Organi zati ati onal B ehavior, 14e (Robbins/Judge)
Chap Chapter ter 12 Basic Bas ic Approaches to Leadership
1) John Kotter' Kotter' s view argues that manageme nt focuses focuses on coping cop ing with complexity, whereas leadership leadership focuses o n coping with ________. A) conflict B) success C) defeat D) morale E) change Answer: E Explanat Explanatiio n: Management, according accord ing to John Kotter of the Harvard Business School, perta ins ins to coping with complexity. By drawing up form for mal p lans, des igning rigid rigid orga nizat nizat io nal structures, structures, and monitoring results against these plans, good managers create order and maintain consistency. In contr co ntraa st, Kotter defines leadership as the ability to deal e ffective ffectively ly with change. When leaders develop develop a visio vision n o f the future, future, the y establish a new direction by bringing people together a nd inspiring inspiring them to overcome o vercome obstacles. Diff: Diff: 2 Page Ref: 376 Topic: What Is Leaders hip? hip? Skill: AACSB: A ACSB: Co mmunication mmunication Objective: Objective: Management Manageme nt and Leaders Leadershi hip p Quest. Quest. Category: Ca tegory: Co ncep ncep t/Definitio t/Definition na l LO: 1 2) Leadership Leadership is best defined as ________. A) the ability to influence a group in goal achievement B) keep keep ing order an a nd consis co nsistency tency in the midst o f change C) impleme impleme nting the vision vis ion and strategy provided by ma nagement D) coord coord inating and staffing the organization and handli and ling ng day-to-day da y-to-day problems E) not a relevant variable in modern organizations Answer: A Explanation: Leadership is defined as the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a visio visio n or set of goals. goals. Ma nage nage ment, ment, on o n the other hand, relates prim pr imarily arily to maintaining order and consistency. Good leaders establish a vision and inspire others to follow a new direction to achieve these goals. Diff: Diff: 2 Page Ref: 376 Topic: What Is Leaders hip? hip? Skill: AACSB: A ACSB: Co mmunication mmunication Objective: Leadership Quest. Quest. Category: Ca tegory: Co ncep ncep t/Definitio t/Definition na l LO: 1
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3) Which of the following statements regarding leadership is true? A) All leaders are managers. B) Formal rights enable managers to lead effectively. C) All managers are leaders. D) All leaders are hierarchically superior to followers. E) Nonsanctioned leadership is as important as or more important than formal influence. Answer: E Explanat Explanatiio n: Although so me leaders leaders e merge a fter rising thr t hrou ough gh the ranks of an organization, organizatio n, many others result from nonsanctioned leadership – the the ability to influence that arises outside the fo rmal structure of the organization. Nonsanctioned leadershi eaders hip p is often as important or more important than formal influence. Not all gifted leaders are competent managers, and not all great managers are inspired leaders. Formal appointment to a leadership position does not guarantee effective leadership. Diff: Diff: 3 Page Ref: 377 Topic: What Is Leaders hip? hip? Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skill Sk illss Objective: Leadership Quest. Quest. Category: Ca tegory: Critical Critica l Thinking LO: 1 4) Which theory differentiates differentiates leaders from from nonleaders nonleaders b y fo fo cusing on personal q ualities ualities and characteristics? A) Fiedler's perspective pe rspective B) characteristic theory C) LPC D) contingency theory E) trait theory Answer: E Explanat Explanatiio n: Trait theory focuses on o n perso perso nal qualities and c haracteristics arac teristics.. Researc Researcher herss stu st ud y personal, personal, soc ial, p hysical, hysical, or intellectual q ualities possessed b y great great leaders th t hat distinguish them from nonleaders. Many strong leaders throughout history, including Buddha, Napoleon, Mao, Churchill, Roosevelt, and Reagan have been described in terms of their traits, and the earliest stages of leadership research sought to uncover unique sets of traits exemplified by great leaders. Diff: Diff: 1 Page Ref: 377 Topic: Trait Theories Skill: AACSB: A ACSB: Co mmunication mmunication Objective: Trait Theories Quest. Quest. Category: Ca tegory: Co ncep ncep t/Definitio t/Definition na l LO: 2
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3) Which of the following statements regarding leadership is true? A) All leaders are managers. B) Formal rights enable managers to lead effectively. C) All managers are leaders. D) All leaders are hierarchically superior to followers. E) Nonsanctioned leadership is as important as or more important than formal influence. Answer: E Explanat Explanatiio n: Although so me leaders leaders e merge a fter rising thr t hrou ough gh the ranks of an organization, organizatio n, many others result from nonsanctioned leadership – the the ability to influence that arises outside the fo rmal structure of the organization. Nonsanctioned leadershi eaders hip p is often as important or more important than formal influence. Not all gifted leaders are competent managers, and not all great managers are inspired leaders. Formal appointment to a leadership position does not guarantee effective leadership. Diff: Diff: 3 Page Ref: 377 Topic: What Is Leaders hip? hip? Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skill Sk illss Objective: Leadership Quest. Quest. Category: Ca tegory: Critical Critica l Thinking LO: 1 4) Which theory differentiates differentiates leaders from from nonleaders nonleaders b y fo fo cusing on personal q ualities ualities and characteristics? A) Fiedler's perspective pe rspective B) characteristic theory C) LPC D) contingency theory E) trait theory Answer: E Explanat Explanatiio n: Trait theory focuses on o n perso perso nal qualities and c haracteristics arac teristics.. Researc Researcher herss stu st ud y personal, personal, soc ial, p hysical, hysical, or intellectual q ualities possessed b y great great leaders th t hat distinguish them from nonleaders. Many strong leaders throughout history, including Buddha, Napoleon, Mao, Churchill, Roosevelt, and Reagan have been described in terms of their traits, and the earliest stages of leadership research sought to uncover unique sets of traits exemplified by great leaders. Diff: Diff: 1 Page Ref: 377 Topic: Trait Theories Skill: AACSB: A ACSB: Co mmunication mmunication Objective: Trait Theories Quest. Quest. Category: Ca tegory: Co ncep ncep t/Definitio t/Definition na l LO: 2
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5) According to a comprehensive review of the leadership literature, what is the most important trait of effective leaders? A) con co nscien scie ntiou tio usness B) openness C) extraversion D) agreeabl agreeab le ness E) emotion emotio nal stabil stab ility ity Answer: C Explanat Explanatiio n: Years of accumulat acc umulated ed research pertaining to trait theory has has found extraversio n to to be the most most importa important nt trait possessed by strong leaders. Extraversio Extraversio n is stron strongly gly related related to leader emergence, emergence, alth a ltho o ugh it does not necessarily necessarily pred ict leader e ffectiveness. ffectiveness. Sociabl Sociab le an a nd do minan minantt peopl peop le are more likely to assert themselves themselves in group group s ituations, ituations, and leaders who like being around around peop p eoplle and a nd are able to assert themselv t hemselves es ha ve an apparent apparent ad vantage an tage over those wh w ho are more introverted. introverted. Diff: Diff: 1 Page Ref: 378 Topic: Trait Theories Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skill Sk illss Objective: Trait Theories Quest. Quest. Category: Ca tegory: Co ncep ncep t/Definitio t/Definition na l LO: 2 6) Recen Recentt stud stud ies indicate that ________ may indicate indicate effectiv e ffectivee leadership. leadership. A) an endless supply of terrific ideas B) a compelling vision C) a highly analytical mind D) outstanding training E) emotional intelligence Answer: E Explanation: Emotional intelligence (EI) is vital to effective leadership because leaders who possess possess emotional emotiona l intelligence intelligence also have empathy for th t he ir fo fo llo llo wers. wers. Empatheti Empathet ic leaders are are better better at listening to others and can sense their needs a nd read thei t heirr react ions. These q ualities ualities are increasingly important as a potential leader moves up within an organization. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 378 Topic: Trait Theories Skill: AACSB: A ACSB: Co mmunication mmunication Objective: Objective: Emotional Inte Inte lligence and Trait Theories Theories Quest. Quest. Category: Ca tegory: Co ncep ncep t/Definitio t/Definition na l LO: 2
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7) Emotion Emotional al intelligence intelligence is so criti cr itica ca l to e ffect ffectiv ivee leadership becaus beca usee on o ne of o f its core component co mponentss is ________. A) con co nscien scie ntiou tio usness B) empathy C) openness D) extrover e xtroversio sion n E) agreeabl agreeab le ness Answer: B Explanat Explanatiio n: When leaders s how empathy, car ing about their t heir follo follo wers and the obstacles the y may face, these leaders are often rewarded with greater loyalty. Empathetic leaders are better able to listen to their followers, gain a sense of their needs, and anticipate their reactions in advance. Followers of an empathetic leader are more willing to stay with him or her during turbulent times. Diff: Diff: 1 Page Ref: 378 Topic: Trait Theories Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skill Sk illss Objective: Trait Theories Quest. Quest. Category: Ca tegory: Co ncep ncep t/Definitio t/Definition na l LO: 2 8) There is fairly stro stro ng evidence that traits can pred ict ________ more acc urately than t han leadership leadership effectiven effective ness. A) leadership emergence B) extroversion in leaders C) leadership awareness D) leadership competence E) the conscientiousness of leaders Answer: A Explanat Explanatiio n: Generally speaking, tra its its can be used used to predict leadershi leadersh ip propensity. p ropensity. Ho Ho wever, curre current nt studies studies ha ve concluded co ncluded that trait research does a better job p redicting leader emergence than leader effectiveness. Although a potential leader may possess an ideal set of traits, he or she may not be successful at directing others to achie ve goals. Diff: Diff: 2 Page Ref: 378 Topic: Trait Theories Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skill Sk illss Objective: Trait Theories Quest. Quest. Category: Ca tegory: Co ncep ncep t/Definitio t/Definition na l LO: 2
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9) If trait theor theor ies of leadership eaders hip are valid, th t he n leaders leaders are ________. _ _______. A) trained B) born C) aut horitarian horitarian D) educated E) grown Answer: B Explanat Explanatiio n: Trait theories of o f leaders leadership hip focus on personal, socia l, physical p hysical,, or o r intellectual attrib attribu utes possessed b y great great leaders. These These attri a ttrib b utes, or traits, traits, are a re innate and present prese nt at b irth. irth. Propone Propone nts of trait theories of leadership argue that possess io n of these particular traits traits determines who will become a strong leader. Diff: Diff: 2 Page Ref: 377-378 Topic: Trait Theories Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skill Sk illss Objective: Trait Theories Quest. Quest. Category: Ca tegory: Co ncep ncep t/Definitio t/Definitional nal LO: 2 10) If behavioral leadership leadership theories are correct, correct, then t hen ________. A) leadership behaviors are consistent B) leaders are born with leadership behaviors C) leaders' behavior should be altered D) leadership can be taught E) women generally make better leaders than men Answer: D Explanat Explanatiio n: Behavi Be haviora ora l studi st udies es o f leaders leadership hip investigate investigate ho w great leaders act or behave. Strong S trong leaders seem to exhibit structuring exhibit structuring beha be havi viors, ors, de fining fining roles in the searc searc h fo fo r goal attainment, or considering behaviors, behaviors, forming relationships which center on mutual trust and respect. If these success successful ful leaders leadership hip behaviors can be learned, then behavioral theory suggests that peop le may be taught to be great leaders. leaders. Diff: Diff: 2 Page Ref: 380 Topic: Behavioral Theories Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skill Sk illss Objective: Behavioral Theories Quest. Quest. Category: Ca tegory: Co ncep ncep t/Definitio t/Definition na l LO: 3
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11) The two dimensions of leadership behavior explained in the Ohio State studies are ________. A) coercion and motivation B) concern for people and concer n for prod uction C) employee-oriented and production-or iented D) initiating structure and consideration E) operant conditioning and classical conditioning Answer: D Explanation: Seeking to identify independent dimensions of leader behavior, t he Ohio State Studies determined that two dimensions accounted for most effective leadership behavior: initiating str ucture a nd consideration. Initiating structure is the extent to which leaders are likely to define and structure their roles and those of their employees in the search for goal attainment. Consideration is the extent to which a leader's job relationships are characterized by mutual trust, respect for employees’ ideas, and regard for their feelings. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 380 Topic: Behavioral Theories Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Ohio State Studies Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 3 12) A leader high in initiating structure would do which of the following? A) seek consensus B) exhibit laissez-faire type of leadership C) maximize leader- member relations D) assign group members to particular tasks E) empower employees to make their own decisions Answer: D Explanation: Initiating structure is the extent to which leaders define and structure their roles and the roles of their employees in the search for goal attainment. It includes behavior that attempts to organize work, relationships, and goals. A leader who assigns group members to particular tasks, expects workers to maintain definite standards of performan ce, and emphasizes the meeting of deadlines would be considered high in initiating structure. Leaders who display high initiating structure tend to e njoy higher levels of group and organizational productivity and more positive performance evaluations. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 380 Topic: Behavioral Theories Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Initiating Structure Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 3
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13) According to the Ohio State studies, the extent to which a leader is likely to have job relationships characterized by mutual trust and respect for his/her employees is ________. A) consideration B) matrix C) consensus-building D) LPC E) maximization Answer: A Explanation: In behavioral leadership theory, consideration is defined as the exte nt to which a person's job relationships are c haracterized by mutual trust, respect for employees’ ideas, and regard for their feelings. A leader high in consideration helps employees with personal problems, is friendly and approac hable, treats a ll employees as equals, and expresses appreciation and support. In recent studies, followers of leaders high in consideration were more satisfied with their jobs, more motivated to complete tasks, and had more respect for their leade rs. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 380 Topic: Behavioral Theories Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Consideration Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 3 14) The two dimensions of leadership behavior identified in the University of Michigan studies are ________. A) coercion and motivation B) emotional and rational C) employee-oriented and production-or iented D) initiating structure and consideration E) initiation and completion Answer: C Explanation: Leadership studies at the University of Michigan’s Survey Research Ce nter found two important behavioral c haracterist ics displayed by effective leaders. These two behavioral dimensions pointed to e mployee-or iented leaders and production-oriented leaders. Employeeoriented leaders emphasized interpersonal relationships by taking a pers onal interest in the needs of their employees and accept ing individual differences a mong them. In contrast, productionoriented leaders emphasized the tec hnical or task aspects of the job, focusing on accomplishing their group’s tasks. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 380 Topic: Behavioral Theories Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: University of Michigan Studies Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 3
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15) The University of Michigan studies define a(n) ________ leader as o ne who takes a perso nal interest in the needs of his/her subordinates. A) LMX B) contextual C) e mployee-oriented D) consensus-building E) consummate Answer: C Explanation: The University of M ichigan Studies emphasized two behavioral dimensions common to successful leaders: employee-oriented leaders and prod uction-oriented leaders. Employee-oriented leaders develop stro ng interpersonal relationships by taking a personal interest in the needs of their employees and accepting their individual differences. Employeeoriented leadership is closely related to consideration, the effective leadership dimension proposed by the O hio State Studies. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 380 Topic: Behavioral Theories Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Employee-Oriented Leaders Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 3 16) If a leader's main concern is accomplishing his/her group's tasks, the University of Michigan studies label this leader ________. A) consideration-oriented B) managerial C) ineffective D) high achieving E) production-oriented Answer: E Explanation: The University of M ichigan Studies emphasized two behavioral dimensions common to successful leaders: employee-oriented leaders and prod uction-oriented leaders. Production-oriented leaders emp hasize the technical or task completion aspects o f the job, focus ing on the accomplishment of goals. Production-oriented leadership is closely related to initiating structure, the effective leadership dimension proposed b y the Ohio State Studies. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 380 Topic: Behavioral Theories Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Production-Oriented Leaders Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 3
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17) All contingency theories are based o n the idea that effective leadership performance depends on ________. A) the proper match between the leader's style and the control the situation gives the leader B) selecting the right leadership style based on the level of the followers' readiness C) using a leadership style that is appropriate to the s ituational conditions D) making use of the best path for the goal that is identified E) none of the above Answer: C Explanation: Numerous studies have shown that predicting leadership success is more complex than isolating a few traits or behaviors, since leaders hip st yles that are effective in ver y bad times or in very good times do not necessarily translate into long-term success. This idea led researchers to change their focus from trait and behavior theories to situational influences on leadership styles, also known as contingency t heory. Diff: 3 Page Ref: 381 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Contingency Models Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 18) The first comprehensive contingency model for lead ership was developed by ________. A) Hersey and Blanchard B) Blake and Mouton C) Fred F iedler D) John Kotter E) Douglas Surber Answer: C Explanation: The first comprehensive contingency model for leadership was developed by Fred Fiedler. Fiedler believes that a key factor in leadership success is the individual’s basic leadership style. According to the Fiedler contingency model, effective group performance depends on the proper match between the leader’s style and the degree to which the situation gives the leader control. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 381-382 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Communication Objective: Fiedler Contingency Model Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4
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19) Which model represents the theory that effective group performance depends on the proper match between a leader's style and the degree to which the situation gives control to the leader? A) Leader-Member Exchange Model B) Fiedler's Co ntingency Model C) Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership Model D) Vroom and Yetton's Leader-Participation Model E) none of the above Answer: B Explanation: According to Fiedler's Contingency Model, the key factor predicting leadership success is the individual’s basic leadership style. Since Fiedler assumes an individual’s leadership style is fixed, effective group performance depends on t he proper match between the leader’s style and the degree to which the situation gives the leader control. If a situation requires a task-oriented leader, for example, and the person in the leadership position is relationship oriented, either the situation has to be modified or the leader has to be replaced. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 381 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Communication Objective: Fiedler Contingency Model Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 20) Who developed the LPC (least preferred co-worker) questionnaire? A) Wachner B) Fiedler C) House D) Blake and Mouton E) Surber Answer: B Explanation: Fiedler believes a key factor in leadership success is the individual’s basic leadership style, and he created the least preferred coworker ( LPC) questionnaire to identify that style. The LPC questionnaire measures whether a person is task- or relationship-oriented by asking responde nts to think of all the coworkers they have ever had and describe the one person they least enjoyed working with. Responde nts then rate that person on a scale of 1 to 8 for each of 16 sets of contrasting adjectives. If you describe the person you are least able to work with in favorable terms (a high LPC score), Fiedler would label you relationship-oriented. In contrast, if you see your least-preferred coworker in relatively unfavorable terms (a low LPC score), you are primarily interested in prod uctivity and are task-or iented. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 381-382 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Communication Objective: Least Preferred Coworker Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4
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21) In Fiedler's model, if a respondent describes his or her least preferred co-worker in relatively positive ter ms, then the respondent is considered to be ________. A) relationship-or iented B) peop le-oriented C) consensus-building D) co nsideration-focused E) unrealistic Answer: A Explanation: Fiedler's least preferred coworker (LPC) q uestionnaire measures whether a person is task- or re lationship-oriented by asking respondents to rate t heir least favor ite coworker. If respondents describe their least favorite coworker in favorable terms (a high LPC score), they are probably relationship-or iented. In contrast, respondents who describe their least-preferred coworker in unfavorable terms (a low LPC score) are viewed as primarily interested in productivity and as be ing task-oriented. Diff: 3 Page Ref: 382 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Least Preferred Coworker Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 22) If a survey respondent sees his or her least preferred co-worker in unfavorable terms, Fiedler would categorize the respondent as ________. A) overly critical B) task-oriented C) e motionally de ficient D) insightful E) laissez-faire Answer: B Explanation: Fiedler's least preferred coworker (LPC) q uestionnaire measures whether a person is task- or relationship-oriented by asking respondents to rate their least favorite coworker. Respondents who describe their least-preferred coworker in unfavorable terms (a low LPC score) are viewed as primarily interested in productivity and as being task- oriented. Conversely, respondents who describe their least-favorite coworker in favorable terms (a high LPC score) are considered to be relationship-or iented. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 382 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Least Preferred Coworker Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4
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23) Fiedler labels the de gree of confidence, trust, and respect that subordinates have in their leader as ________. A) leader-member relations B) relationship orientation C) positional power D) employee-orientation E) none of the above Answer: A Explanation: Fiedler introduced the least preferred coworker (LPC) q uestionnaire to determine an individual’s basic leadership style in order to match the leader with his or her ideal situation. Fiedler identified three contingency or situational dimensions, including leader-member relations, task structure, and positio n power. Leader- member relations is the degree of confidence, trust, and respect members have in their leader. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 382 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leaders hip Theory Skill: AACSB: Communication Objective: Leader-Member Relations Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 24) The degree to which job assignments are procedurized is classified in the Fiedler model as ________. A) leader-member relations B) task orientation C) task structure D) initiating structure E) productivity oriented Answer: C Explanation: Fiedler identified three contingency or situational dimensions in which certain types o f leaders might e xcel or fail, including leader- member relations, task structure, and position power. Task structure is the degree to which job assignments are procedurized (that is, structured or unstructured). Leaders who are task-oriented, Fielder proposes, per form best when the situation is very favorable or very unfavorable. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 382 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Communication Objective: Task Structures Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4
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25) Based on the contingency theory, if the leadership style does not match the situation, you should ________. A) change the leader to fit the situation B) change the situation to fit the leader C) accept this circumstance as unchangeable D) either A or B E) retrain the leader in a more appropriate style Answer: D Explanation: Since Fiedler views an individual’s leadership style as fixed, there are only two ways to improve leader effectiveness, according to his contingency theory. First, an organization may change leaders to fit the existing situation. Alternatively, organizations may choose to change the situation to fit the leader by restructuring tasks or increasing or decreasing the leader’s power. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 383 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Matching Leaders and Situations Quest. Category: Application LO: 4 26) Hersey and Blanchard developed which of the following? A) situational leadership theory B) cognitive resource theory C) managerial grid model D) path-goal theory E) cognitive orientation model Answer: A Explanation: Developed by Hersey and Blanchard, situational leadership theory (SLT) focuses on the followers. It says successful leadership is achieved by selecting the right leadership style contingent on the followers' readiness, or the exte nt to which they are willing and able to accomplish a specific task. A leader should choose one of four behaviors depending on fo llower readiness. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 384 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Communication Objective: Situationa l Leadership Theory Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4
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27) Hersey and Blanchard's leadership theory differs from other leadership theor ies pr imarily because it ________. A) explores the role of the expectations of the leader for the follower B) focuses on the followers C) holds that leadership style should be depe ndent on the situation D) is normative E) deals strictly and e xclusively with contingencies Answer: B Explanation: Unlike other leadership theories, Hersey and Blanc hard's situational leadership theory (SLT) focuses o n the followers. S uccessful leadership, according to SLT, is achieved when the right leadership style is paired with the followers' readiness, or their level of willingness or ability to accomplish spec ific tasks. Depending on follower readiness, a leader should choose one of four behaviors. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 384 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Situationa l Leadership Theory Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 28) According to Hersey and Blanchard, readiness encompasses the ________. A) degree of confidence, trust, and respect members have in their leader B) amount of influence a leader has over variables such as hiring, firing, and salaries C) level of morale and satisfaction of the employees D) ability a nd willingness of the followers to accomplish a task E) all of the above Answer: D Explanation: According to Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership theory (SLT), successful leadership is accomplished when the right leadership style is paired with the followers' readiness, or their level of willingness or ability to accomplish specific tasks. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 384 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Readiness Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4
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29) What theory was developed b y Robert House? A) cognitive resource model B) decision theory C) leader-member exchange theory D) path-goal theory E) situational leadership theory Answer: D Explanation: Developed by Robert House, path- goal theory builds on the Ohio State leadership research on initiating structure and consideration and the expectancy theory of motivation. Pathgoal theory proposes that it’s the leader’s job to provide followers with the information, support, or other resources necessary to achieve their goals. Effective leaders help their followers by reducing obstacles in their paths so they may achieve work goals. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 384 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Communication Objective: Path-Goal Theory Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 30) What is the main principle of path-goal theory? A) Successful leadership is achie ved b y selecting the right leadership style. B) Stress is a form of situational unfavorableness and a leader's reaction to it depends on his or her intelligence and experience. C) Effective group performance depends on the proper match between the leader's style and the degree to which the situation gives control to the leader. D) Leaders establish a spec ial relationship with a small group of their followers because of t ime pressures. E) The leader is responsible for providing followers with the information, support, or other resources necessary for them to do their jobs. Answer: E Explanat ion: Path-goal theory proposes that it’s the leader’s job to provide followers with information, support, or other resources necessary to ac hieve their goals. Depending on a complex analysis of the situation, a leader should adjust his or her leadership s tyle to be more directive, supportive, participative, or achievement-oriented. Effective leaders help their followers by reducing obstacles in their pat hs so they may achieve work goals more easily. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 385-386 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Path-Goal Theory Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4
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31) Which of the following is not an example o f a pred iction based on path-goal theory? A) Subordinates with an internal locus of control will be more satisfied with a directive style. B) Directive leadership leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous or stressful. C) Supportive leadership res ults in high employee performance when performing str uctured tasks. D) Directive leadership is likely to be perceived as redundant by employees with a lot of experience. E) All of the above are examples o f predictions based o n path-goal theory. Answer: A Explanation: According to path- goal theory, ideal leadership depends o n complex analysis of the situation. It theorizes that directive leadership yields greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous or stressful. Supportive leadership is most effective when e mployees are performing structured tasks, and directive leadership is likely to be perceived as red undant among employees with high ability or considerab le exper ience. Diff: 3 Page Ref: 385 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Path-Goal Theory Predictions Quest. Category: Critical Thinking LO: 4 32) The leader-participation model was de veloped b y ________. A) Hersey and Blanchard B) Fred Fiedler C) Blake and Mouton D) Vroom and Yetton E) Douglas and Surber Answer: D Explanation: Developed by Vroom and Yetton, t he leader-participation model proposes that the way a leader makes decisions is as important as what he or she decides. Leaders must adjust their behavior to reflect the task str ucture. The leader-participation model provides a decision tree of seven contingencies and five leadership styles for determining the ideal form and amount of participation in dec ision making. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 385 Topic: Decision Theory; Vroom and Yetton's Leader-Participation Model Skill: AACSB: Communication Objective: Leadership-Participation Model Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4
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33) Which of the following theories argues that beca use of time pressures, leaders estab lish a special relationship with a small group of their subordinates? A) situational leadership theory B) leader-member exchange C) path-goal D) expectancy E) contingency Answer: B Explanation: Leader – member e xchange (LMX) theory proposes that, because of time pressures, leaders establish a special relationship with a small group of their followers. These individuals make up the in-group. Members of the in-group are trusted, get a disproportionate amount of the leader’s attention, and are more likely to receive special privileges. Other followers fall into the out-group. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 386 Topic: Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory Skill: AACSB: Communication Objective: Leader-Member Exchange Theory Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 34) According to LMX theory, a leader implicitly categorizes followers as "in" or "out" ________. A) after careful analysis B) on a temporary basis C) early in the interaction D) because of political pressure E) based on job requirements Answer: C Explanation: Leader-member exchange theory (LMX) proposes that early in the leader-follower relationship, the leader categorizes the follower as an ―in‖ or an ―out,‖ and this determination remains stable over time. Leaders reward those employees with whom they want a closer linkage and punish those with whom they do not. Evidence suggests that in-group members have demographic, attitude, and personality c haracteristics s imilar to the leader’s or a higher leve l of competence than out-group members. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 386 Topic: Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory Skill: AACSB: Communication Objective: Leader-Member Exchange Theory Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4
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35) Which of the following is not a key characteristic of a char ismatic leader? A) sensitivity to follower needs B) unconventional behavior C) vision and articulation D) task orientation E) willingness to take risks Answer: D Explanation: Charismatic leadership theory, developed b y Robert House, is based on t he idea that when followers observe certain behaviors displayed by a leader, they view that leader as having extraordinar y or even heroic leadership abilities. Recent studies have sought to identify these specific behaviors. C harismatic leaders appear to possess key characteristics, inc luding sensitivity to fo llower needs, unconventional behavior, vision and articulation, and willingness to take risks. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 387-388 Topic: Application of Charisma and Transactional and Transformational Leaders Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 5 36) Leaders who clarify role and task requirements to accomp lish established goals exhibit a _________ style of leadership. A) transformational B) transactional C) charismatic D) self- initiating E) situational Answer: B Explanation: Recent studies, includ ing the Ohio State Studies, Fiedler’s model, a nd path-goal theory, have focused on the differences betwee n transformational leaders and transactional leaders. In contrast to transformational leaders who inspire their followers to transcend their selfinterests for the good of the organization, transactional leaders encourage their followers to achieve goals by defining specific goals and task requirements. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 390-391 Topic: Application of Charisma and Transactional and Transformational Leaders Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 5
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37) Which of the following would not be a likely outcome of a workplace governed by a transformational leader? A) lower employee morale B) lower employee stress C) higher productivity D) lower turnover rates E) higher employee satisfaction Answer: A Explanation: Transformational leaders can have an extraordinary effect on their followers, inspiring them toward selfless goals that bene fit the larger organization. These type s of leaders inspire their followers by paying attention to t heir concerns, helping them rethink old problems in new ways, and encouraging them to achieve goals as a group. As a result, transformational leadership is strongly corre lated with lower turnover rates, higher p roductivity, lower employee stress and burnout, and higher employee satisfaction. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 390 Topic: Application of Charisma and Transactional and Transformational Leaders Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 5 38) Richard is a transactional leader who has just assigned a se ries of tasks to a project team. Which of the following is most likely to be true about the team's performance under Richard's guidance? A) They will set new standards of product ivity for the department, exceeding Richard's expectations. B) They will meet the goals set for them but are unlikely to go beyond those goa ls. C) They will tend to be unclear about the roles assigned to each team member. D) They will be highly motivated by what they view as Richard's heroic or extraordinary qualities. E) They will tend to put their individual self-interest above the interests of the company. Answer: B Explanation: Transactional leaders set goals for their employees and define roles and expectations. Unlike transformational leaders, however, transactional leaders are unlikely to motivate their employees to exceed e xpectations or go beyond the call of duty. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 390-391 Topic: Application of Charisma and Transactional and Transformational Leaders Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Quest. Category: Application LO: 5
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39) Researc hers are conducting a study of a co mpany called Acme Corp, which they be lieve to be led by a transfor mational leader. Which of the following, if true, would most support the conclusion that Acme's leader is a transformational leader? A) Acme's top managers o ften conflict over defining the orga nization’s goals. B) Acme's goals tend to be ver y ambitious and to hold personal value for employees. C) Creativity is discouraged among Acme employees. D) Acme managers are cautious and rarely take risks. E) Acme's co mpensation plans are designed to reward s hort-term results. Answer: B Explanation: The followers of transformational leaders tend to pursue ambitious goals and to believe that the goals they are p ursuing are personally important. There tends to be consensus among managers under this leadership style, and creativity in employees is encouraged. Managers are more like ly to take risks, and co mpensation plans emphasize long-term results. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 392 Topic: Application of Charisma and Transactional and Transformational Leaders Skill: AACSB: Communication Quest. Category: Critical Thinking LO: 5 40) Two companies, Roland Med ia and Go! Corp, are both headed b y transformational leaders. However, Roland Media showed much greater profitability over a 5 -year time per iod tha n did Go! Corp. Which of the following best e xplains why Roland Media performed better than Go! Corp under transformational leadership? A) Go! Corp’s leader regularly interacts with the company’s workforce to make decisions, whereas Roland Media’s leader must go through a comp lex bureaucratic structure. B) Unlike Go! Corp’s employees, Roland Media’s employees do n’t readily give up d ecisionmaking authority. C) Roland Media is a small, privately held firm, whereas Go! Corp is a large, complex public company. D) Roland Media is headquartered in a high power distance country, whereas Go! Corp is headquartered in a country that is high in collectivism. E) Roland Media’s employees tend to be more highly individualistic than do Go! Corp’s employees. Answer: C Explanation: Transformational leadership is most effective in small, privately held companies. It is less effective in complex organizations. It is also less effective when leaders must deal with burea ucratic structures, w hen emp loyees are highly individualistic, and when emp loyees do n’t easily give up decision-making a uthority. Diff: 3 Page Ref: 394 Topic: Authentic Leadership: Ethics and Trust are the Foundation of Leadership Skill: AACSB: Communication Quest. Category: Critical Thinking LO: 5
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41) Which of the following would best serve as evidence to support the conclusion that an individual is an authentic leader? A) The leader is cautious about information sharing and tends to provide updates only to top management. B) In business exchanges, the leader puts the company’s bottom line before his or her ideals. C) The leader acts in the company’s best interest as long as those interests don’t conflict with his personal ambitions. D) The leader continually questions his or her values. E) The leader inspires a great deal of trust in his or her followers. Answer: E Explanation: Authentic leaders inspire trust in their followers. They are open about sharing information, they stick to their ideals, they follow an ethical code, a nd they are clear about their values. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 394 Topic: Authentic Leadership: Ethics and Trust are the Foundation of Leadership Skill: AACSB: Communication Quest. Category: Critical Thinking LO: 6 42) If an employee is considering sharing a new creative idea with a supervisor, which of the following would most help to support the employee's level of trust in making the decision to share her idea? A) The employee has had strong performance appraisals from other supervisors in the past. B) The employee is working under a short-term contract with the organization. C) The supervisor has demonstrated himself to be a n effective problem solver. D) The supervisor has a track record o f giving employees credit for their contributions. E) The supervisor is working under a stable, long-term contract with the organization. Answer: D Explanation: In order for an employee to be willing to share an idea, a n element o f trust would be involved. In c hoosing to share a new idea, the employee would have to trust that the super visor would not steal the credit behind the employee’s back Diff: 2 Page Ref: 395 Topic: Authentic Leadership: Ethics and Trust are the Foundation of Leadership Skill: AACSB: Communication Quest. Category: Critical Thinking LO: 6
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43) Team A is preparing for a large project that will involve aggressive competition against other teams in the company. Several members argue that the team should have a male leader since the project will require aggressive competition. Which of the following pieces of evide nce, if true, would best support the team members' conclusion? A) Female leaders perform more strongly than do male leaders when the competition involves improving positive re lationships within the team. B) Male leaders tend to exhibit stronger performances than women in situations that involve competing teams. C) Female leaders outperform male leaders whe n competition occurs within a tea m. D) Many women leaders in the company are comfortable with competitive s ituations. E) Women leaders in the company have often served as team leaders. Answer: B Explanation: If male leaders exhibit stronger performances within competing team s ituations, this piece of evidence would support the conclusion that Team A should have a male leader. Even if women leaders are comfortable with competition and have served as team leaders, the statement that men have performed better provides stronger evidence for Team A’s argument. Diff: 3 Page Ref: 400 Topic: Challenges to the Leadership Construct Skill: AACSB: Communication; Analytic Skills; Multicultural and Diversity Quest. Category: Critical Thinking LO: 8 44) Harriet d iscovered that she was a top job candidate for a co mpany that planned to hire a transformational leader. Which of the following was most likely true for Harriet during the application process? A) Harriet’s application revea led that she had high emotional intelligence. B) A personality test showed that Harriet was primarily introverted. C) Harriet’s self -monitoring score was low compared to other candidates. D) Harriet’s leadership experience was general rat her situation-specific. E) Harriet’s written communication scores were stronger than her in-person interview. Answer: A Explanation: Candidates with high e motional intelligence tend to have an advantage in leadership hiring processes, especially in situations requiring transformational leadership. High emotional intelligence scores would therefore ha ve been likely to improve Harriet’s standing as an applicant. Other qualities that help identify strong leaders are: extraversion, high selfmonitoring, situation-specific experience, and a charismatic physical presence. Diff: 3 Page Ref: 402 Topic: Finding and Creating Effective Leaders Skill: AACSB: Communication; Analytic Skills Quest. Category: Application LO: 8
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45) Darius is a training manager for a large retail clothing store. He is organizing a leadership development institute for the company's top executives. Though there are 35 executives who might potentially benefit from the training, the institute can only accommodate 20 partic ipants. Which of the following participants should Darius invite to attend in order to be sure to maximize the success of the training? A) super visors from collectivist cultures B) front- line managers in retail stores C) leaders who are high self-monitors D) individuals who have taken the Myers-Briggs test E) execut ives who manage the distribution division Answer: C Explanation: Research shows that leadership training of any kind is likely to be more successful with high self-monitors. Such individuals have the flexibility to change their behavior. Therefore, to maximize the effect of the co mpany’s leadership-training budget, Darius should invite high self-monitors to participate in the institute. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 402 Topic: Finding and Creating Effective Leaders Skill: AACSB: Communication; Analytic Skills Quest. Category: Application LO: 8
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Your company's HR director is a believer in trait theories of leadership. He believes that he can differe ntiate leaders from non-leaders by focusing on personal qualities and characteristics. The HR director plans to promote Lawrence, a highly extroverted manager with a great deal o f ambition and energy. Furthermore, the president of the company is preparing to retire, and the HR director is searching for her replacement. He asks for your expertise in helping him to apply trait theory to leadership selection within your company. 46) The director believes that because of these innate characteristics, Lawrence will be highly effective at helping the company achieve its production goals. You advise the director against this decision because ________. A) research has identified emotional stability as the strongest predictor of leadership effectiveness B) studies have found that the Big Five traits are difficult to identify in leaders C) studies have shown that traits are poor pred ictors of leadership e ffectiveness D) research has found that conscientiousness is a better predictor of effectiveness than extroversion E) research has shown that effective managers are often unlikely to become effective leaders Answer: C Explanation: As important as traits and beha viors are in identifying effective or ine ffective leaders, they do not guarantee s uccess. The co ntext matters, too. Diff: 3 Page Ref: 381 Topic: Application of Trait Theories Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Trait Theories Quest. Category: Application LO: 4
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You have decided to use Fiedler's LPC questionnaire to help your employees learn more about their leadership styles. Each of your employees has filled out and scored the instrument. It is your job to try to explain to them how to use the survey information. 47) According to Fiedler's approach, your e mployees should assume which of the following about the leadership styles determined through using the survey? A) Each person's style is essentially fixed. B) Each person can use the information to change his/her style to a more productive style. C) Task-oriented leaders will not perform as well as relationship-oriented leaders in situations that are very unfavorable. D) Task-oriented leaders will perform better than relationship-oriented leaders in moderately favorable situations. E) Each person's style will change in accordance with the situation at hand. Answer: A Explanation: Fiedler assumes an individual's leadership style is fixed. This means if a situation requires a task-or iented leader and the person in the leadership position is relationship oriented, either the situation has to be modified or the leader has to be replaced to achieve optimal effectiveness. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 382 Topic: Application of Fiedler's Contingency Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Fiedler Contingency Model Quest. Category: Application LO: 4 48) Fran completes the LPC q uestionnaire and finds that she described her least preferred coworker in relatively positive terms. She is surprised by this finding beca use she r ecalls being particularly annoyed by this difficult co-worker. Based on your understanding of Fiedler's model, you explain to Fran that her LPC score makes sense within the model because ________. A) Fran tends to become very dominating when given ambiguo us tasks B) Fran is usually much more focused on productivity than on developing relationships C) Fran tends in general to focus on building good relationships with the other employees at your company D) Fran has a spotty work history and has tended to s witch jobs ever y couple of years E) Fran is usually chosen for positions of high responsibility within your organization Answer: C Explanation: If you describe the person you are least able to work with in favorable terms (a high LPC score), Fied ler would label you relationship oriented . In contrast, if you see your least preferred co-worker in relatively unfavorable terms (a low LPC score), you are primarily interested in prod uctivity and are task oriented. Diff: 3 Page Ref: 382 Topic: Application of Fiedler's Contingency Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Least Preferred Coworker Quest. Category: Application LO: 4 25 Copyright © 2011 Pea rson Education, Inc.
49) In utilizing F iedler's co ntingency model, which of the follow ing cont ingency dimensions should your employees pay attention to? A) leader-member relations B) task structure C) position power D) All of the above are important dimensions in this model. E) None of the above are important dimensions in this model. Answer: D Explanation: Fiedler has identified three contingency or situational dimensions: 1. Leader – member relations is the degree of confidence, trust, and respect members have in their leader. 2. Task structure is the degree to which the job assignments are procedurized (that is, structured or unstructured). 3. Position power is the degree of influence a leader has over power variables such as hiring, firing, discipline, promotions, and salary increases. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 382 Topic: Application of Fiedler's Contingency Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Fiedler's Key Situational Factors Quest. Category: Application LO: 4 Your boss has been reading several books on leadership. You notice that every few months he is spouting a different approac h and philosophy. You have been trying to keep up with him and figure out which "leadership theory of the month" he is studying. 50) Suddenly your boss begins sending people to training to help them develop more effective leadership styles. It is clear that he is reading an author who supports ________. A) trait theories B) behavioral theories C) Fiedler's contingency model D) the reflection effect E) none of the above Answer: B Explanation: Behaviora l theories o f leadership are theories proposing that specific behaviors differentiate leaders from nonleaders. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 381 Topic: Application of Various Theor ies Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Behavioral Theories Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4
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51) Now your boss seems to be trying to analyze each leader according to which employees they interact with most and least, and which employees they rate highest and lowest. You suspect that he is reading about which of the following models? A) SLT B) LMX C) LPC D) PGT E) SNFU Answer: B Explanation: Leader – member e xchange (LMX) theory argues that, because o f time pressures, leaders establish a special relationship with a small group of their followers. These individuals make up the in- group — they are trusted, get a d isproport ionate a mount of the leader's attention, and are more likely to receive special privileges. Other followers fall into the out-group. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 386 Topic: Application of Various Theor ies Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Leader-Member Exchange Theory Quest. Category: Critical Thinking LO: 4 As you have observed your department manager and her interactions with the department's employees, you have come to believe in LMX theory. Sarah and Joe get less of the manager's time. Sally gets fewer of the preferred rewards that the ma nager c ontrols and John has a relationship with the manager based on formal authority interactions. Rebecca is trusted. Jennifer gets a disproportionate amount of the manager's attention and is more likely to receive special privileges. 52) According to LMX theor y, the in-group is likely to be composed of ________. A) Rebecca and Jennifer only B) Jennifer o nly C) Rebecca only D) John, Rebecca, and Jennifer only E) Sarah, Joe, Sally, and John only Answer: A Explanation: The LMX theory proposes that early in the history of the interaction between a leader and a given follower, the leader implicitly categorizes the follower as an "in" or an "out," and that relationship is relatively stable over time. Leaders induce LMX by rewarding those employees with whom they want a closer linkage and punishing those with whom they do not. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 386 Topic: Application of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: In-Group Quest. Category: Critical Thinking LO: 4
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53) According to LMX theory, which of the following employees is likely to be included in the out-group? A) Rebecca only B) Jennifer o nly C) Sarah and Jennifer only D) Sarah and Joe only E) Sarah, Joe, Sally, and John only Answer: C Explanation: The LMX theory proposes that early in the history of the interaction between a leader and a given follower, the leader implicitly categorizes the follower as an "in" or an "out," and that relationship is relatively stable over time. Leaders induce LMX by rewarding those employees with whom they want a closer linkage and punishing those with whom they do not. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 386 Topic: Application of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Out-Group Quest. Category: Critical Thinking LO: 4 54) Because he has an internationally based team, Leo and the team do most of their business communications via e-mail. Which of the following represents what is least likely to be true of Leo's exper ience working with the team in an online environment? A) Leo relies hea vily on his written skills to communicate support and inspiration. B) Team members must be particularly adept at reading emotions in others’ messages C) Team members tend to have high levels of identification-based trust. D) Negotiations between team members sometimes stall due to lack of trust. E) Leo uses written communication to reinforce what he conveys to tea m members verbally. Answer: C Explanation: Online leaders confront unique c hallenges, particularly around deve loping and maintaining trust. Identification- based trust, based on a mutual understanding of each other’s intentions and appreciation of the others wants and desires, is particularly d ifficult to achieve without face-to-face interaction. Leo’s team would be least likely to experience high levels of identification-based trust. Online negotiations might also be hindered beca use parties express lower levels of trust. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 402 Topic: Challenges to the Leadership Construct Skill: AACSB: Communication; Analytic Skills; Multicultural and Diversity Quest. Category: Application LO: 9
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Leo supervises a global team of project members based in multiple countries. Marta is Brazilian; Jean-Paul is French, Amit is Egyptian, and Xiang is Chinese. Leo is American and is based in the United States. 55) Two of the team members seem to respond most effectively when Leo exhibits high levels of initiating structure. These are most likely which of the following? A) Jean-Pa ul and Xiang B) Amit and Xiang C) Maria and Jean-Paul D) Amit and Maria E) Xiang and Amit Answer: A Explanation: France and China are countries where individua ls tend to value initiating structure. The French have a b ureaucratic view o f leaders and expect leaders to make dec isions relatively autocratically. The Chinese have a high performance orientation that emphasizes status differences between employees. Leaders with high initiating structures therefore have better results in these countries. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 403-404 Topic: Application of Various Theor ies Skill: AACSB: Communication; Analytic Skills; Multicultural and Diversity Objective: Behavioral Theories Quest. Category: Application LO: 9 56) Which of the following team members would be least likely to respond favorably if Leo made project-related decisions independently, without consulting the team? A) Maria B) Jean-Pa ul C) Amit D) Xiang E) Maria and Jea n-Paul Answer: A Explanation: Brazilians value participatory decision- making. Ma ria would thus be least likely to respond favorab ly to a utocratic decision-making on Leo’s part. As one Brazilian manager remarked in a research study, ―We do not prefer leaders who take self -governing decisions and act alone without engaging the gro up. That’s part of who we are.‖ Diff: 2 Page Ref: 403-404 Topic: Global Implications Skill: AACSB: Communication; Analytic Skills; Multicultural and Diversity Quest. Category: Application LO: 9
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57) The team agrees that a large compo nent of the project will be carried out at the Chinese headquarters, with Xiang responsible for leading that support team. Based on what Leo knows about Chinese culture, he expects that Xiang will be most effective if he implements which of the following decision-making styles? A) infrequent decision-making B) highly participator y decision- making C) autocratic decision-making D) decision- making without initiating structure E) moderately partic ipatory decision-making Answer: E Explanation: Chinese culture emphas izes be ing polite, co nsiderate, and unselfish, but it also has a high performance orientation. These two factors s uggest consideration and initiating structure may both be important. Although C hinese c ulture is relatively participative compared to that of the United States, there are also status differences between leaders and employees. This suggests a moderately partic ipative style may work best there. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 404 Topic: Global Implications Skill: AACSB: Communication; Analytic Skills; Multicultural and Diversity Quest. Category: Application LO: 9 Your company's HR director is a believer in trait theories of leadership. He believes that he can differe ntiate leaders from non-leaders by focusing on personal qualities and characteristics. The HR director plans to promote Lawrence, a highly extroverted manager with a great dea l of ambition and energy. Furthermore, the president of the company is preparing to retire, and the HR director is searching for her replacement. He asks for your expertise in helping him to apply trait theory to leadership selection within your company. 58) You explain that research efforts at isolating leadership traits have ________. A) identified six leadership traits that predict leadership B) been supportive of the Big Five leadership traits predicting leadership C) shown that conscientiousness does not help much in predicting leadership D) identified emotional stability as the most strongly related trait to leader emergence E) been more focused on develop ing contingency theories and replacing trait theories Answer: B Explanation: For managers who must fill key positions in their organization with effective leaders, there are several tests and interviews that help identify people with leadership qualities. Recent efforts using the Big Five personality framework have generated encouraging results. Extraversion, conscie ntiousness, and openness to experience show strong and co nsistent relationships to leadership. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 405 Topic: Application of Trait Theories Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Big Five and Trait Theories Quest. Category: Application LO: 9 30 Copyright © 2011 Pea rson Education, Inc.
Leo supervises a global team of project members based in multiple countries. Marta is Brazilian; Jean-Paul is French, Amit is Egyptian, and Xiang is Chinese. Leo is American and is based in the United States. 59) In carrying out a transformational approach to overseeing the project, Leo strives to implement the universal elements of transformational leadership. He most likely implements all of the following except ________. A) vision B) providing encouragement C) positiveness D) proactiveness E) silent leadership Answer: E Explanation: The silence of a leader is very powerful in Japan, but not necessarily in other countries. S ilent leadership is, t herefore, not considered one of the university elements o f transformational leadership. The elements are: vision, foresight, p roviding encouragement, trustworthiness, dynamism, positiveness, and proactiveness. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 405 Topic: Global Implications Skill: AACSB: Communication; Analytic Skills; Multicultural and Diversity Quest. Category: Application LO: 9 60) Leadership and management are two ter ms that are often confused. Answer: TRUE Explanation: Although often used interchangeably, the terms leadership and management have two different meanings. Jo hn Kotter o f the Harvard Business School argues that management is the ability to cope with complexity. Leadership, by contrast, is defined as the ability to cope with change. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 376 Topic: What Is Leaders hip? Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Management and Leadership Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 1
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61) According to Kotter, management focuses o n coping with change; leadership focuses o n coping with comp lexity. Answer: FALSE Explanation: John Kotter of the Harvard Business School definesmanagement as the ability to cope with complexity and leadership as the ability to cope with cha nge. Effective managers, he argues, bring about order and consiste ncy by drawing up formal plans, designing rigid organization structures, and monitoring results against the plans. Alternatively, strong leaders establish direction by developing a vision of the future. They align peop le by communicating this vision and inspiring them to overcome hurdles. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 376 Topic: What Is Leaders hip? Skill: AACSB: Communication; Analytic Skills Objective: Management and Leadership Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 1 62) Leadership can be defined as the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of order and consistency. Answer: FALSE Explanation: Strong leaders, according to Jo hn Kotter, possess the ability to dea l effectively with change. Great leaders establish new direction for their followers by developing a vision of the future. They excel at aligning peop le by communicating this vision and inspiring them to overco me hurdles. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 376 Topic: What Is Leaders hip? Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Leadership Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 1 63) Holding a management position is an important step toward becoming a leader in an organization. Answer: FALSE Explanation: Even if an organizatio n provides its managers with certa in formal rights, there is no guarantee that they will become effective leaders. Nonsanctioned leadership — the ability to influence that arises outside the formal structure of the organization — is often as important or more important than formal influence. In many cases, leaders emerge from within a group and not necessar ily by formal appointment. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 376 Topic: What Is Leadership? Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Management and Leadership Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 1
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64) Researc h efforts at isolating leadership traits achieved a b reakthrough, of sorts, when researchers began organizing traits around the Big Five personality framework. Answer: TRUE Explanation: By the 1990s, after numerous studies and analyses, researchers had determined that most leaders differed from non-leaders, but the particular traits that characterized them varied a great deal from review to review. Whe n researchers began organizing traits aro und the Big Five personality framework, they gained some new insights. Most of the dozens of traits identified in various leadership reviews fit under one of the Big Five (ambition and energy are part of extraversion, for instance), giving strong support to traits as predictors of leadership. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 377 Topic: Trait Theories Skill: AACSB: Communication; Analytic Skills Objective: Big Five and Trait Theories Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 2 65) One assumption of the trait view of leadership is that leaders cannot be trained. Answer: TRUE Explanation: Trait theories of leadership focus on personal, social, physical, or intellectual attributes possessed by great leaders. These attributes, or traits, are innate and present at b irth. Proponents of trait theories of leadership argue that possession of these particular traits will determine who will become a strong leader, implying that great leaders are born and not trained. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 377 Topic: Behavioral Theories Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Trait Theories Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 2 66) The Big Five personality framework revealed that traits are most useful as predictors of leadership emergence. Answer: TRUE Explanation: Current leadership research, when organized around the Big Five, suggests that certain traits are common to strong leaders. These traits, however, are more strongly related to leader emergence than to leader e ffectiveness. Sociable and dominant people, for example, are more likely to assert themse lves in group situations and emerge as potential leaders. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 378 Topic: Trait Theories Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Big Five and Trait Theories Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 2
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67) Trait research would provide a basis for selecting the "right" persons to assume formal positions requiring leadership. Answer: TRUE Explanation: Current leadership studies suggest that traits can predict effective leaders. Leaders who are extroverted, conscientious, creative, and flexible do have an apparent advantage when it comes to leadership. Possession of certain key traits, therefore, could be a valid criteria to select the "right" person for a formal leadership position. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 378 Topic: Behavioral Theories Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Trait Theories Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 2 68) If behavioral theories of leadership are valid, selection of leaders should focus on length of experience an individual has obtained in the right situations. Answer: FALSE Explanation: Behavioral theories of leadership have indicated that great leade rs may be tra ined to exhibit successful leadership behaviors. Therefore, the length of a potential leader's related experience would not be important since great leaders may be taught successful behaviors, including consideration and initiating structure. Leaders who display consideration and structuring beha viors appear to be most e ffective. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 380 Topic: Behavioral Theories Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Behavioral Theories Quest. Category: Application LO: 3 69) If behavioral theories of leadership are valid, we could have an infinite supply of effective leaders. Answer: TRUE Explanation: Behaviora l studies o f leadership investigate how great leaders act or behave. Strong leaders seem to exhibit structuring behaviors (defining roles in the search for goal attainment) or considering behaviors (forming relationships which center on mutual trust and respect). If these successful leadership behaviors can be learned, then behavioral theory suggests that people may be taught to be great leaders. Diff: 3 Page Ref: 380 Topic: Behavioral Theories Skill: AACSB: Reflective Thinking Objective: Behavioral Theories Quest. Category: Application LO: 3
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70) The most comprehensive and rep licated of the behavioral theories resulted from research begun by Fred Fiedler. Answer: FALSE Explanation: The most comprehensive and replicated behavioral theories resulted from the Ohio State Studies in the late 1940s. This research sought to identify independent dimensions of leader behavior. From a list of over 1,000 dimensions, researchers narrowed the list to two that accounted for most of the leadership behavior described by employees. These dimensions were identified as co nsideration and initiating structure. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 380 Topic: Behavioral Theories Skill: AACSB: Communication; Analytic Skills Objective: Ohio State Studies Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 3 71) The Ohio State Studies invo lved research on only two dimensions - initiating structure and consideration. Answer: TRUE Explanation: The Ohio State Studies focused on two dimensions of leader behavior: initiating structure and consideration. Initiating structure is the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his or her role and those of employees in the search for goal attainment. Consideration is the extent to which a leader’s job relationships are characterized by mutual trust, respect for employees’ ideas, and regard for their feelings. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 380 Topic: Behavioral Theories Skill: AACSB: Communication Objective: Ohio State Studies Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 3 72) A leader designated as high on initiating structure would be likely to clearly define the roles of his or her subordinates. Answer: TRUE Explanation: According to the Ohio State Studies, initia ting structure indicates the degree to which a leader is likely to define and structure his or her role and those of employees in the search for goal attainment. Initiating structure includes behavior that attempts to o rganize work, foster work relationships, and achieve goals. A leader high in initiating structure is someone who assigns group members to particular tasks, expects workers to maintain definite standards of performance, and emphasizes the meeting o f deadlines. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 380 Topic: Behavioral Theories Skill: AACSB: Communication Objective: Initiating Structure Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 3
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73) According to the University o f Michigan studies, prod uction-oriented leadership is defined as the extent to which a leader te nds to emphasize the technical or task aspects of the job. Answer: TRUE Explanation: Leadership studies at the University of Michigan’s Survey Research Center identified two behavioral character istics of leaders that appeared related to performance effectiveness. Employee-or iented leaders emphasized interpersonal relationships b y taking a personal interest in the needs of their e mployees and accepting individual differences among them. Production-oriented leaders emphasized the technical or task aspects of the job — their concern was in accomplishing their group’s tasks. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 380 Topic: Behavioral Theories Skill: AACSB: Communication Objective: University of Michigan Studies Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 3 74) The Fiedler contingency model proposes that effective group per formance depends upon the proper match between a leader's style and the degree to which a situation gives co ntrol to the leader. Answer: TRUE Explanation: Fiedler's contingency model proposes that effective group performance depe nds on the proper match between the leader’s style and the degree to which the situation gives the leader control. A key factor in leadership success, Fiedler argued, is the individual’s basic leadership style. To identify a person's leadership style, Fiedler developed the least preferred coworker (LPC) questionnaire which measures whether a person is task- or relationship-oriented. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 381-382 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theor y Skill: AACSB: Communication Objective: Fiedler Contingency Model Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 75) Fiedler's co ntingency model is considered to be t he first comprehensive contingency model for leadership. Answer: TRUE Explanation: The first comprehensive continge ncy mode l for leadership was developed by Fred Fiedler. The Fiedler contingency model proposes that effective group per formance depends on the proper match between the leader’s style and the degree to which the situation gives the leader control. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 381 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Fiedler Contingency Model Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4
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76) In Fiedler's approach, if a respondent uses unfa vorable terms to describe the co-worker in question, the respondent can be said to be primarily task-or iented. Answer: TRUE Explanation: According to Fiedler's least preferred co-worker (LPC) questionnaire, if you see your least preferred co-worker in relatively unfavorable terms (a low LPC score), you are primarily interested in prod uctivity and are task oriented. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 382 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Least Preferred Coworker Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 77) According to Fiedler, task structure is the degree to which the job ass ignments are procedurized. Answer: TRUE Explanation: According to Fied ler, task structure is the degree to which the job assignme nts are procedurized (that is, structured or unstructured). Diff: 2 Page Ref: 382 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Task Structures Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 78) According to Fiedler, leader- member relations concerns the degree to which a leader takes a personal interest in the needs of his or her employees and accepts individual differences a mong them. Answer: FALSE Explanation: According to Fiedler, leader-member relations concerns the degree of confidence, trust, and respect members have in their leade r. Diff: 3 Page Ref: 382 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Position Power Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4
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79) According to Fiedler's contingency model, task-oriented leaders are most effective in situations of high or low control. Answer: TRUE Explanation: According to Fiedler's cont ingenc y model, task-oriented leaders perform best in situations of high and low control, whereas relationship- oriented leaders perform best in moderate control situations. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 383 Topic: Contingenc y Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Matching Leaders and Situations Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 80) Taken as a whole, tests of the overall validity of the Fiedler model tend to support substantial parts of the model. Answer: TRUE Explanation: Studies testing the overall validity of the Fiedler model find considerab le e vidence to support substantial parts of it. If we use only three categories rather than the original eight, there is ample evidence to support Fiedler's conclusions. But the logic underlying the LPC questionnaire is not well understood, and respondents' scores are not stable. The contingency variables are also complex and difficult for pract itioners to as sess. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 384 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Fiedler Contingency Model Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 81) One criticism of the Fiedler model concerns the fact that the logic underlying the model's questionnaire is not well understood. Answer: TRUE Explanation: The logic underlying the LPC questionnaire is not well understood, and respondents' scores are not stable. The co ntingency variables are also complex and difficult for practitioners to assess. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 384 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Problems with Fiedler Contingency Model Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4
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82) Studies regarding the Fiedler model have shown that responde nts' questionnaire scores tend to be relatively stable. Answer: FALSE Explanation: The logic underlying the LPC questionnaire is not well understood, and respondents' scores are not stable. The contingency variables are also complex and difficult for practitioners to assess. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 384 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Problems with Fiedler Contingency Model Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 83) One advantage of t he Fiedler model is that its contingency variables are s imple and easy to assess. Answer: FALSE Explanation: The logic underlying the LPC questionnaire is not well understood, and respondents' scores are not stable. The contingency variables are also complex and difficult for practitioners to assess. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 384 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Problems with Fiedler Contingency Model Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 84) Hersey and Blanchard argue that the correct leadership style is contingent on the level of the follower's readiness. Answer: TRUE Explanation: Situational leadership theory says that successful leadership is achieved by selecting the right leadership style contingent on the followers' readiness, or the extent to which they are willing and able to accomplish a specific task. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 384 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Situationa l Leadership Theory Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4
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85) Situational leadership theory has been well validated by research but not well received by practitioners because there are so many factors to examine. Answer: FALSE Explanation: Situational leadership theory has intuitive appeal. It acknowledges the importance of followers and builds on the logic that leaders can compensate for their limited ability and motivation. Yet research efforts to test and support the theory have generally been disappointing. Possible explanations include internal ambiguities and inconsistencies in the model itself as well as problems with researc h methodology in tests. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 384 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Situationa l Leadership Theory Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 86) SLT is an example of a trait theory. Answer: FALSE Explanation: Situational leadership theory (SLT) is a contingency theory that focuses on followers' readiness. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 384 Topic: Contingency Theories : Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Situationa l Leadership Theory Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 87) Path-goal theory assumes leaders are flexible a nd can display different leadership behavior depending on the situation. Answer: TRUE Explanation: Path-goal theory states that it is the leader's job to assist followers in atta ining their goals and to provide the necessary direction and/or support to en sure that followers' goals are compatible with the overa ll objectives of the group or organization. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 385 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Path-Goal Theory Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4
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88) A hypothesis that has evolved out of path-goal theory is that directive leadership leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous or stressful. Answer: TRUE Explanation: According to path-goal theory, whether a leader s hould be directive or supportive or should demonstrate so me other behavior depends on a co mplex analysis of the situation. Among other things, this theory predicts that directive leadership yields greater satisfaction when tasks are a mbiguo us or stressful than when they are highly structured and well laid out. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 385 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Path-Goal Theory Predictions Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 89) The leader-participation model provides a set o f rules that leaders ca n use to determine the appropriate leadership behavior for a given task structure. Answer: TRUE Explanation: The leader- participation model is a leadership theory that provides a set of rules to determine the form and amount of participative decision making in different situations. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 385 Topic: Decision Theory; Vroom and Yetton's Leader-Participation Model Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Leadership-Participation Model Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 90) The complexity of the leadership-partic ipation model enables leaders to apply it realistically when they are assessing dec ision-making situations. Answer: FALSE Explanat ion: Research testing both the or iginal and revised leader-participatio n models has not been encoura ging, although the revised model rates higher in effectiveness. Criticism focuses on the model's complexity and the var iables it omits. Although Vroom a nd Jago have developed a computer program to guide managers through all the decision branches in the revised model, it's not very realistic to expect practicing managers to co nsider 12 contingency variables, eight problem types, and five leadership styles to select the decision process for a problem. Diff: 3 Page Ref: 385 Topic: Decision Theory; Vroom and Yetton's Leader-Participation Model Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Criticism of Leadership-Participation Model Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4
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91) In the leader-member exchange theory, leaders don't treat all of their subord inates alike. Answer: TRUE Explanation: Leader – member e xchange theory argues that, because of time pressures, leaders establish a special relationship with a small group of their followers. These individuals make up the in-group — they are trusted, get a d isproportionate amount of the leader's attention, and are more likely to receive special privileges. Other followers fa ll into the out-group. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 386 Topic: Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Leader-Member Exchange Theory Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 92) According to LMX theory, out-group members get more of the leader's time, but in a negative manner. Answer: FALSE Explanation: Leader – member e xchange (LMX) t heory argues that, because o f time pressures, leaders establish a special relationship with a small group of their followers. These individuals make up the in- group — they are trusted, get a d isproport ionate a mount of the leader's attention, and are more likely to receive special privileges. Other followers fall into the out-group. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 386 Topic: Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Leader-Member Exchange Theory Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 93) Researc h testing of LMX theory has been genera lly supportive. Answer: TRUE Explanation: Research to test LMX theory has been generally supportive, with substantive evidence that leaders do differentiate among followers; that these disparities are far from random; and that followers with in-group status will have higher performance ratings, engage in more helping or "citizenship" behaviors at work, and report greater satisfaction with their superiors. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 386 Topic: Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Evaluation of Leader-Member Exchange Theor y Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4
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94) Most experts be lieve that individuals may be trained to e xhibit charismatic behavior. Answer: TRUE Explanation: Although individuals inherit certain tendenc ies, most experts believe that charismatic behaviors may be lear ned. Studies have suggested the effectiveness of a t hree-step process to teach potential leaders to exhibit charismatic behaviors. This process inc ludes develop ing and maintaining an optimistic view, drawing others to this view by c reating a bond with followers, and bringing out the potential in others by tapping into their emotions. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 388 Topic: Application of Charisma and Transactional and Transformational Leaders Skill: AACSB: Communication Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 5 95) As a transactional leader, a CEO is more likely to be effective if he lets employees make decisions and avoids intervening when business problems arise. Answer: FALSE Explanation: Transactional leaders can display three different styles: laissez- faire, management by exception, and contingent reward. A laissez- faire approach, in which the leader lets followers make decisions and avoids intervening in business affairs, is the least effective of the transactional approaches. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 391 Topic: Application of Charisma and Transactional and Tra nsformational Leaders Skill: AACSB: Communication Quest. Category: Application LO: 4 96) The benefits of employee mentoring are primarily career-re lated, including higher compensation and improved job performance. Answer: FALSE Explanation: Mentoring, the practice in which a senior employee sponsors and supports a less experienced employee, is most valuable for its psychological benefits. Current research indicates that mentoring yields very small objective outcomes like higher compensation and improved job performance. The benefits of mentoring are primarily of a psychologica l nature since the senior employee can provide friendship, share helpful personal e xperiences, and act as a role model for the junior employee. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 398 Topic: Contemporary Leadership Roles Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 7
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97) Leadership training is most likely to be successful with individuals who are low selfmonitors. Answer: FALSE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 403 Topic: Finding and Creating Effective Leaders Skill: AACSB: Communication Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 8 98) What are the implications of the behavioral theor ies of leadership? Answer: If tra it researc h had been successful, it would have provided a bas is for selecting the "right" persons to assume formal positions in groups and organizations requiring leadership. In contrast, if behavioral studies were to turn up critical behavioral determinants of leadership, we could train peop le to be leaders. The differe nce betwee n trait and be haviora l theories, in terms of application, lies in their underlying assumptions. If trait theories were valid, then leaders are born rather than made. On the other hand, if there were specific behaviors that identified leaders, then we could teach leadership - we could design programs that implanted these behavioral patterns in individuals who desired to be effective leaders. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 389 Topic: Application of Charisma and Transactional and Transformational Leaders Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Implications of Behavioral Theories LO: 5 99) Identify and explain the two dimensions of leadership descr ibed in the Ohio State studies. Answer: The Ohio State studies proposed that two categories acco unted for most of the leadership behavior described by employees. They called these two d imensions initiating structure a nd consideration. a) Initiating structure refers to the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his or her role and those of employees in the search for goal attainment. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 389 Topic: Application of Charisma and Transactional and Transformational Leaders Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Ohio State Studies Quest. Category: Critical Thinking LO: 5
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100) Describe LMX theory and identify its main beliefs. Answer: This theor y argues that because of time pressures, leaders establish a special relationship with a small group of their followers. These individuals make up the in-group - they are trusted, get a disproport ionate a mount of the leader's attention, and are more likely to receive special privileges. Other followers fall into the out-group. They get less of the leader's time, fewer of the preferred rewards that the leader controls, a nd have leader- follower relations based on formal authority interactions. The leader implicitly categorizes the follower as an "in" or "out" and that relationship is relatively stable over time. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 386 Topic: Application of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Leader-Member Exchange Theory Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 101) Describe the leader-participation model. Answer: Victor Vroom and Phillip Yetton developed a model that related leaders hip behavior and participation in decision making. Recognizing that task structures have varying demands for routine and non-routine act ivities, these researchers argued that leader behavior must adjust to reflect the task structure. The model was normative - it provided a sequential set of rules that should be followed in determining the for m and amount of participatio n in decision making, as determined by different types of situations. The model was a decision tree incorporating seve n contingencies and five alternative leadership styles. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 385 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Leadership-Participation Model Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4
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102) Explain the principles of Hersey a nd Blanchard's situational leadership theor y. Answer: Situational leade rship is a contingency theory that focuses on the followers. Successful leadership is achieved by selecting the right leadership style, which they argue is contingent on the level of the followers' readiness. The emphasis on the followers in leadership effectiveness reflects the reality that it is the followers who accept or reject the leaders. Readiness refers to the extent to which people have the ability and willingness to accomplish a specific task. SLT says if a follower is unable and unwilling to do a task, the leader needs to give clear and specific directions; if followers are unable and willing, the leader needs to display high task orientation to compensate for the followers' lack of ability and high relationship orientation to get the follower to "buy into" the leader's desires; if followers are able and unwilling, the leader needs to use a supportive and participative style; and if the employee is both able a nd willing, the leader doesn't need to do much. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 384 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Situationa l Leadership Theory Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4 103) Summarize the leader-member exchange theory. Answer: The leader-member exchange (LMX) theory argues that because of time pressures, leaders establish a special relationship with a small group of their followers. These individuals make up the in- group – they are trusted, get a d isproport ionate amount of the leader's attention, and are more likely to receive special privileges. Other followers fall into the out-group. They get less of the leader's time, fewer of the preferred rewards that the leader controls, and have leader- follower relations based o n formal authority interactions. The theory proposes that early in the history of the interaction between a leader and a given follower, the leader implicitly categorizes the follower as a n "in" or an "o ut" and that relationship is relatively stable over time. The theor y and research surrounding it provide substantive evidence that leaders do differentiate among followers; that these disparities are far from random; and that followers with in- group status will have higher performance ratings, lower turnover intentions, greater satisfaction with their superior, and higher overall satisfaction than will the out-group. These positive findings for in-group members are consistent with our knowledge of the self- fulfilling prophesy. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 386 Topic: Application of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Leader-Member Exchange Theory Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 4
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104) Do charismatic and transformational leadership generalize across cultures? Explain why or why not. Answer: It appears that these leadership approaches ca n be generalized across cultures to some degree. We know very little about how culture might influence the validity of the theories, particularly in Eastern cultures. However, a study known as the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) research project has produced some useful preliminary insights. These insights do not provide definitive guidelines for how leadership dimensions translate across cultures, but they do suggest that leaders need to take c ulture into account whenever managing employees from different cultures. There also appear to be universal aspects of leadership, particularly transformational leadership, regardless of country. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 387-393, 403-405 Topic: Application of Charisma and Transactional and Transformational Leaders Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills; Multicultural and Diversity Quest. Category: Co ncept/Definitional LO: 5, 9
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105) Compare and contrast Hersey and Blanc hard's situational leadership theory with House's path-goal theory. Answer: Hersey and Blanchard's situation leadership theory is a contingency theory that focuses on the followers. S uccessful leadership is achieved by selecting the r ight leadership style, which Hersey and Blanchard argue is contingent on the level of the followers' readiness. The emphasis on the followers in leadership effectiveness reflects the reality that it is the followers who accept or reject the leaders. The term read iness refers to the extent to which people have the ability and willingness to accomplish a specific task. SLT says if a follower is unable and unwilling to do a task, the leader needs to give clear and specific directions; if followers are unable and willing, the leader needs to display high task orientation to compensate for the followers' lack of ability and high relationship orientation to get the follower to "buy into" the leader's desires; if followers are able and unwilling, the leader needs to use a supportive and participative style; and if the employee is both able and willing, the leader doesn't need to do much. Path-goal theory was developed by Robert House. The essence of the theory is that it's the leader's job to assist followers in attaining their goals and to provide the necessary direction and/or support to ensure that their goals are compatible with the overall objectives of the group or organization. The term path-goa l is derived from the belief that effective leaders clarify the path to help their followers get from where they are to the achievement of their work goals and make the journey along the pat h easier by reducing roadblocks. Ho use identified four leadership behaviors. The directive leader lets followers know what is expected of them, schedules work to be done, and gives spec ific guidance as to how to accomplish tasks. The supportive leader is friendly and shows concern for the needs of followers. The participative leader consults with followers and uses their suggestions before making a decision. The achievement-oriented leader sets challenging goals and expects followers to perform at their highest level. House assumes that leaders are flexible and that the same leader ca n display any or all of these be haviors depending on the situation. Diff: 3 Page Ref: 384-385 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Situationa l Leadership Theory and Path-Goal Theory Quest. Category: Application LO: 4
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106) Explain the differences between charismatic, transformational, and a uthentic leadership. Could an individual display all three types of leadership? Answer: Charismatic leaders are those who are perceived to have heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they exhibit certain behaviors. Charismatic leaders have a vision, are willing to take personal risks to achieve that vision, are sensitive to follower needs, and exhibit unconventional behaviors. Transactional leaders inspire their followers by paying attention to their concerns, helping them rethink old problems in new ways, a nd encouraging them to achieve goals as a gro up. They can have an extraordinary effect on the ir fo llowers, inspiring them toward selfless goals that benefit the larger organization. As a result, transformational leadership is strongly correlated with lower turnover rates, higher productivity, lower employee stress a nd burnout, and higher employee satisfaction. Authentic leaders know who they are, know what they believe in and value, and act on those values and beliefs openly and ca ndidly. Their followers consider them ethical people. The primary quality produced b y authentic leaders hip, therefore, is trust. Authentic leaders share information, encourage open communication, and stick to their ideals. The result: peop le come to have faith in them. Some researchers, such as Robert House, believe that c harismatic a nd tra nsactional leadership are essentially synonymo us. A leader who scores high on transformational leadership qualities is likely to score high on charisma as well. Both charismatic and transformational leaders could display the qualities of authentic leadership a nd e ngender trust in their followers as well. Therefore, it could be possible for a single leader to d isplay all three types of leadership. Diff: 3 Page Ref: 387-397 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Reflective Thinking Quest. Category: Critical Thinking LO: 5, 6 107) What is the main difference between trait and beha vioral leadership theories on the one hand, and contingency theories of leadership on the other? Answer: Trait and behaviora l theories ce nter around aspects of the individual leader – either personality character istics or the actions that perso n perfor ms. Contingency theories, by contrast, concer n situational factors that affect leadership success. They focus on defining the conditions under which different leadership styles will succeed. Diff: 3 Page Ref: 377-387 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Reflective Think ing; Analytic Skills Quest. Category: S ynthesis LO: 2, 3, 4
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108) Explain Fiedler's contingency model. In your discussion, describe the role of the LPC (least preferred co-worker) questionnaire and identify the ke y situational factors that determine leadership e ffectiveness, according to this mode l. Answer: Fred F iedler developed the first comprehensive contingency mode l for leadership. This model proposes that effective group per formance depends upon the proper match between the leader's style and the degree to which the situation gives control to the leader. The least preferred co-worker (LPC) questionnaire is used to determine what the leader's basic style is. Sixteen contrasting adjectives are used to ask responde nts to describe their least preferred co-worker. If the least preferred co-worker is described in relatively positive terms (a high LPC score), then the respondent is primarily interested in good personal relations with this co-worker. This person is considered relationship oriented. If the least preferred co-worker is primarily interested in prod uctivity, they would be labeled task oriented. F iedler assumes that an individual's leadership style is fixed. Fiedler identified three contingency dimensions that define the key situational factors that determine leadership effectiveness. a) Leader-member relations are the degree of confidence, trust, and respect members have in their leader. b) Task structure is the degree to which the job assignments are proced urized. c) Position power is the degree of influence a leader has over power variables such as hiring, firing, discipline, promotions, and salary increases. The better the leader-member relations, the more highly structured the job, and the stronger the position power, the more control the leader has. W ith knowled ge of an ind ividual's LPC and an assessment of the three contingency variables, Fiedler p roposes matching them up to ac hieve maximum leadership effectiveness. Task-oriented leaders tend to perform better in situations that were very favorable to them and in situations that were very unfavorable. Relationship oriented leaders perform better in moderately favorable situations. Fiedler has suggested recently that task-oriented leaders perform best in situations of high and low control, while relationshiporiented leaders perform best in moderate control situations. There are two ways to improve leader effectiveness. You can change the leader to fit the situation. The second alternative would be to change the situation to fit the leader. This could be done by restructuring tasks or increasing or decreasing the power that the leader has to control factors s uch as sa lary increases, promotions, and disciplinar y actions. Diff: 3 Page Ref: 381-384 Topic: Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory Skill: AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Fiedler Contingency Model Quest. Category: S ynthesis LO: 4
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