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PLEASE use these spells wisely and don t forget the THREE FOLD LAW! The author will not take any responsibilility for using these spells contained within this ebook..
Candle Mag Magic ic Candle Magic has been around for many, many years, being traced as far back as the Palaeolithic era. It is a very powerful form of sympathetic magic. There are many factors that play into the art of candle magic. As we know any type typ e of magic magi c that is performed performed wil wi ll return to you thre th reee fold, whether it be positi pos itiveve or nega n egativtive.e. Always Alw ays keep kee p the the Wicca Wicca Reed Ree d An harm har m tot o none no ne do what thou wilt in mind when consider consider ing your work. Always Always keep in mind that magic effect s the entire world around you. Be very careful what you ask for, for , fof or iti t may m ay well we ll come true. tru e. The wordi wor dingng in any type type of magic mag ic must mus t not n ot be taken lightly, be very careful, concise, and precise, make sure you have covered all possib pos siblele bases. bas es. Keep in mind that some candle cand le magic has has to be repeated over a period ofof days. Therefore, you will want to place them in an area that th at will not be disturbed. Do not choose a place where there is a TV, radio noise or disturbances disturbances of any kind. Keep in mind to not put candles near curtains and such, as you would w ould not want to burn your house down. Candle magic should always be performed in a low traffic area. That is why a bedroom is really nice for such work. Your Altar: You may use anything that has a flat top.. I use an old trunk with a piece of
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plywoo ply woodd ono n it.i t. Be creati cre ative.. ve.. As for a cove c overr I use white whi te becaus bec ausee of it s kind of a mult mu ltipurpose ipurpose colours. Although Althou gh some som e magic specifies specifies a colours then what ever colours is specified specified sho s hould uld beb e used. used . Again Agai n, be creativ reati ve... Keep in mind that candle magic is usually done in condensed areas so keep keep things as simplist s implisticic as you can, ca n, especially your candlesticks and censors. censors. Incense: There are some who believe that incense is unimportant in candle magic. I cannot imagine performing performi ng candle candle magick without the incense. The type that you use may be specified in a specific specific spell, if that is the case ca se by all means use that. Generally, I use three kings incense as well as vervain. Vervain gives the spell working working a little little umph. But B ut then again nothing is set in stone.. Be creative. Incense symbolizes Air... as the smoke rises rises our thoughts are carried up into the universe. Preparing of the Practitioner: Prior to your spell working working prepare yourself a nice relaxing bath. Add a hand full of sea se a salt sa lt to g et your y our charges charg es set where they need to be. b e. Ligh L ightt a few candles, turn turn off the light and relax. Clear y our mind of the the junk you have h ave picked pic ked up through out the day. day . Vis V isual ualize ize the water water washin washingg all a ll the negativi negativity ty away from you. It is very important that your mind be at ease and clear prior to any spell working. Cleansing & Consecrating: This is a very important step and should not be omitted. Cleansing C leansing removes all the negative energies that the candle has picked up along the way. A s with all
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supplies you want your candles cand les to tot o bebe as free of psyc p sychic hic debris debr is as possibl poss ible.e. Submerg Subm ergee the the cand c andle le in sea salt and the ask The Lord and lady to bless it. I could give you the phrasi phr asingng but b ut I thin t hinkk iti t isi s bett b etterer when whe n iti t come c omess from f rom your you r own heart he art.. I cleanse and consecrate this candle in the name of the Lord and the Lady. May it burn with strength in the service of the light. Then state your you r intent or the purpose of the candle. Inscribing: Inscribe on the candle your desire i.e Love me, money, luck, ect Candle Annointing Annoint your candle with the oil that you have chosen. This is done by placing a little of the oil on your fingertips. Grasp the candle ata t its midpoint with your left index finger finger and thumb, th umb, and use your right index finger and thumb to stroke st roke oil on the can ca ndle frf rom the midpoint midpoint up to the top of the candle. Next, Ne xt, grasp the candle at its midpoint midpoint with your right right index finger and thumb, and use your you r left left index finger finge r and thumb t humb to stroke oil on the candle from the t he midpoint down to the bottom of the candle. ca ndle. Continue in this fashion until the entire candle has been annointed. All-purpose Candle Annointing Oil 1 cup rose petals 1 cup violets 1 cup water 1 cup olive oil 1 tablespoon clove oil
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2 teaspoons powdered cinnamon 1 tablespoon powdered myrrh 1/4 cup wild fennel seeds For more recipes See Oils Charging a candle with your personal energy While ritually annointing your candle, visualize a pure white beam of light coming up from Mother Earth, entering your body through the soles of your feet and another beam of white light coming down from the Universe and entering your body through the top of your head. Envision the energy of these beams of light flowing throughout your body and mingling together, finally concentrating in your hands, causing them to feel warm and to tingle. Now continue to stroke your candle until you feel the energy from your hands transfer to the candle. Your candle is now charged with your personal energy and magickal intent. Empowering To empower a stone, place it in your left hand (your right hand, if left-handed) and place against your "third eye" chakra (this is located on your forehead between your eyebrows). Now concentrate strongly on what power you want the stone to have (to help you quit smoking, to bring peace, to attract success, to draw love, etc.). You may wish to verbalize this, such as "amethyst, I empower you with the ability to help me quit smoking", or "aventurine, I empower you with the ability to draw good luck to me", etc. When you feel the stone has been properly empowered, it is ready for use in your magick. One of the simplest of magical arts which comes under the deading of natural
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magic is candle burning. It is simple because it employs little ritual and few ceremonial artefacts. The theatrical props of candle magic can be purchased at any department store and its rituals can be practiced in any sitting room or bedroom. Most of us have performed our first act of candle magic by the we are two years old. Blowing out the tiny candles on our first birthday cake and making a wish is pure magic. This childhood custom is based on the three magical principals of concentration, will power and visualization. In simple terms, the child who wants his wish to come true has to concentrate {blow out the candles}, visualize the end result {make a wish} and hope that i will come true {will power}. The candles you use for any type of magical use should be virgin, that is unused. Under no circumstances use a candle which has already adorned a dinner table or been used as a bedroom candle or night-light. There is a very good occult reason for not using anything but virgin materials in magic. Vibrations picked up by second hand materials or equipment my disturb your workings and negate their effectiveness. Some magicians who are artistically inclined prefer to make their own candles for ritual and magical use. This is a very practical exercise because not only does it impregnate the candle with your own personal vibrations, but the mere act of making your own candle is magically potent. Specialist shops sell candle was and moulds together with wicks, perfumes, and other equipment. The hot was is heated until liquid and then poured into the mould through which
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a suitably sized wick has already been threaded. The wax is then left to cool and once is this has occurred the mould is removed, leaving a perfectly formed candle. Special oil-soluble dyes and perfumes can be added to the wax before the cooling process is complete to provide suitable colours and scents for a particular magical ritual. Craft shops which sell candle making supplies can also provide do-it-yourself books explaining the technicalities of the art to the beginner. Once you have purchased or made your ritual candle it has to be oiled or 'dressed' before burning. The purpose of dressing the candle is to establish a psychic link between it and the magician through a primal sensory experience. By physically touching the candle during the dressing procedure, you are charging it with our personal vibrations and also concentrating the desire of your magical act into the wax. The candle is becoming an extension of the magician's mental power and life energy. When you dress a candle for magical use, imagine that it is a psychic magnet with a North and a South pole. Rub the oil into the candle beginning at the top or North end and work downwards to the half-way point. Always brush the same direction downwards. This process is then repeated by beginning at the bottom or south end and working up to the middle. The best type of oils to use for dressing a candles are natural ones which can be obtained quite easily. Some occult suppliers will provide candle magic oils with exotic names. If the magician does not want to use these, he can select soluble perfumes sold by craft shops for inclusion in candles can be recommended. The candles you use can be coloured in accordance with the following magical
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uses: white-spirituality and peace red-health, energy, strength, courage, sexual potency. pink-love affection and romance. yellow-intellectualism, imagination, memory and creativity green-fertility, abundance, good luck and harmony blue-inspiration, occult wisdom, protection and devotion purple-material wealth, higher psychic ability, spiritual power and idealism silver-clairvoyance, inspiration, astral energy and intuition orange-ambition, carrier matters and the law. If you wanted to use candle magic for healing, you would select a red candle to burn. To pass an exam, burn a yellow candle, to gain esoteric knowledge burn a blue candle or for material gain, burn a purple one. Its is obvious these colours relate to the signs of the zodiac and the planetary forces. The simplest form of candle magic is to write down the objective of your ritual on a virgin piece of paper. You can use colour paper which matches the candle. Write your petition on the paper using a magical alphabet, such as Theban, enochian, malachain, etc. As you write down what you want to accomplish through candle magic--a new job, healing for a friend , a change of residence, a new love affair, etc.--visualize your dream coming true. Visualize the circumstances under which you employer telling you that your salary has been increased or conjure up a vision of your perfect love partner. When you have completed writing down your petition, carefully fold up the paper in a deliberately show fashion. Place the end of the folded paper in the candle flame and set light to it. As you do this concentrate once more on what you want from life. When you have completed your ritual, allow the candle to have completely
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burned away. you do not need to stay with the candle after the ritual, but make sure that it is safe and that red-hot was will not cause damage or fire. Never re-use a candle which has been lit in any magical ritual. It should be only be used in that ritual and then allowed to burn away or be disposed of afterwards. If you are conducting a magical ritual which involves two people {e.g. an absent healing for a person some distance away} then the second person can be symbolically represented during the ritual by anther candle. All you need to do is find out the subject's birth date and burn the appropriate candle for that zodiacal sign. You can, also write there name in the candle and if possible, create an empathic link, if possible with a picture, some hair, a finger nail etc. Also, if you can, get a candle the appropriate shape (male/female) or inscribe a female sign - male sign - . If you want, you can inscribe all this below the candle. Remember, to dress a candle, dress from the middle to the top, then from the middle to the bottom. The zodiacal correspondences are as follows: Aries Red Taurus Green Gemini Yellow Cancer Silver Leo Orange Virgo Yellow Libra Pink Scorpio Red
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Sagittari Purple us Capricor Black n Aquarius Blue Pisces
Candles Shapes and Figures Adam and Eve Candles: These are human figure candles that come in a variety of colours. They can be used for anything from love (Pink) to gaining a new job (Green). Just use your imagination and the information in this site. Altar Candles: The Altar Candles are used to represent the Deities or Powers with which you wish to communicate. This is a method of honouring them and their presence while tapping into their energy. Two Altar Candles are placed on the altar, one to the left side and one to the right. The candles must always be taller and longer burning than any others on the altar. They must be lit first and extinguished last. Which of the Altar Candles is lit first depends on the type of Magick you are performing. Colour not withstanding, the right candle represents male energy while the left represents female energy. Colours will vary from system to system and from Deity to Deity. Astral Candles: These are "Personal Candles" of colours and shapes you feel right for you or another person. They are not to be confused with Zodiac Candles (listed later) that are affixed to you by birth sign. Astrological Candles: See
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Zodiac Candles. Cat Candle: the Cat Candles are used for luck, jinx- breaking, and hexing, depending on the oils and energies placed into the candle. They are usually are found in three basic colors: Black: used to banish bad luck and bring good luck. Gamblers should alter burning times between seven and eleven minutes per night. Red: generally used for gaining the love of another by feminine (feline) guile. Green: can be used to obtain money of a transient nature or to heal a sick pet. Compass Candle: A Compass or Directional Candle is employed to help you determine a specific direction to take in life. It is usually a taper that drips freely when lit. After assigning each of the four quarters a direction that you believe you would like your life to proceed in, observe the candle closely. The wax will drip in the direction that is best for you to take, not necessarily the one you might want, but you will be told what is best based on your present abilities. Cross or Crucifix Candle: Sometimes referred to as the "Flora" or "Floral Cross" Candle, this comes in a variety of colours. It is generally burnt for protection and banishing. It can be used to represent angels which are called in to protect the home. One angel for each day of the week in the appropriate colour. De- hexing Candle: The best colours of De-hexing Candles are Gray, Silver, Black and bi-coloured Reversible Candles. Black: Absorbs anything coming to you. Gray: neutralizes anything coming to you. Silver: reflects the incoming energy back to the sender. The curse, jinx or crossing that was meant for you now rests on the sender.
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With the grey colour, your energy must remain neutral. Reversible Colour: is usually found in a combination of Red and Black, with the Black absorbing the incoming energy and the Red concentrating it, and returning it to the sender with interest. Devil Candle: This ominous candle is used to banish a jinxed or crossed condition in the home or place of employment, or about one's person. It is commonly used to exorcise someone of undesirable habits, energies, and entities. Mainly used in conjunction with the Psalms. It can be used to create a jinx, hex, or crossed condition. Devotional Candle: Devotional Candles, a from of Novena Candle, are usually those found in picturesque, heat resistant glass containers. Double/Triple Action Candle: Double Action Candles have two colours. They are usually referred to as dual action or dual purpose candles. Exemplified by the Red and Black Reversible candle mentioned above. Triple Action Candles have one more colour than the double action ones, hence one more action in combination. As an example, a typical triple action combination would be Red (passion), White (protection), and Green (money). Floating Wick Candle: This candle merely exchanges the wax body for one of fragrant oils. A floating wick is suspended in the oil that lies within a decorative holder. These not only are beautiful at social gatherings, but you can remove stale cooking or smoke odours as well. You can energize the oil body as you would a wax body, but you must do so through the glass as the oil has no solid structure. Glass Oil Candle: Though similar to the Floating Wick Candle by virtue of using oil instead of wax in a
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(glass) container, the Glass Oil Candle's wick does not float. It is suspended into the oil body from a separate metal or glass fixture. The Glass Oil Candle comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colours, and is extremely useful in Magick as a Perpetual Flame or Altar Candle. The fragrant oils can be exchanged to match the Magick you are performing. The thick glass is usually safe and heat resistant. The container usually has a small opening where new oil can be added without extinguishing the flame. As many of the containers are transparent, it is easy to see when the oil needs replacing. As an Altar Candle for a magickal act, use the glass tapers. A neutral yet high vibrational oil in a thick crystal taper burns long after your Magick is complete. When using the Glass Oil Candle in a magickal act, always imbue the container first with your will. Do not anoint the container however. Instead, with your will, imbue the oil meant to go into the container. In this way, the container has stored energy and power along with the oil. Hand of Glory Candle: The Hand of Glory Candle and spell dates well into the early Middle Ages. According to Anna Riva in Candle Burning Magick, the spell was attributed to Albertus Magnus. Whether Magnus was the originator of this work or was simply passing on even older folk lore is not known. The real danger of not understanding the "whys" or "hows" of Magick is well depicted with this legend. It also illustrates the real need for you to master the basics and then build upon them for your own understanding of Magick.
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There are several legends on how to obtain and use the Hand of Glory. Generally, the hand of a hanged thief or some successful criminal (at least until he was hanged) was taken, then processed and dipped into hot wax. The hand was then set afire so that the light from it would render its carrier invisible, along with paralyzing anyone seeing it. Before you start digging around in your local graveyard, let's examine the thoughts behind this magickal legend. First, the taking of the hand of an executed man, once a thief, now a spirit and invisible to mortal eyes, was believed to bestow his invisibility trait to the possessor. Second, the legend is so incomplete that the exact "facts" cannot be ascertained. You can do much better with Creative Visualization or Candle Magick and leave the hands with the owners. With Creative Visualization, you can cloak yourself in a cloud of mist using the energy from the solar plexus. This raises the bodily vibrations tot he point of invisibility. I use this method on our car when a traffic cop is getting ready to pounce. Remember though to lift the veil before driving off or you may find yourself in frequent auto accidents! With Candle Magick, you can control the mind of those you wish to be invisible to by using image candles. By willing others not to see you, you can come and go as you please. Combining the two methods for a more theatrical approach, obtain some graveyard dust. Create a white, wax image candle of yourself, including the dust within the wax. Conjure your Magick around
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your will and your desire to become invisible to others. As you burn the candle, envision yourself surrounded by a white cottony substance. This takes a lot of concentration, since anytime you lose your concentration, you drop the veil and again will be visible. The Guardian Flame Candle: There are many magicians who will only light a ritual candle with the "Sacred Flame" that has been dedicated to a Deity. This flame stands as a guardian in the home or temple. The glass Oil Candle is excellent for his purpose. Household Candle: An all-purpose candle used for Magick. Invocation Candle: An Altar Candle used to invoke a specific Deity. The Seven-Day Novena Candle is frequently used as an Invocation Candle as it is tall and will normally outlast other candles on the altar. Jumbo Candle: A larger, thicker version of the Household Candle. Knob Candle: this candle has seven small knobs, one atop another, and stand approximately seven inches high. One knob can be burnt each day while concentrating on what you desire to manifest into your life. A separate oil is used for each knob or an all purpose oil can be used on all seven knobs, the choice is yours. The Black Seven Knob Candle provides an excellent way to banish undesirable energies from your home and the surrounding area. Burn one knob each day, starting on the Full Moon and working until the New Moon for best results. Use a Green Seven Knob Candle or a White Seven Knob Candle to build a protective wall around your home and those you love. Mummy Candle: Traditionally, this candle is used to acquire success and power. We prefer to
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use to ward off illness, dangerous situations, or the specter of death. Novelty Candle: Any candle that is not housed in glass and has a shape other than cylindrical. Some examples of the Novelty Candle are the Cat Candle, the Skull Candle, the Seven Knob Candle, and the Adam and Eve Candles. Novena Candle: generally, this is a seven- to twelve-day, glass-enclosed candle. Frequently it is inscribed with pictures of various Saints along with prayers or chants on the reverse. Seven-Day Novena: This long-burning candle is housed within a thick, heat resistant glass, and comes in three varieties: Plain Novena, the Spiritual Novena, and the Specialty Novena. Each comes unscented and in a variety of colored wax and glass casings. Plain Novena: This is an unmarked Seven-Day Candle found in a variety of colors. Spiritual Novena: This candle comes with various depictions of Saints or Holy Personages on the glass container along with specific prayers or petitions to that Saint. The scene in which the Saint is depicted is usually a clue as to the Saint's power and use. Specialty Novena: This candle is made of specific colours and sports specific designs on the glass container. It is named for the various actions it is to perform, and is often confused with the Novelty Candle. Remember, Novelty Candles do not come in glass containers and are not cylindrically shaped. Their names include Lucky 13, Controlling, Double Action, Reversible and many others. Offertory Candle: This is the name for the main candle that offers your desires, goals, or wishes out to the Universe for manifestation.
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It is also known as a Purpose Candle. Phallus Candle: A candle in the shape of the male organ, it can be used for anything dealing with male sexuality, sterility, or impotence. Protection Candle: A candle of any shape and size. The colour here is what counts. Burn a White candle or a Saint Candle whenever doing destructive Magick (banishing disease, for example) to protect yourself from harm. Also use Silver if you are doing destructive Magick against another person who also knows Magick, Should your Magick return unexpectedly, neutralize it with a Gray Candle. Some Novena Candles are considered Protection Candles. San Capistrano to keep away enemies; Saint Anthony for a job; Saint Jude for court problems; Sacred Heart fro Marriage; Santa Clara for drug and addiction problems; Saint Michael for general protection. Whenever using the Saints, always write down your desire nine times on parchment and tape it to the candle bottom. Using the Saints is not hard as the prayers are usually inscribe right into the candle containers. Re-birthing Candle: A candle, with three or more days of burning time, that is used to guide the dead across to peace and rest. Skull Candle: This candle, shaped in the form of a human skull, comes in several colours, the most common of which are Black, White, Red, and Green. Traditionally, the Green Skull Candle is used to make someone who is gullible easier to separate fro his or her money. It can be used to heal mental or physical disorder of the mind, brain or cranium. We have used the Green Skull Candle to aid in memory retention fro College. A Friend of ours had a brain tumour and asked for help. As the Black Skull is normally used to cause great harm, suffering and pain, we focused that
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destructive power and directed it toward the tumour. It stopped enlarging and then could be removed safely by surgery. We then used the Green Skull on a waxing Moon to promote health and healing. The Red Skull could be used to force someone physically to move away or to make him or her fall out of love with another person. Of course, the reverse could also be attempted depending on the Moon Cycle. The White Skull Candle is the best one to use to bend someone to your will, contrary to our chart, as the Yellow Skull is very hard to find. This is a very good reason to learn to make your own candles. Skull Candles of the appropriate colours can be of great aid to activists who must deal with bureaucracies. The large entities can be equated to headless monsters that feed off the life energies of their employees. By using the Skull Candle to represent the thought form of the bureaucracy, you can tap this thought form's energy and thus control much of what happens to it. By making the thought form feed upon itself, you can destroy it or allow it to restructure. Snake or Bust Away Candle: This candle is used to break free or "bust away" from evil. It is used to break free of undesirable conditions, situations or habits. Specialty Candle: The same as the Specialty Novena Candle mentioned previously. As the use of Novena and Specialty Candles varies a bit from my own method of candle Magick, the colours, oils, and traditional meanings will vary slightly from what has been told to you here in this site. As Anna Riva has a wonderful book entitled Devotions to the Saints, further reference is not required here. Vigil Candle: Any candle will suffice when burnt not only for
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a long period of time for another's benefit but also to peacefully demonstrate for a cause or action. Witch Candle: Traditionally used as an extremely potent love candle, the idea of being to "bewitch" your intended. Yoni Candle: The female counterpart of the Phallus Candle. Shaped like a Vulva, this candle is used in sex Magick, safe birthing, and most anything dealing with women and their sexuality. Zodiac or Astrological Candle: This candle is used to represent each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac. It is specifically coloured, scented, and adorned with the information pertinent to the individual sign. Its use, normally in conjunction with other candles, is to represent your goal or target. The Zodiac Candle would be placed on the altar and then moved closer to the target candle to simulate the merging of the two. Colour Meanings Red: Strength, Energy, Passion, Love, Courage, Career Goals, Healing, Power, Willpower Blue: Peace, Truth, Sleep, Healing, Hope, Friendship, Protection, Calm, Creativity, Patience, Wisdom Yellow: Mental Powers, New Home, Charm, Confidence, Visions, Attraction, Mental Powers Orange: Success, Stimulate energy, Justice, Attraction, Seal a Spell Green: Healing, Success, Good Luck, Beauty, Money, Pink: Love, Fidelity, Friendship, Honor, Harmony Gold: Solar Deities, Attraction Brown: Animal Magick, Locate Lost Objects, Home, Herb Magick, Friendship
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Purple: Psychic Ability, Success, Wisdom, Power, Spiritually Growth, Independence White: Truth, Peace, Purity, Lunar Magick, Protection, Happiness, Masculine Divine Silver: Encourage, Remove Negativity, Quick Money, Gambling, Black: Binding, Repelling, Protection Colour Correspondences For More Colour Properties These are the colours of the week: Monday: White Tuesday: Red Wednesday: Purple Thursday: Green Friday: Blue Saturday: Black Sunday: Yellow COLOURS FOR MAGICK Abstinence or Sobriety: PURPLE, BLACK Children or Fertility: GREEN, especially a lt. spring green Confidence: ROYAL BLUE Courage: BRIGHT RED Friendship: ROYAL BLUE, GOLD, GOLDEN BROWN, TAN Healing or Health: Med. GREEN, ROSE
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Home (new): BRIGHT ORANGE, SUNLIGHT YELLOW Home (blessing): ROSE, GOLD Home (purification): WHITE, Lt. BLUE Hope: SKY BLUE Inner Peace: Lt. BLUE, LAVENDER, WHITE Joy: RAINBOW Love: ROSE Money, Prosperity, Wealth: GOLD, EMERALD GREEN Protection (physical): BLUE Protection (psychic): SILVER Spiritual Growth: VIOLET, PURPLE, LAVENDER Success: GOLD, ROYAL BLUE COLOURS OF THE ZODIAC Aquarius: Lt. Blue Pisces: Aquamarine Aires: Red Taurus: Green Gemini: Yellow, Silver Cancer: White Leo: Gold
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Virgo: Gray Libra: Royal Blue Scorpio: Red, Black Sagittarius: Dk. Blue, Purple Capricorn: Black, Dk. Brown And Now for some Candle Spells Candle Spell for Money " Tools: " A black or green candle " Athame, pin, or something with a point " " Purify and cast a circle. " On the ides s of your candle, etch your name and words such as money, wealth, or any other words of power. Light the candle and grasp it firmly in your hands until you feel your pulse throbbing beneath your fingers-a sign that your aura is mingling with the candle`s aura, and that your intentions are firmly grounded in the candle. " Project for what you want, saying something like " "May thiscandle bring me wealth and prosperity." " Leave the candle in an undistur bed place to burn out.
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" This spell, like all others, should not be abused. " This spell would be most effective if cast on a Thursday, which is ruled by Jupiter; it would also be beneficial to cast it on or before the Full Moon. ATTRACT MONEY Here s a simple spell you can adapt into a spell box or bottle(same concept as the box, but you use a bottle with a cork stopper) " One green candle, " Patchouli oil, " Cedar shavings, " 3 whole nutmegs, " 2 cinnamon sticks, " 2 quarters, 2 dimes, 2 nickels, 2 pennies, " Paper and green pencil or marke r. Rub the candle with the oil, and empower it with your energy and light it. Draw you need on the paper.(Draw an unpaid bill that s worrying you, or groceries, or whatever you need the money for.) Always draw with power and visualize your need. (If you re going to use a spell box or bottle, then just kind of follow the love spell box spell(see love spell section) and throw in your own chants.) Charge each ingredient then place it on the paper while visualizing. Then pick up the paper and scoop the ingredients into the cauldron. Light the paper in the
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candle flame, and place it in the cauldron to burn while chanting and visualizing your need being fulfilled. Then bury the contents of the cauldron in your garden , but retrieve the money and wash it off and put it straight into your purse/wallet. Relight the candle every night for 13 minutes while visualizing until the candle is gone. Medieval Ritual For Reversing A Candle Spell Do this five nights in a row, at dusk, as th sun dies, and the darkness descends. Light 2 black candles, and as they burn, speak this invocation: In the name of the Gods and all ye Spirits, In the name of Kernunnos, and the light, and the dark, and the Gods of the Netherworld. Remove thy curse and sting from my heart and mine. And whosoever shall be casting a curse against me, let he/she suffer their own curse. Let these candles, be their candles, this burning be their burning, this curse be their curse. Let the pain they have cause me and mine, fall upon themselves. The two candles are completely burned each night. How To Break Spells If a spell has backfired (and sometimes they do) and it continues, you must break it. Choose the first Saturday after a Full Moon, or the Full Moon itself. Use one white candle and one black candle
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for balance. Your props should be of a protective nature; therefore you would use amethyst, apache tears or smokey quartz for gemstones. Write a spell to undo what you have done, and be specific. For example: On the Eve of ________, I cast a spell and the effects I created I must now quell. Specifically, __________, May this spell be lifted and I now be gifted Specifically with ____. Be assured that a spell does not last longer than thirty days, unless you have put a time limit on it, or performed it during special astrological correspondences that have inbued it with a time limit of its own. To Return a Hex Light three black candles, and as they burn, speak this charm, for thrice return: " Broken this spell, broken this curse, " By these Candles, By this verse, " Reflected back, three times three, " Your Hexes have no effect on me, " Curse return by Candles three, " Burn away, and set me free, " Live and learn, crash and burn, " Three times three, this Hex return, " With harm to none, this lesson be told, " Whatever is sent out, retur ns three fold. Allow Candles to burn themselves out. Do this 5 nights in a row, during
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the waxing moon, at dusk, as the sun dies, and darkness decends. Banish Illness Burn a black candle annointed with banishing oil, and burn banishing incense. Concentrate on whatever the health problem may be by saying: " As this candle burns, " So the illness turns, " Melted like this wax, " Cut like with an axe, " Remove and banished, " All disabilities vanished, " As my word you see, " Radiant Health Blessed Be! Let the candle burn until done. Then bury ashes from incense and leftover wax. HEALING SPELL Healing a friend or relative: " Purple paper, " White yarn or string,
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" A pair of scissors, " Fresh violets, " Black pen, " A purple candle, " A small vase or hol der(for flowers.) This spell is best if performed when the moon is full, but you can do it whenever you feel it necessary. Light the candle and fill the small vase with water. Place the freshly cut violets in the little vase and say a chant, focusing on the well- being of the person and the healing of their ailments. Cut a heart out of the purple paper, and write the name of the person on the other side. Poke a small hole in the top right side of the heart and thread the white string throught it, tie it, and attach it to the vase. Give the little vase of violets to the target person and await their recovery. Fertility Spell " Patchouly oil " Sandlewood incense " 2 pine cones
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" 3 wheat heads " Green candle " Green marker, and paper Rub the oil on the candle and anoint yourself around the womb area with a drop of oil. Light the candle and incense and place the pine cones and wheat into a cauldron or metal container. Visualize your Magickal goal and use the marker to draw yourself on the right hand side of the paper as you are now-draw yourself as you want to be on the left side(flat belly--pregnant belly will do just fine.) Visualize your goal while drawing--when you fell you`ve visualized enough , tear the paper in half and fold the left side with your goal drawn on it into a small square and lace it in your pocket. Then light the other paper in the candle flame and place it in the cauldron to burn. Chant or pray for your goal to be realized as you watch the paper burn. Bury the contents of the cauldron in your yard--preferable a garden--leave an offering of a small crumb of cake on a crystal plate for any good spirits or fairies who might happen by. Stay positive so you don`t attract the attention of any jealous or bad fairies! Keep the paper with your goal drawn on it with you at all times until your wish is granted. Then you can place it in a safe place for luck. " Goddess of fertility, " let it be,
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" bring a child to love, " for me. " So Mote It Be! A LOVE SPELL " 2 white cloths (handkerchiefs are fine) " A bowl of blue water(add food colour) " Pink candle " Red or pink ribbon " Lavender Oil Rub the candle with the oil and light it. Hold the 2 cloths and gaze into the candle flame while visualizing perfect love and romance. Chant, sing, whatever helps you empower the cloth`s with love. Twist the cloth`s together while continuing to chant and visualize. Wad them into a loose ball and tie them loosely with the ribbon. Place it in the bowl of blue water and set it where it can remain undisturbed. Slowly stir the water and gaze into it while visualizing what you want every morning or evening. You can burn the candle until it`s gone while you do this. It`s fine if the ribbon falls off and the cloth`s untwist. When you meet your
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love, pour the water out and keep the cloth`s/ribbon. Love Spell-To bring your true love to you. Soak one of your socks in Rose Water. Allow it to dry, and then place it under your bed. Each night, send out the thought that you want your true love to come and see you. After a month has gone by, burn a red candle at sunset, and think of the love you have to offer. Repeat this procedure for seven nights in a row. Soon your love will come to you. From: The magick of spells and curses............By Donna Rose Love Spell Box First of all you need a box! If you are handy with wood go ahead and make a small wooden box with a lid.Or you can buy one at your local Hobby Store. Once you have the box you`ll need to cleanse it and charge it with energy. Take the box out under a full moon, and face the four corners(North, South, East,West) while chanting and asking the blessings and power and the spirit you are facing (face North and chant to the North Spirit, face South and chant etc...) Once the box is properly cleared of negative energy, you can cast your spell. " Small handful of dr ied rose petals " 2 tablespoons of dried lavender " 2 rose quartz rystals c
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" 2 small silver rings (new)-you don`t want negative past energy involved. " 1 pink candle " paper and pink pencil or marker " scissors Gather energy! Cut the paper into a heart shape then draw a love symbol on it. 2 hearts or wedding rings are my normal love symbols. Charge the drawing as you work to empower it. Lay the paper in the box when you finish. Charge the remaining ingredients with your energy and place each on top of the other in the box while using visualization and chants for bringing true love. " Goddess, and God, let it be, " Bring my one true love to me. " So mote it be! Charge the pink candle with love and let it burn inside the open box while you visualize your desire coming true for 13 minutes. Snuff the flame, and close the box. Next night light the candle and open the box--chant and visualize again for 13 minutes.Continue this every night until the candle is gone, always close the box when you aren`t using it but leave it and the candle undisturbed. When the candle is gone, bury the contents of the box in the yard except for the rings which you should keep hidden in a safe place. The box can be reused but be sure to empower it and cleanse it each time before reuse! So mote it be!
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To increase Psychic Abilities " Materials: " 13 purple co loured candles " 1 mirror or crystal pyramid Sit in the circle of the 13 purple candles, gaze into the mirror or other source of crystal, and chant three times; " Asarial, Archangel of Neptune, " and ruler of Clairvoyance, pen o " my third eye and show me the " hidden light. Let me perceive " the kingdoms of the unkno wn. " Let me unde rstand the wisdom " of the universe ! " To See The Trut h " To see the truth, " To know the way, " I cast a spell in every way,
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" Deep within me, " A path will grow, " To see a light, " And help it glow. " I cast this now, " To bring true light, " To the matter at hand, " Help gain the right. " With harm to none, " As i say it, it is done. This is a very powerful spell to see the truth, and to bring the truth to any matter. Recovery From A Broken Heart Gather: 1 yellow candle, 1 green candle, 2 drops carnation oil, 2 drops lilac oil, a piece of paper, green ink, a jade crystal, a heat proof dish. Method: Light the yellow candle saying, "I light this candle to our friendship and sove and understanding." Sit and write down on the paper all your hurts and pain feeling the pain will help you release it. After you finish sprinkle the paper with oils. Take the green candle, light it and holding the jade
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with the paper wave it over the flame reciting three times: "Let there be love and understanding in the relationship of (names) let the winds of heaven flow over his/her/my problems and see fit to remove them." Burn the paper in the dish. Scatter the ash in the wind. Throw the jade into the ocean and say goodbye to your attachments. Emotional Healing Spell You will need the following for this: " Blue Candle " The Herb St John s Wart " Cauldron or heat-proof container " A paper with your troubles written on it in detail Take the blue candle and carve the comfort Rune on it l> Charge the candle and light it. Take the paper and sprinkle the herb on it. Carge it and fold the herb up in it. Light the paper until it is burning good and drop it in to the cauldron. . As it burns, say something like the following: As my pain burns away, I am set free Repeat this three times.
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When the paper has burned up completely, bury the ashes and the used candle in the ground. It is complete. This spell is to help you start the healing process but it is not a quick fix for your problems. There is no such thing as a quick fix. Healing happens over time and through dealing with the issues. This spell will simply help you find the strength within to do this. CANDLE BINDING: Get a large white candle, the kind that drips wax, and set it up on a tray. Affix it to a photograph or other image of the person you wish to bind. Make a ring of sea salt around it. Make a second ring with protective herbs. Fill the rest of the tray with images that represent what you are binding the person from: pictures of your family, keys to your house, legal documents, whatever. If the problem is too complex for images, write what the person is bound from on slips of paper and place them around the candle. Papyrus, or paper made from cotton or linen work best for this. Use red ink if you are angry, purple ink if you are sad. Wrap the candle and the image with black thread. Invoke Isis and Linda, the Binder with Linen Thread. Say out loud what you are binding the person from. Light the candle and leave it to burn until the wax begins to drip over the thread and image. Burn it every day for a week, until the image is thick with wax. Use this as a meditation device to direct your will to binding the person. All Purpose Candle Spell This spell is used for positive purposes. It calls for one candle of the
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appropriate colour, See Colour Meanings a candle holder and a match. When you are ready to begin the spell, hold the candle between your palms. Visualize your goal and push all your programmed and personal energy into the candle. State what it is you need to occur and place the candle in it's holder. Strike the match above the wick and light the candle. Then put out the match. Then, hold your hands around the flame (not too close!) and visualize your goal strongly. Leave the room and you are to let the candle work its magick. {+COLOURS BY USE } To guard against accidents...purple & orange To achieve for & red To help others achieve...white & red To be given advice...white & blue For someone to have affection for you...white & yellow To receive B To have To release pain in your To obtain a loan from a & green To see your own To bring back a lost love...yellow & pink C To receive a call from a certain man...yellow To receive a call from a certain woman...yellow & pink
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To Improve where you are in your career...yellow & white To win at the casino...Green (I have personally won Thousands doing this one!) To protect yourself from danger...purple To release your fear of death...white Release your need for & yellow To eat a healthy To divorce and remain friends...White to have energy...Red & blue To enjoy & pink To take and pass an & yellow To be & purple To have a close Family...Blue Release the need to fight...yellow & white To get a & blue To get a car...white & green To get To stop gossip...white & black To release habits...yellow & pink To find happiness within & white To have hope...Pink & purple Release the need for an emotional Psychic Vampire Spell To ward off Psychic Vampires. Cleanse the area around you with Black
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Salt, burn frankincense or Myrhh incense to ward off negativity. Light a black candle. Invision an overpowering white light surrounding you, your home, work, school, etc... and repeat this incantation: "Psychic Vampires who lurk in the night, Psychic Vampire trying to destroy my life, destroy no more what I have achieved, destroy no more what I have recieved. Negativity is not welcome, evil is not welcome. In me, around me, or around the people I love." Begone! Leave the candle and incense to burn themselves out. To Become Open To New Relationships Inscribe a pink candle with your name, then anoint it and a rose quartz crystal with sunflower oil. Light the candle. Hold the stone in your hand, and visualize friendships coming your way and new relationships forming. Chant three times: "Open mind, and gain new life, Gone from you, all stress and strife. Open heart, gain life anew, Accept all love that s offered you. Positive thought, and word and deed, Enter now - of bane I m freed. Ancients, hear me - grant my plea, To new relationships, open me." Place the stone by the candle and leave it there until the candle burns all the way down. Carry the stone with you.