Be Your Best Self By Pres. Monson
April 2009
Topic:: Daily Scriptures Study Topic Opening Song & Prayer: I love to read the Holy Scriptures p. 109 csb Lesson: 1. Read the box titled – Words from Pres. Monson 2. Show picture of Lehi’s Vision (pg. 69 of Gospel art Book)– and read the boxed story
Testimony Time:
Tell your own story story of how Scripture reading has helped you in a specific way. Ask others to share if they would like (you could also assign this out before the lesson starts to give family members a chance to think and prepare).
Activity: Treasure Hunt ( The Treasure is the FHE TREAT)
Pass out a Map & Set of Scriptures to everyone. Together answer the questions on the back of the map while placing a sticker over the letter each time it is answered (the stickers are to help the non-readers stay involved)
Give everyone their own scripture marking chart - Recommit to daily scripture study, do a little bit better –. Mark each day you do a little bit better better in your scripture study. Pray more fervently and ponder ponder more as you read.
Closing Prayer: Treat: Make Scriptures with frosting and Graham crackers (the crackers are the outside of the book with frosting being the yummy words inside the scriptures) you could also have licorice for the iron rod (word of God).
Words from Pres. Monson Although our journey through mortality will at times place us in harm’s way, may I offer you tonight 3 suggestions which, when observed and followed, will lead us to safety. They are: 1. Study Diligently
2. Pray Fervently 3. Live Righteously These suggestions are are not new; they have been taught and repeated again and again. If we incorporate them into our lives, however, we will have the strength to withstand the adversary. Should we ignore them, we will be opening the door for Satan to have influence and power over us. FIRST – STUDY DILLIGENTLY (Tonight we will discuss this first suggestions) We should “participate should “participate in daily scripture study. Crash courses are not nearly so effective as the day-to-day reading and application of the scriptures in our lives. Become acquainted with the lessons the scriptures teach. Learn the background and setting of the Master’s parables and the prophets’ admonitions. Study them as though they were speaking to you, for such is the truth.
If you will study the scriptures diligently, your power to avoid temptation and to receive direction of the Holy Ghost in all you do will be increased.
Lehi’s Vision – See page 69 of Gospel Art Book The prophet Lehi and his son Nephi were each shown in vision the importance of obtaining and then holding fast to the word of God. G od.
Concerning the Iron rod Nephi said to his brothers, “And I said unto them that the rod was the word of God; and whoso would hearken unto the word of God, and would hold fast unto it, they would never perish; neither could the temptations and the fiery darts of the adversary overpower them unto blindness, to lead them away to destruction. Wherefore, I, Nephi, did exhort them to give heed unto the word of the Lord; yea, I did exhort them with all the energies e nergies of my soul, and with all the faculty which I possessed, that they would give heed to the word of God and remember to keep his commandments always in all things.” 1 Nephi 15:24-25
Directions: Each time you find an answer to a question put a sticker over the letter to chart your progress! Enjoy your Journey!
Answer the Questions below in order to find the Hidden Treasure
What book and chapter in the Book of Mormon does Abinadi quote the 10 commandments?
In what book and chapter in the Bible do we read about Moses receiving the 10 commandments?
Where is the 3rd place in the Scriptures the 10 commandments are written down?
What Mountain does Moses receive the 10 commandments on?
Find the Mountain from question D. on a bible map.
you have easy internet access type in the Mountain’s name in Google and then hit “Images” and look at the pictures.)
Find where a modern day prophet has taught us about one of the 10 commandments.
Scripture Study Tips
Designate the same time every day as your scripture time
Listen to the scriptures on cd as you are folding laundry, traveling in the car, going to sleep, getting ready in the morning etc.
Read the scriptures from the Sunday School lesson and study those topics during the week
Read from the beginning to end
Study a certain book – who are the people in that book, what are the major themes, what is the main story line
Study a topic – study every scripture written on a certain topic in all the scriptures
Bible Dictionary – pick a letter of the alphabet and start with it in the bible dictionary, begin reading in the bible dictionary, this this is a great way to learn about people, objects, symbolism etc.
Pray before you read your scriptures
Keep a daily scripture journal – each time you read write at least one thing down
Memorize Scriptures!
Read for a set amount of time – not a certain amount of chapters or verses
Answer Questions – during the week or at church on Sunday when you have question, write it down – about a person or topic or anything about the scriptures – and then during the week find the answer to that question in the scriptures
Mark your scriptures – always have a marking pencil or pen with you to mark meaningful verses
Make a list of your favorite scriptures scriptures on every topic. topic. Make a chart and list the topic and then list a great verse you have found about that topic, as time goes by you can add more topics and even more verses.
Download the scriptures to your I-pod or mp3 player