This is a short test/ quiz for Business Studies (Chapter: Motivating Workers). The questions can be used for class discussion or revision at home.Full description
A course book for Business Studies and Economics Students.Deskripsi lengkap
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Business Studies notes for IGCSE. A detailed and easily understandable document.
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A course book for Business Studies and Economics Students.
A course book for Business Studies and Economics Students.Descripción completa
intro to business studies
A course book for Business Studies and Economics Students.
guide yourself to success
A simplified alternative to the Board of Studies Business Studies Syllabus.
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Busi nessSt udi es–Mo Mot i vat i ngWor ker s Test Name me: ___________________________ Cl ass: _______ Mar ks :________ Quest i on1
Ki m Ch anha sr e c en t l yb ee no nama ma na ge me me ntt r a i n i n gc o ur s e .Heha sl e ar n t t hat‘ wor khel pst os at i s f yhumanneeds ’ .Ki m wentbac kt ohi sf at her ’ s bus i nes sandt ol dhi sf at her ,Wuaboutt hec our s e.Hi sf at herl aughedand s a i d ,‘ No ns e ns e .Mo ne ys a t i s fi e sh uma nn ee ds .Pe op l eo nl ywo r kt oe ar n money! ’ ( a)Defi ne‘ Mo t i v at i onatWor k ’ ……………… ……… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ………………… ………………… ……………… ……………… ………. . . ………… …… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………. …. [ 2]
Quest i on5 Har r yownsapi z zar es t aur anti nal ar gec i t y .T abl e1gi v esfinanc i al dat af or
t hebus i nes si n2012. T abl e1
Sel l i ngpr i c eperpi z z a
Var i abl ec os t sperpi z z a
We Weekl yfix edcost s
We ek l ys a l e s1 50 0pi z z a s
Har r ypa y shi swor k er spi ec er at es .I dent i f yande xpl ai noneadv ant ageand oned i s adv a nt ag et oHar r yofu si ngt hi sme me t h odofp ay me me nt . 4