Fill in the gaps with present perfect or past simple.Full description
Le Future Simple Et Proche
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Present Perfect or Past SimpleDescripción completa
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present perfect vs past simple
Level: Intermediate
Time: 45 minutes
Lesson: Future perfect simple
Date: 19/2/2015
!aterials: A2 sized game paper, white board, PowerPoint presentation and markers.
#$ectives: Intermediate level students are able to do the following: . !se to the future perfe"t simple tense effe"tivel# in spee"h and writing. 2. !nderstand the grammati"al stru"ture and rules applied to "reate future perfe"t tense statements. $. %ave a "lear understanding of the point in timeline where the future perfe"t simple belongs. 4. &alking &alking about future events using the future perfe"t simple.
&', '&, '' (ead in )*ngage stage, +arm up
Teacher: Teacher: Aree !u"hal
Anticipated pro$lems for Teacher: . & ma# find it diffi"ult to instil the grammati"al "on"ept o f the future perfe"t simple be"ause its stru"ture is "ompli"ated and man# rules appl#. %olution: &ea"her &ea"her will introdu"e the "on"ept b# breaking down the stru"ture to ensure that 's follow through with the &. Anticipated pro$lems for %tudents: . 's ma# have trouble understanding the order of the grammati"al stru"ture. %olution: & will break down the stru"ture into "ategories and present it in broken bits for the 's so that the# "an easil# pi"k up on the order and stru"ture stru"ture of the past perfe"t "ontinuous.
Teacher Activit&
& will divide 's into groups of three and ask then to write down three points about the future tense. It "ould in"lude the following: */ample: . 0efinition of the future tense. 2. 1uture tense statements. $. &he grammati"al stru"ture of the future tense. 's will have seven minutes to "omplete the task. n"e the 's have written the points, & will "hoose 2 groups to read what the# have written as points. & will "reate a brainstorm "hart on the board and write down the 's ideas there and "on"lude that future tense is about things that will take pla"e. & will write finall# introdu"e the 's to the future perfe"t simple. & will write an e/am ple of it on the white board: I board: I will have walked to the mall by then. & will will divid dividee the "lass "lass into into 4 grou groups ps and and inform inform 's that that the# the# will will be be pla#i pla#ing ng a boar board d game. game. & will provide the game pie"es for ea"h 's and also a di"e for ea"h group. 's will re"eive an A2 sized sheet as a board game that will be provided b # the &.
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Pair work )A"tivit# A"tivate
'' 3mins
& will instru"t the 's to do the following: 's will be reuired to use the di"e to take turns. n"e 's land on a bo/, 's will be reuired to turn the s"rambled statement written in the bo/ into a future perfe"t simple statement. 1irst one to rea"h the end of the bo/es will win the game. & will monitor the 's throughout the game.
& will introdu"e the 's to the future perfe"t tense b# writing the definition on the white bo ard. 1uture perfe"t tense is used to define something that will take pla"e in the future before another event begins. I.e. I will have walked home before sunset. & will present the grammati"al stru"ture of future perfe"t simple on a PowerPoint slide. &'
rammar )'tud#
&' '&
%u %u$ect ' (ill I will I will I will I will I will I will I will I will I will I will
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&', '&, '' A"tivit# 2 )A"tivate
6mins &', '&
& will instru"t the 's to form pairs of two and write a paragraph about the future and what will take pla"e 66 #ears from now. 's will be reuired to use the future perfe"t simple tense while writing. I.e. *ver#one will have learned how to time travel. 's will have 6 minutes to write the paragraph. n"e the# will finish the paragraph, 's will be reuired to read he paragraph in front of the "lass. & will ask I89s to ensure if the s tudents understand the instru"tions: What is the activity about? Which tense will the paragraph be written in?
'&, & will wrap up the lesson with 's reading their paragraphs to the "lass. '' uture> tenses>upperintermediate2?2