CADWIND Process simulation system for filament winding
User manual
© Copyright 2007: MATERIAL S. A. Lozenberg 23 B - 1932 Zaventem/Brussels Belgium Tel.: 32/2/715.94.94 Fax.: 32/2/715.94.90 E-Mail:
[email protected]
M ATERIAL Contents
1 Getting started .................. ............................ ................... .................. ................... ................... .................. ................... ................... .................. ................. .................4 .........4 2 General hints .................. ........................... .................. ................... ................... .................. ................... ................... .................. ................... ................... ................ .......... ... 5 3 The working principle of CADWIND......... CADWIND ................... ................... ................... ................... .................. ................... ................... ................... ............ 7 4 Generating the mandrel models ................... ............................ ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................13 .......13 4.1 The mandrel generator...................... generator............................... ................... ................... .................. ................... ................... ................... ...............13 .....13 4.2 Generating the mandrel models by yourself .................. ............................ ................... .................. ................... .............. ....15 15 5 View ................................. ................ ................. ................. ................. ................. ................................. ................ ................. .................. 26 6 Winding ................................. ................ ................. ................. ................. ................................. ................ ................. ................. ............. 27 6.1 Calculation methods and winding parameters ................... ............................. ................... ................... ...................27 .........27 6.2 The material parameters ................... ............................ .................. ................... ................... .................. ................... ................... ...............37 ......37 6.3 Display of the results .................. ........................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... .................. ............ ... 37 6.4 Options .................. ............................ ................... .................. ................... ................... .................. ................... ................... .................. ................... ...............38 .....38 7 Postprocessing .................. ........................... ................... ................... .................. ................... ................... .................. ................... ................... .................. ................39 .......39 7.1 Calculation of the control data.................... data............................. ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ............... .....39 39 7.2 The control data formats ................... ............................ ................... ................... .................. ................... ................... .................. ...............43 ......43 7.3 Running the part program ................... ............................ .................. ................... ................... .................. ................... ................... ............. ....44 44 7.4 Graphical display of the machine motion .................... ............................. ................... ................... ................... .................44 .......44 7.5 The open postprocessor .................. ........................... ................... ................... .................. ................... ................... .................. ................44 .......44 8 Machine ................... ............................ ................... ................... .................. ................... ................... ................... ................... .................. ................... ................. ................46 .........46 8.1 Characteristics of the winding machine ................... ............................ ................... ................... ................... ................... ........... 46 8.2 Characteristics of the control.................. control............................ ................... .................. ................... ................... ................... ...................50 .........50 9 Print / Plot ................... ............................ .................. ................... ................... .................. ................... ................... .................. ................... ................... ................ ..............54 .......54 9.1 Print ................... ............................ .................. ................... ................... .................. .................. ................... ................... .................. .................. ................. ........... ... 54 10 The editor .................. ........................... ................... ................... .................. .................. .................. ................... ................... .................. .................. ................. ..............55 ......55 11 Function summary......... summary .................. .................. ................... ................... .................. ................... ................... .................. ................... ................... ................. .......... 56
M ATERIAL 1 Gettin Gettin g st arted
Installation Copy all the files from the disk with your specific serial# into a new directory. All parameter files generated with a previous version of CADWIND are compatible. On some Windows 95/98/NT systems the drivers for the hardlock on the parallel printer port have to be updated. This is done automatically by the DOS program HLDINST.EXE which you find on the Installation Driver Utility Disk. To run the program proceed as follows: 1. copy the program HLDINST.EXE to your hard disk 2. go in MS-DOS mode 3. go to the directory that contains HLDINST.EXE 4. run HLDINST.EXE HLDINST.EXE by typing: HLDINST -INSTALL The drivers are now installed for your specific Windows version. Return to Windows by typing EXIT at the DOS prompt. Now you should be able to run CADWIND on your system.
Requirements CADWIND requires the following: • • • •
IINTEL IINTEL PENTIU PENTIUM M processo processorr or better better WINDOWS WINDOWS 95/98/NT 95/98/NT at leas leastt 8 MB RAM RAM at least least 5 MB MB of free free hard hard disk disk space space
Versions Versions and m odules Please check which CADWIND version and which modules you are using. Some program functions can only be executed with the appropriate module.
Hotline Should you encounter difficulties or have any questions, please call us: 32 / 2 / 715 94 94 Fax.: Fax.: 32 / 2 / 715 94 94 90 E-Mail:
[email protected] We recommend for support on a special problem to save the mandrel file (name.mdr) and all winding, postprocessing and machine parameters under FILE / SAVE PROJECT as CWP-file. Than you can send these files by E-Mail to MATERIAL and we can reproduce the problem and give advice.
M ATERIAL 2 General General hin ts
The user interface of CADWIND NG corresponds to the common WINDOWS standard. As a WINDOWS user you will be familier with the handling of the application windows and most of the short-key combinations of the editor.
The menu bar All program functions can be reached via the menu bar on the the upper edge of the screen. The functions can be selected as follows: Menu items with three points (... ( ...)) opens a dialogue window for entering parameters. Menu items with arrows (-> (->) opens a sub menu. All other menu items executes the function.
The graphics graphics d isplay
fig. 2.1: graphics window The graphics window contains a toolbar with se lection boxes and buttons. They allow to change views and they allow to switch on/off several graphics features according to fig. 2.1. To magnify an area of the graphics display the mouse can be used to select a zoom window. Klick the mouse button and drag from the top left corner to the bottom right corner. To return to the initial zoom factor drag the mouse from the bottom right to the top left.
M ATERIAL Dialogue windows All parameters are entered via uniform dialogue windows. They contain four different elements: • • • •
input fields radio buttons to choose one out of several options check boxes to switch on/off options function buttons to execute directly a function
These elements can be reached as follows: • by using TAB or SHIFT-TAB • by pressing AL T and the highlighted character • by clicking with the mouse The parameters in a dialogue window can be confirmed by pressing the OK button. You can cancel with ESC or by pressing the CANCEL button.
M ATERIAL 3 The work ing pri ncip le of CADWIND An example shall give a general view of the working principle of CADWIND. It shows the winding of a pressure vessel. The procedure is: 1. creating the model of the mandrel 2. calculating the winding 3. generating the part program
Starting 1. If you haven´t started the program yet, do it now.
Creating the mandrel mo del 1. Choose the menu FILE / CREATE M ANDREL / CIRCULAR CROSS-SECTION.... 2. Enter the parameters shown in fig. 2.1. (the input elements can be reached by TAB or SHIFTTAB o r by clicking with the mouse):
fig. 2.1: dialogue window for mandrel geometries with circular cross-section Remark: CADWIND lite and CADWIND vessel assumes that the front and back pole caps are equal. Therefore there is only one input field for the pole cap selection. 3. Confirm the values with the OK button. 7
M ATERIAL The dialogue window for the input of the mandrel file name will appear. 4. Enter VES.MDR as file name and confirm with the OK button. Immediately after closing the last dialogue window, the model will be calculated, displayed and saved as VES.MDR.
Winding 1. Choose WINDING / SELECTION from the menu, select helical winding and confirm the dialogue with the OK button (see fig. 3.1). number of rovings: 3 roving width: 4 mm TEX-value: 800 fibre volume content: 60 % fibre density: 1.77 g/cm3 resin density: 1.20 g/cm3
fig. 3.1: Material parameters
M ATERIAL 2. Choose WINDING / HELICAL f rom the menu, enter the following parameters and confirm with the OK button (fig. 3.2): winding angle: 22° starting frame: 20 pattern number: 3/2 degree of coverage: 100 % number of layers: 1 close winding pattern: change entire path dwell front: 0° dwell back: 0°
fig. 3.2: helical winding parameters
3. Click on "Start winding". You will see that the program calculates the winding pattern according to the entered winding and material parameters by iterating the first fibre path. After the first path is found, the complete laminate will be adjusted to it. Finally, the different fibre elements will be sorted to a continuous fibre track. Eventually, the build-up of the laminate is shown as it will be produced on the filament winding machine (fig. 3.3).
fig. 3.3: laminate display
4. under WINDING / SAVE the winding parameters can be saved.
M ATERIAL Generating the control data for the winding m achine (only with module 3) 1. Choose POSTPROCESSING / P ARAMETERSf rom the menu, enter the following parameters and confirm with the OK button (fig. 3.4):
Fig 3.4: postprocessing parameters calculation mode: enveloping contour min. distance: 20 mm control data optimization: min. production time filter value: 5 mm Axes to calculate: Cross carriage, Pay-out rotation save: in CCDF-format 2. Press F4 to generate the control data for the winding machine. The control data will be generated acco rding to the parameters in the menu POSTPROCESSING and the machine characteristics in the menu M ACHINE. You can look at the control data by using the editor: 3. Choose TOOLS /EDITOR , enter VES.DAT as file name and confirm with the OK button. 4. Leave the editor You can also display the displacement-time, velocity-time and acceleration-time diagrams of the machine motion: 5. Press F8 to display the diagrams (fig. 3.5).
Fig 3.5: displacement-time and velocity-time diagrams
M ATERIAL 4 Generating the mandrel mo dels 4.1 The mandrel generator CADWIND´s mandrel generator allows you to automatically create the mandrel models (menu item M ANDREL / CREATE). You already worked with it in the preceding example.
Geometries and parameters The basic geometries with their parameters are: • circular cross-section You have to enter the diameter and the length. • rectangular cross-section (only with module 1A or 1) You have to enter the lengths A and B of both edges, the edge radius and the mandrel length. • elliptical cross-section (only with module 1A or 1) You have to enter the lengths A and B of both axis and the mandrel lengths. • elbows (only with module 1) In addition to the above mentioned parameters the characteristics of the elbow have to be defined. You have to enter the opening angle, the inside radius, the transposition between the rotation axis and the axis through the centre of the middle frame, as well as the lengths of the linear sections (fig. 4.1).
Fig. 4.1: Elbow parameters α: opening angle R: inside radius D: transposition rotation axis / central axis L1, L2: linear sections
M ATERIAL • cone (not with CADWIND lite or CADWIND vessel) You have to enter the diameters A and B at the front and back end of the cone, as well as the length. • T-parts (only with module T) T-parts are described by three main segments A, B and C (fig. 4.2). You have to enter the lengths and diameters of the segments. Diameter A is always equal to diameter C. Furthermore you have to enter the inside radius and the transposition between the rotation axis and the central axis. You have also to choose the position of the T-part: the rotation axis can be parallel to the horizontal central axis (in the dialogue: position = horizontal) or parallel to the vertical central axis (in the dialogue: position = horizontal). Apart from the above described parameters the geometries of the front and back pole cap have to be entered (not for T-parts). Remark: CADWIND lite and CADWIND vessel assumes that the front and back pole caps are equal. Therefore there is only one input field for the pole cap selection. After the input window for the basic geometry the dialogues for the pole caps follow. Finally, you have to enter the name for the mandrel file. You can load stored mandrel models with M ANDREL / L OADa ny time.
Fig 4.2:
T-part parameters L A, LB, LC: lengths of the segments A, B, and C ø A, ø C: diameters of the segments A, B, and C H: horizontal central axis V: vertical central axis R: inside radius D: transposition rotation axis / central axis
M ATERIAL 4.2 Generating the m andrel models b y you rself You can create mandrel geometries, which can´t be calculated with the mandrel generator, yourself and load them with M ANDREL / L OAD . There are three different formats: the mandrel contour format for axisymmetric mandrels, the mandrel surface format for any mandrel geometries and the T format for T-parts.
Mandrel descriptio n To describe the mandrels a coordinate system has to be defined. In this system, the Y-axis must be identical with the rotation axis and its positive orientation must be from the chuck to the tailstock. The geometry of the mandrel is then split up into characteristic cross-sectional frames (fig. 4.2 right). When using the mandrel contour format it is sufficient to specify the Y-coordinates and the diameters of the cross-sectional frames. For the description in the mandrel surface format the frames have to be approximated by polygons (Fig. 4.2 left). The X,Y,Z-coordinates of the corner points of the polygons are finally stored in the mandrel file. You have to consider the following when choosing the polygon points: • Edges (e. g. on rectangular cross-sections) have to be rounded by radiuses. • On non-axisymmetric frames all polygon points must be distributed equally, i. e. the distances between two neighbouring points must be constant. • The gradients of corresponding polygon lines must be (approximately) equal. Otherwise it is possible that the mandrel model structure is twisted (fig. 4.3). If the gradients are not equal then the mandrel surface is not appropriate for the winding algorithm. The coordinates and the diameters are in millimetres or in inches. The mandrel files are ASCII text files and can be created with the CADWIND editor or any other appropriate text editor.
1 2
3 4
28 34
TF Fig. 4.2: Mandrel description left: numbering of the polygon points (16 points per frame) right: divided into frames (34 frames) TF: front turning zone (frame 1 to 6) TB: back turning zone (frame 28 to 34)
b d
Fig. 4.3: Twisted mandrel model structure left: gradient a ≠gradient b => twisted structure right: gradient c = gradient d => no twisting
M ATERIAL The mandrel contou r format The mandrel contour format is used for axisymmetric mandrels only. It has the following structure:
Line CADWIND CONTOUR DATA FILE MM PINS FRONT: NO PINS BACK: NO 28 24 7 22 -50.00 30.00 -41.67 68.69 -33.33 82.17 -25.00 90.62 ... 850.00 30.00
Explanation identification values in millimetres no pins at the front no pins at the back number of frames number of points per frame front turning zone ends at frame 7 back turning zone begins at frame 22 Y-coordinate / diameter of the 1. frame Y-coordinate / diameter of the 2. frame Y-coordinate / diameter of the 3. frame Y-coordinate / diameter of the 4. frame Y-coordinate / diameter of the 28. frame
Besides the Y-coordinates and the diameters of the frames you have to indicate the unit (MM or IN), if there are pins in the turning zones, the number of frames (valid range: 4 ... 60), the number of points per frame (valid range: 12 ... 84) and the turning zones. Remark: If no unit is indicated the program assumes the values in millimetres. Remark: CADWIND lite and CADWIND vessel can only read cylinders and vessel geometries with elliptical pole caps.
Display of the mandrel (not with CADWIND lite or CADWIND vessel) The example above represents an axisymmetric mandrel with different diameters. You can find it on the CADWIND diskette under the name MEX1.MDR. You can look at it with the following steps (fig. 4.5): 1. Choose M ANDREL / L OAD from the menu. The dialogue window for the mandrel file name ap pears. 2. Enter MEX1.MDR as file name and confirm with the OK button. The mandrel file will be loaded. 3. Press F2 to display the mandrel model. The mandrel model will be calculated and displayed. 4. Return to the text screen with F10 .
M ATERIAL The mandrel surface format (only with module 1A or 1) With the mandrel surface format you can describe axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric mandrels. It has the following structure:
Line CADWIND SURFACE DATA FILE MM AXISYM: NO PINS FRONT: NO PINS BACK: NO 8 48 2 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1200.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 -0.50 25.00 0.00 -0.40 ... 17.82 0.00 -17.82 25.00 100.00 -0.50 25.00 100.00 -0.40 ... 17.82 100.00 -17.82 ... 25.00 1200.00 -0.50 25.00 1200.00 -0.40 ... 17.82 1200.00 -17.82
Explanation identification values in millimetres mandrel non-axisymmetric no pins at the front no pins at the back number of frames number of points per frame front turning zone ends at frame 2 back turning zone begins at frame 7 X, Y, Z - coordinates of the start point X, Y, Z - coordinates of the end point X, Y, Z - coordinates of the 1. point of the 1. frame X, Y, Z - coordinates of the 2. point of the 1. frame X, Y, Z - coordinates of the 48. point of the 1. frame X, Y, Z - coordinates of the 1. point of the 2. frame X, Y, Z - coordinates of the 2. point of the 2. frame X, Y, Z - coordinates of the 48. point of the 2. frame X, Y, Z - coordinates of the 1. point of the 8. frame X, Y, Z - coordinates of the 2. point of the 8. frame X, Y, Z - coordinates of the 48. point of the 8. frame
Besides the X,Y,Z-coordinates surface points you have to indicate the unit (MM or IN), if the mandrel is axisymmetric or not, if there are pins in the turning zones, the number of frames (valid range: 4 ... 60), the number of points per frame (valid range: 12 ... 84) and the turning zones. Furthermore, you have to define a start point and an end point. These are in general the centres of the first and last frame. Remark: If no unit is indicated the program assumes the values in millimetres. Remark: With module 1A only tubes with rectangular and elliptical cross-section can be read via the mandrel surface format.
Display of the mandrel You can find the example above on the CADWIND diskette under the name MEX2.MDR. You can look at it with the following steps (fig. 4.6): 1. Choose M ANDREL / L OAD from the menu. The dialogue window for the mandrel file name ap pears.
Fig. 4.5: axisymmetric mandrel with different diameters
Fig 4.6: transition circular cross-section / rectangular cross-section 19
M ATERIAL 2. Enter MEX3.MDR as file name and confirm with the OK button. The mandrel file will be loaded. 3. Press F2 to display the mandrel model. The mandrel model will be calculated and displayed. CAD (DXF) Interface The mandrel generator has to be limited to standard geometries and to create CADWIND MDRfiles yourself for complex geometries can become very awkward. Hence the two CAD-interfaces "DXF->contour..." and "DXF->surface..." can help you to create "CADWIND CONTOUR DATA FILE" and "CADWIND SURFACE DATA FILE" easier. DXF->contour... This option is used to create axis-symmetric mandrel geometries with a CADWIND CONTOUR DATA FILE. In fig. 4.7 and 4.8 an example of a CAD-contour is shown and the corresponding 3D CADWIND mandrel model.
fig. 4.7: Example of a CAD-contour
fig. 4.8: CADWIND 3D mandrel model calculated from CAD- (DXF-) data with calculated winding pattern You need to be aware of the following rules for the use of the "DXF->contour..." interface: • • • • • • •
The CAD-drawing is two dimensional and represents only the contour of an axis-symmetric mandrel the CAD-data must be in DXF-format (AutoCAD©-standard) the CAD drawing must only contain straight lines and arcs. Splines, Bezier lines, polylines, ... must not be used and need to be approximated if necessary with straight lines and arcs the x-axis of your CAD co-ordinate system corresponds to the Y-axis (rotation axis) of the 3D CADWIND mandrel model the origin of the CAD co-ordinate system corresponds to the origin of the mandrel co-ordinate system in the 3D CADWIND mandrel model the distance from the CAD-X-axis to the contour represents the radius of the mandrel's crosssection the ending point of a straight line and an arc of the CAD-contour must be identical with the starting point of the following straight line or arc; this can be realized easily by using the "snap to object" feature of most CAD-systems if imperial units (Inch) is used in CAD-drawings the "CADWIND CONTOUR DATA FILE" has to be changed from MM to INC in it's hea der
DXF->surface... (only w ith Mod ul 1) To generate non-axis-symmetric mandrel models with the help of the "DXF->surface..." interface you need to be aware of several restrictions when creating the required 3D-CAD-model. For non-axis-symmetric geometries resp. for the "CADWIND SURFACE DATA FILE" format every point of a frame has to be defined. The 3D-CAD-model must contain all the frames and points of the mandrel model. Hence the frames are polygones which have to be composed of straight lines.
M ATERIAL These "frame polygones" can be put in different layers as 2-dimensional CAD-drawings and these 2D polygones can later be converted to 3D and can be positioned on the Y-axis of the CAD coordinate system (Y-axis corresponds to the rotation axis of the CADWIND mandrel model). At first you should decide how many points per frame are required to approximate the mandrel geometry with sufficient precision, because • all frames must contain the same number of points and as mentioned on page 15 • Edges (e. g. on rectangular cross-sections) have to be rounded by radiuses. • On non-axisymmetric frames all polygon points must be distributed equally, i. e. the distances between two neighbouring points must be constant. • The gradients of corresponding polygon lines must be (approximately) equal. Otherwise it is possible that the mandrel model structure is twisted (fig. 4.4). If the gradients are not equal then the mandrel surface is not appropriate for the winding algorithm. The last mentioned condition can be achieved with the help of a CAD-system. fig. 4.9 shows an example of a 2D frame polygone which is approximated with a defined number of straight lines to the original mandrel cross-section. Around the polygone you see the straight lines isolated which are used to build the frame polygone. All these lines have a fixed gradient resp. a fixed series of different gradients. e.g. line 1 with a gradient of 0° line 2 with a gradient of 20° line 3 with a gradient of 40° etc.
8 0 ° 6 0 °
40° 0° fig. 4.9:
2D-CAD-drawing of a single frame (inside) range of straight lines with defined angles which are used to approximate the original frame (outside)
In order to get a reasonable CADWIND 3D-model these lines with the fixed gradients have to be used for every frame of the mandrel model. From frame to frame only the length of the corresponding lines can change. The chosen series of lines can then be used as tangents to the original mandrel cross-section contour. The so called "trim"-feature which most existing CAD-systems use allows to maintain your series of line gradients and helps to adjust the length of the lines, in order to build the polygone. At the same time it guarantees that the ending point o f one line is identical to the the starting point of the following line. In fig. 4.10 an example of 4 3D frame polygones is shown in a 3D CAD drawing. The shown frames fulfil all the mentioned requirements for the use of the DXF-interface. In fig. 4.11 the corresponding CADWIND mandrel model is shown which was created with the help of the CADWIND DXF-interface.
fig. 4.10: 3D CAD display of frames for CADWIND mandrel model
fig. 4.11: CADWIND mandrel model corresponding to fig. 4.10 24
M ATERIAL The T format The T format allows you to describe T-parts. Because of the specific shape of the T-parts no points of the contour or surface are stored. Instead the characteristical values as they are u sed by the mandrel generator (see 4.1 T-parts) are stored.
Line CADWIND T DATA FILE MM 100.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 10.00 0.00 POSITION: HORIZONTAL
Explanation identification values in millimetres length A length B length C diameter A diameter C inside radius transposition rotation axis / central axis position relative to the rotation axis
The loaded mandrel can be shown in a new display window with the command DRAW. As described in chapter 2 regarding the graphic display window the view can be changed by using the tool buttons on top window tool bar. Respectively the mouse can be used to zoom in or out. With VIEW / RESULTS the laminate results window can be opened. After the pattern calculation is finished the corresponding laminate values will appear in this window. In section 6.3 you will find and example which explains the Laminate results window in detail. With submenue item SHOW ONLY LAST PATTERN the view status for the display of several different and combined layers for one mandrel can be switched off.
M ATERIAL 6 Windin g 6.1 Calculatio n method s and w indi ng p arameters The winding pattern is calculated according to the mandrel shape, the given winding parameters, the number of rovings and the roving width. You can choose between different calculation methods, which can be selected via WINDING / SELECTION. The winding parameters for the chosen calculation method can be entered via the corresponding item in the menu WINDING. You can start the calculation with WINDING / START WINDING or F3.
Circumferential winding In circumferential winding the winding angle approaches 90°. In general (with a degree of coverage of 100%) the carriage advances one full band width (band width = number of rovings • roving width) every full mandrel rotation. Circumferential winding is only possible on the cylindrical parts of a mandrel. • degree of coverage Fig. 6.1 should help to explain the correlation between bandwidth b, degree of covering and distance from band to band ΔZ (= carriagemovement per mandrel rotation).
fig. 6.1: degree of covering >100% on a cylindrical mandrel As already mentioned above a degree of coverage of 100% means that the fibres are placed without overlapping and gaps. By entering a higher value you will receive an overlapping (example: 200% corresponds to an overlapping of one half band width). By entering a smaller value you will create gaps (example: 50% corresponds to a gap of one band width). Corresponding to fig. 6.1 the distanc e from to band ΔZ resp. the carriage movement per mandrel rotation can be calculated with the following equation:
Δ Z =
b degr . of .cov.[%]
⋅ 100%
• Dwell by entering a Dwell value a mandrel rotation without any motion of the carriage at the end of the turning zone can be obtained. 27
M ATERIAL In fig. 6.2 an example is shown of a parameter window for circumferential windings.
fig. 6.2: parameter table for cicumferential winding The first row represents the starting point of the cirecumferential winding at position Y 1= 0 mm which is the origin of the mandrel co-ordinate system. The positions are always related to t he mandrel co-ordinate system and not n ecessarily to the first fr ame of the mandrel model. But first at position 1 there will be wound a 360° dwell. Then follows the circumferential winding from position 1 to position 2 with a degree of coverage of 110%. 500 mm of the "first circumferential layer". At this The second row represents the end position Y2= position a dwell of 360° will be wound as well which is followed by the circumferential winding from position 2 to position 3 with a degree of coverage of also 110%. etc. The tool buttons can be used to add or insert new rows to the table or to delete them. The calculation of the circumferential winding can be started directly from the parameter window. The graphical display of the winding path was dropped in order to realise the simpler calculation algorithm and the simplified handling.
Helical windin g With helical winding you can wind geodesically on cylinders and vessels with equal pole openings. The winding path is calculated according to the condition of Clairaut (r • sin α= constant) with consideration for the starting point and the starting winding angle. • starting angle The calculation starts with this winding angle. It is entered in degrees and is related to the rotation axis. The winding angle in the subsequent parts of the winding path results from the condition of Clairaut. • starting frame This parameter defines the frame where the winding will begin. You can see the numbering of the frames in the mandrel display. • pattern number The pattern number characterizes the winding pattern. It can be positive or negative. If you enter a positive value the new starting point of a cycle is left of the previous one, if you enter a negative value it is right of the previous one. Beside the pattern number you can enter the skip index. 28
M ATERIAL Both values must be separated by a slash "/". Figure 6.1 shows the meaning of the pattern number and the skip index on different examples. You can see the starting frame of the mandrel. The numbers represent the sequence of the starting points of the cycles. If the desired pattern cannot be achieved under the given conditions, CADWIND calculates a table with recommendations for the pattern number. Besides the pattern numbers, the corresponding number of cycles and degree of coverage are displayed. You can choose a pattern number and try it for the next calculation or one of the pattern numbers can be clicked directly in the recommendation window. The winding simulation can also be started with F3. It is not guaranteed that a recommended pattern can be calculated. The patterns at the top of the table are the most likely to be achieved. In fig. 6.4 a "master path" (corresponds to the first winding cycle) is shown which is the first thing to be calculated for the pattern determination. It's calculation starts at the starting frame and end s at the same frame. The pattern point represents the pattern number 1/1 for this example. Obviously it can't be hit by the master path with the given parameter combination. Thus the winding parameters need to be changed in order to hit a pattern point and to start the calculation for all winding cycles resp. for the entire pattern and to display the pattern.
fig. 6.4: example for pattern selection for a vessel geometry • degree of coverage / number of cycles Depending on the chosen option in WINDING / OPTIONSy ou can enter the desired number of cycles (number of back and forths of the carriage) or the desired degree of coverage (see 6.4). The degree of coverage determines the fibre distribution around the mandrel. 100 % means that at the frame with the biggest circumference the fibres are placed without overlapping and gaps. By entering a higher value you will receive an overlapping (example: 200% corresponds to an overlapping of one half band width). By entering a smaller value you will receive gaps (example: 50% corresponds to a gap of one band width).
M ATERIAL By entering the number of cycles you can fix the number of back and forths of the carriage. The degree of coverage results from the calculated winding pattern. • number of layers This parameter represents the number of desired layers.
-5/1 4
5/2 2
5/1 3
-5/2 5
Fig. 6.1: Sequence of the cycle starting points for the pattern number / skip index 5/1, -5/1, 5/2, -5/2 W: fibre transposition
M ATERIAL • close winding pattern To achieve the desired winding pattern, it may be necessary to change the winding path and thus to deviate from the geodesic line. With the button you can chose when and where such a deviation is allowed: not at all, all over the mandrel or only in the turning zones (the turning zones are defined in the mandrel file, see 4.2). Unlike the non-geodesic calculation, there is no verification of the slippage limits. This means that during the winding the fibres might slip. Therefore it is advisable to try first to achieve the winding pattern without changing the winding path. • dwell front / dwell back see circumferential winding
Polar winding With polar winding you can wind vessels with equal or unequal pole openings with the characteristic length ≤2 • diameter. The winding path is calculated as a direct line between the two pole openings (fig. 6.2). The winding angle results from the following equation: tan with
R1 + R 2 L
winding angle α= R1, R2= radiuses of the pole openings L = length of the vessel
Polar winding is in principle non-geodesic. There is no verification of the slippage limits. • pattern number In polar winding only two pattern numbers are possib le: +1 and -1. Apart from that the pattern number has the same meaning as in helical winding. • degree of coverage / number of cycles see helical winding • number of layers see helical winding • dwell front / dwell back see helical winding
L Fig. 6.2: polar winding on a vessel W: winding path as direct line between the pole openings R1, R2: radiuses of the pole openings α: resulting winding angle 31
M ATERIAL L: length
D: diameter
Non-geodesic winding (not with CADWIND lite) The non-geodesic calculation offers you the widest ra nge of winding possibilities. You can use it for all mandrel geometries (except T-parts). It allows you to define the laminate structure for each mandrel section. The winding path is calculated according to the desired winding angle under consideration for the slippage limits (see friction factor). • winding angle This parameter represents the desired winding angle in degrees. The winding angle is related to the axial reference line. This is the line through the centroid of area for all frames, which on axisymmetric mandrels is the rotation axis. If the dialogue window for the winding parameters is open, you can toggle with with the tool button "VAR/CONST" between constant and variable winding angle. This gives you the possibility to enter varied values for the
M ATERIAL different mandrel segments. For instance, a drive shaft can be wound with a winding angle of 45° in the middle and 30° at the ends. The tool button "SET" opens a dialogue for setting one value for several mandrel segments. • friction factor This factor represents the friction between the fibre and the mandrel surface. This friction permits a deviation from the geodesic line. According to the friction factor, CADWIND calculates the maximum deviation (before the fibre begins to slip) and then o ptimizes the fibre lay up according to the given winding angle and the pattern required. If the factor zero is entered, the geodesic f ibre path will be calculated. You can use the following table as guide line values: urface [S metal plastic dry laminate impregnated laminate prepreg-laminate
dry fibre 0.18 0.20 0.22 -
wet fibre 0.15 0.17 0.14 -
prepreg 0.35 0.32 0.37
If the dialogue window for the winding parameters is open, you can toggle with the tool button "VAR/CONST"between constant and variable friction factor. This gives you the possibility to enter varied values for the different mandrel segments. The tool button "SET"opens a dialogue for setting one value for several mandrel segments. • pattern number see helical winding • degree of coverage / number of cycles see helical winding • number of layers see helical winding • turning zone front / back With these parameters you can redefine the pole cap sections of the mandrel. You have to enter the frame number where the front turning zone ends and the frame number where the back turning zone begins. After loading the mandrel file these values are preset with the corresponding values in the mandrel file. You can see the numbering of the frames in the mandrel display. • starting frame / starting position With these parameters you can define the starting point of the winding calculation. The position is entered in degrees and represents the starting point on the starting frame (fig. 6.3). The position is only important for combinations on non-axisymmetric mandrels. You can see the numbering of the frames in the mandrel display. • dwell front / dwell back see helical winding
Combination (only with module 2) To wind two different layers (e. g. helical and circumferential) without machine stops, a transition between the layers has to be calculated. After the transition is found and its part program calculated you can wind the complete laminate. First run the part program of the first layer. At the ending position of the first layer you can begin with part program of the transition. At the end of the transition you start with the part program of the second layer. Depending on the syntax of your machine controller you can combine the pa rt programs e. g. by using subprograms. 33
M ATERIAL • starting angle This parameter represents the winding angle, with which the transition shall start. It has to correspond to the winding angle of the first layer. • starting frame / starting position With these parameters you can define the starting point of the transition. The starting point has to correspond to the ending frame of the first layer. So enter as starting frame the ending frame of the first layer. If the first layer is a circumferential laminate, the ending frame has been defined in the circumferential winding parameter dialogue. If the first layer is another laminate, the ending frame of this layer is its starting frame. Since the starting and ending point of closed laminates are the same, then the starting and ending frame are the same.
1 2
α X
Fig. 6.3: definition of the starting point on the starting frame P: starting point α: starting point value in degrees
M ATERIAL At the starting position enter the ending position of the first layer. The ending position is displayed after the laminate calculation with all other laminate values (see 6.3). For axisymmetric mandrels the starting position is not needed. • ending angle This parameter represents the winding angle, with which the transition shall end. It h as to correspond to the winding angle of the second layer. • ending frame The ending frame of the transition has to correspond to the starting frame of the second layer. • friction factor To achieve the transition between the winding angle of the first layer and the winding angle of the second layer, it may be necessary to deviate from the geodesic path. This means that the friction between fibre and mandrel has to be taken into consideration. For a detailed description of the friction factor see the parameters for the non-geodesic winding.
Winding o f T-parts (only with module T) For T-parts there is only a limited range of useful winding patterns. According to the geometry CADWIND automatically calculates several optimized winding paths. The so called "CADWIND T SEQUENCE FILE" - see example in the following table - contains the different patterns which can be combined any way you like. line CADWIND T SEQUENCE FILE 1 longo 0 100 cricr 0 100 trian 0 100 hoop1 0 100 hoop2 0 100 hoop3 0 100
explanation Identification as CADWIND-T-file number of layers 0°-winding around branch B (100% degr. of coverage) criss-cross pattern (100% degr. of coverage) cross pattern (100% degr. of coverage) circumferential winding branch A (100% degr. of coverage) circumferential winding branch B (100% degr. of coverage) circumferential winding branch C (100% degr. of coverage)
In fig. 6.7 an example is shown for a winding pattern combination on a T-part which is used to explain how the TSQ-files are used.
fig. 6.7: example of a T pattern for the following TSQ-file
CADWIND T SEQUENCE FILE 1 Trian 0 100 Hoop1 3 0 Hoop2 0 200 Hoop3 0 100 A TSQ-file contains a list of combined winding patterns which will be calculated (see example above). These patterns can be assigned to a number of " cycles" (first value) e.g. Hoop1
with 3 cycles, resp. 3 rotations on branch A of the T-part or the degree of coverage (second value) can be assigned to a pattern e.g. Trian
with a degree of coverage of 100%. Remark: You have to decide which of the two parameters "number of cycles" or "degree of coverage" you want to set. Thus one of these two values must be set ZERO. 36
M ATERIAL 6.2 The materi al parameters You can enter the material parameters via WINDING / M ATERIAL PARAMETERS : • • • • • •
number of rovings roving width TEX value fibre volume content / fibre mass content fibre density resin density
Depending on the chosen option in WINDING / OPTIONSy ou can enter the fibre volume content or the fibre mass content (see 6.4). The TEX value, the fibre volume content / fibre mass content and the densities are only used to calculate the resulting laminate weight and thickness. They have no influence on the calculation of the winding pattern or the control data.
6.3 Display of t he results Display of the resulti ng laminate values The resulting laminate values are displayed in the "Calculation results window", which can be opened under VIEW / RESULTS after their calculation (fig. 6.8). They can differ from the entered values. For the winding angle, the degree of coverage and the laminate thickness maximum and minimum values are calculated related to the midle section in between the turning zones. The winding lengths represents the width of the laminate in the front turning zone, in the middle and in the back turning zone. Depending on the calculation method some values might make no sense and are not displayed.
fig. 6.8: display of laminate values
M ATERIAL The colour scale
The colour scale allows you to look at different laminate values in the display of the winding pattern: • winding angle deviation (only with non-geodesic calculation) The colour scale indicates the absolute deviation from the desired winding angle in degrees. • geodesic behaviour (only with non-geodesic calculation) The colour scale indicates if the fibre is placed more on the geodesic path or more on the slipping limit. • fibre bridging (only with non-geodesic calculation) Fibres can lift over the core of a convex-concave mandrel surface area. With the colour scale you can see the factor of safety against fibre bridging. If the factor is zero the fibre lifts from the mandrel surface. • laminate thickness (not with combinations) The colour scale indicates the laminate thickness in the different mandrel surface areas. You can define the range of the colour scale for the laminate thickness by entering the minimum and maximum value.
6.4 Options You have the following options to adapt the winding calculation to your needs (WINDING / OPTIONS): • pattern display for axisymmetric parts This check box can be used to avoid the protracted pattern display for a high number of cycles. This has no influence on the calculation of the winding path. However, the resulting degree of coverage and laminate thickness can not be determined when the display is switched off. • save laminate values for axisymmetric parts If this option is activated, the laminate values are saved on disk during the calculation of the fibre path. The current file name is shown and can be changed with the FILE NAME button. The CADWIND laminate data file has the following structure: Line CADWIND LAMINATE DATA FILE MM -150.391 230.308 24.994 -149.980 235.366 18.636 -149.665 237.598 16.903 -140.990 299.064 16.712 ... -155.380 168.957 24.196
0.145 0.140 0.133 0.105
Explanation identification values in millimetres record of the 1. roving element record of the 2. roving element record of the 3. roving element record of the 4. roving element
record of the last roving element
A record contains the Y-mandrel-coordinate, the mandrel diameter, the fibre orientation and the laminate thickness. • save winding path (only with module OP)
M ATERIAL If this option is activated, the winding path is saved on disk during its calculation. The current file name is shown and can be changed with the FILE NAME button. For a description of the winding path file see 7.5.
6.5 Mandrel up -date Depending on the calculated thickness of the layer, the mandrel contour can be updated (WINDING / UPDATE M ANDREL F6). The previous contour can be restored using WINDING / RESET. The new mandrel can be stored as CADWIND CONTOUR DATA FILE using WINDING / S AVE UPDATE . It is understood that the mandrel update takes only the last layer into account. This function is valid for axisymmetric mandrel geometries only.
M ATERIAL 7 Postprocessing 7.1 Calculation of the contr ol data The postprocessor calculates the control data according to the generated fibre path. In doing so the characteristic machine parameters in menu M ACHINEa nd the postprocessing parameters in menu POSTPROCESSINGa re taken into consideration.
Postprocessing parameters
fig. 7.1: dialog window for postprocessing parameters
The postprocessing parameters are: • calculation mode You can choose four different modes to calculate the control data. When using constant free fibre length the distance between the point where the fibre contacts the mandrel, and the feed-eye will be kept constant. If you choose an enveloping cylinder or contour, the program will generate a surface, which surrounds the mandrel and on which all feed-eye positions will be situated. The difference between open enveloping cylinder, closed enveloping cylinder and enveloping contour are illustrated in fig. 7.1. As you can see the cross carriage is not needed if the calculation uses an open enveloping cylinder. • free fibre length This value specifies the constant free fibre length if this mode is chosen. • minimal distance
M ATERIAL This value specifies the distance between the largest mandrel eccentric and the enveloping cylinder or contour (fig. 7.1). • control data optimization (only with module 3) With this you can control the time scaling. If you choose minimal production time the control data is calculated so that the machine will move as fa st as possible. The slowest axis is then moving with maximum speed. The other options keep the fibre pay-out speed or the mandrel speed constant. You also have the possibility to switch off the time scaling. In this case there will be no time scale in the CCDF-format and no feed commands in the part program. • pay-out speed This value is only taken into consideration when the control data is calculated with constant payout speed. If you enter a value which cannot be achieved the fibre pay-out speed will be set to the maximum possible value. • filter value To obtain a smoother machine travel and to reduce the part program size you can eliminate very small machine movements using the filter. The filter value represents the minimal distance between two feed-eye positions. Distances which are smaller will be eliminated by the filter. • positioning length The positioning length represents the horizontal transposition of the mandrel in the chuck. See also M ACHINE / REFERENCE POINT. • save You can choose if you want to save the control data in absolute values in CCDF-format as ASCII file (see 7.2) or directly as part program (part program only with module 3). The current file name is shown and can be changed with the FILE NAMEb utton.
Fig 7.2:
enveloping contour, closed and open enveloping cylinder a: minimal distance b: minimal distance + 0.5 • pay-out eye width
M ATERIAL Remark: If the part programs are calculated in the user defined format using subprograms only the main program will be stored under the preset file name. For the naming of the subprograms see 8.2 (Format / {SUBPROG}, {ENDSUBPROG}). If the part programs are calculated in the TCS84-format for Baer winding machines only the header file will be stored under the preset file name. The "stamm" and "prog" files are stored under the file names STAMM and PROG with the added program number, which has been entered in POSTPROCESSING / P ARAMETER / P ART PROGRAM
Source (only with module OP) With this dialogue window you can chose if the calculation of the control data uses the actual winding path or a saved winding path from the hard disk (see 6.4 save winding path and 7.5).
Ax es You can define the axes which shall be considered by the calculation.
Part p rogram If the control data is calculated as part program the following parameters might be needed: • program number This value represents the number of the part program. • gear If the part program is generated in the TCS84 format for the Baer winding machines this value specifies the used gear. By entering this parameter the velocities and resolutions in the menu Machine are not adapted automatically. They have to be entered always for the current gear. • spindle If the part program is generated in the TCS84 format for the Baer winding machines this value specifies the used spindle.
Display of the resulting postpro cessing values The resulting postprocessing values are displayed in the lower information window on the text screen after their calculation. The fibre pay-out speed is only displayed if the control data has been calculated with constant pay-out speed option. The pay-out speed can differ from the entered value. The program size is only displayed if the control data is calculated as part program.
M ATERIAL 7.2 The control data formats Depending on what you have entered in POSTPROCESSING / P ARAMETER the control data is calculated in the machine independent CCDF-format or directly as part program.
The CCDF-format (C ADWIND Control Data File) The CCDF-format contains the positions of the machine´s axes in absolute values refered to in the coordinate system of the mandrel model. It has the following structure:
Line CADWIND CONTROL DATA FILE MM AXISYM: YES REFERENCE POINT 180.00 200.00 130.00 LAYER UNIT 66 1 69.33 132.19 105.00 2 96.73 156.20 96.91 . .. 17 252.06 132.19 105.00
251.71 250.29
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
5.0000 5.0505
Explanation identification values in millimetres mandrel axisymmetric next line program start point program start point begin of the positions repetitions 1. position 2. position
17. position
The values of the program start point have the following meaning: position of mandrel rotation, carriage, cross carriage, pay-out rotation, vertical axis, yaw axis. The values in a position data record have the following meaning: running number, position of mandrel rotation, carriage, cross carriage, pay-out rotation, vertical axis, yaw axis and running time. The positions of the translational axes are refering to the mandrel coordinate system and are absolute in millimetres or inches. The values of the rotation axes are absolute in degree. For the zero position and the orientation of the rotation axes see 7.1 M ACHINE / REFERENCE POINT. The time scale is in seconds. For axisymmetric mandrels only the first cycle of a layer is stored. The number of repetitions represents the number of cycles multiplied with the number of layers, which has been entered in the menu WINDING. For non-axisymmetric mandrels the complete layer is stored. The number of repetitions represents the number of layers. If you switched off the optimization in POSTPROCESSING / P ARAMETERS no time scale will be written.
The part pro gram formats (only with module 3) In M ACHINE / FORMAT / SELECTIONy ou can choose between the following: • definition file You can define the structure of the part program yourself in a definition file. Chapter 8 gives an exact description. • Baer TCS84 The part program is directly generated in the fo rmat for Baer winding machines with TCS84 controller. For details see the Baer manuals.
M ATERIAL 7.3 Running t he part pro gram If the part program is calculated you can transfer it to the machine controller. For details please see the manuals of the winding machine or the controller. After the transfer you can start the program. Run to the first point of the winding and stop the program. Attach the fibre tangential to the mandrel at the position of the starting frame (see WINDING / WINDING PARAMETERS). You can now run the complete program.
7.4 Graphical disp lay of the machine moti on ( only with module 3) The machine movement according to the C ADWIND Control Data File (CCDF) can be displayed in three independent X-Y-diagrams by using the command POSTPROCESSING / DISPLAY. You can control the three displays with the dialogue windows POSTPROCESSING / DISPLAY 1 to DISPLAY 3: • X co-ordinate For the X-axis you can choose the time, the block number or the displacement of a machine axis. • Y co-ordinate For the Y-axis you can choose the displacement, velocity or the acceleration of one, several or all machine axis. • Min / Max The values in the diagrams a re shown as percentage of their maximums. To look closer at a certain part of the diagram you can set the minimum and maximum percentage for the X- and Y-axis. • File name The name of the actual CADWIND Control Data File is shown. It can be changed with the FILE NAME button. • On / Off With this button you can activate or deactivate the corresponding diagram.
7.5 The open postpr ocessor ( only with module OP) The extension "open postprocessor" offers you additional interfaces in connection with the winding path calculation and the postprocessing. This gives you an even better range of manufacturing possibilities.
The windi ng path file With the menu item WINDING / OPTIONS / S AVE WINDING PATHyou can store the winding path as ASCII file on the hard disk during its calculation (see 6.4). Furthermore the postprocessor can read such a stored winding path and convert it into a pa rt program (see 7.1 source). This allows you to edit and change a winding path and then to calculate the corresponding control data for the machine.
M ATERIAL The winding path file has the following structure:
Line CADWIND WINDING PATH FILE MM AXISYM: YES PINS FRONT: NO PINS BACK: NO VECTORS: YES 100.0 -80.0 680.0 LAYER UNIT 1 45 17 98.29 12.94 96.59 25.88 ... -76.86 61.16
0.0 52.35
1552.91 1552.91
204.44 204.44
0.0 0.0
Explanation identification values in millimetres mandrel axisymmetric no pins at the front no pins at the back winding path with vectors radius of the largest mandrel eccentric minimal mandrel Z-coordinate maximal mandrel Z-coordinate begin of the positions number of layers number of cycles winding path skip index (*) 1. point of the winding path 2. point of the winding path
last point of the winding path
(*) winding path skip index = round
number of cycles • ⎝ pattern number skip index⎠
In the position data records the first three values are the X-, Y-, Z-coordinates of the winding path points related to mandrel coordinate system. The other three values represents the norm vectors of the mandrel surface at these points. The norm vectors are only nee ded for the calculation of the vertical axis and the yaw axis. CADWIND generates the winding path file automatically with the vectors. If you want to change the winding path file and you do not need a calculation for the vertical axis or the yaw axis, you can leave out the vectors for simplification. To do this enter VECTORS: NO in line 6.
Converting a CCDF into a part program You can convert a CCDF (CADWIND control data file) into a part program via POSTPROCESSING / CCDF -> P ART PROGRAM . This allows you to edit a CCDF created by the processor (e. g. to enter manually additional motions) and to run it after the conversion into a part program. The advantage of the CCDF is that you can work with absolute values related to the mandrel coordinate system. Unlike the part program these can be clearly surveyed and are easy manageable. The conversion is carried out a ccording to the parameters of M ACHINE / FORMAT (see 7.2 part program format and 8.2 format).
M ATERIAL 8 Machine 8.1 Characterist ics of the windi ng machine Via the menu item M ACHINEt he characteristic parameters of the winding machine are e ntered.
Reference point To calculate the part program, the coordinate system of the machine has to be transformed into the coordinate system of the mandrel model. Therefore, drive your machine in the reference point (zero position) and measure the characteristic parameters (fig. 8.1). yaw pivot point
+ X
Y Ref Z M
X M Y Pos
Fig 8.1: reference point, positioning length FE: feed eye in the reference point (zero position) of the machine XM, YM, ZM: mandrel coordinate system XRef : reference point cross carriage (always > 0) YRef : reference point carriage (here > 0) YPos: positioning length distance between chuck and origin of the mandrel coordinate system (always > 0) R: yaw radius All these parameters except the carriage axis are constant on one specific machine and have to be measured only once. However, in the direction of the carriage different clamping and different mandrels result in different parameters. To facilitate this handling the transformation value has been divided. The reference specification for the carriage is refered to as an easy accessible, fixed machine point, e. g. the chuck (Y Ref ). Like the other reference parameters this value is constant. If you change the clamping or the mandrel only the positioning length (YPos) - the distance between the origin of the mandrel coordinate system and the chosen fixed machine point - must be measured. The positioning length as variable parameter is entered in POSTPROCESSING / P ARAMETER. For the cross carriage and the vertical axis you simply have to enter the distance between feed-eye and rotation axis. CADWIND defines the zero position of the pay-out rotation horizontal with the rovings supported from below. The zero position of the yaw axis is defined so that the feed eye is perpendicular to the mandrel rotation axis. If in the reference point your machine is positioned differently, you have to enter the angle differences.
M ATERIAL Regarding the mandrel rotation axis you have to clamp the mandrel so that in the zero position the Z- axis of the mandrel coordinate system points vertically upwards. If you want to clamp the mandrel differently, you have to add or subtract the co rresponding angle. CADWIND defines the cross carriage feeding horizontally. If this is not the case on your machine, the feeding angle has to be considered as well. For axisymmetric parts the alignment of the mandrel is n ot necessary. The positive orientation of the axes is defined as follows: • carriage: from the chuck to the tailstock • cross carriage: towards the mandrel rotation axis • vertical axis: upwards • all rotation axes: counterclockwise
Dimensions Here you have to enter the maximum travel ranges of the axes, the pay-out eye width, the eccentricity of the fibre guide (distance pay-out rotation axis / fibre) and the yaw axis radius (see fig. 8.2 and 8.3). The following two examples illustrate the term "eccentricity of the fiber guide". Figure 8.2 shows the example of an active pay-out eye with eccentricity (on 4 to 6 axes machines). CADWIND calculates the position of the pay-out eye rotation so that the roving is always in the furthest point of the shown ring. The distance between the pay-out eye rotation axis and the roving's contact point represents the eccentricity which has to be entered in machine parameter dialog.
feed-eye pivot axis
Fig. 8.2:
y t i c i r t n e c c e
active pay-out eye with eccentricity
Figure 8.3 shows a ring shaped passive pay-out eye (on 2 axes machines). Because of the fiber forces the roving slides on ring's inside radius. Therefore the inside radius of the ring represents the eccentricity which has to be entered in machine parameter dialog. To consider the effect of the eccentricity on the movement of the carriage you have to activate the calculation of the pay-out eye in POSTPROCESSING/PARAMETER. However for a 2 axes machine we have to eliminate the positions of the pay-out eye in the part program. You can do this by entering a resolution of zero INC/360° for the pay-out eye in the machine parameter dialog. 48
M ATERIAL roving contact point
Ri = eccentricity i R
x i s sp ind le a
Fig. 8.3:
ring as passive pay-out eye
Figure 8.4 shows the case that the pay-out eye rotation axis is not on the same height than the mandrel rotation axis.
Z ²
Fig. 8.4:
vertical offset of the pay-out rotation axis to the mandrel rotation axis
Velocities Here you have to enter the maximum velocities of the axes. If you want to slow down an axis you can enter a lower value.
Ac cel erat io ns 49
M ATERIAL Here you have to enter the maximum admissible changes of velocity between two control data records. By reducing these values you can achieve a smoother running machine. In particular for applications with big mandreldiameters and high moment of inertia for example we would recommend a low acceleration value for the spindle axis. Resolutions Here the incremental resolutions of the axes are fixed. The positive orientation of the axes is defined as follows: • carriage: from the chuck to the tailstock • cross carriage: towards the mandrel rotation axis • vertical axis: upwards • all rotation axes: counterclockwise If an axis of your machine should be orientated differently, you can change the direction by entering negative resolution values. Ax es You have to enter the existing axes of the machine.
8.2 Characterist ics of th e control Through the menu item M ACHINEt he characteristic parameters of the control of the winding machine are entered.
Minimum processing time This value represents the time which the co ntroller needs to treat one block.
Format You can generate the part programs in a user defined format or for the Baer-TCS84 machine controller. The structure of the user defined formats is described in a definition file. You can choose the definition file with the FILE NAMEb utton. Examples for the different machine controllers are on the diskette (*.DEF). You can use them as a basis and adapt them for your needs. The following terms are for the definition of the different program sections: {BLOCKINC}
The next two digits represents the increment for the running block number. (A value larger than 1 might be useful, if you want to make insertions in a part program afterwards. This avoids the time consuming need to change the block numbering later.)
This allows you to set a new value for the block number. The 4 digits after the mark represents the new block nu mber.
This marks the definition of the subprogram. The subprogram definition has to be before the main program definition. The line after {SUBPROG} is taken as file name for the subprogram. For an example see SINUM.DEF.
This marks the layer.
This marks the definition of the position block. This position block will be repeated for all positions. You can define o ther position blocks by using {ENDPOS NEXT} instead of {ENDPOS}. These will be written successively (see CTS.DEF).
A statement which is marked with {FB} {ENDFB} will be written only in the first position block (see SINUM.DEF).
Like {FB} {ENDFB} for the last position block.
For the definition of loops, subprograms, block numbers etc. you can use the following variables: {prg}
program number
subprogram number
{name }
data file name
date and time
block number
number of cycles
{cyc-1} number of cycles - 1 {lbl}
label number
number of the block which is marked with {*B*}
number of the block which is marked with {*E*}
loop begin mark
loop end mark
mandrel rotation offset in degrees after one cycle (0° ... 360°)
number of the position blocks in the corresponding layer
For the positions of the axes you can use the following variables (in the order: mandrel (ma), carriage (ca), cross carriage (cc), pay-out rotation (po), vertical axis (ve), yaw axis (yw)): {mapsp}, {capsp}, {ccpsp}, {popsp}, {vepsp}, {ywpsp}
relative pattern start position (psp)
{+/-mapsp}, {+/-capsp}, {+/-ccpsp} {+/-popsp}, {+/-vepsp}, {+/-ywpsp}
relative pattern start position with sign
M ATERIAL {mapspabs}, {capspabs}, {ccpspabs}, {popspabs}, {vepspabs}, {ywpspabs}
absolute pattern start position
{ma}, {ca}, {cc}, {po}, {ve}, {yw}
relative position
{/ma/}, {/ca/}, {/cc/}, {/po/}, {/ve/}, {/yw/}
relativen position without "+" or "-" sign
{+/-ma}, {+/-ca}, {+/-cc}, {+/-po}, {+/-ve}, {+/-yw}
relative position with sign
{maabs}, {caabs}, {ccabs}, {poabs}, {veabs}, {ywabs}
absolute position
For the programming of the time or the feed you can use: {t[s]}
relative time in seconds
relative time in milliseconds
reciprocal, relative time in [1/min]
absolute time in seconds
absolute time in milliseconds
feed in increments/minute
Remark: The velocity in increments/minute is calculated with the following formula:
2 2 2 A1 + A 2+ ... + A 6 t 60
An = move distance of the axis in increments t = time in seconds
The number of digits after the decimal point can be defined for every variable after a colon (e. g. {+/- ma}:6). The default value is 4. You can use special characters in the part program by entering #/ and the ASCII code. For example for ¶ enter the code #/020.
M ATERIAL 9 Print / Plot 9.1 Print Due to the key combination PRINT under WINDOWS it is quite easy to make a screen shot. With A LT +PRINT it is possible to save the opened application into the clipboard as a screen shot which can be pasted in every text, spreadsheet, ... document.
M ATERIAL 10 The edito r
Through the menu item EDITy ou can use a text editor with the following commands:
cursor movements character left character right line up line down word left word right page up page down begin of line end of line begin of file end of file
^S ^D ^E ^X ^A ^F ^R ^C ^Q^S ^Q^D ^Q^R ^Q^C
or or or or or or or or or or or or
insert and d elete insert / overwrite indent on / off delete character left from cursor delete character insert line delete line delete until end of line delete until begin of line
^V ^O ^H ^G ^M ^Y ^Q^Y ^Q^H
or or or
Backspace Del Enter
block commands start block marking copy block to clipboard paste block from clipboard delete clipboard hide block marking
^K^B ^K^K ^K^C ^K^Y ^K^H
Shift =+-[
find and replace find replace search again
^Q^F ^Q^A ^L
= + [
^= ^PgUp PgDn Home End ^ PgUp ^ PgDn
M ATERIAL 11 Function summary
Info Deutsch English Français Units
shows software info changes the language of the program dialogue for changing the units
Mandrel Load Create Exit
loads an existing mandrel file allows the user to create mandrel files terminates the program
View Draw Parameters Graphic
draws the loaded mandrel according to the actual view parameters dialogue for entering the view parameters displays the last graphic screen (only when using one single screen)
Winding Start winding Non-geodesic T Circumferential Helical Polar Combination Selection Material parameters Colour scale Options Load Save
calculates the winding on the loaded mandrel according to the actual winding and material parameters dialogue for entering the parameters for non-geodesic winding dialogue for entering the parameters for T winding dialogue for entering the parameters for circumferential winding dialogue for entering the parameters for helical winding dialogue for entering the parameters for polar winding dialogue for entering the parameters for the calculation of the transition between two layers dialogue for choosing a calculation method dialogue for entering the material parameters for activating the colour scale dialogue for the selection of the different winding options loads the winding and material parameters from a file saves the actual winding and material parameters in a file
Postprocessing Control data Parameters Source Axes Part program CCDF -> part program Display
calculates the control data of the last generated winding path according to the actual postprocessing and machine parameters dialogue for entering the postprocessing parameters selection of the source of postprocessor dialogue for entering the axes for which the control data shall be calculated dialogue for entering the part program parameters conversion of a CCDF into a part program displays the machine motion in X-Y-diagrams 55