#pects its )"/ to !e 1778777 every year orever. he irm can !orro% at 17 percent. "ruce currently has no de!t8 and its cost o e(uity is *7 percent. he ta# rate is 21 percent. +hat %ill the value o "ruce Co. !e i the irm !orro%s 438777 and uses the loan proceeds to repurchase shares, A. *=78127 ". 2368677 C. 2618937 &. 29=8?77 ). 2=184*7 G Q 1778777 ;1 - 7.21<7.*7 Q 2348777 L Q 2348777 7.21;438777< Q 2618937
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: A((lication Difficulty: Basic >OC G: "#$"1 Learning Obecti!e: "#$& Section: "#%1 o(ic: +,+ -ro(osition . wit3 ta2es