1. Install guide 2. Captcha Sniper usage guide 3. Troubleshooting Troubleshooting guide 4. Settings uBot and iMacros
1. Install Guide
Run the install. You might be prompted to keep or overwrite winsock, you can just keep your current file. Your Anti Virus might sound the alarms since Captcha Sniper uses winsock to listen on port 80.
VERY IMPORTANT!!! - Before you launch Captcha Sniper for the first time in order to get your license request key, be sure to set the following for Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 users.
Simply right click CaptchaSniper, CaptchaSniper, then click properties. Set the compatibility mode mode to xp (service pack 2 or service pack 3, doesen’t matter) and set the privilege level to admin for ALL USERS as shown in the 2 screens below:
Launch Captcha Sniper and follow the on-screen instructions to obtain your license request key and follow the directions in the emailed reply.
2. Captcha Sniper usage guide
Running Capctha Sniper:
After obtaining your license key, launch Captcha Sniper You must run Captcha Sniper as Admin in Windows XP compatibility mode for Vista and Win 7 users (shown above).
You might get a message saying that Port 80 is in use. If this happens, this means you have have something listening on on Port 80. To properly emulate emulate the decaptcha HTTP post, Captcha Captcha Sniper must be able to use Port 80. This could be anything such as an web server, skype, teamviewer, apache, apache, IIS or something else. You can still run skype with Captcha Sniper, but you must completely quit Skype and launch Captcha Sniper first, before you restart Skype. To check to see if Apache or another web server is using port 80, you can simply open your web browser and go to On windows 7 (not sure about the others), to find out what’s using port 80, you can start command prompt and run : netstat -o -n -a | findstr 0.0:80 In the last column of the output, you should see a number which is the Process ID of the application using port 80 as shown in the example below:
In this case we would have process id 43444. You can then start Task Manager (be sure to enable viewing the process id in Task Manager . Just select view from the top menus>select columns
and tick the PID as in the example shown below.
Now go back to task manager and see what process is using port 80 and stop it . When you don’t find the process which is using port 80 it means that it is a service which is using it
and simply switch from the processes tab to the services tab and identify it. Just follow the example shown below:
Please note that Captcha Sniper adds entries to your HOSTS file (windows\system32\drivers\etc\h (windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts). osts). First, it creates a back up of your hosts file in the same directory as hosts.bak. This file performs the mapping of decaptcher.com decaptcher.com to your local machine. When Captcha Sniper Sniper closes properly, your original original hosts file is restored so that you can use decaptcher again wihtout problems. Also make sure that your hosts file is not marked as read-only.
Now that Captcha Sniper is up and running properly, all you need to do i s select the platforms/footprints platforms/footprints you are working with with in the left panel. This is simply a mapping to select captchas in the right panel. panel. Whats selected in the right panel is ultimately ultimately what is used. The captchas in the right panel panel must be checked (and not just selected) selected) to be available for solving. Once you have captchas captchas selected in the right panel, you are are set. Note that selecting the parent Node (ex ‘Articles’) does nothing at this point, you need to se lect the nodes underneath the parent node. See the example below:
Now that captchas have been selected, just run your other software and be sure to use decaptcher.com. decaptcher.com. You can enter anything into the username and password fields for for decaptcher (for Scrapebox make sure you have ticked “ Enable automatic captcha solving…” from the “Captcha” dropdown menu. menu.
You can also check your balance and it should always show $7.77 (this was tested and verified with Scrapebox, Article Marketing Robot, Backlink Brigand and SEO Link Robot ). See the examples below:
As your other software finds finds captchas it will send them to Captcha Captcha Sniper. You will see them appear in Captcha Sniper and should see the answer which Captcha Sniper has solved. You can test the captchas in in the right panel by double clicking them. You should see all of the correct answers to the captchas provided with the program.
If not, you might have to delete the following 2 keys from your registry. Run regedit and
look for these 2 keys and delete them: -
To run Captcha Sniper from the command line, simply navigate to the Captcha Sniper directory and type: ‘captchasniper.exe
’. The Captcha Type is shown in the right panel panel next to each captcha. Example: ‘captchasniper.exe solved the capctha, the answer c:\downloads\capctha.gif 14’. As soon as Captcha Sniper has solved will be available in the file ‘answer.txt’ in the Captcha Sniper dire ctory.
After version 1.5 - Captcha Sniper Service Emulator added: After version 1.5 a new option has been added. Up until this version, Captcha Sniper was compatible with tools which use http post. The new option, which can be ticked at the settings part, opens up the Captcha Sniper Service Emulator, which means it can be used with tools that use raw sockets, meaning it is
using api post so basically there won’t be any tool that Captcha Sniper can’t be compatible
The Captcha Sniper Service Emulator will have 3 screens. 1. The Server info screen, which confirms everything is up and running as seen in the image above. 2. The HTTP Api Screen – Captcha Sniper has now extended http coverage, so it will basically support tools which have several services implemented and not only decaptcher decaptcher as you can see in the image below.
3. The Socket Api screen – This part is ment for the tools and bots which use raw sockets. So basically, in order for it to work, you would have to make sure that the port in the bot you are using matches the port in CSSE . Please have a look at the image below:
3. Troubleshooting Troubleshooting guide
Case 1 – requested address is broadcast address, but flag is not set s et -10013
a. IIS service issue In some cases one of the services which is using port 80 can be the IIS service and you might get an error as the example shown below:
Next thing you would do is run : netstat -o -n -a | findstr 0.0:80 0.0:80 from command command prompt and this might show up:
As you can see the process id in this case will be 4. Next thing you will need to do is run the task manager and identify the process:
This service can not be stopped by simply using the “End Process” command.
Simply start command prompt and run the command: net stop w3svc For further reference on stopping the IIS service please follow the links below: http://technet.microsoft.c http://technet.m icrosoft.com/en-us/library om/en-us/library/cc73231 /cc732317%28WS.10 7%28WS.10%29.aspx %29.aspx http://www.microsoft.com http://www.micr osoft.com/technet/prodte /technet/prodtechnol/Windows chnol/WindowsServer2003/ Server2003/Library/IIS/958 Library/IIS/95826e7a26e7abac4-4e1f-bcb6-c52d49c9d7f4.mspx?mfr=true
b. World Wide Publishing Service or Web Deployment Agent Service In some cases these both these services can cause the issue mentioned here at Case 1. In order to disable them, please follow the steps below: 1. Click Start then Run, type services.msc and hit OK.. 2. Scroll down and look if these services are active! 3. In case they are, double-click on them, on startup type click disabled and on service status click STOPPED.
Case 2 – Captcha Test is giving bad results In this case the first thing you may need to do is to run regedit and look for the following keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment\PATH HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment\TESSDATAPREFIX -
In case these exist, you must delete both!
Run the test again and if it still gives bad results then it means you would have to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package.
For (x86) - http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=5582 For (x64) - http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=2092
Case 3 – Invalid license This happens most of the time t ime because users don’t read the guide and run Captcha Sniper before setting it to run as admin for all users. It is very important to be set to run as admin before running it the first time
In this case you will have to delete the license file (but not before you saved it somewhere else) and make the proper settings to the CaptchaSniper.exe CaptchaSniper.exe file. right click > properties > compatibility > change settings for all users > tick run in win xp (sp3) and tick run as admin (follow the exact example mentioned at the beginning of this install guide) Now start CaptchaSniper.exe CaptchaSniper.exe and follow the steps one more time for getting the activation code. When done copy the saved license file into your Captcha Sniper folder and that’s it ;)
Case 4 – Run-time error'5' – Invalid procedure call or argument-5 This can happen in two ways: 1. When you start Captcha Sniper: In this case you would have to make sure you have installed the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package. If you didn’t please install the one that would suit your operating system from one of the links below:
For (x86) - http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=5582 For (x64) - http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=2092 In case you have installed it, it would mean you are using a different language for non Unicode Programs and please follow the steps listed at the link below in order to change that. http://econ.la.psu.edu/~hbierens/NONUNICODE.HTM In case you need the language for some other non unicode programs, you can start Captcha Sniper by using SBApplocale. Simply download the command line from fr om the link below: http://www.steelbytes.com/?mid=45 Then you can run it via command prompt like the example shown below:
SBAppLocale.exe SBAppLocale.exe 1033 "C:\Program "C:\Program Files\Captcha Sniper\CaptchaSniper.exe" Sniper\CaptchaSniper.exe" 2. When you run the test by clicking the captcha images on the right : In this case it means it is a tesseract issue and you would have to delete the following 2 lines from your registry: -
Case 5 – Run-time error '70' – Permission denied When this happens, it means that some other application is using the host file. Normally you would get this error when starting Captcha Sniper and you would get the same error when you try to close it. This happens because Captcha Captcha sniper ads entries to the host file and it reverts it once you exit. Not beeing able to do so, It will generat this error. The error message should look like in the image below:
Normally, other applications that use the host file would be an antivirus or an antispyware application. In order to find out quickly what application is using the host file, please visit the website below and download Unlocker: http://www.emptyloop.com/unlocker/
This is a little tool which is easy to install and easy to use and you can identify very quickly with it what is using the host file just by simply right clicking the host file and selecting unlocker from the menu. (please see the guide presented at the Unlocker website for more refference). After identifying the application, application, you can kill it and the problem will be solved.
4. Settings uBot and iMacros a. Simple code example For Ubot users: define $SolveCaptchas(#Image) { save element image(, "{$special folder("Application")}\\captcha.gif") shell("C:\\captchasniper\\ shell("C:\\captchasniper\\captchasniper.e captchasniper.exe xe {$special folder("Application")}\\ca folder("Application")}\\captcha.gif ptcha.gif 28") set(#Answer, $read file("C:\\captchasniper\\A file("C:\\captchasniper\\Answer.txt"), nswer.txt"), "Global") return(#Answer) }
b. iMacros Captcha solving with Captcha Sniper: This assumes you have some basic understanding of how to write a macro in iMacros. You will need to have Captcha Sniper running of course and have the t he the correct captcha type selected. This speciic example was created in iMacros for firefox. You will need to click ‘Options’ then un -check Visual effects/Highligh object when found and click ‘Apply’. Also note that the local file paths used in this demo are also specific to FireFox. 'insert this code whenever you can see the capcha image within your own macro code 'this will delete any e xisting captcha image otherwise imacros will have errors FILEDELETE NAME=c:\ captcha.jpg 'define where we want to download the captcha image ONDOWNLOAD FOLDER=c:\ FILE=captcha.jpg 'this downloads the captcha image - this line below will be specific to the form you are writing your macro for. TAG POS=1 TYPE=IMG FORM=ID:pgbSaveForm ATTR=HREF:"*asimg*" CONTENT=EVENT:SAVE_ELEMENT_SCREENSHOT 'this opens a new tab to submit the image to C aptcha Sniper and loads the file that came with your download URL GOTO=file:///C:/ captchasnipertest.html captchasnipertest.html ‘this selects the captcha image we just saved so that we can send it to Captcha Sniper TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:FILE FORM=ACTION:http://poster.decaptcher.com/ ATTR=NAME:pict CONTENT=C:\captcha.jpg ‘this sends the captcha image to Captcha Sniper TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:SUBMIT FORM=ACTION:http://poster.decaptcher.com/ ATTR=VALUE:Send ‘this extracts the answer from Captcha Sniper and saves it into a variable !VAR1 SET !EXTRACT_TEST_POPUP NO TAG POS=1 TYPE=BODY ATTR=TXT:* EXTRACT=TXT SET !VAR1 EVAL("var s=\"{{!EXTRACT}}\"; l=s.lastIndexOf(\"|\");s=s.substr(l+1);") ‘close the tab TAB CLOSE ‘set the captcha image text box to t he answer from Captcha Sniper. Again, parts of the line below will be specific to the form you are writing your macro for. TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=NAME:fpg_form ATTR=NAME:fpg_antispam CONTENT={{!VAR1}}
For support and further questions, please email us at: [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] For all license related issues, please contact us via email at: [email protected] Our team will respond to your request within within 24 hours (usually much less time).