Applied linguistics: Applied linguistic is an interdisciplinary field of study that identifies, investigates, and offers solutions to language-related real-life problems. Some of the academic fields related to applied linguistics are education, linguistics, psychology, anthropology, and sociology.
Domain: Major branches of applied linguistics include b ilingualism and multilingualism, computer-mediated communication communication (CMC), conversation analysis, contrastive linguistics, language assessment, literacies, discourse analysis, language pedagogy, second language acquisition, lexicography, language planning and policies, pragmatics, forensic linguistics, and translation. Major journals of the field include " Annual Review of Applied Linguistics ", " Applied Linguistics ", "International Review of Applied Linguistics", "International Journal of Applied Linguistics", "Issues in Applied Linguistics", and "Language Learning ".
History: The tradition of applied linguistics established itself in part as a response to the narrowing of focus in linguistics with the advent in the late 1950s of generative linguistics, and has always maintained a socially accountable accountable role, demonstrated by its central interest in language problems. Although the field of applied linguistics started from Europe and the United States, the f ield rapidly flourished in the international context.
United States: Although it is not clear when the field of o f applied linguistics began, the first issue of "Language Learning: A Journal of Applied Linguistics" was published from the University of Michigan in 1948. Applied linguistics first concerned itself with principles and practices on the basis of linguistics. In the e arly days, applied linguistics was thought as linguistics-applied linguistics-applied at least from the outside of the field. In the 1960s, however, applied linguistics was expanded to include language assessment, language policy, and second language acquisition. acquisition. As early as the 1970s, applied linguistics became a problem-driven field rather than theoretical linguistics. Applied Applied linguistics also included solution of language-related problems problems in the real world. By the 1990s, applied linguistics has broadened including critical studies and multilingualism. Research of applied linguistics was shifted to "the theoretical and empirical investigation of real world problems in which language is a central issue."
United Kingdom: The British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL) was established in 1967. Its mission is "the advancement of education by fostering and promoting, by a ny lawful charitable means, the study s tudy of language use, language acquisition and language teaching and the f ostering of interdisciplinary collaboration in this study.
Australia: Australian applied linguistics took as its target the applied linguistics of mother tongue teaching and teaching English to immigrants. The Australia tradition shows a strong influence of continental Europe and of the USA, rather than of Britain. Applied Linguistics of Association of Australia (ALAA) was e stablished at a national congress of applied linguists held in August 1976.
Japan: In 1982, the Japan Association of Applied Linguistics (JAAL) was established in the Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET) in order to engage in activities on a more international scale. In 1984, JAAL became an affiliate of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA).
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