1. FUNDAMENTALS OF GENERAL MANAGMNET 1.1 Introduct Introduction ion Manage Managemen mentt is a set of goalgoal-dir direct ected, ed,
interrelated and interdependent activities,
Human resources
aimed aimed at accomp accompli lisi sing ng organ organi!a i!atio tional nal goals in an efficient and effective manner"
management in construction
Managers are te people loo#ing $e%ond
t emse ves
COTM 5201
an over
e&ercising te
activitie ties
orma and
performance of oter people in pursuit of
Manageria Manageriall activities activities consist consist of func functi tio ons of man managemen ement t planning, planning, organi! organi!ing, ing, directing, directing, and controlling
organi!ational goals" 1
1.2 Levels of Mn!e"ent lanning is devising devising a s%stema s%stematic tic approac approac for attaining attaining te lanning goals of te organi!ation"
long-range long-range planning" Top Top management management manages te
Organi! ni!ing ing is determ determini ining ng o' activi activitie tiess and resou resourc rces es are are Orga grouped and te composition of 'or# groups and te 'a% in
acieve organi!ational goals" est esta$li a$lis sin ing g
policies and is responsi$le for te entire organi!ation"
depart departme ment ntss and super supervis vise e and and coor coordin dinat ate e te te
*eading g is guidin guiding, g, leadin leading g and over oversee seeing ing of emplo% emplo%ees ees to *eadin
organi!ation organi!ationss overall overall goals, strateg% strateg%,, and operating operating
Midd Middle le manage managers rs are are respo respons nsi$l i$le e for for secti sections ons or
'ic 'or# and activities are to $e coordinated" coordinated"
Contrrolli olling ng Cont
Te primar% function of top managers is strategic strategic and
acti activi viti ties es
lo' lo'er-l er-le evel vel
mana manag gers" ers"
Te% Te%
are are
responsi$le responsi$le for implementing te policies and plans of
perf perfor orma manc nce e
stan standa dard rdss
and and
comp compar arin ing g resu result ltss and and e&pec e&pecta tati tion onss to ma# ma#e appr approp opri riat ate e
top managers" irst line Managers Managers are directl% responsi$le for da%-toda%-to-
da% da% opera operatio tions ns and superv supervise ise and and coor coordi dina nate te te
1.# Mn!eril S$ills ecnic ical al Tecn
s#il s#ills ls
are are
1.% Or!ni&in! Function
s#il s#ills ls
neces ecessa sar% r%
Te main function of te organi!ing is to optimi!e te organi!ations
accomplis or understand te specific #ind of
resources to accomplis organi!ational organi!ational goals" 'or# $eing done in an organi!ation" /nterpersonal /nt
s#ill ills
a$ilit ilit% %
Organi!ations Organi!ations are inter-related groups of people, 'it #no'ledge, s#ills
and resources, 'or#ing to'ard common goals"
communic communicate ate 'it, underst understand and and motivate motivate
Tese groups, according to teir orientation, can $e classified as formal
$ot individuals and groups"
and inform informal al group groups" s" orma ormall group groupss are are tose tose autor autori! i!ed ed $% te
Conceptual s#ills are te capacit% to tin# in te
a$st a$stra ract ct and and to see see te te orga organi ni!a !atio tion n as a
Tese groups possess legitimate po'er 'itin te organi!ation, and
comp comple lete te unit unit and and to inte integr grat ate e and and give give
generall% are formed to carr% out a designated tas# or function"
dir directi ection on to its its dive divers rse e acti activi viti ties es so ta tat 5
o$ectives are acieved"
1.%.1 T'(es of or!ni&tionl structures Tom 3urns and 4" M" tal#er classif% organi!ational structures into
mecanistic and organic forms" /nformal groups are tose created $% emplo%ees temselves, and
not autori!ed $% te organi!ation" organi!ation"
distinctl% delineated o$s, clearl% defined ierarcical structure and
Organi!ing is esta$lising te internal organi!ational structure to
acc accompl omplis is
te te
goal goalss
iden identi tifi fied ed
te te
plan planni ning ng
proc proces ess" s"
Organi!ational structure is te formal decision-ma#ing frame'or# 'ic defines o$ tas#s, lines of autorit% and interface $et'een departments"
are driven primaril% $% top-do'n command and control" Mecanistic organi!ations organi!ations are tall structures, consisting of ierarcies 'it several la%ers of management levels" On te oter and, te organic structures are is relativel% fle&i$le"
Te% are structur structurall% all% decentra decentrali!ed li!ed,, empo'erin empo'ering g emplo%ees emplo%ees at all levels levels of te organi organi!a !atio tion n to ta# ta#e person personal al respon responsi$ si$ili ilit% t% for for te
1.%.2 Or!ni&tion Desi!n
Functionl or!ni&tion
Organi! Organi!atio ational nal design design is creating creating an appropria appropriate te organi! organi!atio ational nal /n a function functional al organi! organi!atio ation, n, tas#s tas#s or
structure tat 'ill ena$le te organi!ation to accomplis its goals"
o$s o$s of simi simila larr natu nature re are are
Te organi!ation can coose from among functional, divisional or
rou rou ed
togeter and structured as a unit" 8ac
matri& designs, 'icever is appropriate" appropriate"
unit is staffed $% functional specialists" tructuring te organi!ation along te
func functi tion onal al
line liness
facil acilit itat ates es
good good
te unit eas% for managers as te% onl% need to $e familiar 'it a narro' set of s#ills" 7
Mtri) or!ni&tion
Divisionl or!ni&tion
/n matri& matri& organi! organi!atio ation, n, individu individuals als are made
/n a divisi divisiona onall orga organi! ni!at ation ion,,
responsi$le $ot to teir line manager and te pro ec manager manager nvo ve "
divi divisi sio onal nal
stru tructur ctures es
are are
Te Te matri matri&& concep conceptt facil facilit itat ates es 'or#i 'or#ing ng on
'or#fl 'or#flo' o' and struc structur tures es are are
concurrent proects $% creating a dual cain of
command, te proect (program, s%stems, or
independ endent
strategic organi!ational units" Te Te 'or#f 'or#flo' lo' can can $e $ro# $ro#en en
product) manager and te functional manager" Matr Matri& i&
stru struct ctur ures es
util utili! i!e e
func functi tion onal al
and and
into product lines, geograpic
divisional cains of command simultaneousl%
regions, etc"
in te te
same same part part of te te
org organi! ani!at atio ion, n,
commonl% for one-of-a-#ind proects
1.* Stffin! nd "otivtion ;en properl% designed and implemented, it leads manager taffing is critical to improve te 9ualit% and performance of
emp emp o%ees ees a a
eve s o an organ !a on"
ere ere ore, ore,
s ou
tr troug oug te te iri iring ng proc proces esss from from star startt to fini finis s"" : 'ell ell designed staffing s%stem
$e a strategic priorit% for te manager" Te manager as to not onl% set te vision and strateg% $ut
also ire te people to acieve tem"
Helps in iring te rigt people"
Creates consistenc% consistenc% in iring decisions trougout trougout te organi!ation" organi!ation"
upports management development" "
: staffing s%stem is defined as a model and a process for
tose 'o recruit, screen, intervie', intervie', and ire ne' emplo%ees"
*imits lia$ilit%"
1.*.1 Stffin! +rocess
$est staffing option is te one tat ta#es into
cons conside idera rati tion on,, to te te grea greate test st e&te e&tent nt poss possi$ i$le le,, $ot $ot te te current and future $usiness needs of %our organi!ation" 3% coosing options tat can, in te long run, save time and
staffing process generall% generall% involves involves at least least four four steps" steps" Te staffing Tese four steps are 1" defin definin ing g te te o$, o$, invo involv lvin ing g te te deve develop lopme ment nt of a posi positi tion on description>
resources, %ou can ensure te availa$ilit% of staff for te 'or#
2" determining te 9ualifications and competencies competencies
tat needs to $e done = for no', and for te future"
+" filling filling te positi position, on, 'ic 'ic involve involvess screen screening ing applica applicant ntss and selecting an individual> and ." trai traini ning ng""
1.*.2 Motivtion
Motivati ation on is te #e% to perfo performa rmance nce Motiv
3roadl%, tere are ten strategies to induce emplo%ee motivation
and improve teir 'or# performance improvement and te o$ of a manager is (a) o$ securit%, not ust to get tings done troug te $ s m ate ateti ticc el el 'it 'it erso ersona nall ro$l ro$lem emss emplo%ees $ut to get tings done more efficientl% and 9uic#l% $ecause motivated emplo%ees are more productive" To
$e eff effecti ectiv ve,
un erst erstan an
(c) personal lo%alt% to emplo%ees, (d) interesting 'or#, (e) good 'or#ing conditions,
mana manage gers rs need need to
' at moti motiva vate tess emp emp o%ee o%eess
(f) tactful discipline, (g) good 'ages,
'it 'itin in te te cont conte& e&tt of te te role roless te% te%
() promotions and gro't in te organi!ation,
(i) feeling of $eing in tings, and () full appreciation of 'or# done" 1
T,eories of Motivtion rior to Ha'torne tudies carried out $% 8lton Ma%o from 172.
and 17+2, emplo%ees 'ere considered ust anoter input in te pro pro uct uct on o goo goo s an serv serv ces" ces" Tis Tis stud stud% % 'as 'as reve revela lati tion on in tat tat it foun found d empl emplo% o%ees ees are are not not
moti motiva vate ted d solel solel% % $% mone moneta tar% r% re'a re'ard rdss and and teir teir $ea $eavio viorr is essentiall% lin#ed to teir attitudes" Te Ha'torne tudies set out te uman relations approac to
management, 'ere$% understanding 'at motivated emplo%ees and and o' o' te% te% 'ere ere moti motiv vated ated $ec $ecame ame te te focus ocus of man% an%
understanding ive important approaces tat ave led to te understanding of motivation are> Maslo's ?eed-Hierarc% Teor%, Her!$ergs T'o-actor Teor%, @rooms 8&pectanc% Teor%, :dams 89uit% Teor%, and
Mslo-s Need of /ierrc,' %siological needs are $iological needs necessar% for $asic :ccording
emp emp o%ees ees
ve eve s o
needs needs p%s p%siol iologi ogica cal, l, social,
survival, suc as food, 'ater, sleep and se&"
ecur ecur t% nee nee s are are esse essent nt a or a sa sa e p %s ca an emot emot ona ona
safe safet% t%,,
self 3elongingness needs are te desire for love and affection"
actuali!ing" Maslo' Maslo' reasoned reasoned tat lo'er lo'er
8steem needs are recognition and respect from oters"
elf actual actuali! i!at ation ion needs needs are are reali reali!in !ing g one ones potent potential ial for for elf
$efor $efore e te ne&t ne&t iger iger level level need
personal gro't and development"
emplo%ees" 21
1.0 Leders,i( *eader ers sip ip is defi define ned d as te te proc proces esss of infl influe uenci ncing ng te te *ead acti activi viti ties es of peop people le to' to'ard ard
aci aciev evem emen entt
su$ordinate te perceives perceives or is made to $elieve tat oercion : su$ordina failure to compl% 'it te instructions of a superior 'ould
of spec specif ifie ied d
organi!ational goals" Te term AleadersipB denotes a particular approac or st%le
of influencing fello' personnel in te organi!ation"
Re-rd Compliance 'it te instructions of a superior leads
to positive conse9uences" Tese re'ards could $e monetar% or non-monetar%"
;atever te st%le, eac leader must ave some $asis for
e&erting influence over oters" /n general, tere are five 'a%s to influence oters
organ organi! i!at ation ional al iera ierarc rc% %" or or e&am e&le ple,, te direct director or of an agenc% possesses more legitimate po'er tan a volunteer"
3no-led!e se of e&pertise, s#ill, #no'ledge or e&perience
as te $asis for influence" ossession of one or more of tese
Leders,i( T,eories Tere are several approaces to leadersip and management
attr attri$ i$ut utes es gain gainss te te resp respec ectt and and comp compli lian ance ce of peers peers or
$ased on different different teories"
su$ordinates" Ad"irtion : su$ordinates identification 'it a leader" Te
Te st%le tat individuals use 'ill $e, $ased on a com$ination
of tei teirr $eli $elief efs, s, valu values es and and pref prefer eren ences ces,, as 'ell 'ell as te te
leader ma% $e admired $ecause of one or more personal
organi!ational culture and norms"
traits, and te su$ordinate can $e influenced $ecause of tis " *eadersip is distinct from AmanagingB 'ic means directing
te activities of oters"
A. Trit T,eor'
Te underl%ing assumption of Trait teor% is tat people are
$orn $orn 'it 'it ineri inerited ted trait traits" s" Te empas empasis is is on disco discover vering ing tese traits, often $% stud%ing successful leaders"
4. 4e,viorl T,eor'
ut ut for'a or'ard rd $% 3la# 3la#e e D Mouton 170 170s, s,
n te te
t e
ear %
Mana Manag geria eriall
4rid underlines te need Te Trait Teorists suppose tat if oter people possess te
traits tat are generall% found in leaders, te% too could also
$et'een een
$ecome leaders"
peop people le and and conc concer ern n for
Tere ave $een man% different studies of leadersip traits
and not all of tem converge at a similar conclusion"
tas#" ive leadersip st%les are indicated in te grid"
. +rtici(tive +rtici(tive Leders,i(
4enevolen 4enevolentt ut,orit ut,orittive tive ;en te leader adds concern
for for people people to an autor autorit itat ative ive positi position, on, a E$enev E$enevole olent nt
dictatorsip is formed" Te leader no' uses re'ards to
particular around decision-ma#ing and te degree to 'ic people are involved in te decision" –
concerns lo'er do'n te organi!ation"
E)(loitiv E)(loitive e ut,orit ut,orittive tive /n tis st%le, te leader as a lo'
concern for people and uses suc metods as treats and
improved to some degree, altoug te leader is ma#ing
ote oterr fearear-$a $ase sed d met metod odss to aci aciev eve e conf confor orma manc nce" e" ommun ca on on s a mos
en re re %
o'n'ar s an an
Te up'a up'ard rd flo' flo' of inf informa ormati tion on ere ere is onsulttive Te
maor decisions are still largel% centrall% made"
ps%cologicall% ps%cologicall% distant concerns of people are ignored"
D. Situtionl Leders,i( –
+rtici(tive :t tis level, te leader ma#es ma&imum use
of participative metods, engaging people lo'er do'n te orga organi ni!!atio ation n
deci decisi sion on-m -ma# a#in ing" g"
eop eople le
acro across ss
te te
organi!ation are ps%cologicall% closer togeter and 'or#
Te pat pat-g -goa oall teo teor% r% post postul ulat ates es tat tat te te most most succ succes essf sful ul Te leader leaderss are are tose tose 'o 'o increa increase se su$or su$ordin dinat ate e motiv motivat ation ion $% c art art ng out out an c ar % ng t e pat pat s to' to'ar s
g per per orma ormanc nce" e"
:ccording to
'ell togeter at all levels" –
Motivate Motivate teir follo'er follo'erss to acieve acieve group group and organi! organi!atio ational nal goals"
su$ordinates su$ordinates desire –
T,e +t,5Gol t,eor' descri6es four st'les of leders,i(
teir 'or# goals and erform at a ig level"
Su((ortiv Su((ortive e leders, leders,i( i( Considering te needs of te follo'er,
so' so'in in
conc concer ern n for tei teirr 'elf elfare are and and crea creati tin n
'or#ing environment"
Ta#e into account teir su$ordinates caracteristics and te
t%pe of 'or# te% do"
Directiv Directive e leders,i leders,i( ( Telling follo'ers 'at needs to $e done
and giving appropriate guidance along te 'a%"
E. ontin!enc' ontin!enc' Leders,i( Redin! ssi!n"ent
+rtici( +rtici(tiv tive e leders, leders,i( i( Consulting 'it follo'ers and ta#ing teir
ideas into account account 'en ma#ing ma#ing decisions decisions and ta#ing ta#ing particula particularr actions" Tis approac is $est 'en te follo'ers are e&pert and teir advice is $ot needed and te% e&pect to $e a$le to give it" •
Ac,ieve" Ac,ieve"ent5o ent5orien riented ted leders, leders,i( i( etting callenging goals, $ot
in 'or# 'or# and and in self self-i -imp mpro rove veme ment nt (and (and ofte often n toge toget ter er)" )" Hig Hig standards are demonstrated and e&pected" Te leader so's fait in te capa$ilities of te follo'er to succeed" Tis approac is $est 'en te tas# is comple&" comple&"
a frie friend ndll