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In its Answer, Amended Answer, and Rejoinder, petitioner specifically denied the material averments of the Complaint and Reply, and interposed its counterclaims arguing that as early as one week after respondent Chua had been admitted to its hospital, Dr. Rody Sy, her attending physician, had already given instructions for her to be discharged, discharged, but respondents respondents insisted that Chua
remain in confinement; that, through its staff, pe t i t i on er ac co r di n gl y ad m in i s te r ed m ed i ca l examinations, all of which yielded negative results; that respondent Ty voluntarily undertook, jointly and severally, to pay the hospital bills for both patients; that although respondent Ty paid up to P435,000.00, more or less, she reneged on her commitment to pay the ba l an ce i n v i ol at i o n o f t h e C on t ra ct f or Admission and Acknowledgment of Responsibility for Payment dated October 30, 1990 which she voluntarily executed; that she signed a Promissory Note on June 5, 1992 for the unpaid balance of P1,075,592.95 and issued postdated checks to cover the same; that no such undue pressure had been imposed upon respondent Chua to settle the bills, the truth be i n g t h at , as a m at t er o f s t an d ar d p ro ce du re , the reminders to settle the bills were transmitted not to the patients but to their relatives who usually undertook to pay the same; that respondent Ty deliberately evaded the staff of the Credit and Collection Department; that the cutting-off of the telephone line and removal of the airconditioning unit, television set, and
refrigerator cannot constitute unwarranted actuations, for the same were resorted to as cost-cutting measures and to minimize respondents charges that were already piling up, especially after respondent Ty refused to settle the balance notwithstanding frequent demands; that respondent Ty evaded the staff when the latter attempted to inform her that the room facilities will be cut off to minimize the rising charges; and that respondents instituted the present civil case purposely as leverage against the petitioner after the latter had filed criminal charges for violation of Batas Pambansa (B.P.) Blg. 22 against respondent Ty for issuing checks, later dishonored, totalingP1,075,592.95, totalingP1,075,592.95, the amount referring referring to the unpaid hospital bills. In its compulsory counterclaim, petitioner prayed, among other items, for the award of no less than P1,000,000.00 as compensatory damages due to the filing of a malicious and unfounded suit, and, in its permissive counterclaim, pe t i t i on er p ra ye d fo r re s po nd en t s to pa y P1 , 07 5 ,5 92 .9 5 , t he am ou n t re pr es en ti n g the due and demandable obligation under the Promissory Note dated June 5, 1992, including
the stipulated interest therein and the 25 pe rc en t of the total am oun t du e as at tor ney s fees. During pre-trial, the parties stipulated on the following issues: Fi rst, whether the respondents are liable to the petitioner to pay the hospital bills arising from the hospitalization of respondent Chua and Judith Chua; and sec on d, whether the parties are entitled to their respective claims for [ 3] damages. Furthermore, the parties stipulated on the following facts: a) Judith Chua was confined from June 14, 1991 to May 2, 1992; b) re spon de nts f ai led to pa y t he b al an ce des pi te repeated reminders; c) the said reminders referred to the hospital bills of respondent Chua and Judith Chua; d) one of the attending ph ys ici an s of re spon de nt Chu a wa s Dr. Rod y Sy; and e) the petitioner ordered the removal of the facilities in question from the room of its patient, respondent Chua, with the qualification that they were constrained to discontinu e the same after the representative of respondent Chua refused to update the hospital
bi lls or re fu sed to tra nsfe r her to sem i-d el uxe [4 ] room or ward to lessen costs. @1 Q%E)%FA%( RDC >SSTC )*% 2U(%15%(%5 +), ;%<+,+'1 +1 &/3'( '& )*% (%,E'15%1),C )*% 5+,E',+)+3% E'()+'1 '& 4*+<* ,)/)%,Z WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment on the complaint is hereby rendered in favor of the [respondents] as against the [petitioner] as follows: [O]rdering the [petitioner] to pay the [respondents] the following, to wit: /J
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In brief, the RTC held that the removal of the facilities of the room triggered the hypertension of respondent Chua; that the pe tition er ac ted in ba d fa ith in re mov ing the facilities without prior notice; that her condition was aggravated by the pressure employed by the administration upon her to pa y the ho spi tal bill s; that the fo od al wa ys came late as compared to the other patients; that the beddings and clothes of respondent Chua were no longer changed and, as a result, be d sore s em er ged on her bo dy ; th at the re was an utter lack of medical attendance; that, be ca use of the se, re spon de nt Chu a suff ere d from self-pity and depression; that petitioner clearly discriminated against the respondents; that respondent Ty had no choice but to sign the promissory notes in order to secure the release of her mother, respondent Chua; that the foregoing actuations constitute an abuse of rights; that petitioner failed to establish the pe cu ni ar y los s it suff er ed an d, he nce , it is not entitled to compensatory damages; and that, since the promissory note is a contract of
On October 2, 2001, the CA promulgated its Decision the dispositive portion of which reads: IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the appealed Decision is hereby AFF IR ME D with the modification that the award of moral damages, exemplary damages as well as attorneys fees is reduced to Seventy Five Thousand Pesos (P75,000.00), Thirty Thousand Pesos (P30,000.00) and Twenty Thousand Pesos (P20,000.00), respectively. Litigation costs are hereby deleted. Costs against appellant. SO ORDERED.
Apart from the reduction in the award of damages, the CA affirmed all salient portions of the RTC Decision and declined to disturb the findings of fact. Petitioner is now before this Court raising essentially the same grounds heard by the CA.
Incidentally, with respect to the related criminal case against respondent Ty, this Court, on September 27, 2004, promulgated its Decision entitled Ty v. People of the [ 8] Ph il ippi ne s, which affirmed the decisions of the lower courts finding respondent Ty guilty of violating B.P. Blg. 22 and ordering her to pa y the pri va te co mpla in an t, he re in pet iti one r, the total amount of the dishonored checks. The petition is impressed with merit. `*+6%C /, / (.6%C '16G 9.%,)+'1, '& 6/4 F/G A% (/+,%5 +1 / E%)+)+'1 &'( (%3+%4 '1 ("#$%'#% .15%( 2.6% 78C .15%( <%()/+1 %"<%E)+'1,C )*% -'.() F/G (%#%"/F+1% )*% %3+5%1<% E(%,%1)%5 AG )*% E/()+%, 5.(+1: )*% )(+/6L H) 6%/,) &'.( %"<%E)+'1, %"+,) +1 )*+, ,%C 1/F%6GZ I/J 4*%1 )*% <'1<6.,+'1 +, / &+15+1: :('.15%5 %1)+(%6G '1 ,E%<.6/)+'1C ,.(F+,%,C '( <'1]%<).(%,[ IAJ 4*%1 )*% ].5:F%1) +, A/,%5 '1 / F+,/EE(%*%1,+'1 '& &/<),[ I
&/<), 1') 5+,E.)%5 AG )*% E/()+%, /15 4*+<*C +& E('E%(6G <'1,+5%(%5C 4'.65 ].,)+&G / 5+&&%(%1) = S? <'1<6.,+'1L
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The principal questions are, firs t , whether the actuations of the petitioner amount to actionable wrongs, and sec ond , whether the counterclaims of the petitioner can be backed up by the measure of preponderant evidence.
We do not agree. The conclusions of the courts a quo are either haphazard conjectures, or founded on a misapprehension of facts.The record is replete with evidence that justifies a different conclusion.
a1 A(+%&C )*% <'.(), ' *+& <'1<.((%5 +1 )*% *'65+1: )*/) )*% E%)+)+'1%( /15 +), ,)/&& &/+6%5 )' )/W% +1)' <'1,+5%(/)+'1 )*% E*G,+6 <'15+)+'1 '& +), E/)+%1)C (%,E'15%1) -*./C 4*%1 +) (%F'3%5 )*% &/<+6+)+%, E('3+5%5 +1 *%( =>D? (''F[ )*/) )*% (%F'3/6 '& )*%,% &/<+6+)+%,C 1/F%6GC )*% /+(#<'15+)+'1%(C )%6%E*'1% 6+1%,C )%6%3+,+'1C /15 (%&(+:%(/)'(C /::(/3/)%5 )*% <'15+)+'1 '& )*% E/)+%1)C )(+::%(%5 *%( *GE%()%1,+'1C /15 >? )' &6.<)./)%C <'1,+5%(+1: )*/) )*%(% 4/, 1' =>B? E('E%( 3%1)+6/)+'1 +1 )*% (''FL a1 3+%4 '& )*% &'(%:'+1:C )*% <'.(), ' *+& <'1<6.5%5 )*/) )*% /<)./)+'1, '& )*% E%)+)+'1%( 4%(% =>R? 'EE(%,,+3%C .11%<%,,/(GC /15 /1)+# =>7? ,'<+/6C 5'1% +1 A/5 &/+)* 4+)*'.) E('E%( =>8? 1')+<%C 4+)* 1' +1)%1)+'1 ')*%( )*/1 )'
Indeed the operation of private pay hospitals and medical clinics is impressed with public interest and imbued with a heavy social responsibility. But the hospital is also a bu si nes s, an d, as a bu sine ss, it has a ri gh t to institute all measures of efficiency commensurate to the ends for which it is designed, especially to ensure its economic viability and survival. And in the legitimate pu rs ui t of ec on omi c co ns ide ra tion s, the ex ten t to which the public may be served and cured is expanded, the pulse and life of the medical sector quickens, and the regeneration of the pe opl e as a who le bec om es mor e visi bly attainable. In the institution of cost-cutting measures, the hospital has a right to reduce the facilities and services that are deemed to
be non-essential , such that their reduction or removal would not be detrimental to the [18] medical condition of the patient. For the moment, the question to be considered is whether the subject facilities are indeed nonessential the air-conditioner, telephone, television, and refrigerator the removal of which would cause the adverse health effects and emotional trauma the respondents so claimed. Corollary to this question is whether the petitioner observed the diligence of a good [19] father of the family in the course of ascertaining the possible repercussions of the removal of the facilities prior to the removal itself and for a reasonable time thereafter, with [20] a view to prevent damage. After an extensive analysis of the record, it becomes rather worrisome to this Court that the courts a quo unreservedly drew their conclusions from the self-serving and uncorroborated testimonies of the respondents the probative value of which is highly [21] questionable. We hold that the respondents failed to prove the damages so claimed.
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'& <*%> '& )*% 2 %3+,%5 0%1/6 -'5% F/G &+15 /EE6+ )+ '1 +1 ) *+, ,%L `% 5' 1') /: (%%L U*% 6/4 E(%,<(+A%, )*% E(%,%1<% '& )*(%% (%9.+,+)%, )' %"%FE) ) *% /<)'( &('F 6+/A+6+)G .15%( )*+ , E/(/: (/E*Z I >J )*/) )*% %3+6 ,'.: *) ) ' A% /3'+5%5 /<)./66G %"+,),[ IB J )*/) )*% +1].(G &%/(%5 A% : (%/)%( )*/1 ) *% '1% 5'1% ) ' /3'+5 +)[ IRJ )*/) )*%(% A% 1' ')*%( E(/<)+6 /15 6%,, */(F&.6 F%/1, '& E(%3%1)+1: +)L a1 )*% +1,)/1) , %C )*% %3+6 ,'.: *) )' A% /3'+5%5 +, F%(%6G %"E%<)%5 '(
/1)+<+E/)%5L a& )*% %3+6 , '.: *) )' A% /3'+5%5 +, F%(%6G %"E%<)%5 '( /1)+<+E/)%5 '( F/G */EE%1 +1 )*% &.).(%C )*+, 5%&%1,% +, 1') /EE6+
)*/) 1%+)*%( .1<'1)('66/A6% &%/( 1'( /3'+5/1<% '& / : (%/)%( %3+6 '( +1].(G E('FE)%5 )*% +,,./1<% '& )*% A'.1<%5 <*%BD? &('F 6+/A+6+)GL
a1 3+%4 '& )*% &'(%:'+1:C )*% -'.() ' )*%(%&'(% *'65, )*/) )*% <'.(), *+ & <'FF+))%5 ,%(+'., %(('(, +1 &+15+1: )*/) =>B>? )*% E%)+)+'1%( 4/, A+/,%5C 5+,<(+F+1/)%5 =>BB? /:/+1,) )*% (%,E'15%1),C /15 E.(E',%6G =>BR? =>B7? +1)%15%5 )' +((+)/)% '( */(/,, )*%F[ )*/) +) /<)%5 +1 A/5 &/+)* +1 (%F'3+1: )*% =>B8? &/<+6+)+%, 4+)*'.) E(+'( 1')+<%[ /15 )*/) +), =>BO? /<), 4%(% /1)+#,'<+/6L U*% /&'(%9.')%5 5%<6/(/)+'1, '& )*% 4+)1%,,%,C ,+:1+&+1)
E'()+'1, '& 4*+<* )*+, -'.() <'1,+5%(, /, %"E%() )%,)+F'1GC /(% (%6+/A6% /15 (%F/+1 <'1,+5%(/A6G )(.,)4'()*G )' <'1)('3%() (%,E'15%1), /,,%()+'1, /, 4%66 /, )' (%3%(,% )*% <'1<6.,+'1, '& &/<) /15 6/4 '& )*% -H /15 )*% 2U- )*/) (%,E'15%1) -*./ ,.&&%(%5 )*% E*G,+6 /15 %F')+'1/6 /1:.+,* ,' <6/+F%5C /15 ,'C &'( )*%,% (%/,'1,C )*% -'.() *'65, )*/) )*% E%)+)+'1%( +1&6+<)%5 1' /<)+'1/A6% 4('1:L
This Court observes that the courts a qu o awarded both respondents moral damages. But it is well-settled that in case of ph ys ica l injur ies , wit h some [127] exceptions, moral damages are recoverable only by the party injured and no t by her spouse, next of kin, or relative who happened to [128] sympathize with the injured party. Hence, even if the courts a quo were correct in their ba sis fo r dam ag es , they sh oul d ha ve dec line d to award damages to respondent Ty. The last issue to be resolved is the question whether the counterclaims of the petitioner are supported by a preponderance of evidence.
`% /:(%% 4+)* )*% E%)+)+'1%( )*/) )*% <'.(), ' *+ & ,%(+'.,6G %((%5 +1 F+,)/W+1: )*% ,% '& +), <'FE.6,'(G <'.1)%(<6/+F &'( +), E%(F+,,+3% <'.1)%(<6/+F /15 &'( &/+6+1: )' <'1,+5%( )*% %3+5%1<% 4*+<* +FE(%,,+3%6G ,.EE'(), )*% 6/))%(L >%#5$6 &'( &/+6.(% 4+)*'.) ].,)+&+/A6% BS? f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a1 &/<)C 4*+6% )*% :; ,% 11') <'1)('6 )*% +1<+5%1), '& )*%
+1,)/1) ,% /, *%(%)'&'(% ,)/)%5C +) +, ,)+66 4'()* F%1)+'1+1:C /) 6%/,) &'( +1&'(F/)+3% E.(E',%,C )*% &+15+1:, '& )*+, -'.() +1 :; 4+)* (%,E%<) )' (%,E'15%1), 'A6+:/)+'1, )' )*% E%)+)+'1%(Z UG, F')*%( /15 ,+,)%( /3/+6%5 '& )*% ,%(3+<%, /15 ) *% &/<+6+) +%, '& )*% *',E+)/6L f'( )*% (% : +3%1 )' *%( W+1C UG */5 / 6%:+)+F/)% 'A6+:/)+' 1 )' E/G )*% *',E+)/6 AG 3+().% '& *%( (%6/)+'1,*+E 4+)* )*%F /15 AG &'(<% '& *%( ,+: 1/).(% '1 *%( F')*%(, -'1)(/<) '& H5F+,,+'1 /7D? *',E+)/6L
a1 3+%4 '& /66 )*%,% &+15+1:,C )*% -'.() %/(1%,)6G 5+,/:(%%, 4+)* )*% ,4%%E+1: <'1<6.,+'1 '& )*% -H )*/) =0%)+)+'1%(? &/+6%5 )' E(%,%1) /1G +')/ '& %3+5%1<% )' E('3% *+, =>7>? <6/+FC / ,)/)%F%1) /EE/(%1)6G (%&%((+1: )' )*% E%(F+,,+3% <'.1)%(<6/+F '&0>CDT8C8SBLS8L Y'4%3%(C 4+)* (%,E%<) )' )*% <'FE.6,'(G <'.1)%(<6/+F E(%5+)%5 '1 )*% &+6+1: '& / A/,%6%,, ,.+) /15 +1].(G )' +), (%E.)/)+'1C E%)+)+'1%( 5+5 1') (/+,% )*+, F/))%( '1 /EE%/6
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
As a final word, the Court takes judicial notice of the pending Senate Bill No. 337, entitled An Act Prohibiting the Detention of Patients in Hospitals and Medical Clinics on Grounds of No n-P ay me nt of Hos pit al Bills or Med ica l Expenses, which declares, among others, that it shall be unlawful for any hospital or medical
clinic to cause directly or indirectly the detention of patients for non-payment, in part [144] or in full, of their hospital bills, and, furthermore, requires patients who have fully recovered and are financially incapable to settle the hospitalization expenses to execute a pr omiss or y not e, co -si gne d by an othe r individual, to the extent of the unpaid obligation before leaving the [145] hospital. While this Court may have touched upon these matters in the adjudication of the instant case, it must be stated that this decision should in no way preempt any constitutional challenge to the provisions of Senate Bill No. 337 if passed into law, bearing in mind the standards for the exercise of the [146] po we r of judi ci al re vi ew as well as the recognition that the tenor of the bill may adjust with the times, or that the bill itself may fail to pa ss, ac co rdi ng to the dy na mism of the legislative process, especially in light of the objections interposed by interest groups to [147] date. WHEREFORE, the petition is G R A N T E D . The Decision of the Court of
Appeals dated October 2, 2001, together with the Decision dated September 30, 1997 of the Regional Trial Court in Civil Case No. 63958, is R E V E R S E D and S E T A S I D E .Another ju dg men t is en ter ed di smis sing the Comp lai nt and ordering respondents, jointly and severally, to pay the petitioner the amount of P865,592.95, with stipulated interest of 12 pe rc en t re ck one d fr om the da te of ex traj udic ial demand until full payment, and 12 percent of the total amount due as attorneys fees.
7"=J59< OA .78@789H78 !7%"2 @+5$%(" !7'%#4"#5&= 4<81LJ:< I87"J1K178=97@< "<5J< QA 47::JQ 1"A 35 5&( %'$" @+5$ %(" 355& (%'$ " @+5$% ("
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Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, it is hereby certified that the conclusions in the above Decision were reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Courts Division.
Chief Justice
[ 1]
P e n n e d b y A s s o c i a t e J u s t i c e C o n r a d o M . V a s q u e z , J r . , w i t h Associate Justices Martin S. Villarama, Jr. and Eliezer R . D e L o s S a n t o s , c o n c u r r i n g, r o l l o , pp. 38-50. [ 2] Although the Complaint impleaded the petitioner as Manila Doctors Hospital, defendant, allegedly a domestic corporation, the petitioner specifically denied this averment and alleged that Manila Doctors Hospital is merely a tradename of Manila Medical Services, Inc., the real party in interest. This allegation was not disputed by the respondents, nor was any correction made by the c o u r t s a q u o . Se e A n s w e r d a t e d F e b r u a r y 4 , 1 9 9 4 , i t e m 2; Amended Answer dated February 10, 1994, item 2; Rejoinder dated March 28, 1994, item 3; records, pp. 1, 15, 25, 42; The 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, R ule 3, 1 (1997); id . R u l e 8 , 4 ; J u a s in g H a rd w a r e v . M e n d o z a , 201 Phil. 369(1982); C h i a n g K a i S h e k v . Court of Appeals , G.R. No. 58028, April 18, 1989, 172 SCRA 389. [ 3]
P a r t i a l P r e - T r i a l O r d e r d a t e d M a y 2 , 1 9 9 4 , r o l l o , p . 8 7 . P a r t i a l P r e - T r i a l O r d e r d a t e d M a y 4 , 1 9 9 4 , i d . a t 9 0 - 9 1 . [ 5] Id. at 107. [ 6] CA r o l l o , p . 3 9 . [ 7] R o l lo , p . 5 0 . [ 4]
=P ? =S ?
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
R>S[ ! H ? >%572'#C !'$%&= 01 !&+#$ &2 344"'-5 C 77B 0*+6L BTSC BPP IBDDBJ[ E'#$%="/ 01 !&+#$ &2 34 4 " ' - 5 C K L 2 L N ' L > B R 8 7 T C X / G B > C B D D > C R 8 P Q - 2 H R P C 7S IBDD>JL [10] R T C D e c i s i o n , r o l l o , p . 9 9 . [11]
I d . I d . [13] I d . [14] I d . [15] Id. [16] I d . [17] Id. [12]
at 104; CA Decision, id. at 43. at 103; CA Decision, id. at 46. at 103-104. at 42, 44. at 104; CA Decision, id. at 42, 46. See THE CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES, R.A. 386, as amended, Articles 19-21, 2219 (1950). Se e P E D R O P . S O L I S , M E D I C A L J U R I S P R U D E N C E 3 2 2 (1988) (discussing the corporate liability of hospitals arising from the failure to furnish safe and reliable equipment). Se e R a m o s v . C o u r t o f A p p e a l s , 378 Phil. 1198, 1241 (1999), citing JOSE O. VITUG, COMPENDIUM OF CIVIL LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE 822 (1993).
U*% E(+F/(G 5.)+%, '& / *',E+)/6 /(% )' &.(1+,* ,/&% /15 4%66 F/+1)/+1%5 E(%F+,%,C )' E('3+5% /5%9./)% /15 ,/&% %9.+EF%1)C /15 )' %"%(<+,% (%/,'1/A6% (% +1 )*% ,%6%<)+'1 '& )*% F%FA%(, '& )*% *',E+)/6 ,)/&&L ?"" 0_;2@ 0L Q@eaQC X_;a-He \V2aQ02V;_N-_ R>D#>>C RB>#BS I>SPPJL H *',E+)/6 <'15.<)%5 &'( E(+3/)% :/+1 +, .15%( / 5.)G )' %"%(<+,% '(5+1/(G (% +1 &.(1+,*+1: +), E/)+%1), / ,.+)/A6% /15 ,/&% E6/<%L a& /1 .1,/&% <'15+)+'1 '& )*% *',E+)/6, E(%F+,%, S S S J C < + ) + 1 : ? 7 ' # 4 " 0 1 ? & + $ 7 ! ' # & - % = ' B"4$1 &2 E"=$'- A"'-$7C BP> QL-L B7BC R>8 QL_LB5 >>B I>SP7J[ I=%$", J"5$"#= E",%('- !"=$"#5 01 ?+4"#% )* ! & + # $ C 7 B - / 6 L H E E L 7 8 D D C 7 S - / 6 L 2 E ) ( L B 5 O P B )* I7 ;+,)L >SSOJL `*%(% )*% E/)+%1) (%&.,%, )' 6%/3% / E(+3/)% *',E+)/6 +1,E+)% '& )*% '(5%( &'( *+, 5+,<*/(:%C *% F/G 5' ,' /15 <'1)+1.% )' ,)/G +1 )*/) *',E+)/6C
E('3+5%5 )*% <'((%,E'15+1: *',E+)/6 A+66 +, E('E%(6G ,/)+,&+%5 /15 4+)* )*% <'1,%1) '& )*% /))%15+1: E*G,+<+/1L 0_;2@ 0L Q@eaQC X_;a-He \ V 2 a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e_KHe f@2XQ B; >ROZORL H, )*% E%)+)+'1%( +, / E(+3/)% *',E+)/6 /, 'EE',%5 )' / E.A6+< '1%C +) +, :+3%1 F'(% 6%%4/G +1 F/W+1: (.6%, /15 (%:.6/)+'1, /, (%:/(5, )*% /5F+,,+'1 '& E/)+%1),C *',E+)/6 &/<+6+)+%,C ,%6%<)+'1 '& ,)/&&C /F'1: ')*%(,C E('3+5%5 )*/) ,.<* (.6%, /15 (%:.6/)+'1, /(% 1') /(A+)(/(GC 5+,<(+F+1/)'(GC .1(%/,'1/A6%C F'1'E'6+,)+D I>SPPJL
S e e , e . g . , T a n v . V il la p a z , G . R . N o . 1 6 0 8 9 2 , N o v e m b e r 2 2 , 2005, 475 SCRA 720, 727; N a u t ic a C a n n in g C o r p . v . Y u m u l , G.R. No. 164588, October 19, 2005, 473 SCRA 415, 423; J a r d i n e D a v ie s , I n c . v . J R B R e a lt y , In c ., G.R. No. 151438, July 15, 2005, 463 SCRA 555, 561; L i m v . C h u a t o c o , G . R . N o . 1 6 1 8 6 1 , M a r c h 1 1 ,
2005, 453 SCRA 308, 316; C h i c o v . C o u r t o f A p p e a l s , 348 Phil. 37, 43 (1998). [22] T S N , O c t o b e r 5 , 1 9 9 5 , p p . 5 3 - 5 4 . [23] TSN, September 7, 1995, p. 13. The exact date when respondent Chua actually left the hospital is under dispute, which is either June 4 or June 5, 1992. =B7?
[25] =BO?
Q % % U Q N C H . : . , ) B B C > S S O C E L > # R 7 I ' & & % ( + 1 : ; ( L 2 ' 5 G Q G / , (%A.))/6 4+)1%,, &'( (%,E'15%1), /15 4*',% <(%5+A+6+)G */5 1') A%%1 +FE%/<*%5JL
TSN, June 24, 1994, pp. 16, 32. UQNC Q%E)%FA%( TC >SS8C EL OL
I d . a t 8 , 1 3 . I d . a t 1 3 . [29] I d . a t 8 - 9 . [30] I d . a t 7 , 1 0 . [31] TSN, August 22, 1996, p. 7 (testifying as witness for the respondents). [32] TSN, August 15, 1996, p. 13. [33] Supra note 31. [28]
[35] =RO?
Q.E(/ 1')% RBL
Supra note 31. a5L /) SL
T S N , S e p t e m b e r 7 , 1 9 9 5 , p . 1 0 . TSN, August 22, 1996, p. 22. [39] T S N , S e p t e m b e r 7 , 1 9 9 5 , p . 7 . [40] I d . a t 1 5 . [41] Supra note 37. [42] Supra note 38. [43] TSN, September 7, 1995, pp. 12-13. [44] I d . [45] I d . a t 1 4 . [46] I d . a t 1 8 . [47] I d . a t 6 - 7 . [48] I d . a t 8 . [49] I d . a t 1 1 . [50] Id. at 7, 10, 12; TSN, August 22, 1996, supra. [51] TSN, June 24, 1994, p. 32. [52] TSN, January 19, 1996, p. 12; TSN, October 5, 1995, pp. 75, 76. [53] T S N , O c t o b e r 5 , 1 9 9 5 , p . 7 6 . [38]
H 6 ) * ' . : * ) * % ( % + , , ' F % + 1 < ' 1 , + , ) % 1 < G / , ) ' ) * % % " / < ) 5 / ) % , 4*%1 )*% *',E+)/6 /5F+1+,)(/)'(C Q+,)%( K/6%1'C <'1,.6)%5 4+)* )*% 5'<)'(,C 5.% )' F%F'(G 6/E,% '& )*% 4+)1%,,%,C +) +, &/+(6G %,)/A6+,*%5 )*/) +) 4/, 5'1% 5.(+1: / (%/,'1/A6% )+F% A%&'(% )*% (%F'3/6L Q%% UQNC @<)'A%( 8C >SS8C EEL >BC TO#TT[ UQNC H.:.,) BBC >SSOC EL > T I;(L 2'5G QG )%,)+&G+1: &'( )*% (%,E'15%1), /, (%A.))/6 4+)1%,,JL
TSN, August 22, 1996, p. 13. Id. at 12-13. [57] Supra note 55. [58] I d . a t 1 8 . [59] T S N , S e p t e m b e r 7 , 1 9 9 5 , p . 1 7 ; T S N , A u g u s t 2 2 , 1 9 9 6 , p . 19. [56]
=OD? =O>?
[62] [63]
[64] [65]
UQNC H.:.,) BBC >SSOC EL >7L a5L /) BBL
I d . a t 1 9 . I d . a t 2 8 . T S N , O c t o b e r 5 , 1 9 9 5 , p . 3 2 . Id. at pp. 14, 18-19.
T S N , S e p t e m b e r 7 , 1 9 9 5 , p . 1 6 . I d . [68] Id. at 21-22. [69] I d . [70] TSN, October 5, 1995, p. 48. [67]
TSN, August 22, 1996, p. 8. [73] Supra note 46. =T7?
Supra note 46. S p o u s e s C u s t o d i o v . C o u r t o f A p p e a l s , 323 Phil. 575, 585586 (1996). See E x p e r t r a v e l & T o u r s , I n c . v . C o u r t o f A p p e a l s , 368 Phil. 444, 448-449 (1999) (summarizing the rules on moral damages). [77] 346 Phil. 872 (1997). [78] I d . at 884-885. [76]
T S N , O c t o b e r 5 , 1 9 9 5 , p . 2 8 . I d . a t 1 2 , 2 7 . [81] I d . a t 2 6 , 3 1 - 3 2 . [82] I d . a t 1 2 , 3 1 , 4 2 . [83] I d . a t 2 6 . [84] I d . a t 5 . [85] Id. at 30-31. [86] E x h i b i t 5 . [87] I d . ; T S N , O c t o b e r 5 , 1 9 9 5 , p . 2 9 . [88] TSN, October 27, 1994, p. 13; TSN, October 5, 1995, pp. 27-29. [80]
_"*+A+) >L
T S N , O c t o b e r 5 , 1 9 9 5 , p . 1 7 .
a5L /) R>C 7B[ 0/()+/6 0(%#U(+/6 @(5%( 5/)%5 X/G 7C >SS7C #&--&C EEL SD#S>[ 2U- ;%<+,+'1C +5L /) S7#S8L =SB? UQNC \.1% B7C >SS7C EEL BT#BP[ UQNC H.:.,) >8C >SSOC EL >7L [93]
TSN, June 24, 1994, pp. 6, 9, 36.
UQNC @<)'A%( BTC >SS7C EL R7[ UQNC @<)'A%( 8C >SS8C EEL 77#78L [95] RTC Decision, rollo, p. 106. This conclusion had been
impliedly affirmed by the CA. See TSN, July 1, 1994, p. 17 (r e s po nd e n t Ty t e s ti fy i ng t ha t s he w a s f or c e d to sign the promissory notes and execute the postdated checks as a condition for the release or discharge of her mother, respondent Chua). See also id. at 21. [96] TSN, September 14, 1995, pp. 18-19, 23. [97] I d . a t 3 5 . =SP?
a 5 L / ) > T # > P C B B C R B [ U Q N C @ < ) ' A % ( 8 C > S S 8 C E L B 8 L a ) < / 1 A % 'A,%(3%5 &('F )*% )%,)+F'1+%, )*/) )*% 5+,<*/(:% '(5%( +,,.%5 AG )*% /))%15+1: E*G,+<+/1 +, / 5+,<*/(:% &('F / F%5+6 ,)/15E'+1)C 4*+6% )*% 5+,<*/(:% '( <6%/(/1<% +,,.%5 AG )*% N.(,+1: Q)/)+'1C H<<'.1)+1:C -/,*+%(C Q%<.(+)GC '( )*% ')*%( 5%E/()F%1), 4*',% &.1<)+'1, F/G A% /5F+1+,)(/)+3% +1 1/).(% (%&%( )' F/))%(, 1') ,'6%6G <'1&+1%5 )' F%5+6 /,E%<),C ,.<* /, )*% ,%))6%F%1) '& 5.%,C 5%E',+), '( A(%/W/:%C /66 '&
4*+<* 5%E%15 '1 )*% (.6%, /15 (%:.6/)+'1, /, 4%66 /, *',E+)/6 E'6+
T S N , O c t o b e r 5 , 1 9 9 5 , p . 2 6 ; T S N , S e p t e m b e r 1 4 , 1 9 9 5 , p . 23-24. =>DD?
a5L[ +5L
T S N , S e p t e m b e r 1 4 , 1 9 9 5 , p p . 2 3 - 2 4 . [102] TSN, October 5, 1995, pp. 26-27, 48-49. [103] Supra note 101. [104] Se e PEDRO P. SOLIS, MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE 305-307 (1988) (discussing the various classifications of hospitals). [105] TSN, October 5, 1995, pp. 49-50. [106] Exhibits B to B-1. [107] TSN, October 5, 1995, pp. 40-42. [108]
PEDRO P. SOLIS, MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE 338 (1988), citing G a d s d e n G e n e r a l H o s p i t a l v . H a m i l t o n , 103 So. 553 (1925). See LOUIS J. REGAN, DOCTOR AND PATIENT AND THE LAW 113 (1949), citing C o o k v . H i g h l a n d H o s p i t a l , 84 S.E. 352; In re Carlsen, 130 Fed. 379; Re Baker, 29 How. Pr. (N.Y.) 485; Ollet v. Pittsburgh , C.C. & St. L. R. Co. (Pa.), 50 Atl. 1011; L o r d v . C l a x t o n ( G a . ) , 8 S . E . 2 d 657. [109] PEDRO P. SOLIS, MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE 338 (1988). [110] C.R.A. MARTIN, LAW RELATING TO MEDICAL PRACTICE 340-41 (1979) (citations omitted). [111] PEDRO P. SOLIS, MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE 338 (1988). [112] C.R.A. MARTIN, LAW RELATING TO MEDICAL PRACTICE 41 (1979) (citations omitted). [113] As opposed to a private charitable or eleemosynary hospital. PEDRO P. SOLIS, MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE 306-7 (1988) [114] 4 0 A A M . J U R . 2 D H o s p i ta l s a n d A s y l u m s 8 (1999), citing P o r t e r v . M c P h e r s o n , 198 W. Va. 158, 479 S.E.2d 668 (1996).
Id. citing Trevino v. HHL Financial Services, Inc ., 945 P.2d 1345 (Colo. 1997). [116] TSN, October 5, 1995, pp. 43-44, 58-59, 62. [117] S e e 4 0 A A M . J U R . 2 D H o s p i ta l s a n d A s y lu m s 8 (1999) , citing H e a r t l a n d H e a l t h S y s t e m s , I n c . v . C h a m b e r l i n , 871 S.W.2d 8 (1993). =>>P?
G . R . N o . 1 4 9 2 7 5 , S e p t e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 0 4 , 4 3 9 S C R A 2 2 0 . I d . at 230-233. [121] R o ll o , p . 4 4 . [122] I d . a t 1 0 3 . [123] I d . a t 4 2 . [124] S u p r a n o t e 1 2 1 . [125] Supra note 122; id. at 43. [126] I d . a t 4 6 . [127] See THE CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Republic Act No. 386, as amended, Article 2219 (1950). [128] Se e S o b e r a n o v . M a n i l a R a i l r o a d C o m p a n y , 1 2 4 P h i l . 1330, 1337 (1966); S t r e b e l v . F i g u e r a s , 96 Phil. 321, 330 (1954); A r a n e t a v . A r r e g la d o , 1 0 4 P h i l . 5 2 9 , 5 3 3 (1958). [120]
[129] [130] =>R>?
Records, pp. 178-197. TSN, August 15, 1996, pp. 4-5. UQNC @<)'A%( BTC >SS7C EEL PC >D#>>C B7#BTC RB#RR[ UQNC @<)'A%( 8C >SS8C EEL >PC B>C BOC R8#ROC 8>#8R[ UQNC \/1./(G B8C >SSOC P#SC >BL
Exhibit 1. E x h i b i t s 1 - a a n d 1 - b . [134] Exhibits 2 to 2-c. [135] Exhibits 3 to 4-b. [136] Exhibits 11, 11-b; Exhibits 13 to 14-a; Exhibits 16 to 16d. [137] R o ll o , p p . 9 4 - 9 5 ; P a r t i a l P r e - T r i a l O r d e r d a t e d M a y 4 , 1994, id. at 90-91. [138] TSN, July 1, 1994, pp. 5, 8, 19-22. [139] I d . a t 5 , 9 - 1 0 . [140] T y v . P e o p l e o f t h e P h i l i p p i n e s , supra note 8, at 234. [141] R o ll o , p . 4 7 . [142] The dispositive portion of T y v . P e o p l e s t a t e s : \ [133]