Course Audit Professional Adjustment Situation 1 – Mr. Benedict Ocampo just graduated from college with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing from a recognized college of nursing. He intends to take the integrated comprehensie nurse licensure e!amination so he can practice his profession after passing the said e!amination. "uestions 1# 1$ refer tot his situation. 1.
%hich %hich of of the the foll followi owing ng re&u re&uire iremen ments ts is is NO' NO' need needed ed fro fro Bene Benedic dictt to &uali &ualit( t( for for the the said said e!ami e!aminat nation ion) ) a. * holder holder of Bach Bachelo elorr +s ,egree ,egree in in Nursi Nursing ng from from a colleg college e or unier uniersit sit( ( that that comp compli lies es with with the the stan standar dards ds of of nursing education dul( recognized -( the proper goernment agenc( -. Must -e of good moral character c. * citizen of of the h hilippines d. * memmem-er er of the the accr accred edit ited ed pro profe fess ssio iona nall org organ aniz izat atio ion. n. 0or 0or him him to pas pas the the said said e!am e!amin inat atio ion n he must must o-ta o-tain in a gener general al aer aerag age e of -elow in an( su-ject. a. 234 5$4 c. 234 2$4 -. 2$4 534 d. 2$4 5$4
with with a rat ratin ing g of of not not
Should Should Benedi Benedict ct fail fail in in one su-jec su-ject t -ut -ut o-tai o-tained ned the the re&u re&uire ired d gener general al aera aerage ge which which of the fol follow lowing ing shou should ld he do) a. -. c. d.
'akes kes the the whole hole set set of of e!a e!ami mina nati tion on all all oer oer agai again n 'akes the e!amin e!aminati ation on on on the the su-j su-ject ect where where he is rated rated -elow -elow the re&ui re&uired red passin passing g rate rate Makes Makes an appe appeal al to the the Boa Board rd for for the the rec reche heck ckin ing g of of his his e!am e!amin inat atio ion n pap paper ers. s. 7nrol nrolll in a ref refrresh esher cour course se for for one (ear (ear..
9pon 9pon passi passing ng the the lice licensu nsure re e!am e!amina inati tion on which which of the follow following ing is a priori priorit( t( acti action on for for Bene Benedic dict) t) a. 'ake an oath oath of prof profes essi sion on -efo -efore re the the Boa Board rd of Nurs Nursin ing g -. *ppl *ppl( ( fro fro reg regis istr trat atio ion n wit with h the the rof rofes essi sion onal al :egu :egula lati tion on ;om ;ommi miss ssio ion n c. *ppl *ppl( ( for for mem mem-e -ers rshi hip p to the the hi hili lipp ppin ine e Nurs Nurses es *ssoc ssocia iati tion on d. repare are cr creden dentials for for jo- hu hunting. He was was issue issued d a certi certific ficate ate of of regist registrat ration ion -( the the Board Board of of Nursin Nursing. g. %hich %hich of of the the follow following ing info informa rmatio tion n should should -e -e shown in the certificate) 1. 0ull 0ull name name o the the regi regist stra rant nt /. Seri erial num num-er -er 6. Signature Signature of of the ;hairper ;hairperson son of the the commission commission and and the mem-ers mem-ers of the the Board Board 8. Offi Officia ciall seal seal of of the the ;ommi ;ommissi ssion on 3. Signature Signature of of the reside resident nt of the accredi accredited ted professi professional onal organiz organization ation a. -.
1 / 6 1 / 8 3
c. 1 / 6 8 d. 1 / 6 3
%hich %hich of the the foll followi owing ng infor informat mation ion is is NO' NO' indic indicate ated d in the the profes professi siona onall identi identific ficati ation on card card issue issued d to Bened Benedict ict) ) a. ,ate ,ate of 7!am 7!amin inat atio ion n c. ,ate ,ate of
Benedi Benedict ct know knows s that that he he is dul( dul( -ound -ound to rene renew w his his profe professi ssional onal identi identific ficati ation on card card eer( eer( how how ofte often) n) a. 7er( fie (ears c. *nnuall( -. 7er( three (ears d. Biannuall( *s a regi registe stered red nurs nurse e Bene Benedic dictt is coe coered red -( -( the the law regula regulatin ting g the practi practice ce of nursi nursing ng in the hil hilipp ippine ines s which which is? is? a. :.*. 82$8 c. :.*. >22 -. :.*. 2158 d. :.*. @126
1$. 1$.
He know knows s that that the imple implemen mentin ting g rule rules s and and regu regulat lation ions s A<:: A<:: of the said said law law was was pass passed ed thro through ugh?? a. BON BON :eso :esolu luti tion on No. No. 8/3 8/3 s. /$$6 /$$6 c. BON BON :esol :esolut utio ion n No. No. 83@ 83@ s. /$$/ /$$/ -. BON BON :eso :esolu luti tion on No. No. 3/8 3/8 s. /$$/ /$$/ d. BON BON :eso :esolu luti tion on NO. NO. @@#1 @@#18 8 s. 1@@@ 1@@@
He dream dreams s of pursu pursuin ing g a care career er as a clin clinic ical al facul facult( t( somed someda( a(.. %hich %hich of the follo followi wing ng &uali &ualifi fica cati tion ons s is NO' NO' mandator() a. He must must hae hae one one (ea (earr cli clini nica call pra pract ctic ice e in in a fiel field d of of spe speci cial aliz izat atio ion n -. Be a reg registe isterred nurse urse in the hil hilippi ippine nes s c. MemMem-er er of of good good sta stand ndin ing g in the the acc accre redi dite ted d prof profes essi sion onal al org organ aniz izat atio ion n of nur nurse ses. s. d. Must Must hae hae thre three e (ear (ears s of of cli clini nica call pra pract ctic ice e in in an( an( fiel field d of of nur nursi sing ng..
Situation / – Nurse amela is newl( appointed -( the local goernment to lead the program on
*s a nurse nurse she she should should -e -e guided guided -( the nursi nursing ng law law in the countr( countr(.. %hich %hich is NO' NO' a prois proision ion of this law) law) a.
:e&uires those nurses who hae -een awa( from practice to undergo one month of didactic training and fie months of practicum -efore returning to the workforce c. :ecognition of nursing speciall( organizations in coordination with the accredited professional organization. d. roides for incenties and -enefits s(stem for nurses and their dependents. 1/.
'wo of the following statements are true a-out the new nursing law which '%O are NO') 1.
1C/ /C6
c. 6 C 8 d. / C 8
amela is certain that onl( competent nurses are allowed to practice nursing in the countr(. %hich of the following warrants that this is strictl( adhered to) a. ;ompetenc( *ssessment c. ;ontinuing ;ompetenc( rogram -. =icensure and :egistration d. Speciall( ;ertification rogram amela is at risk lawsuits. %hich of the following actions will shield her from possi-le lawsuits) 1. Dnowledge and implementation of standardsEprotocol of care /. ,ocumentation of actions accuratel( and concisel( 6. ,ocument outcomes of care 8. 0ollowing all doctors orders that are legal and in writing a. -.
1 / 8 /C6
c. 1 / C 6 d. / 6 C 8
She assessed a three (ear old -o( for feer -ut the -o( would not want to go near her. %hich of the following remarks of amela would constitute an assault) a. FGou dont want to hae (our temperature taken) < will call the guard to hold (ou and gie (ou an injection insteadIJ -. F*lright just tell me when (ou are read( to hae (our temperature taken.J c. F'his will not hurt (ouK just put it under (our tongue.J d. F
One of the midwies in the health center injected ;otrimo!asole to a fie (ear old patient without the consent of the parents. %hich of the following cases can the midwife -e possi-l( accused of) a. Malpractice c. Negligence -. Batter( d. *ssault
* 8 (ear old patient assessed to hae seere deh(dration needs an intraenous infusion of ,3NSS amela has not attended training in
%hich a. -. c. d.
of the following conditions would preent amela from a malpractice suit) She performs her dul( as prescri-ed in her jo- description. Her action resulted to an injur( resulted from non#compliance to the standard of are 'he participation of the childs parents resulted to an injur( o the child She is aware of the possi-l( of the injur( to the patient
Situation 6 – Ms. 7%rin omez is a newl(#appointed manager of a primar( hospital in Sta. Maria am-oanga ;it(. *s a new manager she deems it appropriate that she gains competence in he professional responsi-ilities. /$.
7rin knows that the he fundamental responsi-ilit( is fourfold. %hich is the most -asic of these responsi-ilities) a. romote health c. :estoration of Health -. reention of
%hich of the following demonstrate the responsi-ilit( of 7rin towards her profession) 1. articipates in the deelopment and implementation of standards o nursing practice in her department. /. 7nsures that the core competencies of her staff are enhanced 6. participates in the actiities of the local chapter of the N* and *NS*. 8. =o--ies for the implementation of the incenties and -enefit s(stem or nurse and dependents as stipulated in the law. a. -.
1 / C 8 / 6 C 8
c. 6 C 8 d.1 / 6 C 8
%hen 7rin certain that aula a new nurse is not competent in taking care of a criticall( ill patient she would NO' -e ethical if she. a. ,iscusses this concern with aula herself. -. *ssigns another nurse to the patient c. 7!plains to aula the nature of the condition of the patient and the need fro a competent nurse to handle the increased demand for care. d. ,iscusses to the new nurse that aula is new and lacking in skills fro the needs of the patient.
%hich of the following is considered the primar( responsi-ilit( of 7rin) a. *ssist the doctors in making their rounds. -. *ttend to the call for help from a patient who needs total care c. *nswer the e#mail of the ,irector of Nursing who instructed 7rin to report a-out an incident in the unit. d. *nswer the telephone call of the Head Nurse.
* patient refuses to take his anti-iotic -ecause he -eliees that its not giing him an( good. %hich of the following actions of the nurse is MOS' appropriate) a. 7!plains to the patient that he needs the medications fro his recoer(. -. %rites in the chart that the patient refuses to take his medication. c. :efer to the attending ph(sician a-out his refusal. d. *sk the patient to sign the waier of responsi-ilit(
%hich of the following principles appl( to the action of the nurse to refrain from discussing the disease condition of the patient with those who are not inoled in his care) a. Beneficiaries c. ustice -. Non#maleficence d. *utonom( /5. 'he ;ode of 7thics Nurses in the hilippines was approed -( the Board of Nursing through? a. BON :esolution No. 1@33 s. 1@>@ c. BON :esolution No. 11$ s. 1@@> -. BON :esolution No. 566 s. 1@>8 d. BON :esolution No. >@#18 s.1@@@ /2.
%hen conflict arises regarding management of patient care which of the following should -e upheld) a. h(sicians orders c. atients rights -. reference of the famil( d. (ears of age or other /. Not designated as the patients health care representatie or alternate 6. :elatie of the patient 8. *ttending ph(sician a. -.
1C/ /C6
c. 1 C 8 d. 6 C 8
Situation 8 – Dathleen is nurse researcher assigned in a tertiar( hospital. She is assigned to collect data a-out the incidence of infection among admitted patients. "uestions 6/ – 8$ refer to this situation. 6$.
Dathleens jo- includes collecting secretions from the surgical site of one of the patients.
She oerhead the securit( guard discussing the case of S*:S suspect with another guard. 'he two are inoled in screening patients entering the hospital. % hich of the following actions of Dathleen would -e appropriate) a. *dices them that it is not right to discuss the case. -. *sk the two if there is something the( need to -e clarified a-out. c.
One of the patients confided that his companion is not the legal wife. %hat lia-ilit( will Dathleen -e e!posed when she diulge the information to others) a. Slander c. Breach of ;onfidentialit( -. =i-el d. *ssault
'wo janitors were haing a healed argument as to who shall dispose the infectious waste of a patient with t(phoid feer. 'he first one calling the second one with names like Flaz(-onesJ FincompetentJ and Fpain in the neckJ within the hearing distance of the rest of the nurses.
Should the accusations -e written in the newsletter of the hospital such lia-ilit( is a? a. Malpractice c. =i-el -. *ssault d. Slander Mr. Simpkins * erman who is S*:S suspect is adised to - confined in negatie pressure room with strict protectie gadgets of the health workers taking care of him. He ehementl( resented -eing confined in that room. Moreoer he was denied isitors. He threatened to sue the hospital. %hich case will he file most likel() a.
%hich action of the nurse will sae the hospital from lawsuit in P 63) a. 7!plains to him that his isolation is -eneficial for him and his famil(. -. 7nforces the protocol on S*:S admission c.
%hich of the following laws refer to the ;ode of Sanitation) a. .,. >/3 c. .,. @53 -. .,. >35 d. .,. 2@1
Dathleen knows that as a researcher she needs to follow the proisions of :.*. 5216 otherwise known as? a. enerics *ct of 1@@> -. Sanitation ;ode c. ;oe of ;onduct and 7thical Standards of u-lic Officials and 7mplo(ees d. Salar( Standardization of oernment 7mplo(ees
Situation 3 – Ms. Sheena erez is the Health 7ducation program Officer of the Municipal Health Office. She plans to deelop programs -ased on the arious laws and directies from the ,OH. "uestions 81 – 3$ refer to this situation? 6@.
She knows that all prescriptions of the municipal health officer should -e in generics. %hat law proides fro this mandate) a. :.*. @126 c. :.*. 1$>$ -. :.*. 5523 d. :.*. 215$
Sheena has to consider managing the resources of the MHO. She knows that the delier( of -asic serices and facilities of the national goernment was transferred to the local goernment units. %hich of the following laws mandated this) a. :.*. 26$3 c. :.*. 8//5 -. :.*. 215$ d. :.*. @126
%hich of the following proisions does NO' appl( to :.*. 26$3) a. romotes and improes the socio#economic well -eing of health workers -. ,eelop their skills and capa-ilities c. 7ncourage those &ualified and with a-ilities to remain in goernment serice. d. Standardizes the salaries of nurse working in the goernment.
She deems it necessar( for the nurses in communit( health to -e recognized and certified as a speciall( group. %hich of the following supports this o-jectie) a. BON :esolution No. 11> s. /$$/ c. BON :esolution No. 18 s. 1@@> -. BON :esolution No. /8 s. 1@@@ d. BON :esolution No. 8/3 s. /$$6
She emphasized to her team that the( should -e careful in the practice of their profession to aoid legal enlargements. %hich of the following could -e a cause for reocationE suspension of license) 1. 9nprofessional or unethical conduct /. ross incompetence or serious ignorance 6. Malpractice or negligence 8. 9se of fraud deceit or false statements in o-taining a certificate of registrationE professional license or a temporar(E special permit. a. -.
1 / C 6 / 6 C 8
c. 1 6 C 8 d. 1 / 6 C 8
Sheena knows that the suspension of the certificate of registration should not e!ceed how man( (ears) a. / -. 6 c. 8 d. 5
She plans fro a certification program for the nurses under the MHO. How long will the -eneficiaries of the program are o-liged to sere in an( of the hilippine hospitals) a. 1 (ear c. 5 months -. / (ears d. 8 months
%hich of the following penalties shall -e imposed on an( person or emplo(er of nurses who iolate the minimum -ase pa( and incenties and -enefits that should -e accorded them) a. * fine of not less than 3$ $$$.$$ and not more than 1$$ $$$.$$ -.
Modern nursing is generall( acknowledged to hae -een -orn in a militar( setting with 0lorence Nightingale. a. Skills training and academic preparation are necessar( fro &ualit( nursing care -. 7nironment sanitation is inade&uate as means to eliminate disease c. Standardization and criteria setting enhance to progress of nursing d. Nurse instructors do not hae to -e compensated
;onsidered as the MOS' important attri-ute of a true professional. a.
%hat will -est descri-e nurses who risk their jo-s to -e a-le to practice at professional leels) a. Heroes of the profession -. Nurses with moral courage in fulfilling a dut( c. 'rue professional nurses d. Nursing leader
*s client adocate the nurse does the following e!cept. a. 7nsure that the clients needs are met -. rotect the clients right c. O-tain whateer the patient wants and has a right to hae d. *oid cone(ing approal and disapproal of the clients choice
'he nurse stries to -ecome an effectie leader and manager. One good characteristic of a nurse manager is adocac( which re&uires all -ut one. a. Non compliance with eer( order and directie -. Supportie -ehaior c. *ssertieness in assuming ones role d. ;ompromising attitude 'hese a. -. c. d. e.
characteristics would B7S' descri-e a certificate of registration * ested right * temporar( right * priilege *n eidence of -asic skill knowledge and attitude to &ualit( for the practice * proof of e!pertise in the delier( of heath
a. 1 / 6
-. / 6 8
c. 8 C 3
d. / C 8
'he major responsi-ilit( of the BON is to ensure that :.*. @126 is propert( implemented. %hich of the following actiities is not within the jurisdiction of the BON) a. Setting minimum standards of practice -. 7sta-lishing the implementing rules and regulations c. ,isciplining those who are unfit to practice nursing d. *pproing nursing education programs
%hen the BON screen the applicants for the Nurse =icensure 7!amination this is a legitimate e!ercise of what kind of power) a. olice power c.
7!press power
d. olitical power
*n elderl( client has -een admitted to the medical#surgical unit from the post anesthesia care unit. %hile the nurse id off the floor the client falls out of -ed and fracture his right leg and right wrist. 'he nurse finding him states that the Fside rails were down and the -ed as in the high position.J =egal charges are filed against the nurse and the hospital. %hich charge is most appropriate for her actions) a. collectie lia-ilit( c. -atter( -. comparatie negligence d. negligence
%hich guidelines define and regulates the scope of the nursing professional practice Athat is set rules on what the nurse can and cant do as p rofessional) a. State legislature c. Standards of care -. 0acilit( policies and procedure d. Nurse ractice *ct
* client whose mem-er of the ehoahs witness refuses a -lood transfusion -ased on his religious -eliefs and practices. His decisions must -e followed -ased on which ethical principle) a. the right to die c. the right to refuse treatment -. adance directie d. su-stitute judgment
* nurse gies a client the wrong medication. *fter assessing the client the nurse completes an incident report. %hich statement descri-es what will occur ne!t) a. 'he incident will -e reported to the state -oard of nursing for disciplinar( action. -. 'he incident will -e documented in the nurses personnel file. c. 'he medication error will result in the nurse -eing suspended and possi-l( -e terminated from emplo(ment at the facilit(. d. 'he incident report is a method of promoting &ualit( car and risk management.
%hich statement is true concerning informed consent) a. Minors are permitted to gie informed consent. -. 'he professional nurse and ph(sician ma( -oth o-tain informed consent c. 'he client must -e full( informed regarding treatment test surger( and the risk and -enefits prior to giing informed consent. d. Mentall( competent and competent clients can legall( gie informed consent.
%hen approaching a famil( for organ or tissue donation the nurse should keep in mind which guideline) a. 'he famil( is offered an opportunit( to speak with an organ procurement coordinator. -. *pproaching a famil( is done onl( with a ph(sicians approal and written order. c. 'he re&uester doesnt hae to -eliee in the -enefits of organ and tissue donation and is capa-le of process with a positie attitude. d. 'he re&uester is knowledgea-le a-out the -asics of organ and tissue donation and is capa-le of educating the famil( mem-ers a-out -rain death earl( in the organ donation process.
%hich a. -. c. d.
concept refers to the role of line professional nurse in client adocac() 'he nurse makes decisions for clients who cant make decisions for themseles. 'he nurse follows the -asic standards fro proiding fro clients. 'he nurse promotes and protects line clients interest and rights. 'he nurse adapts paternalistic approach to the care of clients.
* client a long term care facilit( refuses to take his oral medications. 'he nurse threatens the client and tells him that is the medication isnt taken restraints will -e applied and the medication will -e gien -( injection. 'he nurses statement constitutes which legal for) a. *ssault c. Negligence -. Batter( d. :ight to refuse care
* professional nurse regulates itself and sets standards for its mem-ersK a nurse must hae independence at work with a sense of accounta-ilit( and responsi-ilit(. 'his refers to? a. 0idelit( -. Beneficiaries c. *utonom( d. *docac(
* professional nurse seres as a role model -(? a. Supporting standards of nursing practice -. %orking in coordination with other professional groups c.
Of the following professional -ehaiors of nurses this is considered paramount. a. *wareness of the limits of ones knowledge -. *ctie mem-ership in the professional organization of nurse c. ;ommunicating and disseminating research findings d. 9pholding the serice orientation of nursing
'he nurse immediatel( and correctl( sta-ilized injur(. 'his nurse sense of? a. *docac( c. *ssertieness -. *ccounta-ilit( d. ;ritical 'hinking
'he nurse has a professional dul( to -e a mem-er of the accredited organization of nurses. 'his organization is tasked to undertake the following actiities. 7Q;7'? a. *s a catal(st for pu-lic discussions on health issues -. Seres as adocate for polic( positions especiall( to the ,OH c. *dopts measures for the improement of nursing practice d. 7!plores la-or market for emplo(ment of nurses
* nurse practitioner who an( false eidence to the BON < order to o-tain a certificate of registration will -e lia-le for? a. -.
Misdemeanor Misfeasance
c. 0raudulent Misinterpretation d. rofessional Misconduct
* certificate of registration can -e reoked or suspended for the following acis 7Q;7'? a. *ppended BSNE:.N. to his name without haing -een conferred such degreeE registration -.
'he resident of the hilippines ma( reappoint mem-ers of the BON. 'he Board must meet the &ualifications set -( the nursing law. *ppointment -( irtue of &ualification refers to? a. Hold#oer c. Merit S(stem -. 7!press d. 'enure
'he accredited professional organization of nurses must create a Nomination ;ommittee composed of its past presidents who will screen nominees of applicants to the BON. 'his proision is according to? a. 7O //5 -. 7O /@5 c. :* >22 d. :* 2158
'he practice of nursing includes the following actiities 7Q;7'. a. Superision and teaching of capillar( workers -. O-seration and care of clients c. udging the nature of disease or injur( d. Safeguarding pu-lic health and welfare
Standards of nursing practice sere as guide for? a. 7aluation of nursing care rendered -. Nursing practice in the different fields of nursing c. roper nursing approaches and techni&ues d. Safe nursing care and management
'he o-ligation to maintain efficient ethnical standards in the practice of nursing -elong to this -od(. a. Nursing leaders c. :egistered Nurses -. NS mem-ers d. Board of Nursing
Safe nursing practice re&uires? a. 9pdatedEalid certificate of registration -. *dherence to institutional policies
c. ood – nurse#patient relationship d. professional competence
'he -ehaior is more of curing than caring in the practice of nursing? a. 7nhancing client dignit( -. Dnowledge and sensitiit( on what is important to clients c. ;oncern fro safet( priac( and comfort of the patient 'echnical skills and prompt serice
'he ,OH gies a nurse special and limited authorization to perform medical serices onl( if? a. 'here is no doctor aaila-le. -. Some-od( is willing to assume responsi-ilit( for the acts of the nurse c. 'he nurse has the re&uisite education and e!perience
%hen a nurse colla-orates with the ph(sician and the other mem-ers of the health team for a well coordinated and safe management of patient care he e!emplifies a nurse who is all -ut one? a.
Situation 5 – O-jectie of ,OH 7nironmental rogram is to protect man. %aste management is priorit( program. >/.
7nironmental sanitation as a health pro-lem. %hich one is legal authorit( to protect the enironment) a. :.*. No. 26@/ c. :.*. No. 215$
:.*. No. 2158
d. , >35
%hich age group is re&uired to -e immunized as per residential ,ecree No. @@5) a. ;hildren with special needs c. School children -. ;hildren -elow > (ears old d. Out of school (outh
%hen a nurse starts working in a hospital -ut without a written consent which of the following is e!pected of her? a. She is not -ound to perform according to the standards of nursing practices. -. roides nursing care within the accepta-le standards of nursing practice c. She is not o-ligated to proide professional serice d. 'he emplo(er does not hold the nurse responsi-le for her action
* patient >3 refused to -e injected with her third dose of ,epo#roera. 'he nurse insisted in spite of the patients refusal and forci-l( injected the contraceptie. She can -e sued for which of the following? a. Misinterpretation c. Malpractice -. *ssault d. Negligence
Situation 2 – *s a nurse (ou are aware that (our action has ethico legal implications. Because of this (ou must alwa(s -e alert of those situations that demand an appropriate professional conduct. >5.
Gou understand that as a nurse maintaining priac( and confidentialit( is an important aspect of which of the following? a. Hospital olic( c. %hat all client e!pect -. Nurse ;ode of 7thics d. it is an accepted practice
Health care issued often -ecome an ethical dilemma -ecause for which of the following? a. ,ecision must -e made &uickl( often under a stressful condition -. ,ecision must -e made -ased on indiiduall( s(stem c. 'he choices inoled do not appear to -e clearl( right or wrong d. * clients legal right co#e!ist with a health profession.
* -asic structure against which competent care is o-jectiel( measured is which of the following? a. rinciples -. Standards c. =aws d. ;odes
:.*. 5165 e!pressl( authorizes the giing of intraenous and other injection -( a nurse? a.
Situation? rofessional nursing has ;ode of 7thics that spells out right conduct fro nurses. 7ach nurse should hae a s(stem of alues that demonstrate ethical -ehaior in practice. @$.
%hich of he following alues is paramount in the ethical practice of nursing) a. 'he welfare of the patient is ultimate -. 7er( nursing actiit( has an ethical aspect c. Nursing is safe practice d. the purpose of nursing is to promote well -eing
'his is the -est course of action when faced with ethical difficulties. a. ,iscuss with a law(er -. *ssess the ethical pro-lem in &uestion c. :eflect on (our conscience d. :efer to spiritual counselor
Based on :* 2158 this is ground fro suspension of registration certificate. a. =i-el -. negligence c. slopp( work d. dishonest(
nursing practice the desire to choose FOO,J actions is mainl( -ased on. N* ;ode of 7thics fro Nurses <
Situation? *s a professional nurse (ou take responsi-ilit( for personal professional growth. @3.
*n important responsi-ilit( of a professional nurse is? a. :efine competence in safe practice -. Safet( of those she seres c. Dnow trends in health and nursing
d. @5.
*ccounta-ilit( for her actions
0or relicensure (ou are re&uired to complete continuing professional education e&uialent to? a. /$ hours per (ear c. a post -asic stud( -. *t least / weeks seminar workshop d. 3$ hours for 6 (ears Gou are a lie in priate nurse of a famil( with a chronicall( ill mem-er. Gou can maintain (our image as a professional nurse -(? a. ,oing non nursing actiities -. Being present during ph(sician isit c. Maintaining good grooming at all times. d. Socializing with famil( mem-ers
'he primar( purpose for re&uiring continuing education fro relicensure is to? a. 7nsure legal practice -. 7nsure safet( and pu-lic sered c. ;ompliance to Board of Nursing re&uirements d.
'he -est method of maintaining (our clinical competencies is to? a. 'ake adance nursing courses -. Liew ideo tapes in clinical nursing c. 'each a clinical nursing su-ject d. *ctuall( work with patients
Situation? Gou hae chosen nursing as a career. 9nderstanding nursing as profession will help (ou project he nursing image. 1$$.
Nursing is -est defined as a profession that? a.