Business Studies (Intro)

intro to business studies...
Author:  qweiop

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Preliminary notes for business studies

Business Studies notes for IGCSE. A detailed and easily understandable document.

This is a short test/ quiz for Business Studies (Chapter: Motivating Workers). The questions can be used for class discussion or revision at home.Full description

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This is a short test/ quiz for Business Studies (Chapter: Motivating Workers). The questions can be used for class discussion or revision at home.

A course book for Business Studies and Economics Students.Full description

Business Studies Business Studies HSC Textbook

A course book for Business Studies and Economics Students.

A course book for Business Studies and Economics Students.Descripción completa

A course book for Business Studies and Economics Students.

guide yourself to success

My business plan for my made up computer business. It was an assignment for the business class I dual enrolled in through my high school. My teacher didn't teach us how to do it, and I only …Full description

A simplified alternative to the Board of Studies Business Studies Syllabus.

Business Studies NSW Syllabus HSC course