1010 Washington Blvd. Stamford, CT 06901 USA +1 203 413-2030
[email protected]
VETTING MODULE USER’S GUIDE Version 2.1 (Apr 28, 2014)
Table of Contents Table of Contents .....................................................................................................................................................2 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................................4 1. Main Vetting Page .................................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 Selecting Views .......................................................................................................................... 6 1.3 Creating Custom Views ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 6 1.4 Column Selection....................................................................................................................... 8 1.5 Column Ordering ....................................................................................................................... 8 1.6 Column Resizing ........................................................................................................................ 9 1.7 Column Sorting ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ 10 1.8 Filtering the Data...................................................................................................................... 10 1.9 Paging....................................................................................................................................... 11 1.10 Summary Report .................................................................................................................... 11 1.11 Inspection Map ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... 11 2. Vetting Details .................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 12 2.2 Vetting Detail Pane................................................................................................................... 13 2.3 Change Log .............................................................................................................................. 15 2.4 Observations ............................................................................................................................ 16 3. Adding a New Vetting Event ............................................................................................................................. 18
3.1 New Vetting: Main Vetting Page .............................................................................................. 18 3.2 New Vetting: Current Inspection ............................................................................................. 18 4. Deleting a Vetting Event ................................................................................................................................... 18 5. Creating Questionnaires ................................................................................................................................... 19
5.1 Last SIRE/CDI Inspection ........................................................................................................ 19 5.2 Populating Questionnaires with Vetting Information ............................................................ 19 6. Notifications ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
6.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 20 6.2 Notification Types .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... 20 6.3 Subscribing to Notifications ................................................................................................... 20 7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ................. ................. ................. ................... ................. ................. ......... 21 8. Vetting Status Definitions ................................................................................................................................. 22 9. Terms & Definitions ................ .................. ................. ................. ................... ................. ................. .................. 22
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Change Log Version
March 10, 2010
Initial draft
March 20, 2010
Added section 6 (FAQs)
April 15, 2010
May 14, 2010
Applied document template Updated content to reflect new features implemented including custom column selections, due and inspected vetting status added and status basis field added.
Jun 5, 2012
Update content to reflect new grid layout and enhancements.
Jun 29, 2012
Revised Document to reflect new changes to the vetting inspection details page
Apr 28, 2014
Updated Template
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Introduction Purpose This document outlines the features of the new vetting module on Q88.com. We have split the document into logical sections in order to explain the various features of the vetting module in a clear and concise manner. At the end of the document, there is a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section which answers the most commonly asked questions about the vetting module. If you have any questions regarding this document then please email
[email protected].
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1. Main Vetting Page The main vetting page has been redesigned and now offers several new features to better help you manage the vetting status for your fleet.
1.1 Overview The below image is a screen-shot of the main vetting page; this is the new standard interface which will be used across many of the modules on Q88.com and offers several key enhancements that allow better access to manage and view your vetting records.
If you have your vessels split into multiple fleets then the ‘Fleet’ drop-down will be displayed in the top-left corner of the page. Selecting a fleet from the drop-down will refresh the view for the vessels in the selected fleet.
The ‘View’ menu allows you to select from a pre-defined list of ‘System’ views of your fleets vetting information. You also have the ability to create your own ‘Custom’ views. See Section 1.2 “Selecting Views” and Section 1.3 “Creating Custom Views” for more information.
Click the button labeled “New Inspection” to add a new inspection event.
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The “Actions” button contains several options which can be performed from this page. They are explained further below: Export to Excel: Exports the current list of vetting records to Excel Summary Report: Exports a summary of all the vessels and inspection companies to Excel. Inspection Map: This maps all the inspections for the last 12 months. Refresh Data: Refresh the underlying data from the database. Reset View: Resets the sorting and filtering for the selected View. User’s Guide: Download the User’s Guide to the Vetting Module.
1.2 Selecting Views The “View” drop-down allows you to select different ways to display the vetting information for your fleet. They are explained further below: All Inspections: All vetting inspections for your vessel which occurred in the last 2 years.. SIRE Inspections: Lists the SIRE inspections for the past 12 months for each of your vessels as well has any planning inspections after 30 days ago. CDI Inspections: Lists the CDI inspections for the past 2 years for each of your vessels as well has any planning inspections after 60 days ago. Observations: List of all the vetting inspections in the past 24 months that have any pending or unresolved observations. Planning: All vetting inspections with a planning status. Due Inspections: All the vettings which have a reminder date set that has expired. Archive: List of all inspections for the past 2 years.
1.3 Creating Custom Views In addition to the ‘System’ views explained in Section 1.2, the vetting module allows you to create our own custom views. There are two types of custom views that can be created:
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Company Views: Visible to all people in your company that have a login under your account. User Views: Only visible under our login1
• •
Click the ‘Add New View’ link to add a new Company or User view.
The ‘Add New View’ page will now be displayed: Enter the name of the view. Chose from the list of columns you wish to display for the view. Specify the criteria you wish to filter the records on.
Specify whether this will be a ‘Company’ or ‘User’ view. List of selected columns to be displayed.
Specify how the selected criteria should be logically handled.
Criteria columns available to filter records on: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • •
Activity: Type of inspection activity Activity Date: Date the inspection took place or the date the record was created if no inspection date was entered. Archived: Select ‘No’ to exclude all the archived records Ch. Engineer: Chief Engineer Comments: The last comment entered for the inspection record Cost: The cost of the inspection Due: The Inspected: Date the inspection took place Inspected By: Company performing the inspection Inspector: Name of the inspector Is Missing: Specify ‘No’ to exclude any records which the vessel does not have an inspection data for Is Planned: Specify ‘Yes’ to only include records that are planning status Issued: Date the inspection company issues their inspection results (acceptability) Master: Captains name on board during the inspection Modified By: Date the inspection record was modified Modified Date: Person who last modified the inspection record Next Due: Number of days/months until the reminder date is due Obs-Pending: Number of pending observations Obs-Resolved: Number of resolved observations Obs-Total: Total number of observations Obs-Unresolved: Number of unresolved observations
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• • • • • • • •
Operation: Type of vessel operations performed during the inspection P & C: Speficies if the inspection record was marked P&C or not. Planning: The planning status of the inspection Port Name: Port the inspection was performed Status: Status of the inspection record Status Basis: The basis of the selected status (for example: “BP SIRE Inspection Jun 12,2012”) Superintendent: Superintendent who was onboard during the inspection Type: Type of inspection (SIRE, CDI, NON-SIRE)
Editing the Criteria Pattern: Use the Criteria Pattern editor to modify the way the criteria logic is handled. The Criteria Pattern editor allows the following text to be entered: • • • •
Parentheses/Round Brackets '(' and ')': Use to group criteria together AND Operator: Use between two criteria where the records should match both criteria OR Operator: Use between two criteria where the records should match one or both criteria Criteria Row Number: #
Please note the following: • • •
If the brackets does not match it will display an error. The number of criteria entered has to match the numbers given in the criteria pattern editor. If any of the criteria numbers are missing in the Criteria Pattern editor then an error will display.
Below is a list of example criteria’s which can be entered: • • •
1 and 2 1 or 2 (1 and 2) or (3 and 4)
1.4 Column Selection The vetting grid supports custom column selections. Click the ‘Columns’ button to see a list of the columns that are available. Once the Column is added for the selected View it will remain in the grid until removed. Each vetting View will have its own set of columns which can be customized by each user. The ‘Export to Excel’ function will export the columns that have been selected in the current View.
1.5 Column Ordering The vetting grid supports column reordering. You can drag-n-drop the columns to change the order in the grid. Left-click and drag the column to another location and drop the column. The vetting grid will automatically refresh with the new column ordering set. Each vetting View will have its own column ordering which can be customized by each user.
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1.6 Column Resizing The vetting grid supports custom column resizing. Please the mouse cursor between two columns and the resize icon will be displayed ( ). Drag the column left or right and the size will be automatically adjusted. Each vetting View will have its own column ordering which can be customized by each user.
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1.7 Column Sorting The vetting grid supports multi-column sorting. An arrow is displayed next to each column which has been sorted. To sort by a specific column, click on the column header. To sort by multiple columns hold down the Shift key and click each column you wish to sort by. The screen-shot below shows the sorting by Vessel Name (ascending order) and Inspected By (descending order).
1.8 Filtering the Data The Vetting Grid supports column filtering. This is similar to the filtering available in Microsoft Excel® or SharePoint® (if you are familiar with those software applications). To filter the data, click the triangle in the header of the column you wish to filter on. A popup menu is displayed letting you select the items you wish to filter on. Click the ‘Apply Filter’ link to apply the filter on the selected items.
Once a filter has been applied the triangle in the column header will be displayed in yellow (shown below) and a dark blue bar will display across the top of the table.
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1.9 Paging By default, the Vetting Grid will display 15 records per page. You can change that option in the bottom-right corner of the page to 25 or 50 records per page. The paging buttons, shown at the bottom of the page, allow you to browse through the pages.
1.10 Summary Report The Summary report can be accessed from the ‘Actions’ button on the main vetting page. When clicked a popup is displayed where you can select the inspection companies which you wish to include in the summary report. The selections are automatically saved for the next time the report is generated.
1.11 Inspection Map The Inspection Map can be accessed from the ‘Actions’ button on the main vetting page. The Inspection Map is used to map all the inspection performed by the selected oil company over the previous 12 months. You also have the option to map the inspections by country or specific port. The data is anonymously aggregated by the ship inspections which have been entered by the ship owners using the vetting module.
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2. Vetting Details The Vetting Detail page can be accessed by clicking the “Edit” icon
in the right column for any record in the Vetting Grid
2.1 Overview The screen-shot below shows what is displayed in the vetting details page for the selected vetting.
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The header section (shown below) displays the currently selected vessel and the inspection company. The vessels date of last SIRE and CDI inspection.
Click the button labeled “New Inspection” to add a new inspection event. See Section 3. “Adding a New Vetting Event” for more information. The “Actions” button contains three options which can be selected on this page. They are explained further below: Inspection Map: This maps all the inspections for the last 12 months. See Section 1.7 “Inspection Map” for more information. Officer Matrix: Displays popup window with the Officer Matrix Compliance. User’s Guide: Link to this document
You can click the Last SIRE/Last CDI dates to see the history of previous SIRE/CDI inspections as well as planned inspections for the past 30 days.
You can change the vetting inspection company from the drop-down to easily select another company without having to go back to the main summary page.
2.2 Vetting Detail Pane The vetting details pane displays the details for the selected vetting inspection highlighted in yellow in the right pane:
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Vetting Details Field List Label Description Activity Specify the type of inspection event Inspection Screening Training Audit
Required Yes
• • • •
These Event options are defined in Section 9. “Terms & Definitions” Select one of the following for the inspection event status options: Pending Unacceptable Acceptable Not Inspected Due Inspected
• • • • • •
Status Basis Type
These Status options are defined in Section 8. “Vetting Status Definitions” Enter additional details regarding the current status of the vetting. Specify one of the following types of vetting inspection: SIRE: Reported to SIRE CDI: Reported to CDI NON-SIRE: SIRE inspection not reported to OCIMF
No No
• • •
Inspected (date)
These Type options are defined in Section 9. “Terms & Definitions” Selecting ‘Yes’ will exclude this inspection record from any questionnaire which asks for the vessels recent inspection history. Enter the date the vessel was inspected or screened.
Reminder (date)
Specify when re-inspection is due or when reminder date needs to be set
Issued (date)
Specify the date the results of the inspection were given.
No No
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Port Name
Enter the name of the port where the inspection took place.
Cost (US$)
Specify the type of vessel operations that were performed while the inspection took place. Enter the owners/managers cost for the inspection.
Enter the name of the inspector.
Enter the name of the Master onboard at the time of the inspection.
Ch. Engineer
Enter the name of the Chief Engineer onboard at the time of the inspection.
Enter the name of the Superintendent who attended the inspection
Add Comment
Specify additional details or notes about the vetting event.
Entering Notes/Documents: Use this section to add notes/documents for the selected vetting inspection.
When adding notes you can also specify that they will display for all inspections for the selected oil company.
These notes will be highlight in yellow when entered:
2.3 Change Log The Change Log is new to the vetting module; it gives you a full audit trail of all changes made to the selected vetting.
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2.4 Observations The Observations section is used to track observations that were made during physical inspection of the vessel.
Click the button labeled “New Observation” to add a new observation. The ‘Actions’ button has the following options. Export To Excel: Export the list of observations displayed to Excel View Report: Opens the Observation summary report Email Report: This generates a summary report of all the observations.
The observations has been entered in two different ‘modes’: •
VIQ: Operator comments are entered using the VIQ format (Operator Comment Initial / Operator Comment Subsequent) Root Cause Analysis: Operator comments are entered using the standard Root Cause Analysis format
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Observation Field List Label VIQ #
Description Specify the VIQ # the observation was for.
Inspector Observation
Select one of the following options: Pending Resolved Unresolved Select one of the following options: VIQ: Operator comments are entered using the VIQ format (Operator Comment Initial / Operator Comment Subsequent) Root Cause Analysis: Operator comments are entered using the standard Root Cause Analysis format Enter the inspectors’ observation description here.
Inspector Comment
Enter the inspectors’ comments to the observation here.
Operator Comments Initial Operator Comments Subsequent Root Cause
For the VIQ format, enter the operator initial comments
Required No
• • •
Corrective Action Preventative Measure
Yes No
For the VIQ format, enter the operator subsequent comments Specify the details of the root cause here when using ‘Root Cause Analysis’ mode Specify the details of the correct action here when using ‘Root Cause Analysis’ mode. Specify the details of the preventative measure here when using ‘Root Cause Analysis’ mode.
No No No
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3. Adding a New Vetting Event There are three options for adding a new vetting inspection.
3.1 New Vetting: Main Vetting Page Click the button labeled “New Inspection” to add a new inspection event. A popup is displayed where you can specify the vessel and inspection company.
3.2 New Vetting: Current Inspection You can add a new inspection event while you are viewing the current inspection event for the vessel.
A new inspection record is created:
4. Deleting a Vetting Event There are two options for deleting a vetting inspection. Delete: This will delete the selected vetting event. Archive: This will archive all the records for the selected vetting.* Note: If a new record is generated at a later date then the vetting history is restored to its original state.
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5. Creating Questionnaires 5.1 Last SIRE/CDI Inspection Many questionnaires ask for the latest SIRE or CDI inspection that was made on the vessel. When this question is asked you will see the below displayed in the questionnaire.
If you select ‘Yes’ for the question highlighted above, then the latest SIRE/CDI inspection data is drawn from the vetting module. If you select ‘No’ then you have the option to enter your answers manually in the text boxes shown above.
5.2 Populating Questionnaires with Vetting Information When creating questionnaires the system will automatically populate the questions which ask for the vessels acceptability by the oil majors. Only vetting records that have a status of ‘Acceptable’ and the Type field has not been set to ‘P&C’ will be used to populate the answer in the questionnaire. If the questionnaire asks for the inspections that were preformed on the vessel then it will populate the answer to the questionnaire with all the records that have a port and date set where the Type field has not been set to ‘P&C’.
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6. Notifications 6.1 Overview There are several types of notifications that are generated by the system when records are changed in the vetting module.
6.2 Notification Types Event New Record
Description When an inspection event or planning event is added. Status Change When the status of an inspection event or planning event is changed. Deleted Record When an inspection record or planning record is deleted. Vetting Due If the status of the inspection event is set to ‘Acceptable’ and the due date (when specified) has passed. Planning Reminder If you set the reminder date in the planning section for a vetting then you will receive an email when the reminder date has passed. Weekly Email A weekly email is sent to notify you of all the due vettings within the next 60 days.
When Notification Is Sent Immediate
Immediate Immediate Daily at 12:01 GMT
Daily at 12:01 GMT
Every Thursday at 21:00 GMT
6.3 Subscribing to Notifications You can subscribe to the vetting email notifications from the “Account / Edit Profile” menu. Click the ‘Notifications’ icon at the top of the page.
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7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Question:
The ‘Select Vessel’ drop-down box is not longer available, how can I view just the vettings for a single vessel?
Use the ‘Filter’ option on the ‘Vessel Name] column to select the vessel you wish to view the records for
Where did the ‘Status basis’ textbox go?
The ‘Status basis’ textbox has been incorporated into the ‘Event’ drop-down. If you wish to enter additional information regarding the vetting event then this can be done in the remarks textbox.
I really messed up the sorting a filtering of one of the views, is there a way to reset it back to its original settings?
Yes, click the ‘Actions’ button and select ‘Reset View’
Where did the link to the vetting map go?
All the links which used to be displayed in the header section have been moved to t he ‘Actions’ button.
Where is the expiration date field?
We have replaced the expiration date with a due date. Most oil companies no longer give a blanket approval for a specific period of time. For this reason we have replaced ‘Expires’ with ‘Due’ so you can set a reminder when you need to have the vessel re-inspected with the selected inspection company.
The Questionnaire 88 is showing the wrong ‘Last SIRE’ inspection information for one of my vessels, how can I fix this?
When you edit the Questionnaire 88 you will need to select ‘Yes’ for the question highlighted below. This will ensure that the last SIRE inspection data is drawn from the vetting module. If you select ‘No’ then you have the option to enter your answers manually in the text boxes below.
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How do I stop another company from getting the vetting email notifications?
If you have granted another company access to your vessel and they have the rights to access the vetting module for your vessel then they are entitled to request
8. Vetting Status Definitions Acceptable:
Ship has passed the most recent inspection/screening and to the best of our knowledge is considered acceptable.
Indicated that the vessel has been presented to the inspection company and the request for inspection was made but the vetting group declined to inspect.
The standard period normally allowed between inspections has been exceeded and the ship may be considered unacceptable unless an extension or further information is available for screening/review.
The ship has been physically inspected by the inspection company or being reviewed basis SIRE/CDI and we are awaiting the results of the inspection/review.
Not Inspected:
Indicated that the vessel has either not been presented to the inspection company for review thus never inspected or a request for inspection was made but the vetting group declined to inspect.
The ship has been physically inspected by the inspection company or being reviewed basis SIRE/CDI and we are awaiting the results of the inspection/review.
The head-owners have been requested to apply for an inspection of the vessel at the first port of call, as appropriate.
Indicates that the inspection company has confirmed an inspection will be done at the upcoming specified port of call.
The ship was inspected / screened by the inspection company and failed the inspection or the ship is not acceptable due age, hull type, or other requirement which vessel cannot satisfy.
9. Terms & Definitions CDI:
Chemical distribute Institute: A chemical industry ship inspection process and database. Managed through joint representation by charterers and ship managers.
Any type of inspection that is not related to an inspection company inspecting the vessel for vetting purposes (for example: ISM audit)
The standard period normally allowed between inspections has been exceeded and the ship may be considered unacceptable unless an extension or further information is available for screening/review.
To select data. Filters use patterns (masks) against which all data are compared and only matching data
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are "passed through," hence the concept of a filter. Inspection
A physically inspection by the company vetting the vessel.
Private and Confidential
Planned Inspection:
As inspection that has been planned for the future.
The review of a previous SIRE or CDI report by the inspection company. Additional sources of information are usually used to
Ship Inspection Report Exchange: The OCIMF managed database system that will hold the Inspection Reports carried out by participating members. The aim is to reduce the duplication of the number of inspections carried out on vessels.
Sorting is any process of arranging items in some sequence and/or in different sets, and accordingly, it has two common, yet distinct meanings: # ordering: arranging items of the same kind, class, nature.
Vetting Grid:
The main vetting page which lists all the vetting inspections for your fleet.
The predefined list of options for viewing the records. Each View contains its own set of columns, filtered data and default sort order.
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