OBLICON Lecture Notes – Karichi E. Santos | UP Law B2012
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Caveat Lector. 15 January 2009 It is we!! within the right o the se!!er not to "e!i#er$ %oth o the& in co&'ensation &orae. (hen the) agree to consu&&ate or e*tinguish u!!) e*ecute the contract to"a). But since the %u)er is not rea") to 'a) the 'urchase 'rice$ I cannot "e!i#er the +racehorse,. Bu)er on!) has ha! the a&ount$ %ut I cannot gi#e )ou ha! &) horse- I %u)er not rea") to 'a) the 'urchase 'rice$ se!!er not o%!igate" to "e!i#er the thing an age o!" sa)ing or E/ENSE – exceptio non adempleti contractus, wherein one o the 'arties &ust 'eror& his 'restation to &ae the other one incur in "e!a) O the other one is +the se!!er can choose$ whether resolve. /or the se!!er$ it is an actua! %reach. rant the %u)er a 'erio" 3owe#er$ there are sti!! two choices. Not merely rescission but also specifc perormance. Unless he perorms the other party !oes not incu r in !elay. !elay.
"#L$%&'$"N ($') & *+,$"PERIOD – uture e#ent that wi!! certain!) ha''en. 4hough not e*act!) now when it wi!! co&e 2 in!s o perio! 1. e5n e5nit ite e or or In" In"e5 e5ni nite te 2. Sus'ens ensi#e i#e 6ex die – ro& the "a)7 6a!rea") create" %ut not )et "ue an" "e&an"a%!e ti! the arri#a! o "a) certain$ %ut nor&a!!)$ "e&an" is nee"e"7 88in reci'roca!$ a!! )ou ha#e to "o is to 'eror& 'restation88 or eso!utor) 6in diem - u' to a "a) certain7 9!rea") e*ists %ut wi!! %e e*tinguishe" u'on the arri#a! o the "a) certain
88SO :9N; IES- SINE IE – !ast session "a) o the congress- 4he) sto' the c!oc %) 11<=> P:$ continue "e!i%erating unti! the %u"get is "one. 4hen :9 can %)'ass o'eration. 3e shou!" %e a c!ient o our stu"ent who is an organ trans'!ant surgeon 6we ha#e that7. (h) "oes he want to !earn the !aw an" su?er through@ 3e is here. 3e has to 'ass through a hour test with &e 5rst. Or in the wor"s o Pro. :ora!es – tete a tete . 4he on!) 'roessor in this co!!ege who can s'ea /rench. B4($ )ouAre gonna &eet another /rench ter& so&ewhere in the s)!!a%us. (hat@ ;ou ;ou "i"nAt 5nish !egis!ati#e %ranch in Consti1@ 4he o!"ies teach )ou !aw a!though the) co&e !ate hehe. Inertia is in#o!#e". Es'ecia!!) i )ou are not rea")$ "rin co?ee 5rst. 4hen the &i""!e o the c!ass$ )ouA!! ha#e to go out$ right@ I ha#enAtA "one that )et. But &a)%e in the &i""!e o the se& I wi!! hehe. 88ea" Poet societ) &o#ie – Car'e ie&. Car'e is the han". Use )our car'a! &usc!es. I )ou t)'e a!! )our notes in the PC in an awwar" 'osture$ )ou get car'a! tunne! s)n"ro&e. . E*'re E*'ress ss an" an" I&'!ie I&'!ie" " 'eri 'erio". o". $/*L$+-< &entione" in 'arties intended a period. Lie the r! pararaph o 119. 1$ 2$ P9< courts wi!! set the 'erio" I suspensive CONDITION < &ight &ae the o%!igation #oi" 6i sus'ense "e'en"ent so!e!) on the wi!! o "e%tor aa potestative7 I dependent on the creditor, PERIOD< +'a)a%!e when a%!e, whene#er the "e%tor is a%!e to 'a)$ %ut then su''osing su''osing he ne#er wi!!s it$ then the cre"itor can as the court to 5* the 'erio" 6%ecause itAs indefnite period7 9!! 'ro#isions &rt 119 reer to in"e5nite in"e5nite 'erio" ID99< what i the a%i!it) to 'a) is uncertain@ L9BI49< oo!ish cre"itor$ co!!ect %eore action or s'eci5c 'eror&ance 'rescri%es. :ost !ie!) the cre"itor has to &ae a u"icia! "e&an" rather than e*trau"icia! "e&an".
PHIL SUGAR ESTATE < t3o staes in !ealin 3ith an in!efnite perio! 1. :ae the in"e5nite in"e5nite 'erio" "e5nite e.g. e.g. as or 'a)&ent$ 'a)&ent$ e*trau"ic e*trau"icia! ia! "e&an" "e&an" +;ou sa) )ouA!! 'a) when )ou ha#e &one). Now I see )our 'ocets are %u!ging an" ean is a!!ing %ecause o coins. ;ou &ust ha#e &one). P!ease 'a) 'a )., +But these are on!) coins$ these are are not enough., +4hese are not enough$ IA& ust a courier, 2. Fu"icia! Fu"icia! "e&an"$ "e&an"$ as as the the court court to to 5* the 'erio" 'erio" No nee! to fle t3o actions$ 2 in 1 so no multiplicity o suits < 9s or t3o prayer< ocet ees is &aing the courts rich$ itAs ta*ation a!rea") %ut o course$ )ou cannot Guestion their 'roce"ures. /i!e an action !etAs see i )ou can win. (hat was the ru!ing in En"encia@ No wa) Fose1. /ID PEIO. PEIO. ecite ecite the o%!igation o%!igation thatAs thatAs create"$ create"$ that itAs "ue an" "e&an"a%!e. "e&an"a%!e. (ith an in"e5nite 'erio" 2. EHUIE 43E EB4O EB4O 4O CO:PL CO:PL; ; ON /IDE PEIO. PEIO. (hen the "a) arri#es$ arri#es$ "e%tor has to 'a)$ otherwise otherwise heA!! %e !ia%!e or "a&ages. 9s or "a&ages. 4he 'erio" has arri#e" a!though in"e5nite.
OBLICON Lecture Notes – Karichi E. Santos | UP Law B2012 4"U,C+4 " *+,$"-
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(hat are the the L+%&L 'erio"s@ S'rea" in the CC are 'erio"s i&'ose" %) !aw !ie !eases o ur%an !an" 1J2 an" 1J 6accor"ing to or)7. 2. JU-$C$&L – set %) the court es'ecia!!) in u"icia! 'erio". Pro%!e&< i 'ro#i"e" or the 'arties$ or whose %ene5t is it@ Presu&'tion is %oth or the cre"itor an" "e%tor un!ess sti'u!ate" that it is gi#en to one o the&. Usua!!) gi#en to "e%tor. E.g. Contract o !oan< there is a 'erio" o 'a)&ent$ what %ene5t "oes the "e%tor has. Bene5ts o CEI4O< (hat a%out noninterest %earing !oans@ Sae!) in#este" in the han"s o the "e%tor$ as goo" as the &one) o the %ans as !ong as "e%tor is #er)$ #er) so!#ent. 6 Ponce de Leon v !"uco 7 I the &one) is with hi&$ heA!! ee! so hot. 3is oot itches to go to the &a!! an" sho'. Or wie who has a 'enchant o ins'ecting his wa!!et. Sho''ing nee"s #s sho''ing wants 4he 9&ericans 9&ericans are now !earnin !earning g how to econo&iMe. econo&iMe. 4he) wi!! wi!! 'ro%a%!) 'ro%a%!) !itt!e !ess '!u&'. No &ore su'ersiMe su'ersiMe &e ten"encies. ec!ine in 'urchases. Bene5ts o EB4O< 9&'!e ti&e to raise enough &one). +6tension o perio! to pay is not an implie! novation. Because the two o%!igations are incompatible. 4hen the 'erio" 'erio" is %oth or or the %ene5t %ene5t o the 'arties un!ess un!ess e*'ress!) e*'ress!) sti'u!ate". sti'u!ate". Usua!!) Usua!!) the 'erio" 'erio" is gi#en gi#en in a#or o the "e%tor i the "e%tor or e*a&'!e gi#es 'ro&issor) note. I the "e%tor can 'a) ON or BE/OE the 5*e" "ate e.g. ece&%er 1$ 200>. 3e can 'a) now )es accor"ing to the ter&s o the contract. BU4 LOOK. :a) !ose the %ene5t o the 'erio" an" so the o%!igation %eco&es "ue an" "e&an"a%!e. 5 circumstances here that the beneft loses the beneft o the perio! 7&rt 1198 e&e&%er #aite v $onacier where where the co!!atera! has e*'ire" an" he "i"nAt urnish a new an" sucient. (hy shoul! the insolvent !ebtor lose the beneft o the perio!:::
1. *ar &rt 1198< new securit) nee" not %e a %on". But it "oesnAt &ean he canAt urnish a new one !ie &ortgage$ '!e"ge or "e%torAs own 'ro'ert) as !ong as the #a!ue is &ore than the "e%t 9N acce'ta%!e to the cre"itor. (hen the !ebtor becomes insolvent 6!ia%i!ities asset7 not e*act!) tota!!) without 'ro'erties$ on!) that not enough to co#er a!! his !ia%i!ities@ (h) shou!" he !ose the %ene5t o the 'erio"@ Su''osing )ou ha#e = cre"itors with 'ure o%!igation$ on!) one with a 'erio". (h) "o )ou ha#e to %ring the& into eGua! ooting@ 9!! the our can 5!e action or co!!ection$ oin the Gueue or 'a)&ent whereas the one "ue 2 )ears !ater 6e.g. the o%!igation not "ue unti! 20107 he cannot &ae a "e&an". I we wait or 2 &ore )ears$ nothing !et or hi&- 4oo %a". /our others ha#e %een 5rst in !ine. BU4 %est o a!!$ i )ou are cre"itor$ %e sure that )ou ha#e securit) or )our cre"it. (hate#er ha''ens to the "e%tor$ )ou can re!) on the securit) a!one.
2. *ar 2 &rt 1198< Cre"itor ga#e "e%tor sus'ensi#e 'erio" %ecause he PO:ISE to e*ecute &ortgage on his house an" !ot. 4hir" one$ #io!ates an) un"ertaing$ in consi"eration o which he has to a''ear. ;ou are su''ose" to "o soðing. /i!e a reistration procee!in or tit!ing o !an" which he 'ro&ise" to &ae as co!!atera!$ gi#e hi& enough 'erio" to "e!i#er the a%so!ute "ee" o sa!e gi#en on consi"eration in the &eanti&e$ the se!!er is su''ose" to 5!e a registration case or the 'arce! o !an"$ in the &ean ti&e heAs gi#en a 'erio" 6!ie Romero v C% ParanaGue San ionisio7 . *ar 5 &rt 1198< e%tor atte&'ts to a%scon"@ 4ries to run awa) an" changes resi"ence so )ou "onAt now where he is. 3e hi"es$ no !onger there %ut )ou grante" hi& a 'erio"$ 3hy !oes he lose the beneft o perio! i he attempts to abscon!: Shows %a" aith an" %ecause ne*t ti&e aroun" he &ight succee". 9n e*'ression o the Bu!aen)os< + ma&hanap 'a sa tam(ol n&a!on ., 3e hi"es or &ore than 10 )ears ro& "ue "ate$ the o%!igation is e*tinguishe". (hi!e he is sti!! there$ )ou can now &ae a "e&an" on hi&. I in turn$ )ou can 'ro#e that he is inso!#ent. One o the roun!s or attachment or arnishment when the "e'en"ant "e%tor is inso!#ent then )ou can as or attach&ent. o )ou now what #%RNI)*ENT is@ is@ arnishings are or sa!a" or #ian".
/or 'erio"< &rt 1195 Sa&e is true or con"ition< &rt 1188 *ar 2 Oh itAs witching ti&e again---
20 January 2009 or 3hose beneft is the perio! in an obliation:
INDE$INITE PERIOD – usua!!) or e*a&'!e i the sti'u!ation is that the +"e%tor wi!! 'a) when a%!e, or +!itt!e %) !itt!e, or +as soon as 'ossi%!e, 1. E*tra E*trau" u"ic icia! ia! "e&an "e&an" " 5rst 5rst
OBLICON Lecture Notes – Karichi E. Santos | UP Law B2012 2.
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4hen u"icia! u"icia! "e&an" "e&an" go to court$ 5!e 5!e a co&'!aint co&'!aint as the court to set the 'erio". 'erio". :ae :ae in"e5nite in"e5nite 'erio" a "e5nite one. 9t the sa&e co&'!aint$ as in the secon" 'ra)er 6once 5*e"7 'a) ro& the 5*e" 'erio"$ i "i"nAt 'a)$ !ia%!e or "a&ages. Because i )ou as the cre"itor to 5!e u"icia! "e&an"$ the 'ra)er is the court shou!" &ae the in"e5nite 'erio" a "e5nite one. Once the court sets it$ there is no &ore e*tension. 4hat is the case o Phi! Sugar Estate. It is instructi#e.
C!ai&ant 6sGuatters7 'ossessor o the house in the &i""!e o the 'ro'ose" roa". I saw that house when I was a !aw stu"ent. Boun"e" %) HueMon 9#e an" two &ore roa"s. Eastern 'art$ a house in the &i""!e o the roa". 9%out =0 &eters ro& HueMon 9#e. 6as HueMon B!#" is in Huia'o7 (hat was the sti'u!ation here$ %u)er wi!! %ui!" the churchQcon#ent$ se!!er wi!! %ui!" the roa"s. It was a woo"en house o strong &ateria!. ;ou canAt ust %u!!"oMe that to c!ear the 'ath$ &ost !ie!)$ )ouA!! %e charge" with &a!icious &ischie$ "a&age to 'ro'ert). It can actua!!) %e coercion 6who cares@7. But )ou shou!" care %ecause cri&ina! !aw is one su%ect where our gra"uates are 'ercei#e" to %e wea. UP is strong in 'o!itica!$ constitutiona! an" ci#i! !aw. Not strong in ta*ation an" &ercanti!e. In act$ the gra"uating c!ass is worrie" a%out those su%ects. ItAs not a condition. ItAs a &atter o +hen the sGuatters wi!! %e e#icte" ro& the 'ro'ert). Not $ but ()+N . But the '!ainti? here "oes not as or s'eci5c 'eror&ance$ the) c!ai& that the) are 69raneta7 in "eau!t %ecause the 'erio" was an in"e5nite one. 4he #a!ue o this is that the cre"itor cannot as or s'eci5c 'eror&ance ust )et in an o%!igation su%ect to in"e5nite 'erio". ItAs a '(" 4'&%+ *,"C+44 < 1. 9s the court court to 5* a 'erio" 'erio" 6&ae 6&ae in"e in"e a "e7 2. 9s or or s'eci5c s'eci5c 'eror 'eror&anc &ance e or 'a)&ent 'a)&ent when when it it arri#es arri#es 88Usua!!)$ the) "o this in one co&'!aint$ as a secon" 'ra)er to a#oi" ha#ing to 5!e another case. PONCE DE LEON Case o the Fa'anese war note. One )ear ro& 1>RJ. 9t the ti&e the contract was entere" into$ there was a!rea") ra"ioacti#it) 6c!an"estine ra"io7 that :c9rthur is on his wa) to reco#er the Phi! ro& the Fa'anese. Bash the Fa'anese %) showing the Pear! 3ar%or an" ((2 ootages. I the) want cou'$ the) show the &o#ie udeta $ har%ingers o &u!tinationa! gu)s. 4he) are not i&&une to %eing &ani'u!ate". 4he 'u%!ic can %e &ani'u!ate" %) &e"ia. ;ou shou!" now that )ou ha#e %een &ani'u!ate" an" in"octrinate" in act. 9n)wa)$ out o the &one) that was !oane" %) Ponce Ponce "e Leon$ 'ai" o the PNB or the 'urchase 'rice o sugarcane !an". It was in Negros Occi"enta!. 4he) ne#er thought there wi!! %e co&'etition o sugar cane in hone) sugar %eets an" sugar &a'!e. Lo an" %eho!"$ 9&ericans 5n" a wa) o e*tracting sugar ro& corn. ight- /ro& corn- 4here is sugar there- O course now$ there are the arti5cia! sweeteners. 4he) can a!so a!so e*tract e*tract sweetness ro& ro& a '!ant. o )ou )ou now that #ani!!a #ani!!a co&es co&es ro& #ani!!in #ani!!in an orchi" orchi" which which is grown grown in In"onesia. ItAs the #ani!!a orchi" !oos !ie the Sanggu&a)- Dianne, iniistal' 'a tala&a LOL../ 4he origina! origina! co!or o wa!ing wa!ing is 'ur'!e an" a !itt!e %it o !ight 'ur'!e with s'!otches. 4here is a white wa!ing wa!ing. (hat is the chea'est can") now@ Beore it was one centa#o in &) )outh o course. 3ahahahaha- (e ha#e e Le&on. :ani!enos "onAt now that %ecause 3a!!s an" :a* i!!e" the&. Es'ecia!!) the %ranch &anager o :a* can"ies went to schoo! here. ;ouA!! ne#er now where )ou co&e ro&. On!) the co!!ege secretar) wi!! now. No &ore inter#iew. :iria& ee's on re&e&%ering her son e#er) "eath anni#ersar) an" charge UP. Co&&itte" suici"e ater ai!ing 2 su%ects in 9LS. octrine o 'ro*i&ate cause an" su'er#ening e#ent.
(ho inter#iewe" the son o :iria&@ Oh we!! not &e. I was out o the co&&ittee. 4here was /!orin 3i!%a)$ Barr)$ :ora!es$ :a& Chit$ :a& Beth. I I were there$ I wi!! !et hi& in %ecause the 'arents wi!! co&'!ain an" the) actua!!) "i". 3ow &uch is )our annua! gross a&i!) inco&e@ P00$000 a&ooon- S'orts 'ro&oter$ coc5ghting. (hatAs the ne*t !ogica! Guestion@ oes he %et in the coc5ghting he 'ro&otes@ ;es Sir. 3ow &uch@ 9%out =$000. Last &inute< 9se" a%out his reaction to what 'eo'!e are sa)ing a%out his &other@ 3ow wou!" )ou react +thatAs the Guestion, that )our &other is Bren"a@ (hat are )our ho%%ies@ (eight!iting. (hen the 'ane! sees soðing unusua! the) wi!! 'ounce on it. 4he) as hi& how it is "one$ what are the trics. Bench 'ress$ "e&onstrate. Ben" an" sna'@@@ (hen he returne" ho&e$ the &other was a gui"ance counse!or$ the ather was a!u&nus. Inane Guestions. I )our ho%%) is singing )ou %etter %e a%!e to sing. (i!! )ou gi#e us a sa&'!e. One a''!icant gra"uate" ro& Nationa! 9rts Center$ s'ecia!iMation was %a!!et an" "ance. (i!! )ou "o a 'irouette@ In other wor"s$ "onAt '!ace an)thing there that is unusua!$ &ae it a hu&"ru&. Inter#iewers ha#e #er) !itt!e 'atience or not !istening or o? tangent answers. But then what$ ne#er &in" that. ;ou re 'ro%!e& is how to 'ass stage two o the so'hie course without sot what@ (Going back now to Ponce) Ponce s'ouses trie" to 'a) ear!ier %ut the cre"itor reuse". ;ouAre su''ose" to 'a) one )ear ater< suspensive perio! in avor o the cre!itor- (e!!$ at !east in his &in"$ he was thining that %) the ti&e 9&ericans return$ the go#t wi!! %e reinsta!!e" thatAs wh) he inserte" that in the !oan contract. Pa) &e the #ictor) 'eso QnotesT Co&&onwea!th 'eso. e'rint o Co&&onweath e&%!aMe" across in a "iagona! o the re#erse si"e o the %i!! the wor" +#ictor), hence the na&e. thatAs the &one) that cre"itor was c!ai&ing. 9n)wa)$ itAs not unust to Ponce "e Leon %ecause he was a%!e to 'a) PNB the !oan using the &one) he !oane" ro& S)uco. #UC+ is o? tangent. (here is the 'resu&'tion there@ I )ou are the counse!$ &ae the 'erio" o the !ease agree" u'on a!rea"). (h) not 2= )ears na asi aga"@@
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No in"ication how &uch the renta! wi!! %e. No 'ro#ision or the increase o the renta!. BP 2 3ouse enta! Law. But "uring :artia! Law$ there was a!rea") a statute which 'rohi%ite" the eect&ent o !essees on the groun" &entione" in the !aw on !ease. Lease renta!s were not a!!owe" to %e increase". Su''ose"!) sta) 'ut unti! 'assage o this !aw which a!!owe" an annua! increase u' to a certain 'ercentage. 20 then 1= then 10. Su%seGuent house renta! e*tension an" e*ten"e" so that was ter&inate" !ast )ear$ IA& not sure i it is e*tension was 'asse". Un"er this !aw$ there were specifc roun! or e
"=&> L+'?4 %" '" &L'+,N&'$@+ "#L$%&'$"N4
&L'+,N&'$@+ "#L$%&'$"N4 3ow &an) 'restations are there@ 4he "e%tor is o%!ige" on!). Con
21 January 2009 ,evie3 o alternative obliations. Since the choices were narrowe" %) the "e%tor through his au!t$ cre"itor was not gi#en the o''ortunit) u!! 'ano'!) o choice$ it ought to %e that "e%tor !ia%!e. Because o !itera! rea"ing o Nu&%er 2.
Can the "e%tor &ae the choice 'rior to the "ue "ate@ 4ubstitute! perormance when "e%tor "oesnAt want to &ae the choice$ cre"itor can as the court or a thir" 'art) e.g. c!er o court or the sheri? or an) other now!e"gea%!e thir" 'erson to choose. ChiAs Guestion< 4he 'ro#isions ta! a%out the act o choosing$ %ut not the main o the options. 3ow the &utua!it) o contracts co&e into '!a) in a!ternati#e o%!igations@ B) that I &ean is the "e%tor gi#en co&'!ete ree"o& to 'ro#i"e the o'tions or are the o'tions su%ect to the a''ro#a! o the cre"itor@ Is it a!so 'ossi%!e to gi#e an o'en en"e" a!ternati#e which or e*a&'!e sa)s +an) re&e") which &a) %e necessar),@ Is there such a thing as 'otestati#e a!ternati#e o%!igations@ 3in"i nasagot )ung tanong o. 9ng !a)o ng sagot ni)a huhuhu. %(utendi 6s'@7 the right to a%nor&a! use$ to consu&e the 'ro'ert)
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So&e rea! right are !ess than this$ right to +use an" eno), an" +'ossess, the 'ro'ert) !ie the right o a !essee. Persona! rt "e'en"ing on whether or not the !ease contract recor"e" in the registr) or at !east in the e)es o so&e$ a Guasi rea! right. Consi"ere" a rea! right a!though so&e sa)s itAs not. (hen recor"e"$ %oun"s the who!e wor!". 4he) wi!! ha#e to recogniMe the right o the cre"itor$ cannot "is'ossess o the !essee "uring the 'erio" o the !ease$ i !essor orces !essee out$ !atter can 5!e a orci%!e entr) in the 'ro'ert) or a re'!e#in %ecause he has a 'riorit) o right. In an) !ega! re!ation$ there is right an" o%!igation. ;ou cannot ha#e right without. 4wo o us wi!! %e )ounger an" o!"er. Proessor Sison !oos )oung- 4here is ))ing. ;ang )ing the s'e!!ing is w )oung as in i&&ature an" )ing a%out 20 )ang )angs )a&&ie@ I& the chi. R0 o )ou$ the chi energ) is )oung. Basta tinira ni)a si 4ito O%et. 4ae u' 'hotogra'h- (hen )ou gra"uate- 6LOL7 In ece&%er$ the c!ass o Pro. Santos$ reunion in the house there in /air#iew$ one was so sinn). 9r )ou rea!!) this@@@ Loo at her now$ she is aaah ahahaha.. she has a!rea") 'ower. SheAs the Secgen o 3. Loo at that. ;ou "onAt she is. Secretar) o the Senate 6a"&inistrati#e 'ower7 ;ou thin IA& i!!ogica! ha@ 4hatAs the reason wh) when the si!#er u%i!arian co&e ho&e$ !ast ti&e$ when we were aroun" the&$ we !oo as o!" as the) are es'ecia!!) 'ro sison. 3e loos perectly cherubic. /ro& the nec u'--- T7777777777 -o3n here lie a hippo . But re&e&%er$ I on!) "o this to &) %estrien"s. 9t !east )our !aughter wi!! &ae )ou )ounger %) one "a). OBLICON an" POPE4; are actua!!) interre!ate". 9rising ro& the contract is a 'ro'ert) right. It has #a!ue. 4he right o a &ortgage cre"itor$ !oan &ortgage. (hat ha''ene" in the US@ So!" in a secon"ar) &aret as a %unch o cre"its$ &ortgage rights o a %an$ so!" to /unn) :a) or /re""ie :ac. Or in the case o Sen. Wi!!ar$ when he "e#e!o's su%"i#ision$ he starte" with the %ir" cages$ s&a!! !ots what we ca!! the %u!!"ogs an" 'reso!" then so!" the 'roectQhouses an" !ots then %ecause o its contract$ it turns aroun" an" a!! con"itiona! "ee"s o sa!eQa%so!ute "ee" o sa!e with a &ortgage$ went to Nationa! 3o&e :ortgage. Secon"ar) &aret or &ortgages a!rea"). 3e got &one) a!rea")$ i the ho&eowners "o not re!igious!) 'a)$ then itAs u' to 3:/ to orec!ose it$ has nothing to "o a%out it %ecause he is a!rea") 'ai". 4urns 4urns aroun" aroun" again an" then high high en" &aret. &aret. e#e!o'&ents e#e!o'&ents in :ahar!ia :ahar!ia oa"$ oa"$ &aorit) o the !an"s there there are owne" owne" %) a&i!) o Wi!!ar. 4hatAs conuga! 'ro%a%!)$ inheritance o his wie. (ea!thier is the wie$ 9gui!ar isnAt it. Contentious intention. So&e%o") %!ew the whist!e$ now thereAs contro#ers)$ &) 'oint is this cre"it$ %e!ong to the cre"itor are a!! 'ro'ert) rights$ worth &one) an" can %e tra"e" in the sa&e wa) that o'tions to %u) wherein the o'tion can %e so!" un!ess the o%!igation arising ro& the contract is %) its ter&sQ!awQnature is unassigna%!e. 9!! cre"its are assigna%!e as a genera! 'ro'osition e*ce't when there is sti'u!ationQ!awQnature o o%!igation. Certain 'ersona! o%!igations can %e assigne". 3as to %e ascertaina%!e as to what the o%ect o the contract nee" not %e 'in'ointe" can %e "e!i&ite" generic things. 4here shou!" shou!" %e no new agree&ent agree&ent as to what the the #oi" or technica!!) technica!!) ine*istent. ine*istent.
J"$N' &N&N- 4"L$-&,> 4"L$-&,> "#L$%&'$"N "#L$%&'$"N 4he ocus here here is not the number o prestations %ut the nu&%er o multiple cre!itorsB!ebtors 6&u!ti'!e 'arties7. I on!) one$ it is in"i#i"ua!. :u!ti'!) 'arties$ i there are &u!ti'!e "e%tors an" cre"itors$ the oint X so!i"ar) nature$ a&ong the 2 or &ore what is their re!ationshi' inter se es'ecia!!) in ter&s o !ia%i!it)$ what in" o tie %in"s the &u!ti'!e "e%tors. O course$ the) are a!! tie" u' to one another %) #irtue o that "e5cient cause. Since there are = "e%tors an" cre"itors$ how "oes each in"i#i"ua! "ea! with each other@ (hatAs the e?ect$ thatAs the i"eaQnotion %ehin" the ru!es on oint an" so!i"ar) o%!igation. 4here cannot %e oint o%!i when there is one to one cre"itor an"Qor "e%tor. Su''osing there are C an" = . O course thereAs a !in %etween the twoC1 C2 C
1 2 R =
to &ive, to o, to not to do/
Can he reGuire the 'eror&ance o the entire o%!igation. 4he tie that %in"s is either oint or so!i"ar). FOIN4 – thin '!astic ro'eQstrin ro'eQstring g SOLI9; – so!i" stee! ca%!e Now in the a(sence o0 an! indication in the &u!ti'!e 'arties$ the tie is J"$N'. 6'resu&'tion7 On!) 4"L$-&,> I$ e*'ress!) sti'u!ate"$ !aw an" %) nature 6I "are )ou to 5n" e*a&'!e or the !ast one$ there is none-7 oes 4o!entino gi#e e*a&'!e@ Foint torteasors are auto&atica!!) so!i"ar). 1ltra (onus mores wi!! %e 9rt. 1>- :ora! o%!igation is outsi"e the a&%it o ci#i! !aw. O%!igation is create" %) what@ B) !aw or Guasi"e!ict. 'ort is broa!er than uasiD!elict@ 9& I right@ ;ou "onAt now. ;es$ I a& right. 9rt 21 acts an" o&issions "one through neg!igence$ there are this so ca!!e" intentional torts %ecause tort is actua!!) an Eng!ishQco&&on !aw conce't. Ours is Guasi"e!ict. But !oo Guasi"e!ict$ as )ouA#e seen in Barre"o case$ it enco&'asses not only !one throuh nelience but broa!ene! to inclu!e nelience even i there is a contract . Contract can a!so create Guasi"e!ict o%!igation in a""ition to the %reach o contract. 4he 'resu&'tion is un!ess the contract or o%!igation sti'u!ates that &u!ti'!e 'arties %oun" so!i"ari!)$ the) are %oun" oint!). 4he 'ro%!e& is the !aw that reGuires so!i"ari!) are scattere". 4hereAs no one
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artic!e that !ists the& in one artic!e. So )ouA!! ha#e to !oo or 'ro#isions which 'ro#i"e or so!i"arit). 4he &ost a&ous o which is the 2"oint tort0easors3 &rt 219; "')+, 4"L$-&,$'> "#L$%&'$"N4 C,+&'+- #>B*,"@$-+- ", #> L&( 1. 4oint o5cious mana&ement $ two or &ore oint &anagers are !ia%!e so!i"ari!). &rt 21;E 2. Foint 'a)ees in solutio inde(iti$ 'a)&ent not "ue &rt 215 . 4wo or &ore %orrowers$ commodatum &rt 19;5
2 !a"ies %orrow a horse$ ha#e )ou e#er hear" that "eit) a !a") who %orrowe" a horse@7 it sa)s here$ the "eit). I ha" a 'on). ItAs a%out the horse again huh- (hose na&e was a''!e ra)$ I rent hi& to a !a") to ri"e a &i!e awa). She whi''e" hi&$ she !ashe" hi&$ she ro!!e" hi& through the &ire. I wou!" not !en" &) 'on) now or a!! the !a")As ire. She &a!treate" the ani&a!- Pit) &) 'oor a''!e re)- < Pro!!) the 'on) was a Shet!an" 'on). See when IA& in the &oo"$ )ouA!! ha#e a nice session. Shet!an" Is!an"s in Northern British Is!es$ itAs win") there. 4he 'on) is stur") an" rugge". 4he horse is !ess than 1R han"s$ then itAs a 'on). 4he han" is an 9&erican han"$ not )our han"- 1R * R inches. =- So = in is the ht o the horse. Be!ow that$ it is a 'on). 3igher than that$ itAs a rea! horse- So our horses here are #erita%!e Shet!an" 'onies. 4he) are nice !ooing. a''!e gre)$ s'ots o %!ac there. 9n" itAs ri""en roc) an" %arren !an". 4hatAs the usua! git or !itt!e gir!s an" %o)s. ;ou want one@ 4hereAs one in Para"iMoo. 4he) a!so ha#e !!a&as there- ;eah- 4he cousin o the ca&e! e*ce't that the) are ro& the 9n"es$ itAs the Peru#ian !!a&a. 4he %east o %ur"en o the 9n"es$ a!aca. 4here are three o the&$ thereAs e#en the woo! source or wea#ing to c!othing. 4he) are a!so wi!"er$ the guanaco. O course$ there is the 'entunia 6@7 which hi"e is use" or coats. 9N;(9;$ %ac to this. ;. T+o principals and an a&ent &rt 1915 5. 9nother one in PC ci#i! !ia%i!it)$ &rt 110 civil lia(ilit! 6co'rinci'a!s$ coacco&'!ices$ coaccessories ater the act7 :ost o the so!i"ar) o%!igations are 'ro#i"e" or in the contracts Usua!!) what are the wor"s use". ea" 4aucian v 6uerol 61>1J7 %ecause there is a nice !ecture there a%out "istinction %etween oint an" so!i"ar) o%!igation written %) an 9&erican. i#i"e" to as &an) cre"Q"e% as there are. In other wor"s$ each 'ortion "e%tor res'onsi%!e on!) or his res'ecti#e share$ the other cre"itors has their own 'ro'ortionate share in the cre"it. (hat the) own is "i#i"e" into as &an) "e%tors as there are. ,esponsible only or his share not leally responsible or the share o the others. EDCEP4 or oint co"e%tor &a) want to 'a) the 'ro'ortionate share o another co"e%tor$ it is 'otestati#eQacu!tati#e 6&eans "e'en"ent on the wi!!7 on the 'art o the assu&er. Lega!!) s'eaing$ cannot %e reGuire". Su''osing the o%!i is or the 'a)&ent o P1=0B. 4he tong'ats %eing ase" as such. the contract is such$ the tong'ats is siMea%!eY 4394AS (3; 43E; HU9EL. :ost whist!e %!owers are the one charge". So "onAt whist!e un!ess )ou want to go to ai!. Nee" not %e eGua!!) 'ro'ortiona!$ the sharing can %e in "i?erent 'ro'ortion$ su%ect to "i?erent ter&s an" con"itions. One &a) %e 'ure$ the other one su%ect to a sus'ensi#eQreso!utor) 'erio"Qcon"ition 6whate#er co&%ination$ "e'en"s on the agree&ent o the 'art)7 I/ C1 "e&an"s ro& 1$ how &uch 1 can %e reGuire" to 'a)@ 4ilent so
4)",'CU'< Z"e%tors * Zcre"itors T "i#isor tota! a&ount o o%!igation as !ong as FOIN4L; LI9BLE on %oth si"es.
Pro!!) )our answer wou!" %e correct i so!i"ar) cre"itor an" oint "e%tor 6"i?erent co&%ination7. Nor&a!!)$ a&ong oint "e%tors$ though the) are %oun" together %) thin 'iece o twine 6not so!i"7 each one owns a 'ro'ortionate 'art o "e%t or cre"it in eGua! 'ortions i not in"icate" 'arts. 4he others are %oun" in "i?erent 'ro'ortions. e'en"ing on their agree&ent su%ect to "i?erent ter&s an" con"itions. I the share o one so!i"ar) "e%tor not )et "ue an" "e&an"a%!e$ )ou cannot co!!ect it. So!i"ar) is &ore co&'!icate". 4he shortcut o consi"ering the re!ationshi' inter se o so!i"ar) is !ega! re!ationshi' e*isting a&ong so!i"ar) co"e%tors 6so!i"ar) %oth si"es T &i*e" so!i"arit)7 =$N-4 1. 2. .
" 4"L$-&,$'> < 'assi#e 6"e%tors7 acti#e 6cre"itor7 &i*e"
,elationship amon 4"L$-&,> C"DC,+-$'",4 < mutua agenc! e*ercise acts or Qon %eha! o )our 'rinci'a! i&'!ication< can co!!ect the entire cre"it. I co!!ects cre"it$ &ae accounting o the co!!ection to gi#e res'ecti#e shares
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,elationship amon 4"L$-&,> C"D-+#'",4 < no !onger concerne" with what c1 "oes with his 'a)&ent. O%!igation is e*tinguishe". "utua gua#antee not on!) %oun" to 'a) his share in 1=0B %ut a!so the 'ortion o his other co &aers. 9&ong the&se!#es$ the !ia%i!it) is nor&a!!) i C1 &aes a "e&an" on 1 6so!i"ar) on %oth si"es7$ he can get P1=0B in one go- < +:) Paci5c P!ans co!!a'se so I ha#e to se!! it., Sa)s who 9; owners o 'aci5c '!ans$ now 'ronounce" 2%7%83 I a& #er) creati#e i in the &oo".
/in" soðing so!i"arit) in nature an" get e*tra cre"it. C1 co!!ects ro& 1$ 1 'ai" on!) P0B$ the "e%tors %eco&e in "eau!t. (hen C1 co!!ects P120B "a&ages ro& 2$ o%!igation is e*tinguishe". (hat is 1As %asis or co!!ecting ro& his co"e%tors@ &rt 121 *ar 2 what is the source o the o%!igation@ Law- Because itAs in the CC-
2 January 2009 $aucian % &ue#o Estate wi!! now %eco&e a uri"ica! 'erson$ entire cor'usQa!! his 'ro'erties taen together as one +uni#ersa! 'ro'ert), an" it is the "ece"ent wi!! now %e re'resente" %).
;ouA!! ha#e to 'ro#e the conor&it) with a!! the or&a! reGuisites o the !ast wi!! an" testa&ent a!though o course the 'erson can e*ecute a ho!ogra'hic wi!! 6not a ho!ogra&7 written in the han"writing o the "ece"ent$ writes his own !ast wi!! an" testa&ent$ sign it an" "ates it can %e 'ro%ate"$ &ost !ie!) on!) one co') un!ess he has car%on co') o his own ho!ogra'hic wi!!. No nee" or notariMation$ attestation witnesses. /i!e" &ore than one )ear !ater$ sett!e&ent o the estate o the "ece"ent$ Sorrowu! &)ster) – cause )ou &uch sorrow$ es'ecia!!) in gra"es. So ne#er &in" or at !east in so &an) cases )ou ha#e to rea". But &ain!) the or&er. (hoe#er teaches it &aes it a sorrowu! &)ster) 6e&'hasis on the &)ster)7 so&eti&es g!orious o course. J"$N' Counter'art in o&an Law – corea! o%!igation E*ce't that )ou &ust sue a!! o the oint "e%tors in co&&on !aw$ can %e &a"e to 'a) the who!e o%!igation. 9!! o the& &ust %e sue"$ in one suit. Foint cocre"itors an" oint co"e%tors No &utua! agenc) or &utua! guarantee in oint o%!igation o co&&on !aw 4"L$-&,> No nee" to sue a!! the so!i"ar) "e%tors. 9rt 1212 an)one can "o what is %ene5cia! %ut not 'reu"icia! 4ogether a!one$ %oun" as oint "e%tors %ut a!one as to !ia%i!it) (hatAs the &eaning o +se#era!,@ E*act na&e o so!i"ar) o%!igation "oint 6co&&on !aw &eaning7 an" several 6can %e sue" se#era!!)7
Oten Guote" or na&es gi#en to oint an" se#era! na&es o ci#i! !aw an" so!i"ar) o%!igation. R'C o!" case$ >= Phi! =J ea" #er) careu!!)$ the one IA!! use or the "eenses a#ai!a%!e is actua!!) INCHAUSTI . Fose ;u!o$ %at tra''ings an" urine$ %at&an &inions. 4hat white roo&$ itAs now nice. 4he) ha#e reno#ate" it. 4he one in the thir" Voor other en". (hen the) reno#ate" that roo&. 4he entire r" Voor use" to %e the !aw !i%rar). 4here use" to %e ust one %!"g here unti! 1>=. ItAs this ghost ri""en %!"g$ tr) co&ing here at 12 &i"night. 4here is one 'roessor who I thin is a ghost%uster$ %ecause he is an atheist. (ho e!se %ut the Vower) one$ /!orin. La%itag thins the !aw)ers o Inchausti &a"e a &istae. i" )ou see their &istae@ Oh oa). So&e%o") shou!" "eci"e$ :s. 9!ean"re.
i#e &e the acts$ Sugar is one o the ta!!est grass. 4he to' 'art$ in urrows$ !)ing "own. 4he) %urrowe" "uring the !ieti&e. I!oi!o an" Negros Occi"enta! is &ere!) a co!on) o I!oi!o. 4hatAs where the ar Vung areas are. One o the si%!ings is in I!oi!o so he wasnAt a%!e to sign the "ocu&ent. signe". 9ah )es$ soðing wrong. 9!! the %a" genes o the ather went to the &enta!!) inco&'etent Fr. 3e was Bren"a$ no$ Bren"o. $nchausti can collect the obliation o /ariano: ;es he can$ %ut what is the !ega! reason@ regorio an" the other si%!ings$ 'ro&ise" to get the signature o :ariano which the) ai!e" to "o$ what is the e?ect o that on the o%!igation@ I )ou get it$ itAs a 'ast !esson. I )ou get it$ the si%!ings !ose the %ene5t o the 'erio" %ecause the) "i" not co&'!) with the un"ertaing the) 'ro&ise" to "o. 4his Inchausti a!! o the cases here$ is the %est teaching too! or so!i"ar) o%!igations an" no#ation as we!!. 9n" !oo at that$ itAs an o!" case 61>1R7 'enne" %) CF 9re!!ano. See@- 9 CF who was traine" %) the S'aniar"s an" he "i"nAt not go to the UP. :ost !ie!) a 'ro"uct o the o&inican$ 'ro!!) he was a gra"uate o the Ponti5ca! Uni#ersit). 9n" then !oo at his Eng!ish$ traine" in S'anish. So thatAs wh) )ouA!! see 'onencias in S'anish in the Phi!e'. Wer) goo" c!er.
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9n)wa)$ that 'ortion$ !etAs go now to whether the entire 2=0$000 is the a&ount that regorio has so!i"ar) reGuire" to 'a) or not. O course the ru!ing here is that the "eense u'on who& a "e&an" is &a"e. )o3 many !eenses can a soli!ary coD!ebtor interpose i !eman! is ma!e on him to pay: &rt 1222 gi#es R "eenses. Nuninuniuniununinuninuninuninuni -++N4+4 I a!! the so!i"ar) o%!igor each one has a !ega! e?ect in his ca'acit) or their consent is #oi"a%!e. 4he so!i"ar)Y 1. Contract reGuire" %) the statute o rau"$ ora! contract$ &rt 1;92 CC$ thereAs soðing wrong in the entire contract. O%!igation is either #oi"a%!e$ unenorcea%!e or #oi". 2. 3is consent is "eecti#e e.g. +when I signe" this contact$ I was sti!! a &inor$ his consent was #itiate". (ait a &inute$ I canAt %e &a"e to 'a) this O signe" it "uring a !unatic s'e!!., Can I %e &a"e to 'a) shares o others@ NO . r" an" Rth are *&,'$&L -++N4+4 < Each so!i"ar) co"e%tors &a) %in" hi&se! in "i?erent 'ro'ortions su%ect to certain ter&s an" con"itions$ sus'ensi#e or reso!utor). Es'ecia!!) the sus'ensi#e ones$ thereore what@ 4he share o the 'articu!ar co"e%tor was su%ect to a sus'ensi#e 'erio"$ su''ose" to 'a) ec > 200>$ the otherAs "e%t was "ue now. (hose share is not )et "ue$ can he %e &a"e to 'a)@ ;ES$ %ut &inus his "ue. 3e can %e &a"e to 'a) or the "e%t o the other two. O course$ %ecause he guarantee" the share o two others which are a!rea") "ue. 4hat &eans the "eense that the o%!igation is not )et "ue is a#ai!a%!e to the so!i"ar) co"e%tor u'on who& the "e&an" is &a"e. R. Rth is o''osite o that. Share o the so!i"ar) co"e%tor 617 is a!rea") "ue$ %ut the other two are not )et "ue. Can he %e &a"e to 'a) the other two@ NO$ un!ess he wants to. Can on!) %e &a"e to 'a) or &) share. Inter'ose to the court that the share o the other two are not )et "ue. 3e can inter'ose this as a 'artia! "eense.
1 2
pure suspensive period suspensive condition
Can on!) %e &a"e to 'a) the share o 1. I the !aw)er is not a"roit or ni&%!e &enta!!)$ thatAs what )ou shou!" cu!ti#ate$ then what$ he "oes not now these "eenses$ heA!! %e reGuire" to 'a) a!! these things. et that@ 4he '"'&L -++N4+4 < !oo or< 1. Wices o consent 2. Causes o action has 'rescri%e" . Entire o%!igation is #oi" R. Woi"a%!e at the instance o +a!! o the&,$ i ust one$ )ou can use the "eense C
1 2
no le&al capacit! 9either minor or insane: can sa! that at the time he si&ned the contract,
3e was a &inor hence cannot %e &a"e to 'a) his share$ annu! the contract re!ati#e to the share o 1. I C &a"e a "e&an" on 1 who ha" no !ega! ca'acit)$ !atter can as or the annu!&ent o the contract re!ati#e to his share. Entire contract %e annu!!e" as to hi&. Cannot %e &a"e to 'a) an)thing at a!!. But i "e&an" is &a"e on $ he can inter'ose the "eense. 4here was a &istae &a"e %) the !aw)ers in the regorio cou!" ha#e %een &a"e to 'a) one ha! o 2=000 the a&ount o the o%!igation in the 1 st 'ro&issor) note. 4here were two PN signe" %) si* si%!ings so!i"ari!). 4hen 2 n" PN$ as to the three si%!ings 6Car&en$ /rancisco an" :anue!7. In the e)es o the cre"itor$ goo" !ooing$ the) were &ore %enign to the&$ !ie" the& %ut not regorio. I the) !ie" e#er)one$ Inchausti 'ro!!) "i"nAt !ie the e!"est regorio. 4hatAs wh) the "e&an" was &a"e on hi& a!one$ he was the on!) one %eing sue" instea" o e#er)one. regorio< ;ou agree" to re"uce it. 4he shares o :anue!$ Car&en an" /rancisco$ was not )et "ue when )ou &a"e u"icia! "e&an" on &e$ I shou!"nAt %e &a"e to 'a) the share o those three. gregorio
conce'cion 'e"ro car&en rancisco &anue!
I cannot %e &a"e to 'a) P2=000 %ecause )ou re"uce" it to P22=000$ 10 interest %ut 2 n" PN an" the nu&%er o insta!!&ents increase" to J$ interest e#en re"uce" to Fune 0$ 1>10 ! ! !
2n" PN P22=000 J insta!!&ents at
OBLICON Lecture Notes – Karichi E. Santos | UP Law B2012
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Inchausti "i" not inten" to %ene5t regorio an" two others$ %ut soðing went wrong %ecause regorio was a%!e to use the %ene5ts in the 2n" PN. ;es$ cre"itor has the 'ower to !i&it the !i%era!it) o his con"itions. 3e can gi#e %ene5ts to Car&en$ /rancisco an" :anue! %ut not regorio. Novation remission is technica!!) a ratuitous !onation 6unti! acce'te" in 'ro'er or&7 InchaustiAs !aw)ers &a"e a &istae. E#en Fustice 9re!!ano 'ointe" it out. So the 'oint here is$ regorio &a"e use o the 'artia! re&ission o the entire o o%!igation. [ o the a&ount is not )et "ue at the ti&e o the u"icia! "e&an"$ the other ha! though is a!rea") "ue. 2 n" PN no#ate" the 5rst one@ No. Because it "i"nAt not e*'ress!) sa) there that the) actua!!) no#ate". It was on!) i&'!ie"$ %ut there was a!so no i&'!ie" no#ation either. Loo at the reason$ no inco&'ati%i!it) %etween the 5rst one an" o!" one. %reorio shoul! have pai! the *25;;5 never min! the reimbursement later. Cou!" not %e &a"e to 'a) )et. 4he rei&%urse&ent shou!" %e there. 4hese three$ the) wonAt share %ecause their o%!igation is not )et "ue$ the) were the on!) a#ore" ones. Loo at that state&ent o CF 9re!!ano as to the 'ortion that sa)s +so&ewhere in the to' o the 'age, – !aw)ers o Inchausti a"&itte" in their '!ea"ings that
Contrar) to intention o Inchausti$ he "i"nAt want regorio to %ene5t. 3e can a#or one so!i"ar) "e%tor o#er one. :ae the "e&an" on ust one$ Mero in on hi&$ rei&%urse&ent wi!! co&e in !ater an)wa)$ %ecause he wants a!! o the& to %e in "eau!t. Is there soðing wrong with that@ No. In other wor"s$ a cre"itor nowing that 1 cannot 'a)$ su?ering ro& 5nancia! "istress 6e.g. recent!) "ec!are" + redundant3 – "is&isse" ro& wor$ we &ight soon %eco&e re"un"ant too. 4he o!"ies$ it taes the& = )ears$ to ha#e a thorough now!e"ge o o%!igation or or that &atter 'ro'ert). Enough or us to sta) on. 4he new acu!ties are here. 4aes )ou = )ears to at !east %e #er) now!e"gea%!e a%out the su%ect )ou are teaching. = i )ou are ast$ an" then what$ 1 st "a)$ the stu"ents wi!! test )our &enta! right awa). UP Law %eing UP Law stu"ents$ test the waters right awa)7 whereas %eore$ weAre !ie coM) shee' e#en our she'her" "o not now where to gui"e us. 4he) !earn %) the&se!#es$ ti&es ha#e change$ ro!es are re#erse". ;ou can "ictate on )our acu!t)$ )ou wi!!. Unti! )ou want to gi#e )our gra"es a!so. Or soðing !ie Pro /ernan"eM$ )ou now !aw stu") is a 'ower situation. ItAs a 'ower situation that )ouAre stu")ing a%out. 9!! a%out this is econo&ic 'ower. 4he other is 'o!itica! 'ower. Es'ecia!!) cor'o !aw$ 'o!itica! !aw #ersion o co&&ercia! !aw. 3a" the) not a"&itte" in the '!ea"ings$ the) a!!ege". 4he reason here is 1. No no#ation. 2n" PN "oes not no#ate. Both PN e*ists 2. e"uction on!) in a#or o the three %ut regorio was a%!e to use the one reser#e" or the . 6inure to %ene5t o the co"e%tor$ un!ess the cre"itor inten"e" to !i&it the a''!ication7 In"ian gi#er$ technica!!) the re&ission o "onation is not 'erecte"$ su?er !oss o ace an" so&eti&es i )ou "onAt ha#e e'i"er&is o a 'ach)"er&s$ )ou wonAt "o it. So&eti&es$ thatAs a!! thatAs !et$ ace. No &one) %ut )ou ha#e ace. 4he ones 3ho?ll complainA 1. Cre"itors 2. un ater the so!i"ar) cre"itor who &a"e the re&ission$ %ecause )ou can %e !i%era! a%out )our share %ut wh) "i" )ou "onate +our, share. 4hough !ega!!) s'eaing$ it was #a!i"$ %ut re!ati#e!) to our share$ )ou ha#e no right to con"one it. 4hereore )ou 'a) us our share$ %ut then thatAs no !onger the sa&e o%!igation. . So technica!!)$ the so!i"ar) cre"itor$ wi!! not co&'!ain on the "e%tor. 4he o%!igation has %een con"one". 4hereore we "i"nAt 'a) )ou an)&ore e*ce't or the 'ortion there %eore 121> %eore the re&ission is e?ecte". R. 4he others who wi!! co&'!ain wi!! %e other cre"itors o the cre"itor who &a"e the re&ission. I he %eco&es inso!#ent. :eaning what@ 4he) can 5!e accion pauliana write it "own$ %ecause so&e o this are not ex cathedra 6ina!!i%i!it) o the Po'e7 a. Wer) ew o the& wi!! co&'!ain %. 4he ones who wi!! co&'!ain wi!! %e the heirs o the so!i"ar) cre"itor who &a"e the tota! re&ission. :eaning what@ 3e 6%ecause re&ission is "onation7 "onate" &uch &ore than what he cou!" !awu!!) "onate %) !aw. ;ou can %e !i%era! a%out the ree estate %ut not )our !egiti&e 6o )our heirs7. 4he) can 5!e accion pauliana$ heirs as we!! as cre"itors o the estate o the "ece"ent re!ati#e to their !egiti&e. e&e&%er this %ecause 2 )ears ro& now$ )ouA!! %e conronte" with the mysteries o succession . In other wor"s$ e#er)thing is interconnecte". On!) that )ou are %eing taught in &o"u!es 6%oo 1$ %oo R7 (hat is the least partial remission: Partia! re&ission instea" o 1=$ )ou ust re"uce it to ten or ne*t to that wou!" %e re&ission o share o one o the so!i"ar) co"e%tor 6E.g. =7 4he trou%!e there is that there is a tie that %in"s the& re&its 'artia!!).
I he e#entua!!) &arries the "aughter$ sheA!! %e the so!e heir$ i = not !ega!!) sa##) 6i he is$ heA!! insist on 'renu's an" !ega! se'aration o 'ro'ert)7. 3eAs %aning on 9CP or at !east = wi!! gi#e heir!oo&$ PN worth =0 &i!!iion to his "aughter. I on!) the share o = is re&itte"$ su''osing C2 "e&an"s on R who sha!! 'a) 12:. I )ouAre reci'ient o 'artia! re&ission$ ma'e sure that the solidar! tie is a!so %roen. Un!ess that the re&ission inc!u"es the so!i"ar) tie$ the so!i"ar) "e%tor is still solidaril! (ound. e &ini&is 00 a&&unition o the shotgun$ "ou%!e * actua!!). :eaning there are 1 'e!!ets ca!i%er. > o the& i a!! > wi!! scatter as )ou can see in cow%o) &o#ies. ou%!e %ucshot.
OBLICON Lecture Notes – Karichi E. Santos | UP Law B2012
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52 e &ini&is is ust this one< re&it the so!i"ar) tie that %in"s = to the other so!i"ar) co"e%tors. 3e is onl! lia(le 0or his share$ so oint!) !ia%!e na !ang$ cannot %e &a"e !ia%!e to the share o the others. 64he absolute wou!" %e total remission o the entire o%!igation7 C1 C2 C
1 2 R =
4euence o eventsA 1. C can re&it the entire 1=:$ %ut wh) wi!! he "o this@ Entire o%!igation wi!! %e e*tinguishe". 2. C instea" re&itte" : ro& =. . (hen C2 &aes "e&an" on R. Can heirs o C co&'!ain !ater@ ;es- Because he ha" =: share in the o%!igation 6assu&ing itAs eGua!!) 'ro'ortiona!7. =. $noGcious !onation – ne*t )ear )ou &ight not hear it ro& )our 'roessor an)&ore. IA& a!rea") tr)ing to 5!! in an" reinorce it i itAs taen u'. But re&e&%er )ou hear" it 5rst on \3P@ a"io station %eore :artia! Law 63era!" Phi!i''ines$ one o the e"itors was Car!os P. o&u!o7 . :ore than one ha! o his estate . Cre"itors o C i he %eco&es inso!#ent. onate" in rau" o cre"itors$ this can be rescin!e! through accion 'au!iana assu&ing a!! the reGuisites are satis5e".
On!) one is no""ing %ecause the) are conte&'oraries. Fose :ari We!eM. tinira na na&an si 4ito O hahahaha Photoco') e#er)thing an" 5!e it O s!ee' on it in the ho'e that osmosis wi!! a''!) there. Fu"ge 'ro in cri&ina! !aw an" Ci#Pro$ )ou thin :s. 9#ena was a terror. Fu"ge 9rte&io So!i"u&$ he was so!i"!) %ui!t$ the oe then was $ when he ca!!e" )ou$ '''t---- Bo*er or %u!!"og. 4rue enough$ he was terroriMing Fose :ari We!eM. ><00 news 'ri&eti&e. +:)rna$ :)rna whatAs &) na&e@, 3e was so terroriMe" he orgot his na&e. hahahahahahaha. CF EnriGue /ernan"o< co&es in !ate$ an" sa)s +;ou$ wh) a& I !ate., +I "onAt now Sir., +=, 4he answer shou!" %e +I was ca!!e" %) the Presi"ent in :a!acanang, 'ai&'ress "aw sa%i ni Lo!o (h) &ae )our c!ass "icu!t when )ou can %e i&'ossi%!e. But e#er)thing change" ater :artia! Law. o )ou now that@ Ne#er e#en new i the)A!! gra"uate. Unti! ru!es were issue". (h) a& I te!!ing )ou this$ so )ouA!! now soðing a%out the wa) we were. %ut the stan"ar" is sti!! there$ we ha#e to 'ass that. Certain!) higher than other !aw schoo!s. Cra&&ing an" !a%or$ an" stress &anage&ent. :a!co!& 3ow!$ #enting through shouting. e&o#e" or o'en the saet) #a!#e or in other wor"s "ean a%a" Santos crace" a oe. 4hen )ou ha#e to !augh. (h) "i"nAt )ou !augh$ whatAs wrong with )ou. e" %uses F Lines 6@7 reen – Luico (hite – : ;ou re!) on secon"ar) e#i"ence$ &eaning$ %a"!) written "igests. Bac to this. Cre"it is a!so 'ro'ert) though intangi%!e$ )ouA!! ha#e to co!!ect it 5rst %eore it %eco&es &one). /e&a!es are tigresses – 5ercer ones$ &a!es are !ions 4he !itt!e %o) who ga#e ice crea& to his uture &other in !aw$ %ecause heAs cottoning u' to the &otherin!aw. 4his too is orwar" '!anning. Causa is !i%era!it) or generosit) %ut can %e rescin"e" i &a"e in rau" o cre"itors or inocious. (hat shou!" %e the modus vivendi or Big Bir"As chor#a$ co&&unication. +3e) gu)s$ SOS- I on!) ha#e : co&e u' with )our own : share too- onAt "i!!)"a!!) o#er )our contri%ution$ )ouA!! a!! %e in "eau!t an" !ia%!e or "a&ages. Oh !oo$ weAre now in "eau!t., ItAs not )et R no$ 1= &ore &inutes o un ti&e$ e*ce't in the ne*t c!ass$ I on!) run out o stea& an" 'atience. On!) 2 or rea" the cases. 9!! o the& a''ear h)'notiMe". ItAs goo" or a c!ass a!so to react. ohe' is the she'her" who etches &e. See$ i IA& in the &oo"$ the si&i!es are ast an" urious. 4hatAs wh) when I V) o#er there$ )ou o!!ow an" as where I a&. Nessa< ;es$ )ou can a#or one %ut not the other. One can %e oint an" the other so!i"ar). 4he who!e inc!u"es the 'art. :a)%e /regorio is gui!t) o a sin$ which is Sa&urai war!or"$ the shogun$ ose&arie C!oone)@ Singer actress$ %ig na&e in the =0s@ 3ahahaha 4OINT INDI;II
OBLICON Lecture Notes – Karichi E. Santos | UP Law B2012
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52 "i#i"e this a&ong the&se!#es$ what )ou "onAt rea!iMe is that the oint o%!igation here is oint in"i#isi%!e o%!igation@ Pon"er on that an" see i itAs the ge& 6)ou "onAt un"erstan" &e other7 In %etween oint an" so!i"ar).
29 January 2009 escission &ust return to status Guo$ return whate#er the cre"itor has a"#ance" to the oint "e%tors. Sa&'!e is &echanic$ we!"er an" u'ho!sterer or the asse&%!) o the ee' 6Sarao t)'e7 4he one who is gui!t) wi!! %e &a"e to 'a) the "a&ages. But i itAs the o%!igation to "e!i#er$ 'ainte" an" u'ho!stere" the ee'ne).
-$@$4$#L+ "#L$%&'$"N 4he sa&e$ cannot %e 'eror&e" in 'arts$ ne#er &in" what in" o o%!igation it is 6"i#isi%!e or in"i#isi%!e thing7 usua!!) in"i#isi%!e. E#en i the co&'!ete" ee'ne) with %eco&e an in"i#isi%!e thing$ the 'eror&ance o the o%ect is "i#i"e" into stages or 'arts. Usua!!) the o''osite$ o%!igation to "e!i#er in"i#isi%!e thing 6sacs o rice$ corn$ cerea!7 usua!!) 'resu&e" to %e a "i#isi%!e o%!igation %ecause the thing can %e "e!i#ere" 'artia!!) %ut 'arties can sti'u!ate$ in"i#isi%!e thing can %e &a"e in"i#isi%!e o%!igation i the) ha#e &an) trucs an" the) can "e!i#er e#er)thing in one "a). UNLESS the !aw or sti'u!ation reGuires that it shou!" %e in"i#isi%!e. *,+4U/*'$"N that i the o%!igation ca!!s or the co&'!etion o certain "a)s o wor or the wor can %e "one %) &etrica! units 6o%!igation to "o or e*a&'!e$ 'ai" %) &etrica! units the &ost !a%or intensi#e an" &anua! !a%or "igging o a cana!$ one &eter wi"e an" "ee'$ the 'a)&ent "e'en"s u'on each cu%ic &eter o cana! that )ou "ig then )ouA!! %e 'ai" !ie P007.
4he court wi!! ha#e to "eter&ine i the o%!igation is "i#isi%!e or in"i#isi%!e. Kawati trees$ ha#e )ou seen that$ with 'ur'!ish Vowers$ the) !oo !ie cherr) %!osso&s ro& aar. But the cherr) %!osso&s are not in c!usters rea!!). But itAs nice no. ha#e )ou seen Pa!awan cherr) tree@ ItAs ca!!e" pin' sho+er . 4hereAs a go!"en shower there in the in5r&ar)$ the) cut it a!rea"). Bunches o )e!!ow Vowers in c!usters. Nice !ooing a!so. 3a#e )ou notice" that tree she""ing$ ta!isa) tree. ;ou ha#e a hi!!si"e o that. 9t a%out this ti&e when itAs a%out to she" its !ea#es an" turn re"$ )ouAre thining )ouAre in New Eng!an"$ itAs autu&n. Or I'i!i'i! the one with. In 9ugust$ the ta!! ta!ahi% wi!! Vower$ whatA the co!or o the Vower@ (hiteo sugarcane Vower@ ;es the) "o- 9!&ost the sa&e Vower as ta!ahi%- Because the) ca&e ro& the sa&e a&i!)- 4he grass use" or wa!is ta%o$ e*ce't that it has no uice. 4ang!a" is the cousin o cogon. 4hereAs a!so another grass there use" or 're#ention o soi! erosion$ &ore %ush) than tang!a"$ #ite#er$ #er) wi"e grass s)ste&. ItAs a &onocot !ie a %anana. ;ou see$ thereAs sti!! !ie ater this$ ater the Co!!ege o Law. I )ouAre !one!) )ou can !oo at the &ountains an" the Vowers o ta!ahi% an" co&'ose a 'oe& or haiu. Lone!) an" !o#e!ess !ie u?a :ae. 8She has a &o#ie entit!e" Status< Sing!e e%tor agrees to wea#e c!oth in a han"!oo&$ wea#ing is %ac%reaing a!so es'ecia!!) i the 5%ers are #er) thin$ !ie 'i]a which co&es ro& 'i]a o course. 3aha. Can )ou ca!! it nati#iMe"@ Because itAs origina! !an" is BraMi!$ a!ong with BraMi! nut an" 'ara 6@7 ru%%er. Banana is en"e&ic in SE 9sia$ %ut the) a!so sa) the) ha#e it in 9rica. Lie a tai! o the %ir"$ re"$ )e!!ow or 'in. I thin that co&es ro& Pa'ua New uinea$ 'art o the 3e!iconea a&i!). 4he cassa#aQa&oteng aho)Q&an)o a!so co&es ro& BraMi!. 9n)wa)$ this is 'art o e*change o !an"s$ when Co!u&%us !an"e" in 9&ericas 6a!though he "i"nAt see the :ain!an"7 he was on!) in the Cari%%ean$ in St. Lucia$ the e?ect was that the (est In"ies$ actua!!) !ater on the In"ian tri%es there were "eci&ate"$ i!!e" %) i&'orte" "isease ro& the Euro'ean which is s&a!! 'o*. But o course$ that i!!e" the& a!!$ not the conGuest. :ain!) that$ the) ha#e no i&&unit). 4he stu") was the New (or!" e*'orte" another "isease to the west in return$ &ight %e that S4 ca!!e" s)'hi!is. Because now$ a!! o these #iruses$ we shou!" %e arai" o the& i there is no #accine !ie that so ca!!e" reston e%o!a$ hasnAt transerre" to hu&ans. :one) &)th$ the reston e%o!a ca&e ro&Qwas "isco#ere" eston is ro& that !a%orator) so&ewhere in the south$ eston Wirginia$ !a%orator) where it was "isco#ere" ro& &one)s e*'orte" ro& the Phi!i''ines. (h) were the) e*'orting co&&on Phi!i''ine &one)s@ /or !a%orator) testing$ rats 5rst then higher &a&&a!s !ie &one)s then 'eo'!e. But then$ the) can a!so 5rst get %!oo" sa&'!es ro& in"igenous 'eo'!e who are i&&une ro& certain "iseases. Natura! i&&unit). Certain "rug co&'anies getting %!oo" sa&'!es ro& tri%es in Cor"i!!era$ Fa'anese &anuacturers$ curing i"ne) "isease$ getting urine sa&'!e o /i!i'ino urines in &o#ie houses$ how$ the urina! is 'orta%!e$ itAs a canister which is !ie a ho!e a tu%e sun in the groun" actua!!) is the ha! &outh o the oi! container !ie he!i* cut it in ha!$ in#erte" it '!ace &outh in the tu%e. 4hatAs what the) "o. /i!i'ino &en are note" or when the) 'ee$ the) 5rst s'it. ;ou "onAt now that gir!s@ So thereAs a !ot 5n"ings in the sa&'!e$ the) 5n" out the) ha#e 4B hahahaha. 4he &e"icine is ca!!e" urinase. See$ the) sto''e" it %ecause itAs counter'ro"ucti#e. Entire an" se#era%!e contracts – itAs ust a%out #a!ua%!e consi"eration$ !i&ite" causa 6%ecause causa is %roa"er7
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OBLICON Lecture Notes – Karichi E. Santos | UP Law B2012
52 'hree elements o contractA consent$ causa$ o%ect :eans that the #a!ua%!e consi"eration is treate" as ust one$ i itAs entire$ it &eans i consist o se#era%!e things gi#en %) 'art)$ usua!!) a''!ie" to su%scri'tion contracts$ e.g. )ou su%scri%e to the +3era!" 4ri%une,$ "e!i#er to )ou "ai!)$ itAs the "ai!) issue o the news'a'er %ut )ou ha#e to 'a) the su%scri'tion 'rice eQI the "istri%utor is going to "e!i#er )ou "ai!) issues o#er a 'erio" o one )ear. 4he guar" o the Law Center$ one o the& is 3era!" 4ri%une. 4he consi"eration is su%scri'tion 'a)&ent is entire 6annua! su%scri'tion rate7 )ou ha#e to 'a) the entire a&ount on one go. 9!though the "istri%utor wi!! "e!i#er to )ou "ai!). It is se#era%!e i the consi"eration o#er the s'ace o 'erio". ItAs a!! a%out consi"eration. Consi"eration – whate#er is returne" or gi#en %) the other 'art). In ci#i! !aw contracts$ we are concerne" with +causa, NO4 +consi"eration,. Consi"eration is use" %) co&&on !aw contracts$ s'eci5ca!!) +#a!ua%!e consi"eration, in!s o causeA ratuitous$ onerous$ re&unerator) 61 an" not recogniMe" in co&&on !aw7 Consi!eration – !ega! "etri&ent to the 'ro&isee other than a &ora! "ut) can %e &one) e*change" in han"s or changing o oneAs con"uct the other 'art) chooses to orego a certain acti#it) or certain act$ in consi"eration o the 'ro&ise o the other. Instea" o going !et in the or o the roa"$ +i )ou tae the right or$ IA!! gi#e )ou this 'ro'ert)., So instea" o the taing the !et$ he too the right or %ecause o the 'ro&ise.
3ar" to enter$ har" to "is&iss e*ce't or c!asses. In act$ eas) to orego c!ass recitation rather than atten"ing a %oring si* hour. ;ou "onAt un"erstan" &e. 4hat con#ocation there !ast wee. I ca&e %ac again or the merienda$ %ut we ha" to wait unti! <0 P:. But I got one o the Vower arrange&ent as sou#enir. ItAs an a"#ance" #a!entine o?ering. O:: Sir La%itag hahahahah--
"#L$%&'$"N4 ($') & *+N&L CL&U4+ (hat is a 'ena! c!ause@ :iss Boni!!a@ (hat is it e*act!)$ a contract@ *U,*"4+4 " *+N&L CL&U4+ 1. Pur'ose 2. Preagree"Q'resti'u!ate" &easure o the "a&ages< in case o %reach$ the o!!owing wi!! %e gi#en. 4hatAs wh) so&eti&es$ itAs in the orm o interest. 4he case o Eastern Shi''ing Lines an" Cris&ina ar&ents$ the interests there are "a&ages in neg!igence in 'eror&ing the o%!igation. 4here &ust %e a 'rinci'a! o%!igation$ so in case the 'rinci'a! is in#a!i"$ the 'ena!t) is a!so in#a!i". I the 'ena!t) in#a!i"$ then there is no e?ect on the 'rinci'a!. -$4'$N%U$4) ,"/ C"N-$'$"N&L "#L$%&'$"N C"N-$'$"N&L *+N&L'> No o%!igation %eore sus'ensi#e con"ition 4here is e*isting o%!igation in the or& o the ha''ens 'rinci'a! o%!igation O%!igation is "e'en"ent on ha''ening o the 9ccessor) o%!igation 6'ena!t)7 "e'en"ent u'on uncertain e#ent non'eror&ance o the 'rinci'a! o%!igation 4he sus'ensi#eQreso!utor) con"ition is a!so a +c!ause, in the contract &L'+,N&'$@+
/acu!tati#e an" 'ena! c!ause is actua!!) c!oserQnearer to each other< (hat is the connection %etween the two@ EQI the o%!igation has a 'ena! c!ause$ in one instance$ this is the e*act eGui#a!ent o the acu!tati#e o%!igation. So&eti&es the 'ena! c!ause can contain another 'restation$ usua!!) &ore #a!ua%!eQhigher than the 'rinci'a! one 6%i!ang 'ena!t) nga 'a!a sha7. I the) are a%out the sa&e$ itAs !ie a!ternati#e an" the "e%tor can choose which to 'eror&. (hen is the penal clause the e6act euivalent o the acultative: Let that %e a nee"!e in the ha)stac at !east or the weeen". (hen )ou 5n" it$ )ouA!! now 'ena! c!ause. I )ou 5n" it$ ee' Guiet so )our c!ass&ates wi!! stu"). ItAs "esigne" or cogitation$ right@ %U&,&N'>
OBLICON Lecture Notes – Karichi E. Santos | UP Law B2012
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52 4he guarantee is "esigne" to secure the 'eror&ance o the 'rinci'a! o%!igation %ecause the "e%tor$ i he "oes not 'eror&$ he wi!! !ose %oth the su%ect &atter o the 'restationQthe su%ect &atter o the contract '!us he wi!! a!so !ose the 'ro'ert) gi#en as a guarantee O he wi!! %e &a"e to 'a) a su& o &one) in a""ition. =$N-4 " *+N&L CL&U4+4 1. Su%si"iar) 2. Co&'!e&entar) *unitive – Wa!ue o the 'ena! c!ause is &uch &ore than the #a!ue o the 'rinci'a! o%!igation to %!u"geon the "e%tor into 'eror&ing the o%!igation$ itAs a coerci#e &easure. 3eA!! !ose &ore i he "oesnAt 'eror& the 'rinci'a! o%!igation$ %ecause the a&ount o "a&ages wi!! %e #er) &uch &ore. 4he courts are authoriMe" to re"uce the "a&ages 1. i the) 5n" that the %reach was not one that is wanton 6noo"!es7Qca!!ous "isregar" or the rights o the cre"itorQ"one in %a" aith$ ust or"inar) %reach. I e*cessi#e$ e*or%itant$ 2shoc'in& to the "ud&e3 6usua!!) the reasona%!e u"ge or goo" ather o a a&i!) 'rinci'!e$ ather o a o&an a&i!) which what@ 9t the start o the c!assica! 'erio" o o&an !aw$ the) ha#e the 'ower o !ie an" "eath o#er their chi!"ren an" those un"er the& inc!u"ing the "aughterin!aw$ the) can %e "eca'itate"7 2. 6I )ou reach a&ages$ these "a&ages is i&'ortant$ e*act eGui#a!ent is i&'ortant or e!se it wi!! %e 'uniti#e7 +4re%!e "a&ages, ,eparatory – 'reagree" &easure$ 'rior to the %reach
LiGui"ate" "a&ages 6@7
0 ebruary 2009 ,esolutory perio! Fust !ie when Pro. Laureta co&es in$ en" o c!ass. 3e was &) 'roessor so I ha#e to %ow "own to hi&. (here e!se can he ta! without contra"iction@@ Concentrate on!) on one 'hi!oso'her$ 3art- (e!are !egis!ation. But he was teaching us hart. 3e was &) %oss$ he was the co!!ege secretar) an" stu"ent asst taing care o PLF -eath o oblior in purely personal obliations Compromise 6new contract$ new o%!igation create"7 Court has to a''ro#e$ so thatAs a u"g&ent. I "e%tor ai!s to u!5!! co&'ro&ise agree&ent Entit!e" to as the court or a writ o e*ecution a!rea")$ no nee" or other tria!$ ust the %reach o co&'ro&ise agree&ent /utual !issent (hat "oes )our te*t%oo sa) a%out &utua! "issent :utua! assent$ the o''osite is &utua! "issent. Lie :U. See )ou a!wa)s %ring out the %est in &e %) %eing res'onsi#e an" eigning e*u%erance. Co&'i!ation o 'hrases that !aw)ers !ie to use. E#er)thing I sai" is 'ro%a%!) there a!so.
4hese are the &ost i&'ortant one$ R R :ost natura! is 'a)&ent an" 'eror&ance. (hat is %roa"er@ (hat is the &ost natura! wa) o "oing it@ /i!e an" 'a) o ta* o%!igations. (e!! i )ouAre a sa!arie" e&'!o)ee$ the go#ern&ent a!rea") co!!ects &one) ro& )ou e#en %eore )ou ha#e ti&e to s'en" it %) wa) o withho!"ing ta* s)ste&. o#ern&ent a!rea") co!!ects ta* ro& )ou ne*t )ear$ without 'a)ing interest. ;ouAre gi#ing the go#ern&ent a !oan without )ou nowing. But o course$ can )ou reGuire the go#ern&ent to co&'ute !ega! rate o interest@ O course$ i )ou 'ass the !aw$ %eore that$ itAs interest ee. (h) I ha#e thought o this@ Because o PacGuiao. Lie ichar" o&eM an" whoAs the gir!rien" o )an@ Fu")ann. I 'ro&ise to a''ear on 4W to e*to! e#er)one to 'a) ta*es e#en %eore itAs "ue an" %e 'atriotic. Su%!i&ina! &essage. onAt issue a &ission an" &inion$ I cannot "e"uct &) winnings an" !osses in sa%ong an" %i!!iar"s. *ayment or perormance o most natural 3ay o e6tinuishin obliation. In 'restation not to "o$ there can ne#er %e "eau!t %ecause the "e%tor is a!wa)s on his toes$ he shou!" not "o an) !itt!e %it an) acts that wi!! %e 'art o 'restation not to "o.
(e ha#e stu"ie" two a. Pa)&ent o o%!igations earning interest %. Pa)&ent o o%!igations on insta!!&ent 6the 'resu&'tions there7 (e can ana!)Me this tit!e$ 'ut or"er on the ru!es o 'a)&ent< 43INK 9BOU4 43E HUES4IONS 4394 9 FOUN9LIS4 9SKS@ 9 :assCo&& gra"uate ass$ D (ho are in#o!#e" here@ 2 %o"ies< 'a)or 6who shou!" 'a)7 an" 'a)ee 6recei#er7 D (hat shou!" we 'a)@ $-+N'$'> D (here shou!" 'a)&ent %e &a"e@
OBLICON Lecture Notes – Karichi E. Santos | UP Law B2012
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52 D D D
(hen shou!" 'a)&ent %e &a"e@ (h)@ no 'ro#ision 3ow@ $N'+%,$'>
(hy pay: ;ou can !et it rest$ an" wait 10 )ears or it to %eco&e . ;ouA!! ha#e worse ate than i )ou 'a). 4he cre"itor can sue hi& on a s'eci5c 'eror&ance '!us "a&ages$ then thereA!! %e &one) u"g&ent$ which wi!! "o what@ ;ou shou!" %e arai" o the sheri?. Because he wi!! !e#) u'on a!! )our 'ro'erties that are not e*e&'t ro& e*ecution. ConseGuences o not 'a)ing wi!! %e &ore se#ere an" "etri&enta! to his 'ro'ert). No one can %e i&'risone" or non'a)&ent o "e%t thatAs not true$ i the case %eco&es +estaa, an" +conte&'t charge, 4hatAs wh) L9nge!es ha" to a''ear$ the &unici'a! &a)or o Sto. o&ingo$ 9!%a). 4hatAs the new na&e$ na&e o 'atron saint. Use" to %e nown as ca'ita! Li%og. 9re the 'eo'!e o this &unici'a!it) &aL@ Part o that town is washe" awa) %) e*'!osion o :ount :a)on. Not e#en )our a&i!) ho&e. ;ouA!! %e the target o the assassin in San Pe"ro Laguna a!!u"es to ::9 hea" o the "e&o!ition tea&$ the one "e&o!ishing i!!ega! structures. P!ent) o the "een"ants$ ust one sheri?$ he cannot e*ecute so he ha" to as he!' o 'o!ice ocers %ecause heA!! %e &au!e" %) the 'eo'!e. 4he) a!so ha#e guns$ so the sheri? "oes the shooting. (hat one sheri? "i" &an) )ears ago$ 5re" at the crow".
Characteristics o a vali! paymentA Si"e trac< 6two wor"s which can this %e re&e&%ere" +Hueen E!iMa%eth e)ee)e,7 – &i!!ionaire %ecause o cutting "own trees in 9gusan 6an" other ti&%er!an"s o P$ outsi"e concession area$ when we use" to ha#e that in our Constitution7 an" shi's it to Fa'an an" South Korea. Beca&e a congress&an. +I here%) crown )ou +Hueen E!iMa%eth II, the town is ca!!e" PI!ar. Wer) "ear to &) heart$ %ecause this is where +&) 'i!!ow is %urie", –inunan$ '!acenta. ;ou 'rostitute teachers$ IA!! &ae )ou 5r&a&ent. Per&anente – co!!oGuia! wor" is 'er&a&ente., E! "ia – "a) La noche – night +Buenos noches, %ut ne#er &in"$ weA!! not 5nish O%!igations an" Contracts. :aes <00 a !itt!e a!i#e. 1. 2.
IDENTIT – what is to %e 'ai"$ 'a)&ent shou!" %e #er) sa&e o%!igationQ'restation 'ro&ise" to %e 'eror&e"Qnot 'eror&e". But o course$ in certain cases$ there wou!" %e substitution. I "e!i#er) o s'eci5c thing$ no other s'eci5c thing shou!" %e "e!i#ere" e*ce't or this one. INTEGRIT – how shou!" 'a)&ent %e &a"e. 4he 'a)&ent shou!" ha#e integrit) in that it shou!" %e co&'!ete 'a)&ent. (hat shou!" %e "e!i#ere" is not only specifc but all o its accessions an! accessories. But he wi!! %e oo!ish i reuse the horse$ without the sa""!e$ %ecause "e%tor can ri"e awa) with the horse an" ne#er co&e %ac to 'a). But then what$ Cre"itor can sa)$ +!oo$ )ou ai!e" to inc!u"e accession an" accessories$ i )ou "onAt gi#e &e in = "a)s$ IA!! as or "a&age or s'eci5c 'eror&ance., 9"age< or want o a shoe$ the horse was !ost. Pro*i&ate cause sa)ing< cause o the cause is the cause o the e#i! cause cause".
7ant o0 shoe, the horse +as lost/ 7ant o0 horse, rider +as lost/ 7ant o0 rider, (attle +as lost/ 7ant o0 (attle, the 'in&dom +as lost/ i"er is the ing@ Courier or genera!s. No ra"ios$ a!! are nights in shining ar&or$ the courier is on a horse%ac. :a)%e the reser#e ca#a!r) was waiting or or"ers %ut the &essenger "ie". :ore or Chinese or 9sian ar&ies$ the) ha#e 'ennants !oo at this &o#ie at Fa'aneseQChinese warare. /orces are "i#i"e" into our seg&ents re'resenting the our e!e&ents$ an" the &ountain "oes not &o#e$ the shogun. 4hatAs wh) i )ou i!! hi&$ itAs the en".
(ho shoul! pay: Can an)%o") 'a)@ ;ES- 6Lie the '!a) o wor"s$ )ou ust re&o#e the !etter L7. 1. 9s !ong as his 'a)&ent has i"entit) an" integrit). 2. 9n" the cre"itor acce'ts it as a #a!i" ten"er o 'a)&ent. 3O(EWE$ Cre"itor is not %oun" to acce't #a!i" ten"er o 'a)&ent ro& ust an) 'a)er %ecause CC c!assi5es 'a)or. CC sa)s 'a)er$ 'a)or soun"s &ore &ascu!ine rather than 'a)ers.
(ho can pay: =/ >/
(hatAs the status o oint co"e%tor or share o other oint co"e%tors@
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OBLICON Lecture Notes – Karichi E. Santos | UP Law B2012
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=: =: =:
2 in "eau!t %ecause "e&an" &a"e on si&u!taneous!)$ he a!one in "eau!t. = : '!us "a&ages. Either 1 or can 'a) or "a&ages. Can the cre"itor reuse to acce't@ NO$ the) are r! person intereste! in the obliation. 4he three or one$ one or a!!. One "e%t$ three 'ersons. 4rinit). But where !ies 1 an" As interest as thir" 'ersons@ C cannot reGuire &e to 'a)$ %ecause I a!rea") 'ai" &) 'art. C!ue< %ir"s o the sa&e eather$ Voc together. CEI4 S49NIN in the %usiness co&&unit). Business o goo"wi!!. :a!aga"or$ "a&a) sha. 3e is sti!! in that Voc o %ir"s an" one has %ir" Vu. Can %orrow un"er character !oan$ no nee" or cre"it in#estigation$ ust his ace. %.
NotDintereste! 6+usi, an" +'ai,7 (h) are )ou 'a)ing or &) "e%t$ that wou!" sen" 'eo'!e i&'ression that I a& 'oor an" inso!#ent$ I a& #er) ca'a%!e or &) o%!igation. I can 5!e s!an"er %) "ee"- I wi!! a!so sue the cre"itor %ecause he acce'te" it. CEI4O< I "onAt care who 'a)s or )our o%!i as !ong as itAs &one). I "onAt care where it co&es ro&. i. e%tor ro& accion su(ro&atoria he is not intereste" in e*tinguishing his "e%torAs "e%t.
istinction %etween guarantor an" suret)< 6%oth o%!igors to secure the o%!igation$ the) 'ro&ise to 'a) in case 'rinci'a! "oes not 'a)7 %U&,&N'", 3as "eenses a#ai!a%!e to hi&$ asi"e ro& o%!i not )et "ue. ight to "een" se!< 1. ED39US4ION aa EDCUSSION< +Princi'a! has not )et e*hauste" a!! his 'ro'erties., 2. IWISION< I )ou acce't o%!i as guarantor$ he can '!ea" to 'a) on!) ha! o the o%!igation. @@!ouAll come across this in &uarant! and credit transaction
4U,+'> uarantor who %in"s hi&se! soli!arily. Once cre"itor "e&an"s on "e%tor$ an" he "oes not 'a)$ he can right awa) "e&an" ro& the suret). I suret) 'a)s$ entireQu!! o%!igation$ he can as or rei&%urse&ent o the u!! a&ount$ not on!) the share o the "e%tor. Because he wasnAt a 'rinci'a!$ un!ie a so!i"ar) co"e%tor.
(hat is the "istinction %etween intereste" an" not intereste" $N'+,+4'+-
N"' $N'+,+4'+-
Cre"itor has the right to reuse ten"er o 'a)&ent ro& an)%o") e!se$ %ut not a W9LI 4ENE O/ P9;:EN4 &a"e %) C,+-$'", C&NN"' ,+U4+ *&>/+N' ,"/ ')+4+ *+"*L+A 1. "e%tor or his assignees 2. re'resentati#eQsuccessor in interestQ . heir 6i "ea"7 R. r" 'erson interest in the o%!igation. Sea! o goo" houseee'ing in an inso!#enc) case. 3e gi#es to the "e%tor "ischarge to the inso!#enc)$ honora%!e "ischarge !ie a so!"ier. It &eans i the !ist o his o%!igation$ his "e%ts$ !ie a ueteng co!!ector$ itAs t !ong thatAs wh) the !ist o )our assets is ust 1 t. 4hen the "e%tor is in state o inso!#enc). 3eAs s!ate wi!! %e wi'e" c!ean$ he wi!! ha#e a new start at 0 asset. Start woring an" scri&'ing$ the aster wa) is waiting or his 'arents$ &arrie"Qchi!"!ess auntie$ gran"'arents to "ie so he can inherit. Or stu&%!e u'on hi""en treasure 6he was going 5shing an" struc a caset u!! o ewe!s an" go!". But o course$ thatAs another 'ro%!e& i he cou!" get entire thing !ega!!)7. 4ae note o who are third persons in interest in the o%!igation. &rt 102. ea" again 'ro#isions$ '!us 4o!entino an" see. Because what IA& gi#ing )ou is the (inho!" grain6@7. No &ore cha'. /ar&er again.
0; ebruary 2009 4his is our sarswe!a. LetAs ha#e 'a)&ent or our 9CLE. ()" /&> *&>
$,4' *+,4"N4
OBLICON Lecture Notes – Karichi E. Santos | UP Law B2012
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52 4he usua! one who 'a)s is usua!!) the "e%tor$ those who are his heirs$ successors$ e*ecutors$ assigne" inc!u"ing agents an" re'resentati#es. 4hose are the 5rst 'ersons.
')$,- *+,4"N4 $ntereste! 1. uarantor 2. Suret) . :ortgagor 6who "i" not sign as co"e%tor O signe" as co"e%tor %ut "i" not %in" hi&se! so!i"ari!)7
9cco&o"ation &ortgagor. ;our %estrien" is %orrowing ro& a !oan ro& cre"itor$ %ut the cre"itor reGuires hi& to 'ut u' securit). 3e has no 'ro'erties$ on!) his ace$ %ut the character securit) is not enough. i#e )our car as a chatte! &ortgage. :ortgagor is not so!i"ari!) %oun". 4he &ortgage is accessor) o%!igation. 4he '!e"ge or the &ortgage is an accessor) contract. 4he owner o the 'ro'ert) signs the &ortgage agree&ent$ he wi!! sti!! %e a thir" 'erson intereste" in the share o the 'rinci'a! "e%tor. So he is a thir" 'erson intereste" in the o%!igation. Otherwise$ he is inter0erin&Y !ia%!e or Guasi"e!ict. Can e*ercise riht o !ivision an" 'a)s ha!. But then he wi!! sti!! !ose the car$ it wi!! sti!! %e orec!ose". 4hatAs wh) he is intereste" in the e*tinguish&ent. R. Funior cre"itorQencu&%rancer I )ou !oo at &rt 22;1 6s'eci5c &o#a%!e 'ro'ert) o the "e%tor7 an" 22R2 6s'eci5c i&&o#a%!e 'ro'ert) an" rea! rights o the "e%tor7 Later )ou wi!! es'ecia!!) nu&%er R an" =$ %ecause nu&%er 1 usua!!) wi!! %e ta*es$ the '!ace&ent o '!e"ges an" chatte! &ortgage$ eGui#a!ent or rea! 'ro'ert) wi!! %e rea! estate &ortgage$ 9N4IC3ESIS. ea! estate &ortgage 22R2 Loo at the urnisher o &ateria!s$ an" R or s'eci5c i&&o#a%!e 'ro'ert) But or re'air$ in the other one itAs nu&%er =. ;ouA!! co&e across 'ro'ert) ne*t )ear 6LopeB v Orosa7$ 'riorit) o 'reerence o the cre"it. 9%out theater an" rea! estate &ortgage. ;ou negotiate with So! i )ou want &e or Pro'ert). Not intereste!A D :ae )our own !ist$ Chi. Sir La%s "i" not e!uci"ate
,eimbursementA 1.
$N'+,+4'+:ost 'eo'!e want that rei&%urse" to the u!! %ene5t 9 ew "oes not want donation$ which &ust %e acce'te" in the 'ro'er or&Y otherwise it wi!! not %e 'erecte" un!ess there is or&a!it) e#en 'ri#ate writing. 9!though the "onation has not )et %een 'erecte"$ the thir" 'erson 'erector as "onor$ wi!! not 5!e an action or rei&%urse&ent$ otherwise$ he wi!! %e !a%e!e" as an $n!ian iver. O course 'ach)"er&a! or a'a! &us.
4he ones who wi!! co&'!ain wi!! %e the heirs o !onors or his cre!itors i he is reduced to insolvenc! . Ca'acit) to a!ienate an" enter into contract. (ithout 'reu"ice to the eHect o natural obliation $ 6which )ou wi!! !earn !ater7 in#o!#es pa!ment o0 the ?rd person. :INO can"ies is necessar) or 'ro&otion o "enta! carries. 2.
N"' $N'+,+4'+-A e%tor can c!ai& that he wasnAt %ene5te" %) the 'a)&ent. 4he %ur"en o 'ro#ing that "e%tor "eri#e" %ene5t is on the r" 'erson 'a)or.
'o 3hom must payment be ma!e Un"ue 'a)&ent. Su?ering un"er &istae o act or &istae as to the 'erson to who& )ou 'a). I !ou *a! to t+e w#ong *a#t!, ea-. to t+e e/tingui.+ment o obigation0 I the cre"itor can %e 1. ui!t) o neg!igence in 6"e%tor was !e" to %e!ie#e that the r" 'erson has authorit) to co!!ectQrecei#e7 %asis here is ES4OPPEL B; :ISEPESEN494ION. Basis o &rt 12;1 *ar . 2. Court a''ointe" recei#er in inso!#enc) . Successor in interest or assignee thir" 'erson ste's into the shoes o cre"itor an" that assignee o the cre"it 6essentia! assign&ent o the cre"it is a +sa!e o cre"it7 which is an +incor'orea! &o#a%!e, or 'ersona!Qintangi%!e 'ro'ert). ;ou wonAt un"erstan" this unti! ne*t se&. R. Inca'acitate" cre"itor no urther "e&an"$ %ut when went to St. LueAs 3os'ita! u' an" a%out %ut in a res'irator an" "e*trose$ s!ee'ing soun"!). 3eAs ust co&atose %ut the) sa) )ouAre hearing is the !ast one to go. So )ou whis'er to )our cre"itor. +/oo!ish "e%tor. Ne#er 'a) to so&eone who is inca'acitate"., IA& 'ai" na ha$ 'ut un"er )our 'i!!ow or 'ut in )our han"s.
OBLICON Lecture Notes – Karichi E. Santos | UP Law B2012
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Loo or so&eone who re'resents hi&. I )ouAre sure itAs 'art o the 9CP$ 'a) to the wie an" !et her sign the recei't. But i not$ the saest wa) is to go to the court an" CONSIN94ION. 4rou%!e with that is )ouAre enriching the SC. Use" or %onuses o the u"ges. 9n) inco&e %) the SC can %e s'ent an" "oes not go to the genera! un"s. So ust !oo or an) recei#er$ re'resentati#e or guar"ian. E*'ensi#e %ecause )ouA!! 5!e action an" 'a) the "ocet ees. Lega! research ee. 9uthoriMe o'ening a %an account or "e'ositing it in the %an account o the cre"itor. Usua!!) a!!owe" in 'a)&ent o renta!s. But )ou &ust get 'er&ission. UNL+44 7e6ceptionA D Ke't the thing "e!i#ere" D Bene5tte" hi&$ e.g. use" or 'a)&ent o hos'ita! %i!!s an" )ou can 'ro#e it. r" 'erson a. Lega! heirs as a grou' i he has "ie". %. e"oun"e" to the %ene5t o the cre"itor
Can )ou 'a) to in"a)@ (h) in"a)@ 4he &ai" who was &ore now!e"gea%!e an" !iterate than the %ossQ&aster. 3e was on #acation. Can )ou 'a) in"a) or secretar) e#en i )ou now the secretar) is the &istress@ I "i" not !ea#e an)one authoriMe"$ )ou &ae sure itA!! re"oun" to the %ene5t o the cre"itor !ie In"a) acce'te" P= an" then use" or a!!owance or &areting is &i! gust!ing to""!er without %eing !actose into!erant$ e*ce't that so&eti&es he a!so increases the +ðane e&ission,$ ater that )ou can 'ro#e that$ )ou can sue her or estaa %) con#ersion or thet. Part o it$ I ha#enAt %een 'ai" or &) sa!ar) or two &onths$ the %a!ance I got it or &)se!$ I ust to!" &) &aster. N++- N"' #+ *,"@+- $N &rt 12;1 1. In e?ect %eca&e the cre"itor$ %ecause he %eca&e an a..ignee o the cre"it or in+e#ite- the cre"it 2. ati5es un"erstan" )ou 'ai" to &) secretar) e#en i she went to ustanAs an" sho''e" with it$ ust "onAt te!! &) &isis$ the rea! one. ItAs a!right$ )ouAre a!rea") 'ai". In act )ou wi!! not raise a how!. . Con"uct %ase" on esto''e!$ ha#e the authorit) to recei#e the 'a)&ent. No authoriMation to recei#er %ut %) con"uct o the cre"itor$ he was !e" to %e!ie#e that ' ha" authorit) to recei#e the 'a)&ent. In"a) again$ r" 'erson.
3ere is an o!" !a") who was a renter o 10 a'art&ents in a co&'oun". 4en. I&agine that. 4hen a!! the renta!s wi!! %e "ue the 5rst wee o the en" o the &onth$ the) wi!! tae wan. She "oes not hire co!!ectors$ a!rea") = )ears o!" an" sti!! si&') an" e#er) &onth sin 'ee! an" so&eti&es %oto* treat&ent. E#er)ti&e she goes aroun" 5rst wee$ an" then 'ersona!!) co!!ects the renta!s$ she usua!!) ha#e her acia!$ the ra)s o the sun wi!! %e %a" or the we!!%eing o her sin so she has in"a) carr)ing an u&%re!!a an" han"%ag with a!! the recor" %oo an" a!! 'a)&ents. ew!a' here. I was a or&er co!!ege secretar)$ I now what shou!" %e nown. 4hatAs what 'ro Sison is "oing. Wic) %e!o. IsnAt this %etter than 9CLE@@ She cannot ace the 'u%!ic %ecause her ace is as re" as a !o%ster. In"a) goes aroun" co!!ecting ro& the rents. She ha" )our han"%ag an" u&%re!!a. ;ou ne#er to!" us not to 'a) ro& her. 4hat In"a)$ e!o'e" with &) "ri#er--- In"a) wrote her a !etter$ +ear :a&$ I co!!ecte" renta!s ro& a!! tenants or &onth o No#e&%er$ %ecause )ou ne#er increase" &) sa!ar) o P2$ accor"ing to the La%or Co"e. ;ou "i"nAt not enro!! &e to the SSS. :asa"a$ ter&ina! 'a) a&ount )ou 'a) or the &onth. PS 4i)o is with &e. I ha#e tic!e" hi& awa)., 4ae Pro'ert) un"er "i?erent 'roessor$ IA!! re'eat the sa&e oes. 3eAs ho!"ing &) u&%re!!a. /ernan"oAs hi"eawa). 4he origina! hi"eawa) is oo& 202$ Pro. Sison an" &) roo&. ;ou as his or&er stu"ents. C!ass =0As "own. 3is &otto in c!ass$ "icu!t an" i&'ossi%!e.
(hat shoul! be pai!: $-+N'$'>A cannot %e a "i?erent one$ inc!u"ing a!! accessions an" accessories. Shou!" not su?er an) "eterioration$ otherwise$ the "e%tor wi!! %e in "eau!t. Neg!igent in 'eror&ing his o%!igations. 4ae goo" ather o a a&i!).
I it is a 'restation to gi#e a generic thing. &rt 12;E 1. CEI4O cannot "e&an" su'erior o the genus 2. EB4O cannot "e!i#er inerior o the genus 8the o''osite is true$ the "e%tor can "e!i#er su'erior 6thanu! cre"itor or that IA!! contract with )ou again7 an" cre"itor can acce't inerior 6wai#e" his rights to not recei#e it7 Prestation to "o< 4he act 'ro&ise" to %e "one. (hat was 'ro&ise" not to %e "one$ shou!" not %e "one. Not e#en a s&a!! 'ortion o it. 9n) act that wi!! !ea" to the "oing that was 'ro&ise" not to %e "one. Now co&es the 'a)&ent o so&e o &one) Pa) &one) is 'restation to gi#e generic thing< :one) is a generic thing$ s'eci5c thing i nu&is&atic co!!ection 9rtiacts o 9ghanistan ha#e %een sto!en$ &ost o it Si! an" tea were the e*'orts o the china to the west$ es'ecia!!) to Eng!an" which is the 'ri&ar) &ariti&e 'ower. 4he) "i"nAt "rin co?ee. On!) tea. Not te$ te""). 4hatAs how the) 'ronounce it. +4e, went to war orcing china to se!! o'iu&. China "oesnAt !ie i&'orting o'iu& %ecause too &an) Chinese are a""icte". i#e awa)
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52 3K. 4o the Chinese$ reco#er) o 3K was a &atter o nationa! 'ri"e. 4o us !osing our territor)$ itAs not nationa! 'ri"e$ itAs &atter o con#enience. E#en 'ro%a%!) the Ka!a)aan Is!an"s &ight %e %artere" awa) or soðing. In#iting the Sau"is$ Li%)an$ :a!a)sians$ to :in"anao$ the)A!! a!! %e Guare!!ing o#er :in"anao. oo" i we a!so in#ite the Israe!is$ itAs the &i""!e east a!! o#er again. 4he &ost erti!e !an"s is in :in"anao$ i )ou "rain it. &rt 1250 – tae not at the ti&e the o%!igation was esta%!ishe".
Wa!ue o 'eso the ti&e o%!igation was esta%!ishe". But usua!!)$ the 'arit) o the 'eso to the oreign currenc) is "eter&ine" at the ti&e o the 'a)&ent instea" o ti&e o esta%!ishing. ,& 529 an! ,& ;100 Li%era!iMe"$ agree to &ae a contract$ !oan 'a)a%!e in oreign currenc)$ %eore it was a!wa)s in the !ega! ten"er o the Phi!i''ines. ;ou !oo at the 'eso$ this the !ega! ten"er or a!! "e%ts an" o%!igations in the Phi!i''ines. Pa)&ent o interest or using so&e%o") e!seAs &one). Charging o interest is in &rt 195E – !oan or or%earance$ &one) goo" or cre"it. 4here is no sti'u!ate" right o interest$ there wou!" %e 12 as "a&ages or "eau!tQ"e!a). Un!ess there is sti'u!ation or %oth using the &one) an" interest charge" as 'ena!t) or or "eau!t.
-&'$"N 3istorica! account o Ponce de Leon v !"uco $ there has %een Guestions %eore. 4here were !ots o cases in contracts "uring Fa'anese war 'a)a%!e in Fa'anese war notes. I to!" )ou &) 9CLE can %e un$ %ut it wi!! %e on 4ues"a).
11 ebruary 2009 =alalo v LuI is &entione" in Eastern Shi''ing Lines. Interest shou!" %e counte" ro& the "ate o 'a)&ent. ea" careu!!) Ka!a!o # LuM &entione" soðing a%out esto''e!. /in" out what in" o esto''e! is that since there are se#era! t)'es o esto''e!. *apa v &@ Wa!encia thatAs the %roer. 4he co&'!ications that the case can go through. Not on!) the se!!er an" %u)er %ut a!so the. U' to )ou now as !aw)er to unra#e! a!! o these. Pai" han"so&e!) i )ou get the right c!ient$ i not )ou get %rownie 'oints in hea#en i &ratis in amore. icu!t or a !aw)er to enter the 'ear!) gate %ecause the) are a!! !iars. *&L v C& case !aste" or &ore than 0 )ears. 3ow &uch was in#o!#e"@ Not &uch$ ust "a&ages or contract. Sheri? a%scon"e" with the a&ount. :ae arrange&ent with the %an so that the u"g&ent cre"itor wi!! %e 'ai" rather than the sheri?. Strict!) s'eaing$ P9L shou!" not %e !ia%!e an)&ore$ %ut we!!$ it was unair %ecause u' unti! 20 )ears !ater the '!ainti? sti!! "i"nAt get ustice or her cause.
ea" the historica! account o Fa'anese warnotes$ worth the 'a'er was 'rinte". Late 1>R= was worth nothing an)&ore. But thatAs accor"ing to a &onetar) e*'ert hire" %) the go#ern&ent whose na&e was Ba!!ant)ne$ whose "a) wi!! co&e on Satur"a). S'e!!e" "i?erent!). In or"er that &ortgage shou!" %e #a!i"$ the one who shou!" constitute it shou!" %e the owner. I %) other 'erson than the owner$ the &ortgage wi!! %e #oi". One o the artic!es in genera! ru!es re!ati#e to &ortgage is 9rt 20J=. Essentia! reGuisite$ the contract wi!! %e #oi". 9ntichresis is a%out rea! 'ro'ert). But '!e"ge an" antichresis not the sa&e. Chatte! &ortgage an" rea! estate is a!&ost the sa&e asi"e ro& the chatte! &ortgage has a registr). In or"er that C: %e %in"ing u'on r" 'ersons$ it has to %e recor"e" in the C: registr). 4he rea! estate o &ust %e registere" as an encu&%rance in the registr) o "ee"s where the 'ro'ert) is !ocate". tit!e 'ro'ert)$ it Loo at the co&'!ications in here$ R 'arties in#o!#e" a!rea"). One who inter#ene was the Chinese$ 3ao. 3e was the one who %ought it ro& the 5rst 'urchaser then here co&es this orec!osure sa!e. 4his case in#o!#es %oth o%!igations an" 'ro'ert). +arnest money – contract o sa!e is consensua!$ 'erecte" %) consent o the two 'arties as to agree&ent to se!! an" consi"eration$ %ut sti!! e*ecutor. Lie the 11>1$ none o the& wi!! 'a) "a&ages$ wi!! 'a) in "eau!t$ the %u)er cannot %e in "eau!t un!ess the se!!er "e!i#ers to hi& the thing to %e so!". (ithout one o the& u!5!!ing their res'ecti#e 'restation$ none o them 3ill incur !elay. Later )ou wi!! see the re!ationshi' o this with the +nature o contract,. Both o the& wi!! only have !eman!able obliation.
In case the sa&e se!!er se!!s the sa&e 'ro'ert) to a 2 n" %u)er who was a%!e to reGuire the "e!i#er) o the thing$ the 2 n" %u)er %eco&es the owner o the thing so!". 4he 5rst %u)er has no riht o action to reco#er the goo"s or& the 2 n" %u)er. 9!! that is !et to hi& is recover !amaes ro& the se!!er. No 'ri#it) o contract %etween %u)er 1 an" %u)er 2. Once the s'eci5c thing so!" is !elivere! to the 2n" %u)er$ then it is &ost !ie!) that the 2 n" %u)er is the owner an" since the 1st %u)er has personal riht aainst the seller $ his interest$ he cannot sue or the recovery o the genericQs'eci5c things "e!i#ere" to the 2 n" %u)er. 9!! he can as is "a&ages %ecause the se!!er is a!rea") in "eau!t.
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52 Se!!er &ora so!#en"i %ecause he is the "e%tor in the thing to %e so!". 4hatAs the reason wh) a 5rst %u)er who on!) has 'ersona! right cannot 5!e an action to reco#er or re'!e#in the &o#a%!e 'ro'ert) that was so!" to 2 n" %u)er. Nicer to wor" the use #en"ee. I )ouAre writing it$ use #en"ee$ i )ou sa) it$ )ou &ight interchange it. Wen"ee an" #en"or is %etter. :ortgage is &ere!) an accessor) contract. e'en"s u'on the 'rinci'a! contract. 9 &ortgage or a '!e"ge or an antichresis &a) a!so secure an) other 'restation$ e#en the 'restation to "o or not to "o 6a!though not a!wa)s e&'hasiMe"7. oing %ac. Earnestness in %u)ing$ to show that )ou are in goo" aith. But in contract o sa!e$ it shou!" %e consi"ere" as 'art o the 'urchase 'rice. Later )ou wi!! see$ there is a!so earnest &one)$ o'tion &one). 4hatAs "i?erent. Not &uch "i?erence %etween P an" earnest &one). But P is nor&a!!) or 'a)a%!e in insta!!&ents. Can sti'u!ate to oreit the earnest &one). 9!so si&i!ar to oo! aith money. "ption perio! – o''ortunit) to ee' in o'en. 4he o'tion can %e a #a!ua%!e consi"eration or the o'tion su''osing )ou 'a)
Wa!ue o 'eso re!ati#e to a oreign currenc). ItAs using 9 =2> which Sir sai" was o!". 4hereAs 9 R100 an" 9 J1J. alalo v LuB in#o!#es 9 =2>. ;ou nee" architect to now i the highrise can su''ort a!! the Voors. It wi!! su''ort %ut not resist 5re. (hat a& I a"#erting to@ :an"arin Orienta! hote! in Beiing. htt'
Q(OLQasia'cQ02Q0>Qchina.hote!.5reQin"e*.ht&! In San :ateo$ 4i&%er!an"$ !eisure ar& in one o the hi!!s there. 4hat '!ace a!wa)s %urns in su&&er an" usua!!) itAs cause" %) cigarette %utts. In 9ustra!ia$ there are euca!)'tus trees$ oa!as on!) eat two t)'es o euca'!)'tus. 4he oa!a is 5nic). Fust !ie the 'an"a$ it eats how &an) t)'es o %a&%oos. Ba&%oos on!) Vowers once in its !ieti&e. 4he) Vower an" the) "ie. ItAs the t)'e o %a&%oo that the 'an"a eats. 4he 'an"a in the Moo can now eat carrots$ con#ert it into carrots. 4hatAs the wa) o +i )ou cannot a"a't$ )ou wi!! "ie., I to!" )ou a%out the %!ac wo&an who was on to' o her house "uring the Katrina Voo"$ %ut he was at- /i!i'inos are resi!ient. (e wi!! sur#i#e %ecause we are use" to crisis !ie this. But e*ce't &a)%e Pro. Sison resist two #ian"s at !unch he ha" our. Loo$ no rice.
4*+C$&L ",/4 " *&>/+N' 1. 2. . R.
9''!ication Cession Consignation Dacion en pa&o or "ation in 'a)&ent
&**L$C&'$"N – one "e%tor$ one cre"itor$ 'restation o the sa&e in" 6usua!!) !oans7
Cannot a''!) to 'restation to gi#e specifc thin Can a''!) to 'restation to gi#e eneric thin 6sa&e ungi%!e thing – those that can %e counte"$ weighe" an" &easure"7 E.g. "e!i#er) o &usco#a"o sugar
,euisites or &pplication o *aymentA 1. Warious "e%ts o the sa&e in" 2. Sa&e "e%tor . Sa&e cre"itor R. 9!! "e%ts &ust %e "ue =. Pa)&ent is not enough to e*tinguish a!! "e%ts
(h) "oes the "e%tor &ae an a''!ication o 'a)&ent@ I interest %earingY6@7 -ebtor has the riht to mae application o payment. Cannot a''!) to a!! i the cre"itor "isagrees %ecause he cannot be compelle! to accept impartial payments . Pata) &a!i. 4he court 3ill !etermine 3hich is most onerous %ecause the two 'arties are a!rea") at o""s. 4he) cannot agree as to the a''!ication o the 'a)&ent. It wou!" %e oo!har") to "o that un!ess )ou are %oth !aw)ers. Litigating or the sae o enshrining )our na&es in SC9. ;our "aughter wi!! &ae "o with !ess a!!owance. ;ou are )our own c!ient. (hat is the most onerous !ebt @ 4he) co&e in "i?erent co&%ination. In actua! 'ractice$ the "i?erent %ur"ens. 'he most onerous is the one that bears interest . Co "e%tor an" "e%tor is a so!e "e%tor< !ess onerous is co"e%tor es'ecia!!) i so!i"ar). Sa&e a&ount$ the o!"er an" )ounger &as trou%!ing sa &in". Carcar. Secure" an" unsecure" the )ounger Bow !ie the genie. (ith &atching actions. In other wor"s$ the a"age is sti!!. +o not &oc the croco"i!e %eore )ou ha#e crosse" the ri#er., 4hatAs the a#orite a"age o Pro. Ba!ane. 3eAs te!!ing that to the 9teneo Law Stu"ents. uar"ians to the &)steries o !aw on succession. I suspensive perio!$ it shou!" %e or the %ene5t o the "e%tor.
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52 *&>/+N' #> C+44$"N – state o inso!#enc)$ not enough &one)Qassets to 'a) o? a!! his cre"itors so what he "oes is to 'ut out the white Vag together with it is the tit!es o his 'ro'erties. 3e te!!s his cre"itors that he is assigning to the& a!! o his rights to these 'ro'erties$ authoriMing the& to se!! a!! o his 'ro'erties. ;ES he is still liable %ecause what he shou!" ha#e "one is to 5!e an action or voluntary insolvency i he is sure that he "i"nAt co&&it an) acts o inso!#enc) that wou!" "isGua!i) hi& ro& %eing gi#en a +"ischarge in inso!#enc), 6honora%!e "ischarge7 ater a!! his 'ro'erties are gi#en to the cre"itors$ their 'ro'ortionate share which is ca!!e" "i#i"en"s in inso!#enc)$ then the court wi!! gi#e to the inso!#ent "e%tor. 3is recor" is wi'e" c!ean. 3e is %orn again hehe o sorts$ %ut not so$ &onetar) wise. 3e can now incur in o%!igation I' so&e cre"itor wi!! "ea! with hi&. But in case o 'a)&ent %) cession$ an" thereAs a %a!ance o ten &i!!ion$ )ou wait unti! &) a#orite gran"&other "ies an" she gi#es &e an inheritance ro& her !ast wi!! an" testa&ent. ue to recei#e 'art o her ree 'ortion. In short$ liability is not totally e6tinuishe! . Sa!e o 'ro'erties to the cre"itor with the agree&ent to e*tinguish the o%!igation.
'+N-+, " *&>/+N'4 ", C"N4$%N&'$"N – rea" the reGuisites. 1 ebruary 2009 4en"er o 'a)&ents shou!" co&'!) with a!! the reGuisites Otherwise the one main ten!er o payment is a r! person$ reusa! o the cre"itor is vali!. 9!! the reGuisites &ust %e strict!) co&'!ie" with. 4en"er o 'a)&ent 1st notice /i!ing o the consignationQ"e'osit o a&ount 2n" notice cre"itor a!! intereste" in the o%!igation 4ria!
o man! opportunities 0or creditor to accept the pa!ment/ Sotto % "i1a#e. wi!!ing "e%tor %ut with con"ition Paci2c Timbe# % Cene#i. 6@7
L"44 7o the thin !ue or $/*"44$#$L$'> " *+,",/&NC+ )o3 !oes loss occur: &rt 1189 2K 1. Perishes 2. oes out o co&&erce . isa''ears in such a wa) that wherea%outs are nownQe#en i nown cannot %e reco#ere" 6e.g. sins in the %otto& o :arianas$ %!a&e ussians. Ours was the "ee'er unti! the) &easure" the :arianas O in the %otto& o Lae Baia!$ "ee'est resh water !ae in the wor!"$ thatAs wh) the) "u&' their "ecre'it 'o!!utants there7
8 in" o !oss %ut Gua!i5cation wise$ there are on!) two 1. 'otal 2. *artial – as "e5ne" there a%out !oss$ how &an) in"s o !osses are there. 4wo@ *hysical – 'erishes s'eci5c things i the one who 'erishes is the "e%tor$ that is !oss o the ,thing "ue, Leal – goes out o co&&erce 'he enus never perishes not true$ %ecause it can %e !ega!!) !oss I the !oss ha''ens through ortuitous e#ents$ the "e%tor not gui!t) o concurrent neg!igence< +'$N%U$4)+-
3a#e )ou seen a horse %eing sa""!e"@ ;ou 'ut a %!anet 5rst %eore )ou 'ut the sa""!e. 9roun" the a%"o&en o the horse or the chest. ItAs not the a%"o&en. Or on the %uttocs o the horse. IsnAt it@ 4he 'arties are reverte! to the status uo ante 'rior to the e*tinguish&ent o the o%!igation. P%RTI%L LO< the court wi!! "eter&ine whether the 'artia! !oss is so i&'ortant so as to e*tinguish the o%!igation. I )ou are "e!i#ering a s'eci5c horse$ a race horse$ then a o%er&an u&'e" on it an" %it its ears$ !ie :ie 4)son an" E#an"er 3o!)5e!". Pro%a%!)$ this :ie 4)son !o#es to eat ear$ he wou!" %e at ho&e here at ca&'us %ecause there is the %%G stan" there ca!!e" + ten&a,. Its ears was ust "eor&e"$ it can sti!! run. +C+*'$"N4A Notwithstan"ing the ha''ening o the ortuitous e#ent o the thing "ue$ the "e%tor wi!! sti!! %e !ia%!e. 1. Sti'u!ation 2. 9ssu&'tion o ris
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52 . en"ere" it %e)on" his 'ower to co&'!) to o%!igation< so!" to another thir" 'erson or secon" 'erson Others are spread in the CC, e/&/ R. ui!t) o concurrent neg!igence =. e%tor a!rea") in "eau!t (h) "o )ou &ae hi& !ia%!e or the ortuitous e#ent@ escission "a&ages@ (h)@ 3a" he "e!i#ere" the thing %eore the ha''ening o the ortuitous e#ent$ it wou!" not ha#e %een a?ecte". Su'er t)'hoons are on!) o%ser#e"Qreser#e" or Bico! egion. 3a" he not "eau!te"$ e#en i it wou!" ha#e %een !oss an)wa)$ it wou!" ha#e %een !oss in the 'ossession o the new owner@ 6sa&e #icinit)7 On I*araAs sneeMe< itAs not so !ou" an)&ore. IA& gonna wash that &an right out o &) hair. *,+4U/*'$"NA 4he !oss o the s'eci5c thing is 'resu&e" to %e !oss through the au!t o the "e%tor i it is in his 'ossession 6'ri&a acie7. 4he %ur"en o the 'roo on the 'art o the "e%tor that it was in"ee" !ost through the au!t o the "e%tor. 3O(EWE$ the 'resu&'tion is #e%e#.e- i !oss through natura! ca!a&it).
Otherwise$ gui!t) o concurrent e#i"ence e.g. #o!canic eru'tion which &eans +9ct o o", thing 'resu&e" to %e !oss through ortuitous e#ent 6cre"itorAs %ur"en o 'roo to 'ro#e that concurrent neg!igence or au!t o the "e%tor7 9ir'!ane crashe" into )our house< et engine swa!!owe" two "ucs or Cana"ian geese 6since the) are %igger7 o course itAs a ortuitous e#ent$ act o &an or o" 6Phoe%e< act o the "uc7 the wor" to %e use" is s!nchronicit! . (h) shou!" those geese %e in the Vight 'ath o the air'!ane@ 3a" the '!ane %e 20 &eters a%o#e the +Vight '!an, o the geese$ the) wou!"nAt ha#e %een suce" in %) the air'!ane. Now there shou!" %e a warning or air'!anes to tae care o the s'are 'arts o the two sate!!ites that co!!i"e" in outer s'ace then raining "e%ris. Natura! ca!a&it) T ortuitous e#ent Not natura! ca!a&it) T not ortuitous e#ent$ %ur"en to 'ro#e casus ortuito wou!" %e on the 'art o the "e%tor 4he 9ustra!ian %rush5re %urns so we!! %ecause &ost o the& are euca!)'tus trees. 4he) ha#e oi!. (hen )ou ha#e oi!$ it %urns. 4he) are a!so '!anting euca!)'tus in the Phi!i''ines. /or 'ur'oses o e!ectric 'osts %ecause the) are strong an" straight. Fust !ie 'ine trees$ the) a!so ha#e oi! ca!!e" tur'entine. (hen )our horseAs 6the horse again7 oot is swo!!en )ou &assage the& with oi!. (h) "i" )ou tie that cow in the ri#er when there is a stor& co&ing in. /ro& the %ans o the ri#er where it &ight "rown. :ost !ie!) it wi!! not %e "rowne" %ut it wi!! %e in another '!ace ater the Voo"$ )ouA!! ha#e to !oo or it. -$4'$N%U$4) #+'(++N -$+,+N' *,+4'&'$"N4 1. Prestation to "o – itAs not ca!!e" lost that causes the e*tinguish&ent$ %ut ca!!e" the +i&'ossi%i!it) o 'eror&ance, 2. Prestation not to "o – i&'ossi%i!it) o non'eror&ance 6e.g. 'ro&ise" not to en!ist as a so!"ier$ %ut reGuire" %) &i!itar) ca!!u'$ )ou are reGuire" un"er the 'ain o incarceration su'erse"e" %) the i&'ossi%i!it) o non'eror&ance7
Loo at &rt 12E 6&ight %e useu! or )ou !ater7 D e%tor wi!! %e the court$ %ut )ou wi!! ha#e to as the court to re!ease )ou ro& the o%!igation %ecause o the "icu!t) o 'eror&ing the o%!igation D 9t the ti&e o%!igation create" %) contract was entere" into$ 'arties ne#er conte&'!ate" such a circu&stance 6e.g. change in techno!og)7 outsi"e the a&%it o their now!e"ge %ut o course here$ these one runs counter to the genera! 'rinci'!e in contract that the 'arties shou!" 'eror& whate#er the sti'u!ation the) agree" to. D 4he) agree" to the sti'u!ations #o!untari!) so the) shou!" co&'!) in goo" aith – o%!igator) orce o the contract together with the ree"o& o the 'arties to sti'u!ate &rt 1159
4oo in %!ue 'i!!s in a &ote!. igors was too &uch$ so he was ri&or mortis. 4he Cit) o :ani!a !ost the case %ut Sogo %i" the& a!!. Notice that Sogo the) are so near certain %usiness esta%!ish&ents that )ou can &ae acti#e !et turn an" then )ouAre !ost. Proessor isini was recounting a%out the gir! who crie" in his c!ass. R th case o cr)ing %ecause he sai" he shou!" %e a%!e to "eci"e we!! %ecause )ou &ust ha#e recei#e" a "oMen roses !ast Satur"a). She crie". 4urns out that she ust %roe u' with her %o)rien" %eore Wa!entines. 3is &entioning "oMen roses was what she was &issing. 9t !east here$ his stu"ent the chi!"ren are %us) in !a%or !aw. 4he ci#i! !aw #ersion o that ru!e in internationa! !aw in inter'retation o treaties &rt 1129 6 pactu su servanta7 treat) sti'u!ation. 4he o''osite o that is clausa re(us stantlo 6@7 (43---9!&ost the sa&e with circu&stances &aniest!) %e)on" the treat). One goo" e*a&'!e o this is Paris use" to %e nown as the cit) o !ights. E#en %eore 4ho&as 9!#a E"ison in#ente" the incan"escent !a&' a!though another in#entor starte" it a!! Nio!a# 4es!a. ItAs ust that 49E was a%!e to co&&ercia!iMe a!! this$ gathere" ca'ita!s to &ass 'ro"uce". But the)Are %oth "ea"$ now 49E is cre"ite". (hat was his a"age@ >> 'ers'iration an" 1 ins'iration. 6scutt!e%utt with 4es!a7 it was !ighte" with gas !a&'s$ )ou ha#e to !ight the gas !a&'s. 4here was a contract %etween the out5t an" the
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52 cit) o Paris where the out5t is su''ose" to hire 'eo'!e to see that gas !a&'s wi!! %e !ighte" at "us. Usua!!) the contract is or certain nu&%er o )ears.
19 ebruary 2009 1. 2. .
9c B" g 9" Bc 9" Bc Cc
Fust %) &astering this$ )ou can recou' )our 'arents e*'enses. ;ou "o not rea!iMe that !ega! co&'ensation has taen '!ace. One o the o%!igations has %eco&e natura! o%!igation. Once the 5#e reGuisites o !ega! co&'ensation concur$ %oth o%!igation is e*tinguishe". $pso acto occurs. 4here has %een 'artia! co&'ensation 5#e )ears ago$ the "een"antAs o%!igation is no !onger the u!! a&ount interest 'ena!t). e"uce the a&ounts ro& = )ears ago an" then the a&ount thatAs "ue the "een"ant s'en"s &ore an" then %eore that once )ou rea!iMe that !ega! co&'ensation too '!ace$ i )ouAre Guic a%out it at the ti&e )ou are retaine"$ +what i I can re"uce )our o%!igation to J0 wi!! )ou gi#e &e the 20@, o to the "istri%utor o B:( an" git )ourse! with %ran" new B:( then )ouA!! ha#e %ragging rights when )ou as )our c!ass&ates or an inor&a! reunion wherein )ou are the host. Later on$ those o )ou who are &ateria!istic as &ost o )ou are$ in )our reunion an) get together o the c!ass$ )ouA!! %e co&'aring notes$ not a%out 'ersona! !ie %ut &ateria! 'ossession. See i )ou "onAt "o it$ I guarantee )ou. E#en now those who ha#e ce!e%rate" their si!#er u%i!ee$ the) co&e ho&e "onAt )ou thin the) %rag a%out the&se!#es$ e*ce't the) re&e&%er how the) were 2= )ears ago. Insu!te" %) 'roessor 6Pro. :aga!!ona7 an" "i"nAt rea!iMe it unti! )ou sat "own an" thin a%out it. e!a)e" reaction$ +I thin I was insu!te"., (atch out. >ou can earn your eep by masterin leal compensation. Lega! an" acu!tati#e. (hich is &ore "icu!t@ :ore su%t!e@ &rt 129 – 'ro#i"es cut an" "r) reGuire&ents ,+MU$,+/+N'4 " L+%&L C"/*+N4&'$"N 1. 2 "e%ts 2. Su& o &one) or ungi%!e thing o Not a''!ica%!e or s'eci5cQ"eter&inate things 6though 'ossi%!e through 0acultative condition7 $1N#I
I one o the 'arties is c!ai&ing "a&ages ro& the '!ainti?. 9sing the court in granting hi& "a&ages$ the actor or e!e&ents he has su?ere" are )et to %e 'ro#e" through e#i"ence. Se'arate co&'!aint@ E.g. s'eci5c 'eror&ance then counterc!ai&. 1. 2. .
9c 610:7 9" 6:7 9" 62:7
B" Bc
Bc Cc
+Pag 'uno na ang sa!o'$ inaa!is, – e#en it out then !ess a&ount o grains there !ater on the) change" it to i!os "uring ti&e o ios"a"o where there is a!rea") a rice 'i!a. Shortage o rice then an" that was a!so the start o the "e#a!uation o the 'eso. /ro& 2 to 1 to R to 1. 4hereAs sti!! the Besa$ han"&a"e shoes$ )ou "onAt 5n" the& now an)&ore. Chea'est 'air o shoes then was !ess than 20 'esos. ai!) wage was R. ;ou ha#e to scri&' an" sa#e. R.
No right o retention or %oth. 4hat was co&&unicate" in "ue ti&e %) the thir" 'erson. Both o%!igations "o not ha#e contro#ers) in#o!#ing who is the 'a)ee or cre"itor.
(rit o garnish&ent 6generic wor" is +attach&ent, o a 'ro'ert)$ cor'orea! or tangi%!e 'ro'ert)7
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52 "nce all o these fve reuisites are presents e6tinuishe! up to concurrent amount. I no one e#er c!ai&s$ ignorance is %!iss. ;ou "onAt now that )ou ha#e 'ai" so &uch. But i )ou "i"$ )ou cannot c!ai& it %ac when )ou rea!iMe it. Now what is the 'rescri'ti#e 'erio" or c!ai&ing the !ega! co&'ensation@ O%!igation create" %) !aw@
2; ebruary 2009 1.
9c 6=:7
9" 62:7
C" oint o%!igation 6;es$ he can c!ai& co&'ensation %ut on!) u' to 2.= :7 Bc 6;es$ 9 c!ai& the "i?erence : ro& B7$ 6B can as rei&%urse&ent o 2.= ro& C7 6uarantor can a!so c!ai& co&'ensation ro& 9$ whoe#er the "e%tor7
&CUL'&'$@+ C"/*+N4&'$"N – one o the 'arties can c!ai& the right to co&'ensation as or the %!essing o the court
1. 2.
Sus'ensi#e con"itionQ'erio" /e% 20$ 200>
9c 6=:7 B" 9" 6o%!i to gi#e s'eci5cQgeneric thing e.g. s'eci5c B:(7
8 Cannot %e co&'ensate" %ecause not o the sa&e in". So how wou!" &ae co&'ensation 'ossi%!e@ cannot %e "one %ecause the) are o "i?erent in"s 8 B) wrecing the B:( etc. through the insurance$ %reaching the o%!igation< %est c!ue 8 In "eau!t$ now !ia%!e or the "a&ages whate#er B 'ai" or the B:( 8 Con#ert "e!i#er) o B:( %ecause )ou can as or rescission '!us "a&ages
Bc Usua!!)
8 ()" ($LL CL&$/ ')+ &CUL'&'$@+:: & or #:: 4hin it through now so )ouA!! ha#e soðing to "o 4he one who cou!" acu!tati#e!) co&'ensate here is -ebtor # %ecause itAs his o%!igation that is not )et "ue %ecause o the sus'ensi#e con"itionQ'erio" itAs a%sur" %ecause heA!! 'a) 2: i he co&'ensates- 4hat wou!" %e oo!ish1. Sus'ensi#e con"itionQ'erio" 9c 6:7 B" 2. /e% 20$ 200> 9" 6=:7 Bc Perio" shou!" %e or the %ene5t o the "e%tor$ he can a!wa)s wai#e it 1. Sus'ensi#e con"itionQ'erio" 9c 6:7 B" 2. /e% 20$ 200> 9" 6=:7 Bc In )our &in"$ a!wa)s "istinguish$ Gua!i). (hatAs the other na&e or JU-$C$&L C"/*+N4&'$"N @ Counterc!ai& or seto? Not )et !iGui"ate"$ so the court wi!! "eter&ine it "uring the tria!. Litan) a%out the #eterans. ea" the case o *N# v 4apphire. tipulacion pour autri 6sti'u!ation or others7 – on!) Pro. :ora!es can 'ronounce it$ )ou wi!! ha#e to cur! )our tongue. &rt 19; a&ages cause %) a 'artner in a 'artnershi' eason< canAt %ene5t ro& his own wrong &44$%N/+N' " C,+-$' Can the "e%tor c!ai& co&'ensation@ It "e'en"s i he nowsQconsents to the assign&ent 1. I consente!< he shou!" reser#e his rights 2. i" not consent 6o%ecte"7$ %ut new o assign&ent o rights< c!ai& co&'ensation 're#ious to the assign&ent 6cuto? 'oint is ti&e o assign&ent7 . I "i"nAt now< can sti!! c!ai& co&'ensation o his own cre"its in the contracting 6'rior7 – unti! he !earns a%out the assign&ent "ther name or L+%&L C"/*+N4&'$"NA loo or it. $t?s also no3n as 3hat:
N"@&'$"N Not a co&'!ete e*tinguish&ent$ "ust theoretical %ecause )ou create" another o%!igation. ItAs not an a(solute e*tinguish&ent$ &ere!) re!ati#e e*tinguish&ent. ENE9L ULE< not 'resu&e"$ nee"s to %e 'ro#e". &N$/U4 N"@&N-$ no#ation
=$N-4 " N"@&'$"N 1. O%ecti#e
to no#ate es'ecia!!) in the case o su(stitution o0 the de(tor an" implied o("ective
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52 I&'!ie" o%ecti#e 6the &ore "icu!t one$ go %ac to the case one 8nchausti v 8ulo 7 %etween o!" an" new %. E*'ress o%ecti#e Su%ecti#e a. Passi#e – su%stitution o the "e%tor i/ Expromision ii/ Dele&acion %. 9cti#e – su%rogation o the cre"itor i. Con#entiona! ii. Lega!Q#o!untar) a.
Se'arate %ar re#iew or UP Law to guarantee %ar 'assing rate. 4oo &an) e*tra curricu!ars "uring the our )ears. UP Law gra"uates are e!itists. Wer) !itt!e in their %an accounts$ +stoc now!e"ge, which is what )ou wi!! turn to in case )ou "onAt now the e*act nu&%er. ;ou ne#er rea!iMe" the genera! 'rinci'!es o !aw.
S'aniar"s are haught)$ %ut :a"ri!e]os are the haughtiest ones. Boon"ocs$ contri%ution to the Eng!ish !anguage. 4he) 'ronounce Co!ora"o as Co!orao 6Colora+7. 4he) sa) :a"ri" as :a"ri$ the) cannot 'ronounce the !etter . King 9!onso was %orn with a !is'$ his tongue is short. So the) !egis!ate" it to sa#e hi& or e&%arrass&ent$ or in other wor"s$ si'si'. +onAt outshine the King-, ,+MU$4$'+4 " N"@&'$"N 1. Wa!i" o!" 2. Wa!i" new . E*tinguish&ent o the o!" R. 9gree&ent o the 'arties an" 9NI:US NOW9NI
9"#ance" assign&ent< ea" 4o!entinoAs e*'!anation o "i?erent reGuisites o a #a!i" contract$ es'ecia!!) o?er an" acce'tance. (eA!! concentrate &ore on the Y Oh shocs I "i"nAt get it.
25 ebruary 2009 4U#J+C'$@+ N"@&'$"N 1. Expromision – +'ro&ise o the thir" 'erson, 2. Dele&acion
4he 'ro%!e&< what i thereAs soðing wrong with the new "e%tor$ e.g. he is a %a" "e%tor 6%ecause cre"itor can ust 5!e action or s'eci5c 'eror&ance ro& the "e%torAs 'ro'erties7 or inso!#ent@ Can the cre!itor fn! recourse rom the ol! !ebtor: Nor&a!!)$ NO. Un!ess itAs a case o dele&acion wherein the o!" "e%tor 'resents new "e%tor$ new to %e inso!#ent or 'reten" that he "i"nAt now. Or 'we"e na rin na co&&unit) nows he is inso!#ent at the ti&e he is inso!#ent. In )our soourn here )ou wi!! reservatoriareserva troncal . Loo this u' now %ecause )ouA!! %e "ea!ing with this on )our Cre"it 4ransactions. &rt 22;1 S'eci5c &o#a%!e &rt 22;2 S'eci5c i&&o#a%!e &rt 22;; 9!! other -iHerence in hierarchy o cre!its< i )ou ana!)Me these two$ )ouA!! see that ta*es wi!! a!wa)s %e 5rst. But !oo at nu&%er R with res'ect to &o#a%!es$ cre"its guarantee" %) a '!e"geQchatte! &ortgage 6&ortgage o#er &o#a%!e 'ro'ert)7. 3igher than the &ortgage cre"it. 4hatAs the case o LopeB v Orosa %ut that is or ne*t se&ester.
4he cre!itor has no riht to re
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52 !iHerence bet3een assinment o cre!its an! conventional subroation i any: I the) are the sa&e$ the) are the sa&e %ut wou!" )ou %e correct. 4hereAs a "i?erence$ thatAs )our assign&ent-
Last 'aragra'h there. (ho is 'reerre"@ 4he 'artia! !ega! su%rogee$ the 'a)or$ the unior cre"itor or the thir" 'erson intereste" or not intereste"@ I &a"e a 'artia! 'a)&ent acce'te" %) the cre"itor e.g. 'a)&ent %) insta!!&ent. Partia! 'a)&ent %ut there is %a!ance$ 'artia!!) 'a)&ent on!). (i!! he %e 'reerre" o#er the o!" cre"itor$ the o!" 'artia! cre"itor 6'artia!!) 'ai"7 wi!! sti!! %e 'reerre"$ &aintains 'reerence o#er the 'artia! !ega! su%rogee. ++C'4 " L+%&L 4U#,"%&'$"N – 9rt 10 "#J+C'$@+ N"@&'$"N – &ore "icu!t %ecause a!! the reGuisites shou!" %e 'resent es'ecia!!) or i&'!ie" o%ecti#e no#ation. Loo at the case o 8nchausti v 8ulo $ the court has to "eter&ine whether there is inco&'ati%i!it) %etween the o!" an" the new o%!igation. e&e&%er that no#ation is ne#er 'resu&e". So the 'resu&'tion is a!rea") against the e*istence o a no#ation.
;ou cannot re#i#e a "ea" &e&%er 6go!" &e&%er7. ;ou "onAt un"erstan" &e@ Loo at ;nchausti$ thereAs a re"uction o the "e%t %ut on!) as to so!i"ar) co"e%tors. But !i%era! with res'ect to the new one 6secon" 'ro&issor) note7 %ut actua!!)$ there was no intention on 'art o ;nchausti to no#ate %ecause he on!) wante" to a#or three o the "e%tors. ;nchausti 'ro%a%!) "oes not !ie regorio thatAs wh) he Meroe" in on hi&. Li#erai"e !ega! ai"@ 3uh@ Sa%aw. 1.
9c 6P=:7
9c 6P=.=:7
B" on Fan 1$ 200> 4hir" 'erson &ortgagor L 6shou!" ha#e signe" as co"e%tor7 B" on or %eore Fune 0$ 200>
(hat is he in re!ation to BY r" 'erson intereste" in the o%!igation which !ies in his wanting his 'arce! o !an" to %e orec!ose". +6tension o time !oes not imply novation. $mplie! ob
No in"ication that the o!" one is e*tinguishe" %) the new one. But su''osing the situation is re#erse". 1. 2.
9c 6P=:7 9c 6PR.:7
B" on Fune 0$ 200> B" on or %eore /e%ruar) 2J$ 200>
Is there a no#ation here@ No 'a)&ent "ue on Fune 0 an)&ore i he &a"e the 'a)&ent ear!ier. 4here is inco&'ati%i!it). -acion en pao is an ob
I the a&ount was increase" an" )ou can 'ro#e the intention to no#ate then it wi!! %e an i&'!ie" no#ation$ %ut usually it?s not a novation i you chane the amount. But i )ou convert an obliation to some other obliation !ie an o%!igation or contract o "e'osit or one o !oan$ or a contract o "e'osit to one o co&&o"atu&$ then there wi!! %e an ob
%+N+,&L *,$NC$*L+4 " C"N',&C'4 e5nition is not a 'erect one. ItAs a +&eeting o a &in"Y,
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52 Sir La%itag< a con#ention &anieste" in !ega! or& 6writing$ ora! or 'u%!ic "ocu&ent7 where%) two 'arties agree to so&e 'restation 6eg gi#e s'eci5cQgeneric thing$ "o or not to "o7. 9ctua!!)$ o?ering an" acce'tance %etween two contracting 'arties as to o%ect o the contract an" the causaQconsi"eration. ItAs not two 'ersons$ %ut two 'arties. 9cting as an agent o %oth o the&. )o3 many real contracts are there in civil la3: 3a#e )ou &et an artic!e on this@ (hat maes it real @ ItAs not in the sense o rea! or si&u!ate"@ Not the truth or a!sit). (hat &aes it a rea! contract$ not on!) the reGuisites o a #a!i" contract 6consent$ o%ect$ causaQconsi"eration – causa is %roa"er7. Contract o 'urchase an" sa!e$ contract o agenc)$ contract o 'artnershi' or acontract o &ortgage$ antichresis. 4he)Are a!! consensua! contracts e*ce't that there are certain contracts "eno&inate" a or&a! contractQso!e&n$ then it wi!! %e c!assi5e" as a ormal contract. ;ou !oo at the genera! 'rinci'!es o contract$ genera! 'ro#isions$ there are = o the&$ a!though )our out!ine &entions on!) three R. Consensua!it) o contract =. 9utono&) – ree"o& to sti'u!ate ,eal contract< one &ore e!e&ent< deliver!
9I4ION9L EHUIE:EN4S /O< 1. /or&a! contract< E*ecution o contract to writing or a 'u%!ic "ocu&ent or registration or transer o the certi5cate o registration 2. So!e&n contracts e.g. &arriage usua!!) not &entione" in !aw on contracts$ the) a!wa)s orget a%out &arriage 4here is a "iscussion %etween &arriage an" contracts. 9ter the consu&&ation$ in#io!a%!e socia! institution %ut who!!) a#oi"a%!e. Loo at Pro. /!orin. (hat is create" %) &arriage is status. 9ter the consu&&ation$ it wi!! %e status that )ou wi!! not get.
2E ebruary 2009 Sa!e o catt!e is a s'ecia! contract. I )ou "onAt o!!ow that$ )ouA!! %e charge" with catt!e rust!ing.
%+N+,&L *,$NC$*L+4 " C"N',&C' 1. 2. . R.
&rt 10E /ree"o& or autono&) o contracts – contracting 'arties are ree to sti'u!ate the ter&s o the contracts as !ong asY &rt 1159 Sti'u!ation o the 'arties sha!! %e the !aw %etween the& an" this shou!" %e co&'!ie" with in goo" aith 6a!so &entione" in 9rt 11= secon" c!ause7 &rt 115 Consensua!it) o contract$ 'erecte" %) &ere consent UNLESS rea! or or&a! contracts &rt 108 &utua!it) o contracts$ %oth %in"s the contracting 'arties$ not on!) one o the 'arties. Basis or the ru!e that i the 'ositi#e sus'ensi#e con"ition "e'en"s so!e!) u'on the wi!! o the "e%tor then$ the o%!igation is #oi" %ecause it wi!! !ac &utua!it). :irage is oasis$ water. 4hatAs a!so the case where the %asis or &aing or the court "ec!aring that the automatic acceleration o0 interest clauses which "e'en"s on!) on the 'art o the cre"itor is "ec!are" to %e #oi". ,elativity principle – contract sha!! on!) %in" the contracting 'arties an" their re!ati#es$ those who are re!ate" to the origina! contracting 'arties< heirs$ a"&inistrators$ e*ecutors an" assignees. UNLESS$ there is sti'u!ation or the in#o!#e&ent o a thir" 'erson$ or stipulacion pour autrui 6sti'u!ation or others7
+C+*'$"N or autonom! < 1. Not contrar) to !aw Woi" or sti'u!ation 2. :an"ator) 'ro#ision reGuiring a s'eci5c reGuire&ent !ie s'eci5c 'ro#ision 6!ie &rt 57 4he entire contract wi!! a!so %e #oi"$ 'rinci'!e o statutor) construction$ se'ara%i!it). Se'arate the goo" a''!es ro& the %a" a''!es. Es'ecia!!) notorious sti'u!ation in the contract can %e "ec!are" #oi" %) the ci#i! co"e$ the &ost ina&ous o these is ca!!e" pactapactum. Part o the contract or sti'u!ation o the contract. Cre"itor is a!!owe" to auto&atica!!) orec!ose without nee" o going through with orec!osure 'rocee"ings then that sti'u!ation "e%tor ai!s to 'a) the !oan on "ue "ate then the cre"itor sha!! %eco&e the owner o the 'ro'ert) gi#en %) wa) o '!e"ge$ &ortgage or antichresis$ no nee" to go through with the orec!osure 'rocee"ing. •
Pactum commi..o#ium &rt 2088 an! 20 sti'u!ation that a!!ows or auto&atic orec!osure or contract o &ortgage$ '!e"ge or antichresis 6that is the !aw on 'ro'ert)7
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52 %. c.
Pactum -e non aienan-o &rt 210 6not to a!ienate7 when a &ortgagor se!!s the 'ro'ert) that he has &ortgage"$ he has to se!! it as &ortgage$ cannot sa) that it is ree ro& !iens an" encu&%rances 6%ecause a &ortgage is an encu&%rance7 itAs a cri&e$ swin"!ing$ other or&s o swin"!ing 69rt 1 or 1>7 Pactum eonina &rt 199 6Lionine 'artnershi'7 the !ion gets the &eat) 'art$ the other gets the %ones or nothing at a!!. E.g. Share on!) in the 'ro5ts$ thatAs wh) the conuga! 'artnershi' o gains is on!) or 'ro5t. 4he 'ro5t o the &arriage. I one 'artner agrees to share on!) in the !osses %ut not in the 'ro5t$ o course he is insane or a 'hi!antro'hist %ecause that is not a 'artnershi' at a!!. 4hat sti'u!ation is #oi".
884hese are not on!) the #oi" contracts$ an) &an"ator) or 'rohi%itor) !aws is #oi" %ecause itAs contrar) to !aw. . :ora!$ goo" custo&s$ 'u%!ic or"er an" 'u%!ic 'o!ic) :anAs notion o right an" wrong. Innate sense o what is right an" what is wrong$ a!though we ha#e ree wi!!. But "o not sti'u!ate that are contrar) to &ora!s or custo&s. :ore or !ess uni#ersa!. Sense o right an" wrong o &an. Co"e co&&ission inc!u"e" custo& %ecause there are certain 'rece'ts that cannot %e uni#ersa!!) recogniMe" as &ora!$ so&eti&es the) on!) a''!) to certain co&&unities or !oca!ities. E#en i not recogniMe" uni#ersa!!)$ the) can sti!! %e goo" custo&s$ as !ong as sanctione" %) a co&&unit). 9s !ong as acnow!e"ge" %) a co&&unit) that is a "ecent thing to "o. 4he co&&unit) cannot ho!" hi& %a". 4he) cannot ha#e %a" custo& on!) so&e o the &e&%ers. (hatAs a goo" e*a&'!e. One case )ou shou!" rea". Soðing to "o with cause. ItAs the 3eges 6@7 #. C9. 9 case o a O:$ 5gurati#e!) a O:$ how o!" was he$ I thin itAs = &an who entere" into a contract with a 1 )ear o!" gir!. (herein he sai" that I wi!! "onate a 'arce! o !an"$ as !ong as )ou co&e an" !i#e with &e an" %) &) !o#e 6eu'he&istica!!) s'eaing$ %ecause he was a &arrie" &an$ who wante" to %eco&e 9%raha&. (hen 9%raha& was o!"$ the tri%e ga#e hi& a 'rett) war& thing to ee' hi& +war&,. – asus-7 In act so&e o the 'atriarchs$ his 5rst wie cannot %ear hi& an) chi!"$ he was gi#en the &ai" 3agar an" ga#e hi& Ish&ae!. Sara got hi& Isaac without in #itro erti!iMation. Isaac %eca&e ancestors$ Faco% was the ather o a!! Fews. /ather o 12 tri%es. Lea$ ache!. Bore to R wo&en. 4hatAs wh) the)Are a!! ha! %rothers. 3e outwitte" his ather in !aw. 9n)wa). I the %asis or contract is carna! re!ation$ then thatAs contrar) to 'u%!ic &ora!s. I*ara goes huwaaash. 4hereAs a case o Iranian who !i#e" with a /i!i'ina an" &arrie" her so she can %e an un'ai" "o&estic he!'er. •
Pu%!ic or"er 4he on!) one use" in S'anish ci#i! co"e. 4he /rench sai" that the ordre pu(liue – consi"eration o the 'u%!ic goo"$ wi!! or wea! 6we!are7$ 'eace an" saet) o the 'u%!ic an" hea!th o the co&&unit). 9n)thing that is contrar) to that$ )ou ha#e to con#ince the court. Broa"er. •
=. Pu%!ic 'o!ic) erraIIini vs %sel l 6'. R21 in 4o!entino7 sti'u!ation not to engage in co&'etiti#e enter'rise ater !ea#ing the e&'!o)&ent. 4hose sti'u!ation &ust %e !i&ite" to time, place and extent so that otherwise$ )ou wi!! %e. I itAa che )ou hire"$ he can no !onger e*ercise his si!!s as a che$ heA!! %e a anitor. Pro#ision "ee&e" contrar) to 'u%!ic 'o!ic) &eaning what$ the e&'!o)ee wi!! %argain awa) his right to "ecent !i#ing i he agrees not to enter into or an) other %usiness that is %!ah %!ah with his e&'!o)er i or an) reason$ he is ter&inate" %) his e&'!o)er$ he cannot enter into an) enter'rise without his 'er&ission. 3e is "is&isse" ro& e&'!o)&ent. ;ou thin he wi!! %e gi#en. O course not. But usua!!)$ the court has to !etermine 3hether this stipulation is in eHect barainin a3ay one?s riht to earn a !ecent livelihoo!. Usua!!) it has to %e an anti co&'etiti#e un"ertaing !i&ite" as to the ti&e. Cannot %e or a !ong 'erio" o ti&e. It has to %e in the conte*t$ on!) or certain as'ects. Usua!!) there are reasons wh) he is engaging in the sa&e acti#it)$ 're#ent hi& ro& &aing use o the si!! or state o the art whi!e he is e&'!o)e" %) the contracting 'art). Usua!!) this is true or certain high tech in"ustries$ there is a 'ro#ision there or a !i&ite" as to ti&e an" acti#it)$ cannot %e enco&'assing so )ou can earn !i#e!ihoo"$ !i&ite" to ti&e '!ace an" wor!". 4he one who "esigns these integrate" circuit 6IC7 or sotware "esign. e'en"s on how ast the techno!og) is. In 5#e )ears ti&e what )ou !earn is a!rea") o%so!ete. 4he techno!og) changes e#er) &onths or at !east e#er) )ear. Loo at a!! the ga"gets the) are getting s&a!!er an" s&a!!er. 4he e#i"ence o the &istae o "octors can no !onger testi). 3owe#er$ the e#i"ence o &istae o !aw)ers can testi). octors so&eti&es "o not te!! the 'u%!ic what ha''ene" in the o'eration a!though the) wi!! in their 'ost&orte& &eeting a%out what went wrong here. 4hen the) wi!! %!a&e two or three o the& an" then orget a%out it. ;ou ee' hi& +war&, not %) uhhh. ;ou ee' hi& +war&, %) 'utting on his coat. D
Contrar) to 'u%!ic$ soun" 'o!ic) or goo" &ora!$ un"er&ine in"i#i"ua! right whether 'ersona! 'o!ic) 6 $erreBine v #sell7 &ost !ie!) Fustice Laure! co'ie" this ro& so&ewhere e!se$ ust !ie the socia! ustice. (e were reGuire" to &e&oriMe it %eore. Calalan& v 7illiam. No ootnote. It turns out that that "e5nition was !ite" ro& an
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enc)c!o'e"ia o socia! sciences so he is nown or that %ut no%o") to!" the 'u%!ic that it was !ite" ro& an enc)c!o'e"ia o the socia! sciences. 4hatAs '!agiaris&@ But heAs "ea"$ "o not &a!ign his &e&or). Contracts e*e&'ting 'erson ro& own &a!ice or gross neg!igence o his e&'!o)ees or ser#ants. 9 sti'u!ation that contract o carriage that e*e&'ts co&&on carrier ro& its neg!igence$ that wou!" %e #oi". Usua!!) %eore %uses ha" &an) notices an" sa)ings !ie %aggages carrie" at ownerAs ris. Un!ess it is 'ro#e" that it is not the au!t o the con"uctors au!t. Or"inar) "i!igence together with other chur#a!oo !ie re"uction o are. In#iting to %e #a!i"$ not that sti'u!ation is actua!!) a solemn contract. Part o the contract o carriage$ the "ictation is or&a! 6in writing an" cou'!e" with a""itiona! consi"eration7 other than the ser#ice o carr)ing the goo"s o the 'assenger. Or contracts that the "e!a) o ustice. Or stiVes the 'rosecution o the cri&e. 9 contract that sa)s the sti'u!ation o the cri&e$ I wi!! no !onger 'rosecute )ou or #io!ation o the %ouncing checs !aw. Or cri&es that wi!! %e contrar) to 'u%!ic 'o!ic). Or un"u!) restrains co&'etition.
0; /arch 2009 O?er an" acce'tance !oos !ie a 'ing'ong &atch. 3a#e )ou seen a ace to ace transaction in a 5sh &aret@ 3ow &uch is a i!o o ti!a'ia@ 10@ 1=0 na !ang. Patua ng ti!a'ia is e*'ensi#e. ice %ran. 4he) "onAt go as %ig. 4ae )ou 'ro%a%!) one )ear or the& to reach one ha! i!o. /or the &eanti&e$ itAs %oth &a!e an" e&a!e$ soon the e&a!e wi!! gi#e %irth to ti!a'ia r). But now the) are a!! &a!es. Because the &a!e grows %igger. No &ore e&a!es so no &ore "istraction. ;ou ust eat an" eat an" grow it. 3a#e rea") s'ins. No ti!a'ia now that is s'otte" in the si"es. E#en horses$ the one who !oos nice is the sta!!ions$ the &a!es that strut. 4he e&a!es are 'assi#e$ we!! ne#er &in". I was thining a%out catching an" it. /ore'!a) is courting. 4r)@ 3ear "o&estic cats. Unti! one o the 'arties gets tire" o concocting countero?ers an) #ariation$ so&eti&es )ouA!! run out o things to sa)$ )ou ust %u). 4hatAs it. ;ou get the se!!er$ oa)$ 5ne. "nce the counterDoHeree accepts the fnal counterDoHer there is a contract. +6actly 3hen a contract is perecte!A (hen ')+ counterDoHeror learns about the acceptance. Es'ecia!!) i ace to ace. But i it were %) so&e other &eans o co&&unication !ie Phi!Post un!ess it gets wa)!ai".
1. 2. . R.
:9NI/ES494ION countero?eree &aniestQ'ossess his acce'tance$ writes the !etter or sen"s the &essage EDPEI4ION sen"ing o the &essage$ &ai!ing it i %) !etter ECEP4ION recei't o the &essage CONI4ION what our CC o!!ows$ in %etween the sen"ing an" the now!e"ge$ there is &an) a s!i'.
9t an)ti&e$ he o?ers it. 4he o?eror can with"raw the o?er %ecause the contract has not %een 'erecte" )et. But there is a!so "anger o 'a)&ent o "a&ages i there is abuse o riht . I o?eror or countero?eror. S'en" or ins'ection an" e*a&ination o the tit!e to the 'ro'ert) or he nows that he is going to hire an a''raiser$ he wi!! s'en" &one) without an) usti5a%!e reason$ out o ca'rice$ with"raws to the "a&age o the o?eree. I o?eror ga#e an o'tion to the o?eree$ 3hat is an option @ 9n o'tion is the actua!!) an o''ortunit) gi#en to the o?eree to consi"er the o?er$ usua!!) has a ti&e ra&e 6or +o'tion 'erio", s'an o ti&e gi#en to the o?eree to consi"er the o?er7 O?er &ust %e +co&'!ete,$ +intentiona!, an" +"e5nite, ea" the case o 8acht
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52 -$4'$NC'$"N #+'(++N C"N-$'$"N&L 4&L+ "*'$"N '" #U>B4+LL *+,+C'+- C"N',&C' " 4&L+ C"N',&C' '" 4+LL 6the sa&e with o'tion to %u) an" se!!7 this shou!" &ae the "istinction %etween these three ter&s. O'tion to %u) an" to se!!. Contract to se!!$ contract o sa!e. Loo or it. In a co&'!e* o?eror 5* the ti&e '!ace an" &anner o acce'tance$ shou!" %e %) wa) o a !etter$ or in writing. Cannot %e "one ora!!)$ the acce'tance shou!" %e &a"e in a certain '!ace$ a certain ti&e. 4he time place an! manner o acce'tance can %e in"icate" in the o?er.
4he o?er wi!! ter&inate when the oHer is 3ith!ra3n beore he learns about the acceptance. 4here are usua!!) cases %etween acce'tance an" with"rawa! o the o?er. Usua!!) "one %) !etters$ with"rawa! was co&&unicate" %) wa) o !etters. B) the o?eree &a"e %) sent throught the &ai!. (ith"rawa! was a!so sent through the &ai!. 4he) wi!! cross !ine so&ewhere. /ro& whose 'oint o #iew whether a contract has %een 'erecte" or with"rawn@ 4he o?eror or countero?eror %ecause the origina! o?eror &ight not %e the o?eror in the en" in the 'ing'ong &atch. I the o?eror a!rea") !earns a%out the acce'tance$ here co&es the rece'tion %ecause i or e.g. i the acce'tance was a!rea") recei#e an" then he "oes not o'en it$ he "oes not now a%out the acce'tance$ he "i"nAt tae cogniMance$ %ut the !etter acce'ting the o?er was a!rea") sitting on his "es %ecause he "i"nAt want sus'icious that itAs an acce'tance. I the !etter was a!rea") registere" with return car"$ thatAs wh) !aw)ers !o#e this return car!$ itAs the "ate sta&' %) the recei#ing 'ost sta&' %ut the signature o the recei#er an" the "ate there. one %) 'ost s&art. Sent the "a) %eore he recei#e" the registere" !etter acce'ting it. 4hereAs no contract %ecause the !etter acce'ting it was !ater than the !etter sent to with"raw the o?er. But i he can 'ro#e an" itAs "own there$ sitting on his ta%!e "e!i#ere" %) the &ai!&an. eQI thereAs no registere" return car". i#en to the &ai! &an an" e*ecutes an a"a#it that I a!rea") "e!i#er the 'a'er. on!) 'a'er I "e!i#ere" in his oce. I can recogniMe the en#e!o'e that I "e!i#ere". 3e wi!! ha#e in his a#or the &ai! &anAs a"a#it wi!! ha#e the presumption o reularity in perormance o oGcial unctions. Un!ess )ou can 'ro#e that he is a 5t an" !iar &ai!&an. 4hereAs a!so the trac recor"$ &a*i& +a!sit) in one is a!sit) in a!!,. /a!sus in uno&$ a!sus in o&ni%us.
+'$N%U$4)/+N'B&NNUL/+N' " "+,A 1. (ith"rawa! %) the o?eror 2. La'se o the ti&e or o'tion 'erio" . Lega!!) inca'acitate" to act 6insane – Vew o#er the cucooAs nest or i&'rison&ent$ with the su%si"iar) 'ena!t) o ci#i! inter"iction7 R. O?eree &aes a countero?er =. Contract %eco&es i!!ega! Fust ocus on the theor)< the contract is perecte! when the o?eror or countero?eror !earns a%out the acce'tance o the countero?eror$ beore he learns he can with"raw the o?er E4CEPT when there is a valuable consi!eration or the o?er. 4hen heAs not su''ose" to with"raw the o?er i )ou "onAt gi#e the o?eree co&'!ete o?er 'erio"$ !ea#e the o'tion o'en or a 'erio" o 0 "a)s. :ae another o?er or contracting 'art). "+, /&-+ #> ')+ &%+N' N"' ')+ *,$NC$*&L assu&ing he is acting within the a&%it o his agenc)$ an) contract he entere" into in #io!ation o that is unenorcea%!e as to his 'rinci'a! &-@+,'$4+/+N' – channe! that inc!u"es a!! these ga"getr) 6ni#es ergono&ic this is$ how )ou s!ice through &e an" e#en the can7 the #a!ue o a!! the ni#es soðing !ie 20 K$ on!) intro"uctor) 'a)s a!! now wi!! e#en re"uce it to =00 'esos &ore. Su''osing )ou ca!! the nu&%er$ !oo at the o?er$ i )ou acce't it$ )ou are guarantee" to recei#e this as !ong as )ou 'a) the 'rice$ the contract is guarantee" i )ou 'a) this nu&%er$ itAs "e5nite an" co&'!ete an in"ication o there is a contract o sa!e i )ou ca!! it. E#en i )ou now the 'rice$ no in"ication that a contract o sa!e is guarantee"$ once the o?eree &aniests his acce'tance o the 5r& o?er. 4he o?eror !earns o it$ all a!vertisements are
&N'"= N& =" N% &'&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&L+. ^ ^ ^
/oral !amaes not usually rante! in a br each o contract . On!) the actual an! compensatory "a&ages. 4he "a&ages wi!! %e 'ro#e". Oa)$ an) other Guestions@ ;ou ust rea" the !ong "isGuisition o 4o!entino on the o?er an" acce'tance. But essentia!!)$ the PER'ECTION O' THE CONTRACT is when there is an o?er &a"e %) an o?eror an" has essentia! reGuisites o #a!i" contract e*ce't CONSEN4. 9cce'tance is a!so Gua!i5e"$ not iAs an" %uts$ i there are 'ro#isos$ that wou!" %e countero?er which &ust %e acce'te" %) the other 'art).
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52 L+%&L C&*&C$'> '" C"N',&C' ", %$@+ ')+$, C"N4+N' 4he) &ust %e o age an" not su?ering inca'acit) to act. Because i the) are$ one o the contracting 'arties$ e#en i ree!) gi#en$ one o the contracting 'arties has no. Consent gi#en is #itiate" %) the one 'art) has not cou!" not !ega!!) gi#e consent. 4he e?ect is @"$-L+ 1. 3as !ega! ca'acit) %ut #itiate" %) one o the 5#e #ices o consent oes to the #er) +ree"o&, or reeness, i the consent is #itiate" %) &istae$ then the consent that was gi#en was su?ering ro& &istae or error %ut &ust %e +&istae o act$ not !aw, 2. One o the !ega! 'arties has no ca'acit) . Wicti& o a rau" is a!so su?ering in a &istae o act$ in error as to the truth %ecause through the insi"ious wor"s an" &achinations o the other 'art)$ he gi#es consent. 3a" he nown a%out the true act heA!! %e su?ering un"er the &istae o act. But usua!!)$ one 'art) can %e &istaen without rau" 'er'ertrate" %) hi&. 4he o''osite is not true. 4he #icti& o rau"$ su?ering ro& &istae$ %ut a 'art) &a) %e &istaen without the nee" o insi"ious wor". In other wor"s$ thereAs not hos'ita! or hi&$ thereAs a hos'ita! or the craM) not or the tan&a.
4hree estates in /rench societ) then$ aristocrac)$ the church an" the &i!itar)$ the ourna!ists are the ourth estates. e#o!ution o the cae &aers$ !et the& eat cae. :ar) 9ntoinette. 4hen she cannot "is'ute it %ecause she !ost her hea"$ histor) is written %) the winners. 3ow &an) 4'&%+4 " -,UN=+NN+44 are there@ 4here are our stages o ine%riation. 1. 4OCOE 6@7 ater )ou i&%i%e one %ott!e or one g!ass o !iGuor$ the "run is ust #o!u%!e an" !oGuacious. 9n" he is #er) ha''). Can he enter into a contract@ 3e nows what heAs "oing. /ro& %eing !oGuacious an" ha'')$ so&eti&es he "ances aroun" an" ta!s a !ot 2. One &ore %ott!e.
9t the instance o the 'art) whose consent is #itiate"$ the 'art) who inVicte" rau" or the #io!ence is not wh) shou!" )ou %e a!!owe" to &ae the contract cannot %ene5t ro& his own wrong /i!e an action or annu!&ent. O course together with the orce or inti&i"ation or threat$ UESS Pure orce$ 'ossi%!)$ the contracting 'art) wi!! no !onger ha#e the ca'acit) to a* his signature$ %eat hi& u' unti! heAs unconscious$ how can he sign. In other wor"s$ )ou inVict orce 5rst then threaten hi& with &ore orce$ though it can %e 'ure inti&i"ation. Because thereAs sti!! the one who gi#es consent can sti!! "o so$ sign his na&e in the contract. e5nition o orce$ &rt 15. 4here is ;IOLENCE where in or"er to rest consent$ serious orce is e&'!o)e" %eat hi& u' unti! he sa)s )es$ i itAs ora!. I itAs #er%a!. I heAs su''ose" to a* signature. ;ou %etter 5n" out i !et han"e" or right han"e"$ goo" i a&%i"e*trous$ 5n" out which han" can sign$ the other han" "e'en"ing on the "e5nition o INTI*ID%TION inViction o great e#i! u'on his 'ersonQ'ro'ert)$ or "escen"ants$ s'ouse. 3igh thresho!" o 'ain. Or actua!!)$ his ner#es are "ea". Or the 'ain 'art o his %rain is "a&age" a!rea"). 3e can ust %eat hi& u' an" see contusions an" ractures %ut then what$ his ace is i&'er#ious to 'ain$ )ou can threaten not his 'erson %ut his 'ro'ert). ;ou &ight threate" Pro Esguerra$ to s&ash the win"shie!" o his %ran" new B:($ he &ight gi#e )ou a 1.0 through inti&i"ation. I wi!! i!! )our wie. o ahea"$ I ha#e a s'are. 4hen I wi!! regain &) ree"o&. (i!! it on!) inc!u"e leitimate relationship @ No it &ight inc!u"e the i!!egiti&ate. = !egiti&ate "aughters an" on!) one i!!egiti&ate son.
05 /arch 2009
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@$C+4 " C"N4+N' Sti!! on #io!ence. 1ND1E IN$L1ENCE taing un"ue a"#antage o oneAs su'eriorit) or wi!!$ resu!t o a&i!ia!$ con5"entia!$ s'iritua!$ other re!ations$ a''!ies to !aw)er c!ient re!ationshi'$ 'riest'enitent re!ationshi'$ atherson or gran"athergran"son$ 4he ineriorit) o wi!! on the 'art o the un"ue$ &enta! weaness$ ignorance or 5nancia! "istress or so&e other una#ora%!e %artering 'osition then the e?ect is constraine" o orce in a wa) to his consent %ecause the a!ternati#e is worse than the gi#ing o the consent. $R%1D #ice o consent$ dolo causante or causa! rau" not merely !olo inci!ente $ not the rau! in breach o an obliation. I )ou &ae that &istae$ IA!! !et )ou re'eat o%!igation. D INCIDENT%L $R%1D are those s!ight rau" wherein the 'art) who was "erau"e" wou!" sti!! ha#e gi#en consent to the contract ha" he nown the truth %ut wou!" ha#e %argaine" or so&e other concession. But sti!! gi#en consent !ie that e!!ow in"ustria!ist /ortunato 3a!i!i. D C%1%L $R%1D goes into the #er) heart o gi#ing o the consent. (ou!" not ha#e gi#en his consent ha" he nown the truth.
CONCE9L:EN4 O/ CE49IN /9C4S #eri!) 5n" out the truth$ cannot he!' the unwitting. 4he street argon$ 2the la+ cannot help the tan&a/3 No hos'ita! or it. Con5"entia! re!ationshi' %etween the two 'art)$ has "ut) to re#ea! the true acts. Un"er the o%!igation$ con5"entia! re!ationshi' %etween the agent an" the 'rinci'a!. Law)er an" the c!ient$ how a%out the "octor an" the 'atient$ I su''ose so a!so. E#en i the act wi!! &ae hi& "e'resse"$ sti!! )ou sha!! te!! the 'atient whatAs wrong with hi&. I he "oesnAt as$ the "octor wi!! not te!!. Un!ess ase"$ the "octor "oes not #o!unteer un!ess the) want to o'erate on )ou$ )our con"ition is worse. ;ou ha#e this$ one o )our coronar) arteries is %!oce"$ IA!! sche"u!e )ou or surger). /irst$ )our 'ro%!e& is sur#i#ing the o'eration. Secon"$ )our 'ro%!e& wi!! %e sur#i#ing the 5nancia! status. (i!! )our wea!th sur#i#e the o'eration@ S9LES 49LK O E9LEAS 49LK. E*aggeration o the tra"e$ sa!es&en wi!! e*to! the #irtues o the 'ro"ucts the)Are se!!ing. No sa!es&an who wi!! "enigrate their 'ro"uct un!ess the) inten" to !ea#e the co&'an). Otherwise he wou!"nAt reach his Guota an" out o the o% ne*t &onth. 9s !ong as he "oes not o#erste' the %oun"s o a!!owa%!e sa!es ta! an" "e!i%erate rau". 4he one who sa)s untruth nows the act$ %ut can a!so %e &istae o act. Causa! rau" other rau" wou!" not ha#e gi#en the rau" i he "oes now the true acts. 4he rau" i it "oes not o#erste' the act o rau"$ &ight %e cause o &istae or error on 'art o the 'erson who is &istaen. Error o act. Not usua!!) an error o !aw. Fust one &ention o error o !aw. :istae as to the !ega! e?ect o the transaction. ;ou "o not rea!iMe that actua!!)$ )ou use the wor"s there$ itAs tanta&ount to %eing a &ortgage$ starte" o? as a &ortgage o a 'arce! o !an". :ortgage o the i&'ro#e&ents to a ho&estea". In that case o Casilan v Rodri&ueB $ the one which in#o!#es the or&u!ation o the r" 'aragra'h o 9rt =2 6"e5nition o a goo" aith 'ossessor7 – &istae as a "ou%tu! or "icu!t Guestion o !aw$ ru!ing in the case o Casilan v Rodri&ueB . 9!so in#o!#es statutory construction. 4he contract was origina!!) "esigne" to get aroun" a !ega! 'rohi%ition$ which is oun" in the 3o&estea" Law or Pu%!ic Lan" 9ct. 4here is a 'rohi%ition$ the ho&estea" there is 'rohi%ite" ro& a!ienating or encu&%ering the ho&estea". But a!!owe" to encu&%er &ere!) the i&'ro#e&ents o the ho&estea"$ not the !an" itse!. (hat is a!!owe" is a!so the encu&%rance o this ho&estea" in a#or o OCC 5nancia! institution. 4he a%so!ute 'rohi%ition is or = )ears ro& the a''ro#a! ro& the ho&estea" a''!ication or the grant o the ho&estea" 'atent. I it is covere! 3ithin$ then it is voi!. 4hen there is a re"e&'tion c!ass to his heir to re!ie#e the ho&estea". (hatthe contracting 'art) here is an ho&estea" 'atent 6there was a tit!e a!rea") o Casi!an7 which is within the = )ear 'rohi%ite" 'erio". I&'ro#e&ents o the ho&estea". 9!!owe" to gather the ruits an" re'a) the interest o the !aw out o the ruits. In e?ect$ the rea! estate &ortgage is the cre"itor has 'ossession o the rea! 'ro'ert). 3e ust gets the 'u%!ic "ocu&entQ&ortgage "ocu&ent which in e?ect encu&%ers the 'ro'ert) or !an". But re&e&%er here$ what was &ortgage is &ere!) the i&'ro#e&ents in the ho&estea". 4here was e#en a sti'u!ation here that the ho&estea"er is going to as or the cance!!ation o the tit!e or ho&estea" 'atent an" then 5!e a !an" registration case$ he cou!" no !onger ha#e grant ro& the state as to the 'rohi%ition. 4he ho&estea"er is te!!ing the state or the court in the !an" registration case that the owner in easi%!e tit!e$ 'ri#ate !an" actua!!)$ ho&estea"Qree 'atent$ the a''!icant states or a"&its that the !an" is essentia!!) 'u%!ic !an" whereas in the !an" registration case he shou!" not a''ro#e. ItAs 'ri#ate !an". 4hereAs a "i?erence. I )ouAre 'u%!ication or ree 'atent or ho&estea" is a''ro#e"$ the !an" wi!! go %ac to the 'u%!ic "o&ain whereas in the !an" registration case$ grante" to the 'etitioner$ re#erts to the 'u%!ic !an". e&ains to %e 'ri#ate$ assu&'tion is that it is 'ri#ate. 4here are two in"s o !an"$ 'u%!ic !an"s an" 'ri#ate !an"s. 9&ong 'u%!ic "o&ains< a!iena%!e an" ina!iena%!e !ie orest an" &inera! !an"s. Cannot %e a!ienate" or gi#en %) wa) o ho&estea" or ree 'atent. o#erne" %) the orestr) co"e. :inera! !an"s are co#ere" %) &inera! co#ere" or &ining co"e. Essentia!!)$ un"er )our constitution an" )ou reach that one$ Biggest &arsh in the Phi!i''ines asi"e ro& Can"a#a$ the other one is Liguasan :arsh. Stra""!es Surigao an" 9gusan POIN4< D /utual error is a vitiation in the consent. Lega! e?ect o the agree&ent i the) were &istaen.
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/utual mistae o la3$ !ega! e?ect o the agree&ent. O''ortunit) to now the acts$ to now i it is true or not true. 4he c!ai&s o the other 'art) &a) not that is not rau"u!ent.
3ow a%out e6pression o the opinion < Not rau"u!ent 1NLE "one %) an e*'ert an" was re!ie" u'on$ there &ust %e re!iance. B!ue "ia&on" is the na&e o the Phi!i''ine air orce. CraM) isnAt it@ But thatAs how &) &in" wors$ an" thatAs or )ou an" &e. 4he #icti& o a rau" is what@ Su?ering un"er a &istae. Es'ecia!!) in the mistae o act i itAs not dolo causante$ itAs &ere!) a "o!o inci"ente$ the &istae o the other 'art) is this t)'e o rau"$ "oes not #itiate$ %ut &aes the other 'art) gui!t) o rau" liable or !amaes . (hat is a!!owe" is the usua! e*aggeration o the other 'art) an" no o''ortunit) to in#estigate the acts. :ust %e re!ie" u'on as to the true acts. 4o sa) that he was su?ering ro& the estate. 4hat is in e?ect a rau". Es'ecia!!) i the ge&o!ogist is in cahoots with the other contracting 'art). *IREPREENT%TION <8 % T)IRD PERON 69rt. 1R27 – not e*act!) rau" un!ess it is a su%stantia! &istae$ the one usua!!) gui!t) o rau" or causa! rau" is usua!!) the other contracting 'art) or so&eone who is in cons'irac) with one o the&. But re&e&%er$ the one who is the #icti& o rau"$ a!though he is su?ering ro& &istae o act$ &istae a!one wi!! %e the resu!t o a rau". 9 'art) can %e &istaen without an) he!' ro& an) other 'erson or contracting. ;ou can %e &istaen %) )our own !oneso&e se!. et it@ 4here$ i )ouAre &istaen on )our own$ )ou a!one has to %ear it %ecause it is )our au!t that )ou "i" not in#estigate. It is presume! that all persons tae oo! care o their o3n concerns$ "onAt e*'ect the !aw to %e a!wa)s on the !ooout or )our &istaes. I )ou "i" this with e)es wi"e o'en$ without the o''ortunit) to now the true acts$ wi!! not e*tricate )ou ro& %a" %argains. Un!ess it create" su%stantia! &istae$ it has to %e &utua!$ %ut i there is &isre'resentation. 3a" he nown a%out the true acts$ thatAs the e) to #itiation o consent. 4he other 'art) who "oesnAt now a%out the &istae$ i )ou wou!" ha#e i there is sti!! consent$ then thatAs not the &istae or e#en the rau" that wi!! #itiate the consent$ %ecause usua!!)$ itAs 'art to ree!) 5n" out the true state o the acts. 3e has enough ti&e then an) consent that he gi#es$ cannot %!a&e an)%o") e!se. So this &isre'resentation wi!! %e consi"ere" as we!! %ut i it is su''osing %oth 'arties 'er'etrate a rau" &utua! %oth o the&. 4he se!!er sa)s this is Vaw!ess = arats "ia&on"$ worth =00K %ut IA& se!!ing )ou or on!) >>K %ecause i )ou sa) 100K$ itAs e*'ensi#e$ thatAs the wa) &areters entice 'eo'!e to %u). ;ou ha#e a %argain. 4he) gi#e )ou can") )ou wi!! rea!iMe that )ou wi!! 'art with 200. (hat is the e?ect i there is rau". 4he %u)er 'a)s in countereit &one). Both o the& are manduru&as. '(" =$N-4 " /$4,+*,+4+N'&'$"N < es'ecia!!) a%out the !ega! ca'acit) es'ecia!!) age =/ %CTI;E 2. P%I;E B) the !oos$ a gu) who wi!! %u) %eer is a worrier not a warrior$ !oo !ie 21 not 1 [. 3e wi!! ha#e to wait or his 1J th %"a) an" ne#er te!! the cashier his age. Fust 'ro?er the &one).
Beore we !ea#e "uress$ Loo at 9rt 1=$ itAs the &ain artic!e on #io!ence an" inti&i"ation 6"uress7 to "eter&ine the "egree o inti&i"ation$ the age$ se* an" con"ition shou!" %e %orne in &in". But !oo at the R th 'ar 6!awu! c!ai& in a co&'etent authorit) "oes not #itiate the consent7 e#erentia! ear arai" to "is'!ease so&eone in a higher 'osition
10 /arch 2009 3ADGES O' 'RAUD 6in"ication o rau" in the contract7 – or +INICI9 O/ /9U, Usua!!)$ )ou use these or accion pauliana an" or 'ur'oses that there was a rau" in getting the consent o one o the contracting 'arties. courts are usua!!) on guar" now i there are %a"ges o rau" atten"ing to a contract. 4here is a 'roo or this. Can a!so %e use" or in"ication o si&u!ation. Oria v *c*ic'in& enu&erates %a"ges o rau". =/ Proo o !arge in"e%te"ness o one o the 'arties$ &ore !ie!) su?ering ro& 5nancia! "istress or inso!#enc)$ a!! his "e%tors are cursing hi& >/ Sa!e 'ro'ert) on cre"it %) inso!#ent "e%tor 6"oes not recei#e #a!ua%!e with no consi"eration7 either to "erau" cre"itor or 5ctitious sa!e to hi"e 'ro'erties a#ai!a%!e as %a"ges o si&u!ation ?/ 4ranser o 'ro'ert) ater suit is 5!e" F/ Ina"eGuate consi"eration 6worth 10 : is so!" or 100 K7 when not su''ose" to %e a%so!ute sa!e. Ina"eGuate consi"eration. G/ 4ranser o a!! or near!) a!! o "e%torAs 'ro'ert). such that "e%tor %eco&es inso!#ent H/ ross "is'arit) %etween 'rice an" #a!ue 'ro'ert) / Contract is %etween 'arent an" chi!" there can %e an ar&As !ength transaction %etween 'arent an" chi!". So there shou!" %e another transaction that shou!" go together with this %a"ge o rau" !ie gross "is'arit) or 're#ious co!!ection suit %) another 'art).
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REL%TI;EL8 I*1L%TED – usua!!) "e'en"s on #a!i" an" #oi" In relatively simulate!$ there are two contracts$ 1. Seen in the 'a'er or a%o#e the groun" WOI aa ostensible contract $ out there in the o'en 2. 3i""en – weAre intereste" in. It "e'en"s. 6Law)er!) answers$ usua!!) !o#e to Gua!i)7 &a) %e #a!i" i< not 'reu"ice thir" 'ersons o cause$ o%ect or 'ur'ose not contrar) to L:CPOPP o
"#J+C' " C"N',&C'4 D D
Certain or ascertaina%!e without nee" or a new agree&ent 4hing or ser#ice$ ust !ie a sa!e 6creates 'restation to "o$ gi#e or not to "o7
C)&,&C'+,$4'$C4 " "#J+C'A
eter&inate or at !east "eter&ina%!eQcertain or ascertaina%!e nee" not %e 'in'ointe" as a s'eci5c thing$ can %e "e!i&ite" generic thing or tru!) generic thing. 9s !ong as )ou now what is the o%ect o the contract
9ctua! an" e*isting or ca'a%!e o e*isting !ie uture things$ as !ong as it wi!! e*ist in the uture. Otherwise$ i that o%ect wi!! ne#er e*ist in the uture$ itAs not a 5t o%ect o the contracts. E.g. cannot ha#e o%ect o contract$ the "e!i#er) o the unicorn or the "e!i#er) o a 'tero"act)! e*ce't i )ou are going to "e!i#er the ossi!iMe" %ones o the 'tero"act)!$ %ut not the !i#e "inosaur that Vies. It &ust %e 'ossi%!e o e*isting$ ha#e actua! e*istence
Lawu! an" Licit o%ect o contracts. 4his o%ect is not contrar) to L:CPOPP Between so%s$ )ou can se!! )our inheritance a!rea"). (ait ti! he is e&%a!&e". ;ou thought he is "ea" %ut he is &ere!) co&atose. E&%a!&ers screa&$ +itAs alive,. 4he &o&ent or&a!"eh)"e "ri's to )our #eins$ )ouAre an o%ect. 9n)wa) he is %eing 'ai" or his ser#ices. o soðing a%out )our su!! i it %eco&es "eor&e" %ecause o %ig %u!!et ho!e. un o#er %) a truc. 4he) wi!! gi#e )ou )our !ast haircut. Beco&e an heir$ on!) when the &o&ent the 'erson ro& who& )ou are going to inherit "ies. 4hat e*act &o&ent )ou %eco&e an heir. I there are = or ten o )ou$ )ou a!! %eco&e coheirs an" coowners. 4he &ora! here is +%e o%e"ient to )our 'arents., Sa) a&en a!wa)s$ "o not co&&it gross "iso%e"ience %ecause groun"s or "isinheritance. But e#en i$ the) can se!! a!! their 'ro'erties an" )ou cannot co&'!ain$ un!ess )ou can 'ro#e that the) are s'en"thrit or craM) 6'ro"iga!it)7. 4he) can s'en" the &one) %) going aroun" the wor!". ;ou ha#e no cause to co&'!ain un!ess )ou can 'ro#e it$ in which case i )ou ai! to 'ro#e that the) are$ )ouA!! %e "isinherite". So the !esson$ ust %e on the goo" si"e o the 'erson )ouA!! inherit ro&.
Possi%!e. 3a#e no 'ossi%i!it) o e*isting or ser#ices that are i&'ossi%!e e.g. gui"e" tour o the core o the earth$ "onAt %e!ie#e Fu!es Werne. I )ou want to see the earth ro& the outer s'ace. ;ou can %oo a seat in the Wirgin E*'!orer. ussian cos&onaut$ )ou ha#e to train otherwise )ou &ight not tae the 'ressure. S'en" &onths in antigra#it) train. 9n" the) 'ro%a%!) )ou ha#e to swi& un"erneath a swi&&ing 'oo!. _20 :i!!ion
4rans&issi%!e or soðing that can %e transerre" ro& one 'erson to another. Certain ser#ices are non trans&issi%!e %) !aw$ !ie 5"e!it) an" consortiu& 6sirAs a#orite7. Nontrans&issi%!e an" nonassigna%!e %ecause the su%ect &atter o a 'ena! 'ro#ision.
ItAs "eter&ina%!e an" the one who "eter&ines &aes this o%ect "eter&inate is another 'erson$ can %e r" 'erson or one o the contracting 'arties. 4he contract is or the se!!er to se!! to the certain %u)er that the se!!er chooses to "e!i#er. 4he o%ect is one o his horses$ "eter&inate generic thing or it cou!" %e se!!ing one o his Boer 6south 9rican7 goats$ the other is Na&i%ian goats. Nati#e o south 9rica %ut the) ha#e %een reare" in so&e other ari" !an"s !ie 9ustra!ian. 4r) not to %e the goat o the c!ass$ so&eti&es the) %eco&e the &ost successu!. 4he) can %eco&e chie o sta? o the 9/P an" senator !ie o"o!o BiaMon who was the goat o his P:9 c!ass. 3e was a coo! custo&er in co&%at. I the o%ect o the contract cannot be !etermine!$ it wi!! %e void or inexistent . 4here is no o%ect. I one or two o the essentia! reGuisites o the #a!i" contract is a%sent$ either actua!!) a%sent or !ega!!) a%sent$ the contract is #oi" an" ine*istent$ actua!!)$ ine*istent. So i there is no o%ect$ the contract is ine*istent. 4he thing is going to %e so!" is one o the cars in the se!!erAs car co!!ection which his wie chooses. It is "eter&ina%!e$ %ecause the wie can "eter&ine to choose or "is'ose o. Or the thorough%re" horses in his ranch. Certain or at !east ascertaina%!e$ without nee" or new agree&ent$ then the contract is #oi".
C&U4& " C"N',&C'4 '),++ =$N-4 " C&U4&
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2. .
ONERO1 – usua!!) the causa o contract$ &eaning there is e*change o #a!ues %etween the two contracting 'arties. 4o the&$ itAs a!&ost eGui#a!ent #a!ues. Can %e a thing 6usua!!) &one)7$ so&eti&es the 'ro%!e& is with regar" 'urchase an" sa!e. (hat is the causa o sale: 4here are two causa$ causa as to the #en"or 6'urchase 'rice that %u)er wi!! 'a)7$ causa as to the %u)er 6thing that is going to %e "e!i#ere" to hi&Qso!"7 (hat "oes 4o!entino sa)@ 4he startin point o the contract is the .ub1ect o the sa!e$ the cau.a is the #a!ue that he wi!! gi#e in e*change or the sa!e. 69&%rosio o Pa"iAs Point$ that highest 'oint in 9nti'o!o$ nicna&e o 9&%rosio Pa"i!!a who use" to teach here %eore he ran or Senator7 RE*1NER%TOR8 – Or it cou!" a!so %e that the) wi!! both !o 6IA!! "o that )ou &a) "o7 – eg IA!! teach )our 'reschoo!er how to rea" %ut )ou su'er#ise the %ui!"ing o &) house. Usua!!) the other one is thing the other one is &one) #R%T1ITO1 – one 'art) wi!! 'art 'ro'ert) or ren"er ser#ice then the other 'art) 3ill not !o anythin in return. i#ing out o !i%era!it)$ on"ness$ generosit) an" the !ie. No e*change o #a!ues. One ust wants to gi#e to the other. i#e soðing out o !i%era!it) or on"ness. But the on"ness shou!" %e as 'ure as un"ri#en snow$ una!!o)e"$ no i&&ora! &oti#e. I wish )ou wou!" rea" that case o Li&ueB . 4hen the) use" on 'art o the in pari delicto rule. But the ones who trie" to reco#er the 'ro'ert)$ the wi"ow o the o!" &an an" his chi!"ren %ut the) were charge" o 'ri#iesQsuccessors in interest to the i!!ega! contract. enerosit) is a!so a causa %ut re&e&%er in co&&on !aw the) on!) recogniMe #a!ua%!e consi"eration.
Consi!eration is the causa o common la+ contracts . In our uris"iction 6ci#i! !aw7$ there are three causa. O.
Consi"eration – !ega! "etri&ent to the 'ro&isee the one to who& the 'ro&ise is &a"e which is &ore than a &ora! "ut). Parts with &one) or soðing o #a!ue$ the !ega! "etri&ent that is Guanti5a%!e in +!oss o o''ortunit), the si&i!e is the one 'art 'ro&ise to who& 'ro&ise is &a"e is either going to tae two courses o action he either goes to the !et or to the right o the ore" roa". Or two acti#ities$ he &a) choose one %ut %ecause o the 'ro&ise o the 'ro&issee$ )ou chose the other one. E.g. too u' !aw instea" o &e"icine or a Porsche car. Lega! "etri&ent to the 'ro&issor %ecause ha" )ou taen u' &e"$ )ouA!! %e a successu! "octor. Now that )ouAre in !aw$ )ouAre &isera%!e. Bargain or e*change" #a!ues$ which is the onerous one. ;ou cannot rewar" a transeree or his 'ast ser#ices not amounting to a -eman-abe -ebt . Lie a re&unerator) "onation that Sharon ga#e to her aithu! )a)a. Inc!u"e" in the co&&ercia!. ;a)a o the 'arent an" then now the )a)a o the son o the origina! %a%) that she too care o. (hat &ore !o)a! ser#ice "o )ou nee"@ i#e )our trustee )a)a a "onation$ thatAs ca!!e" a re&unerator) "onation$ or the 'ast ser#ices a!though she has %een 'ai" or her ser#ices %eore. 9t the ti&e she co&'!ete" her ser#ices$ she was 'ai" or her aithu! ser#ice. 4he causa there is to rewar" or 'ast ser#ices. Because i the ser#ices are sti!! to %e 'eror&e" in the uture$ that is onerous. Past ser#ices$ that sti!! a&ounts to "e&an"a%!e "e%ts$ 'a)ing an o%!igation$ a "e&an"a%!e "e%t. But i )ou 'ai" her %eore an" at the sa&e ti&e ga#e her "onation. Reti#ement bene2t – annuit). Out o )our &onth!) sa!ar)$ )ou are "e"ucte" to )our contri%ution then re&its it. Counter'art contri%ution o the e&'!o)er. 9nnuit) contract ca'ita!iMe" then at the retire&ent$ gi#en in !u&' su& or &onth!) 'ension. 4he un" that was accu&u!ate" through the )ears o ser#ice an" contri%ution is the ca'ita! o the un". Each &onth!) 'a)&ent is consi"ere" as the urits o that un". It is ca!!e" a ci#i! ruit. Perio"ica! inco&e. '),++ 1. 2. .
=$N-4 " ,U$' Ci#i! In"ustria! Natura!
Li&ueB wherein he is a &arrie" o!" &an who su?ere". State&ent o a a!se cause UNL+44 there is another causa that is true an" !awu!. O''osite o true causa. 4wo other characteristics< true an" !awu! an" e*isting. $na!euacy o cause can be a ba!e o mistae. Pro'ert) #a!ue" at ten ti&es &ore than the 'rice in"icate" in the contract. Can e#en inc!u"e contracts that are su%ect o "uress$ the consi"eration is a!so ina"eGuate i the one who inVicte" orce or inti&i"ation 'ai" a !itt!e %it or &ost !ie!) none at a!!. 9!! the groun"s o #itiating consent is a %a"ge o rau".
eer to &rt 1;09 *ar D5 . Cause or o%ect "i" not e*ist at the ti&e o transaction R. Outsi"e the co&&erce o &an *ars 1 an! < tru!) #oi" contracts.
",/ " C"N',&C'4 &rt 15E es'ecia!!) this is true or consensua! contracts$ in whate#er or& it &a) %e e.g. oral sale is vali! .
4he E4CEPTION is
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52 1. Law reGuires contract %e in some 0orm in or"er that it &a) %e valid e.g. "onation o rea! 'ro'ert)$ nee"e" or #a!i"it) or "onation o &o#a%!e 'ro'ert) &ust %e in writing or #a!i"it) o 2. In or"er that the) &a) %e en0orcea(le e.g. co#ere" %) statute o rau"s$ there shou!" %e written &e&oran"u& otherwise unenorcea%!e in other 'arties or its 'ri#ies . In certain wa) e.g. co#ere" %) statute o rau" or )ou 'ro#e that chatte! &ortgages )ou 'ro#e that in or"er to (ind third persons$ it &ust %e recor"e" in the chatte! &ortgage registr) R. ea! contracts nee" deliver! in a""ition to essentia! reGuire&ents$ otherwise the rea! contract is not 'erecte" !ie &utuu&$ si&'!e !oan$ co&&o"atu&$ '!e"ge an"n the rea! contract o "e'osit or "e'ositu&. Contract not 'erecte" unti! "e!i#ere" to the other 'art). Un!ess the '!e"ge or '!e"gor is not "e!i#ere". Loo at 15 an" 158 in these two contracts$ the !aw reGuire "ocu&ent or s'ecia! or& which is nee"e" to 'u%!ic "ocu&ent$ itAs not or vali!ity o the contract$ itAs or the real riht $ &a) %e transerre" to other contracting 'art). Loo at number 1. ea! rights o i&&o#a%!e 'ro'ert) 6Boo 2 o CC7 %ut it shou!" %e i&&o#a%!e 'ro'ert). E.g. the rea! right o rea! estate &ortgage itAs nee"e" that there &ust %e a 'u%!ic "ocu&ent O the highest o a!! rea! rights is ownershi'$ )ou nee" 'u%!ic "ocu&ent to trans&it it to the %u)er$ )ou nee" a 'u%!ic "ocu&ent. (ithout which$ the contract is voi! or is unenorceable as !ong as there is a in statute o rau!s in 1;02 number 2. Nee"e" a writing or written &e&oran"u& %ecause the &e&or) o &an$ !asts on!) one )ear. Statute 'asse" %) Eng!ish 'ar!ia&ent to 're#ent rau"s an" 'eruries. Because the 're&ise is the &e&or) o &an "oes not !ast a !ong ti&e. So )ou &ust &e&oria!iMe what the) agree" to$ the &ore orgetu! o the two wi!! orget what he agree" to. Lie!ihoo" that the other 'art) who c!ai&s to ha#e an acute &e&or) can 'er'etrate rau" u'on the au!t) &e&or). 6/or )our case$ itAs on!) &onths or one se&ester7. C!i''e" tongue 'rone to 're#arication$ recite to hi& the sti'u!ation he a!!ege"!) ha#e agree" to. In certain contracts$ this &ust %e &e&oria!iMe" in writing so that the 'arties wi!! not %e the #icti& o a rau". 4hatAs the %asis. But the statute or rau" on!) reGuires written &e&o so that the 'arties can now ha#e this written &e&oria! what "a)s to %e !ater on. But that wi!! no agree" to was the sa!e o a 'arce! o !an" which is an i&&o#a%!e 'ro'ert). 4hat written &e&oran"u& is not enough to transer the tit!e o ownershi' o#er the !an". &rt 158 is the 'u%!ic "ocu&ent. (hen one o the 'arties tries to enorce the o%!igation arising ro& the sa!e o that 'arce! o !an"$ he has to show the written &e&oran"u& an" then as the court to reGuire the se!!er to e*ecute the 'ro'er 'u%!ic "ocu&ent or the rea! right o ownershi' can %e transerre" to the %u)er otherwise it wi!! not %e transerre" )et. Es'ecia!!) so i that tit!e to that 'arce! o !an" is e#i"ence" %) a 4orrens tit!e registere" in the ci#i! registr). 4he contracting 'arties &a) co&'e! each other to o%ser#e the 'ro'er or& once the contract has %een e*ecute". 4here is now the action or s'eci5c 'eror&ance. Not on!) to "e!i#er s'eci5c 'arce! o !an" %ut a!so 'u%!ic ownershi'. &rt 158 Number 1 Certain contracts nee" 'u%!ic "ocu&ent !ie transer o rea! 'ro'erties. E.g. right o usuruct$ ease&ent$ rea! estate &ortgage rights o#er rea! 'ro'ert) so that once there is a 'u%!ic "ocu&ent$ an" when it is registere"$ it wi!! %in" the entire wor!". /or this to %e e*tinguishe"$ transerre"$ &o"i5e" or trans&itte"$ not or #a!i"it) %ut or the rea! right to %e create". 4o&orrow$ reor&ation then inter'retation an" rescissi%!e contracts. DE$ECTI;E CONTR%CT< thin a%out the 'ro#ision an" co&&entar)$ what are the "eecti#e$ nature o "eects$ is the contract cura%!e$ who can an" how$ what is the 'erio" or curing. I )ou are going to attac the contract$ how$ wi!! )ou attac it ronta!!) or on the si"es 6co!!atera!!)7$ who can attac it$ what is the ti&e ra&e or attacing. Curing an" attacing. (ho$ when an" how. 4hatAs the ra&e o reerence.
15 January 2009
",/&L C"N',&C'4 ormal contracts a. onation %. Sa!e o !an" c. Sa!e o !an" through agent$ &ust %e in writing otherwise$ the sa!e wi!! %e #oi" 6 &rt 18;7 ". 9ntichresis 6&rt 21;7 State&ent o the a&ount so!" an" interest 6&ust %e in writing7 in or"er that antichresis &ust %e #a!i" so )ouA!! now the ruits o rea! 'ro'ert). Because the cre"itor is gi#en authorit) with the 'ro'ert)$ %ut he wi!! a''!) the net ruits earne" %) the 'ro'ert) towar"s the 'a)&ent o interests an" the 'rinci'a!. /ruits wi!! 'a) or the entire thing$ su%ect &atter is rea! 'ro'ert). e. Interest or using so&eone e!seAs &one) 6&rt 195E7 . Chatte! &ortgage 6writing in the "ee" o chatte! &ortgage$ &ost !ie!) the 'u%!ic "ocu&ent %ecause recor"e" in chatte! &ortgage registr) in the register o "ee"s o cit) or &unici'a!it)7. In a""ition to the writing$ the
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a""ition o chatte! &ortgage &ust ha#e a5davit o0 &ood 0aith which &eans that the 'arties attest to the act that the chatte! &ortgage is consensua! 6@7. Can re"uce "i!igence ro& e*traor"inar) to or"inar)$ 'ro#i"e" that the sti'u!ation is in writing$ signe" %) the shi''er an" su''orte" %) other ser#ices o the carrier 9rt 1RR 9rt 1 – Partnershi'$ itAs an agree&ent a!so$ can %e &a"e ora!!) BU4 where i&&o#a%!e 'ro'erties or rea! rights are contri%ute" to the 'artnershi'$ 5n" out i itAs rea! rights o#er i&&o#a%!e 'ro'ert). ItAs a &o#a%!e 'ro'ert) or interest in i&&o#a%!e 'ro'ert). there &ust %e an in#entor). 4he contract o 'artnershi' &ust %e a "ocu&ent it &ust %e attache" to the 'u%!ic "ocu&ent an in#entor) o sai" rea! 'ro'ert) an" in a""ition there &ust %e an a''raisa! o a #a!ue 6how &uch the #a!ue o the 'ro'ert)7 instea" o the &one)$ there is rea! 'ro'ert). in#entor) signe" %) the 'ro'ert). '!us an state&ent o the #a!ue.
&rt 11 – not cre"it %ecause itAs 'ersona! right. On!) rea! rights 6those which are enorcea%!e against the who!e wor!"7 e.g. right o '!e"ge cre"itor o#er the &o#a%!es 8%ut the '!e"ge is an accessor) act. Catt!e accessor) act$ in a sa!e o !arge catt!e$ there &ust %e transer o certi5cation which in the Phi!i''ines$ there are on!) three< cows$ cara%aos an" horses. No e!e'hants$ in 4hai!an" there is. 3ow a%out gira?e in Ca!auit Is!an"s. 4hese are actua!!) not o%ects o tra"es$ there is a con#ention or en"angere" s'ecies 6CI4ES@ – con#ention on internationa! tra"e o en"angere" s'ecies7. 4hereAs a contra'tion insi"e the stocings wherein the 'arrots are e't in a c)!in"rica! tu%e. Not on!) o en"angere" %ir"s %ut e#en a&'hi%ians 6!iMar"s7 e#en snaes. Contracts are vali! 3hatever orm they may be unless they are ormal contracts 3hich are reuire! to have in 3ritin. ea! contracts which reGuire the "e!i#er) o the contract as in "e!i#er) o &one) in "atu&$ o%ect o co&&o"atu& 6%ut 5n" out what in" o 'ro'ert) &a) %e su%ect o co&&o"atu&$ &o#a%!e or i&&o#a%!e$ actua!!) the answer is %oth7 . )ou can a!so %orrow rea! 'ro'ert). ;ou can %orrow a con"o& gratuitous!). Fac Le&on$ gru&') o!" &an. Shir!e) soðing. &rt 158 Constructive !elivery e*ecution o 'u%!ic "ocu&ent %ecause it wi!! transer the rea! right$ %ut wi!! it %in" thir" 'ersons@ NO un!ess that 'u%!ic "ocu&ent is recor"e" in the 'ro'er registr). It wi!! on!) %in"< the two contracting 'arties an" 'ri#ies to the contract 6heirs$ e*ecutors an" assigns7. 4he estate is now the re'resentati#e o the "ecease" 'art). Pu%!ic "ocu&ents are necessar) to %in" thir" 'ersons or the entire wor!". (ithout that$ the 'u%!ic "ocu&ent an" registration. E.g. 4orrens 4it!e S)ste&$ tit!e to !an"$ e#i"ence o ownershi'. 4he owner &a) ha#e acGuire" 'arce! o !an" %) wa) o grant ro& the state un"er the Pu%!ic Lan" 9ct 6ho&estea" T tit!e o ownershi'$ ree 'atent$ sa!es 'atent an" !ease our wa)s to a''!) 'u%!ic "o&ain7. Not the tit!e o the !an" )et$ he sti!! has to go to the registr) o "ee"s an" register o 'ro'ert)$ then the issue a certi5cate o tit!e. It is ca!!e" origina! certi5cate tit!e 6a!! co&'i!e" accor"ing to seria! nu&%er$ the owner is &ere!) gi#en a "u'!icate certi5cate7. 9n) other su%seGuent to that is certi5cate transer o tit!e. Un"er the Constitution$ the &a*i&u& area )ou can acGuire in this 'ro#isions< ho&estea" %eore 2R ha$ now a!! three ha#e %een !i&ite" to 12 ha$ %ecause weAre running out o 'u%!ic !an". ;ou now how %ig the !an" 'ro'ert) o Phi!i''ines@@ 0 : ha on!). Now I thin it is 0$ 200 000 : %ecause o rec!a&ation. 4he !ow ti"e is what use" to %e the high ti"e %eore. (hat i certain is!ets sin@ Lan" area wi!! increase.
Once a certain contract e*ists ro& the grant o the 'atent$ there is a 'rohi%ition ro& a!ienating or encu&%ering a ho&estea" e*ce't in the contro! o OCC ater = )ears he can se!! it %ut the sa!e &ust %e e#i"ence" %) a 'u%!ic "ocu&ent. It &eans that there shou!" %e or&a! acnow!e"ge&ent %eore the notar) 'u%!ic recor"e" in the notaria! %oo. Signe" %) the 'arties an" their witnesses. (hen the se!!er e*ecutes this 'u%!ic "ocu&ent an" "e!i#ers it to the %u)er$ then there has %een a transer o the ownershi' in the tra"ition or "e!i#er) %) #irtue o "e!i#er) o the 'u%!ic "ocu&ent o sa!e is construe" as constructi#e "e!i#er) o the !an" e*ce't that there is a c!ai&ant occu')ing ht e!an"$ thereA!! %e a 'ro%!e& there. Nor&a!!) when there is no a"#erse c!ai&ant$ the ownershi' is a!so transerre". But he &ust surren"er the 4C4 together with the a%so!ute "ee" o sa!e in his a#or tot the register o "ee"s so the) wi!! now cance! the ownerAs "u'!icate an" cance! an" issue a new one$ or the transer certi5cate o tit!e. But itAs in the recor"ing an" the one that contro!s it is the origina! certi5cate o tit!e in the oce o registrar. &nythin not annotate! on the bac is not bin!in upon thir! persons they can reister it as not encumber by any liens. ItAs a two 'age 'a'er that at the %ac is %!an or the annotation o encu&%rances. 4he &ortgage cre"itor can as the register to annotate un!ess that is cance!!e"$ itAs an encu&%rance$ the 'u%!ic "ocu&ent that e#i"ences the rea! estate &ortgage. 4hen cance!!ation is a!so annotate" there. So a!! )ou nee" to "o is the tit!e$ the %u)er can re!) on the recor" o the ci#i! registr). ;ou nee" this 'u%!ic "ocu&ent in or"er to transer the rea! rights$ o course. But the contract o sa!e is a!rea") #a!i" once there is consent 6it is consensual re&e&%er7. Bin"s %oth contracting 'arties %ut since it creates the reci'roca! o%!igation$ the) ha#e reci'roca! o%!igation$ cannot "e&an" ro& the se!!er the e*ecution o a%so!ute "ee" o sa!e un!ess he 'a)s the u!! 'urchase 'rice$ )et the se!!er can te!! hi&$ IA& not reGuire" to e*ecute the 'u%!ic "ocu&ent %ecause )ou ha#enAt 'ai" in u!!. E*ecute the 'ro'er 'u%!ic "ocu&ent. 4here is another 'ro%!e&$ a sa!e o rea! 'ro'ert) or an interest in rea! 'ro'ert) is co#ere" %) statute o rau" which &a) %e inherite" ro& the Eng!ish&en. Laws 'asse" %) Eng!ish 'ar!ia&ent. uring the ti&e o the 4u"ors$ )ou nee" a written &e&oran"u& otherwise the contract wi!! %e unenorcea%!e. Lie!ihoo" that there wi!! %e arau" 'er'etrate" %) one on the other. Beore a %u)er can reGuire the se!!er to e*ecute the 'ro'er or&$ at the ti&e o the sa!e$ the) &ust now ha#e written "own their contract sa)ing i the !an" is tit!e"$ there shou!" %e technica! "escri'tion o the !an". Lan" sur#e)s$ "irection o the co&'ass o each 'oint in the %oun"ar)$ 'eri&eter. ItAs ca!!e" sur#e)$
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52 "irection an" "istances are &easure" against a %ig &a' wherein the &unici'a!it) is 5*e" &onu&ent or the 'ur'oses o sur#e)s. 4he 'ur'ose o those %ig concrete c)!in"rica! &onu&ent. 4he coor"inates o that 5*e" &onu&ent nown re!ati#e to the surace o the earth. I itAs a hi!!) !an"$ )ouA!! get &ore surace area. E#en i itAs hi!!)$ the) ha#e that stic. 4he engineering stu"ents with a stic. 4he) trie" to 5n" the 'erect !e#e! so i itAs inc!ine"$ the) !e#e! it out. :ore surace %ut %e careu! %ecause it &ight s!i"e together with )our house. 9!! o the contracts that are co#ere" %) statute o rau"s reGuire" a written &e&o. Wa!i" %etween the 'arties$ %ut su%ect to %e cha!!enge as unenorceable i lacin. Later on$ IA!! as )ou the minimum reuirement or the co&'!iance o statute o rau". :ini&u& a&ount o "ata in the &e&oran"u&. &rt 15 Co#ere" %) the statute o rau" i "oes not ha#e written &e&oran"u&$ wor" o honor$ he wi!! honor his wor" e#en i unenorcea%!e to the 'arties an" the 'ri#ies.
,+",/&'$"N " $N4',U/+N'4 (hat canAt %e reor&e"@ 4hree contracts there in )our out!ine$ %ut is that a!!@ D 4imple !onation inter vivos without con"ition i&'ose" 6a%so!ute !i%era!it)7 D Last 3ill an! testament 6%ecause the &aer o the instru&ent is a!rea") "ea"7 – the) ha#e a%o!ishe" the 2lim(o3 %ecause the) on!) "o !i&%o rac there. D @oi! contracts Nothing co&es out o nothing. D "ral contract – Not in writing. 3ow can )ou reor& that@ ItAs not 5*e"- eor&ation o instru&ent$ soðing &ust %e written. 4he contract entere" into %) the 'arties is a!rea") #a!i" %ut whatAs wrong with it@ ItAs the e*'ression that IA#e %een te!!ing )ou. 3etween t+e cu* an- t+e it, t+e#e i. man! a .i*0 9''!ie" to this$ )ou a!rea") agree" ora!!) to the contract$ %ut since the contract are to %e re"uce" in writing$ there was a s!i'$ the contract as written "oes not show or e*'ress the true intent o the 'art). (h)@@ Because soðing went wrong$ an" what went wrong@ In writing it "own$ soðing was &isse". 100 & 2 %ut in the writing$ 100 39. Or there is an a""e" 0 there$ it %eca&e 1000 & 2. But that wasnAt the intention o the 'art). (hat 3as the cause o the 3ritten contract not e6pressin true intention: D /rau" D :istae D 9cci"ent D Ine*cusa%!e con"uct 6 &rt 1E2D1E57
4he contract is a!rea") #a!i"$ whatAs wrong with it$ translation rom oral to 3ritten is where the co&'!aint is a!! a%out. It "oes not e*'ress the true intentions o the 'art)$ the one is co&'!aining asing the court a!!ows the reor&ation o the instru&ent to &ae it e*'ress the true intentions o the 'arties.
12 /arch 2009
,+4C$44$#L+ C"N',&C'4 • •
In %etween #a!i" an" #oi" Perect!) #a!i" e*ce't that there is economic pre
)o3 many rescissible contracts are there: =@ 4here is a si*th one- &rt 182 &rt 181 is couche" in genera! ter&s so )ou "onAt now which is e*'ress!) "ec!are" rescissi%!e in !aw S'ecies o a''!ication o 9rt 11>1 6i&'!ie" reso!utor) con"ition attache" to a reci'roca! o%!igation7 )ouA!! ha#e to "istinguish these two. 4hose e*a&'!es there$ a!! other contracts es'ecia!!) "ec!are"$ the)Are actua!!) reso!ution. +ssentially there?s J. 9& I correct@
4hese rescissi%!e contracts are vali! unti! rescin"e" %) !irect action in court. 6"irect attac7 ;ou cannot attac rescissi%!e contract. Light %riga"e$ !ast ca#a!r) charges o horse ri"ing ca#a!r) were the Po!ish ocersQca#a!r)&en an" er&an sir&isher. 9ter that no &ore horse ri"ing ca#a!r) &en$ on!) or cere&onia! 'ur'oses to attract tourists. 4he rest o the ca#a!r) are ri"ing insi"e tans. 4he) get %!own an)wa)$ es'ecia!!) when it hits a !an"&ine. 9n)wa)$ ne#er &in"$ itAs ust that IA& a&using &)se!$ otherwise$ I wi!! %e "e'resse". 9ttac "irect!) in an action or rescission . (hich &eans )ou cannot inter'ose the rescissi%!e nature o a contract as a counterc!ai& or in an answer. 4he contract that sought to %e enorce" through an action or a s'eci5c 'eror&ance$ )ou wi!! ha#e to 5!e a "irect action or rescission. /or ;OID%
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52 1 an" 2 a!! &ention !esion which are econo&ic 'reu"ice. LEION – essentia!!) ina"eGuac) o consi"eration or the transer o ownershi' o 'ro'ert). 2Essentiall! a thin (and o0 contracts3 a!! contract entere" into guar"ian or war" wherein the #a!ua%!e consi"eration is 2= o the 'ro'ert). 3ow "o )ou 'ro#e it@ In the e)es o the u"ge is "is'ro'ortionate to the #a!ue. Pro"uce the testi&on) o e*'erts that the #a!ue o 'ro'ert) is a%out the sa&e e.g. #a!ue" at 10K$ the a''raiser >$>00 or 10$100. But i their o'inions are #arie"$ 'ro%a%!) )ou ha#e arrange" it. ItAs in the e)es o the u"ge. ItAs &ore than 2=. In the actua! case$ it shou!" %e soðing that the u"ge is soðing #er) &uch !ess. Econo&ic 'reu"ice. 4hin %an" o contracts. Not a!! contracts entere" into %) the guar"ian$ wi!! %e rescissi%!e !i&ite" an" une*'an"a%!e. 4here &ust 5rst %e an accrua!$ 6se!! 'ro'ert) to war"7 it is reGuire" that he as 'er&issionQauthorit) to se!! ro& guar"ianshi' court 6the court which grante" the guar"ianshi'7.
3ar"!) no &ore !u&%er ro& trees e*ce't coco !u&%er %ecause we ha#e ran out o orest trees. So we are now cutting coconut truns which i )ou are not careu! s&oothen it %) wa) o '!ane$ %e careu! )ou &ight su?er ro& s'!inters 6saludsod7. 4he 'art o coconut at the %ase$ itAs the har"est 'art. 4he i&&ature one at the to' o the trun. (hether to' or %otto&$ %e careu!. (hat "o )ou care a%out coconuts. Ne#er &in" how &uch the #a!ueQ'rice it was so!" or$ the contract is #a!i". /or another$ the a"&inistrator i he se!!s the 'ro'ert) %e!onging to his war" without authoriMation ro& the court or without authoriMation ro& the owner es'ecia!!) in the guar"ianshi'. Contracts co#ere" %) these$ contracts entere" into %) guar"ian$ %) #irtue o 'owers o a"&inistration$ not 'owers o ownershi' thatAs wh) itAs thin %an" o contracts. 9''!ies to those contracts entere" into %) the guar"ian %) #irtue o his 'owers o a"&inistration an" he has no 'owers o ownershi'. So essentia!!)$ it wi!! %e a!! a%out the sale o ruits o property belonin to the 3ar! . I or e*a&'!e the 'ro'ert) owne" %) the war" is a coconut '!antation. E#er) 0 "a)s the &ature" coconut are gathere". e&o#e coconuts so that the) can %e use" or can"ies. (hat "o )ou ca!! those can"ies again@ Nata de coco is a %acteria$ t)'e o aci!!o%acter that !o#es to eat the sugar insi"e the coconut water. the) eat it an" or& a 5!&. 4he waste o the %acteria is nata "e coco an" coo it in s)ru'. (hatever 3as iven must be returne!. In act there was a state&ent %) Fura"o$ C&N $' #+ ,&'$$+- @ It is convali!ate! only %) 'rescri'tion o the action$ not %) rati5cation. I -on5t t+ink t+at i. e/act! co##ect0 E#en or #oi"a%!e contracts$ i the 'erio" or 5!!ing annu!&ent !a'ses$ itAs a!so con#a!i"ate". 4hen )ou !ose the action to rescin" an" annu!. Because the contracts are #a!i" unti! #a!i" or annu!!e" res'ecti#e!). Su''osing the war" rea!iMing !ater ater the sa!e that the ruits o the 'ro'erties were so!" at the 2= o the #a!ue$ an)wa)$ use" or &) sustenance ne#er &in" I su?ere" a !ot. uar"ian is orgi#en. (hat is that$ 'ro!!) itAs a wai#er %ut i he sa)s that he te!!s transeree$ ne#er &in" IA!! no !onger 5!e an action. I recogniMe &) guar"ian so!" the ruits or )ou or !ess than = o the #a!ue. 3e is confrmin&. I )ou "onAt 5!e action or rescission an" annu!&ent$ the 'erio" is our )ears ater gaining ca'acit) to act. (hen te wherea%outs are nown our )ears start to run$ the case o CONTRACTS IN 'RAUD O' CREDITORS $ R )ears ro& the now!e"ge o rau"u!ent transaction. Litigation in nu&%er R$ our )ears or the now!e"ge o the sa&e. 9!so our )ears. our years is the avorite number o the civil co!e. our an! ten but more on our.
(atch out or actions that are imprescriptible e6cept or application o estoppels by laches . IA& "ec!aring )ou in esto''e!. ItAs unust i )ou are a!!owe" to 'rosecute this action. ItAs a courts in the Phi!i''ine are both courts o la3 an! euity. In Eng!an"$ thereAs "istinction %etween court o chancer)$ court o Gueen an" courts o 6soðing e!se Chi "i"nAt catch7. 'ae not not only o perio! but also no3in 3hen to start countin. i?erentiates run o the &i!! an" core o 6soðing7. ;ou ought to now the e*tincti#e 'rescri'tion o action '!us the ti&e )ou start counting the 'erio".
9n action or rescission 'ro'er in 182 an" 181 are actua!!) a reme!ial an! subsi!iary action . I thereAs an) other re&e") !ie "a&ages$ thatAs the re&e") that the '!ainti? shou!" 5!e or choose. $ the transeree is in oo! aith an! core value onerous an! in oo! aith you C&NN"' ,+4C$N- ')+ C"N',&C'. It can on!) %e rescin"e" i #R%T1ITO1 e.g. in si&'!e "onations$ ne#er &in" i transeree is in goo" aith$ an)wa) he "i"nAt 'art with #a!ua%!e consi"eration. But in ONERO1 contracts or causa$ the 'urchase an" sa!e agree&ent )ou cannot rescin" contract i the transeree i the transeree is in goo" aith an" or a consi"era%!e #a!ue. 3e was a%!e to tae 'ossession o it$ register the sa!e then thereAs no wa) )ou can rescin" that an)&ore. 3eAs !et with the cre"itor ha#ing to run ater whate#er 'ro'ert) the inso!#ent has !et. Foins other cre"itor o the inso!#ent "e%tor. (ait or the recei#er to !iGui"ate the inso!#entAs estate an" "istri%ute the "i#i"en"s.
&rt 1;01 Number 1< without authorit) ro& the court e#en i there is the reGuire" econo&ic 'reu"ice o &ore than 2= o its #a!ue 4here is another t)'e o sa!e that a guar"ian &a) "o< he se!!s 'ro'ert) %e!onging to the war" without &entioning that he is "oing so as an a"&inistrator or the guar"ian. 3e 'reten"s to %e the owner. 4hatAs the 'ro'ert) o the war"$ what
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52 is the "eecti#eness o the contract. Certain!) it is not rescissi%!e. ItAs %e)on" his 'ower. $4 $' UN+N",C+L+ ')+N ", 4"/+ "')+, -++C'$@+N+44: et that@ 4hat is or a 'ro%!e& )ou ha#e to 'on"er. ItAs %a" to gi#e )ou the thin %an"$ this one is another %an". -istinuishment bet3een accion subroatoria an! accion pauliana in num ber o 181 4ranser o 'ro'ert) su%ect o !itigation without consent o< 617 court hearing the case O 627 the other 'art) !itigant. No !is 'en"ens 6annotation su%ect o !itigation7 who 5!es action or rescission as a su%si"iar) action@ 4hereAs no other wa) to as or rescission$ %ut there can %e "a&ages. 4hen action or rescission is "irect!) 5!e" or rescin"e" contracts. 4upposin the same property is involve! in three cases $ who can 5!e$ can an)one o the '!ainti? 5!e action or rescission or on!) that one !itigant who is actua!!) in#o!#e" in ust one case. IA& not in#enting it. ea" careu!!)$ itAs so&ewhere there.
&rt 1;01 Number 5. 9!! other contracts s'ecia!!) "ec!are" %) !aw su%ect to rescission. Un"er 1098$ e*trau"icia! 'artition. 4here is a co&&issioner who 'resents 'roect o 'artition eGua!@ =th one got on!) 00K. 3e trie" to se!! it. 3e can go %ac unti! one o the 'artitioners$ i )ou "onAt agree to each one o )ou gi#e &e = K each$ the our o )ou$ that wou!" %e 00K or is it the) wi!! a!so get. It ust e#ens out so each one wi!! recei#e. 4he #a!ue o net estate is R.: "i#i"e it %) =$ thatAs what the) wi!! get T >00K each 4*+C$+4 " %+N+,$C &,'$CL+ &N- &**L$C&'$"N " 1191 1. 1=> 2. 1== 'artia! e#iction . 1=0 hi""en encu&%rances R. 1= hi""en "eects =. 1=R2 sa!e o i&&o#a%!e or sing!e 'rice . 1=R . 1=2 J. 1=> Leases &rt 18E &rt 18 'resu&'tions onor is &ore charita%!e to strangers than his cre"itors-
ONEOUS< i there has %een a!so &a"e in rau" o cre"itor$ a!rea") a writ o attach&ent or u"g&ent against inso!#ent "e%tor. Ne#er &in" who o%taine" that writ o attach&ent or u"g&ent cre"itor. 4hatAs wh) in one o the %a"ges o rau"$ sa!e has %een &a"e ater u"g&ent has %een 'ro&u!gate" or writ o attach&ent has %een issue" in a#or o not e#en the cre"itor hi&se! or another r" 'erson cre"itor La3 o evi!ence T essentia!!) the other %a"ges o rau"$ &rt 188 a&ages can a!so %e i&'ose" u'on transeree i he is in %a" aith. Entere" into a rau" o cre"itors is in co!!usion with the inso!#ent "e%tor so )ou can as or "a&ages.
I there is other !ega! &eans to re'air "a&ages or other cre"itor has in a#or '!e"ge$ antichresis$ &ortgage or other or&s o securit). escission wi!! a!so $%IL i '!ainti? cannot return what he &ust return or restore. Or i the o%ect is in the han"s o r" 'ersons who acte" in goo" aith. I he 'arte" with #a!ua%!e consi"eration. (ho can assail: Inure" 'art) e.g. war"$ a%sentee$ cre"itor o inso!#ent "e%tor$ 'art) !itigant$ co'artitioners Until 3hen: R )ears ater gain or regain ca'acit) to act or a%senteeAs "o&ici!e is nown or his "o&ici!e is not in Lo)o!a %ecause :aster a''er was %urie" there. Fust %eing i&'ish %ut rea!!) itAs a. 3ow o!"@ RR. O'a! an& damin& suma&ot/ See RR. /our )ears to 5!e action- 3aha. (hen to start countin: /our )ears ro& 'artition. @oi!able contract nee! not be cure!. I thin )ou can cure rescissi%!e %) con5r&ing ater now!e"ge. 9cnow!e"ge it$ ne#er &in" guar"ian so!" coconut ruits o '!antation$ an)wa) I ate ha! o it. ItAs his !ooout now. I "i"nAt su?er too &uch %ecause %) the sa!e o that I %eca&e ha'') an" contente". I "i"nAt not ha#e high %!oo" 'ressure un!ie &) guar"ian. 4hen i )ou are going to cure it$ i )ou want to cure it since itAs #a!i" an)wa) an" the action or 5!ing rescission it re&ains #a!i".
Pero a'ag inon"one na %a$ hin"i na 'e"e icontest@ 4i&e cure" it. (ithin the our )ear 'erio"$ )ou cannot %e nowing he has an action to rescin". ItAs not e#er)"a) )ou can rescin". et it@ ()&'?4 ')+ N&'U,+
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52 +Hect o contractA #a!i" or #oi" or unenorci%!e Can you assail it: /irst can )ou attac it$ )o3 is attac ma!e: irect or co!!atera! 'hen 3ho may attac it: (ho can?t: *erio! or attacin: 4hen curing 6usuall! ever!thin& is cured (! time$ a!! o these "eecti#e contracts can %e cure" %) ti&e$ e#en i itAs #oi"$ i the 'arties "e!i#ere" to each other$ who wi!! e#er co&'!ain e#en i itAs #oi"7. 4he trou%!e is when the thir" 'erson waes u' an" rea!iMes. % third person aKected (! void contract can assail it . So )ou shou!" %e &in"u! o this ra&ewor. Because itAs easiest to un"erstan" this through that. 9ttac cure. (hat canAt %e cure" &ust %e en"ure".
1 /arch 2009 (eAre through with RECII
@"$-L+ C"N',&C'4 ;OID%
4he one who 5!es action or annu!&ent is the one whose consent is #itiate" or no ca'acit). Fust !ie in active misrepresentation. Esto''e! is al3ays a !eense $ )ou cannot use esto''e! ust !ie the thrusting o Bra" Pitt in 4ro). 3e was #er) agi!e e*ce't that he ha" a hee! that is na&e" ater hi&$ a!! %ecause the &other "i" not "i' inc!u"ing her han"s so that her han"s wi!! %e in#u!nera%!e as we!!. King 9rthur< the %u!!et that wi!! i!! &e has not )et %een &anuacture". /oo!har")$ a!! war 'ro'agan"a to 'roc!ai& that he is in#u!nera%!e. Can this %e rati5e" or the generic na&e is rati5cation$ %ut it is actua!!)$ soðing a%out the !ega! ca'acit). 4he 'art) su?ering ro& !ega! inca'acit) ater regaining$ he con5r&s the contract. It is rea!!) C"N$,/&'$"N . +6amples o acts that necessarily means I"PLIED RATI'ICATION in &rt 19A 1. (hen the &inor$ ater reaching the age o &aorit) an" he 5!es an action 0or specifc per0ormance 6enorce o%!igation arising ro& the contract7 2. &rt 1;01 as !ong as the thing o the contract can %e returne". But what i it were !oss through ortuitous e#ent 6can )ou sti!! 5!e an action or annu!&ent@7 /ay a uarantor or surety fle or action or annulment: ;ES. Because the CC sa)s so$ e*ce't that )ouA!! ha#e to now that he is 'rinci'a!!) %oun". (ho may eHect annulment: 4he guar"ian in %eha! o the war". ++C' " &NNUL/+N'A e#erte" to status Guo %eore entering the contract. eturn whate#er the) ha#e recei#e". Inc!u"ing the ruits an" 'rice an" interest o the 'rice. E*ce't in cases 'ro#i"e" %) !aw$ re#ert to &rt 118 6or reci'roca! o%!igations7. )o3 many course o action or the cre!itorA 1. s'eci5c 'eror&ance 2. rescission
I want )ou to co&e to )our ora! e*a&s chir') an" 'ush) instea" o haggar"$ at the 5rst Guestion$ )our tire" &in" wi!! go %!an. 4hereAs a "i?erence %etween a %!an &in" an" c!ear &in". ;ouA!! now that )ou "o not now. 4aing a"#antage o the %ene5ts is &ere!) esto''e!
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52 $ t3o minors an! the other one !oes not 3ant to ratiyA "e'en"s i oint or so!i"ar). $
UN+N",C+L+ C"N',&C'4 NatureA inter'ose" as a "eense$ when the other gui!t) 'art) "e&an"s 'eror&ance /ore !iGcult oneA UN+N",C+L+ C"N',&C'4 1 an" are eas) 2 is the har"est ()&' $< one 'art) is insane 6inca'acitate"7 an" the other is &inor 6#itiate"7
contract is unenorcea%!e
Usua!!) one who has on!) 'owers o a"&inistrators e*ercise 'owers o ownershi'. Or o#erste's the authorities o s'ecia! 'ower o attorne). In e*cess o authorities grante" to hi& %) his 'rinci'a!. D uar"ian se!!s it in his own na&e$ not in the na&e o the war" 6not "eecti#e$ nor rescissi%!e7 D (hat is the "eecti#eness o the contract@ 9nother cu" or )ou to chew on. egurgitate it an" then chew again. D One watch that )ou can han" o#er ro& generation to generation. 3an"e" o#er to son inherite" ro& the ather. Now the guar"ian se!!s it %) sa)ing that he is the owner. 0K worth 200K. IA& ust in nee" o &one)$ turns out that it is the inherite" 'ro'ert) o the war". But he 'reten"s to %e the owner$ what "eecti#e is that@ escissi%!e or #oi"a%!e But !oo at rescissi%!e contract nu&%er 1. Last wee I to!" )ou that a guar"ian cannot se!! 'ro'ert) o the war" without authorit) ro& the court %ecause that wou!" %e an unenorcea%!e contract 6entere" into in the na&e o the war" in e*cess o authorit)7 D escissi%!e contracts nu&%er 1 an" 2 are re!egate" to those acts which guar"ian is a!!owe" !ega!!) to "o un"er their acts o a"&inistration. Concerns the ruits o the 'ro'ert) o the war". Because i it is the 'ro'ert) o the war" itse!$ the !aw reGuires that the guar"ian get authorit) ro& the court$ once the guar"ianshi' court grants authorit) e#en i the 'urchase 'rice is &ore than =0 is #a!i"$ %ecause the court has taen into consi"eration wh) the 'ro'ert) has to %e so!". ItAs a choice %etween war" star#ing an" the war" 'arting awa) with its 'ro'ert). ;ou can !i#e without 'ro'ert)$ %ut i )ou ha#e it an" )ou "onAt eat$ )ouA!! "ie. ;our ha#ing 'ro'ert) is use!ess. D 4hatAs wh) itAs a +thin %an", o contract. 4here are on!) a ew a!!owa%!e !i&its. /urther than that$ itAs gonna %e unenorcea%!e.
4'&'U'+ " ,&U-4 6which I ha#e %een a"#erting to since !ong ti&e ago-7 o )ou agree &e&or) o &an is ust one )ear@ In )our case$ itAs ust one se&. 9ccor"ing to Letter & an! Letter +. (hat is reGuire" %) the statute o rau"s@ I )ou !oo at the histor)$ it was 'asse" %) Eng!ish 'ar!ia&ent in the sa&e &anner that )ou now a%out statute o !i&itation. 4his one is 'asse" wa) %ac in the 100s. i&agine how o!" it is. 4hat &eans there are 'arties who are #icti&iMe" an" 'er'etrators o rau". :an) ti&es in !ie )ou are the #icti&. I there are no #icti&s o rau"$ thereAs no nee" or one ha! o the !aw)ers. 9ctua!!)$ i thereAs no 'ro'ert)$ there wou!" %e !ess wor or !aw)ers. (hat !oes this statute o rau! reuire: Certain contracts ha#e a written &e&oran"u& without which it wi!! %e unenorcea%!e at the instance o one o the 'arties. Because it 'a)s to co&'!ies with the statute o rau"s. (hat !oes the 3ritten memorial contain: 4his ti&e we !ost the Fessu' an" we %!a&e it to 'oor u"ging who "oes not now internationa! !aw itse!. 4hatAs the con#enient e*cuse o the UP Law i the) !ose. ItAs the u"ges$ not the 'artici'ants$ not the coach. But &ost !ie!) the) are correct$ i the u"ges are now!e"gea%!e a%out internationa! !aw !ie ocia!s o internationa! agencies !ie the 9B$ (B or the (3O. 4he) cannot a''reciate the nuances an" the niceties.
e'en"s on what in" o stroe )ou use. Sin or swi&. ;ou Voat$ )ou sur#i#e %ut )ou "onAt reach the other %an. Parties co#ere" %) the statute o rau"$ &e&oria!iMe otherwise$ %oth or one o the& are !ie!) to orget what the) agree" u'on ater a )ear. 9n" one o the& who 'reten"s to ha#e an acute &e&or) an" is #o!u%!e an" a %orn 're#aricator$ he can 'er'etrate a rau" u'on the other whose &e&or) is au!t). Because the other 'art) wi!! ratt!e o? what the) agree" to 1 2 R =. 4hen the other 'art) goes !ie +"i" we rea!!) agree on that@@@, too %a" or hi&. 4he one who co&&its 'erur)$ his reco!!ection o the ora! contract wi!! %e %e!ie#e" %) the court. But the !aw co&es in$ &ore !ie!)$ there ha#e %een a !ot o rau"s 'er'etrate" in ora! contracts. oo" i itAs ace to ace an" consu&&ate" then an" there. But i the contract ca!!s or !ie nu&%er 1 there$ ca!!s or the 'eror&ance o%!igation arising ro& the contract ater or &ore one )ear. I e*act!)$ not necessar). (hat in! o contracts: Essentia!!) #er%a! or ora! contracts )es. Es'ecia!!) i the) ha#e a stroe.
%e reor&e". ;ou reor& their crooe" !i's$
Is the written &e&oran"u& a co&'!ete contract@ NotariMe"@ /or&a!iMe"@ (hat?s the minimum or the compliance in the 3ritten memoran!um: 6!oo in 4o!entino7 essentia! reGuisites
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52 1. 2. . R.
Na&e o 'arties 6or &ere!) signature as !ong as )ou now whose signature that is7 Signature how )ou &aniest CONSEN4 in the agree&ent "#J+C' not necessar) to "escri%e %oun"aries$ on!) a""ress an" !ocation e*ce't i he has so &an) 'arce!s o !an" !ocate" in the sa&e sitio$ in which case )ou %etter "escri%e it sucient!) so )ouA!! now an" ascertaina%!e without nee" or a new agree&ent. Otherwise$ "onAt Gui%%!e o#er it. C&U4& 'rice or consi"eration. It shou!" %e there. Un!ess the contract is a or&a! one$ get it@ Because i )es$ the "onation o rea! 'ro'ert)$ )ouA!! nee" a 'u%!ic "ocu&ent not &ere!) a written &e&oran"u&.
Sa#e those contracts where the 'erio" co&&encing ro& the contract is in"icate". LetAs sa)$ two 'arties enter into contract now %ut the 'eror&ance sha!! %e consu&&ate" when it sha!! %e "one$ one )ear or &ore !ater. 4he o%!igation arising ro& the contract wi!! %e 'eror&e" a )ear or &ore !ater. Since &e&or) is Veeting$ we are !ia%!e to orget what we agree" u'on. 4here shou!" %e a "ate or the reconin point$ es'ecia!!) in !etter 9 an" !etter E. Because how wou!" )ou now what the 'erio" is a !ease@ Otherwise$ there is no ter&ination "a)$ %ut i the contract were a or&a! contract. :) &e&or) is a!so #er) short$ )ou rea!iMe it@ I orget what I sai" 5#e &inutes ago. I so&ehow the train o thought is cut$ itAs #er) "icu!t to go %ac. ;ou wi!! %e the !oser %ecause I wi!! 'resu&e )ou ha#e rea" a!! o these. I )ou want I can ust gi#e )ou &ateria!s an" then so %e it. I )ouAre goo" I ten" to gi#e )ou han" outs. 4he 'ro&"is a''reciate it. 4hose who re#iew there$ the) get these &ateria!s an" a''reciate it. B) o!!owing the "iagra& I &a"e. 4he) can o!!ow arrows. et it@ (hat is reGuire" %) the statute o rau" is a written &e&oran"u& %ecause it reGuires "e5nite or&a!it) or its #a!i"it). ;ou nee" 'u%!ic "ocu&ent or "onation o &o#a%!e 'ro'ert). I itAs &ere!) si&'!e "onation$ itAs out o 'ure generosit) or an a!!o) on"ness. No strings attache". (hat thin can be !onate! 3ithout strins attache!: #all o strins. =rissy Conti has a counterDe6ample. #3ahahahaha
4here are contracts &entione" here. Loo at !etter E. there are two "i?erent contracts there. Case o N9POCO an" the 9: wherein the) !ease" a crane. :e&oriMe it an" un"erstan". +@$-+NC+ or last part o *ar 2 o 1;0 < 4he 'arties at the ti&e the) entere" into contract co#ere" %) statute o rau"$ &e&oria!iMe in writing$ what in" it "oesnAt sa). Su''osing the two o )ou are &aroone" !ie that e!!ow in Castawa)$ 4o& 3ans$ use a 'iece o woo" to han" it "own. Secon"ar) e#i"ence$ the) can re"uce it to writing %ut the #er) writing itse! is !ost or cannot %e oun" or wrote it in a %a&%oo !ea or the insi"es o the s'!it %a&%oo. But what at high ti"e$ the) !et it in the %each an" the %a&%oo Voat awa)$ no &ore- But the) can 'ro#e it was re"uce" in writing. 9n" then the) can 'ro"uce secon"ar) e#i"ence. E.g. iar) o 9ngara$ reco!!ection o the witness$ another contract &entioning this contract$ or instea" o %eing castawa) are c!ass&ates here an" c!ass&ates there in C!ass&ates 6contracte" through the Vicering !ight o a can"!e !ie a ta%!e na'in. ;es as !ong as the in%!ots is sti!! #isi%!e$ %!ow runn) nose or sa!i#ating %) an)one on stage. Ba!! o 'u!' or &ush. Present it to the u"ge$ hereAs the written &e&oran"u& ;our 3onor- 3aha+C+*'$"N < Letter on contract o sa!e o goo"$ chatte!s or things o action. In origina! #ersion o things in action$ the wor" use" %) Eng!ish 'ar!ia&ent were +choses in action, 5n" out what the) are 1. Partia! 'eror&ance 2. 9uction sa!e an" entr) into the sa!es %oo o the auctioneer 6na&e o the 'rinci'a! or who& the agent is acting7 9!&ost e#er)thing now wi!! %e co#ere" %) this@ /$4C&,,$&%+ " C"N',&C' < ain to "e%t an" "eau!t. ,estrictive meanin@ ;es$ cannot %e wi"ene". 9ssociate" wor"s$ noscitur noscii. oes not inc!u"e a %a%). i#e &e a concrete e*a&'!e o &iscarriage o a contract. 4his &eans that the 'ro&issor) 6who &aes s'ecia! 'ro&ises7 %in"s hi&se! as a co"e%tor$ suret) or a guarantor. *,"/$4+ /&-+ $N C"N4$-+,&'$"N " /&,,$&%+
-onations 'ro&'ter nu'tias 6to 'ro&'t hi& to &arr) to ug!) "aughter7 or goes %oth wa)s 6a rog 'rince o a son7 i the son has a ace that on!) a &other can !o#e. 4he %ri"e wi!! agree un!ess )ou 'ro&'t hi& with a "onation 'ro'ter nu'tias. 9gree&ent &a"e in consi"eration o &arriage. It can %e the &arriage sett!e&ent. :utua! 'ro&ise to &arr) is what in" o contract@ ItAs a!wa)s an ora! contract$ un!ess )ou "o it !ong "istance. 9CP – Is that not a #a!ua%!e consi"eration@ (h) is it that there can %e no "a&ages or %reach o 'ro&ise to &arr)@ Because the consi"eration o &utua! 'ro&ise to &arr)$ how is the 'ro'osa! to &arr)@ UNLESS )ou a!rea") s'ent or it. o to the 'rinter an" &ae the a"#ance 'a)&ent or the in#itation '!us the caterer an" the hote! an" reser#e an" 'a) the San 9gustin one )ear in a"#ance. 'ort or uasi!elict is the basis o !amae.
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52 ,&'$$C&'$"NB&C=N"(L+-%+/+N'BC"N$,/&'$"N )o3 to assail unenorceable contractA %) inter'osing the "eense that it is unenorcea%!e %ecause it "oes not co&'!) with the statute o rau" thereore no ora! e#i"ence can %e 'resente" as to the contents o the ora! contract BU4 the o%ection &ust %e 'ro&'t or right awa) or as soon as it %eco&es a''arent that the other 'art) is tr)ing to 'ro#e the contract co#ere" %) statute o rau". O%ection that the contract is unenorcea%!e an" )ou cannot 'ro"uce ora! e#i"ence. But it shou!" %e &a"e 'ro&'t!) as soon as it is a''arent$ otherwise itAs too !ate to 'ro#e. I an) witness succee"s to testi). It &ust %e inter'ose" as soon as it %eco&es a''arent. It "oes not &ean a''arent$ seasona%!) or %eore the contents is 'ro#e" %) ora! e#i"ence. D e&e&%er this %ecause itAs useu! or 'ractice (ho can assailA Nu&%er 1< Owner o the 'ro'erties or his 'ri#ies 6heirs$ assigns7 Nu&%er 2< Parties an" 'ri#ies in interest o the 'art) Nu&%er < ati5e" %) %oth )o3 can it be cure!: 1. 9cnow!e"ge&ent 2. 9cce'tance o %ene5ts 6'artia!!) e*ecute"7 (ho can cure: 1. Part) who Y @ *erio! or curin < 9ssign&ent 6what is the 'erio" or curing unenorcea%!e contract7 %+N+,&L ,UL+< 9s !ong as action is not i&'rescri'ti%!e$ action can 'rescri%e". ItAs not i&'rescri'ti%!e$ there &ust %e a 'erio". ItAs so&ewhere in the CC.
18 /arch 2009 ItAs ONL the rescissible contract that can %e cha!!enge" "irect!). /ai!ure to "o so$ action or 'rescri'tion !a'ses so with voi!able contract$ ai!ure or i&'osing ESCISSIBLE an" WOI9BLE< can %e su%ect o no#ation. UNEN/OCE9BLE< can it %e su%ect o no#ation$ the e) there is to now i it is #a!i" wait unti! the other one tries to enorce it an" sa) that it is unenorcea%!e. Es'ecia!!) so with res'ect to contracts co#ere" %) statutes o rau" an" ai! to &e&oria!iMe in writing. Usua!!) in an unenorcea%!e contract 6sa!es o goo"$ chatte!s7 it sa)s there how to get out o it. I the o%!igation has %een partially e6ecute! on either si!e ", ully e6ecute! in one si!e $ %ut not ully e6ecute! in both si!es 6wh) is the !ast state&ent true@7 (h) cannot the unenorcea%!e contract once u!!) e*ecute"$ there can %e no &ore$ thatAs how to tae it out o the statute o rau"@ 4he one is other e*ce'tion$ OPTION CONTRACT . Sa!e o rea! right an" rea! 'ro'ert)$ )ou nee" a 'u%!ic "ocu&ent a!so$ %ut the 'u%!ic "ocu&ent is necessar) or what$ not or the #a!i"it) or enorcea%i!it) i )ou ha#e the reGuire" written &e&oran"u&$ it nee" not %e a #er) technica! "ocu&ent$ a 'ri#ate writing is oa) as !ong as )ou in'ut the &ini&u& reGuire&ents. ;ouA!! ha#e to re!) on the 0 hours that SC recent!) &an"ate" cre"ite" to )our :CLE. 3ow a%out regu!ar &e&%ers o the !aw acu!t). (e are use" to not charging an)thing es'ecia!!) when a or&er stu"ent co&es to )ou. ;ou are the e*'ert %ecause )ou "onAt charge an)thing. 3e has a!rea") acce'te" the retainer. 3e ust goes to )our oce an" sa)s Sir I ha#e a 'ro%!e&. ;ou re!ate this 9rt which reGuires a 'u%!ic "ocu&ent an" or&a! contract. &s the seller to e6ecute the proper public !ocument in a!!ition to the action or specifc perormance . 9s hi& a!rea")$ oa) "e!i#er to &e the 'artia! o !an" I %ought. 4hen e*ecute the 'u%!ic "ocu&ent. But where is the 'urchase 'rice$ )ou are asing &e to e*ecute the 'urchase 'rice. No &one)$ no hone). No 'rice$ no 'u%!ic "ocu&ent. Is the se!!er correct$ wh)@ ;ou shou!" now %e a%!e to "o#etai! a!! the o%!igations 'art@ Se!!er has the exceptio non rite adimpleti contractus . (hich is Latin. But is sti!! not enough to transer the i&&o#a%!es.
Later i )ou are gi#en #o!untar) usuruct or ease&ents$ there &ust a!so %e #o!untar) usuruct o#er i&&o#a%!e. 4here &ust %e a 'u%!ic "ocu&ent. Is that c!ear@@@ I to!" )ou )ester"a) to !oo or things inaction. I )ou "onAt act or it is inaction 6one wor"7 'ersons inaction one wor". +C+*'$"N '" L+''+, #< I auctioneer enters in sa!es%oo the na&e o the %u)er$ 'rice 'ai" or it an" the ite& that was so!". Usua!!) inaction$ the ite& to %e so!#e" is there. 4er& or the highest %i" "ec!are" in. 4he) ca!! it 'a)'a) &a)a&an$ ust one an" two. 4hatAs a oe. 4he 'a)'a) 'o%re is &a%i!is. :ight %e &istaen as a %i". (hat is missin:::
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52 9&ong the reGuire&ents o a written &e&oran"u& in a &e&o$ the auctioneer entr) is &a"e in his sa!es %oo$ a&ount an" in" o 'ro'ert) so!". Princi'a! o the one &aing the %i". (hatAs &issing$ the signature o highest %i""er$ itAs not usua!!) there. Later when )ou reach E#i"ence$ thatAs 'art o the e6ception to the hearsay rule < entr) in a co&&ercia! recor". One o the e*ce'tion )ou "onAt nee" to 'ro#e it$ itAs 'resu&e" to %e regu!ar. 'he one 3ho maes representation !oes he become a party to the contract: NO. Chec with 9rt 1R0. Ba" "e%tors are 'u%!ic schoo! teachers. E#en %eore the) ha#e earne" their &onth!) sa!ar)$ the) ha#e a!rea") %orrowe" the 10K on the thir" wee so when their chec co&es it. 9!! the) "o is in"orse it. I the) %orrow ro& cashier o the schoo! or "istrict. 4hese teachers !oo or cre"itors$ an)one whoAs wi!!ing to !en" the& &one)$ the)A!! !en" ro& hi&. 4hen 'ro&ise their sa!ar). $ the representation is ma!e in ba! aith by that person 3ho ma!e the representationA Cre"itor cannot sue hi& or s'eci5c 'eror&ance %ecause he "oes not %in" hi&se! as guarantor or suret)$ %ut on!) re'resent that the 5sh%a!! #en"or is a goo". Lia%i!it) cannot %e %reach o contract or guarantor %ecause he "i"nAt rea!!) guarantee the contract. Un!ie !etter B which &aes hi& guarantor. pecial promise to Y @
/in" out what is the !ega! %asis or the !ia%i!it) o the re'resentati#e in !etter /@ I )ou &e&oriMe a!! the instances there$ %etter or )ou an" )our hea!th. But re&e&%er this is unenorcea%!e contract co#ere" %) statute o rau". Once the 'art) has %een a%!e to 'ro#e e*istence o the contract through ora! e#i"ence$ itAs &ain!) reco!!ection. Un!ess )ou can 'ro#e that what there has %een a writing %eore$ so this wi!! on!) %e secon"ar). It was co'ie" in a "iar). ItAs not the actua! contract signe" %ut it was written in a "iar) wherein this is Guote". +ear "iar)$ to"a) I %ought a 'iece o !an"$ 'ai" or it. 4his !ot can %e con#erte" into a &e&oria! gar"en., L+''+, & &N- L+''+, +. Better i there is a "ate$ %ut itAs NO4 necessar). Because what is nee"e" is 'roo that the 'arties agree" to the contract or a #a!ua%!e consi"eration. 4hen signatures which show consent. /or&a! contract the written &e&o &ight not suce. Es'ecia!!) i itAs a "onation o rea! 'ro'ert)$ )ouA!! nee" a 'u%!ic "ocu&ent. 4hatAs si&'!e or re&unerator) "onation. It wi!! %e enough i it is an onerous "onation. (3; IS I4 43EE 9 IS4INC4ION BE4(EEN SI:PLE E:UNE94O; 9N ONEOUS@ &rt ;9 reGuires or& or #a!i"it) i&&o#a%!e 'ro'ert) On the other han"$ onerous$ when it has consi"eration 6rerain ro& "oing soðing or co&'!) with con"ition attache" %) "onor7 e.g. 5nish !aw stu"ies consi"eration o the "onation. 9t !east u' to the e*tent o the #a!ue o the 'ro'ert) an" the #a!ue o the con"ition or the actQuture ser#ice that "one is going to co&'!) with$ #a!ue o that$ "e"ucte" ro& the entire 'ro'ert)$ that #a!ue o the ser#ice is a onerous "onation$ the %a!ance is a si&'!e re&unerator). 4$/*L+ an! ,+/UN+,&'",> "onations are go#erne" %) the CC "N+,"U4 -"N&'$"N4 are go#erne" %) !aw on o%!igations an" contracts$ then what$ e#en i the "onation is not &a"e in a 'u%!ic "ocu&ent$ itAs #a!i" i 6ora! – co#ere" %) statute o rau" "aw@7 go#erne" %) !etter 9. Can %e &a"e nee" not %e in a 'u%!ic "ocu&ent a!! )ou nee" to "o is 'ro#e it$ es'ecia!!) so i the "onor "e!i#ere" the 'ro'ert) a!rea"). E#en then$ i the si&'!e "onation o a 'arce! o !an" not &a"e in a 'u%!ic "ocu&ent$ "i" not co&'!) with or&a! reGuire&ent$ "oesnAt &ean that i "onor "e!i#ere" that 'ossession o 'arce! o !an"$ no right has transerre". (hat was transerre"$ itAs not recor"e" or registere" 'ro'ert)$ it can %e the %asis or ownershi'. Creation o ownershi' not through transer o "onation %ut %) acGuisit) 'ossession 6!ongti&e 'ossession$ a!! )ou nee" is &ere!) goo" aith7. ;ou nee" on!) 10 )ears$ not so i it is registere" an" has a 4orrens tit!e.
But then$ wh) a& I "oing this@ I to!" )ou the reason$ )ou &ight not win in the auction sa!e$ what auction sa!e@ In the un%!ocing$ )ou &ight %e out o the %!oc. ;ouAre %righter than the other section$ at !east )ou un"erstan" &) oes. *+,$"- ", CU,$N%A ItAs groun" woo".
@"$- ", $N+$4'+N' C"N',&C'4 -$+,+NC+ #+'(++N @"$- &N- $N+$4'+N' < e!ate Number to &rt 5 o the CC ,UL+< (hen 1 or 2 o the essentia! reGuisites are a%sent or "o not e*ist$ or !ega!!) the) "o not e*ist$ in the e)es o the !aw the) "o not e*ist. 4he) are ine*istent ECEPT number 1 an! number . 4hatAs wh) itAs ine*istent %ecause the contract "oes not e*ist. 69ctua!!) or !ega!!) a%sent7
4here are t3o in!s o impossibility right@ Lega! an" Ph)sica! 4hose that are outsi"e the co&&erce o &an$ !ega!!) s'eaing$ the !aw "oes not recogniMe the& as 5t su%ect &atter o contract. •
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52 •
4hose which "o not e*ist at the ti&e o the transaction which is %tw "icu!t to concei#e %ecause the causa is 'resu&e" to e*ist$ at the ver! least there is &ratuitous causa .
NU/#+, E< "es'ite reor&ation$ the) can sti!! &ae out the hea"s or tai!s o the o%ect o contract. 4a!ing in ri""!es or ta!ing a "i?erent !anguage. Cannot %e trans!ate"$ new !anguage$ newer than Es'eranto. 4everal voi! or ine6istent contracts. Essentia!!) a #oi" contract "oes not create right an" i&'oses no o%!igation$ IN L9(. BU4 the enorce&ent &ight %e extrale&al$ %ut thatAs outsi"e the a&%it o o%!icon$ )ou are &a"e an o?er )ou cannot reuse$ &ost !ie!) the 'eror&ance o the o%!igation cannot %e "o"ge" %ecause the enorce&ent is e*tra!ega!. ;ictim o0 extraordinar! rendition 6i"na'7$ thatAs the ter& use" %) the Bush a"&inistration or i"na'. 4hatAs current e#ents. Prisoners are taen to other countries where it is !ega! to torture the&. 4hereAs a wor" a%out &eat. +en"ere" &eat, 3i!ar) shouting +3e!' us c!ose uantana&o-, *reten!e! contract$ how a%out si&u!ate" &arriage e*ce't that there &ust %e soðing wrong with essentia! reGuisites$ a!! the reGuisites are there e*ce't or the genuiness o the consent. :ight ha#e "icu!t) 'ro#ing the &arriage. Usua!!) the) &ae the roun"s o certain &arrie" cou'!es$ one o who& is a oreigner. /in" out i the) are sti!! !i#ing together as hus%an"s an" wie$ ne#er &in" i it is a mMna&e a troi 64hatAs &arriage o three in /rench. (h) "oes Chi now@ 3ahaha7. I the cause o the o%ect o the contract "i" not e*ist at the ti&e o the transaction$ the o%ect or e*a&'!e is a 5g&ent o the i&agination$ i I se!! to )ou a unicorn or a 'tero"act)! or archaeo'ter)*. Un!ess I se!! to )ou its ossi! which is outsi"e the co&&erce o &an. 1;11 an! 1;12 rule on $N *&,$ -+L$C'". Pu%!ic s'ectac!e o$ so&eti&es the) wash it "own with rain. uarantee o the cause or the o%ect o the contract$ %oth o the contracting 'arties wi!! %e charge" with a cri&ina! o?ense that wi!!. 4he trou%!e is 3hat i the one is less uilty than the other. $nnocent party &a) RECO6ER %ut NOT A 1. I contract constitutes a cri&e$ both are 'rosecute" an" then the o%ect o the cri&e wi!! %e "ea!t with as the instru&ent o the cri&e. It wi!! %e "is'ose" o the %) the state. 2. I the contract or the act is c!ear!) un!awu! or has a or%i""en cause an" "oes not constitute a cri&ina! o?ense$ itAs ust usua!!) un!awu! or or%i""en. It "oes not constitute a cri&e. No !aw 'ena!iMing it %ut itAs i!!ega! to "o so. E.g. entering into contract wherein 'arties sti'u!ate not to 'rosecute another or a cri&e. Un!ess itAs a case o &is'rision 6ai!ure to re'ort7. But nowa"a)s treason is co&&itte" not in a shooting war$ %ut a!! o#er the wor!"$ there is now econo&ic war. But there is no !aw 'ena!iMing treason or that. Or e!se$ we wi!! !ose &ost o our to' ocia!s. onAt )ou rea!iMe it@ 4hereAs treason or econo&ic war$ &ost !ie!)$ we!! i )ou ha#e a Secretar) o Fustice who is rea!!) !o)a! to the re'u%!ic$ !o)a! to his oath o oce. But see&s that e#er)one !o)a! to the a''ointing authorit) %ecause the) want to go higher or at the #er) !east$ re&ain as where the) are unti! the) turn %!ue. So&e &a) turn %!ue$ how$ the) "onAt ha#e their &achine or rena! ai!ure$ the) turn %!ue or green@ 4he) wi!! ha#e "i?erent 'a!!or$ isnAt it@ IA& ust eno)ing &)se!. &rt 1;12 – or%i""en or un!awu! %ut "oes not constitute cri&ina! o?ense$ i %oth are eGua!!) gui!t)$ since itAs #oi"$ nothing co&es out o it$ no one o the parties &a) reco#er %) #irtue o the contract or "e&an" the 'eror&ance o the contract i it is sti!! e*ecutor)$ none o the& can as s'eci5c 'eror&ance. . "nly one o them is at ault. ui!t) 'art) cannot reco#er what is gi#en an" cannot "e&an" 'eror&ance$ itAs the innocent 'art) who can as or reco#er) an" cannot %e reGuire" to 'eror&. 4hatAs a%out it$ "istinguish %etween contracts that constitute cri& o?ense an" one that "oesnAt. In %oth$ the $NN"C+N' C&N ,+C"@+, &L4" $N ')+ C,$/$N&L "+N4+. $ it?s not clear you
ENE9L EDPESSION is the genera! e*ce'tion. &rt 1;1E – u"g&ent ca!! o the courtQu"ge whether 'u%!ic 'o!ic) wi!! %e enhance"$ i not$ no reco#er). &rt 1;1 – &ight %e a "ea" !etter now. ;ou &ust shoc the conscience o the u"ge. I he is$ then he wi!! re"uce the interest rate sa)ing it is iniGuitous$ unconsciona%!e. &rt 1;1; – &one) is 'ai"$ one o the 'arties is a!!owe" %) the !aw to re'u"iate %eore !ega! 'ur'ose is acco&'!ishe" or "a&age has %een "one to thir" 'erson. Beore the u!! consu&&ation o the !ega! contract or an i!!ega! 'ur'ose$ one o the 'arties can change his &in" an" %actrac an" trace %ac his ootste's %eore the P is 'reu"ice" or "a&age". In Cri& !aw$ there is a state&ent a%out the atte&'te" stage. 9%out the atte&'te"$ +retrace his ste's %ac into the !ight., I )ou rea!!) want to now Cri&Law 1$ re'!ete with e*a&'!es an" Guotations. oo" to %e taught %) so&eone whose %oo )ou are rea"ing. Es'ecia!!) i his ootnotes are a!so "igest o cases. ;ou rea" the case. Certain ootnotes are "ecisions a!so. Short "igests. 9n" he use" to as an" ha&&er on us that &a*i&. %ctus actus actus non 0acit reum/ /a#orite !atin &a*i& < uam veritas 6@7 rea" )our ra&'As %oo. 4hat is !ong ter& &e&or)$ short ter& &e&or) is gone. So )ouA!! ha#e to re&in" &e. 9!so when one o the 'arties is not ca'a%!e o gi#ing consent. Su?ering un"er !ega! inca'acit)$ the interest o ustice wi!! %e su%ser#e$ the !aw &a) a!!ow to e&'ower it what was "e!i#ere".
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52 &rt 1;1D19 – S'eci5c e*ce'tions ro& &rt 1;1E &rt 1;1 – Price Contro! Law 6no &ore. Is there@ E#en i there is a ca!a&it)$ 'rice contro! is ust a warning$ no%o") has %een i&'risone" %) #io!ating 'rice contro! !aw. 4he ones who #io!ate this actua!!) 'a)s$ the) are not 'rosecute" %ecause the) co&'ro&ise with the authorities.7 &rt 1;18 – wor 1 hours a "a)$ s!ee' !ess than R hours.
19 /arch 2009
N&'U,&L "#L$%&'$"N4 9!though "e%tor cannot %e enorce"$ once he 'a)s$ he cannot reco#er an)&ore. %,"UN-< solutio inde(iti. 4he 'a)&ent is not "ue. 3e cannot inter'ose the cause o action that the o%!igation was not "ue i it was a natura! o%!igation. &rt 1;2 E*a&'!es o natura! o%!igation$ BU4 that "o not e*haust the entire 5e!" o natura! o%!igation. 4he most common natural obliation $ the one "escri%e" in &rt 1;2. Last wi!! an" testa&ent o a "ece"ent i he ga#e a !egac) or a %eGuest. a#e a 'iece o 'ro'ert). (hen the 3ill ails to probate 3hat ensues: None o the 'ro#isions o the testa&ent wi!! %e enorce". Intestate 'rocee"ing. (hat 3ill the intestate heirs !o: 3onor the wishes o the "ece"ent as testator. a#e the car to the %estrien". 3is estate wi!! succee" hi& in the &atter o estate.
Na&e!) 'ure!) 'ersona! o%!igations wi!! ha#e to %e e*tinguishe" !ie &one) "e%ts owe" to cre"itors. 4hose cre"itors can sti!! co!!ect ro& the estate %ut the) ha#e to i the) ha#e sett!e&ent o the estate. 4he) wi!! nee" to fle a claim aainst the a!ministrator or e6ecutor o the estate. But each heir$ there is a 'artition a!rea"). 4here is one cre"itor whose "e%ts has not %een 'ai". 9!! heirs enter e*trau"icia! 'artition$ "i#i"e" the estate or the&se!#es$ !et no &ore an" there was a "e%t 'en"ing$ the "e%t is sti!! e*isting$ the cre"itor 5!es a c!ai&. +ven i they have alrea!y e6tra
o#etai! this with &rt 121; 6'a)&ent &a"e %) r" 'erson not intereste" in the o%!igation7 without the now!e"ge or against the wi!! o a "e%tor. 1;2;< eason or enorcing !ega! ci#i! o%!igation. 4he "e%tor ha" a change o heart cannot s!ee' soun"!). 3e 'ai". I he 'a)s #o!untari!)$ he cannot "e&an" the return o what he 'ai". 4hese are a!! e*a&'!es. I ha#e &entione" in 'assing that cou!" %e a natura! o%!igation$ since I "onAt re&e&%er a!so. No har& "one. Unti! I re&e&%er it. I thin I &entione" soðing +consi"er this a natura! o%!igation,
4his "oes not e*haust the 5e!". ;ou can use some cases analoous to it . 4he o%!igation cannot %e enorce" at !aw$ the court wi!! not he!' )ou or so&e reason %ut out o conscience. Pangs o conscience. e%tor #o!untari!) 'a)s or 'eror&s. :istae can %e a "eense@ 4urn out to %e a carcinogen !ater. I &ight not %e a%!e to "iscar" the ree ra"ica!. 3e &ight %e arai" o ar&a. I the origina! cre"itor canAt &ae &e 'a)$ wh) can )ou@ Su?er the conseGuences. E*a&'!es su''ose"!) oun" on the L9( O/ S9LES. 4he rescission %ecause o i&'!ie" warranties$ hi""en "eects$ error in the area so!"$ the) are a!! a%out rescission o contract o sa!e which creates reci'roca! o%!igation. 4he) are rea!!) not rescission %ut are actua!!) species o 1191. 9!! the artic!es I &entione".
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52 4he more correct one is the one in 1098 which i )ou !oo at it$ itAs the reuire! lesion in partition . Is it c!earer now@@ 4he rescissi%!e contracts are actua!!) @&L$- 1NLE INW9LI94E B; COU4 9C4ION. I 'rescri'tion 'erio" !a'se$ itAs @&L$- . 9!so %ase" on econo&ic 'reu"ice that the '!ainti? wi!! su?er. 4he !ast "icu!t one is +4'"**+L %ut &ost o the ti&e )ouA!! use it. I thereAs no &ore !ega! 'ro#ision to anchor )our action$ )ouA!! use esto''e!. +stoppel cannot be a basis o cause o action $ itAs use" &ere!) as a !eense. Fust !ie the unenorcea%!e nature o contract$ itAs a "eense. Esto''e! is use" as a "eense %) the "een"ant$ the co&'!ainant is tr)ing to enorce the cause o action. Es'ecia!!) i )ou cannot$ i the "een"ant cannot use the "eense o e*tincti#e 'rescri'tion$ the action was 5!e within the 'erio" a!!owe" or that cause o action. 4he action can be flle! 3ithin a perio! o ho3 many years: I to!" )ou that a!rea"). 9t !east the +'$NC'$@+ *,+4C,$*'$"N *&,' $ )ou %etter &e&oriMe those 'erio"s< D (ritten contract – 10 )ears ro& the accrua! o the action 6"ate the o%!igation was "ue an" "e&an"a%!e7 Esto''e! su''osing as cre"itor can sti!! 5!e the action. 3e can in#oe the eGuita%!e 'rinci'!e o esto''e!$ D Esto''e! %) "ee" D Esto''e %) recor" D Esto''e!s %) u"g&ent – res "udicata is "i?erent ro& +conc!usi#eness o u"g&ent,$ this one is #,"&-+, $ an) issue that cou!" ha#e %een raise" in the sa&e 'arties o the case can no !onger inter'ose the other issues. (hereas in res u"icata$ on!) the issues "eci"e" u'on in the case. ;ou wi!! co&e across this again in ci#i! 'roce"ure. `3o'eu!!)$ not in"er$ -+$N$'$"N " +4'"**+L < has soðing to "o a%out a"&ission or re'resentation is ren"ere" conc!usi#e u'on the 'erson &aing it an" cannot %e "enie" or "is'ro#e" %) hi& as against a 'erson re!)ing thereon. E?ecti#e!)$ in esto''e!$ there shou!" %e a uestion o act. 4here are #er) ew cases which can %e esto''e! %) !aw$ %ecause e#er)%o") is 'resu&e" to %e esto''e" %) !aw$ %ut as to Guestions o act$ what 'art) can %e sto''e" a%out wou!" %e a Guestion o act$ usua!!)$ #er) rare cases it wi!! %e Guestion o !aw. Usua!!) there is< 6aa element o estoppel 7 1. CONUC4 – can %e 'ositi#e 6"oing7 or negati#e 6which is not "oing$ inaction$ nonact7 the 'art) %eing sto''e" %) con"uct ho!"s out a certain set o acts as true$ the other 'art) who is now c!ai&ing esto''e!s 'ercei#es this to %e the truth an" then 'ro&'t!) re!ies on the a!se acts as the true acts 6ELI9NCE7 an" then changes his con"uct to suit the con"ucts which he thought were true. 4o %e attune" to what he thought were the true acts$ since the change is con"uct$ the other 'art) is a!!owe" to sa) +actua!!) the true act is this, the other 'art) &a) %e esto''e". Because the other 'art) re!)ing on the a!se acts as the true act wi!! %e 'reu"ice". 2. /acts he!" out are not the true act . e!iance on the a!se acts as the truth R. Change in the con"uct or the 'reu"ice that the 'art) c!ai&ing esto''e! wi!! su?er. I the 'art) is a!!owe" to "isa#ow that the 'art) is he!" out to %e the truth. I itAs a uestion o0 la+ $ e#er)%o")As 'resu&e" to now the !aw. 4oo %a" )ou "onAt now the !aw. Dura lex, sed lex . IsnAt it@ 4here are two 'arties here$ the 'art) who is esto''e"$ an" the 'art) c!ai&ing esto''e! who is ust "een"ing hi&se!. Esto''e! is a %ig 4roan shie!"$ %ig enough to co#er the torso o the warrior who nee!s "own. +stoppel can only be use! as a shiel! it?s
9ctua!!)$ the CC si&'!i5es it$ estoppel by !ee! shoul! be broa!er %ecause there are other in"s o esto''e! !ie esto''e! %) u"g&ent an" esto''e! %) recor". ;ou cannot a!si) what is ocia!!) recor"e" in the register. 9!! o the& are ae$ the rea! one was either %urne" or hi""en. Esto''e! %) "ee" wi!! inc!u"e esto''e! %) recor" an" esto''e! %) u"g&ent. 4hereAs soðing in recor". Soðing written. +4'"**+L $N *&$4 B) con"uct$ either 'ositi#e or negati#e 6action or nonaction7 usua!!) the "e5nition cou!" &ain!) a''!) to %oth a"&ission or re'resentation is ren"ere" conc!usi#e u'on the 'erson &aintaining it$ where the se!!er sa)s that he is what. 3e is uh uh !etAs sa) he "oes not sa) he is the u!! owner$ either a usuructuar) or a !ong ter& !ease in the contract. Later on he cannot "isa#ow the state&ent that he is ust the !essee. 3e is "ec!are" esto''e" %) stating that the "ocu&ent. :ere!) !essee o this 'arce! o !an". Esto''e" the a#owa! that he is the owner o the "ocu&ent. Cannot %e &a"e to "en) it or "is'ro#e it %ecause o esto''e!s. In CC there are soðing !ie our %ut actually there are 5 . 'hree o these are positive acts$ t3o are neative nonDaction. POSITI6E ACTS 1. 4he esto''e! %) 'ositi#e act wou!" %e the &ost i&'ortant &rt 1; that is ca!!e" estoppel (! representation or misrepresentation/ 2. Esto''e!s %) acceptance o0 (enefts 6&rt 1;87
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52 Promissor! estoppel $ ca&e ro& 9ng!o 9&erican Law – +'rinci'!es o esto''e! are here%) a"o'te" insoar$, who!esa!e a"a'tation o 'rinci'!e o esto''e!s ro& 9ng!o 9&erican Law. 4hereore$ 'ro&issor) esto''e!s can %e inc!u"e". Can e#en inc!u"e other t)'es o esto''e! e.g. esto''e!s %) recor" an" u"g&ent. NON7ACTS 1. :ost i&'ortant is laches 6esto''e!s %) !aches7 thatAs inaction >/ Estoppel (! silence
PRO*IOR8 ETOPPEL :aing a 'ro&ise to "o or not to soðing in the uture$ not esto''e!$ 1NLE the 'ro&ise is re!ie" u'on wou!" sanction rau" or inustice e.g. oa) )ou sign this contract %ecause an)wa)$ !ater on$ )ou 5rst sign this !ong ter& !ease$ %ecause in the uture$ i I inten" to se!! this$ )ou wi!! ha#e the right o 5rst reusa!.
In near!) a!! o these$ there is a!wa)s con"uct on the 'art o the 'erson who is esto''e". Usua!!)$ he nows the true acts an" )et twist it aroun"$ ho!" the untrue acts as the truth ho'ing the other 'art) wi!! re!) on it an" the other 'art) c!ai&ing the esto''e!s re!ies on the truth o the a!se sets o acts an" changes his con"ucts to suit what he thought was the truth. Now i )ou a!!ow the other 'art) to e*'ress the truth$ he wi!! %e 'reu"ice". 4he court can sa)$ S3U4 UPo not te!! &e the truth %ecause )ou are ES4OPPE. 4he most important estoppel in pais which is action &rt 1; or esto''e! %) re'resentation or &isre'resentation$ here the one who is esto''e" shou!" now the truth. I he "oesnAt the) are %oth su?ering un"er a &istae. 4he other one is a!so &ost !ie!) &is!e"$ %ut essentia!!)$ mutual mistae$ whatAs the e?ect$ the truly voi! contracts un!er 1 an! . 4imulate!: No$ )ou "onAt use it. 4he) are not eGua!!) gui!t) )ou cannot use ine*istent contracts. 4he !aw "oes not usua!!) reach that ar. +4'"**+L #> L&C)+4 L%C)E is "e!a) in enorcing oneAs rights or the esto''e!s o sta)ing "e&an"s. Sta!e which &eans 'anis$ 'anis na %eer. Panis na "e&an". ;ou waite" too !ong in 5!ing the action. irst line o !eense < statute o !i&itation$ ust in case )ou thin )ouAre not sure when to start counting the 'erio" a!though )ou now where the 'erio" is$ )ou "onAt now when to start counting. 4he action has 'rescri%e"$ the innermost !eense is )our shie!" now$ the 5rst was a re"oun"$ or e&%an&ent ro& the arrows.
4he con"uct o the "een"ant$ gi#es rise to the situation %eing co&'!aine" o. 4hat is a groun" or 5!ing the co&'!aint. 4he "e!a) in asserting the co&'!ainants right. ItAs not as !onger than the 'erio" or 'rescri'tion %ecause i it were 'rescri'tion$ the court has nothing "iscretion whether to a''!) it or not. ItAs the sense o ustice or ineGuit) that wi!! co&e in so )ouA!! ha#e to 'ersua"e the u"ge that it is unair i )ou a!!ow the '!ainti?Qco&'!ainant to 'ursue his actionQgi#e re&e") 'ra)ing or. ;ou "ec!are hi& in esto''e!$ though he has no right to 5!e action$ it too hi& so !ong$ the "een"ant %ecause he "i" not ha#e. IA!! ust accu&u!ate the 5!ing ee an" retainer ee o !aw)er.
2; /arch 2009 ETOPPEL <8 L%C)E is "iscretionar) on the 'art o the court. Con#ince the u"ge that eGuit) is on )our si"e. Law e*'ects the !aw)ers to %e se'tica! i not c)nica!. 4ae things with a grain o sa!t$ no$ with a &outhu! o sa!t. Si"e sti'u!ations that are not re"uce" into writing$ 'ro&issor) esto''e! 6the other na&e is + DETRI*ENT%L RELI%NCE,7. 4here was one case where this was e*'!aine". Pro&ise" to "o or not to "o then re!ie" u'on %) the 'art). -efnition< whene#er a 'art)$ %) his non"ec!aration or co&&ission$ intentiona!!) an" "e!i%erate!). #iest o these estoppel by actions is re'resentation or &isre'resentation. Secon" is acce'tance o %ene5ts$ '!us 'ro&issor) esto''e!s.
4he CC a"o'ts the genera! 'rinci'!es o esto''e!s. 4hen N+%&'$@+ 6or inaction7 is 1. Laches 2. Si!ence there &ust %e a "ut) to s'ea. Otherwise$ )ou cannot %e esto''e". 4here &ust %e a s'ecia! re!ationshi' %etween the two 'arties that she is e*'ecte" to s'ea. 4hereAs another ru!e$ you cannot estop the overnment. 4he &istae o the "e'art&ents o the go#ern&ent wi!! not esto' the state. ItAs a &atter o !aw. %ssociated Insurance v/ I%C c!assi5cation o %ui!"ings$ not su'eri&'ose" in the !an" as a chatte! or &o#a%!e$ i it a?ects P who c!assi) the %ui!"ing as rea! 'ro'ert) wi!! %e 'reerre" o#er ear!iest chatte! &ortgage o#er the sa&e house. 4he) cannot sa) that the contract the) entere" into re!ati#e to the house shou!" %e rea! 'ro'ert) %ut c!assi5e" this chatte!. /orce o esto''e!s. 4he trou%!e with that is the esto''e! is one o !aw. 4he esto''e! there shou!" %e %) "ee"$ not %). But then that is what %) their "ec!aration is that it is &o#a%!e$ the) cannot go %ac on their wor". One o the our cases that o#erturne" that !i'!ocing o SC that 'arties &a) consi"er a house o strong &ateria!s as a &o#a%!e. esu!t o an o(iter dictum that %eca&e the ru!e unti! 20 )ears !ater the SC ca&e out with the "ecision that a house o strong &ateria! not &ere!) su'eri&'ose" on the groun" is not &o#a%!e %) nature. 3ouse itse! is i&&o#a%!e. I )ou %ui!t a house on so&e%o") e!seAs !an"$ itAs i&&o#a%!e. 4he i&'ro#e&ents on the 'arce! o !an" are consi"ere" as rea! 'ro'erties su%ect to ta*ation se'arate ro& the !an". POBLE:S< (hat i there is ta6 !elinuency on house built on somebo!y else? s lan! . ;ou wi!! see in one case$ the case o Nu&uid v Pen&son/ a&ce!" or 20 )ears$ %) this ti&e$ that a'art&ent &ust %e "i!a'i"ate". Loo at Cit) o Ca!oocan$ "ec!aring rea! 'ro'erties as "e!inGuent in non'a)&ent o ta*es$ )ou !oo at the co!u&ns there %ecause the) "ec!are
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52 the house$ not the !an". I )ou want to %u) the %ui!"ing %ut not the !an"$ )ou ha#e a 'ro%!e& %ecause )ouAre on!) %u)ing the %ui!"ing %ut not the !an". I )ou %u) a %ui!"ing$ it is set or "e&o!ition or re&o#a!s. ;ou hire those out5ts that &o#e the %ui!"ing to other sites without %reaing the concrete house into two. ;ou hire those &ega!iters in the US. Last ti&e it was a church. 4hen there was a!so a concrete court house 'i!!ars an" a!!$ transerre" two %!ocs roun" the corner. +4'"**+L $4 & /&''+, " +MU$'>. 4he court is acting as a court o eGuit). 4hatAs wh) IA& te!ing )ou. ;ou can "een" )ourse! ro& the action that it has 'rescri%e" %) e*tincti#e 'rescri'tion. Fust in case )ou counte" the 'erio" wrong!) O )ou "o not now the 'erio"$ 6it &ight %e !ess than ten or 5#e7$ with a!! the reGuisites or esto''e!s %) !aches$ )ou can ha#e the secon" !ine o "eense$ the '!ainti? is in esto''e! %) !aches. 4hat &eans< t3oDtierre! !eense 4he other one is &ore 'ositi#e< +&buse o riht , as !ong as )ou can 'ro#e a!! the reGuisites. 4he court has %een using esto''e! in"iscri&inate!). I itAs to )our a"#antage$ go ahea". :atter o act #s. &atter o !aw. Use the !ogo o the OF. 4hereAs no 'a'er tra)- No cor'us "e!icti-
',U4'4 9!so trans'!ante" to Phi!i''ine soi! %) #irtue o 1;;2. Loo at 1;2. IsnAt it. On!) ten artic!es ro& each other$ sa&e nu&%er. 1;2 an! 1;;2$ nu&%ers in the !otto. ;ou &ight win there$ %ut not in the "e%!ocing e*ce't the resh&en who "o not now an) %etter. No ca'ut. But the so'ho&ores wi!! %e "e%!oce" e*ce't that. o it %) %i""ing. 4he 'roessors wi!! %e u' or %i". 3ea#en or%i"C!assi5e" as civil la3 country. Neither here nor there. Cannot c!assi) us an)&ore. 9!so not sure$ o!!ow 9&Fur or Cor'us Furis. Base" on 9ng!o9&erican Law. i?erent ro& ours. '(" =$N-4 " ',U4'4 1. +6press D Create" %) #irtue o contract an" there is or&a!it) 6&ost !ie!) rea! 'ro'ert) so )ou nee" a 'u%!ic "ocu&ent$ get it@ <7 D 4he 'arties who use" the 'ro'ert) 6ca!!e" the trustor aa sett!or in 9ng!o9&erican Law7. 4he 'erson who& the trustee is re'ose" 6ca!!e" the trustee7. 4he P cestui ue trust – %ene5ciar). D Can the trustor be trustor an! trustee: NO D Can the trustee an! benefciary: NO. 4rustee &ight %e transeree o !ega! tit!e$ %ut he is not su''ose" to %ene5t ro& the 'ro'ert). 3e is on!) entit!e" to a ee$ costs o a"&in$ '!us a !itt!e soðing e!se as sa!ar) or co&'ensation %ut not as the %ene5ciar). E#en i the !ega! tit!e is entruste" to hi&$ the ruits wi!! sti!! go to the %ene5ciar) D Can the trustor be the benefciary: ;ES %ecause he is arai" he wonAt %e a%!e to tae care o hi&se! 10 )ears !ater. 3e wi!! %e the %ene5ciar) in his$ "otage$ nonage. (hen he orgets e#er)thing$ when he 9!Mhei&erAs is in 'rocee"ing near the 5nish !ine. (hen he eats his own 'oo ust !ie when he is a %a%). 2. $mplie! D 4he one that i&'!ies it is usua!!) the !aw$ %ecause the 'ro'ert) owner wi!! %e 'reu"ice i no 'ro'ert) re!ationshi' D 3ow &an) in"s o i&'!ie" trust are there in the CC@ C"N4',UC'$@+ – on the 'art o the trustee$ he ne#er inten"e" to %e one. :a)%e he inten"e" to %e an owner. 4he !aw i&'ose" on hi& o%!igation o the trustee %ecause the owner wi!! %e 'reu"ice" 6or wi!! su?er irre'ara%!e "a&age7 i no i&'!ie" trust is i&'!ie" or create" %) !aw. ,+4UL'$N% – e?ect o ai!ure to create an e*'ress trust$ "i" not co&'!) with the 'ro'er or&a!it) D ;ou ust ana!)Me. 4he i&'!ie" trusts here are &ere e*a&'!es. 9n" the) "o not e*haust the 5e!" !ie the natura! o%!igation. 4ae note o the !i&itations on 9rt 1RR2$ the trans'!antation o trust in the Phi!i''ine uris"iction. D 1;;8< e#er) intention to create a trust re!ationshi'. 4hatAs wh) itAs a resu!ting trust. D 2. So&e%o") e!se is true %ene5ciar)$ e.g. inant son. 4hat is a!so a resu!ting trust. 4here is an intention to create a trust re!ationshi'. D 1;50< esu!ting$ e*ce't that the trust is in a#or o to who& the &one) is !oane". 4he %orrower is the %ene5ciar) o the trust. 4he !en"er &ere!) ho!"s the !ega! tit!e to the 'ro'ert) so that he wi!! %e 'ai" with the !oan. ee" o sa!e is &a"e to the !en"er$ %ut wi!! %e transerre" to the rea! or true %u)er. Instea" o "ee" o &ortgage. D 1;51< Pro%!e&atica!. 9!though the son is the !ega! tit!e now$ he is not the %ene5cia! owner$ %ut the ather. esu!ting trust at !east ro& the 'oint o #iew$ who causes the tit!e to %e '!ace" in the na&e o another 'erson. 4he trust is in his a#or. D 1;52< se#era! o rien"s contri%ute &one) to %e 'ut in 'iece o 'ro'ert). Na&e in ust one o the&. esu!ting trust. D 1;5< 4rans&it another to the grantor. Conte&'!ate". esu!ting trust %ecause there is an intention to create an e*'ress trust. D 1;5;< on!) to secure the o%!igation.
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52 Cu&%erso&e to ha#e the na&es o a!! the =0 cousins in the 4orrens tit!e. /ai!ure to create an e*'ress trust$ thereore$ itAs a resu!ting trust. /ortae can secure any other prestation lie not to !o an! to !o . 4here are two in"s o %a)< 1. PROPERT8 <%8 – secures the 'erson who urnishes the 'a)$ a 'arce! o !an". I wi!! 'ut u' a 'ro'ert) %a) or the re!ease o this accuse". 4he accuse" was "etaine". IA& 'utting u' this 'ro'ert). 4o 'erson urnish the %a). 4he) 'ro&ise that itAs a 'restation to "o that the) guarantee. 9''earance o accuse" in court 6e.g. the one who urnishes the %a) are actua!!) consi"ere" as the ai!ers o the accuse". Each ti&e thereAs a hearing. 4he two %on"s&en ha#e to !itera!!) tae the accuse" to the court an" 'resent hi& there. I he is a%sent une*'!aine"$ the 'ro'erties wi!! %e oreite" %ecause o ai!ure to a''ear in court – +'restation to "o,7 itAs not on!) a !oan that a &ortgage wi!! secure it can %e an) other 'restation. Prestation to gi#e to "o or not on!) 'a)&ent o su& o &one). e!i#er) o s'eci5c thing. Prestation to "o an" not to "o. Secure it with an) o these accessor) contracts. In &ortgages$ the two t)'es< 'ro'ert) an" chatte! &ortgage. 4ranserre" to &ortgagee cre"itor. ee" o rea! estate &ortgage with the a%i!it) or right to orec!ose &ortgage in case there is a%i!it) to 'eror&. 4he a%i!it) to 'eror& thing antichresis wi!! %e "e!i#ere" to the &o#a%!e. 9!! accessor) contracts "e'en"ent u'on the 'rinci'a! contract.
-"U#L+ *,+4U/*'$"N< the trust is a!rea") a constructi#e trust an" then the 'erio" is 10 )ears %ecause ro& the "ate o registration$ the entire wor!" is a!so 'resu&e" to %e noti5e" a!though the) werenAt rea!!) on the %asis o rau" or &istae. (hen "o )ou recon it@ /ro& the actua! "ate )ou oun" out$ itAs constructi#e. It nee"s 'ro%a%!) a "issertation ro& one grou'. et it@ In a 'ro'er case$ )ouA!! ha#e to "ea! with trust$ an" then 'uncture the constructi#e notice to the who!e wor!". ItAs a &istae an" rau". 4he 'erio" starts %eing counte" ro& "a) o &istae o !aw. ItAs a!rea") registere". C&4+ " ,&U- < R or 10 )ears@ O%!igations create" %) !aw 'rescri%e in 10 )ears. 4rou%!e is when )ou start counting. SC sa)s ro& the "ate o registration. 4he recor"s are "ust) an" I ha#e a!!erg). But with 1K I can %u) C!aritine %eore I "i#e in the recor"s. 9!!ergic not to "ust %ut to wor.
9!though the 'erio" o trust in %asis o &istae or rau"@ (ith res'ect to the registere" !an"s in the na&e o the neigh%or rather than actua! cu!ti#ator@ 9!though the 'erio" is 10 )ears ro& the 'erio" o registration< Gua!i5cation i the true owner instea" o 5!ing action or recon#e)ance on the %asis o constructi#e c!ass$ action to Guiet tit!e. 9"#ance" now!e"ge. 4hereAs a 'rinci'!e here$ in action to Guiet tit!e i the '!ainti? is in 'ossession o !an"$ that action is i&'rescri'ti%!e. On!) i he is sti!! in 'ossession. It wi!! "escri%e in 10 )ears. 4he usua! 'rescri'ti#e 'erio".
OBLICON Lecture Notes – Karichi E. Santos | UP Law B2012
Page 51 o
52 ',U4'++ )&4 *"(+,4 " &-/$N$4',&'$"N < no &atter how !ong he 'ossesses 'ro'ert) he!" in trust$ he wi!! ne#er %e co&e owner as !ong as he recogniMe the trust. Because he can re'u"iate the trust %) e*ecuting acts o renunciation a&ounting to the ouster o the trust. 4rustee oust %ene5ciar)< +ro& now on$ this is &ine now, then he sho#es hi& out o the house. 4hus %egins the a"#erse 'osition. Boote" out. 9n" then this act a%out now!e"ge a%out 'art o %ene5ciar) &ust %e 'ro#e" %) c!ear an" con#incing e#i"ence. 3e &ust 'ossess it or a 'erio" o &ore than 0 )ears. It shou!" %e e*traor"inar) acGuisiti#e or the rea! 'ro'ert) un!ess it has a tit!e. In which case$ there can %e no registere" 'ossession. ;ou ust tae it "own %ecause itAs or ne*t )ear in case )ou !ose in the %i""ing. et it@@@
4$, L$'&% 4U//$N% U* "#L$C"NF (EAE 43OU3 (I43 OBLI94IONS 9N CON49C4S- NO( 43E 39 P94 ON ;OU P94 BEINS.
"#L$C"N e&e&%er that )ou ust ha#e to re&e&%er it wi!! create a personal riht $ not a real riht$ 1NLE the thin is !elivere! an" es'ecia!!) so i itAs a real property i )ou nee" a 'u%!ic "ocu&ent. 9 cre"itor can enorce right against a!! o the 'ro'erties o "e%tor not e*e&'t ro& e*ecution. But the !aw on 'ro'ert) is a!! a%out the rea! rights in Ci#i! Law$ inc!u"ing the &ortgages$ '!e"ges which are accessor) o%!igations. But the &ain ones that )ouA!! stu") ne*t se& ownershi'$ rea! right o 'ossession$ usuruct or cora"ia! 'ossession. 4here are in special contracts in mort&a&es . 9n" the other one in rea! contracts are there too. So. ;ou "o the three 'restations. "bliations are create! by one o the fve sources o obliation an" then the !aw co&es in an" 'ro#i"es or the rihts an! obliation o the parties$ the one is the obliin cre!itor an! he has many options. S'eci5c 'eror&ance O rescission '!us "a&ages %ecause o de0ault %ut can %e one o the our other sources o %reach which inc!u"es 617 tota! ai!ure$ 627 "eau!t$ 67 neg!igence an" 6R7 rau" an" a!so 6=7 contra#ention o the tenor o the o%!igation e*ce't that or tota! ai!ure$ au!t an" then contra#ention o the tenor$ the DE'ENSE %) the "e%tor can %e 'ORTUITOUS E6ENT . Neg!igence$ )ou cannot appl! it ri&ht . 3ow a%out rau"$ worse$ )ou cannot . But certain!) in contra#ention$ i nearer to au!t or ai!ure$ 'ro%a%!) )ou can use it. But nearer rau" an" neg!igence )ou cannot es'ecia!!) that t)'ewriter case$ ortuitous e#ent is that the t)'ewriter e!!. 9cts o go" an" acts o &an. Nature o a!! this nature an" e?ect o o%!igation$ how %reach$ how s'eci5c 'eror&ance$ what can %e ase" %) the cre"itor which &a) inc!u"e specifc thins not on!) o the sa&e s'eci5c things %ut all o the accession an! accessory. But a!so the ruits$ in the en"$ the "e%tor 'a)s it. 4he e) here is the NATURE AND E''ECTS O' O3LIGATION. 3ow to get out o it@ (hat the "e%tor wi!! %e !ia%!e or@ e'en"ing u'on CLASSI'ICATION O' O3LIGATION 6oint or so!i"ar)Qa!ternati#eQ acu!tati#eQ&i*e"$ is there a 'ena! c!ause$ "i#isi%!e or in"i#isi%!e or oint in"i#isi%!e 6oint o%!igation is actua! oint in"i#isi%!e7. e'en"ing u'on the c!assi5cation o o%!igation$ there is a 'er&utation o rights an" o%!igations. 4hen there is E4TINGUISH"ENT . Basica!!) 617 'a)&ent or 'eror&ance. ;ou a!rea") now how to "i#i"e or 'ro#e the ru!es on 'a)&ent. (ho to 'a)$ who&$ what shou!" %e 'ai"$ when$ where$ how an" then wh). 9n o%!igation is create"$ it has a !ie accor"ing to c!assi5cation o o%!igation. It creates right an" then ater that it is e*tinguishe". Other wa)s to e*tinguish through the special orms o payment< 627 &erger or conusion$ 67co&'ensation 6!ega! an" #o!untar)7$ 6R7 con"onation or re&ission o "e%t$ 6=7 no#ation< Express `a7 o%ecti#e O %7 su%ecti#e 6'assi#e O acti#e – there are s'eci5c na&es or this< su%stitution o "e%tors an" su%rogation an" e*'ro&ision$ !ega! an" #o!untar)7 Implied< co&'ati%i!it) o o%!igations.
C"N',&C'4 'hree essential ,+MU$4$'+4A 617 consent$ 627 o%ect$ 67 causa &!!itional reuisites or rea!$ or&a! an" so!e&n contracts.
C"N4+N'< !oo at the co&&entar)$ &ost o the ti&e there is congruence %etween o?er an" acce'tance as to ob1ect which shou!" %e certain or ascertaina%!e$ an" cau.e or consi"era%!e 6'resu&e" to ha#e this that is #a!i"7 a%sent an) causa$ it is presumed to have valid &ratuitious causa. 5 3ays o vitiatin consentA 4he easier one is leal capacity o %oth contracting 'arties< UNENFORCEABLE against each one o the&$ rati5cation %) %oth to %e u!!) #a!i" One consent taen through "uress$ un"ue I$ rau" or &istae< VOIDABLE at his instance RESCISSIBLE contracts< "eecti#e is a!! a%out economic pre
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