How to convert a photo into a tinted illustration, a classical watercolor technique used by artists to brush hues and values over an ink drawing. Free...
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Photoshop Photosho p Tutorial Tutorial - A Watercolor Tinted Drawing Effect By Ben Morales-Correa BMC PhotoArt
Unlike true watercolor, whose origins we can trace back to Joseph William Turner, tinted drawing is a method used by artists to brush light and dark values over a drawing done with india ink. The brushed washes may be done in sepia or black ink, but the drawing can also be stained with transparent watercolors.
Recalculate Recalculate the original photo file size to about 5.5 megapixels megapixels (example: 16" x 22" at 72dpi). After the artistic filters are applied you can bring your finished document back up to a larger file size.
pixels, select Invert and photo.
Freely outline the subject with the lasso tool at Feather Feather 32 delete to generate a vignette
Create a duplicate file. Choose Filter>Stylize>Diffuse>Anisotropic Click OK
Choose Filter>Artistic>Paint Daubs Brush Size 6 Sharpness 0 Blur Type Type Wide Blurry Click OK
Choose Filter>Brush Strokes>Spatter Sparay Radius 10 Smoothness 15 Click OK
Choose Filter>Texture>Texturizer Texture Texture Sandstone Scaling 80 Relief 3 Light Direction Bottom Left Click OK
The image looks good already but you can further enhance the tinted drawing effect.
Click on Image>Adjustments>S Image>Adjustments>Selective elective Color Choose Colors: White Move the Black slider all the way to the left (-100%) Choose Colors: Neutrals Move the Black slider about half the way to the left (-50%)
Open the Layers palette Create a new layer with the original image and set the mode to Color
The finished artwork below.
See other examples with the Watercolor Tinted Drawing Effect and download a free action. action.