Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education in the Philippines Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education (BTTE) is a four year ladderized degree program that provides students with the knowledge and skills to teach technical – vocational courses like Automotive Electrical !ivil and "rafting technology #ood and $ervice %anagement and many more& 't aims to euip students with strong strong theoretical understanding of teaching and technology& The Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education Education program program inculcates inculcates in students students a deep understanding of the teaching and learning principles and theories needed in teaching technical – vocational courses& 't also discusses how the educational processes relate to larger historical social cultural and political processes& enerally the program*s curriculum is +lled with education su,-ects thus graduates of this program are allowed to take the .icensure E/amination for Teachers (.ET)& 0nce graduates of the BTTE program pass the .ET they can teach in academic institutions institution s speci+cally in elementary secondary and collegiate levels& 1ome Economics and .ivelihood Education (1E.E) Technology and .ivelihood Education (T.E) Agricultural Technology (AgriTech) Practical Arts (PracArts) and !omputer Technology T echnology (!omTech) are -ust -ust some of the su,-ects that that graduates can can teach& raduates of the BTTE program may also teach in the Technical Education and $kills "evelopment Authority (TE$"A) as well as in vocational schools private and livelihood training centers and charita,le institutions who aim to train the oppressed sectors of society to develop speci+c skills that they can use to earn money and ,ecome +nancially independent& The su,-ects that they will teach will mainly depend on the +eld of specializati specialization on that they chose&
Areas of $pecialization
Automotive Technology – the design construction and operation of motor engines and automo,iles&
Electronics Technology – concerned with the development ,ehavior and applications of electronic devices and circuits&
Electrical Technology – the design and development of high2voltage systems and components such as motors generators heaters electrical power transmission and distri,ution systems radio wave and optical systems converters and control systems for operating light and heavy machinery&
Food and Service Management – the application of food science to the selection preservation processing packaging distri,ution and use of safe food&
Drafting Technology – the systematic representation and dimensional speci+cation of mechanical and architectural structures&
Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning Technology – develop the skills and knowledge of students in many aspects of the 13A! industry which include the installation and servicing of heating ventilation air conditioning and refrigeration systems for residential and commercial applications&
Mechanical Technology – introduces the student to the principles materials and euipment of mechanical technology& Emphasis is placed on drafting design and an understanding of ,asic machine components&
Welding and Farication Technology – teaches students the fa,rication or sculptural process that -oins materials usually metals or thermoplastics
!ivil Technology – teaches students skills in the development of designs and drawings from preliminary concepts and sketches prepare construction speci+cations cost and material estimates pro-ect schedules and reports&
"arments, Fashion and Design – involves lessons that provide students with the knowledge in the inspection and analysis of fa,rics materials and methods used in the production of clothing&
Two %odels of the BTTE Program o
Model A – o4ered to high school graduates&
Model # – o4ered to the graduates of the two year Trade Technical !urriculum and the Three2year "iploma of Technology Program in di4erent areas of
specialization who have at least one year industry e/perience aside from the industry immersion506T&
.adderized !urriculum Being a ladderized course students who successfully complete each year level and pass the TE$"A !ompetency Assessment shall ,e issued the 7ational !erti+cate (7!) on that particular level& These certi+cates will depend on the area of specialization that a student will choose to study& Automotive Technology 8
9st to :rd year8 !erti+cate as Auto $ervice Technician
Electronics Technology8
9st to :rd year8 !erti+cate in Electronics Technology
Electrical Technology 8
9st year8 !erti+cate in Building ;iring 'nstallation
:rd year8 !erti+cate in raphics5!ommercial Arts with computer application
Food and Service Management 8
9st year8 !erti+cate in #ood $election and Preparation #ood Processing packaging and la,elling and meal management
Drafting Technology 8
9st year8 !erti+cate in %achine "rafting Basic Auto2!A" <2"
:rd year8 !erti+cate in Air "uct $ervicing
Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning Technology 8
9st year8 !erti+cate in =efrigeration and Air2conditioning (=A!) $ervicing
:rd year8 !erti+cate in raphics5!ommercial Arts with computer application
Mechanical Technology 8
9st to :rd year8 !erti+cate in %achining
Welding and Farication Technology 8
9st year8 !erti+cate in $hielded %etal Arc ;edding ($%A;)
!ivil Technology 8
9st year8 !erti+cate in !arpentry $ca4old Erection and %asonry
"arments, Fashion and Design 8
9st to :rd year8 !erti+cate in "ressmaking
$u,-ects and !urriculum The su,-ects and reuirements in the BTTE curriculum are divided into the following categories8 "eneral Education courses8 .anguage and 1umanities !luster %athematics
!omputer and 7atural $cience !luster $ocial $ciences !luster %andated $u,-ects
$rofessional !ourses 8
Theory and !once%ts8 Adolescent Psychology #acilitating .earning $ocial "imensions of Education The Teaching Profession including the !ode of Ethics !urriculum "evelopment (Pro-ect Planning and "evelopment)
Methods and Strategies of Teaching Technology 8 Principles of Teaching $trategies of Teaching Educational Technology Assessment of $tudent .earning !areer uidance and !ounselling
S%eciali&ation !ourses8
Automotive Technology 8 'nternal !om,ustion Engine $ervicing =epair and %aintenance Preventive %aintenance and as5"iesel Engine Tune2up Automotive Body Electrical $ystem $ervice =epair and %aintenance >nderchassis !omponents Automotive Air2conditioning $ystem %oto rcycle and $mall Engine $ervicing Engine 0verhauling
Electronics Technology8 Basic Electronics "igital Electronics Audio $ystem =epair and %aintenance !ellular Phone =epair 3ideo $ystem =epair 'nstrumentation Trou,leshoot
Electrical Technology 8 #undamentals of Electricity Electrical and Electronics !ircuits and "evices Electrical ;iring $ystem and "esign $ignal and !ommunication $ystem "! %achine A! %achine .ogic !ircuit !ontroller Pneumatic and 1ydraulic application
Food and Service Management 8 0ccupation 1ealth and $afety Practices #ood $election and Preparation %eal %anagement #ood Processing Packaging and .a,elling Basic Baking Advance Baking 'nternational !uisine !afeteria and !atering %anagement ?uantity !ookery Bartending and Bar set2up
Drafting Technology 8 "rafting #undamentals and theory of design Basic Auto2!A" <2" application %achine "rafting using Auto2!A" Architectural drafting and design Building technology and >tilities !onstruction Estimates and $cale %odelling
Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning Technology 8 'nstrumentation and !ontrol "evices "omestic =efrigeration and Air2 conditioning Electrical !ircuits $oldering ;elding and 6oining 0perations !ommercial =efrigeration %o,ile =efrigeration =efrigeration Plant "esigning 1eat Pump 0peration
Mechanical Technology 8 Basic %achine Tools Bench ;ork .athe %achine 0perations 1eat Treatment %illing %achine 0perations rinding %achine 0perations Tool and "ie %aking Blueprint =eading
Welding and Farication Technology 8 %etal Testing and 1eat Treatment Process Basic $hielding %etal Arc ;elding Process 0/y Acetylene ;elding !utting and Brazing as %etal Arc ;elding Pipe #itting
!ivil Technology 8 0ccupational 1ealth and $afety 7ational Building !ode =ough !arpentry =e,ar ;orks =ough %asonry Elementary $urveying Plum,ing #inishing %asonry #inishing !arpentry !onstruction $urveying !onstruction Estimating Analysis of Building $tructure !onstruction Painting !onstruction %anagement
"arments, Fashion and Design 8 #a,ric and arment "esigning Techniues Basic $ewing Processes %en*s arments !onstruction Pattern rading and %arker %aking
'ndustry 'mmersion ()*T+
$ractice Teaching
S%ecial esearch To%ic$ro.ect
The lessons in the BTTE program are taught to students in a variety of teaching methods& They will spend most of their time inside the classroom listening to lectures doing hands2on e/ercises and visiting di4erent vocational and livelihood agencies where they will ,e a,le to o,serve +rsthand di4erent tasks related to their chosen industry& #rom time to time seminars and educational talks will ,e scheduled for students to attend& These kinds of activities will give keep the students up2to2 date with current trends and practices&
's Technical Teaching a profession@ 'f a graduate takes the .icensure E/amination for Teachers (.ET) and passes he5she ,ecomes a .icensed Teacher& 1e5she may ,e employed as Trainer of 'ndustry2,ased training centers 'nstructor for Technical $chools Teacher of Technological .ivelihood and vocational courses and many more& Being a .icensed Teacher is considered a profession ,ecause it reuires a speci+c set of knowledge and skills as well as a licensure e/amination& BTTE graduates who do not go on to ,ecome teachers can ,e employed in a variety of technical -o,s that relate to their +eld of specialization& Technician -o,s are considered professions however there are also less specialized -o,s like machinist and operators which are not considered to ,e professions&
;hat are the admission reuirements for the BTTE program@ Aside from the general admission reuirements the two types of models for the BTTE program have speci+c admission reuirements& =euirements at each school may di4er ,ut these are the mandated reuirements according to !1E"& Admission re/uirements for High School students 8
Must e a high school graduate0 Those who did not complete high school education may opt to +rst attend Alternative .earning $ystem (A.$) and pass the Philippine Educational
Placement Test (PEPT) to ualify for college& 1owever some universities only o4er selected courses for PEPT passers o
!ollege entrance e1am 8 must pass the college entrance e/amination with a speci+ed rating set ,y the school&
"eneral Weighted Average ("WA+ 8 the high school graduate must have a speci+ed grade point average as reected in his5her form 9:&
'ntervie28 must pass the interview conducted ,y the college& Admission re/uirements for Technology Di%loma holders 8
Full-3edged Technician 8 to ,e admitted to the BTTE program model B an applicant must ,e a graduate of a two year Trade Technical !urriculum or a three2year "iploma of Technology Program in di4erent areas of specialization or any other Technical – 3ocational course&
)ne year 2or4industry e1%erience8 must have at least one year industry e/perience aside from the industry immersion506T&
"rade average in technical su.ects 8 the technician candidate must have o,tained the speci+ed grade average in his technical su,-ects&
5ational !erti6cation (5!+ 8 for an applicant to ,e admitted he5she must have ,een awarded as third class (7!''') certi+ed technician ,y TE$"A&
!om%leted the general education re/uirements 8 the applicant must have satis+ed the minimum general education reuirements& 'n case the applicant lacks units in general education ,ridging su,-ects should ,e taken ,y the applicant to ful+ll the general education reuirements&
($ee sources 9 <)
;hat skills traits and attitude will help you succeed in this course@ o
Strong Technical S4ills – the knowledge and a,ility to learn operate and control properly and safely an e/tensive range of euipment tools and systems used in the +eld&
#asic Mathematical s4ills – knowledge of arithmetic alge,ra geometry calculus statistics and their applicationsC during practicum e/ercises you may ,e
asked to calculate certain things so that you can accurately create or +/ something so ,asic knowledge of math is important o
Analytical s4ills – the a,ility to determine how a system should work and how changes in conditions operations and the environment will a4ect outcomes
$rolem solving s4ills – the a,ility to identify comple/ pro,lems and review related information to develop and evaluate options and implement solutionsC +/ing di4erent euipment machines and other electronic o,-ects can ,e very tricky you need to know the order on how to +/ things how to diagnose and identify mechanical pro,lems and return parts to where they should ,e&
Detail )riented – the a,ility to notice and identify even the most minute pro,lems in a system process or euipment
7uic4 Thin4er – picks up and understands instructions easilyC a,le to e/ecute tasks in a fast and eDcient way
!omfortale in %ulic s%ea4ing – this is an advantage for those who wish to ,ecome teachers or instructors&
Ale to estalish authority – this is an advantage for those who wish to ,ecome teachers or instructors&
"ood communicator – the a,ility to pro+ciently speak and write English and convey information to students that is easy to understand&
eading !om%rehension – understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documentsC since you will Practice Teach you must ,e a,le to understand English very well to interpret correctly what you*ve read in ,ooks and other sources&
!om%uter 8iteracy – ,asic knowledge of computer use and ,eing a,le to understand application software used in creating models of designs and systems
$lanning s4ills – the a,ility to organize and prioritize activities5tasks e4ectivelyC must ,e a,le to think of ways on how to do a -o, eDciently
$atience – during practicum e/ercises you will not always ,e a,le to identify and +/ the pro,lem in a machine or euipment right away so you have to e/tend your patience and continue workingC understands student ,ehavior avoids temper ares and +nds possi,le solutions to unpleasant situations& Also during the during the #ield Practice you will ,e assigned in di4erent agencies where the work involved is time consuming and will involve manual la,or thus patience is very essential
1ow diDcult is the Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education program@ Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education is not considered a diDcult course& The program is a com,ination of Technology and Education thus students have to study a variety of su,-ects& Aside from an interest in +/ing and repairing things you also need to have a are in teaching& "uring the entire span of the course you will have alternating classroom discussions and hands on or practicum e/ercises& "uring your hands on e/ercises you will ,e asked to repair machines engines and many moreC you will get dirty and smeared so you have to ,e a,le to accept this kind of work& 't does not contain a lot of %athematics or $cience su,-ectsC however there are many education su,-ects that you must read and understand thoroughly so that you can apply it in your practice teaching& ou have to remem,er di4erent techniues and methods where your memory will greatly ,e tested& 0ne of the most challenging parts of the program is accomplishing two sets of Practicum one is an 'ndustry 'mmersion and the other is Practice Teaching& To add up to this you also need to make a special research pro-ect&
1ow long does it take to complete the BTTE program in the Philippines@ The BTTE program takes four years to complete& The program may also ,e completed in less than F years for schools who follow a trimestral curriculum&
#ield Practicum A student of the BTTE program needs to complete two sets of #ield Practicum& o
'ndustry 'mmersion >nder the 'ndustry 'mmersion students will ,e assigned in di4erent agencies and companies related to their speci+c +eld of study& "uring the 'ndustry 'mmersion
students are given the opportunity to apply their knowledge and practice their skills in actual settings& The immersion program is done under the supervision of a designated authority in the esta,lishment5oDce which will evaluate the student periodically and su,mit the evaluation form to the assigned faculty mem,er& The 'ndustry 'mmersion is o4ered in the fourth year of the BTTE program& o
$ractice Teaching Practice Teaching is the culmination of the teacher preparation process& $tudents may ,e assigned in Elementary and $econdary $chools !olleges5>niversities or in 3ocational 'nstitutions where they are given the opportunity to apply their knowledge and practice their skills in actual classes&
The practice teaching program is done under the supervision of a faculty mem,er as well as the advisory teacher& #ormal and informal classroom o,servations are conducted regularly& Among the reuirements of practice teaching are the creation of plans for classroom management and instruction& The num,er of hours reuired for ,oth Practicums varies from one school to another& ($ee source)
.icensure E/amination for Teachers (.ET) raduates of the BTTE program can still ,e employed even if they do not take the .ET however for those who would like to teach in secondary schools colleges5universities and vocational institutionsC they need to pass the .icensure E/amination for Teachers (.ET)& The e/amination is conducted ,y the Board of Professional Teachers under the supervision of the Professional =egulations !ommission (P=!)& There are three categories of su,-ects included in the e/am8 eneral Education (
the ,oard e/amination are usually released 9 to < months after the e/am&
!areer opportunities for Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education graduates
Teaching -o,s raduates of the BTTE program who are .ET passers can teach di4erent +elds in technical education& These are the most common positions they can ,e employed in& o
High School Teacher – teaching Technology and .ivelihood Education (T.E) Agricultural Technology (AgriTech) Practical Arts (PracArts) and !omputer Technology (!omTech)
Elementary School Teacher – teaching 1ome Economics and .ivelihood Education (1E.E) and !omputer Education
Vocational Teacher
Technical 'nstructor
!ollege9niversity $rofessor – teaching Technical Education or 'ndustrial Education& This may reuire a %aster*s degree&
Technical -o,s related to the BTTE program8 o
Mechanic – repair and maintain almost any machinery or device ,y using their advanced knowledge a,out functioning of many systems&
Machinist – set up and operate a variety of machine tools to produce precision parts and instrumentsC includes precision instrument makers who fa,ricate modify or repair mechanical instruments&
Technician – help create maintain and repair the electronic components and euipment used in any euipment or device that involves electricity&
)%erator – work with heavy machinery from setup to operation& %achine operators might work with computer2controlled euipment or more mechanically ,ased machines to make sure they are set up properly working well and producing uality product&
Faricator – responsi,le for assem,ling +nished products using tools machines and their own hands& #a,ricates various types of products&
'ndustrial Technician – plans and coordinates production activities to ensure that production runs smoothly and stays within ,udget&
Mechatronics Technician – apply their knowledge of engineering to solve technical pro,lems and maintain automated mechanical euipment& This may entail inspecting trou,leshooting and repairing electrical and electronic components&
$neumatic and Hydraulic Technician – also known as hydraulic mechanics work in industrial settings where they install repair and maintain hydraulic euipment and machinery such as lifts cranes and forklifts&
'nstrumentation Technician – install maintain and repair the measuring and control devices used in industrial and commercial processing&
Food Technician – check production processes and product uality and undertake maintenance and ,asic repair of euipment&
Safety Food !ontroller – monitors compliance with uality standards on production oor to ensure product conforms to speci+cation and food safety practices and assist in documentation involving #ood $afety and ood %anufacturing Practices&
Heat $um% 'nstallerTechnician – install and maintain systems that control the temperature humidity air ow and air +ltering in all types of ,uildings&
Drafter – use software to convert the designs of engineers and architects into technical drawings and plans&
ootics Technician – ,uild install test or maintain ro,otic euipment or related automated production systems&
8and Survey technologists – ad-ust and operate land surveying instruments such as the theodolite and electronic distance2measuring euipment and compile notes make sketches and enter data into computers&
High2ay Technician – inspect pro-ect site and evaluate contractor work to detect design malfunctions and ensure conformance to design speci+cations and applica,le codes&
Welding 'ns%ector – performs visual inspections and tests on welded steel pieces to ,e used in the construction of ,uildings ,ridges and other structures&
Safety coordinator – plan and e/ecute the site safety function reuirementsC implement preventive measure and recommend improvement on the unsafe conditions5material5euipment
Site su%ervisor – oversees and manages all aspects of a construction
site& This can include preparing ,udgets hiring team mem,ers and handling all logistical and operations duties&
$ro.ect Manager, !onstruction – responsi,le for the planning
management co2ordination and +nancial control of a construction pro-ect&
7uality assurance technician – tests and inspects products and parts in
a manufacturing environment to ensure the uality of the product&
$roduction manager – responsi,le for the technical management
supervision and control of industrial production processes&
)%erations manager – ensures the day to day operations of a
construction pro-ect&
!areer 0pportunities A,road
raduates of technical college programs are in demand a,road& The skilled workers sector is highly in demand in foreign countries such as the %iddle East !anada Australia and $ingapore& #ilipinos are usually employed in foreign countries as welders iron worker machinist machine operators and similar low level -o,s however these -o,s usually pay higher than midlevel and advanced positions in the Philippines& ($ee sources 9 <)
$alary .evels
A degree in Technical Education can lead to a variety of -o,sC e/amples of these -o,s include working as a Technician %achinist and Teacher& The monthly salaries for these types of -o,s are as follows8
#resh rad 5 K 9 ear E/perienced Employee8 P GGG to P 9<GGG
92F ears E/perienced Employee8 P 9GGGG to P 9JGGG
$upervisor 5 J ears L >p E/perienced Employee8 P 9JGGG to P <:GGG
Assistant %anager 5 %anager8 P 9JGGG to P :GGGG
(see source)
92F ears E/perienced Employee8 P 9GGGG to P 9GGG
(see source) o
#resh rad 5 K 9 ear E/perienced Employee8 P GGG to P 9<GGG
92F ears E/perienced Employee8 P 9GGGG to P 9IGGG
$upervisor 5 J ears L >p E/perienced Employee8 P 9MGGG to P <<GGG
Assistant %anager 5 %anager8 P
(see source)