Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible !angible Resources
Chapter 04 Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's F irm's tangible Resources Ans"er #ey
True / False Questions
$% (p. 124-125) Accoring to the te&t (or most o( the t"entieth century managerial e((orts "ere irecte more to"ar the e((icient allocation o( labor an capital - the t"o traitional (actors o( prouction% TRUE For most o( the )0 th century managers (ocuse on tangible resources such as lan e*uipment an money as "ell as intangibles such as brans image an customer loyalty% +((orts "ere irecte more to"ar the e((icient allocation o( labor an capital - the t"o traitional (actors o( prouction%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
)% (p. 125) !he importance o( human capital has ecrease in recent years% For this reason many (irms have place greater attention on attracting but not on eveloping or retaining talent% FALSE In the ,no"lege economy "ealth is increasingly create by e((ective management o( ,no"lege "or,ers instea o( physical an (inancial assets% !he gro"ing importance o( ,no"lege couple "ith the move by labor mar,ets to re"ar ,no"lege "or, tells us that investing in a company is in essence buying a set o( talents capabilities s,ills an ieas intellectual capital. not physical an (inancial resources%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible !angible Resources
/% (p. 125) !he more reliance a (irm has on intellectual capital the closer its boo, v alue "ill be to its mar,et value% FALSE !he gap bet"een a (irm's mar,et value an boo, value is (ar greater (or ,no"lege-intensive corporations than (or (irms "ith strategies base primarily on tangible assets% +&hibit 4%$ sho"s the ratio o( mar,et-to-boo, value (or some "ell-,no"n co mpanies%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
4% (p. 123) !he i((erence bet"een the mar,et value an boo, value o( a (irm is its social capital% FALSE ocial capital is the net"or, o( relationships that iniviuals have throughout the organization%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
1% (p. 125) In toay's economy reliance on the three traitional (inancial statements: income statement balance sheet an statement o( ca sh (lo" (lo" has increase% FALSE In $23 the boo, value (or 5 companies "as 21 percent o( mar,et value% 6o"ever mar,et values an boo, boo , values have iverge signi(icantly% signi(icantly% 7ithin )0 years the 89 inustrials "ere on average traing at )%) times boo, value% Robert Robe rt A% A% 6o"ell an e&pert on the changing role o( (inance an accounting muses that !he big three (inancial statements are about as use(ul as an 0-year-ol ;os Angeles roa map%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible !angible Resources
/% (p. 125) !he more reliance a (irm has on intellectual capital the closer its boo, v alue "ill be to its mar,et value% FALSE !he gap bet"een a (irm's mar,et value an boo, value is (ar greater (or ,no"lege-intensive corporations than (or (irms "ith strategies base primarily on tangible assets% +&hibit 4%$ sho"s the ratio o( mar,et-to-boo, value (or some "ell-,no"n co mpanies%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
4% (p. 123) !he i((erence bet"een the mar,et value an boo, value o( a (irm is its social capital% FALSE ocial capital is the net"or, o( relationships that iniviuals have throughout the organization%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
1% (p. 125) In toay's economy reliance on the three traitional (inancial statements: income statement balance sheet an statement o( ca sh (lo" (lo" has increase% FALSE In $23 the boo, value (or 5 companies "as 21 percent o( mar,et value% 6o"ever mar,et values an boo, boo , values have iverge signi(icantly% signi(icantly% 7ithin )0 years the 89 inustrials "ere on average traing at )%) times boo, value% Robert Robe rt A% A% 6o"ell an e&pert on the changing role o( (inance an accounting muses that !he big three (inancial statements are about as use(ul as an 0-year-ol ;os Angeles roa map%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible !angible Resources
<% (p. 123) Firms such as =racle >oogle an >enentech "ill ten to have a higher ratio o( mar,et value to boo, value than inustrial companies such as International 9aper an ?ucor teel% TRUE As sho"n in +&hibit 4%$ (irms such as Apple >oogle Microso(t an =racle have very high mar,et value to boo, value ratios because o( their high investment in ,no"lege resources an technological e&pertise% In contrast (irms in more traitional inustry sectors such as International 9aper ?ucor an outh"est Airlines have relatively lo" mar,et to boo, ratios%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
3% (p. 12) Creation o( ne" ,no"lege typically involves the continual interaction o( e&plicit an tacit ,no"lege% TRUE ?e" ,no"lege is constantly create through the continual interaction o( e&plicit ,no"lege ,no"lege that is coi(ie ocumente easily reprouce an "iely istribute such as engineering ra"ings so(t"are coe an patents. an tacit ,no"lege,no"lege that is in the mins o( employees an is base on their e&periences an bac,grouns.%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
% (p. 12) #no"lege "or,ers are more loyal to their companies than traitional "or,ers% FALSE #no"lege "or,ers place pro(essional evelopment an personal enrichment (inancial an other"ise. above company c ompany loyalty%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance importance o' recogni+ing recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' o' attracting de#eloping and retaining retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
2% (p. 129) !echnical s,ills are a necessary an su((icient conition (or hiring an employee% FALSE Firms can ienti(y top per(ormers by (ocusing on ,ey employee min-sets attitues social s,ills an general orientations% I( they get these elements right the tas,-speci(ic s,ills can be learne *uic,ly% !his oes not imply that tas,-speci(ic s,ills are unimportant@ rather it suggests that the re*uisite s,ill sets must be vie"e as a necessary but not su((icient conition%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
$0% (p. 129) =ne o( the most important elements in a goo employee is his or her attitue% Firms shoul (ollo" the aage hire (or attitue train (or s,ill% TRUE Firms can ienti(y top per(ormers by (ocusing on ,ey employee min-sets attitues social s,ills an general orientations% I( they get these elements right the tas,-speci(ic s,ills can be learne *uic,ly% !his oes not imply that tas,-speci(ic s,ills are unimportant@ rather it suggests that the re*uisite s,ill sets must be vie"e as a necessary but not su((icient conition%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
$$% (p. 1$) Companies have (oun that re(errals (rom their o"n employees are generally an ine((ective approach to recruiting top talent% FALSE Companies li,e >+ Meical ystems have (oun that current employees are the best source (or ne" ones% 7hen someone re(ers a (ormer colleague or (rien (or a ob his or her creibility is on the line% +mployees are care(ul recommening people unless they are reasonably con(ient they are goo caniates%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
$)% (p. 123) Many leaing companies loo, (or creativity an (le&ibility in problem solving uring the intervie" process% !his helps a (irm assess a potential employee's social capital% FALSE 7hile many companies o assess creativity an (le&ibility in the intervie" process this oes not relate to social capital "hich is the net"or, o( relationships that iniviuals have throughout the organization%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
$/% (p. 1) In most e((ective evaluation an re"ar systems employees only receive evaluation an (eebac, (rom their immeiate supervisor% FALSE As organizations continue to push responsibility o"n"ar traitional top-o"n appraisal systems become insu((icient% !o aress the limitations o( the traitional approach many organizations use /<0-egree evaluation an (eebac, systems% 6ere superiors irect reports colleagues an even internal an e&ternal customers rate a person's per(ormance%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
$4% (p. 1) /<0-egree evaluation an (eebac, systems aress many o( the limitations o( traitional approaches o( evaluating human capital% TRUE !o aress the limitations o( the traitional approach many organizations use /<0-egree evaluation an (eebac, systems% 6ere superiors irect reports colleagues an even internal an e&ternal customers rate a person's per(ormance% !he /<0-egree (eebac, system complements team"or, employee involvement an organizational (lattening%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
$1% (p. 1) /<0-egree evaluation systems are not use(ul ue to the nee to integrate large amounts o( (eebac,% FALSE !he /<0-egree (eebac, system complements team"or, employee involvement an organizational (lattening% As organizations continue to push responsibility o"n"ar traitional top-o"n appraisal systems become insu((icient%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
$<% (p. 1) !he most e((ective metho o( improving a (irm's retention o( top talent is to intensi(y its hiring e((orts% FALSE teppe-up recruiting is a poor substitute (or "ea, retention% !oay's leaers can either provie the "or, environment an incentives to ,eep prouctive employees an management (rom "anting to bail out or they can use legal means such as employment contracts an noncompete clauses%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
$3% (p. 15) An internal labor mar,et to increase an employee's mobility "ithin a (irm. is one means o( increasing employee retention% TRUE =ne "ay (irms ,eep highly mobile employees motivate an challenge is through opportunities that lo"er barriers to an employee's mobility "ithin a company% For e&le hell =il Company has create an open sourcing moel (or talent% Bobs are liste on hell's intranet an "ith a t"o-month notice employees can go to "or, on anything that interests them%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
$% (p. 15) !he te&t suggests that talente pro(essionals are typically most concerne about (inancial re"ars% Money is the top reason "hy such employees ta,e an leave obs% FALSE 9aying people more is selom the most important (actor in attracting an retaining human capital% Most surveys sho" that money is not the most important reason "hy people ta,e or leave obs an that money in some surveys is not even in the top $0%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
$2% (p. 13) 7or,(orces "hich re(lect emographic changes "ill become more homogeneous or less varie. over the ne&t (e" ecaes "ith regar to gener race ethnicity an nationality% FALSE emographic trens an accelerating globalization o( business ma,e management o( cultural i((erences a critical issue% 7or,(orces "hich re(lect emographic changes in the overall population "ill be increasingly heterogeneous along imensions such as gener race ethnicity an nationality%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
)0% (p. 123) ocial capital is base on the net"or, o( relationships "ithin a (irm not in the s,ills an abilities o( an iniviual employee% TRUE ocial capital evelopment the (rienships an "or,ing relationships among talente iniviuals. gains importance "hen ,ey players are (ree agents because it helps tie ,no"lege "or,ers to a given (irm%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: /&e ;ital 0ole o' Social Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
)$% (p. 1) ocial capital is (oun in the ,no"lege s,ills an abilities o( iniviual employees% FALSE ocial capital evelopment the (rienships an "or,ing relationships among talente iniviuals. gains importance "hen ,ey players are (ree agents because it helps tie ,no"lege "or,ers to a given (irm%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$ /&e ey role o' social capital in le#eraging &man capital it&in and across t&e 'irm. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: /&e ;ital 0ole o' Social Capital
))% (p. 1) eveloping social capital is ris,y (or an organization because social capital is speci(ic to iniviuals an remains "ith the employee i( he or she leaves the organization% FALSE ocial capital evelopment the (rienships an "or,ing relationships among talente iniviuals. gains importance "hen ,ey players are (ree agents because it helps tie ,no"lege "or,ers to a given (irm%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$ /&e ey role o' social capital in le#eraging &man capital it&in and across t&e 'irm. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e ;ital 0ole o' Social Capital
)/% (p. 1<) ocial net"or, analysis can be use to help ienti(y groups or clusters o( iniviuals that comprise the net"or, iniviuals "ho lin, the clusters an other net"or, members% TRUE ocial net"or, analysis epicts the pattern o( interactions among iniviuals an helps to iagnose e((ective an ine((ective patterns% It helps ienti(y groups or clusters o( iniviuals that comprise the net"or, iniviuals "ho lin, the clusters an other net"or, members% It helps iagnose communication patterns an conse*uently communication e((ectiveness%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$4 /&e importance o' social netors in noledge management and in promoting career sccess. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: /&e ;ital 0ole o' Social Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
)4% (p. 1<) eveloping an protecting social capital re*uires inepenenceDthat is iniviuals must spen most o( their time "or,ing iniviually% FALSE eveloping social capital re*uires interepenence among group members% ocial capital eroes "hen people in the net"or, become inepenent% An increase interactions bet"een members ai in the evelopment an maintenance o( mutual obligations in a social net"or,%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$4 /&e importance o' social netors in noledge management and in promoting career sccess. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: /&e ;ital 0ole o' Social Capital
)1% (p. 19) In social net"or,s in briging relationships one member is central to the communication (lo"s in a group% FALSE In closure relationships one member is central to the communication (lo"s in a group% In briging relationships one person briges or brings together groups that "oul have been other"ise unconnecte% Re(er to +&hibit 4%<
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$4 /&e importance o' social netors in noledge management and in promoting career sccess. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e ;ital 0ole o' Social Capital
)<% (p. 14$) Closure in contrast to briging relationships stresses the importance o( ties connecting heterogeneous people% FALSE Eriging relationships in contrast to closure stresses the importance o( ties connecting people% +mployees "ho brige isconnecte people ten to receive timely iverse in(ormation because o( their access to a "ie range o( heterogeneous in(ormation (lo"s%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$4 /&e importance o' social netors in noledge management and in promoting career sccess. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: /&e ;ital 0ole o' Social Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
)3% (p. 142) From an iniviual's perspective social net"or,s eliver three uni*ue avantages: private in(ormation access to iverse s,ill sets an po"er% TRUE +((ective social net"or,s provie many avantages (or the (irm% !hey can play a ,ey role in an iniviual's career avancement an success% =ne's social net"or, potentially can provie three uni*ue avantages: private in(ormation access to iverse s,ill sets an po"er%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$4 /&e importance o' social netors in noledge management and in promoting career sccess. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: /&e ;ital 0ole o' Social Capital
)% (p. 14) =ne potential o"nsie o( builing social ca pital in an organization is groupthin,% !his means everyone in the group thin,s on his or her o"n an comes up "ith ne" ieas% FALSE ome (irms have been aversely a((ecte by very high levels o( social capital because it may bree groupthin, a tenency not to *uestion share belie(s% In e((ect too many "arm an (uzzy (eelings among group members prevent people (rom rigorously challenging each other%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$4 /&e importance o' social netors in noledge management and in promoting career sccess. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: /&e ;ital 0ole o' Social Capital
)2% (p. 145) !he role o( technology in the recruitment o( human capital has lo"ere iniviuals' reliance on the use o( social net"or,s% FALSE !echnology can be use to leverage human capital an ,no"lege "ithin organizations as "ell as "ith customers an suppliers beyon their bounaries but social net"or,s are still important (or sharing in(ormation%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$4 /&e importance o' social netors in noledge management and in promoting career sccess. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e ;ital 0ole o' Social Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
/0% (p. 145) !he use o( e-mail can be istracting to employees% ome (irms limit the time that employees spen using e-mail% TRUE +-mail is an e((ective means o( communicating a "ie variety o( in(ormation% It is *uic, easy an almost costless% =( course it can become a problem "hen employees use it e&tensively (or personal reasons% 9E 7orl"ie Ful(illment ervices in Alpharetta >eorgia has launche no e-mail Friay%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$5 /&e #ital role o' tec&nology in le#eraging noledge and &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: Using /ec&nology to Le#erage 6man Capital and noledge
/$% (p. 14) ince electronic teams e-teams. selom meet (ace-to-(ace it is ?=! important (or them to be concerne "ith ho" to combine iniviual contributions e((ectively% FALSE uccess(ul action by both traitional teams an e-teams re*uires that e-team leaers an ,ey members ,no" ho" to combine iniviual contributions in the most e((ective manner (or a coorinate an appropriate response%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$3 %&y =electronic= or =#irtal= teams are critical in com!ining and le#eraging noledge in organi+ations and &o t&ey can !e made more e''ecti#e. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: Using /ec&nology to Le#erage 6man Capital and noledge
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
/)% (p. 14) =nce a ,no"lege asset e%g% so(t"are. is evelope an pai (or it can be use many times at very lo" cost as long as it oesn't have to be substantially moi(ie each time% TRUE =ne o( the challenges o( ,no"lege-intensive organizations is to capture an coi(y the ,no"lege an e&perience that in e((ect resies in the heas o( its employees% =nce a ,no"lege asset e%g% a so(t"are coe or processes. is evelope an pai (or it can be reuse many times at very lo" cost assuming that it oesn't have to be substantially moi(ie each time%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$3 %&y =electronic= or =#irtal= teams are critical in com!ining and le#eraging noledge in organi+ations and &o t&ey can !e made more e''ecti#e. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: Using /ec&nology to Le#erage 6man Capital and noledge
//% (p. 14) Accoring to the te&t e((ective e-teams ienti(ie group members "ith a proper balance o( technical an interpersonal s,ills% TRUE !he potential (or process losses tens to be more prevalent in e-teams than in traitional teams because the geographical ispersion o( members increases the comple&ity o( establishing e((ective interaction an e&changes% uch problems can be e&acerbate "hen team members have less than ieal competencies an social s,ills% !his can eroe problem-solving capabilities as "ell as the e((ective (unctioning o( the group as a social unit%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$3 %&y =electronic= or =#irtal= teams are critical in com!ining and le#eraging noledge in organi+ations and &o t&ey can !e made more e''ecti#e. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: Using /ec&nology to Le#erage 6man Capital and noledge
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
/4% (p. 14) +&plicit ,no"lege is generally ,no"n to everyone in the (irm an is not a critical concern o( management% FALSE +&plicit or coi(ie. ,no"lege is ,no"lege that can be ocumente "iely istribute an easily replicate% =ne o( the challenges o( ,no"lege-intensive organizations is to capture an coi(y the ,no"lege an e&perience that in e((ect resies in the heas o( its employees% =ther"ise they "ill have to constantly reinvent the "heel "hich is both e&pensive an ine((icient%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$3 %&y =electronic= or =#irtal= teams are critical in com!ining and le#eraging noledge in organi+ations and &o t&ey can !e made more e''ecti#e. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: Using /ec&nology to Le#erage 6man Capital and noledge
/1% (p. 149> 151) Intellectual property rights are easier to e(ine an protect than property rights (or physical assets e%g% plant an e*uipment.% FALSE Intellectual property rights are more i((icult to e(ine an protect than property rights (or physical assets e%g% plant e*uipment an lan.% 6o"ever i( intellectual property rights are not reliably protecte by the state there "ill be no incentive to evelop ne" proucts an services%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$ /&e c&allenge o' protecting intellectal property and t&e importance o' a 'irm*s dynamic capa!ilities. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: ?rotecting t&e 8ntellec tal Assets o' t&e rgani+ation: 8ntellectal ?roperty and ,ynamic Capa!ilities
Multiple Choice Questions
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
/<% (p. 125) !he ma,eup o( goos an services in the >ross omestic 9roucts o( evelope countries has change over the last ecae% More than 10 o( the value o( >9 o( evelope countries is base on A% clothing an apparel% E% capital accumulation% C% (inancial management% D. ,no"lege% !oay more than 10 percent o( the gross omestic prouct >9. in evelope economies is ,no"lege-base@ it is base on intellectual assets an intangible people s,ills%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
/3% (p. 124-125) As the competitive environment changes strategic management must (ocus on i((erent aspects o( the organization% Recently strategic management has move (rom (ocusing on A% intangible resources to tangible resources% B. tangible resources to intangible resources% C% "or,ing capital to (i&e capital% % (i&e capital to "or,ing capital% For most o( the )0th century managers (ocuse on tangible resources such as lan e*uipment an money an intangibles li,e brans image an customer loyalty% !oay more than 10 percent o( the >9 in evelope economies is ,no"lege-base@ it is base on intellectual assets an intangible people s,ills%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
/% (p. 125) Changes in our economy have (orce (irms to be more concerne "ith protecting their A% ,no"lege "or,ers% E% social capital% C% intellectual capital% D. all o( these% In the ,no"lege economy "ealth is increasingly create by e((ective management o( ,no"lege "or,ers instea o( by e((icient control o( physical an (inancial assets% !he gro"ing importance o( ,no"lege couple "ith the move by labor mar,ets to re"ar ,no"lege "or, tells us that investing in a company is buying a set o( talents capabilities s,ills an ieasDintellectual capitalDnot physical an (inancial resources%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
/2% (p. 123) In the ,no"lege economy i( a large portion o( a (irm's value is in intellectual an human assets the i((erence bet"een the company's mar,et value an boo, value shoul GGGGGGGGGGG a company "ith mostly physical an (inancial assets% A% be e*ual to E% be smaller than C. be larger than % not be correlate "ith In (irms "here ,no"lege an the management o( ,no"lege "or,ers are relatively important contributors to eveloping proucts an services an physical resources are less critical the ratio o( mar,et-to-boo, value tens to be much higher%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
40% (p. 123) Accoring to the te&t intellectual capital is the i((erence bet"een the mar,et value an the boo, value o( a (irm% Intellectual capital can be increase by A% increasing retention o( belo" average "or,ers% B. attracting an retaining ,no"legeable "or,ers% C% ecreasing labor costs% % increasing the turnover o( employees% Companies create value in the ,no"lege-intensive economy an thus intellectual capital by attracting an leveraging human capital e((ectively through mechanisms that create proucts an services o( value over time%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
4$% (p. 123) 7hich o( the (ollo"ing (irms "oul you e&pect to have the highest ratio o( mar,et value to boo, valueH A% 5nion 9aci(ic railroa. B. >oogle C% International 9aper % ?ucor steel. As sho"n in +&hibit 4%$ (irms such as Apple >oogle Microso(t an =racle have very high mar,et value to boo, value ratios because o( their high investment in ,no"lege resources an technological e&pertise% In contrast (irms in more traitional inustry sectors such as International 9aper ?ucor an outh"est Airlines have relatively lo" mar,et to boo, ratios%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 6ard /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
4)% (p. 123) 6uman capital inclues A. an iniviual's capabilities ,no"lege an s,ills% E% the relationships bet"een people% C% the output (rom assembly line employees% % an improve prouct% 6uman capital is the iniviual capabilities ,no"lege s,ills an e&perience o( the company's employees an managers% !his ,no"lege is relevant to the tas, at han as "ell as the capacity to a to this reservoir o( ,no"lege s,ills an e&perience through learning%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
4/% (p. 123) GGGGGGGGGG inclues creativity an problem solving ability% A% 9hysical capital B. 6uman capital C% ocial capital % +motional capital 6uman capital is the iniviual capabilities ,no"lege s,ills an e&perience o( the company's employees an managers% !his ,no"lege is relevant to the tas, at han as "ell as the capacity to a to this reservoir o( ,no"lege s,ills an e&perience through learning%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
44% (p. 123) GGGGGGGGGG can be e(ine as the net"or, o( relationships that iniviuals have throughout the organization% A% 6uman capital B. ocial capital C% Intellectual capital % !acit ,no"lege ocial capital is the net"or, o( relationships that iniviuals have throughout the organization% Relationships are critical in sharing an leveraging ,no"lege an in ac*uiring resources% ocial capital can e&ten beyon the organizational bounaries to inclue relationships bet"een the (irm an its suppliers customers an alliance partners%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
41% (p. 12) !acit ,no"lege A% is the same as e&plicit ,no"lege% E% is (oun mostly at the lo"er levels o( the organization% C% can be coi(ie but not reprouce% D. can be accesse only "ith the consent o( the employees because it is in the mins o( the employees% !acit ,no"lege is in the mins o( employees an is base on their e&periences an bac,grouns% It is share only "ith the consent an participation o( the iniviual%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
4<% (p. 12) ?e" ,no"lege involves the continual interaction bet"een GGGGGGGGGG an GGGGGGGGGG ,no"lege% A% intellectual@ pragmatic E% theoretical@ practical C. tacit@ e&plicit % etaile@ tacit ?e" ,no"lege is constantly create through the continual interaction o( e&plicit an tacit ,no"lege% Consier t"o so(t"are engineers "or,ing together on a computer coe% !he computer coe is the e&plicit ,no"lege% Ey sharing ieas base on each iniviual's e&perience their tacit ,no"lege they create ne" ,no"lege "hen they moi(y the coe%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
43% (p. 12) Recently a ,no"lege "or,er's loyalty to his or her employing (irm has GGGGGGGGGG compare to his or her loyalty to his or her pro(ession an colleagues% A% increase B. ecrease C% remaine the same % no correlation "hen !he rise to prominence o( ,no"lege "or,ers as a vital source o( competitive avantage is changing the balance o( po"er in toay's organization% #no"lege "or,ers place pro(essional evelopment an personal enrichment (inancial an other"ise. above company loyalty%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
4% (p. 12) !he te&t iscusses three areas a (irm must be concerne "ith in orer to ,eep their best an brightest employees (rom leaving% !hese inclue all o( the (ollo"ing +C+9! A% hiringJselecting% B. sortingJabsorbing% C% eveloping% % retaining% 6iring is the (irst process in "hich all success(ul organizations must engage to buil an leverage human capital% Firms must also evelop employees to (ul(ill their (ull potential to ma&imize oint contributions an provie the "or,ing e nvironment an intrinsic an e&trinsic re"ars to retain their best an brightest%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
42% (p. 12<) Managing a ,no"lege intensive "or,(orce is very challenging% !he best "ay (or a (irm to manage its "or,(orce is to A% retain ,no"lege "or,ers% E% attract the brightest employees% C. balance e((orts in the attraction selection an retention o( top talent% % ensure that it pays higher salaries than its rivals% Attracting eveloping an retaining human capital are highly interrelate activities li,e a three-legge stool see +&hibit 4%).% I( one leg is "ea, or bro,en the stool collapses% !o illustrate such interepenence poor hiring impees the e((ectiveness o( evelopment a n retention processes% In a similar vein ine((ective retention e((orts place aitional burens on hiring an evelopment%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
10% (p. 129-1$) Firms must compete (or top talent% 7hen attracting an selecting employees (irms must strive to select the best (it (or both the employee an the (irm% In an e((ort to reuce "aste time an e((ort in intervie"ing too many caniates "hile assuring a goo caniate pool a (irm shoul A% run employment as in the ne"spaper% B. use a pre-intervie" *uiz or bozo (ilter e%g% Cooper o(t"are.% C% only let lo"er level employees intervie" ob caniates% % re(rain (rom hiring by re(errals (rom present employees% Alan Cooper presient o( Cooper o(t"are Inc% cleverly uses technology to hone in on the problem-solving ability o( his applicants an their attitues be(ore an intervie" even ta,es place% 6e has evise a bozo (ilter an online test that can be applie to any inustry% Ee(ore you spen time on "hether ob caniates "ill "or, out satis(actorily (in out ho" their mins "or,%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
1$% (p. 1$) Many companies use re(errals by current employees as a source (or ne" hiring an even monetarily re"ar them (or the (ollo"ing reasons: A% it is less e&pensive than the (ees pai to heahunters% E% current employees are normally very care(ul in recommening someone because their creibility is on the line% C% it is a goo test o( employee loyalty% D. both because current employees are care(ul in their recommenations because o( their creibility an also because it is less e&pensive than the (ees pai to heahunters% >+ Meical ystems o((ers a monetary re"ar (or re(errals but it is peanuts compare to the (ees that it typically pays to heahunters (or each person hire% Also "hen someone re(ers a (ormer colleague or (rien (or a ob his or her creibility is on the line% !hus employees "ill be care(ul in recommening people (or employment unless they are reasonably con(ient that these people are goo caniates%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
1)% (p. 1$) AEC Incorporate esires to have the most *uali(ie people in every position throughout its organization% !his is an e&le o( a concern (or A. eveloping human capital% E% eveloping social net"or,s% C% ecreasing labor intensive training% % leveraging organizational structure% It is not enough to hire top-level talent an e&pect that the s,ills an capabilities o( those employees remain current throughout the uration o( their employment% Rather training an evelopment must ta,e place at all levels o( the organization "hich is consiere eveloping human capital%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 6ard /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
1/% (p. 1$) eveloping human capital is essential to maintaining a competitive avantage in toay's ,no"lege economy% +((orts an initiatives to evelop human capital shoul be irecte A% at top managers% E% at human resource epartments% C% at the employees themselves% D. throughout the (irm at all levels% It is not enough to hire top-level talent an e&pect that the s,ills an capabilities o( those employees remain current throughout the uration o( their employment% Rather training an evelopment must ta,e place at all levels o( the organization "hich is consiere eveloping human capital%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
14% (p. 12) Maintaining a competitive "or,(orce is very challenging in toay's economy% !he role o( evaluating human capital in recent years has A. increase% E% ecrease% C% become less important% % remaine the same% In toay's environment collaboration an interepenenc e are vital to organizational success% Iniviuals must share their ,no"lege an "or, con structively to achieve collective not ust iniviual goals% !raitional systems evaluate per(ormance (rom a single perspective i%e% top-o"n. an generally on't aress the so(ter imensions o( communications an social s,ills values belie(s an attitues%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
11% (p. 1) In a /<0-egree evaluation an (eebac, system GGGGGGGGGG rate a person's s,ill an per(ormance% A% superiors E% irect reports C% colleagues D. all o( these !o aress the limitations o( the traitional approach many organizations use /<0-egree evaluation an (eebac, systems% 6ere superiors irect reports colleagues an even internal an e&ternal customers rate a person's per(ormance%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
1<% (p. 1) Attracting an retaining human capital is a challenge (or many (irms toay% Firms e&periencing high turnover shoul A% (ocus on increase recruiting% E% ecrease money spent on human capital% C% ma,e their "or, environment less stimulating% D. aopt e((ective retention strategies% teppe-up recruiting is a poor substitute (or "ea, retention% !oay's leaers can either provie the "or, environment an incentives to ,eep prouctive employees an management (rom "anting to bail out or they can use legal means such as employment contracts an noncompete clauses%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
13% (p. 1) In orer to ta,e avantage o( investment in human capital a (irm shoul A% rotate "or,ers through (unctions in the company as *uic,ly as possible% E% re(rain (rom training iniviual employees% C. establish practices that "ill enhance employee retention% % none o( these% ince attracting an eveloping talent represent an investment to a (irm it is necessary to ensure the thir step is also one to (ully leverage the human capital% A (irm must also retain the talent%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
1% (p. 1) !he least e((ective "ay to retain human capital is A% encouraging employee ienti(ication "ith organizational mission an goals% B. re*uiring employees to sign agreements that prevent them (rom "or,ing (or competitors in the (uture% C% proviing employees "ith a challenging an stimulating "or, environment% % proviing employees "ith (inancial an non(inancial re"ars an incentives% For retention o( talent greater e((orts shoul be irecte at a goo "or, environment an incentives although employment contracts an noncompete clauses may sometimes have their place%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
12% (p. 14) >enerally employees are most li,ely to stay "ith an organization i( A% the employer provies high salaries to technology pro(essionals% B. the organization's mission an values align "ith the employee's mission an values% C% the (irm is in a high tech inustry% % the mission an values o( the organization change o(ten% 9eople "ho ienti(y "ith an are more committe to the core mission an values o( the organization are less li,ely to stray or bolt to the competition% 9 aying people more is selom the most important (actor in attracting an retaining human capital%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
<0% (p. 15) Many success(ul (irms use internal labor mar,ets% !he most important reason they o this is because A% they "ant to encourage ob rotation% E% i( an employee is in the same epartment (or too long heJshe "oul become inispensable% C. they "ant to ,eep highly mobile employees motivate an challenge% % an employee "ho moves too much can be ienti(ie as unreliable an eliminate% =ne "ay (irms ,eep highly mobile employees motivate an challenge is through opportunities that lo"er barriers to an employee's mobility "ithin a company% For e&le hell =il Company has create an open sourcing moel (or talent% Bobs are liste on hell's intranet an "ith a t"o-month notice employees can go to "or, on anything that interests them%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
<$% (p. 13) All o( the (ollo"ing are the bene(its o( iversity in a (irm's "or,(orce e&cept: A% Creativity Argument% E% 9roblem-olving Argument% C% Resource Ac*uisition Argument% D. imilarity in 9erspectives Argument% i& areas "here soun management o( iverse "or,(orces can improve an organization's e((ectiveness an competitive avantages are: $. cost ). resource ac*uisition /. mar,eting 4. creativity 1. problem-solving an <. organizational (le&ibility%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
<)% (p. 1) 6uman capital an social capital are vital (or superior (irm per(ormance% I( a (irm has strong human capital the (irm may e&ploit this by builing social capital% !his can be accomplishe through A% re*uiring "or,ers to "or, inepenently o( each other% E% ecreasing the interaction o( epartments "ithin the (irm% C. encouraging the sharing o( ieas bet"een employees in the (irm% % structuring the (irm "ith rigi epartmental an employee ivisions% In the ,no"lege economy the evelopment o( social capital that is the (rienships an "or,ing relationships among talente iniviuals. gains importance because it he lps tie ,no"lege "or,ers to a given (irm% !he interaction sharing an collaboration "ill create a situation in "hich a "or,er "ill evelop (irm-speci(ic ties an be less li,ely to bolt (or a higher salary o((er%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$ /&e ey role o' social capital in le#eraging &man capital it&in and across t&e 'irm. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e ;ital 0ole o' Social Capital
% (p. 1) In an e((ort to capture ,ey employees (rom competitors (irms may attract the symbolic leaer o( a group "ithin a competing (irm an hope others "ill (ollo"% !his has been terme A% the Columbus e((ect% B. the 9ie 9iper e((ect% C% strategically competitive hiring% % ,no"lege integration% In !he 7all treet Bournal Eernar 7ysoc,i escribe the increase in a type o( 9ie 9iper e((ect in "hich teams or net"or,s o( people are leaving one company (or another% !he tren is to recruit ob caniates at the cru& o( social relationships in organizations particularly i( they are seen as having the potential to bring "ith them valuable colleagues%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$ /&e ey role o' social capital in le#eraging &man capital it&in and across t&e 'irm. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: /&e ;ital 0ole o' Social Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
<4% (p. 1) ocial capital is a source o( strength to many (irms% Firms leverage their social capital in an e((ort to create competitive avantages% A (irm's social capital is base on A% an employee's iniviual abilities% B. the relationships among a (irm's employees% C% a (irm's allocation o( (inancial resources% % an iniviual's ,no"lege% In the ,no"lege economy the evelopment o( social capital that is the (rienships an "or,ing relationships among talente iniviuals. gains importance because it he lps tie ,no"lege "or,ers to a given (irm%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$ /&e ey role o' social capital in le#eraging &man capital it&in and across t&e 'irm. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: /&e ;ital 0ole o' Social Capital
<1% (p. 1<) ocial net"or, analysis is help(ul because the con(iguration o( group members' social ties "ithin an outsie the group a((ects the e&tent to "hich members connect to iniviuals "ho o all o( the (ollo"ing +C+9!: A% convey neee resources% B. ensure that everyone has the same perspective on strategic an operational issues% C% have the opportunity to e&change in(ormation an support% % have the motivation to treat each other in positive "ays% !he con(iguration o( group members' social ties "ithin an outsie the group a((ects the e&tent to "hich members connect to iniviuals "ho convey neee resources have the opportunity to e&change in(ormation an support have the motivation to treat each other in positive "ays an have the time to evelop trusting relationships that might improve the groups' e((ectiveness%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$4 /&e importance o' social netors in noledge management and in promoting career sccess. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e ;ital 0ole o' Social Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
<<% (p. 14$) In social net"or, analysis GGGGGGGGGG stresses. the importance o( ties connecting heterogeneous people helping to ensure a "ie range o( iversity in in(ormation an perspective% A% closure E% reunancy C. briging relationships % social supports Eriging relationships in contrast to closure stresses the importance o( ties connecting people% +mployees "ho brige isconnecte people ten to receive timely iverse in(ormation because o( their access to a "ie range o( heterogeneous in(ormation (lo"s% uch briging relationships span a number o( i((erent types o( bounaries%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$4 /&e importance o' social netors in noledge management and in promoting career sccess. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e ;ital 0ole o' Social Capital
<3% (p. 14$) In social net"or, analysis high levels o( GGGGGGGGGG o(ten come at a price% For e&le groups can become too insular an (ail to share "hat they have learne "ith people outsie the group% A% briging relationships E% intellect C. closure % iverse ,no"lege >roups that become too close can become insular% !hey cut themselves o(( (rom the rest o( the organization an (ail to share "hat they are learning (rom people outsie their group% Research sho"s that "hile managers nee to encourage closure up to a point i( there is too much closure they nee to encourage people to open up their groups an in(use ne" ieas through briging relationships%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$4 /&e importance o' social netors in noledge management and in promoting career sccess. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e ;ital 0ole o' Social Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
<% (p. 142) Avantages o( e((ective social net"or,s (or career success inclue all o( the (ollo"ing +C+9! A% access to private in(ormation% E% access to iverse s,ill sets% C% greater po"er% D. greater reunancy in ,no"lege sources% +((ective social net"or,s can play a ,ey role in an iniviual's career avancement an success% =ne's social net"or, potentially can provie three uni*ue avantages: private in(ormation access to iverse s,ill sets an po"er%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$4 /&e importance o' social netors in noledge management and in promoting career sccess. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e ;ital 0ole o' Social Capital
<2% (p. 14-144) Among the o"nsies o( social capital isJare: A% high social capital may bree groupthin, i%e% a tenency not to *uestion share belie(s% E% socialization processes "hereby iniviuals are socialize into the norms an values o( the organization may become e&pensive% C% iniviuals may become less "illing to collaborate on oint proects% D. social capital may both bree groupthin, an the socialization processes to create it orientation training etc%. can be e&pensive% !here are several o"nsies to social capital% o me (irms have been aversely a((ecte by very high levels o( social capital because it may bree groupthin, a tenency not to *uestion share belie(s% Aitionally the socialization processes orientation training etc%. can be e&pensive in terms o( both (inancial resources an managerial commitment%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$4 /&e importance o' social netors in noledge management and in promoting career sccess. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e ;ital 0ole o' Social Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
30% (p. 14-144) ocial capital has many potential bene(its% 6o"ever accoring to the te&t social capital A% is al"ays bene(icial to a (irm% B. may or may not be bene(icial to a (irm% C% usually restricts the prouctivity o( employees% % al"ays hurts (irm per(ormance% ocial capital is not al"ays bene(icial% For e&le in (irms "ith eep-roote minsets they may continue to hire re"ar an promote li,e-mine people "ho ten to (urther intensi(y organizational inertia an eroe innovation% uch homogeneity "oul increase over time an ecrease the e((ectiveness o( ecision-ma,ing processes%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$4 /&e importance o' social netors in noledge management and in promoting career sccess. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e ;ital 0ole o' Social Capital
3$% (p. 145) !he use o( in(ormation technology e%g% e-mail. has increase in recent years in many organizations% !his has helpe to A. communicate in(ormation e((iciently% E% ma,e more e((ective use o( time in every situation% C% restrict social net"or, gro"th% % create smaller social net"or,s% +-mail is an e((ective means o( communicating a "ie variety o( in(ormation% It is *uic, easy an almost costless% haring ,no"lege an in(ormation throughout the organization can be a means o( conserving resources eveloping proucts an services an creating ne" opportunities%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$5 /&e #ital role o' tec&nology in le#eraging noledge and &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: Using /ec&nology to Le#erage 6man Capital and noledge
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
3)% (p. 14) !he creation o( ,no"lege assets is typically characterize by A% high up(ront costs an subse*uent high variable costs% E% high (i&e costs an high variable costs% C% lo" up(ront costs an high variable costs% D. high up(ront costs an lo" variable costs% =ne o( the challenges o( ,no"lege-intensive organizations is to capture an coi(y the ,no"lege an e&perience that in e((ect resies in the heas o( its employees% =nce a ,no"lege asset e%g% a so(t"are coe or processes. is evelope an pai (or it can be reuse many times at very lo" cost assuming that it oesn't have to be substantially moi(ie each time%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$3 %&y =electronic= or =#irtal= teams are critical in com!ining and le#eraging noledge in organi+ations and &o t&ey can !e made more e''ecti#e. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: Using /ec&nology to Le#erage 6man Capital and noledge
3/% (p. 14) Mary tinson "as re*uire to ta,e over a proect a(ter the entire team le(t the company% he "as able to reconstruct "hat the team ha acco mplishe through reaing emails e&change by the previous team's members% !his is an e&le o( A. using e&plicit ,no"lege% E% ine((icient use o( in(ormation management% C% using tacit ,no"lege% % all o( these% +&plicit or coi(ie. ,no"lege on the other han is ,no"lege that can be ocumente "iely istribute an easily replicate% 6ere Mary "as able to use ,no"lege assets create by previous employees to complete the "or,%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$3 %&y =electronic= or =#irtal= teams are critical in com!ining and le#eraging noledge in organi+ations and &o t&ey can !e made more e''ecti#e. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 6ard /opic: Using /ec&nology to Le#erage 6man Capital and noledge
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
34% (p. 149) !he management o( intellectual property involves all o( the (ollo"ing +C+9! A% patents% E% contracts "ith con(ientiality an noncompete clauses% C. converting e&plicit ,no"lege to tacit ,no"lege% % copyrights an traemar,s% !he management o( intellectual property I9. involves besies patents contracts "ith con(ientiality an noncompete clauses copyrights an the evelopment o( traemar,s% Moreover eveloping ynamic capabilities is the only avenue proviing (irms "ith the ability to recon(igure their ,no"lege an activities to a chieve a sustainable competitive avantage%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$ /&e c&allenge o' protecting intellectal property and t&e importance o' a 'irm*s dynamic capa!ilities. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: ?rotecting t&e 8ntellec tal Assets o' t&e rgani+ation: 8ntellectal ?roperty and ,ynamic Capa!ilities
31% (p. 151) ynamic capabilities inclue all o( the (ollo"ing +C+9!: A% learning an innovating% E% the ability o( an organization to challenge the conventional inustry in its inustry an mar,et% C. becoming more e((icient in operational processes% % continuously aopting ne" "ays o( serving the evolving nees o( the mar,et% ynamic capabilities are about the ability o( an organization to challenge the conventional "isom "ithin its inustry an mar,et learn an innovate aapt to the changing "orl an continuously aopt ne" "ays to serve the evolving nees o( the mar,et%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: 0emem!er Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$ /&e c&allenge o' protecting intellectal property and t&e importance o' a 'irm*s dynamic capa!ilities. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 1 asy /opic: ?rotecting t&e 8ntellec tal Assets o' t&e rgani+ation: 8ntellectal ?roperty and ,ynamic Capa!ilities
Essay Questions
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
3<% (p. 125-123) 7hat is intellectual capital an "hat is its e((ect on the ratio o( a (irm's mar,et value to boo, valueH Ans"ers "ill vary%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$1 %&y t&e management o' noledge pro'essionals and noledge itsel' are so critical in today*s organi+ations. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e Central 0ole o' noledge in /oday*s conomy
33% (p. 12-1) +((ective human capital is a bene(it to any organization% 7hat are some challenges (irms (ace "hen attempting to attract an evelop top talentH Ans"ers "ill vary%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
3% (p. 129-1$) iscuss the aage hire (or attitue train (or s,ill% 7hat are its implications (or the attraction training an retention o( top talentH Ans"ers "ill vary%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
Chapter 04 - Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyon a Firm's !angible Resources
32% (p. 1-15) In an e((ort to attract an retain top talent (irms provie (inancial an non(inancial re"ars to their employees% >ive e&les o( each an escribe ho" the incentives you have chosen may impact iniviual employees% Ans"ers "ill vary%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 6ard /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
0% (p. 13) !he "or,(orce in the 5nite tates "ill become increasingly iverse over the ne&t (e" ecaes% 7hat strategies shoul (irms unergo to ta,e (ull avantage o( this emerging trenH Ans"ers "ill vary%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$2 /&e importance o' recogni+ing t&e interdependence o' attracting de#eloping and retaining &man capital. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 6ard /opic: 6man Capital: /&e 7ondation o' 8ntellectal Capital
$% (p. 1-14) escribe social capital% 7here oes it come (rom an ho" can a (irm attempt to buil itH Ans"ers "ill vary%
AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Learning !"ecti#e: $4-$ /&e ey role o' social capital in le#eraging &man capital it&in and across t&e 'irm. Le#el o' ,i''iclty: 2 edim /opic: /&e ;ital 0ole o' Social Capital