Asst Prof. LK Singh Abeda Inamdar Sr College PuneFull description...
Author:  Singh LK

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GST the biggest Tax Reform in India founded on the notion of "One Nation, One Market, One Tax is finally here. The movement that the Indian government was waiting for the decade has finally arrived. The single biggest Indirect tax regime has kicked i

1st July 2017, it is regarded as a major reform in Indian taxation system till now. This category of tax introduced by state and central government of Indian by amalgamating different types indirect taxes under one head GST. Due to implementation of

1st July 2017, it is regarded as a major reform in Indian taxation system till now. This category of tax introduced by state and central government of Indian by amalgamating different types indirect taxes under one head GST. Due to implementation of

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A brief study on the impact of GST on the manufacturing sector in India. We conducted interviews of business personnel and taxmen; followed by our analysis of how GST will effect the society as a w...

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GST also known as the goods and service tax is defined as the giant tax structure designed to support and enhances the economic growth of our country. More than 150 countries have implemented GST so far. GST is an indirect tax system which takes acco

India is very unique by birth it is known for good hospitality and ecofriendly business environment for small and big player equally by RBI survey almost nine million SMEs are existed in India. what you see and hear both are not correct some time suc

GST otherwise called the Goods and Services Tax is characterised as the indirect tax structure intended to help and improve the financial development of a nation. More than 150 nations have actualised GST up until this point. Notwithstanding, the pos

Molakalmuru is one of the most unindustrialized talukas in Karnataka. Migration is increasingly becoming an important livelihood strategy for the migrants. Although there is rise in this phenomenon, little is understood about the impact of migration