Yantra Yoga -Swami Harinanda

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The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Maharshi are the standard Text on Yoga and these Sutras constitute a philosophy as well as a practica! technique of meditation. The purpose of the yoga way of…Descripción completa

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Maharshi are the standard Text on Yoga and these Sutras constitute a philosophy as well as a practica! technique of meditation. The purpose of the yoga way of…Descrição completa

livro sobre yoga nidra, técnica tantrica , livro de swami satyananda saraswati

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Maharshi are the standard Text on Yoga and these Sutras constitute a philosophy as well as a practica! technique of meditation. The purpose of the yoga way of…Full description

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Maharshi are the standard Text on Yoga and these Sutras constitute a philosophy as well as a practica! technique of meditation. The purpose of the yoga way of…Full description

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The system called Tantra has been always regarded as an esoteric and a secret way of spiritual practice, not accessible to the untrained one and to the common folk. The secrecy about the …Full description

The system called Tantra has been always regarded as an esoteric and a secret way of spiritual practice, not accessible to the untrained one and to the common folk. The secrecy about the …Full description

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practicality of yantras for applicationsFull description