*ote; The P5CP6C7 transmit power must be higher than the minimum pilot power and lower than the maximum pilot power.
P6C7 Power ,0set and %6C7 Power ,0set P6C7 Power ,0set is the di0erence between the transmit power of P6C7 and that of PCP6C7
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%6C7 Power ,0set is the di0erence between the transmit power of an %6C7 and that of PCP6C7. To To fetch this information from from M4))) the command is as follows LST UCHPWROFFSET: CellId=11234;
2C7 Transmit Power This is the ,0set of the 2C7 transmit power from the P5CP6C7 transmit power in a cell. 6f the value is set too small$ the U?s on the cell cell edge edge cann cannot ot rece receiv ive e the the syst system em messa message ges s prop proper erly ly.. This This problem a0ects the coverage of the downlink common channel and furthermore the coverage of the cell. 6f the value is set too great$ it caus causes es inte interfe rfere renc nce e to othe otherr chan channel nels$ s$ occu occupie pies s the the down downli link nk transmit power$ and a0ects the cell capacity. capacity. To To fetch this information from from M4))) the command is as follows LST UBCH: CellId=11234;
PSC7 Transmit Power This is the ,0set of the PSC7 transmit power from the P5CP6C7 transmit power in a cell. 6f the value is excessively low$ U?s at the edge edge of cells cells fail fail in networ network k searc searchin hing$ g$ resul resultin ting g in in@uen in@uence ce on coverage of the downlink common channel. This Anally a0ects the cell coverage. 6f the value is excessively excessively high$ the power resources resources are wasted$ and other channels are interfered seriously$ thus the cell capacity is in@uenced.
To To fetch this information from M4))) the command is as follows LST UPSCH: CellId=11234; •
SSC7 Transmit Power
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This is the o0set of the SSC7 transmit power from the P5CP6C7 transmit power in a cell. 6f the value is excessively low$ U?s at the edge edge of cells cells fail fail in networ network k searc searchin hing$ g$ resul resultin ting g in in@uen in@uence ce on coverage of the downlink common channel. This Anally a0ects the cell coverage. 6f the value is excessively excessively high$ the power resources resources are wasted$ and other channels are interfered seriously$ thus the cell capacity is in@uenced.
To To fetch this information from M4))) the command is as follows LST USSCH: CellId=11234;
PC7 Transmit Power This is the o0set of the PC7 transmit power from the PCP6C7 transmit power in a cell. 6f the value is set too small$ the U?s on the cell edge cannot receive the paging message me ssage properly. properly. This problem a0ec a0ects ts the cover overag age e of the the down downli link nk commo ommon n chann hannel el and furthermore the coverage of the cell. 6f the value is set too great$ it caus causes es inte interfe rfere renc nce e to othe otherr chan channel nels$ s$ occu occupie pies s the the down downli link nk transmit power$ and a0ects the cell capacity. capacity.
To To fetch this information from M4))) the command is as follows LST UPCH: CellId=11234;
Maximum %C7 Transmit Power and %C7 6+s This is the o0set between the %C7 transmit power and P5CP6C7 transmit power in a cell. 6f MaxachPower is set excessively low$ a U? positioned at the cell edge may fail to receive the services and signaling carried over the %C7$ in a correct way. This will impact the downlink common channel coverage and thus the cell coverage.
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6f Max MaxachPo achPower wer is set exces excessiv sively ely high$ high$ other other channe channels ls will will be interfered and more downlink power resources will be occupied. This will conse1uently impact the cell capacity. capacity. %C7 6+ is used to uni1uely identifying a %C7 bearing the common transport channel in a cell.
To To fetch this information from M4))) the command is as follows LST UFACH: CellId=411;
*umber of %6C7s. The deAned number of %6C7s can be identied identied through %6C76+. To To fetch this information from from M4))) the command is as follows LST UAICH: CellId=11234;
Maximum Transmit Power and Minimum Transmit Power of P5 CP6C7 Maxi Maximu mum m T8 powe powerr of the the PCP6 PCP6C7 C7 in a cell cell.. This This sett settin ings gs should be set based on the actual system environment such as cell coverage 9radius: and geographical environment$ and the cell total power. &hen the ratio of soft handover areas keeps the same$ the downlink coverage cannot be promoted by the increase of PCP6C7 power. Minimum T8 power of the PCP6C7 in a cell. This parameter should be set based on the actual system environment such as cell cell cove covera rage ge 9rad 9radiu ius: s: and and geog geogra raph phic ical al envi envirronme onment nt.. ?nsure that MinPCP6C7Power is set under the condition of a prop proper er prop propor orti tion on of sof soft hand handov over er area area$$ or unde underr the the condition that no coverage hole exists. To To fetch this information from M4))) the command is as follows
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LST UPCPICH: CellId=11234;
" Analysis %s 6 menti mention oned ed abov above e to avoi avoid d dis discr crep epan ancy cy in powe powerr calc calcula ulati tion on the the strate strategy gy has been been develo developed ped which which divide divided d in di0ere di0erent nt combina combinatio tions ns accordi according ng to the deAned deAned Maximu Maximum m transm transmit it power power settin settings gs which which has been been disc discus usse sed d in the the late laterr part part.. 6n this this part part the the form formul ulas as has has been been mentioned which have been used in the calulation. This all is based on +ownlink channel mapping based on the below diagram.
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ormulas Used 2elow are the formulas which has been used in the calculation$ refer attached excel also in case of any confusion. C?33 M%86MUM T%*SM6T P,&? B P,&? 9!)$9M%8T8P&!):!): PCP6C7 B P,&? 9!)$9PCP6C7!):!): P6C7 B P,&?9!)$9P6C7DCP6C7!):!): %6C7 B P,&?9!)$9%6C7DCP6C7!):!):E*um of %6C7 2C7 B P,&?9!)$999M%892 P,&?9!)$999M%892C7$PSC7$SSC7:DPCP6C7::!)!):: C7$PSC7$SSC7:DPCP6C7::!)!):: %C7 B P,&?9!)$999M%89%C7$PC7:DPCP6C7::!)!)::E*um of %C7 T,T%3 T,T %3 C,MM,* C7%**?3 P,&? B PCP6C7DP6C7D%6C7D2C7D%C7 PCP6C7DP6C7D%6C7D2C7D%C7 COMPARE CELL MAXIMUM TRANSMIT POWER WITH TOTAL COMMON CHANNEL POWER
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# Wor$in% !trate%y The mapping m apping between Maximum Transmit Transmit Power and all downlink channel power has been done with di0erent combinations or scenarios. The di0erent combinations are based on Maximum transmit power which are currently using in this UMTS network. irst all the relative data of all sites has been gathered in one sheet by di0erent commands as mentioned above through latest CGMM3s of all *Cs. 2elow mentioned depicts the same.
6n the above diagram the columns highlighted with yellow are constant in
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this network and set on one value only. only. %fter processing the above data it has been observed that there were H di0erent types of MaxT8Power set in the network so we need at least H combinations to cross check whether the maximum transmit power of all cells is greater or e1ual to other common channels. urther calrify here that every time the MaxT8P& will be change and correspondingly the maximum power of the other downlink channels and max number 9%C7 9%C7 I %6C7 6+: will be selected.
Combiatio ! "#
6n combination ! the highest set power has been taken which is "() d2m correspondingly the cell whose CP6C7 power is highest according to this Alter which is JK) has been taken$ the reason to select the highest CP6C7 Power ower is beca becaus use e of this this has has the the high highes estt weig weight htag age e in the the powe powerr calculation means this will consume max power also the same strategy has been setup with other channel powers to check the peak case. %fter calculation as per the above formulas it has been concluded that Cell Maxi Maximu mum m trans transmit mit powe powerr is great greater er than than the the tota totall chan channe nell powe powerr as re@ecting in the below table.
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Power &' Cell(d)m* CellMa-.-Power PCPC PC AC )C 7AC P8C 88C PC !um o' AC !um o' 7AC Ma- o' PCPC Min o' PCPC .otal o' Channels
90 360 5 56 520 40 50 50 520 4 2 390 30
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+esult(m,) 932123 39140406 932123 4000 24411632 400236
Combiatio! Combiatio! "$
The same strategy we use in the next round select the next MaxT8Power of "/H and selecting its corresponding max values of CP6C7 power P6C7$ %6C7$ 2C7$ %C7 %C7 and other common channels. ,ne thing which is signiAcant to notify here that the *umber of %C7 and *umber of %6C7 is important in the calculation as if their number is any comb combin inat atio ion n thei theirr weigh weightt age age will will be high high in the the calc calcul ulat atio ion n whic which h is prominent in overall a0ect.
Power &' Cell(d)m* CellMa-.-Power PCPC PC AC )C 7AC P8C 88C PC
1 310 5 56 520 40 50 50 520
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+esult(m,) 6029164 63093 4219242 41193492 39 39140406 4 4116669
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!um o' AC !um o' 7AC Ma- o' PCPC Min o' PCPC .otal o' Channels
4 2 343 36 29024021
Ot%&r Combiatios Combiatios
,the ,therr all all remai remaini ning ng K comb combina inati tion ons s has has ment mentio ioned ned belo below w based based on changing max tx power and its corresponding maximum values of other common channels. The result is based on on above mentioned formulas.
Power &' Cell(d)m* CellMa-.-Power PCPC PC AC )C 7AC P8C 88C PC !um o' AC !um o' 7AC Ma- o' PCPC Min o' PCPC .otal o' Channels
Power &' Cell(d)m* CellMa-.-Power PCPC PC AC )C 7AC
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60 390 53 56 520 40 50 50 520 4 2 0 30
39140406 932123 39140406 49926234 0 04412336 20000
+esult (m,)
1 360 5 56 520 40
3049942 39140406 932123 4000 2 24411632 40 400236
Pae11! "otal1#
P8C 88C PC !um o' AC !um o' 7AC Ma- o' PCPC Min o' PCPC .otal o' Channels
Power &' Cell(d)m* CellMa-.-Power PCPC PC AC )C 7AC P8C 88C PC !um o' AC !um o' 7AC Ma- o' PCPC Min o' PCPC .otal o' Channels
Power &' Cell(d)m* CellMa-.-Power PCPC PC AC )C 7AC 2016-02-11
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50 50 520 4 2 31 32 413440340
+esult (m,)
30 5 56 520 40 50 50 520 4 2 00 30
29420922 04412336 4000 4219242 3462266 42 426494619
+esult (m,)
30 360 5 56 520 40
49926234 39140406 932123 4000 2 24411632 40 400236 Pae12! "otal1#
P8C 88C PC !um o' AC !um o' 7AC Ma- o' PCPC Min o' PCPC .otal o' Channels
Power &' Cell(d)m* CellMa-.-Power PCPC PC AC )C 7AC P8C 88C PC !um o' AC !um o' 7AC Ma- o' PCPC Min o' PCPC .otal o' Channels
Power &' Cell(d)m* CellMa-.-Power PCPC PC AC )C 7AC P8C 2016-02-11
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50 50 520 4 2 31 30 413440340
+esult (m,)
30 260 5 56 520 40 50 50 520 4 2 21 22
04412336 39140406 932123 400 2 24411632 40 400236
+esult (m,)
330 260 5 56 520 40 50
49926234 39140406 932123 400 2 24411632 40 400236
Pae1$! "otal1#
88C PC !um o' AC !um o' 7AC Ma- o' PCPC Min o' PCPC .otal o' Channels
Security Level: Internal
50 520 4 2 21 22 413440340
rom rom all all the the abov above e calc calcula ulati tion ons s it has has been been depic depicte ted d that that Maxi Maximu mum m transmit power is greater in every scenario from the total channel power hence all the results are in i n pass category. category. 6n case if you And the Maximum transmit power of a cells is less than common common contr control ol channe channell power power then then either either you have have to incre increase ase the maximum transmit power or you have to reduce CP6C7 power to avoid any issue.
&' (n a Nutshell ) !ummary 7ere 6 would like to mention that this guide would be very helpful while doing some immense activities to avoid failure. %lso you can have the better understanding of Power conAguration in &C+M% which will give you good good visibi visibilit lity y during during optimi optimi-at -ation ion and planni planning ng phases phases that that tuning tuning of power and its consumption. 6 hope this guide book will be helpful and interesting for all concerned colleagues.
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