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Sample application letter for students who will take their OJT.Full description
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OJT Application Letter
LETTER OF APPLICATION FOR AN IRISH VISA To, The Visa Officer, Embassy of Ireland, New Delhi. Dear Sir/Ma’am, I, applicant_name , holder of the Indian assort passport_ passport_number number iss!ed in place_of in place_of_issue _issue on date_of_issue date_of_issue,, wish wish to al aly y for for a "isi "isitt "isa "isa to Irel Irelan and. d. I am c!rr c!rren entl tly y eml emloy oyed ed with with applicant’s_employer_name_and_address as a occupation_of_applicant occupation_of_applicant .. The The !r !ros ose e of my "isi "isitt is to meet meet my relationship relationship,, inviter_name inviter_name,, who resides at the address #inviter_home_address # inviter_home_address ” and is emloyed with invitee’s_employer_name_and_address as occupation_of_invitee . $ letter letter of in"itation in"itation from him is attached attached,, alon% alon% with other other necessar necessary y doc!ments. The len%th of my "isit will be number_of_days days & days &from_date from_date to to_date to_date', ', s!b(ect to "isa bein% %ranted. I will be tra"ellin% to Ireland whether_alone_or_with_someone (name&relationship). I undertake to fully observe the ond!t!ons of "y v!sa and to leave Ireland on e#$!ry of "y $er"!ss!on to re"a!n% I also undertake that I &!ll not beo"e a f!nan!al burden on the State. State. Sho!ld yo! ha"e any f!rther )!estions, lease contact me by hone/e*mail.