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Ancient Healing Ways Inc.
INTRODUCTION Total System Stimulation
Creative Energy Kriya
Adjusting the Upper Body
Adjusting the Body, Blood and Lymph systems
Energizing the Self
All of the sets in this manual have been created to strengthen the nervous system and stimulate the glandular system. These sets are considered intermediate in difficulty and should be done by students who have had some previous instruction in Kundalini Yoga. The concept of this manual came from Yogi Bhajan's saYing, ''Your body is the vehicle of God-a truth machine. So keep it in tune!" Yogi Bhajan teaches that the glands are the guardians of the body. Glandular good health are integral to each person's physical and mental well-being. We hope that this manual will help you to achieve optimal glandular health. For beginning instruction and further details about Kundalini Yoga, please refer to Sadhana Guidelines, also by Yogi Bhajan.
1) Sit In Easy Pose. Bring the left hand up to the level of the chest; forearm Is paraDe! to the ground; palm Is facing the body. Grasp the left wrist with the right hand from the outside. Do not endrde the left wrist with the thumb. Oase the eyes to a silt. "dee eyes," and turning left palm sUghtly upward, 8tare Into palm as Into a minor. Create powerful tension by pu1Jlng toward the chest with the right. Continue for 2·3 minutes. Do not reverse.
ThIll Jcrlya uorb on the Iddneys and adrenals. 111m cause ~ glandular ~ It wm make J,IOU uxmt co cheat. Don't ~ about your
~ g othrough It. duringtlds ~ J,IOU wish to Inhale and hold the breath exhal
Ing. your lungs will be put through 801M change&.
-2) Sit In rock pose. Extend the arms overhead and reach back. keeping the elbows straight. Face the palms toward the oeding. Drop the head back. look up and point the chin upward. gradually spreading the knees as wide as possible. Relax Into the posltlon for 2 • 3 minutes. Prasure wUl be on the chat. We wal prepare ouraeloes to get where &De UlCIIIt to go mUlImeter bymUUmeter
3) Remaining on the right heel, extend the left leg. Place the palms on the floor beside the body. Raise the leg up 60 degrees and raise the buttocks as high as possible. Swttchsldes and repeat. Hold the posi tion for 1 ·2 minutes on each side.
4) Sit In rock pose. Place the hands on the ground behind the body and arch up Into half camel pose. '{)pen the mouth wide and stick the tongue out. Inhale and belly laugh on the exhale. Continue for 10 repetitions. Relax on the back for 3 minutes. ThJs exercise exerts a lot 0/ pressure and balances the caldum and magnesium In the body. 1
5) Sit In rock pose. Interlace the fingers and raise them to the throat level with the palms facing down. Press the thumbs together. With no special breath. vigorously flex the shoulders up and down. Continue for 2·3 minutes. The body is the ueh,cle of God. It should never be exploited. This exercise pumps up the blood. Doing ft. you will avoid an unnatural death.
6) Remain in rock pose. Stretch the arms straight . overhead with the fingers interlaced and the Jupiter fingers pointing up. Open the mouth and stick the tongue all the way out. Twist to the left and then to the right using the whole spine. Continue twisting while breathing normally for 3 minutes.
7) Stand up with the feet about· two feet apart. Maintaining a straight spine. bend forward from the waist until the upper body is parallel to the ground. Relax the arms down. RoD the eyes up and raise the head only as high as Is necessary to see straight ahead. Hold the position for 3 minutes. This position helps to adjust the vertebral discs. ·8) Remain in 1he same standing position. Raise 1he arms back and up as high as possible. Rapidly open and dose the fists for 3 minutes. Relax on the back for 3minutes. Thfs is a major overhaul as we use muscles not
usually arlled upon. It is goodfor pain In the back of the head and works on the five ~ters of the brain. 9) Sit In rock pose. Interlace the fingers and place them on the forehead with the palms facing out. Open the mouth and stick the tongue aU the way out. Inhale. and powerfully exhale through the mouth. Pull muhlband on the exhale. Continue for 2 minutes. 10) Remain In the same position. Pucker the Ups until only a small hole remains. Inhale and exhale through the hole with a whistle for 1 minute. 11) Remain In rock pose. Begin making a ducking sound with the tongue clicking against the upper palate. The mouth remains open. Continue for 2 to 3 minutes. Take a 15 minute walk in the fresh air-barefoot On the ground is best.
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12) Spread the knees wide and come up onto them Extend the arms straight over the head with the palms facing each other. Drop the head to the rear and face the chin up. Then drop the head forward and place the chin on the· chest. Continue the backward and forward motion of the head for 1 minute. Lower the arms. 13) Remain up on the knees. Hold the head straight. open the mouth, and stick out the tongue. Inhale and raise the hands over the head with the palms facing toward the ceiling. Exhale and let them drop.
Continue for 2 minutes. 14) .Remain up on the knees with the head facing forward.. Inhale, raise the hands up over the head. and clap them together one time. Exhale, dropping the hands to the sides of the body. Swing the arms loosely forward, clapping hands again. Then raise arms over head, InhaUng and clapping as the three phase exercise begins again: clap. drop. clap-clap drop. dap•••contlnue for 1 minute. ThIs exerdse IIIIU prevent lung problems.
15) Squat down into crow pose and place the palms on the ground with the elbows outside of the. knees. Keep the head up. Begin chanting your
favorite mantra for 2 minutes.
00111 pose puts direct pressure on the colon. AUoIII the pressure and don't IDOrry. 16) Remain In crow pose with the hands on the ground.. Inhale, tilt the head to the left and place the ear on the shoulder. Exhale, tilt the head to the right and place the other ear on the shoulder. Continue for 2 minutes.
17) QuIckly come into rock pose and fold the arms across the chest with the right arm closer to the body. Place the right hand on the left upper arm and tuck the left hand inside the right elbow. OoSe the eyes. Rotate the head in a figure eight. Stop. Open the eyes and stare. Oose the eyes and rotate the head in the opposite direction. Continue to rotate the figure eight in alternate directions with the eyes closed. stopping and staring between each rotation. Continue for 1 minute. . 18) Sit in easy pose and grasp the Jmees with the hands. Inhale and flex the spine forward and the head falls back. Exhale and collapse the spine. the head coming forward. Continue keeping the neck loose. the head falling back and forth with the rhythm of the flex for 2 - 3 minutes. During this exercise, every disc &Df11 moue uiDlently. 19) Remain in easy pose. Grind at the waist in a clockwise motion as though whirling a hula-hoop. Continue for 3 minutes. Reverse. . ThIs kriya is goodfor the liuer. 20) Stand up and fold the arms across the chest as in Exercise 17. Squat into crow pose and return to a standing position. Begin chanting your favorite mantra. Continue for 2 - 3 minutes. 21) Remain standing and clap the hands as fast as possible f~r 2 minutes. 22) Sit in easy pose. Extend the arms straight up' . overhead with the palms facing forward. Bend the Saturn and Sun fingers and lock them under the thumbs. Begin alternately pulling down the arms and thrusting them into the air. keeping the fore . arms perpendicular to the ground. Rapidly continue this alternate pulling and thrusting for 2 - 3 minutes. 23) Completely relax on the back and listen to 34 beat rhythm gong music. Meditate.
CREATIVE ENERGY KRIYA 1) Ue flat on the back and raise the left leg as far
as possible. Keeping the leg straight, reach up and and grab the ball of the left foot. If this is not p0ssI ble, grab the ankle or the calf. keeping the leg straight. In this position. begin vigorously kicking the buttocks with the right heel Continue for 2 • 3 minutes. switch sides and repeat. 2) Come up Into shoulder stand with the Weight
resting on the elbows. Lower the left leg to the ground over the head. While raising ~ left leg. lower the right leg. Continue to raise and lower al ternate legs in this scissor motion for 2 - 3 minutes. 3) Sit up with the Jegs straight and spread wide apart. Grasp the big toe of each foot with the same hand. Stretch to bring the forehead down to the left knee, then to the right knee., and then to the center. MaIntaining a rapid pace. continue this left, right, center sequence for 2·3 minutes. 4) Ue flat on the back. Uft the legs over the head Into plow pose. then return them to the Ooor. Con tinue this motion 2·3 mlnutes. lAdJes 10m beneftt from doing thJs exercise eoeryday.
5) Ue flat on the stomach with the chin point on the ground. Make fists of the hands and fit them into the area besic:Ie the groin. Point the toes and press on the fists while raising the legs as high off the ground as possible into locust pose. Keep the legs straight and hold this position for three minutes.
6) Ue flat on the stomach with the heels touchJng. Keeping the arms relaxed by the sides. arch up and raise the head and chest off the ground as much as possible. Stick the tongue aD the way out and breathe rapidly tIuough the mouth.
Continue for 2·3 minutes.
7) Continue the breath desaibed above and put the hands down to support the upper body. coming Into cobra pOse. Bend the knees bringing the feet toward the head. Arch the back. trying to touch the head to the toes. Continue for 2 - 3 minutes. 8) Remaining on the stomach. grab the·ankles and arch up Into bow pose. Bend the neck to touch the left ear to the left shoulder. Hold for 45 seconds. Change so that the right ear touches the right shoul der. Hold for 45 seconds. ThJs Isa good exercise for people who may hOue hypoglycemla. 9) Remaining In bow pose with head straIgh~ rock
back and forth for 1 - 3 minutes. 10) Squat in crow pose, being sure to keep the heels flat on the ground throughout the exercise. Hold the palms together In front of the body with the arms parallel to the ground and the elbows . straight. Rise to a &tanding position on each Inhale. and return to crow pose on the exhale. Continue for 2 - 3 minutes. 11) Come Into frog pose. slowly raise the buttocks by straightening the legs; retum to frog pose. Continue slow frog bits 2 • 3 minutes. then stand with the legs straight and bend at the waist so that. the torso Is parallel to the ground. The arms
and head hang down relaxecl. Shout continuously and as loud as possible for 2·3 minutes.
12) Sit In rock pose. Place the hands on the shoul ders with· the fingers In front and thumbs In back. Rhythmically twist left and right. Continue for 2 • 3 minutes.
13) Still sitting In rock pose. stick the thumbs into the annplts &0 that the fingers rest on the chest and are pointing toward each other. Raise and lower the elbows rapidly as If flying. Continue 2 • 3 minutes. 14) Stlll sitting In rock pose Interlace the fingers behind the back. Bring the forehead to the Ooor and raise the armS up as high as possible Into yoga mudra. Keep the arms straight. Breathe long and deep for 2·3 minutes.
15) Still sitting In rock pose. raise the anns up that they are parallel to the floor and bend them 90 degrees, &0 that the right hand presses down on the left hand and the left hand pushes up on the right. Both palms face down. Maintain maximum tension for two to three minutes. IJO
16) Still sitting In rock pose, open the hands. fingers spread. Stretch the anns out In front parallel to the ground. Then using alternate hands make a grasping movement and pull toward the heart center with great tension as If pulling a 200 pound weight. Continue a1temately stretching. grasping, and puJJing with maximum tension for 2·3 minutes. 17) Sit In easy pose. Cap the hands In front of the chest with the elbows straight and arms parallel to the floor. Immediately bring the arms out to the sides with the wrists bent back 90 degrees. arms stUl straight and parallel to the Ooor. Then bend the arms to clap behind the head, keeping the elbows stretched back as far as possible and finally clap behind the &maD of the back. Clap with maximum force and as loudly as possible. Continue rythmicaJIy and rapidly In four counts for 2·3 minutes.
18) Sit In full lotus or easy pose. Place the fists on the ground close to the bodV. Raise and drop the buttocks 25 • 30 times. If sitting In easy pose. take care to use the arms only to Uft off the ground. 19) Sit on the right heel wlth the left leg straight and toe pointed. Place the palms on the ground near the buttocks. RaIse the leg up to a 60 degree angle. (Avoid leaning back.) Hold one minute. SWitch and hold one minute. Raise both legs up to 60 degrees. Hold one minute more.
. 17.~:t
20) Sit In easy pose With the hands resting on the knees. Rotate the waist, grlndJng deeply In a COUJiter clockwise direction. Change direction. Do this exer cise for a total of 2·3 minutes. .
1) Sit in easy pose. Place the hands together (right on top of left) with the palms facing down. The left hand faces to the right and the right hand faces forward. Raising the" left shoulder and elbow. hold the left arm parallel to the ground. The right arm is down by the side of the body. Apply maxi mum downward pressure with the right hand and maximum upward pressure with the left hand. The breathing will automatically become heavy. Continue for 5 minutes. This kriya balances heauy electron exchange in the brain. 2) Remain in easy pose. Press the palms together (palms perpendicular to the ground) at the heart level. Raise the elbows until both arms are paral lel to the ground. Apply strong pressure to the base of the palm. Using this as a pivot point. twist the hands back and forth in opposite directions. Con tinue for 5 minutes. If done correctly. this kriya will cause pain in back oj the shoulders.
3) Remain in easy pose. Place the palm of the left hand on the left rear of the neck. Place the palm of the riQht hand above the right ear With the fingers extending to the back of the head. Look at the tip of the nose. Push in with maximum pressure with both hands. Continue for 2 - 3 minutes and then reverse the position for 2 - 3 minutes. The breath ing will become heavy. This exercise adjusts the neck. 4) Remain in easy pose. Place the hands over the ears with the fingers extending to the rear of the head. Push in with maximum pressure for 3 - 5 aeconds. Relax the pressure for 3 - 5 seconds and continue in a rhythmic pattern for 3 minutes. 5) Remain in easy pose. Place the first three fingers ()f each hand onto the boney ridge at the lower edge of the eye socket (on the "baggie~"). Moving both hands toward the nose and away from the nose in unison, gently and rapidly massage the lower eyelid and upper cheekbone. Continue for 5 minutes.
s· 9
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Ine arms In Ine
lap. RoD the tongue in a circle over the teeth and along the outer gums. Continue for 5 minutes. This exercise adjusts the jaw. 7) Remain in easy pose and tightly cross the legs (foO lotus if possible). Make fists and put the knuc kles on the ground at the sides of the body. Raise .the body 3 - 6 inches with the arms. and drop It. Continue for 3 minutes.
This kriya adjusts the elbows. Remain in easy pose. Bring the hands together in front of the chest with only the fingertips touch ing. Keep the fingers straight. press the palms out as the hands rotate out and away from the chest. and in as the hands come toward the chest. The hands will rotate in small circles. Continue for 5 minutes. This kriya is to adjust the hand bones. 8)
9) Remain in easy pose. Slightly raise the shoulders and extend the arms strilight out in 'front of the· body bending the elbows to bring the forearms perpendicular to the ground. Hold the hands in fists with the thumbs pointing straight up. pun forward with the elbows using maximum force. Continue for 5 -10 minutes. This exercise will bring tTemendous pressure to the back of the neck. It worles on the glands of the neck and giues control of sexual urges.
10) Remain in easy pose. Make f15ts of the hands and extend the arms straight out in front of the body, bringing the forearms perpendicular to the ground. Firmly press the forearms together from elbow to wrist. Keep the elbows up. Hold the posi tion for 5 minutes. This kriya works on the back muscles. 11) Relax deeply on the back.
1"'\"""",_ ..•._."'., -- -
AND LYMPH CLEANSE SET 1) Sit in easy pose. Open the mouth as wide as possible. Bend the neck and place the head on the left shoulder. Then place It on the right shoulder. Continue this movement for 2 minutes. This laiya works on adjusting thejalD; .2) . Remain In easy pose. Jut the lower jaw forward
in an exaggerated underbite and smile. Rock the head from side to side as in Exercise 1 for 2 minutes. This exercise is goodfor the teeth.
·3) Remain In easy pose. Jut the lower Jaw as In Exercise 2, wrinkle the nose, and cross the eyes. Raise the shoulders to the ears and pull the head down to meet the rising shoulders. Then lower the shoulders and stretch the neck upwards. Maintain the facial expression and continue the hunching motion for 2 minutes. . This Icriya exercises the face and neck muscles.
. 5) Remain in easy pose. Place the hands on the knees. Rotate the shoulders either forward· or back ward for 3 minutes. nus kriya is goodfor eliminating oalcium deposits. 6) Remain In easy pose. Cross the foreanns and grasp opposite elbows. Raise the crossed arms as high as possible toward the head and lower them back down as rapidly as possible. Continue for 2 minutes. 7) Remain in easy pose. Grasp the elbows with the arms behind the back. Again raise and lower the arms as rapidly as possble. Continue for 2 minutes.
8) Come up onto the hands and knees. Drop the spine as In cow pose. Extend the left leg straight out and raise It as high as possible. Continue 3 minutes and then reverse for 3 minutes. Come back Into cow pose. Open the mouth. stick out the tongue. and begin breath of fire for 1 minute. This exerdBe adjusts the spine In areas not acces sible to chlropract1c adjustment. If a woman takes air Into the vagina while practldng this Icriya. a basic structural deject Is Indicated and she needs to" wear a sanitary pad at all times. 9) Sit In easy pose. Press the thumbs Into,-the temples. Rotate the eyes for one minute. Maintain ing the pressure on the temples. open the eyes as
wide as possible and dose them. Continue open log and dosing the eyes for 1 minute. 10) Sit with the spine straight and the knees firmly
held into the chest by the arms. Rock forward In an effort to get onto the feet. This will not be possi ble but in the effort correct muscular tension will be created. WIth this Jaiya. the toes and balls of the Jeet (the "paws'') are adjusted. 11) Remain In the seated position with the knees drawn Into the chest. Place the hands on the ground at the sides of the body and balance the entire body weight on the hands and heels. Hold the posi tion for 1 - 2 minutes. ThIs is a JaiyaJor adjusting the knees and ankles. 12) This is a four part exercise: a) Come into shoulder stand and begin pumping alternate legs up and down for one minute; b) Keeping both legs up, do breath of fire for one minute; c) Spreading the legs wide apart. continue breath of fire for 2 minutes; and d) Bring the legs together. Inhale, exhale and relax. Part a massages the liver and colon. eliminat Ing problems with the liver. spleen,. or gall bladder. In Part c problems with the sciatica are avoided by this muscle stTetch.
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a .....
and raise the buttocks. The heels do not need to be on the floor. Keeping the legs straight. bend .at the elbows trying to touch the nose to the floor. Straighten the arms and raise the nose from the floor. Squat back down into frog pose. Repeat the motion for 3 minutes. This kriyajlushesthe chest with blood. It is good for the heart, the hearing and the eyesight; Uflushes the arteries and the lymph system. The practice of this kriya also flushes the breasts which can pre vent breast cancer. Furthermore. there will be no tennis elbow when this exercise is done regularly. 14) Sit in easy pose and fold the anns across the chest with the upper anns away from the body and parallel to the ground. The neck is straight. Meditate at the root of the nose and pull the anns forward from the shoulders.
This biya brings the serum up the spine and adjusts it, giVing a l1ery calm. quiet, peaceful be havior. It ,will enable one to face tension and feel
good about it. Practidng this kriya. you cannot be a "zombie" but must be a/ull-fledged person.
15) Sitting in easy pose. bunch the fingertips at the thumbtips. thrusting the mudra into the ann pits. Pull downward with the arms. creating a pres sure in the shoulders. Continue 1 - 3 minutes.
16) Remain seated and extend the right leg straight out in front of the body. Place the left foot on top of the right thigh. Place the hands in Venus Jock behind the back. Place the head on the knee and raise the anns as high as possible. Relax in this position for 1 . 2 minutes. This kriya is good for the ovaries and proper menstruation. It also eliminates the passing of bad gas in women. (Men need to use baby pose to control this problem.)
17) Sit in easy pose. Place the hands on the hips
with the elbows paraDeI to the body. Pull the elbows
back and push them forward with a jerk. "chicken
wings." Continue for 2 minutes.
18) Remain in easy pose. Make the hands into
fists and raise the arms over the head Begin lower
ing alternate arms (left aim first) and Jabbing
them back up. giving equal force to the extension
zmd contraction of the arms. Continue for 3 minutes.
19) Remain in easy pose. Place the hands in Venus
lock at the throat level wtththe paIms facing doum.
Raise the hands over the head and lower them back
down to the throat level as rapidly as possible.
Continue for 2 minutes.
lB. I
20) Remain in a seated position. and place the soles
of the feet together. Pull the feet in towards the
crotch with the hands. Begin raising and lowering
the knees in a fluttering movement for 2 minutes.
21) Sit in easy pose. Place the hands on the knees and keep the arms straight. Inhale completely.
hold the breath for as long as is possible. and pump
the navel in and out. Exhale and inhale. repeat the
exercise. Continue for 4 • 5 minutes.
KRIYA FOR ENERGIZING THE SELF 1) Sit In easy pose. Extend the arms In front of the body with the palms fadng up. Make fists of
the hands. Strike the right arm with the back of the fist of the left ann Starting near the wrist and moving'· back toward the elbow. Reverse arm positions and repeat. Strike with considerable force at the wrist, mid-forearm, and elbow joint. Continue alternately striking the arms for 3 minutes. 2) Sit in rock pose and ·place the palms on the thighs. Begin flexing the lower spine, hunching the shoulders as the spine collapses and pulling them downward as the spine pushes forward. Continue for 3 minutes.
3) Remain In rock pose. Extend the arms in front of the body with the palms fadng down. Keeping the elbows straight, begin alternately striking the -thighs just above the knees with the hands. Step up· the pace as you preceed. Breathe normally. Continue for 3 minutes. This slapping 0/ the thighs works on the sex meridian.
4) Remain in rock pose and place the hands on the hips. Begin flexing the lower spine. As the spine collapses, bring the elbows forward. Then. thrust them back to help push the chest out. Continue for 3 minutes. Rest/or 2 minutes and remember God. 5) Sit in easy pose and rest the hands.on the legs. RoD the shoulders forward twice. Then swing the arms forward across the chest. Repeat the three movement series and continue for· 3 minutes.
6) Stand up and spread the legs shoulder width apart. Extend the arms in front of the body and place one hand on top of the other with both palms facing down. Squat into crow pose and retJ,1rn to the standing position. Continue for 3 . 5 minutes. 7) Remain standing and extend the arms over the head with the hands in Venus lock and upper arms
against the ears. Squat into crow pose and· return to the stand position. Continue for 3 minutes. 8) Remain standing, extend the arms behind the
body, and place the hands in Venus lock. Squat into crow pose and return to standing position. Continue for 1 minute. ' 9) Sit in. easy pose. Bring the hands together at the chest level. pointing out from the body. The fin. gers from their bases to their fingertips touch and the thumbtips touch. The palms remain about three inches apart. Push the hands in toward each other with maximum pressure. Leave the eyes 1/IOth open and meditate for at least three minutes.
10) Relax in easy pose and let the shoulders hang.
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