ALPUTX.txt %I:\ALPUTX.T06 //CP = 1252 //ANSI = YES YES 510216 0 1 "Cycle turret in progress" 510217 0 1 "I enliven in opening jaws Chuck S4 " 510218 0 1 "I enliven in closing jaws Chuck S4 " 510221 0 1 "I stop back movement reader Tailstock" 510222 0 1 "I stop movement reader before Tailstock" 510223 0 1 "Bar change in process" 510224 0 1 "Handshake in process" 510225 0 1 "Block reader through movement steady rest arms" 510226 0 1 "" 510231 0 1 "Attended arrest Spindles" 700000 0 0 "F: Channel 1 M function is not admissible" 700001 0 0 "F: Channel 1 M function > 999 is not admissible" 700002 0 0 "F: Channel 1 extended M function is not admissible" 700003 0 0 "F: Channel 1 M function is multiply programmed in block program" 700004 0 0 "F: Channel 2 M function is not admissible" 700005 0 0 "F: Channel 2 M function > 999 is not admissible" 700006 0 0 "F: Channel 2 extended M function is not admissible" 700007 0 0 "F: Channel 2 M function is multiply programmed in block program" 700008 0 0 "F: Channel 3 M function is not admissible" 700009 0 0 "F: Channel 3 M function > 999 is not admissible" 700010 0 0 "F: Channel 3 extended M function is not admissible" 700011 0 0 "F: Channel 3 M function is multiply programmed in block program" 700012 0 0 "F: No clamping pressure on spindle clamp 3" 700013 0 0 "F: Permissible clamping path for spindle clamp 3 exceeded" 700014 0 0 "F: Reserved for clamp" 700015 0 0 "F: Clamping pressure error at additional clamp on spindle 3" 700016 0 0 "F: Clamping path error at additional clamp on spindle 3" 700017 0 0 "F: Clamping path sensor defective at additional clamp 3" 700018 0 0 "F: Pressure fault -second pressure- clamp 3" 700019 0 0 "F: Clamping pressure fault clamp spindle 3" 700020 0 0 "F: 700020 DB2.DBX182.4, reserved for clamp" 700021 0 0 "F: 700021 DB2.DBX182.5, reserved for clamp" 700022 0 0 "F: No clamping pressure on spindle clamp 4" 700023 0 0 "F: Permissible clamping path spindle clamp 4 exceeded" 700024 0 0 "F: Max. time for releasing of the clamping device -Spindle 4" 700025 0 0 "F: Clamping pressure error at additional clamp on spindle 4" 700026 0 0 "F: Clamping path error at additional clamp on spindle 4" 700027 0 0 "F: Clamping path sensor defective at additional clamp 4" 700028 0 0 "F: Pressure fault -second pressure- clamp 4" 700029 0 0 "F: Clamping pressure fault clamp spindle 4" 700030 0 0 "F: 700030 DB2.DBX183.6, Reserved for clamp" 700031 0 0 "F: 700031 DB2.DBX183.7, Reserved for clamp" 700032 0 0 "W: Chip conveyor: Motor overload triggered (Stop at cycle end)" 700033 0 0 "M: Data exchange: Feeding lengths not uniform" 700034 0 0 "M: Bar loader: Data exchange via Profibus interrupted" 700035 0 0 "M: Coolant unit: Overfilled (return pump switches off)" 700036 0 0 "M: Coolant system clean water tank signals minimum level" 700037 0 0 "M: Coolant system clean water tank signals minimum level" 700038 0 0 "M: Coolant system mixed water tank signals minimum level" 700039 0 0 "M: Maintenance flap: The right hand part feeding cover is open" 700040 0 0 "W: Cooling system is not ready" 700041 0 0 "M: SAFETY INTEGRATED: Please TRIGGER T RIGGER TEST STOP before next ‘Cycle start‘" 700042 0 0 "M: Handling system: EMERGENCY STOP" 700043 0 0 "M: External handling system: Circle conveyor not operational" 700044 0 0 "M: External handling system: Longitudinal conveyor not operational" 700045 0 0 "M: External handling: Workpiece separating station is empty" 700046 0 0 "W: Unloader: Magazine full (pre-warning)" 700047 0 0 "M: Operating mode key inserted (stop at cycle end)" Página 1
ALPUTX.txt 700048 0 0 "M: Operating mode key switch defective" 700049 0 0 "M: Tool measuring not operational" 700050 0 0 "M: Danger of collision Z2 – Z3: Please move free !" 700051 0 0 "M: Robot not operational" 700052 0 0 "M: Robot has not released working space" 700053 0 0 "M: Start signal from robot pending" 700054 0 0 "M: 3. Tool magazine: Tool flap undefined" 700055 0 0 "M: 3. Tool magazine: Tool flap did not open" 700056 0 0 "M: 3. Tool magazine: Tool flap does not close" 700057 0 0 "M: Centre sleeve undefined" 700058 0 0 "M: Spindle C1/S1 clamping ON" 700059 0 0 "M: Spindle C2/S2 clamping ON" 700060 0 0 "M: Spindle C3/S3 clamping ON" 700061 0 0 "M: Spindle C4/S4 clamping ON" 700062 0 0 "M: Centre sleeve in defined retract position" 700063 0 0 "M: Turret: Not in defined position" 700100 0 0 "F: Tool holder 1: not locked" 700101 0 0 "F: Tool holder 1: not unlocked" 700102 0 0 "F: Tool holder 1: T value inadmissible" 700103 0 0 "F: Spindle S4 winding temperature: temperature sensor fault" 700104 0 0 "F: Spindle S4 Alarm winding temperature" 700105 0 0 "F: Spindle S4 Front bearing temperature: temperature sensor fault" 700106 0 0 "F: Spindle S4 Alarm front bearing temperature" 700107 0 0 "F: Spindle S4 Rear bearing temperature: temperature sensor fault" 700108 0 0 "F: Spindle S4 Alarm rear bearing temperature" 700109 0 0 "F: Spindle S3 winding temperature: temperature sensor fault" 700110 0 0 "F: Spindle S3 Alarm winding temperature" 700111 0 0 "F: Spindle S3 front bearing temperature: temperature sensor fault" 700112 0 0 "F: Spindle S3 Alarm front bearing temperature" 700113 0 0 "F: Spindle S3 Rear bearing temperature: temperature sensor fault" 700114 0 0 "F: Spindle S3 Alarm rear bearing temperature" 700115 0 0 "F: Cooling water temperature: temperature sensor fault" 700116 0 0 "F: Air temperature: temperature sensor fault" 700117 0 0 "F: Bar feed not operational" 700118 0 0 "F: Turret 1 overload coupling triggered" 700119 0 0 "F: Turret 1 Tool holder locked signal is faulty" 700120 0 0 "F: Turret 1 Tool holder unlocked signal is faulty" 700121 0 0 "F: Turret 1 SPL unlocked signal is faulty" 700122 0 0 "F: Turret 1 SPL locked signal is faulty" 700123 0 0 "F: Turret 1 tool not with fixed position coding" 700124 0 0 "F: Tool change: TIME OUT during phase 1" 700125 0 0 "F: Tool change: TIME OUT during phase 2" 700126 0 0 "F: Tool change: TIME OUT during phase 3" 700127 0 0 "F: Tool change: TIME OUT during phase 4" 700128 0 0 "F: Tool change: TIME OUT during phase 5" 700129 0 0 "F: Tool change: TIME OUT during phase 6" 700130 0 0 "F: Tool change: TIME OUT during phase 7" 700131 0 0 "F: Tool change: TIME OUT during phase 8" 700132 0 0 "M: Maintenance, lubrication of pick-off/gantry required" 700133 0 0 "M: Lock NC start, channels are not initialised" 700134 0 0 "M: ASUP POW ERON.SPF / REFERENC.SPF REFERENC.SPF not loaded / released" 700135 0 1 "M: !!! TOOL CHANGE REQUEST WITH SPINDLE S1 RUNNING !!!" 700136 0 0 "M: Conveyor belt: No further parts on belt" 700137 0 0 "M: Shift end cut-out: Machine OFF in 5 seconds" 700138 0 0 "M: 3. Magazine tool position 1 position not defined" 700139 0 0 "M: 3. Magazine: tool position 1 change position not reached" 700140 0 0 "M: 3. Magazine: Tool position 1 did not reach home position" 700141 0 0 "M: 3. Magazine tool position 2 position not defined" 700142 0 0 "M: 3. Magazine: Tool position 2 change position not reached" 700143 0 0 "M: 3. Magazine: Tool position 2 home position not reached" 700144 0 0 "M: 3. Magazine tool position 3, position not defined" Página 2
ALPUTX.txt 700145 0 0 "M: 3. Magazine: Tool position 3 change position not reached" 700146 0 0 "M: 3. Magazine: Tool position 3 home position not reached" 700147 0 0 "M: Compartment indexing belt: The material pusher has not reached the front position" 700148 0 0 "M: Compartment indexing belt: Material pusher has not reached its home position" 700149 0 0 "M: Special operating mode “Emery grinding” selected." 700150 0 0 "M: Conveyor belt: The belt is full" 700151 0 0 "M: Conveyor belt: Cover hood position not defined" 700152 0 0 "M: Closing the tool flap is not permitted" 700153 0 0 "M: 3. Magazine: Moving forward to change position is not permitted" 700154 0 0 "M: Conveyor belt: Opening of the cover hood is not permissible" 700155 0 0 "M: Chip conveyor Chip conveyor not existing / protection door is open / switch turned off" 700156 0 0 "M: Function: To Frame (Move tool free diagonally)" 700157 0 0 "M: Machine will be switched off within 10 minutes because of a pending malfunction (RESET)" 700158 0 0 "M: Coolant system: Coil-type suction filter has reached maximum (stop at cycle end)" 700159 0 0 "M: Coolant flow monitoring 20 bar Rev_1" 700160 0 0 "M: Coolant flow monitoring 20 bar Rev_2" 700161 0 0 "M: Coolant flow monitoring 40/80 bar Rev_1" 700162 0 0 "M: Coolant flow monitoring 40/80 bar Rev_2" 700163 0 0 "M: Pneumatic: No pressure on linear measuring system" 700200 0 0 "F: Fault in lubricant circuit 2" 700201 0 0 "F: Fault in lubricant circuit 1" 700202 0 0 "F: Rotational speed monitoring defective" 700203 0 0 "F: Rotational speed monitor has tripped" 700204 0 0 "F: Rotational speed monitoring spindle triggered" 700205 0 0 "F: Axes rotational speed monitoring triggered" 700206 0 0 "F: Pneumatic: no system pressure" 700207 0 0 "F: Loading flap 1 right does not open" 700208 0 0 "F: Loading flap 1 right does not close" 700209 0 0 "F: Loading flap 1 left does not open" 700210 0 0 "F: Loading flap 1 left does not close" 700211 0 0 "F: Auxiliary drive: general fault" 700212 0 0 "F: Mains contactor" 700213 0 0 "F: Protection hood not closed and locked" 700214 0 0 "F: Program running time monitoring exceeded" 700215 0 0 "F: Machine cannot be switched on" 700216 0 0 "F: Machine / Hydraulic has failed" 700217 0 0 "F: Motor overload triggered (Stop at cycle end)" 700218 0 0 "F: Motor overload triggered (immediate stop)" 700219 0 0 "F: Hydraulic filter blocked (stop at cycle end)" 700220 0 0 "F: NC data read/write fault" 700221 0 0 "F: FC21 read/write data fault from NC program" 700222 0 0 "F: Parameter data read/write fault from NC program" 700223 0 0 "F: Unloader not operational" 700224 0 0 "F: Unloader: Workpiece lost in machine" 700225 0 0 "F: Switch cabinet cooling unit: Max temperature exceeded" 700226 0 0 "F: Switch cabinet cooling unit: Filter is blocked" 700227 0 0 "F: Switch cabinet cooling unit is not operational" 700228 0 0 "F: Hydraulic: Minimum level reached (stop at cycle end)" 700229 0 0 "F: Conveyor belt: cover not open" 700230 0 0 "F: Conveyor belt: cover is open" 700231 0 0 "F: Conveyor belt: motor protection switch triggered" 700232 0 0 "M: Coolant level switch defective" 700233 0 0 "M: Excessive coolant level" 700234 0 0 "M: Tool clamp spindle 2 not clamped" 700235 0 0 "M: Tool clamp spindle 2 no clamping pressure" 700236 0 0 "M: Tool clamp spindle 2 clamping pressure applied" 700237 0 0 "M: Tool clamp spindle 2 no release pressure" 700238 0 0 "M: Tool clamp spindle 2 release pressure applied" 700239 0 0 "M: Tool holder 1: not at position 1" 700240 0 0 "M: Tool holder 1: actual position unknown" 700241 0 0 "M: Tool holder 1: does not swivel (Override > 0 ?)" Página 3
ALPUTX.txt 700242 0 0 "M: Tool holder 1: no release" 700243 0 0 "M: Tool spindle 1 not positioned" 700244 0 0 "M: Machine: EMERGENCY STOP" 700245 0 0 "M: Machine not switched on" 700246 0 0 "M: Lack of grease / oil in the lubricants container" 700247 0 0 "M: Protection hood has not unlocked after 10s" 700248 0 0 "M: Protection hood is closed but not locked" 700249 0 0 "M: Protection hood is open" 700250 0 0 "M: Protection hood has not locked" 700251 0 0 "M: Protection hood is not closed" 700252 0 0 "M: Setting operation selected" 700253 0 0 "W: Motor protection triggered (stop at cycle end)" 700254 0 0 "M: Motor protection triggered" 700255 0 0 "W: Hydraulic filter blocked (stop at cycle end)" 700256 0 0 "M: Maintenance flap: door hydraulic is open" 700257 0 0 "M: Maintenance flap: cover clamp 3 is open" 700258 0 0 "M: Maintenance flap: cover of clamp 4 is open" 700259 0 0 "M: Chip conveyor running control triggered" 700260 0 0 "M: Coolant filter band end" 700261 0 0 "M: Coolant flow monitor triggered" 700262 0 0 "M: Unloading not possible" 700263 0 0 "W: Hydraulic: minimum level reached (stop at cycle end)" 700300 0 0 "F: Axis X1 motor temperature prewarning" 700301 0 0 "F: Axis X1 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700302 0 0 "F: Axis X1 detent coupling triggered" 700303 0 0 "F: Axis Y1 motor temperature prewarning" 700304 0 0 "F: Axis Y1 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700305 0 0 "F: Axis Y1 detent coupling triggered" 700306 0 0 "F: Axis Z1 motor temperature prewarning" 700307 0 0 "F: Axis Z1 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700308 0 0 "F: Axis Z1 detent coupling triggered" 700309 0 0 "F: Axis WT1 motor temperature prewarning" 700310 0 0 "F: Axis WT1 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700311 0 0 "F: Axis WT1 detent coupling triggered" 700312 0 0 "F: Axis X2 motor temperature prewarning" 700313 0 0 "F: Axis X2 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700314 0 0 "F: Axis X2 detent coupling triggered" 700315 0 0 "F: Axis Y2 motor temperature prewarning" 700316 0 0 "F: Axis Y2 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700317 0 0 "F: Axis Y2 detent coupling triggered" 700318 0 0 "F: Axis Z2 motor temperature prewarning" 700319 0 0 "F: Axis Z2 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700320 0 0 "F: Axis Z2 detent coupling triggered" 700321 0 0 "F: Axis B2 motor temperature prewarning" 700322 0 0 "F: Axis B2 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700323 0 0 "F: Axis B2 detent coupling triggered" 700324 0 0 "F: Axis Z3 motor temperature prewarning" 700325 0 0 "F: Axis Z3 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700326 0 0 "F: Axis Z3 detent coupling triggered" 700327 0 0 "F: Axis WM4 motor temperature prewarning" 700328 0 0 "F: Axis WM4 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700329 0 0 "F: Axis WM4 detent coupling triggered" 700330 0 0 "F: Axis WW4 motor temperature prewarning" 700331 0 0 "F: Axis WW4 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700332 0 0 "W: Spindle S4 prewarning winding temperature" 700333 0 0 "W: Spindle S4 prewarning front bearing temperature" 700334 0 0 "W: Spindle S4 prewarning rear bearing temperature" 700335 0 0 "W: Spindle S3 prewarning winding temperature" 700336 0 0 "W: Spindle S3 prewarning front bearing temperature" 700337 0 0 "W: Spindle S3 prewarning rear bearing temperature" 700338 0 0 "W: Warning air temperature too high" Página 4
ALPUTX.txt 700339 0 0 "M: Tool changer cross slide has no end position" 700340 0 0 "M: Tool changer cross slide does not run" 700341 0 0 "M: Tool changer cross slide switch is defective" 700342 0 0 "M: Tool changer swivel arm has no end position" 700343 0 0 "M: Tool changer swivel arm does not swivel" 700344 0 0 "M: Tool changer swivel arm switch is defective" 700345 0 0 "M: Tool flap has no end position" 700346 0 0 "M: Tool flap does not open / close" 700347 0 0 "M: Tool flap switch is defective" 700348 0 0 "M: Magazine change station cylinder has not returned" 700349 0 0 "M: Magazine change station cylinder is not moved forward" 700350 0 0 "M: Magazine change station cylinder switch is defective" 700351 0 0 "M: Magazine loading station cylinder has not returned" 700352 0 0 "M: Tool changer: gripper not empty" 700353 0 0 "M: Tool changer not in start position" 700354 0 0 "M: Tool changer inadmissible cross stroke" 700355 0 0 "M: Tool changer inadmissible swivelling" 700356 0 0 "M: Tool flap inadmissible closing" 700357 0 0 "M: Tool magazine does not position" 700358 0 0 "M: Tool magazine test position assigned" 700359 0 0 "M: Inadmissible tool in change position" 700360 0 0 "M: No tool in change position" 700361 0 0 "M: Maintenance flap: counter-spindle cover open" 700362 0 0 "M: Maintenance flap: bottom main spindle cover is open" 700363 0 0 "M: Maintenance flap: top main spindle cover is open" 700400 0 0 "F: Axis WW4 detent coupling triggered" 700401 0 0 "F: Spindle S1/C1 motor temperature prewarning" 700402 0 0 "F: Spindle S1/C1 cooling body temperature prewarning" 700403 0 0 "F: Spindle S1/C1 pressure switch malfunction clamping ON" 700404 0 0 "F: Spindle S1/C1 pressure switch malfunction clamping OFF" 700405 0 0 "F: Spindle S1/C1 not synchronised" 700406 0 0 "F: Spindle S2/C2 motor temperature prewarning" 700407 0 0 "F: Spindle S2/C2 cooling body temperature prewarning" 700408 0 0 "F: Spindle S2/C2 pressure switch malfunction clamping ON" 700409 0 0 "F: Spindle S2/C2 pressure switch malfunction clamping OFF" 700410 0 0 "F: Spindle S2/C2 not synchronised" 700411 0 0 "F: Spindle S3/C3 motor temperature prewarning" 700412 0 0 "F: Spindle S3/C3 cooling body temperature prewarning" 700413 0 0 "F: Spindle S3/C3 pressure switch malfunction clamping ON" 700414 0 0 "F: Spindle S3/C3 pressure switch malfunction clamping OFF" 700415 0 0 "F: Spindle S3/C3 not synchronised" 700416 0 0 "F: Spindle S4/C4 motor temperature prewarning" 700417 0 0 "F: Spindle S4/C4 cooling body temperature prewarning" 700418 0 0 "F: Spindle S4/C4 pressure switch malfunction clamping ON" 700419 0 0 "F: Spindle S4/C4 pressure switch malfunction clamping OFF" 700420 0 0 "F: Spindle S4/C4 not synchronised" 700421 0 0 "F: No operational from feeding/return unit" 700422 0 0 "F: No operational from monitoring module" 700423 0 0 "F: Feeding / return unit no mains protection ON" 700424 0 0 "F: Missing signal no start up" 700425 0 0 "F: Multi-input message I²T or motor over-temperature" 700426 0 0 "F: Spindle clamping running time overrun" 700427 0 0 "F: Machine control panel not operational" 700428 0 0 "F: Axis release locked, brake “ON” or drive configuration" 700429 0 0 "F: Axis X1 fault, motor temperature" 700430 0 0 "F: Slide 1 X minus / Y plus blocked inadmissible area" 700431 0 0 "F: Slide 1 X plus / Y minus blocked inadmissible area" 700432 0 0 "W: Switch cabinet cooling unit: max temperature exceeded" 700433 0 0 "W: Switch cabinet cooling unit: filter is blocked" 700434 0 0 "W: Switch cabinet cooling unit is not operational" 700435 0 0 "W: Chip conveyor: Motor overload triggered" Página 5
ALPUTX.txt 700436 0 0 "M: Bar loader: No material present" 700437 0 0 "M: Conveyor belt: Waiting time exceeded" 700438 0 0 "M: Coolant - double shell filter: filter blocked" 700439 0 0 "M: Axis not run to reference point" 700440 0 0 "M: Reference point deleted" 700441 0 0 "M: Part counter elapsed" 700442 0 0 "M: Data transfer successfully ended" 700443 0 0 "M: Maintenance flap: tool changer cover is open" 700444 0 0 "M: Leukhardt system 1: negative test results" 700445 0 0 "M: Leukhardt system 2: negative test results" 700446 0 0 "M: System clock fault, faulty date or time" 700447 0 0 "M: Maintenance required at switch cabinet filter" 700448 0 0 "M: Maintenance of ISM filter required" 700449 0 0 "M: No empty place found for tool in gripper" 700450 0 0 "M: Turret 1 not in start position" 700451 0 0 "M: Tool administrator has not slaved location change magazine -> gripper " 700452 0 0 "M: Tool administrator has not slaved location change gripper -> magazine" 700453 0 0 "M: Tool administrator has not slaved location change gripper -> spindle" 700454 0 0 "M: Tool administrator has not slaved location change spindle -> gripper" 700455 0 0 "M: Now load tool in chain" 700456 0 0 "M: Now remove tool from chain" 700457 0 0 "M: Tool is in loading/unloading station" 700458 0 0 "M: Tool holder change station is not released" 700459 0 0 "M: Tool holder change station is not clamped" 700460 0 0 "M: Tool holder is not released" 700461 0 0 "M: Tool holder is not clamped" 700462 0 0 "M: Selected changer function inadmissible in current area" 700463 0 0 "M: Changer flap is not opened" 700500 0 0 "F: Fault parameter protection: no further H function received" 700501 0 0 "F: Fault parameter protection: not received for H4, H5, H6" 700502 0 0 "F: Fault parameter protection: Parameter for DB not 99/141/155" 700503 0 0 "F: Fault parameter protection: DB is shorter than DW address" 700504 0 0 "F: Fault parameter protection: write with FC21" 700505 0 0 "F: Fault parameter protection: not received for H1, H2, H3" 700506 0 0 "F: Leukhardt system 1: does not react or is faulty" 700507 0 0 "F: Leukhardt system 2: does not react or is faulty" 700508 0 0 "F: Leukhardt system 1: R parameter could not be written" 700509 0 0 "F: Leukhardt system 2: R parameter could not be written" 700510 0 0 "F: X3 Stroke not raised" 700511 0 0 "F: X3 Stroke not lowered" 700512 0 0 "F: Swivel unit not swung in" 700513 0 0 "F: Swivel unit not swung out" 700514 0 0 "F: Bed middle: temperature sensor fault" 700515 0 0 "F: Turret 1: temperature sensor fault" 700516 0 0 "F: Turret 2 or water: Temperature probe fault" 700517 0 0 "F: Bed rear: temperature sensor fault" 700518 0 0 "F: Turret 2 overload coupling triggered" 700519 0 0 "F: Turret 2 locked tool holder signal is faulty" 700520 0 0 "F: Turret 2 locked tool holder signal is faulty" 700521 0 0 "F: Turret 2 locked SPL signal is faulty" 700522 0 0 "F: Turret 2 locked SPL signal is faulty" 700523 0 0 "F: Turret 2 tool not with fixed position coding" 700524 0 0 "F: 700524 DB2.DBX223.0 Reserved for turret 2 nozzle" 700525 0 0 "F: Turret 2 invalid channel No. Chan_No, CYCLE TC/REV" 700526 0 0 "F: Turret 2 invalid actual position, CYCLE TC/REV" 700527 0 0 "F: Turret 2 not in spindle operation, CYCLE TC/REV" 700528 0 0 "F: Turret 2 invalid repos. position, CYCLE REV" 700529 0 0 "F: Turret 2 invalid SPL ASUB/order, CYCLE REV" 700530 0 0 "F: Turret 2 Reference signal not detected, CYCLE REV" 700531 0 0 "F: 700531 DB2.DBX223.7 Reserved for turret 2 nozzle" 700532 0 0 "M: Tool holder 1 lock NC start: not repositioned or no spindle operation" Página 6
ALPUTX.txt 700533 0 0 "M: Tool holder 1 loses referencing with reset confirmation" 700534 0 0 "M: Tool holder 1 manual movements locked, NC start / RESET" 700535 0 0 "M: Tool holder 1 Program REV.SPF not loaded / released" 700536 0 0 "M: 700536 DB2.DBX224.4" 700537 0 0 "M: 700537 DB2.DBX224.5" 700538 0 0 "M: 700538 DB2.DBX224.6" 700539 0 0 "M: 700539 DB2.DBX224.7" 700540 0 0 "M: 700540 DB2.DBX225.0" 700541 0 0 "M: 700541 DB2.DBX225.1" 700542 0 0 "M: 700542 DB2.DBX225.2" 700543 0 0 "M: 700543 DB2.DBX225.3" 700544 0 0 "M: 700544 DB2.DBX225.4" 700545 0 0 "M: 700545 DB2.DBX225.5" 700546 0 0 "M: 700546 DB2.DBX225.6" 700547 0 0 "M: 700547 DB2.DBX225.7" 700548 0 0 "M: Tool holder 2 lock NC start: not repositioned or no spindle operation" 700549 0 0 "M: Tool holder 2 loses referencing with reset confirmation" 700550 0 0 "M: Tool holder 2 manual movements locked, NC start / RESET" 700551 0 0 "M: Tool holder 2 Program REV.SPF not loaded / released" 700552 0 0 "M: 700552 DB2.DBX226.4" 700553 0 0 "M: 700553 DB2.DBX226.5" 700554 0 0 "M: 700554 DB2.DBX226.6" 700555 0 0 "M: 700555 DB2.DBX226.7" 700556 0 0 "M: 700556 DB2.DBX227.0" 700557 0 0 "M: 700557 DB2.DBX227.1" 700558 0 0 "M: 700558 DB2.DBX227.2" 700559 0 0 "M: 700559 DB2.DBX227.3" 700560 0 0 "M: 700560 DB2.DBX227.4" 700561 0 0 "M: 700561 DB2.DBX227.5" 700562 0 0 "M: 700562 DB2.DBX227.6" 700563 0 0 "M: 700563 DB2.DBX227.7" 700600 0 0 "F: Turret 1 gripper / steady rest: pressure fault when opening" 700601 0 0 "F: Turret 1 gripper / steady rest: pressure fault when closing" 700602 0 0 "F: Turret 2 gripper / steady rest: pressure fault when opening" 700603 0 0 "F: Turret 2 gripper / steady rest: pressure fault when closing" 700604 0 0 "F: Integrated handling: Horizontal axis not in Z+" 700605 0 0 "F: Integrated handling: Horizontal axis not in Z-" 700606 0 0 "F: Integrated handling: Vertical not in +" 700607 0 0 "F: Integrated handling: Vertical not in -" 700608 0 0 "F: Integrated handling: Gripper not open" 700609 0 0 "F: Integrated handling: Gripper not closed" 700610 0 0 "F: Int. handling: Swivel unit not in chuck part pos." 700611 0 0 "F: Int. handling: Swivel unit not in shaft part pos." 700612 0 0 "F: Int. handling: Feed belt motor overload triggered" 700613 0 0 "F: Integrated handling: Reserve" 700614 0 0 "F: Workpiece measurement not operational" 700615 0 0 "F: Compartment indexing belt: fault when indexing" 700616 0 0 "F: Unloader: linear unit does not reach home pos." 700617 0 0 "F: Unloader: linear unit does not reach working pos." 700618 0 0 "F: Customer module waiting for acknowledgement" 700619 0 0 "F: Spindle 3: Air system control pressure was not built-up" 700620 0 0 "F: Spindle 4: Air system control pressure was not built-up" 700621 0 0 "F: Machine control SP3: R parameter could not be written" 700622 0 0 "F: Machine control SP4: R parameter could not be written" 700623 0 0 "F: Coolant belt filter unit: Belt end" 700624 0 0 "F: Coolant belt filter unit: Low level (lack of coolant)" 700625 0 0 "F: Coolant belt filter unit: Level at top (lift container)" 700626 0 0 "F: Pick-off unit, Fault, not returned" 700627 0 0 "F: Pick-off unit, Fault, not forward" 700628 0 0 "F: Pick-off unit, swivel arm: Fault, not returned" 700629 0 0 "F: Pick-off unit, swivel arm: Fault, not forward" Página 7
ALPUTX.txt 700630 0 0 "F: Collision of tool monitor 1" 700631 0 0 "F: Collision of tool monitor 2" 700632 0 0 "M: Integrated handling: No part in take up position" 700633 0 0 "M: Integrated handling: No reserve part on feed belt" 700634 0 0 "M: Integrated handling: Incorrect function code" 700635 0 0 "M: Integrated handling: Reserve 700635 DB2.DBX232.3" 700636 0 0 "M: Integrated handling: Reserve 700636 DB2.DBX232.4" 700637 0 0 "M: Clamp 3 undefined" 700638 0 0 "M: Clamp 4 undefined" 700639 0 0 "M: Tool break monitoring: Unit 1 does not react" 700640 0 0 "M: Tool break monitoring: Unit 1 signals break" 700641 0 0 "M: Tool break monitoring: Unit 1 signals wear" 700642 0 0 "M: Tool break monitoring: Unit 2 does not react" 700643 0 0 "M: Tool break monitoring: Unit 2 signals break" 700644 0 0 "M: Tool break monitoring: Unit 2 signals wear" 700645 0 0 "M: Workpiece measuring: change measuring sensor battery" 700646 0 0 "M: Compartment indexing belt: belt is full" 700647 0 0 "M: Unloader: no home position" 700648 0 0 "M: Unloader: no release" 700649 0 0 "M: Unloader: workpiece not collected" 700650 0 0 "M: Unloader: defective cylinder switch" 700651 0 0 "M: Unloader: gripper did not open or no pressure" 700652 0 0 "M: Unloader: gripper did not close or no pressure" 700653 0 0 "M: Tool monitor 1 not operational" 700654 0 0 "M: Idle cut by tool monitor 1" 700655 0 0 "M: Incorrect H number for tool monitor 1" 700656 0 0 "M: Tool monitor 2 not operational" 700657 0 0 "M: Idle cut by tool monitor 2" 700658 0 0 "M: Incorrect H number for tool monitor 2" 700659 0 0 "W: Coolant belt filter unit: Belt end" 700660 0 0 "W: Coolant belt filter unit: Low level (lack of coolant)" 700661 0 0 "W: Coolant belt filter unit: Level at top (lift container)" 700662 0 0 "M: Main drive gearing: Undefined position" 700663 0 0 "M: Chuck protection: not closed" 700700 0 0 "F: Main drive gearing: Faulty coupling process" 700701 0 0 "F: Catcher: Swivel stroke Front Position not reached" 700702 0 0 "F: Invalid signal data from post-machining interface active for too long" 700703 0 0 "F: R parameters could not be written" 700704 0 0 "F: Stop signal at cycle end triggered by post-machining interface" 700705 0 0 "F: Switch cabinet temperature: Temperature sensor fault" 700706 0 0 "F: Alarm, switch cabinet temperature" 700707 0 0 "F: Pick-off unit, gripper: Fault, not open" 700708 0 0 "F: Pick-off unit, gripper: Fault, not closed" 700709 0 0 "F: Turret excess temperature" 700710 0 0 "F: Tailstock is not in forward tolerance window position" 700711 0 0 "F: Tailstock not retracted" 700712 0 0 "F: Tailstock max. front position reached" 700713 0 0 "F: 810D CPU not operational" 700714 0 0 "F: Ejection station: Lay-up position malfunction" 700715 0 0 "F: Ejection station: Removal position malfunction" 700716 0 0 "F: Turret %: Faulty data from tool administration" 700717 0 0 "F: Turret %: The swung-in position is not the set point position" 700718 0 0 "F: Turret %: Current position parity error" 700719 0 0 "F: Turret %: The tool drive has not disengaged" 700720 0 0 "F: The turret % does not swivel" 700721 0 0 "F: The turret % has swivelled beyond the set point position" 700722 0 0 "F: Turret % does not reach -in Position-" 700723 0 0 "F: Turret %: The tool administration acknowledgement FC7 is faulty" 700724 0 0 "F: Turret %: The tool administration acknowledgement through ASS is faulty" 700725 0 0 "F: The turret % is not locked" 700726 0 0 "F: The turret % is not -in Position- after switching-on" Página 8
ALPUTX.txt 700727 0 0 "F: Turret %: The tool drive has not engaged" 700728 0 0 "F: Turret %: The tool drive was not positioned (M264)" 700729 0 0 "F: Turret %: Tool drive does not position (FC18, Override > 0 ?)" 700730 0 0 "F: Turret %: The selected tool does not have a fixed position code" 700731 0 0 "F: Turret %: Fault during direct swivelling to a position with H function" 700732 0 0 "M: Tool changer is in manual operating mode" 700733 0 0 "M: Tool changer is in jog operating mode" 700734 0 0 "W: Stop at cycle end is triggered by the post-machining interface" 700735 0 0 "M: Third operating mode: Cycle operation, program end reached" 700736 0 0 "M: Main drive gearing: New gearing stage selected" 700737 0 0 "M: Turret % is not in start position" 700738 0 0 "M: Turret %: Fault, manual operation is required" 700739 0 0 "W: Switch cabinet temperature" 700740 0 0 "M: Incorrect H number for centre sleeve position K1" 700741 0 0 "M: Incorrect H number for centre sleeve position K2" 700742 0 0 "M: Centre sleeve: Pressure fault at front" 700743 0 0 "M: 700743 DB2.DBX241.3" 700744 0 0 "M: Workpiece measuring requested" 700745 0 0 "M: Coolant system: Coolant system leak" 700746 0 0 "M: Automatic door: Calibration run on left hand machine side" 700747 0 0 "M: Automatic door: Calibration run on right hand machine side" 700748 0 0 "M: Automatic door: Obstacle recognised on LH machine side" 700749 0 0 "M: Automatic door: Obstacle recognised on RH machine side" 700750 0 0 "M: Tool shuttle: No release" 700751 0 0 "M: Tool shuttle: Tool station not released" 700752 0 0 "M: Tool shuttle: Cross slide is not at the rear" 700753 0 0 "M: Protection hood not closed" 700754 0 0 "M: Maintenance door not closed" 700755 0 0 "M: Tool magazine door not closed" 700756 0 0 "M: Tool changer: not in home position" 700757 0 0 "M: Operating elements: Not in home position" 700758 0 0 "M: Tool measuring: Cover not closed" 700759 0 0 "M: Extraction unit: Malfunction (Stop at cycle end)" 700760 0 0 "M: 2. Conveyor belt: Belt full (Stop at cycle end)" 700761 0 0 "M: Lubrication: Lack of grease / oil in the lubricants container (timed stop)" 700762 0 0 "M: Handling interface: Check part number" 700763 0 0 "M: Fire extinguisher: Not operational" 700800 0 0 "F: Tool changer: Malfunction during change cycle" 700801 0 0 "F: Tool holder was not released for a tool change" 700802 0 0 "F: Tool holder: Clamping path overflow" 700803 0 0 "F: Tool holder not clamped" 700804 0 0 "F: Turret: Pre-index has not returned" 700805 0 0 "F: Turret: Pre-index is not forward" 700806 0 0 "F: Turret: Is not in defined position" 700807 0 0 "F: Turret: No strobe signal" 700808 0 0 "F: Turret: Encoder signals deviation from actual position" 700809 0 0 "F: Gantry: Gripper 1 not closed" 700810 0 0 "F: Gantry: Gripper 1 not open" 700811 0 0 "F: Gantry gripper 1 clamping path fault" 700812 0 0 "F: Gantry: Gripper 2 not closed" 700813 0 0 "F: Gantry: Gripper 2 not open" 700814 0 0 "F: Gantry gripper 2 clamping path fault" 700815 0 0 "F: Chip conveyor: Motor overload triggered (Stop at cycle end)" 700816 0 0 "F: Chip conveyor: Overfilled (immediate stop)" 700817 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Lift-out cylinder not released" 700818 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Fault with lift-out height light barrier" 700819 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Lift-out cylinder not lowered" 700820 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Lift-out cylinder has not left its position" 700821 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Fault with positioning in forward run" 700822 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Fault with return run positioning" 700823 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Fault, lift-out cylinder not lowered" Página 9
ALPUTX.txt 700824 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Light barrier for lift-out height actuated" 700825 0 0 "F: Gantry: Pneumatic pressure too low" 700826 0 0 "F: Top flap opening does not open" 700827 0 0 "F: Top flap opening does not close" 700828 0 0 "F: Loading flap does not open" 700829 0 0 "F: Loading flap does not close" 700830 0 0 "F: Gantry: Motor protection switch triggered" 700831 0 0 "F: Extraction unit: Malfunction (stop at cycle end)" 700832 0 0 "M: Gantry: Protection fence door not closed" 700833 0 0 "M: Indexing belt: Protection door not closed" 700834 0 0 "M: Unknown tool in tool spindle" 700835 0 0 "M: No swivel release for tool changer" 700836 0 0 "M: Indexing belt: Workpiece - infeed protection actuated" 700837 0 0 "M: Auxiliary clamp 3 not defined" 700838 0 0 "M: Auxiliary clamp 4 not defined" 700839 0 0 "M: Ejection station: Ejection flap not opened." 700840 0 0 "M: Ejection station: Ejection flap not closed." 700841 0 0 "M: X3 stroke not raised" 700842 0 0 "M: Centre sleeve not retracted" 700843 0 0 "M: Tool shuttle not in home position" 700844 0 0 "M: Cross stroke, tool shuttle not returned" 700845 0 0 "M: Centre sleeve: Dimension system not referenced" 700846 0 0 "M: Tool administration did not withdraw change command" 700847 0 0 "M: Clamp 4: Actuation force limit active." 700848 0 0 "M: Clamp 3: Actuation force limit active" 700849 0 0 "M: Centre sleeve: Application force?? limit active" 700850 0 0 "M: Clamp 4: Pressure upper limit exceeded" 700851 0 0 "M: Clamp 3: Pressure upper limit exceeded" 700852 0 0 "M: Centre sleeve: Pressure upper limit exceeded" 700853 0 0 "M: Tool measuring: Measuring arm in undefined position" 700854 0 0 "M: Coolant system: Replenish with cooling agent" 700855 0 0 "M: Change-over of machining side or H10 swivel instructions with the tool active" 700856 0 0 "M: Handling system not operational" 700857 0 0 "M: Customer module waits for acknowledgement" 700858 0 0 "W: Hydraulic group: Minimum level reached" 700859 0 0 "M: Incorrect H number value for the minimum quantity lubricating system K1" 700860 0 0 "M: Incorrect H number value for the minimum quantity lubricating system K2" 700861 0 0 "M: Coolant flow monitoring of slide 1 has been triggered" 700862 0 0 "M: Coolant flow monitoring of slide 2 has been triggered" 700863 0 0 "W: Hydraulic filter is blocked" 700900 0 0 "F: Axis B1 motor temperature prewarning" 700901 0 0 "F: Axis B1 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700902 0 0 "F: Axis B1 detent coupling triggered" 700903 0 0 "F: Axis X3 motor temperature prewarning" 700904 0 0 "F: Axis X3 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700905 0 0 "F: Axis X3 detent coupling triggered" 700906 0 0 "F: Axis Q1 motor temperature prewarning" 700907 0 0 "F: Axis Q1 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700908 0 0 "F: Axis Q1 detent coupling triggered" 700909 0 0 "F: Axis Q2 motor temperature prewarning" 700910 0 0 "F: Axis Q2 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700911 0 0 "F: Axis Q2 detent coupling triggered" 700912 0 0 "F: Axis Q3 motor temperature prewarning" 700913 0 0 "F: Axis Q3 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700914 0 0 "F: Axis Q3 detent coupling triggered" 700915 0 0 "F: Axis Q4 motor temperature prewarning" 700916 0 0 "F: Axis Q4 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700917 0 0 "F: Axis Q4 detent coupling triggered" 700918 0 0 "F: Axis Q5 motor temperature prewarning" 700919 0 0 "F: Axis Q5 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700920 0 0 "F: Axis Q5 detent coupling triggered" Página 10
ALPUTX.txt 700921 0 0 "F: Axis Q6 motor temperature prewarning" 700922 0 0 "F: Axis Q6 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700923 0 0 "F: Axis Q6 detent coupling triggered" 700924 0 0 "F: Axis Q7 motor temperature prewarning" 700925 0 0 "F: Axis Q7 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700926 0 0 "F: Axis Q7 detent coupling triggered" 700927 0 0 "F: Axis Q8 motor temperature prewarning" 700928 0 0 "F: Axis Q8 Cooling body temperature prewarning" 700929 0 0 "F: Axis Q8 detent coupling triggered" 700930 0 0 "F: 2. Conveyor belt: Belt full (Stop at cycle end)" 700931 0 0 "F: Lack of grease / oil in the lubricants container (at cycle end)" 700932 0 0 "M: Indexing belt: Indexing not released." 700933 0 0 "M: Indexing belt: No unmachined part status for infeeding pallet" 700934 0 0 "M: Palettising: Pallet removal occupied" 700935 0 0 "M: Low lubricant level in basic supply lubrication unit " 700936 0 0 "M: Axis clamping ON" 700937 0 0 "M: Bar loader: Bar feed empty. Please reload!" 700938 0 0 "M: Lack of grease / oil in the lubricants container 2" 700939 0 0 "M: Turret -1: Override is zero" 700940 0 0 "M: Minimum quantity lubricating system min. oil level, turret 1" 700941 0 0 "M: Minimum quantity lubricating system min. oil level, turret 2" 700942 0 0 "M: Tool loading magazine: Faulty loading" 700943 0 0 "M: 700943 DB2.DBX257.3" 700944 0 0 "M: 700943 DB2.DBX257.4" 700945 0 0 "M: 700945 DB2.DBX257.5" 700946 0 0 "M: 700946 DB2.DBX257.6" 700947 0 0 "M: 700947 DB2.DBX257.7" 700948 0 0 "M: Post-process measuring system: Part or random check NOK" 700949 0 0 "M: Compartment indexing belt 2: Material pusher has not reached the front position" 700950 0 0 "M: Compartment indexing belt 2: The material pusher has not reached the home position" 700951 0 0 "M: Clamping device switch-over: Please switch the machine off!" 700952 0 0 "M: 700952 DB2.DBX258.4" 700953 0 0 "M: 700953 DB2.DBX258.5" 700954 0 0 "M: Chip conveyor 2 running control triggered" 700955 0 0 "M: 700955 DB2.DBX258.7" 700956 0 0 "M: Machine door release - delay is active" 700957 0 0 "M: 700957 DB2.DBX259.1" 700958 0 0 "M: 700958 DB2.DBX259.2" 700959 0 0 "M: 700959 DB2.DBX259.3" 700960 0 0 "M: 700960 DB2.DBX259.4" 700961 0 0 "M: 700961 DB2.DBX259.5" 700962 0 0 "M: 700962 DB2.DBX259.6" 700963 0 0 "Vers.1.0, Date 24.02.2004" 701000 0 0 "F: Fault in lubrication circuit 1 slide 1" 701001 0 0 "F: Fault in lubrication circuit 1 slide 2" 701002 0 0 "F: VP module on spindle 4 has triggered" 701003 0 0 "F: Cooling system is not ready" 701004 0 0 "F: Turret %: M function not received for positioning" 701005 0 0 "F: Ewab indexing belt, not operational" 701006 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Pallet not released" 701007 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Pallet not locked" 701008 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Index not released" 701009 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Index not released" 701010 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Pallet feed has not returned" 701011 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Pallet feed not forward" 701012 0 0 "F: External handling system: Cross pusher not at rear" 701013 0 0 "F: External handling system: Transfer pusher undefined" 701014 0 0 "F: External handling system: Gripper, separating station undefined" 701015 0 0 "F: External handling system: Turning unit undefined" 701016 0 0 "F: Gripper turning device not in 0 deg. position" 701017 0 0 "F: Gripper turning device not in 90 deg. position" Página 11
ALPUTX.txt 701018 0 0 "F: Gripper turning device not in 180 deg. position" 701019 0 0 "F: Swivel unit not swung up" 701020 0 0 "F: Empty test clamp 3: part recognised in chuck" 701021 0 0 "F: Empty test clamp 4: Part recognised in chuck" 701022 0 0 "F: Palletising: Pallet compartment does not move into position" 701023 0 0 "F: Palletising: Clamping not clamped" 701024 0 0 "F: Palletising: Clamping not released" 701025 0 0 "F: 701025 DB2.DBX263.1" 701026 0 0 "F: Finished part gripper empty test, part recognised in chuck" 701027 0 0 "F: Stop at cycle end by Microvu measuring instrument" 701028 0 0 "F: Stop at cycle end by central measuring system" 701029 0 0 "F: Rhonax robot not in automatic" 701030 0 0 "F: Unmachined part belt: No part available" 701031 0 0 "F: Slide 1 locked, inadmissible area" 701032 0 0 "M: Palletising: Max. raised position reached" 701033 0 0 "M: 701033 DB2.DBX264.1" 701034 0 0 "M: 701034 DB2.DBX264.2" 701035 0 0 "M: Microvu measuring instrument not in automatic" 701036 0 0 "M: Reject part has not reached container" 701037 0 0 "M: Rhonax robot in collision zone" 701038 0 0 "M: Microvu measuring instrument in collision zone" 701039 0 0 "M: Control panel not in park position" 701040 0 0 "M: Reject part in measuring gauge" 701041 0 0 "M: 701041 DB2.DBX265.1" 701042 0 0 "M: 701042 DB2.DBX265.2" 701043 0 0 "M: 701043 DB2.DBX265.3" 701044 0 0 "M: 701044 DB2.DBX265.4" 701045 0 0 "M: 701045 DB2.DBX265.5" 701046 0 0 "M: 701046 DB2.DBX265.6" 701047 0 0 "M: 701047 DB2.DBX265.7" 701048 0 0 "M: 701048 DB2.DBX266.0" 701049 0 0 "M: 701049 DB2.DBX266.1" 701050 0 0 "M: 701050 DB2.DBX266.2" 701051 0 0 "M: 701051 DB2.DBX266.3" 701052 0 0 "M: 701052 DB2.DBX266.4" 701053 0 0 "M: 701053 DB2.DBX266.5" 701054 0 0 "M: 701054 DB2.DBX266.6" 701055 0 0 "M: 701055 DB2.DBX266.7" 701056 0 0 "M: 701056 DB2.DBX267.0" 701057 0 0 "M: 701057 DB2.DBX267.1" 701058 0 0 "M: 701058 DB2.DBX267.2" 701059 0 0 "M: 701059 DB2.DBX267.3" 701060 0 0 "M: 701060 DB2.DBX267.4" 701061 0 0 "M: 701061 DB2.DBX267.5" 701062 0 0 "M: 701062 DB2.DBX267.6" 701063 0 0 "M: 701063 DB2.DBX267.7" 701100 0 0 "F: Slide Z3 headstock: Temperature sensor fault" 701101 0 0 "F: Gantry: Gripper 3 not closed" 701102 0 0 "F: Gantry: Gripper 3 not open" 701103 0 0 "F: Gantry: Gripper 3 clamping path fault" 701104 0 0 "F: Gantry: Gripper 4 not closed" 701105 0 0 "F: Gantry: Gripper 4 not open" 701106 0 0 "F: Gantry: Gripper 4 clamping path fault" 701107 0 0 "F: Alignment station gripper: Fault when opening" 701108 0 0 "F: Alignment station gripper: Fault when closing" 701109 0 0 "F: Alignment station turning unit: Fault at 0 deg. position" 701110 0 0 "F: Alignment station turning unit: Fault at 180 deg. position" 701111 0 0 "F: Fire protection flap does not open" 701112 0 0 "F: Fire protection flap does not close" 701113 0 0 "F: Profibus subscriber fault" 701114 0 0 "F: Servo valve pressure regulator clamp 4" Página 12
ALPUTX.txt 701115 0 0 "F: No operational servo valve clamp 4" 701116 0 0 "F: Clamp 4 not open" 701117 0 0 "F: Clamping path overrun clamp 4" 701118 0 0 "F: Measuring probe flap does not open" 701119 0 0 "F: Measuring probe flap does not close" 701120 0 0 "F: Measuring probe flap is undefined" 701121 0 0 "F: Turning station: Gripper does not open" 701122 0 0 "F: Turning station: Gripper does not close" 701123 0 0 "F: Turning station: Undefined gripper stationary position" 701124 0 0 "F: Turning station: Stroke does not reach top end position" 701125 0 0 "F: Turning station: Stroke does not reach lower end position" 701126 0 0 "F: Turning station: stroke undefined" 701127 0 0 "F: Turning station: Turning system does not reach the 180°end position" 701128 0 0 "F: Turning station: Turning device does not reach the 0°end position" 701129 0 0 "F: Turning station: Undefined stationary position of the turning system" 701130 0 0 "F: Turning station: Function locked" 701131 0 0 "F: Turning station: Part present on pallet, stroke locked" 701132 0 0 "M: Turning station: Flap is opened" 701133 0 0 "M: Turning station: Stroke is not raised" 701134 0 0 "M: Turning station: Wait for pallet stroke belt 1 (left)" 701135 0 0 "M: Turning station: Wait for pallet stroke belt 2 (right)" 701136 0 0 "M: Indexing belt: Incorrect workpiece detected at manual loading stop" 701137 0 0 "M: Turning station: Door is opened" 701138 0 0 "M: Linear motor- Cooling unit: Not operational" 701139 0 0 "M: Turn-over station: Stroke is not down (X axis locked)" 701140 0 0 "M: Turn-over station not swung out (Z axis locked)" 701141 0 0 "M: Indexing belt: Workpiece at manual loading stop is not an unmachined part" 701142 0 0 "M: Turning station Q2 stroke locked, X axis is in this area" 701143 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 1 (F1-06Y11) does not reach end position (F1-03S31)" 701144 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 1 (F1-06Y11) does not reach end position (F1-03S31)" 701145 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 2 (F1-06Y11) does not reach end position (F1-03S31)" 701146 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 2 (F1-06Y41) does not reach end position (F1-03S51)" 701147 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 1 (F1-06Y51) does not reach end position (F1-04S41)" 701148 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 3 (F1-43Y11) does not reach end position (F1-40S31)" 701149 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 3 (F1-43Y21) does not reach end position (F1-40S11)" 701150 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 4 (F1-43Y31) does not reach end position (F1-40S51)" 701151 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 4 (F1-43Y41) does not reach end position (F1-40S61)" 701152 0 0 "M: Cylinder of turning station pusher (F1-44Y11) does not reach end position (F1-41S51)" 701153 0 0 "M: Cylinder of turning station pusher (F1-44Y21) does not reach end position (F1-41S41)" 701154 0 0 "M: Cylinder of turning station pusher (F1-43Y51) does not reach end position (F1-41S81)" 701155 0 0 "M: Cylinder of turning station pusher (F1-43Y61) does not reach end position (F1-41S61)" 701156 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 5 (F1-44Y31) does not reach end position (F1-42S41)" 701157 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 5 (F1-44Y41) does not reach end position (F1-42S31)" 701159 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 1 (F1-06Y11/21) undefined" 701160 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 2 (F1-06Y31/41) undefined" 701161 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 3 (F1-43Y11/21) undefined" 701162 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 4 (F1-43Y31/41) undefined" 701163 0 0 "M: Cylinder of turning station pusher (F1-44Y11/21) undefined" 701200 0 0 "F: B axis proximity switch/pressure switch axis jammed faulty" 701201 0 0 "F: B axis proximity switch/pressure switch axis released faulty" 701202 0 0 "F: Z3 axis proximity switch/pressure switch axis clamped faulty" 701203 0 0 "F: Z3 axis proximity switch/pressure switch axis released faulty" 701204 0 0 "F: DB2.DBX276.4" 701205 0 0 "F: 701205 DB2.DBX276.5" 701206 0 0 "F: 701206 DB2.DBX276.6" 701207 0 0 "F: 701207 DB2.DBX276.7" 701208 0 0 "F: 701208 DB2.DBX277.0" 701209 0 0 "F: 701209 DB2.DBX277.1" 701210 0 0 "F: 701210 DB2.DBX277.2" 701211 0 0 "F: 701211 DB2.DBX277.3" 701212 0 0 "F: 701212 DB2.DBX277.4" Página 13
ALPUTX.txt 701213 0 0 "F: 701213 DB2.DBX277.5" 701214 0 0 "F: 701214 DB2.DBX277.6" 701215 0 0 "F: 701215 DB2.DBX277.7" 701216 0 0 "F: Turning station not in home position" 701217 0 0 "F: Linking: Travel system does not reach front end position" 701218 0 0 "F: Linking: Travel system does not reach rear end position" 701219 0 0 "F: Linking: travel system not defined" 701220 0 0 "F: Pick-off: Linear stroke not defined" 701221 0 0 "F: Pick-off: Linear stroke intermediate position not engaged" 701222 0 0 "F: Pick-off: Linear stroke intermediate position not disengaged" 701223 0 0 "F: Catcher: Linear stroke of Top Position not reached" 701224 0 0 "F: Pick-off: Linear stroke middle position not reached" 701225 0 0 "F: Catcher: Linear stroke of Bottom Position not reached" 701226 0 0 "F: Linking not in home position" 701227 0 0 "F: B axis – turret 1: Position could not be written" 701228 0 0 "F: Material readiness: Werkstückklemmung_1 not released" 701229 0 0 "F: Material readiness: Werkstückklemmung_1 not clamped" 701230 0 0 "F: Material readiness: Werkstückklemmung_2 not released" 701231 0 0 "F: Material readiness: Werkstückklemmung_2 not clamped" 701232 0 0 "M: Cylinder of turning station (F1-43Y51/61) undefined" 701233 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 5 (F1-44Y31/41) undefined" 701234 0 0 "M: Fault at machine part infeed" 701235 0 0 "M: No home position of the separation during parts infeed" 701236 0 0 "M: Lack of parts during parts infeed" 701237 0 0 "M: The turning station sequence could not be performed" 701238 0 0 "M: The turning station has no home position" 701239 0 0 "M: MPI communication interrupted" 701240 0 0 "M: The pneumatic system at the turning station has no system pressure" 701241 0 0 "M: Chip cutter: EMERGENCY STOP was tripped" 701242 0 0 "M: Chip cutter: Not operational" 701243 0 0 "M: Chip cutter: Inspection door is open" 701244 0 0 "M: Spindle 3: Pressure compensation requested, and no spindle standstill, or chuck not clamped" 701245 0 0 "M: Spindle 4: Pressure compensation requested, and no spindle standstill, or chuck not clamped" 701246 0 0 "M: 701246 DB2.DBX281.6" 701247 0 0 "M: 701247 DB2.DBX281.7" 701248 0 0 "M: 701248 DB2.DBX282.0" 701249 0 0 "M: 701249 DB2.DBX282.1" 701250 0 0 "M: 701250 DB2.DBX282.2" 701251 0 0 "M: 701251 DB2.DBX282.3" 701252 0 0 "M: 701252 DB2.DBX282.4" 701253 0 0 "M: 701253 DB2.DBX282.5" 701254 0 0 "M: 701254 DB2.DBX282.6" 701255 0 0 "M: 701255 DB2.DBX282.7" 701256 0 0 "M: 701256 DB2.DBX283.0" 701257 0 0 "M: 701257 DB2.DBX283.1" 701258 0 0 "M: 701258 DB2.DBX283.2" 701259 0 0 "M: 701259 DB2.DBX283.3" 701260 0 0 "M: 701260 DB2.DBX283.4" 701261 0 0 "M: 701261 DB2.DBX283.5" 701262 0 0 "M: 701262 DB2.DBX283.6" 701263 0 0 "M: 701263 DB2.DBX263.7" 701300 0 0 "F: Material readiness: Werkstückklemmung_3 not released" 701301 0 0 "F: Material readiness: Werkstückklemmung_3 not clamped" 701302 0 0 "F: Unmachined part conveyor: max. front position reached" 701303 0 0 "F: Swivel chuck: Position is undefined" 701304 0 0 "F: Swivel chuck: incorrect position was swivelled to" 701305 0 0 "F: Swivel chuck: Fault pressure switch 90 degrees or feedback?? cylinder switch" 701306 0 0 "F: Swivel chuck: Fault pressure switch 45 degrees or feedback?? cylinder switch" 701307 0 0 "F: Swivel chuck: Clamp / release only possible in the 0 degrees position (M20)" Página 14
ALPUTX.txt 701308 0 0 "F: Swivel chuck: Swivelling is only possible at a max. spindle rotational speed of 400" 701309 0 0 "F: External handling: Gripper swivel unit not defined" 701310 0 0 "F: External handling: Horizontal / vertical swivel unit not defined" 701311 0 0 "F: Unmachined part belt: Max. part height reached" 701312 0 0 "F: Storage table: stroke does not reach bottom end position" 701313 0 0 "F: Storage table: Stroke does not reach top end position" 701314 0 0 "F: Storage table: Gripper does not close" 701315 0 0 "F: Storage table: Gripper does not open" 701316 0 0 "F: Storage table: End position not reached on the chuck side" 701317 0 0 "F: Storage table: End position not reached on the belt side" 701318 0 0 "F: Lack of lubricant at the minimum lubrication unit" 701319 0 0 "F: Unloading flap not closed" 701320 0 0 "F: Unloader flap: Not open" 701321 0 0 "F: Unloader flap: Position not defined" 701322 0 0 "F: Linear motor- cooling unit: Not operational" 701323 0 0 "F: Slide 1: Inadmissible area – DANGER of COLLISION – Please MOVE FREE" 701324 0 0 "F: Slide 2: Inadmissible area – DANGER of COLLISION – Please MOVE FREE" 701325 0 0 "F: Slide 2: Inadmissible area – DANGER of COLLISION – Please MOVE FREE" 701326 0 0 "F: Storage table: Gripper not in home position" 701327 0 0 "F: Slide 1: Temperature sensor fault" 701328 0 0 "F: Coolant system: Leak at the coolant system" 701329 0 0 "F: Fire extinguishing device: Not operational" 701330 0 0 "F: H64=xxx channel assignment allocated twice to ARTIS" 701331 0 0 "F: PLC: Option released, however, not loaded" 701332 0 0 "M: Magazine table: Replenish with unmachined parts" 701333 0 0 "M: 701333 DB2.DBX288.1" 701334 0 0 "M: 701334 DB2.DBX288.2" 701335 0 0 "M: 701335 DB2.DBX288.3" 701336 0 0 "M: 701336 DB2.DBX288.4" 701337 0 0 "M: 701337 DB2.DBX288.5" 701338 0 0 "M: 701338 DB2.DBX288.6" 701339 0 0 "M: 701339 DB2.DBX288.7" 701340 0 0 "M: 701340 DB2.DBX289.0" 701341 0 0 "M: 701341 DB2.DBX289.1" 701342 0 0 "M: 701342 DB2.DBX289.2" 701343 0 0 "M: 701343 DB2.DBX289.3" 701344 0 0 "M: 701344 DB2.DBX289.4" 701345 0 0 "M: 701345 DB2.DBX289.5" 701346 0 0 "M: 701346 DB2.DBX289.6" 701347 0 0 "M: 701347 DB2.DBX289.7" 701348 0 0 "M: 701348 DB2.DBX290.0" 701349 0 0 "M: 701349 DB2.DBX290.1" 701350 0 0 "M: 701350 DB2.DBX290.2" 701351 0 0 "M: 701351 DB2.DBX290.3" 701352 0 0 "M: 701352 DB2.DBX290.4" 701353 0 0 "M: 701353 DB2.DBX290.5" 701354 0 0 "M: 701354 DB2.DBX290.6" 701355 0 0 "M: 701355 DB2.DBX290.7" 701356 0 0 "M: 701356 DB2.DBX291.0" 701357 0 0 "M: 701357 DB2.DBX291.1" 701358 0 0 "M: 701358 DB2.DBX291.2" 701359 0 0 "M: 701359 DB2.DBX291.3" 701360 0 0 "M: 701360 DB2.DBX291.4" 701361 0 0 "M: 701361 DB2.DBX291.5" 701362 0 0 "M: 701362 DB2.DBX291.6" 701363 0 0 "M: Coupling tailstock: Synchronous action not started" 701400 0 0 "F: Magazine table: Lifting cylinder has not reached its bottom end position" 701401 0 0 "F: Magazine table: Lifting cylinder has not reached its top end position " 701402 0 0 "F: Storage table: Pusher has not reached its final position on the belt side " 701403 0 0 "F: Storage table: Pusher has not reached its final position on the chuck side " 701404 0 0 "F: Storage table: Feed not in home position " Página 15
ALPUTX.txt 701405 0 0 "F: Tool measuring: Maximum time for arm movement exceeded" 701406 0 0 "F: Tool measuring: Arm position monitoring triggered" 701407 0 0 "F: Coupling tailstock: Not in coupling position" 701408 0 0 "F: Coupling tailstock: No coupling/decoupling validation" 701409 0 0 "F: Coupling tailstock: Not decoupled" 701410 0 0 "F: Coupling tailstock: Not coupled" 701411 0 0 "F: Lubrication: No pressure" 701412 0 0 "F: Lubrication: Permanent pressure" 701413 0 0 "F: Turning station: Swivel device does not swivel sideways" 701414 0 0 "F: Turning station: Swivel device does not swivel into the Pick-Up position" 701415 0 0 "F: Turning station: Swivel device stationary in undefined position" 701416 0 0 "F: 701416 DB2.DBX294.0" 701417 0 0 "F: Profibus DP/DP coupler error" 701418 0 0 "F: Tool measuring: Measuring probe compensation incorrectly terminated." 701419 0 0 "F: Tool measuring: Measuring process incorrectly terminated" 701420 0 0 "F: Measuring slide not in measuring position" 701421 0 0 "F: Measuring slide not in loading position" 701422 0 0 "F: Oil container level too high: Stop at cycle end" 701423 0 0 "F: Feeding system: Not in home position/ confirmation of pick-up position?" 701424 0 0 "F: Feeding system: Move to home position with the gripper holding a workpiece" 701425 0 0 "F: Feeding system: Swivel arm not in end position on the belt side" 701426 0 0 "F: Feeding system: Swivel arm not in end position on the chuck side" 701427 0 0 "F: Feeding system: Gipper stroke has not reached its bottom end position" 701428 0 0 "F: Feeding system: Gripper stroke has not reached its top end position" 701429 0 0 "F: Feeding system: Separating stroke has not reached its bottom end position" 701430 0 0 "F: Feeding system: Separating stroke has not reached its top end position" 701431 0 0 "F: Feeding system: No workpiece in gripper" 701432 0 0 "M: Feed: Load unmachined parts" 701433 0 0 "M: Feed: X axis blocked because gripper stroke not down" 701434 0 0 "M: Door, left-hand machine side: not closed" 701435 0 0 "M: 701435 DB2.DBX296.3" 701436 0 0 "M: 701436 DB2.DBX296.4" 701437 0 0 "M: 701437 DB2.DBX296.5" 701438 0 0 "M: 701438 DB2.DBX296.6" 701439 0 0 "M: 701439 DB2.DBX296.7" 701440 0 0 "M: 701440 DB2.DBX297.0" 701441 0 0 "M: 701441 DB2.DBX297.1" 701442 0 0 "M: 701442 DB2.DBX297.2" 701443 0 0 "M: 701443 DB2.DBX297.3" 701444 0 0 "M: 701444 DB2.DBX297.4" 701445 0 0 "M: 701445 DB2.DBX297.5" 701446 0 0 "M: 701446 DB2.DBX297.6" 701447 0 0 "M: 701447 DB2.DBX297.7" 701448 0 0 "M: 701448 DB2.DBX298.0" 701449 0 0 "M: 701449 DB2.DBX298.1" 701450 0 0 "M: 701450 DB2.DBX298.2" 701451 0 0 "M: 701451 DB2.DBX298.3" 701452 0 0 "M: 701452 DB2.DBX298.4" 701453 0 0 "M: 701453 DB2.DBX298.5" 701454 0 0 "M: 701454 DB2.DBX298.6" 701455 0 0 "M: 701455 DB2.DBX298.7" 701456 0 0 "M: 701456 DB2.DBX299.0" 701457 0 0 "M: 701457 DB2.DBX299.1" 701458 0 0 "M: 701458 DB2.DBX299.2" 701459 0 0 "M: 701459 DB2.DBX299.3" 701460 0 0 "M: 701460 DB2.DBX299.4" 701461 0 0 "M: 701461 DB2.DBX299.5" 701462 0 0 "M: 701462 DB2.DBX299.6" 701463 0 0 "M: Bar loader, steady rest: Lock, spindle 4 set" 701500 0 1 "F: Probe 1 not to rest,Position again" 701501 0 1 "F: Forbidden function with Probe 1 in position of job" Página 16
ALPUTX.txt 701502 0 1 "F: Probe 1 spoiled" 701503 0 1 "F: Proximity Sonda 1 breakdowns" 701504 0 0 "F: Feeding system: Lifting plate feeder not in bottom end position" 701505 0 1 "F: Spoiled proximity Part catcher" 701506 0 1 "F: Function Part catcher not allowed" 701507 0 0 "F: Bar loader: Steady rest, fault when opening" 701508 0 1 "F: Bar loader: Steady rest, fault when closing" 701509 0 1 "F: Bar loader: Steady rest hood not closed" 701510 0 1 "F: Part catcher in indefinite position or old maximum time" 701511 0 1 "F: Position Part catcher again unloaded piece" 701512 0 1 "F: Type loader not selected" 701513 0 1 "F: Attention! the conditions for the zero Turret are not correct." 701514 0 0 "F: Minimum quantity lubricating system oil level empty, turret 1" 701515 0 0 "F: Minimum quantity lubricating system oil level empty, turret 2" 701516 0 0 "F: Moviment automatique guard max. time execeded" 701517 0 1 "F: Parameters Bar loader modified on the Wizard, but not saved" 701518 0 1 "F: Thermic switch released coolant " 701519 0 1 "F: Thermic switch released conveyor belt material" 701520 0 1 "F: Moviment automatique guard max. time execeded" 701521 0 1 "F: Robot, unmachined part - Gripper: Fault when closing" 701522 0 1 "F: Command not allowed with expeller forward" 701523 0 1 "F: Max. time movement piece exceeded" 701524 0 0 "F: Centre sleeve: Monitoring has responded" 701525 0 0 "F: Centre sleeve: Clamping pressure drop" 701526 0 0 "F: Centre sleeve: Execution time exceeded" 701527 0 0 "F: Centre sleeve: Command not permissible" 701528 0 0 "F: Centre sleeve: Front end position reached." 701529 0 0 "F: Centre sleeve: Parameter not plausible" 701530 0 1 "F: Centre sleeve: Counter-pressure drop" 701531 0 1 "F: Spindle S4: Alarm excess temperature Inductance L3" 701532 0 0 "M: Position Tailstock not defined. couple/release Tailstock" 701533 0 1 "M: ATTENTION!!!, JOG mode not selected" 701534 0 1 "M: Position steady rest not defined! lock/unlock steady rest" 701535 0 1 "M: Attention!!!, X-axis measure too low" 701536 0 1 "M: " 701537 0 1 "M: Max. time for setting in phase of the turret overcome" 701538 0 1 "M: Max. time paper advanced" 701539 0 1 "M: Paper not advanced control time overcome" 701540 0 1 "M: Thermic motor paper advanced, release" 701541 0 1 "M: Cooler damaged or thermic intervention" 701542 0 0 "M: 701542 DB2.DBX305.2" 701543 0 0 "M: 701543 DB2.DBX305.3" 701544 0 0 "M: 701544 DB2.DBX305.4" 701545 0 0 "M: 701545 DB2.DBX305.5" 701546 0 0 "M: 701546 DB2.DBX305.6" 701547 0 0 "M: 701547 DB2.DBX305.7" 701548 0 0 "M: 701548 DB2.DBX306.0" 701549 0 0 "M: 701549 DB2.DBX306.1" 701550 0 0 "M: 701550 DB2.DBX306.2" 701551 0 0 "M: 701551 DB2.DBX306.3" 701552 0 0 "M: 701552 DB2.DBX306.4" 701553 0 0 "M: 701553 DB2.DBX306.5" 701554 0 0 "M: 701554 DB2.DBX306.6" 701555 0 0 "M: 701555 DB2.DBX306.7" 701556 0 0 "M: 701556 DB2.DBX307.0" 701557 0 0 "M: 701557 DB2.DBX307.1" 701558 0 0 "M: 701558 DB2.DBX307.2" 701559 0 0 "M: 701559 DB2.DBX307.3" 701560 0 0 "M: 701560 DB2.DBX307.4" 701561 0 0 "M: 701561 DB2.DBX307.5" 701562 0 0 "M: Swivel chuck: Hydraulic group, pre-warning – lack of oil" Página 17
ALPUTX.txt 701563 0 0 "M: Coupling steady rest: Synchronising actions not started" 701600 0 0 "F: Coupling steady rest: Not in coupling position" 701601 0 0 "F: Coupling steady rest: No couple/decouple release" 701602 0 0 "F: Coupling steady rest: Not decoupled" 701603 0 0 "F: Coupling steady rest: Not coupled" 701604 0 1 "F: Lack of the signal of presence compressed air (SP6)" 701605 0 1 "F: Piece unclamped! Rotation spindle S3 not allowed" 701606 0 1 "F: " 701607 0 1 "F: Error on the device of block Chuck S3" 701608 0 1 "F: Old maximum number of turns Spindle " 701609 0 1 "F: Spindle brake inserted S3 ATT.ON" 701610 0 1 "F: Spindle brake inserted S3 ATT.OFF" 701611 0 1 "F: Spindle C3/S3 clamping ON not allowed" 701612 0 1 "F: Spindle brake inserted S4 ATT.ON" 701613 0 1 "F: Spindle brake inserted S4 ATT.ON" 701614 0 1 "F: Spindle C4/S4 clamping ON not allowed" 701615 0 1 "F: Open door! Rotation spindles not allowed" 701616 0 1 "F: Piece unclamped! Rotation spindle S4 not allowed" 701617 0 1 "F: Micro sliding door failures." 701618 0 1 "F: Lack compressed air on balancing axis X (SP44) " 701619 0 1 "F: Failure Pressure switch tailstock." 701620 0 1 "F: " 701621 0 1 "F: Parameters modified on pages Wizard, but not saved!" 701622 0 1 "F: " 701623 0 1 "F: Error on the device of clamping Chuck S4" 701624 0 1 "F: Max. time opening/closing Chuck S4 overcome" 701625 0 1 "F: Clamped piece! change clamping on S4 not allowed" 701626 0 1 "F: Type of wrong clamping on Chuck S4" 701627 0 1 "F: Parameter deactivated for opening Chuck from M433 with Spindle S4 in rotation" 701628 0 1 "F: Max. time opening/closing Chuck S3 overcome" 701629 0 1 "F: Clamped piece! change clamping on S3 not allowed" 701630 0 1 "F: Type of wrong clamping, on Chuck S3" 701631 0 1 "F: Parameter deactivated for opening Chuck from M333 with Spindle S3 in rotation" 701632 0 1 "M: Unclamped piece S4!!!, clamp it" 701633 0 1 "M: Open door! manual consent missing" 701634 0 1 "M: Start cycle not allowed! manual consent missing (open door)" 701635 0 1 "M: Unclamped piece S3!!!, clamp it" 701636 0 1 "M: Filter 1 Coolant obstructed" 701637 0 1 "M: Filter 2 Coolant obstructed" 701638 0 1 "M: Make sure the correct spindle is selected for probe (S3/s4)" 701639 0 1 "M: Lack of oil in the lubricants container steady rest" 701640 0 1 "M: 701640 DB2.DBX313.0 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701641 0 1 "M: 701641 DB2.DBX313.1 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701642 0 1 "M: 701642 DB2.DBX313.2 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701643 0 1 "M: 701643 DB2.DBX313.3 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701644 0 1 "M: 701644 DB2.DBX313.4 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701645 0 1 "M: 701645 DB2.DBX313.5 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701646 0 1 "M: 701646 DB2.DBX313.6 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701647 0 1 "M: 701647 DB2.DBX313.7 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701648 0 1 "M: Turret in not definite position, to effect zero search (S6/S7)" 701649 0 1 "M: Wrong position tailstock! To effect zero search tailstock" 701650 0 1 "M: Turret in not definite position, to effect zero search" 701651 0 1 "M: Piece unloading on second spindle active" 701652 0 1 "M: Cooling system X-axis not ready" 701653 0 1 "M: Turret in not definite position, to effect zero search (S4/S5)" 701654 0 1 "M: Movement steady rest arms" 701655 0 1 "M: Attention! when you switch the machine on, the door will open" 701656 0 1 "M: Attention!!!, movements in course" 701657 0 1 "M: Hold axes" 701658 0 1 "M: Movement steady rest arms through pedal not allowed" 701659 0 1 "M: Press START to continue" Página 18
ALPUTX.txt 701660 0 1 "M: Manual command not allowed" 701661 0 1 "M: Wait for activation tailstock thrust" 701662 0 1 "M: Micro collision steady rest/tailstock released" 701663 0 1 "M: Attention!!! resetting in phase of the turret active, locking/unlocking turret" 701700 0 1 "F: Attention! Enclosure, open area" 701701 0 0 "F: Failure movements steady rest arms" 701702 0 0 "F: Failure pressure gauge steady rest arms closed" 701703 0 1 "F: Thermic switch 24V intervened" 701704 0 1 "F: Signal VPM intervened" 701705 0 0 "F: Thermic switch released or failure pressure gauge lubrication rollers steady rest" 701706 0 1 "F: Wrong position of tailstock coupling" 701707 0 1 "F: Tailstock coupling not allowed" 701708 0 1 "F: Steady rest arms in not defined position" 701709 0 1 "F: Quill forward, but not in thrust" 701710 0 1 "F: Condition of manual unlocking/locking steady rest, not allowed" 701711 0 1 "F: Tool change not allowed: Y-axis not in position" 701712 0 0 "F: Steady rest in not defined position" 701713 0 1 "F: Tailstock thrust!Zero point search not allowed" 701714 0 1 "F: Failure turret unit. (visualization code error on page turret)" 701715 0 1 "F: Thermic switch turret intervened" 701716 0 1 "F: Failure on tailstock coupling" 701717 0 1 "F: Lack of pressure gauge tailstock clamping" 701718 0 0 "F: Turret 1: Error in the command unit" 701719 0 0 "F: Turret 1, Command unit alarm 1, defective power supply" 701720 0 0 "F: Turret 1, Command unit alarm 2, overcurrent" 701721 0 0 "F: Turret 1, Command unit alarm 3, error on servodrive" 701722 0 0 "F: Turret 1, Command unit alarm 4, unlocking problem" 701723 0 0 "F: Turret 1, Command unit alarm 5, locking problem" 701724 0 0 "F: Turret 1, Command unit alarm 6, defective zero search" 701725 0 0 "F: Turret 1, Command unit alarm 7, general problem" 701726 0 0 "F: Turret 1: Max. orientation time overcome" 701727 0 1 "F: Turret 1: coupling position not reached" 701728 0 1 "F: Turret 1: tool change not admissible" 701729 0 1 "F: Function steady rest arms not allowed" 701730 0 1 "F: Rest at stroke end. Open rest arms." 701731 0 1 "F: Program M75 before moving Z3" 701732 0 1 "M: Tool change not allowed" 701733 0 1 "M: 701733 DB2.DBX320.1 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701734 0 1 "M: 701734 DB2.DBX320.2 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701735 0 1 "M: 701735 DB2.DBX320.3 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701736 0 1 "M: 701736 DB2.DBX320.4 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701737 0 1 "M: 701737 DB2.DBX320.5 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701738 0 1 "M: 701738 DB2.DBX320.6 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701739 0 1 "M: 701739 DB2.DBX320.7 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701740 0 1 "M: 701740 DB2.DBX321.0 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701741 0 1 "M: 701741 DB2.DBX321.1 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701742 0 1 "M: 701742 DB2.DBX321.2 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701743 0 1 "M: 701743 DB2.DBX321.3 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701744 0 1 "M: 701744 DB2.DBX321.4 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701745 0 1 "M: 701745 DB2.DBX321.5 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701746 0 1 "M: 701746 DB2.DBX321.6 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701747 0 1 "M: 701747 DB2.DBX321.7 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701748 0 1 "M: 701748 DB2.DBX322.0 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701749 0 1 "M: 701749 DB2.DBX322.1 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701750 0 1 "M: 701750 DB2.DBX322.2 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701751 0 1 "M: 701751 DB2.DBX322.3 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701752 0 1 "M: 701752 DB2.DBX322.4 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701753 0 1 "M: 701753 DB2.DBX322.5 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701754 0 1 "M: 701754 DB2.DBX322.6 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701755 0 1 "M: 701755 DB2.DBX322.7 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701756 0 1 "M: 701756 DB2.DBX323.0 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" Página 19
ALPUTX.txt 701757 0 1 "M: 701757 DB2.DBX323.1 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701758 0 1 "M: 701758 DB2.DBX323.2 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701759 0 1 "M: 701759 DB2.DBX323.3 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701760 0 1 "M: 701760 DB2.DBX323.4 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701761 0 1 "M: 701761 DB2.DBX323.5 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701762 0 1 "M: 701762 DB2.DBX323.6 RISERVATO GRAZIANO" 701763 0 1 "M: Attention!!! Safety device electrical cabinet deactivated." 701800 0 1 "F: 701800 DB2.DBX324.0" 701801 0 1 "F: 701801 DB2.DBX324.1" 701802 0 1 "F: 701802 DB2.DBX324.2" 701803 0 1 "F: 701803 DB2.DBX324.3" 701804 0 1 "F: 701804 DB2.DBX324.4" 701805 0 1 "F: 701805 DB2.DBX324.5" 701806 0 1 "F: 701806 DB2.DBX324.6" 701807 0 1 "F: 701807 DB2.DBX324.7" 701808 0 1 "F: 701808 DB2.DBX325.0" 701809 0 1 "F: 701809 DB2.DBX325.1" 701810 0 1 "F: 701810 DB2.DBX325.2" 701811 0 1 "F: 701811 DB2.DBX325.3" 701812 0 1 "F: 701812 DB2.DBX325.4" 701813 0 1 "F: 701813 DB2.DBX325.5" 701814 0 1 "F: 701814 DB2.DBX325.6" 701815 0 1 "F: 701815 DB2.DBX325.7" 701816 0 1 "F: 701816 DB2.DBX326.0" 701817 0 1 "F: 701817 DB2.DBX326.1" 701818 0 1 "F: 701818 DB2.DBX326.2" 701819 0 1 "F: 701819 DB2.DBX326.3" 701820 0 1 "F: 701820 DB2.DBX326.4" 701821 0 1 "F: 701821 DB2.DBX326.5" 701822 0 1 "F: 701822 DB2.DBX326.6" 701823 0 1 "F: 701823 DB2.DBX326.7" 701824 0 1 "F: 701824 DB2.DBX327.0" 701825 0 1 "F: 701825 DB2.DBX327.1" 701826 0 1 "F: 701826 DB2.DBX327.2" 701827 0 1 "F: 701827 DB2.DBX327.3" 701828 0 1 "F: 701828 DB2.DBX327.4" 701829 0 1 "F: 701829 DB2.DBX327.5" 701830 0 1 "F: 701830 DB2.DBX327.6" 701831 0 1 "F: 701831 DB2.DBX327.7" 701832 0 1 "M: 701832 DB2.DBX328.0" 701833 0 1 "M: 701833 DB2.DBX328.1" 701834 0 1 "M: 701834 DB2.DBX328.2" 701835 0 1 "M: 701835 DB2.DBX328.3" 701836 0 1 "M: 701836 DB2.DBX328.4" 701837 0 1 "M: 701837 DB2.DBX328.5" 701838 0 1 "M: 701838 DB2.DBX328.6" 701839 0 1 "M: 701839 DB2.DBX328.7" 701840 0 1 "M: 701840 DB2.DBX329.0" 701841 0 1 "M: 701841 DB2.DBX329.1" 701842 0 1 "M: 701842 DB2.DBX329.2" 701843 0 1 "M: 701843 DB2.DBX329.3" 701844 0 1 "M: 701844 DB2.DBX329.4" 701845 0 1 "M: 701845 DB2.DBX329.5" 701846 0 1 "M: 701846 DB2.DBX329.6" 701847 0 1 "M: 701847 DB2.DBX329.7" 701848 0 1 "M: 701848 DB2.DBX330.0" 701849 0 1 "M: 701849 DB2.DBX330.1" 701850 0 1 "M: 701850 DB2.DBX330.2" 701851 0 1 "M: 701851 DB2.DBX330.3" 701852 0 1 "M: 701852 DB2.DBX330.4" 701853 0 1 "M: 701853 DB2.DBX330.5" Página 20
ALPUTX.txt 701854 0 1 "M: 701854 DB2.DBX330.6" 701855 0 1 "M: 701855 DB2.DBX330.7" 701856 0 1 "M: 701856 DB2.DBX331.0" 701857 0 1 "M: 701857 DB2.DBX331.1" 701858 0 1 "M: 701858 DB2.DBX331.2" 701859 0 1 "M: 701859 DB2.DBX331.3" 701860 0 1 "M: 701860 DB2.DBX331.4" 701861 0 1 "M: 701861 DB2.DBX331.5" 701862 0 1 "M: 701862 DB2.DBX331.6" 701863 0 1 "M: 701863 DB2.DBX331.7" 701900 0 1 "F: Tool drive unit: engaged/released switches are both active (SQ77+SQ78)" 701901 0 1 "F: Tool drive unit: tool engaged switch not active (SQ77)" 701902 0 1 "F: Tool drive unit: tool engaged switch still active (SQ77)" 701903 0 1 "F: Tool drive unit: tool released switch not active (SQ78)" 701904 0 1 "F: Tool drive unit: tool released switch still active (SQ78)" 701905 0 1 "F: 701905 DB2.DBX332.5" 701906 0 1 "F: 701906 DB2.DBX332.6" 701907 0 1 "F: 701907 DB2.DBX332.7" 701908 0 1 "F: 701908 DB2.DBX333.0" 701909 0 1 "F: 701909 DB2.DBX333.1" 701910 0 1 "F: 701910 DB2.DBX333.2" 701911 0 1 "F: 701911 DB2.DBX333.3" 701912 0 1 "F: 701912 DB2.DBX333.4" 701913 0 1 "F: 701913 DB2.DBX333.5" 701914 0 1 "F: 701914 DB2.DBX333.6" 701915 0 1 "F: 701915 DB2.DBX333.7" 701916 0 1 "F: 701916 DB2.DBX334.0" 701917 0 1 "F: 701917 DB2.DBX334.1" 701918 0 1 "F: 701918 DB2.DBX334.2" 701919 0 1 "F: 701919 DB2.DBX334.3" 701920 0 1 "F: 701920 DB2.DBX334.4" 701921 0 1 "F: 701921 DB2.DBX334.5" 701922 0 1 "F: 701922 DB2.DBX334.6" 701923 0 1 "F: 701923 DB2.DBX334.7" 701924 0 1 "F: FESTO: Error in the command unit" 701925 0 1 "F: FESTO: Function not allowed" 701926 0 1 "F: 701927 DB2.DBX335.2" 701927 0 1 "F: 701927 DB2.DBX335.3" 701928 0 1 "F: 701928 DB2.DBX335.4" 701929 0 1 "F: 701929 DB2.DBX335.5" 701930 0 1 "F: 701930 DB2.DBX335.6" 701931 0 1 "F: 701931 DB2.DBX335.7" 701932 0 1 "M: 701932 DB2.DBX336.0" 701933 0 1 "M: 701933 DB2.DBX336.1" 701934 0 1 "M: 701934 DB2.DBX336.2" 701935 0 1 "M: 701935 DB2.DBX336.3" 701936 0 1 "M: 701936 DB2.DBX336.4" 701937 0 1 "M: 701937 DB2.DBX336.5" 701938 0 1 "M: 701938 DB2.DBX336.6" 701939 0 1 "M: 701939 DB2.DBX336.7" 701940 0 1 "M: 701940 DB2.DBX337.0" 701941 0 1 "M: 701941 DB2.DBX337.1" 701942 0 1 "M: 701942 DB2.DBX337.2" 701943 0 1 "M: 701943 DB2.DBX337.3" 701944 0 1 "M: 701944 DB2.DBX337.4" 701945 0 1 "M: 701945 DB2.DBX337.5" 701946 0 1 "M: 701946 DB2.DBX337.6" 701947 0 1 "M: 701947 DB2.DBX337.7" 701948 0 1 "M: 701948 DB2.DBX338.0" 701949 0 1 "M: 701949 DB2.DBX338.1" 701950 0 1 "M: 701950 DB2.DBX338.2" Página 21
ALPUTX.txt 701951 0 1 "M: 701951 DB2.DBX338.3" 701952 0 1 "M: 701952 DB2.DBX338.4" 701953 0 1 "M: 701953 DB2.DBX338.5" 701954 0 1 "M: 701954 DB2.DBX338.6" 701955 0 1 "M: 701955 DB2.DBX338.7" 701956 0 1 "M: 701956 DB2.DBX339.0" 701957 0 1 "M: 701957 DB2.DBX339.1" 701958 0 1 "M: 701958 DB2.DBX339.2" 701959 0 1 "M: 701959 DB2.DBX339.3" 701960 0 1 "M: 701960 DB2.DBX339.4" 701961 0 1 "M: 701961 DB2.DBX339.5" 701962 0 1 "M: FESTO: Function not allowed" 701963 0 1 "M: FESTO: position undefined"
Página 22