to find out the awareness of online food delivery via different portals and also to find the usage of online ordering through these portals
Alternative Delivery Channel Survey Gender_________________ Age_____________________ Branch_________________ Profession________________
1) Do you have an account in Bank AlFalah? Yes Yes No
2) How freuently do you visit Bank Alfalah? Daily !eekly "onthly #ther
3) !hich is the $ost %refera&le $ode of &anking? 'isiting &ranch (nternet &anking "o&ile &anking A)" 4) !hich of the following services are you aware of? A)" *"* alerts (nternet &anking "o&ile &anking Phone Banking+,-state$ents 5) Are you a s$art %hone user?
Yes No
6) Do you use !i-Fi+data on your s$art %hone? Yes No 7) Have you ever used Bank Alfalah.s internet &anking+$o&ile &anking
services? Yes No
If yes,
8) !hich of the following internet &anking services do you use? Balance inuiry Funds transfer "ini state$ent /tility &ills %ay$ent )eleco$+internet %o% u% 0/fone1 )elenor1 2ong 1!arid and !ateen3 4redit card %ay$ents of self and credit card custo$ers
9) !hich of the following "o&ile &anking services do you use? Pay utility &ills and BAF credit 4ard Bills )ransfer funds Pay 2akat and Donation )ransaction alert via s$s
If N, 1!)
!ould you &e willing to try any of our alternate delivery channels in
future? Yes No 11)
!hy are you not using these services stated a&ove? )hey are di5cult to use )hey are e6%ensive
( don.t need such services #ther ________________ 12)
!hich of the A)" service do you use? Pre%aid vouchers (nter&ank 7nancial transaction Balance inuiry 4ash withdrawal "ini-state$ent Pay$ent of utility &ills