Compiled and Edited by Mathias Eliasson
CONTENTS INTRODUCTION FROM THE MISTS THEY COME BESTIARY Meargh Dirach Fimir Magic Fimm Nobles Shearl Fimm Warriors Fianna Fimm Boglars Moor Hounds Swamp Daemons Marsh Reavers Fomorians Fenbeasts Nuckelavee
Compiled and Edited by: Mathias Eliasson
Fir Bolg Daemonomanic Eye Oculus of Balor Athach Eye Tyrant Balor, the Eye of Doom Lishaart, the Great Serpent Kroll the Conniving CHOOSING AN ARMY Lords Heroes Core Special Rare GIFTS OF BALOR REFERENCE
Cover Art: Games-Workshop
Art: Paul Bonner, Olivier Bergerat, Richard Martin, Eric Fessard, David Bezzina, John Keane, Mike Rooth, Brenton Smith, Andrew Law, Tony Ackland, bitter-almonds, lilac lemur, tghermit, indigartistic, Ionus
Book Design: Mathias Eliasson
Additional Material: Games-Workshop, Warpstone Magazine, Robin Low, Lea Crowe, Paizo Publishing, Celtos, Fimm Mc Cool, Benoît Dumeaux, Alfred Nunez Jr, Rankin, Kevin Coleman, Graeme Davis, Maximillian Heinrich Pernburg, Jan Hartmann, Dennis Erdmann, Daniel Hyman
Special Thanks To: All the players that have contributed with feedback and ideas This book is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. The Chaos devices, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, the Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, 'Eavy Metal, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Golden Demon, Great Unclean One, the Hammer of Sigmar logo, Horned Rat logo, Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, Lord of Change, Nurgle, Skaven, the Skaven symbol devices, Slaanesh, Tomb Kings, Trio of Warriors, T win Tailed Comet Logo, Tzeentch, Warhammer, Warhammer Online, Warhammer World logo, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer world are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2010, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.
INTRODUCTION Welcome to Warhammer Armies: Fimir. This is your definite guide to collecting, painting and playing with a Fimir army in the Warhammer tabletop wargame. The Fimir Horde This section contains photographs of the miniatures available for your Fimir army.
The Warhammer Game The Warhammer rulebook contains the rules you need to fight battles with your Citadel miniatures in the war-torn world on Warhammer. Every army has its own Army Book that works with these rules and allows you to turn your collection of miniatures into an organised force, ready for battle. This particular Army book details everything you need to know about Fimir, and allows you to field their armies in your games of Warhammer.
Fimir Army List The army list takes all of the warriors and creatures presented in the Fimir Bestiary and arrange them so that you can choose a force for you games. The army list separates them into Lords, Heroes, Core, Special and Rare units. Each unit type has a points value to help you pit your force against an opponent’s in a fair match. This section includes Gifts of Balor, magic items that you can give to your characters.
Why Collect Fimir? This book describes in detail the troops that march to battle when the armies of the Fimir go to war. The Fimir is a race of cyclopean monsters that dwell within swampy moorlands throughout the Old World as well as the fetid quagmires of mythical Albion. Large beak-like snouts protrude from their oblong heads filled with pointy teeth and a single, malevolent eye rests in the center of their grotesque faces. They are creatures of foul demeanor, and sinister practitioners of evil. As a whole the Fimir despise all other life, and those that interlope into their swampy realms or settle too close to their borders are viciously attacked by Fimir warbands that will mercilessly raze entire towns and massacre their populace, only returning to their lairs with the captive females to be used in the atrocious procreation of their race.
Find Out More While Warhammer Armies: Fimir contains everything you need to play the game with your army, there are other books and updates to be found. For the other books in the series and the latest rules updates, visit:
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How this Book Works Every Army Book is split into sections that deal with different aspects of the army. Warhammer Armies: Fimir contains the following:
From the Mists They Come This section introduces the Fimir and its part in the Warhammer world. It includes their society and history. Fimir Bestiary Every character and troop type in the Fimir army is examined in this section. Firstly, you will find a description of the unit, outlining its place in the army. Secondly, you will find complete rules for the unit and details of any unique powers they possess or specialist equipment they carry i nto battle. Also included are the Fimir special characters – Balor, Lishaart and Kroll.
BESTIARY In this section you will find information and rules for all of the different warriors, heroes, creatures creatures and war machines in the Fimir army. At the end of the section are some special characters characters – famous Fimir that you can field in your army. From the Mist: Fimir travel within a dense mist to conceal their bestial nature, protect themselves from the sun’s blinding rays and the sight of the Dark Gods. This mist is being generated from the Meargh and Dirachs of the army before the battle starts. As long as the mist is present, enemy ranged attacks targeting a Fimir unit suffer a -1 to Hit modifier and the Fimir units can force any unit declaring a charge against them to re-roll its charge distance.
Rumoured to be part Human and part Daemon, the Fimir haunt bogs, fens and desolate moorlands. Their strongholds are forbidding, craggy piles of rock, crudely built in the semblance of a Human castle and constantly wreathed in mist. This weird mist is generated by the Fimir themselves in order to screen them from the sunlight, which they loath. Any Fimir warband ranging far from its lair will be shrouded in such an enchanted mist. The fearful Fimm raiders are the scourge of human settlements along the coasts or the fenland margins. They come forth seeking human captives for whom a foul and hideous fate awaits and disappear back into the marshes.
At the start of the Fimir player’s turn 2, roll a D6. On a 2+, the mist still lies thick over the battlefield. At the start of each subsequent Fimir turn, the roll needed to sustain the mist is increased by 1, so in turn 3 a 3+ is needed, turn 4 a 4+ is needed and so forth. If the mist disappears, all Fimir units will be subject to Stupidity for the rest of the game.
On the following pages are the complete rules for the models in the Fimir army. Each entry includes the models profile and special rules. This is normally in combination with the army list on pages ??-?? to create a force that can be used in a one-off game in Warhammer. However, players can also design scenarios with specific forces involved, or run a series of games in a campaign, both of which may well use the information in this section without recourse to the Fimir army list.
Cold Blooded: Fimir roll 3D6 for all Leadership tests and discard the highest dice. Tail Attack: A Fimir with the Tail Attack rule with have an extra Attack at its given Strength. This extra attack is resolved after all other attacks in the combat have been made.
Special Rules Many troop types have special rules to reflect their unique nature and abilities, and these are explained in the individual Bestiary entries that follow. To save space and repetition, where a model has a special rule that is explained in the Warhammer rulebook, only the name of the rule is given in t his section. Refer to the special rules section of Warhammer for the full details of how the rule works. Similarly, the following rule applies to most units in this Bestiary, and as such is detailed here:
Swamp Dwellers: After the roll for choosing table sides, but before any units are deployed, the Fimir player may place one extra swamp terrain feature (no larger than 6" in diameter) anywhere on his half of the table.
I've got these eggs, see. Found them in the marsh, I did. An'you know what I reckon? I reckon they 're Fimir eggs! No, really! They re lizards, right, an' lizards lay eggs, don't they?Maybe those women they capture lay them unnatural like, or maybe they 'vegot some Fimir women hidden up somewhere. Anyways, 1 took 'em from this huge nest an I’ve kept 'em warm an' when they hatch I reckon I can sell the hatchlings, maybe to a wizard or one of them scholars or even to a pit fighter trainer. Josef Unalheim, Trapper
MEARGH Fimm Meargh are the unchallenged leaders of Fimir clans, and even the mighty bellows of Fimm Nobles are softened to mere whispers when directed to the Meargh of even a rival clan. No true-blood Fimir would willingly allow physical harm to ever come to any Meargh, and would gladly sacrifice their lives to protect her. This is the only time one will ever witness the concept of sacrifice from a Fimm. Meargh are usually shorter and skinnier than the other castes. Unlike male Fimir, they have have hair, usually lank and greasy, dark green or blue-black in colour. They usually have horns, horns, though these are smaller than those of the Dirach. Their skin is the the same dark olive of the Fimm Nobles and due to great age is often wrinkled and blotchy (young Meargh may be blotch and wrinkle-free). They have smooth, unadorned tails. Witch-hags wear wear long, sleeveless dresses ornamented in the same fashion as the Dirach. The lower front halves of their dresses are stained with dried blood, a result of their monthly sacrificial sacrificial rituals. Like the Dirach, a Meargh carries a staff and a large sacrificial dagger. Known as "Witch-Hags", Meargh are revered female Fimir who rule the Fimir clans. In fact, they are the only female Fimir. Fimir clans never have more than a single Meargh, who are always present if the Fimir are defending their stronghold.
They are powerful wizards, saturated with the raw magic of chaos and passing on the knowledge first received from the Old Ones to each subsequent generation. The Meargh live for millennia, unless slain or consumed by their own spellcasting, and it is rare for human women to give birth to these creatures. It is rumoured that elven women are more likely to conceive and carry Meargh but, perhaps because of a shortage of Elf settlements in the north of the Old World, perhaps because the Meargh are jealous of power and do not wish to have have to contend for supremacy, this remains a Fimir myth. Since they are so rare, and preoccupied with the running of the clan, Meargh do not often venture out of their stony settlements. Yet, when provoked or forced abroad by great need, they are a terrible foe, weaving spells among the winds of magic as though they themselves directed the flow, and maybe they do.
Female Fimir children are extremely rare, and those that are born are usually killed to prevent a rival to the Meargh’s supremacy from rising. Should another Meargh be born into a clan (an event that occurs once every 100 years or so), the old Meargh must either die or kill the newborn female. If a Meargh is growing elderly she may tolerate a single female child to be raised as a successor. If a Meargh dies without a successor the clan will split, with Flaithmor taking their own retinues to join other clans or go alone. Fimir without a Meargh, even Dirach, do not survive long. When a Meargh’s successor comes of age she may choose to pledge allegiance to her ‘mother’, in which case she remains in an advisory role until the death of the Meargh, or she may take a detachment from the settlement to form an offshoot clan elsewhere. In some cases, the clan is split asunder, as each Meargh seeks to found a new clan, taking a proportion of the old clan with her.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 3 1 4 4 3 3 1 9
Special Rules: Cold-Blooded, Scaly Skin (6+), Swa mp Strider Protect our Leader!: Any unit joined by a Meargh is Stubborn for as long as she is alive and with the unit. If the Meargh is killed, the unit will be subject to Hatred for the rest of the game.
A powerful, ancient wizard, the Meargh can generate poisonous mist clouds to pr otect herself and summon mighty daemons to do the strongholds bidding.
DIRACH Known to the human tribes as ‘Demon-Fiends’, the Dirach are most frequently seen among Fimir raiding parties. Their spellcasting second only to the Meargh’s among Fimir they shape the very weather of the marshes to aid their foul cause. Even among the Fimir they are regarded with fear. As strong as they are powerful in magic, they tower above their smaller cousins and regard the human tribesmen with disdain. Dirach occupy high positions in the clan, advising and assisting the Meargh. One or more Dirach may be assigned the responsibility of watching over the spiritual wellbeing of the clan, by offering appropriate sacrifices and divining by the five traditional lores of stars, moon, water, blood and rock. This task is usually carried out with the assistance of a coven of Druí. Not all Dirach belong to such a coven, many are occupied in the day-to-day running of the clan, spending much of their lives in close consultation with the Meargh, often in prolonged trances. When large raiding parties go into the outside world it is usual for them to be accompanied by a Dirach. Not only does this assure the raiders of strong magical support, but the presence of these beings is usually enough to keep the devious Fimm in line.
Each settlement may have a few Dirach, they tend to keep themselves apart from the politics of the Fimir, preferring to focus on the more important issue of the survival of the Fimir race. T he Dirach are most frequently the individuals directing Fimir raids to acquire captives for breeding or sacrifice, without their firm grip on the clan the Fi mm would probably doom themselves to extinction.
The magicians have somewhat narrower heads than the other castes and have two or more horns growing from the sides or top of the head. head. These are sometimes carved into ornate shapes. They have smooth, unadorned tails and their skin is dark yellow. Dirach wear loincloths or kilt-like affairs and sleeveless shirts, often decorated with patterns similar to the Fimir tattoos. tattoos. They also dress in long, sleeveless cloaks. Small ornaments and trinkets such as snail or sea shells, bits of bog iron, carved oak pieces, old bones, small animal skulls and feathers are tied tied or sewn to their clothes. Some Dirach wear cowls through which their horns project. Dirach never wear wear armour, but some wear wear decorative torques around their arms or necks. They traditionally carry a staff and a large sacrificial dagger.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 3 2 4 4 2 3 2 8
Special Rules: Cold-Blooded, Scaly Skin (6+), Swa mp Strider Daemon Friend: All Dirach have a special bond with an individual Daemon with who they hold long conversations about the origin of the Fimir race, to who they go if they are in need of council or just to amuse themselves with riddles or other word games. If the Dirach goes to war, these Daemon friends are a useful ally. Once per battle, the Dirach can ask his Daemon friend for aid. He can ask for one of the following things: He can ask the Daemon to carry him through the skies, giving him a Movement value of 20” for one turn. The Daemon can give the Dirach amazing magical powers for a short short moment. This turn, any double rolled for casting one spell will counts as an Irrestiable Force. When the need is most dire, the Daemon can also fight for his friend Dirach. T he Dirach gains D6 S5 attacks for this turn.
They're just monsters, same as the Orcs, same as the ratmen, same as the mutant scum. Ugly b astard monsters, that's all. Marius and his tribe sorted them once, and if they ever cause trouble again, then, by the Gods, we'll damn well sort them ourselves! Don't credit them with any special powers, that's all just peasant superstition. Come on, think about it: if they really did have any power worth having, would they really live out in sod den, stinking mudholes? Ruud Hiservook, Wastelander Trapper
FIMIR MAGIC To randomly generate a spell from Fimir Magic, roll a D6 and consult the table below. If you roll the same spell twice, you may choose which spell you want instead. One spell may be swapped for Swirling M ist. D6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Spell Summon Daemons Quagmire Fog of Death Unseen Lurker Daemonic Possession The Eye of Balor
Difficulty 7+ 8+ 9+ 11+ 12+ 15+
Fog of Death is a direct damage spell. Place a marker within 24” of the caster and roll the Artillery dice, multiplying the result by 2. The result is the range of all units affected by the fog. All enemy units within the Fog take 2D6 Strength 2 hits. If a misfire is rolled, the caster’s unit takes 2D6 Strength 2 hits instead. The caster can choose to increase the range of the spell to multiply the result of the Artillery dice by 4. If he does so, the casting value is increased to 18+.
Swirling Mists (Signature spell) Cast on 5+ The wizard creates a dense fog around his allies, covering them from the vision of the foe. Swirling Mists is an augment spell with a range of 12”. The target is immediately subject to the From the Mist rule. If the target is already subject to this rule, they all enemy attacks targeted at them will suffer a -2 penalty to their to Hit rolls, and enemies attacking the Fimir in close combat suffer -1 to Hit as well. The caster can choose to target all friendly units within 12”. If he does so, the casting value is increased to 10+.
Unseen Lurker Cast on 11+ The Fimir take advantage of the fog that surrounds them to approach their enemies in silence, suddenly striking from nowhere.
Summon Daemons Cast on 7+ The wizard draws upon the power of their Daemonic bonds, summoning more Daemon allies to do their bidding.
Unseen Lurker is an augment spell with a range of 18”. The target may immediately move 8” forward. If this move takes them into contact with an enemy, they counts as charging and have the Always Strikes First rule the first round of combat. The caster can choose to increase the range of this spell to 36”. If he does so, the casting value is increased to 15+.
Summon Daemons is an augment spell with a range of 24”. It may be cast on either units of Moor Hounds, Swamp Daemons or Nuckelavee. The target may add +D6 models to their unit in the Case of Swamp Daemons or Moor Hounds, or D3 in the case of Nuckelavee. The caster can choose to summon twice the normal number of Daemon . If he does so, the casting value is increased to 14+.
Daemonic Possession Cast on 12+ The sorcerer invokes the daemon that lies within every Fimir. The Fimirs under the influence of this spell become fearsome, infused with magic and supernaturally resilient.
Quagmire Cast on 8+ Swamps near extend with the help of the sorcerer, contaminating nearby water sources and turn them into quagmires disgusting fungus. The ground beneath the enemies’ feet becomes wet and boggy, and they begin to sink.
Daemonic Possession is an augment spell with a range of 18”. The target causes Fear, gains Magical Attacks and a 5+ Ward save until the start of the caster’s next Magic Phase. The caster can choose to increase the range of this spell to 36”. If he does so, the casting value is increased to 16+.
Quagmire is a hex spell with a range of 24”. T he target unit moves at half speed and cannot march. The caster can choose to increase the range of this spell to 48”. If he does so, the casting value is increased to 11+. Remains in play.
The Eye of Balor Cast on 15+ Red beams of burning light emits from the caster’s eye, destroying everything is in his field of vision.
Fog of Death Cast on 9+ A mysterious mist of writhing, twisting snakes of burst forth from the ground to attack the Fimir's enemies.
The Eye of Balor is a direct damage spell. All units within 18” of the caster and in his front arc takes D6 Strength 5 hits. The caster can choose to increase the power of the spell to cause 2D6 hits. If he does so, the casting value is increased to 25+.
FIMM NOBLES All Fimm, regardless of sub-caste, may wear armour, although not all will have undertaken a rite of passage and and earned a belly-shield. Armour is usually made of bronze, as iron and steel tend to rust in a the damp environment of the marsh (bellyshields are always made of bronze); Shearl blacksmiths construct all armour. Armour, especially the bellyshield, is covered with elaborate designs. The bellyshield fo the Fimm Warrior or Fianna Fimm is just a rounded shield, but that of a Fimm Noble is part of a larger piece of armour that wraps around and protects the the sides. The Fimm Nobles often wear helmets, sometimes with horns – this infuriates many Dirach who see it as an infringement of the caste differences or even outright mockery of their own horns. The Fimm Nobles, especially those of Albion, also wear long cloaks, fastened at the shoulders with gold broaches, set with gems. These are often garnets since they are are the colour of Human blood. Fimm use heavy axes or maces when fighting and Fimm nobles often go into combat with one in each hand. The nobles of the Fimm caste are usually selected on the basis of might in combat but the most cunning Fimm are able to work their way up to Warlord by devious cunning and backstabbing. There is no formal election process, the individuals the Fimm are willing to obey merely subdue opposition or are usurped. Warlord denotes ‘Fist of the clan’ and each is in charge of a Sept, or subdivision of the clan. Sometimes this Sept is marked out at birth by parentage, either they are all children on the Warlord or they are children of other members of the Sept, but movement and in-fighting between Septs is common and the retinue of a Warlord may grow or shrink in number as fickle allegiances are made and crumble.
The highest ranking (strongest) member of the Noble caste usually leads the Fimir army in the field, whether it iss a battle to hold back the enemy from approaching the Fimir stronghold or in a raid seeking victims for the Meargh's foul sorceries. The Nobles have tails with rows of bony spikes and a sharp cleaver-like blade at the end. Their skin is either a dark buff or brown bro wn colour, or a dark olive green. Fimir of the Noble caste usually lead small raiding parties or units of Fimm Warriors. In most cases, they are accompanied by their retainers, the Fimm Fianna. The largest and strongest Fimir nobles are the Fimm Warlords. Huge, Powerful and utterly evil they often lead the strongholds armies against their foes. Fimm Warlords are almost unstoppable in combat and seek to utterly crush their opponents. The lesser Fimm leaders each control an aspect of the stronghold and act as captains in its armies. These powerful Fimir often have bladed tails and are skilled warriors. In smaller skirmishes they will often lead the fimm warbands against the enemy. The Fimm Warlord is the overall battlefield commander of the whole Fimir force though in reality he probably answers to the Meargh.
Fimm Warlord Fimm Finmor
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 6 2 5 5 3 5 4 9 4 5 2 4 5 2 4 3 8
Special Rules: Cold-Blooded, Scaly Skin (5+), Swa mp Strider, Tail Attack (S5) What are the Fimir? Don't ask me, I don't know. What I do know is they've always been there. On the outskirts and on the fringes, fring es, like a seemingly asleep dog in the corner who'll take a good bite out of your ankle if you get too close.
Finmors are lesser Fimir lords who aspire to be given the honour of leading their own raiding parties.
That old fellow who is always by the fire in the tavern
SHEARL Shearl are the lowest caste in Fimir society. They are smaller in stature than the Warrior castes and generally perish with the sundering of the clan. Even though the Shearl are true-blood Fimir, they are primarily servants and laborers rather than skilled warriors. They are the weakest and most numerous of the Fimir. Cowardly and weak they are looked down on by their brethren. These are the smallest of the Fimir, little more than human sized, and typically have shorter maws and longer foreheads than their cousins. Shearl have short, blunt-ended tails. The Shearl are the servant caste of Fimir society, performing the menial, everyday tasks such as cooking, making clothing and armour and fetching and carrying for their masters. Members of this lowest caste of Fimir are typically shorter and less heavy than the Fimm and have completely smooth heads heads and tails. Their skin is buff coloured. Shearl usually wear little more more than coarse loincloths or kilts woven from fibrour marsh plants or cloth and clothes stolen from other races, but they cover themselves with ragged cloaks or blankets in the depths of winter. Shearl are not allowed to wear armour and may only carry clubs or spears, although some may be allowed maces if they have distinguished themselves in some way.
casualties before being crushed underfoot b y the monsters in front or behind. The life of an Albion slave is as short, unpleasant, and unrewarding as they get. When the Fimir go to battle they are usually accompanied by a Shearl baggage train and some may be drafted in to fight. Their lives are not highly prized but large units are a useful distraction, allowing the Fimm to draw close to the enemy undetected. Shearl are naturally cowardly, the product of centuries of oppression at the hands of greater Fimir.
Physically smaller and weaker than their cousins they are born into a life of servitude, carrying out menial tasks for those of nobler birth. Shearl are rarely seen outside the fortresses of the Fimir, not that they do not venture out, they do so to forage and hunt small prey for food, but they are careful never to be seen. Typical employment for the Shearl is in the form of household staff and retainers, cooks, cleaners, porters for example, but some are skilled craftsmen and almost all weaponry, armour, jewellery, clothing and utensils possessed by the Fimir are skilfully forged in their workshops. This is about the only way a Shearl can ever find himself of value to those of higher caste so apprenticeships are much sought after and only the most naturally talented are permitted to become craftsmen, ensuring only the highest quality. These artisans are also the only Shearl permitted to reproduce, and so the positions are highly coveted.
Shearl Shearl Finn
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 3 2 3 4 1 2 1 6 4 3 2 3 4 1 2 1 6
Special Rules: Cold-Blooded, Scaly Skin (6+), Swa mp Strider Dregs: Shearls never cause Panic to friendly units other than other units of Shearl. One-eyed Peter, Long-tailed Jack Caught us all up and put us in a sack Tied us by our ankles, bit off our toes Drowned us in the marsh where nobody goes Children's skipping rhyme, with variations throughout the Old World
The bulk of every Fimir army and raiding party is made up of lesser caste mutant half-breeds and slaves pressed into service. Their purpose is to soak enemy ammunition and take the charges of enemy cavalry. They have little, if any, chance of survival, and only count on weight of numbers to absorb
FIMM WARRIORS Less numerous than the Shearl, the Fimm are powerful warriors with tails ending in large bone clubs. They live to fight and can tear a man apart. Some are magically possessed by daemons summoned by the Dirachs to increase their strength and skill. These are the majority of warrior Fimir, and usually form the bulk of a Fimir force.They are the lowest level of the warrior caste. Members of this sub-caste have a smooth head, but the last foot of their tail is lined with rows of bony knobs, and at the very end there is a bony mace-like structure. Their skin is buff coloured. Fimm Warrior castes are at the forefront of Fimir raids and the defence of their strongholds. The Fimm forms the backbone of all Fimir broods and are the hulking, one-eyed monsters that Men recon as true Fimir. The Fimm are regarded the ‘normal’ pattern for Fimir. Their form is said to be unchanged from the earliest days of the race and the majority born are of this caste. Within the Fimm there is a hierarchy, with ascension through the ranks usually gained by brute strength, cunning, deception and backstabbing. Those at the bottom, the warrior class, band together into groups known as Septs, often drawn along lines of common parentage. Septs are governed by a Flaithmor and are grouped together in clans ruled by a Meargh. It is the Fimm who make the most frequent raids, the Fimm who oversee their Shearl and human slaves and the Fimm who propagate the species, without the feudal core of Fimm society the race would be long extinct.
I had been struggling across the moors for many hours, having long since lost the path in the wet and dismal fog. The sodden ground sucked at my feet, the mist soaked through to my skin and I shivered, my teeth chattering with the cold. Finally, I could go no further and I dropped heavily to my knees, sinking into the icy sodden moss. I knelt there for I know not how long, not having the strength to move, weakening with the cold.
Fimm warriors are led by Finn Fian and are organised into the service of a specific noble. Possibly all a noble’s retinue may have been fathered by him, or they may have elected to join him after he beat a rival in combat or by subterfuge. It is possible, if unlikely, for a Fi mm warrior to rise to a position of Noble, at which point the warrior’s clubbed tail begins to sprout horns as part of a hormonal process similar to the colour change on a silverback gorilla.
Then, I thought I heard something: a sound, a splash of feet coming through the gloom. Men, perhaps! I forced myself to my feet in hope, trying to catch the sound again, looking wildly around me. I cried out, almost choking on the thickening, tainted mist. Someone answered, a high-pitched voice, but I could not tell from what direction dir ection it came or what was said. The fog, I thought. I called again. The sound of voices became slowly louder, but still incomprehensible to me, accompanied by the sounds of feet splashing in the boggy earth.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Fimm Warriors 4 4 2 4 4 1 2 1 7 Finn Fian 4 4 2 4 4 1 2 1 7
Gradually, dim shapes began to form, shapes like men.
Special Rules:
But then, as they emerged from the mist, I knew that these were not men and I began to scream.
Cold-Blooded, Scaly Skin (6+), Swa mp Strider, Tail Attack (S4)
FIANA FIMM The Fianna are a breed of Fimm warriors, al most identical to their brothers, except they are the size of an Ogre. They smash into the enemy and cleave them apart with their axes, while lashing out with tails that can crush a fully armored knight.
a Flaith command his troops to carry out orders on his own behalf, or that of a Flaithmor with wealth or power to offer, it is unlikely anyone would notice.
The Fianna are the elite of the Fimm warriors, hand-picked, sometimes at birth, sometimes as a result of some great deed but most frequently by displaying prowess at the Haakskikaah, an annual contest held to commemorate the breaking of the crystal at Khulaine. Fianna are removed from their ancestral Sept and form a separate group which serves as bodyguard to the clan’s Dirach and Meargh. Normally Fianna will only leave the fortress if their clan is threatened but they are sometimes sent abroad to accompany a Dirach on a mission of importance or as support for Fimm on a particularly difficult raid. The Fianna are normally marked out by their ceremonial armour, more for ornamentation than protection since the Fimir shun such signs of weakness.
The largest of the Fimir are the Mistmor. Mistmor denotes ‘Life of the clan’. Tall as a troll and easily as strong they are prized as defenders of Fimir settlements. Their size and strength are equalled by their mindless obedience, raised from birth not to question authority lest they should decide to use their physical prowess to gain power. The Mistmor are most frequently used to build the Fimir settlements, hewing and stacking rock to form the stony fortresses, and they take enormous pride in their handiwork, defending the structures at all costs should they come under threat. It is this possessive attitude which makes them such fearless guardians. Although the Fimir caste system’s emphasis on prowess places the Mistmor as a higher caste than the Fimm, in reality they are subservient to the Nobles. Mistmor are rare and highly prized.
Fianna Fimm Warriors are the more powerful of the Warrior castes and elevated to the ranks of retainers for the Noble caste. Like Fimm Warriors, Fianna Fimm have tails which end in maces or clubs, and their skin is light olive green colour.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Fiana Fimm 6 4 2 4 5 3 2 3 7 Fimm Fiarach 6 4 2 4 5 3 2 4 7 5 2 5 6 4 3 4 7 Fimm Flaithmor 6 Fimm Mistmor 6 6 2 5 6 5 4 5 8
Places in the ranks of the Fianna Fimm are often awarded on the outcome of a duel or contest and many of the Fianna continue to bear the ‘Haakskarl’ or ‘Trial Sword’, with which they won their station, as their main weapon in combat. These long, curved blades have a ferocious reputation for being able to cleave stone, bone and the thickest of armour.
Special Rules: Cold-Blooded, Fear, Scaly Skin (5+), Swamp Strider, Tail Attack (S5)
The mightiest of the Fianna, the Flaithmor and Mistmor live to fight. They hold their warriors in an iron grip and can be relied on by the Stro nghold to smash the enemy line. Larger than an ogre, a Fianna lord is a match for any opponent. They lead bands of Fianna into battle and seek out the largest opponents to destroy and consume. Fianna nobles often sport large cleaver tail blades and wiled giant cleavers in their muscular arms. Awarded the same status in Fimir society as a Noble, they are regarded as having no retinue, or Sept, to govern. Although in practice the ranks of the Fianna are theirs to command, these commands are meant to come direct from a Dirach or the Meargh herself and so in theory the Flaiths are to pass on orders only. The reality is that Fimir clans are such a hotbed of intrigue and deceit that should
BOGLARS Also known as Marsh-Gnoblars or Swamp Goblins, Boglars are a breed of Gnoblars that live in marshes, bogs and swamps. Boglars look like any other Gnoblar though their skin is a greenish-grey and they have beady yellow eyes. They spend much of their time catching frogs, fish and other amphibious or reptilian critters, dissecting them with broken sticks and eating them alive. Boglars are extremely sensitive to sunlight and bright light in general, only emerging from their swampy lairs at dusk. Although Boglars normally seem to affiliate only with other Boglars, Gnoblars and Goblins, a large tribe of Boglars in the Marshes in Madness have been rumoured to be in alliance with strange, cyclopean creatures.
Special Rules: Skirmishers, Swamp Strider Beneath Contempt: Units of Boglars do not cause Panic tests when they are destroyed, break or flee through a friendly unit. However, Fimir wouldn't be seen dead leading them, and so Fimir characters may not join units of Boglars. Waterbirth: Toad-Gnoblars have a peculiar ability to multiply when immersed in water. Any Boglar unit that has been upgraded to Toad-Gnoblars and spends at least part of its turn in a water feature may add +D6 models to its unit at the end of that t urn.
Years ago there was much debate among scholars about the mythical Toad-Gnoblars, creatures said to multiply in number at the mere touch of water. Such bizarre theories have, of course, never been proven, nor has a Toad-Gnoblar ever been actually seen (or at least correctly identified). Yet several breeds of Gnoblars have been described with similar wondrous and mythical abilities to that of the Toad-Gnoblar. Cruel, evil and cowardly they trap small fish and animals for food and torture. The Fi mir use Boglars as cannon fodder, intimidating them into battle with threats.
Boglar Sludgesucker
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 5 4 2 3 2 3 1 3 2 5
Fellow Verenans and Noble scholars. I return from Lustria with an extraordinary insight into matters far closer to home. My detailed studies of both live and dead specimens of the reptilian crocodilians of th e Lustrian rivers have led me to an astounding conclusion. I bring before you a skull of one on e such crocodilian, with lower jaw and teeth attached. And here, we have a skull of a Fimir - the Temple of Verena has kindly allowed me to bring this exceptionally rare specimen to assist in my demonstration. Now, whilst the Fimir skull is lacking its lower jaw, we can still see the teeth in the upper jaw. jaw. Now, compare the crocodilian teeth with the Fimir teeth and what do we see? Both skulls have sharp peg-like teeth with gaps between them. This, I believe, confirms previous suggestions that the Fimir are a race ra ce of marsh-dwelling reptiles. I beg your pardon, Sir? S ir? Orca? I'm sorry I don't do n't see the relevance, especially as Orca are fish. They live in the sea don't they? Yes, I am familiar with the laughable monographs of Claus Derwin. I supposeyou're one of those... Derwinists who think that Humans and Goblins are next of kin. Ha! Preposterous nonsense.' And I still don't see the relevance of Orca to my crocodilian skull, so kindly shut up. Don't you wave your crutch at me! No! My crocodilian skull! How fights start in the meeting rooms of the Great Library in Marienburg
MOOR HOUNDS There are countless tales of massive black-haired hounds stalking the moors in search of prey, terrorising livestock and lonely travellers alike. These hounds are sometimes called Moor Hounds. At least some stories are based on the Daemonic hounds summoned by Fimir as trackers or as allies in battle. They are commonly used when raiding villages that have dogs - the Moor Hounds enter the village and attempts to subdue the dogs so they do not bark and alert people when the Fimir enter the
village. The Moor Hounds may lead the dogs away from the village or even turn them against the villagers when the Fimir attack. The Fimir of the eastern fenland of Albion are especially fond of these devil dogs, which form a significant part of that region's folklore. Moor Hounds are about the size of large War Dogs and with coats of coarse and spiky hair or sometimes smooth black velvety fur. Moor Hounds are one of the most common Daemons summoned summoned by the Fimir. Resembling huge black dogs with fungus and swamp plants growing in their fur, they strike fear into the hearts of travellers foolish enough to cross them.
From high in the dense foliage of the tree where I'd hidden myself I watched the iron-clad knights o f Khorne advance heavily towards the Meargh and her assembled clan. Surprisingly, they advanced slowly, not with the frenzied madness I had come to expect from these bastards. Instead, they beat their weapons slowly and menacingly against their shields as they went. I n contrast, the Fimir and their Daemons watched in total, almost sullen, silence.
Moor Hound Fenhowler
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 7 4 0 3 3 1 3 1 6 7 4 0 3 3 1 3 2 6
Special Rules: Fear, Fast Cavalry, Magical Attacks, Swamp Strider, Unbreakable, Unstable, Ward Save (5+)
Suddenly, the Chaotics halted. Their drumming was silenced, the air stilled. From the midst of the horde strode forth their leader, a surprisingly Human figure even when encased in a shell of black armour whose joints glowed the red of the furnace. He raised his sword high, and screamed in the language of the Empire, 'Blood for the Blood God!" Before he could bring down his sword to signal the attack, the air was split with a sudden scornful laugh from the Meargh. Her laugh was joined by the laughter of her clan, a torrent of humiliating abuse. Then, I swear she looked up at a t me in my hidingplace and in near perfect Reikspiel cried, 'Mud for the Mud God!" Then her clan hurled itself at its enemy. Our enemy. Smiling at that terrible pun, I decided to join my cousins and began my descent.
SWAMP DAEMONS It is not unusual to find Daemons among Fimir war and raiding parties. Such entities are not summoned casually, but only when the Fimir genuinely need attitional support, either because the enemy is too numerous or powerful or the Fimir too few. Daemons come in many forms. Swamp Daemons have very broad and muscular bodies, long arms and short legs both set with a ro w of sharp claws, a strange three-eyed head with a large mouth set with razor sharp teeth, olive or dark brown and thick skin that is spiked all over and a long tail. In fact, the Fimir seem to resemble them alot. Mudlings are smaller, about the same size as a Dwarf. They are vaguely vaguely humanoid-shaped, with with a skin that constantly seems to be dripping with mud and slime. Their nature uncertain, Swamp Daemons are roughly human-sized, with heavily muscled legs. Their torso is covered in scales with hands that end in sharp claws. The faces of Swamp Daemons are dragon-like with wide mouths full of razor-sharp teeth. They are longtime servants and allies of the Fimir. Swamp Daemons are often used to guard the borders of the swamps where Fimir reside.
Summoned by the dirachs from the marshy wastes where the fimir live, Swamp Daemons stalk through the waters, barely seen till they strike. A sudden churning of the waters marks their attack and the sight of this drives men to madness and fear. M WS BS S T W I A Ld Swamp Daemon 4 4 0 3 4 1 3 2 7 Rotfiend 4 4 0 3 4 1 3 3 7
Special Rules: Fear, Magical Attacks, Scaly Skin (5+), Swamp Strider, Unbreakable, Unstable, Ward Save (5+) Swamp Lurkers: Swamp Deamons may deploy hidden in any swampy terrain feature as Scouts, even if they are within 10” of an enemy unit. Until they choose to emerge (which they can do at the start of their Movement phase or if an enemy unit passes through them, in which case they counts as charging), they cannot be targeted by any attack, but also do not hinder enemies from marching.
Meargh: Tell me, stepdaughter: what are the principle powers of the five Sea Lords? Rank them in order of might and tell me which of their ichors is most beneficial to the healing arts and which smell the most fragrant. Apprentice Meargh: *sigh* Mother, you know you haven't taught me of the Sea Lards yet. You've been promising to for the last three blinks of Fimúl's eye. Meargh: Ach! You foolish child! Haven't I taught you plenty about other Daemons? If you want to learn about the Sea Lords, then summon and ask the Daemons that you do know of. More importantly: learn to lie! Make it up! u p! Creativity and improvisation are your two most powerful allies. You never know when you'll have to bluff some stupid Humans. They'll never know the difference if you're imaginative and interesting enough.
MARSH REAVERS Marsh Reaver is the name the Fimir give to their cavalry. cavalr y. Some Fimm Warriors Warriors go to war on the backs of Bog Beasts, daemonic servant creatures from the deep places of Albion that carry their Fimir masters into battle on their backs. The reasons for this are obvious since the beasts give the Fimir some much needed speed to their troops. The ferocity of the creature, with its great talons and massive shark-like teeth, makes the Bog Beast a formidable cavalry mount. The Marsh Reaver acts like shock troops, running down anyone who stands in their way and letting their mounts feasts of the flesh of the fallen.
Marsh Reaver Blood Reaver Bog Beast
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 4 2 4 4 3 2 1 7 4 4 2 4 4 3 2 2 7 7 4 2 5 5 3 2 3 7
Special Rules: Cold-Blooded, Fear, Poisoned Attacks (Bog Beast only), Scaly Skin (5+), Swa mp Strider, Tail Attack (S5)
Breeding with Human women? Stuff and nonsense! Nothing more than the tawdry gossip of the filthy minded! Fimir kidnap Human women because their flesh tastes better than that of other races' womenfolk Nothing more, nothing less. As for their breeding, Fimir are bog-dwellers who spawn in the manner of frogs and toads, which should be obvious to all who 've seen them! Well, no I haven't personally seen them, but I have excellent contacts who have, and who have described them to me fully. Several of you have asked about possible uses of the Fimir, or parts thereof, as spell ingredients and alchemical recipes. Firstly, one must consider the practicalities. Much of the evidence for the existence of the F imir is anecdotal, and many of the disappearances blamed on them could be attributed to treacherous marshland paths, bandits and goblins, so there is a question mark over their very existence. This is supported by the apparent lack of physical evidence, as Fimir remains have a remarkable tendency to vanish before any reliable scholar can examine them. This latter point is of key importance: if you have no physical piece of Fimir, you have nothing that might be used to support a spell. The only Fimir artefact I am aware of that holds any provenance is the incomplete skull that may be seen in the Temple of Verena in Marienburg. That said, let us start from the proposition that the Fimir do exist and that it is possible to obtain body parts. From here, we should apply the Taws of Sympathy and Contagion and the Doctrine of Signatures, as I have outlined in earlier lectures. What do we know of the Fimir? Sadly, remarkably little, but the little we do know is of use to us. The Fimir are associated with marshes and with mist, so parts of the Fimir anatomy might be useful in casting standard Battle Magic spells such as Mystic Mist, Slippery Ground and even Stand Still if the caster envisions a victim of the latter as being mired in muddy ground. The impressive single white eye attributed to the Fimir could be of use in spells involving vision. Their dreadful reputation for the abduction of women might be subverted to support spells of protection that only defend women against harm. Indeed, I have heard recently of charlatans selling Fimir finger' necklace charms to female travellers to ward off attacks from Fimir, bandits or even aggressively amorous men! From a series of lectures by Harald Topfer at the Wizards' and Alchemists' Guild in Middenheim, based on his work, 'Phoenix Feathers andFirey Goblets: The Theoretical Principles and Practical Uses of Spell Ingredients
FOMORIANS Fomorians are hideously ugly and deformed ogrelike creatures that dwell in caves beanth the ground. The Formorians live in a brutal and unenlightened society built on unadulterated principles of survival of the fittest. When they are not on the warpath raiding the settlements of other races, Formorians are usually slaughtering one another. The weak are tyrannised and enslaved by the strong in the various petty chiefdoms of the Fomorians, and those that are not any use as slaves are eaten by the warriors. Fomorians occupy the centre of Albion’s continental landmass. Beneath the island is a honeycomb of semi-submerged tunnels and caverns spread out beneath Albion, where they act as highways for the Fomorians Using this network the Fomorians can attack anywhere that there is a substantial inland watercourse, particularly around lakes, marshes, or caves that lead to underground rivers. The Fomorians are immensely strong and stupid, such that they can barely throw rocks or amble about when prodded, but otherwise cannot defend themselves or interact with intelligent races in any way. It is not certain what misformed these monsters, because they do not generally talk to anyone. Most common deformations include misplaced limbs, misshapen limbs, misplaced facial features, hunchbacked, bulging body parts, drooping flesh, body parts too big or too small, flapping ears, huge snout, large feet on short legs. Large warts and other growths are scattered across their bodies. There is no single odor associated with fomorians; some smell strongly due to overactive sweat glands, others have no smell. Fomorians are usually found in caves, which are covered with the remains of their last meal. Some Fomorians can be convinced to fight with the Fimir, but t his relationship usually ends as soon as the Fomorians got what they needed – which is mostly a fresh meal.
Too late the witch-hunter noticed the circle her captive had drawn in the mud with its clawed toe. Foolishly she had ignored the muttered ramblings of her captive and misinterpreted its gestures as pleas for mercy. Now the hunter cowered before the Daemon, a man-shaped being composed almost entirely of shining silver daggers of all shapes and si^es arranged like the scales of afish. Horrified, she could see that Solkan's symbolwas carved upon each and every ra^or-edged blade. The Daemon stepped forward and with a pass of its hand the chains that bound the Fimir devil fell aside, the ends of the cut links shining brightly. Stumbling to its Fimir nodded to the Daemon before it ran off into the swiftly gathering fog.
These Fomorian mutants have survived the rigors of Fimir clan living, and their r elative intelligence (as compared only to the largest and thickest of their kind) and great strength means they will be pressed into service whenever possible.
Fomorian Formor
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 6 3 0 5 5 4 2 3 6 6 3 0 5 5 4 2 4 6
"That one, you may not have," said the Daemon. "But why, damn it?"
Special Rules:
"Because it called me; and because it has a grievance far older and nobler than yours."
Ambushers, Fear, Stupidity
FENBEASTS Fenbeasts are magical constructs, formed from the mud and detritus of the marches and animated by the mystic arts. They are incredibly strong, for Fenbeasts draw their power from the ground beneath their shambling feet. Fenbeasts are not living creatures in any true sense and, as such, do not feel pain and have no concept of fear. So hardy is a Fenbeast that is can withstand the strike from a cannonball, reforming its sodden flesh around the wound and even regrowing limbs, should the need arise.
Special Rules Always Strikes Last, Fear, Regeneration , Stupidity, Swamp Strider, Unbreakable, Unstable
Fenbeasts are large sorcerous constructs assembled from material gathered from marshes and swamps where many have died in battle. They are unnatural creatures that reek of stagnant marshes and have the touch of the grave about them. The presence of a Fenbeast often indicates the presence of a necromancer or other kind of spell caster, often one with grim intentions. Fenbeasts, being all but devoid of will, are not imaginative opponents, but this can change with a skilled handler. Such is the durability of the Fenbeast that the only thing preventing its widespread use by wizards and sorcerers is the immense magical energy needed to create one out of the living earth and keep it functioning. Away from a site of magical power, a Fenbeast will last scant minutes before consuming all the eldritch energy and crumbling to mud and rotten ruin once again.
"From the black quagmire I summon thee. F rom the living marsh I bind thee. Rise now, I command thee." Part of Spell of Summoning
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 5 3 0 5 5 4 1 3 8
Born of Bloodmarsh: The Fenbeast has the Frenzy rule.
Lifebloom Silt: The Fenbeast's Regeneration ability is increased to 3+.
Leechloam: During any turn in which the Lore o f Life is used, all Fenbeasts in this unit gain +1 Strength.
Fly-Infested Rotweed: All attacks targeted against the Fenbeast are at -1 to Hit.
"Utric's fangs!" Otto Frankfurter smashed his fist onto the rock beside him. "How did they know? We travel only at night, employing mystic mists, hiding our advance, and stilt they know we're coming. How?" A small weaselly shape leapt leapt out from behind behind a rock. "Ahee Demons, mist mist demons! They is coming. They They is." For a moment, Otto's eyes glanced heavenwards. "What in the wastes are you doing here? You're supposed to be keeping an eye on the Ogres. And you're supposed to be a Wizard, so t ry to behave like one and stop leaping around like a demented Gnome jester." "Ah, the Ogres are alright. They were having a drink when I left." "Well, go and fetch Gruklak. There's work to be done. Get the troops assembled. Fast! The damn Fimir will be here any time now." Otto turned to address the leader of the Ogre mercenaries. "Gruklak, are your boys ready? Your - erni - dinner's here earlier than expected." The Ogre grinned, diplaying teeth l ike weathered tombstones. "Bowl of soup, Slim," he rumbled, "Dinner's ready, lads." The mist continued its advance. Shapes could be seen within it large shapes, which didn't look like Ogres. Otto gave the signal to attack. The mercenaries drew their weapons and rushed forward. They had come this far for the fabled loot of the Fimir and now they would get it. And get it they did, but not not in the sense they expected. expected. The mist swirled as the the Fimm warriors tore into into them, over them and through through them. The sands turned red and the surf grew bloody. It was over quickly.
NUCKELAVEE Among the cruellest and most monstrous of the Daemons summoned by the Fimir, Nuckelavees ride forth from black waters to wreak bloody vengeance upon those who despoil nature despoilers. Horrifying, fleshless amalgams of man and horse, these monstrous avengers embody every wound and wickedness suffered by the wilds, their bodies loosing trails of gore and the pounds of their webbed hooves beating an inescapable threnody for all who earn their ire. Once they emerge from their refuges beneath cool waves or rivers, only destruction satisfies their merciless crusades, either that of their victims or their own.
communities, though the residents of many lake towns and those who live in lush river countries often warn of these deadly water monsters, blaming them for all manner of hardships. Such tales often include proscriptions for avoiding the bloody riders’ wrath, local remedies for afflictions bestowed by the avengers, and ways one might banish a Nuckelavee should they come face to face. In most cases, folktales tell of talismans to carry or prayers to recite to convince a Nuckelavee that one is a friend—or, at least, innocent of wrongdoing. Such talismans typically take the for m of seaweed garlands, horsehair soaked in brine, or vials of sanctified seawater. Druids and priests of nature deities also supposedly possess the power to calm a Nuckelavee’s fury and convince it to return to the sea—though typically only after it has dealt with those guiltiest of whatever offense roused it. When a Nuckelavee first furiously emerges from the water, though, nothing short of the creature’s destruction can compel a Nuckelavee to return to its rest without taking a life.
Possessing a supernatural relationship with the waterways in which they reside, these bloody fey know when harm has befallen their home or its denizens. Often the damage proves obvious—the dumping of wastes or toxic runoff, overfishing or kelp harvesting, or even less egregious offenses, like the construction of dams or waterwheels. Regardless of what sparks a Nuckelavee’s wrath, once one of these avengers’ ire is garnered, it gallops forth not just to correct the offense, but repay the pain. Only once blood and tears have quenched the fires of a Nuckelavee’s rage does it willingly return to the water, often carrying with it some grisly trophy of its vengeance. Nuckelavees have no capacity to reproduce. The appearance of most proves a complete mystery and grim surprise, and the majority of their kind d well in areas of pristine nature where rifts to the Fir st World are known or likely. Thus it is supposed that most Nuckelavees form and develop a mong the enigmatic mists of that alien realm, passing on to Golarion for their own inscrutable reasons.
Nuckelavee Bog Knight
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 8 4 0 4 4 1 4 2 8 8 4 0 4 4 1 4 3 8
Special Rules: Fear, Fast Cavalry, Magical Attacks, Swamp Strider, Unbreakable, Unstable, Ward Save (5+)
All Nuckelavees are infected with mortasheen, a highly infectious wasting disease capable of wiping out the populations of whole islands. Despite the monsters’ obsession with defending natural waterways and the life therein, their interest seems to end at the shoreline. Nuckelavees have no interest in or apparent love for terrestrial beasts, especially those tamed and kept by the objects of their anger. Horses, cattle, and other livestock often prove the first casualties of a Nuckelavee’s rampage, with those that aren’t left slaughtered in gory tableaus being infected with mortasheen and inevitably passing it on to their owners. The tales of many lands tell of Nuckelavees, typically emerging from seas and lakes to smite those who abuse nature or harm innocents— depending on the storyteller’s point of view. The majority of such tales arise from coastal and island
FIR BOLG BOLG The Fir Bolg are the dead hosts of Albion, doo med to eternally wander the land. Some have preserved their ancient flesh by feeding on the living, others must bind themselves to skeletons from the graves and battlefields of Albion, in order to once more walk the ground above. In the past this was Anu’s curse on her firstborn race, but those accursed perfected the black art of necromancy and have spread the horror of living death to any other creatures or folk they deem useful to their war effort. The majority of the Fir Bolg people are these discorporated spirits, enduring the horror of exile on the Isle of Wights until their chance comes to join a raid on Albion, and they can pass through the gates of hell to assume temporary command of the skeleton of some long dead warrior. The Fir Bolg cannot help who and what they are – the firstborn race of the Goddess’s children, who because of the ambition of their leader and the malice of Crom were cursed by Anu. This terrible punishment has warped and maddened the Fir Bolg, and their perceptions have been totally altered by interminable centuries in the darkness and pain of the Isle of Wights. They burn with the desire for revenge and they hate the living. At the centre of their campaign against Albion though is Crom’s great lie. Namely that by providing him with blood sacrifices he will lead them to victory over the humans and dominion over the Land of the Ever Living, where they can finally be at peace.
When the Fir Bolg march to war they are a terrib le and awesome sight. They have no fear of destruction – skeletons are only temporary carriages, to which sundry spiritual fragments have temporarily been bound. They are relentless in battle, and know neither fear nor panic. Perhaps even more terrifyingly, Fir Bolg can raise the dead from the battlefield. Even when the victory looks assured for the living, the Fir Bolg can bring more forces to bear in this way.
The majority of the Fir Bolg resides in that dark, otherworld realm where they have been banished to by the Elves and other races of the living. However, there remain parts of Albion, that the living have never managed to rid of the Fir Bo lg threat. Saiber Frith, Mag Slecht, the Isle of Wights, and the Bleakmoor are but some of the places where the dead haunt the land, and the Fir Bolg can emerge.
Fir Bolg Crypt Keeper
There is a tower, tall and built of rough-hewn stone, set on wild, wet and unkempt ground. Rotting trees sway in the wind. The stone ston e of the tower appears black in colour, but this blackness b lackness seems to be the black of old encrusted blood. There is cloud in the night sky, but stars and a half moon, reminiscent of a half-closed eye, are visible. Stoo d on top of the tower is an indistinct feminine figure in a loose grey-green dress flowing in the wind, frighteningly close to the edge. Variations appear in several Tarot decks that are popular with the more superstitious Bretonnian nobility, often featuring inhuman skeletal figures or Daemons. Details of the painting The Lady of the Marsh' by an unknown Bretonnian artist
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 3 2 4 4 1 2 1 6 4 3 2 4 4 1 2 2 6
Special Rules Fear, Magical Attacks, Swamp Strider, Unbreakable, Unstable Join us…: If a Fir Bolg slays a model with only 1 wound on its starting profile, then one Fir Bolg is created in its place. Models created in this way are added to the Fir Bolg unit, and are armed in the same manner as the unit. The Victory points value of the unit is unaffected. This rule counts only for models that are killed in close combat, and not for models killed in any other way (for example, running down fleeing troops).
DAEMONOMANIAC Fimir Daemonomaniacs are the product of a powerful daemon being successfully bound within the body of a Fimir of the warrior caste. They have been demonically changed by the Mearghs to destroy any foes and strike terror into the hearts of those who oppose them. Daemonomaniacs have huge cleaver blades grafted to their hands and their giant tails lash about, crushing whole files of troops. The possessed Fimir grows to over 30 feet tall and may mutate to have one or both of its hands end i n a long blade. In the long ritual the Meargh performs, it sometimes happens that the Fimir body cannot take so much magical energy and the warrior dies an excruciating death instead. But those that live, become immensely po werful. M WS BS S T W I A Ld Daemonomanic 6 7 0 6 6 6 4 6 8
Special Rules: Large Target, Magical Attacks, Swamp St rider, Tail Attack (S6), Terror, Unbreakable, Unstable, Ward Save (5+)
EYE OCULUS OF BALOR The Eye Oculus is a massive, mobile alter, made from a combination of rotting wood and craggy, mud- rock, pulled forth by two Fiana Warrior s. Atop the great sanctum rests the diamond-chamber of the Great Eye of Balor. When opened, Balor’s Gaze shines forth upon the enemies of the Fimir, burning them to a crisp in an instant.
Eye Ocolus
its foes. If the target unit is within range, it must pass a Leadership test on 3D6 (discarding the lowest dice roll) or suffer D6+1 hits with a Strength equal to the number rolled on the artillery dire. This counts as a magical attack and no armour saves are allowed from wounds cause by the Gaze of the Great Eye attack.
The Great Eye is Always Watching: All friendly Fimir units within 12” of the E ye Ocolus may reroll failed Panic tests.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 4 2 4 6 6 2 6 8
Special Rules:
They're just monsters, same as the Orcs, same as the ratmen, same as the mutant scum. Ugly bas tard monsters, that's all. Marius and his tribe sorted them once, and if they ever cause trouble again, then, by the Gods, we'll damn well sort them ourselves! Don't credit them with any special powers, that's all just peasant superstition. Come on, think about it: if they really did have any power worth having, would they really live out in sodden, stinking mudholes? Ruud Hiservook, Wastelander Trapper
Stubborn, Terror Gaze of the Great Eye: In each Fimir shooting phase, the Great Eye may be opened and its evil gaze is directed upon a single enemy unit within 24”. Choose an enemy unit within Line of Sight to the Eye Oculus and roll the artillery dice. If a misfire is rolled, the Eye has not opened and there is no effect this turn. On a number result, the Great Eye has opened and unleashed its terrible gaze upon
ATHACH An athach is a twisted kind of giant, cruel and thuggish. It lives to bring misery, ruin, and terr or to weaker creatures. An individual may be nearly any human color, though its arms are often a darker color or even grayish. Its upper fangs are long, extending from its mouth like those of a ferocious beast, and it constantly drools a weakness-inducing poison. A group of athachs is usually a family unit, with gangs typically consisting of a group of siblings and full tribes consisting of parents and young.
They wear the hides of dead farm animals, and sometimes tribal decorations of bones, j ewelry and webs of rope. Not overly intelligent, they prefer to attack by charging, with a morning star in each of their three hands, into enemies and flailing at them indiscriminately. If they cannot reach the enemy, they will throw rocks. They are immensely strong, and can easily bash any foe into a gory paste. When it comes to habits, athachs are not a great deal different from the brutality and dumbness of other giants, and are likely only regarded as aberrations due to the distinctly unusual features of a gangly third arm, and pair of tusks, dripping with poison.
Athachs thrive upon the fear of their victims, preferring to play with their prey for some time before indulging their vile and murderous natures. Tales tell of how athachs cut down orchards and ruin crops by night, leaving the ruins to b e discovered by innocent villagers at the dawning of the following day. Further tales tell of how athachs desecrate graveyards by exhuming graves and scattering the bones of the dead about. The motivation behind these games seems to be sheer entertainment— some athachs are unusually creative in their antics, displaying ingenuity beyond their normal capacity, as if an athach in the throes of desecration and cruelty were prone to some form of divine inspiration. Athachs dislike other giants (and other monsters of their size) and either attack or flee from them, depending on whether the odds are in their favour.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 6 3 0 6 6 5 3 5 7
Special Rules: Devastating Charge, Impact Hits (D3), Large Target, Poisoned Attacks, Terror Hurl Rocks: An Athach may hurl a rock in the Shooting phase provided it did not march or charge. Hurling rocks follows all the rules for Stone Throwers with the following exceptions: the maximum range a rock can be hurled is 18” and there is no minimum range. If a Misfire is ro lled, the Athach takes 1 Wound.
Witches freely give themselves to the fen-dwellers in return for evil secrets and Daemonic companionship and it is said that women of the decaying noble houses of Bretonnia do the same. I seen Fimir, I 'ave. Seen 'em, run from 'em. Been at sea too, an'seen 'em great Orcas. An'you know what? Tims got same teeth. Sharp pegs wi' gaps 'tween 'em. Reckon Fimir are fish like Orca, but ent natural. Mutant Orcas, legs an' all. Reckon 'ey just walked out one day, liked it and stopped 'ere. Eh? Whadyuh mean Orcas ent fish? Live in sea don't 'ey? Orcas, deafo! Not bloody greenskins! Tim big black an' white fish. Eat seals. Ey's not fish neiver? Who said 'at? Oh, an' what are you, some sort o' bloody professor? Oh, right. At Great Library. What's 'Orcas' eh? Mammals? Wha'r'ey 'en? Like us? Orcas ent like us, 'eysfish. Live young and milk, warruhyou on about? Ang on. If Orcas are like us... and Fimir are like Orcas... then we 're like Fimir? You sayin' I 'm a Fimir? Wha'yuh mean I 'av an amazing capacity for pseudo-logical extrapolation? Get this in the bollocks! How fights start in Marienburg taverns.
EYE TYRANT Eye Tyrants are Daemonic solitar y creatures, usually found in desolate regions, ruins, or large cave complexes. They feed on small animals of all sorts, and are not adverse to supplementing their diet with larger prey (such as humans or orcs). Some will enslave tribes of goblins and their ilk, using the threat of their impressive magical powers to dominate a tribe and force its members to do the Eye Tyrant's bidding. Eye Tyrants are able to generate a number of magical powers via their eyes. Each eye can create a beam of magical energy. Each different eye has its own distinct beam, and each of these energy beams has a different effect. The primary driving force behind a Eye Tyrant's actions is one of greed. Eye Tyrants are highly avaricious, and will often attack a small group of individuals in order to obtain whatever valuables they may have. Of course, the Eye Tyrant is not a stupid creature, and will avoid any group that is obviously beyond its ability to handle. An Eye Tyrant has a great globular body covered in thick plates. A gaping maw set with many small teeth splits this sphere, above which is a single glaring eye. On top of the Eye Tyrant’s body is a ring of 10 smaller eyes. All of the E ye Tyrant’s eyes are reddish in color, while the body itself is a dark purple-black. The flesh seen between the plates that armor the body is usually a light red or pinkish color.
Eye Tyrants can sometimes be found working with the Fimir, either believing themselves to be the one in charge, or being bound to a Dirach or Meargh who might have summoned them.
Eye Tyrant
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 1 3 3 4 5 6 3 3 8
Special Rules: Hover, Magical Attacks, Terror, Unbreakable, Unstable, Ward Save (5+)
Eye Tyrants are rarely willing to serve other creatures or even be in the company of their own kind. Eye Tyrants believe they deserve to rule, so any creatures willing to risk being thralls to them can find a place at their side-albeit not a safe one.
Death Gaze: An Eye Tyrant may use of the following attacks in each Fimir shooting phase: Fire Ray. Fire Ray has a range of 24” and causes D6 Flaming Attacks Strength 4 hits.
The Bog-Daemons are in league with frogs. No, it's true, absurd as it may sound. You go to Bretonnia and ask the frog hunters what their greatest fear is and every one of them will tell you it's the bogmen. The monsters hate them and attack frog hunters whenever they spot them. They've even been known to launch raids on frog farms and release all the frogs. That's why frogs' legs are such an expensive delicacy in Bretonnia, especially wild frogs' legs, because of the risk. A man could make good money supplying fresh frogs. All right, they may not be in league together - that's just my little joke - but there's something strange going on there.
Death Gaze. Choose a unit within 18” of the Eye Tyrant. The affected unit must pass a Toughness test (using the lowest Toughness value in the unit if there are different values) or suffer D6 wounds with no armour saves allowed (distributed in the same way as hits from shooting attacks). Vaporize. Draw a 12” line out From the Eye Tyrant in any direction. Any model that lies under this line suffers a single S5 hit. Any unit that suffers 1 or more unsaved Wounds fro m this attack must take an immediate Panic test.
BALOR , THE EYE OF DOOM It said by some that the Fimir worship a po werful god known as Balor, or the Eye of Doom. Balor is believed to be a gigantic Fimir or humanoid Cyclops with an eye so large that six Fimir are needed to lift his enormous eyelid. When that eye is open, all whom Balor gazes upon die. This is only partly true. Balor is not a god, but he is a powerful Daemon Prince, believed by the Fimir to be in the service of Fimúl the Mud God.
The alleged need for six Fimir to open Balor's eye probably stems from the requirements of the ritual that can summon him into the world. Only the most powerful Meargh can hope to summon Balor and six Fimir must be sacrificed at the climax. Understandably, Meargh do not summon Balor just for the fun of it, only i n cases of dire need (usually if her clan is facing an over-whelming enemy force) and only if there is enough time.
Fimir legends claim Balor was once a Fimm Noble in a time long, long before the bir th of even the oldest living Meargh. His prowess in battle was extraordinary and the Fimm tell many confusing stories about his achievements, mosdy involving the slaughter of coundess warriors of other races and his siring of many Fimir children, but one tells of his milking of Lisaart's poisonous fangs.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 6 9 0 6 6 6 5 6 9
Special Rules: Large Target, Magical Attacks, Terror, Unbreakable, Unstable, Ward Save (5+) Eye of Doom: In the Shooting Phase, Balor may open his eye and gaze upon his Foes. Treat this attack like the Gaze of Balor spell, causing D6 hits.
Long before he lost his vigour, Balor volunteered for sacrifice and in doing so became a Daemon Prince at the will of Fimúl the Mud God. Some Fimir claim direct descent from Balor, especially the Fimm Nobles; theoretically a member of any caste could legitimately do so, but it would be hard to prove as only Balor himself could say for sure, and he's not very talkative.
Magic Items Axes of Balor Balor typically goes to war wielding two massive axes. Swinging them in wide arcs, he chops off the heads of his enemies without pausing. Paired hand weapon. The Axes of Balor gives the wielder the Killing Blow ability.
Apart from his immense size and physical strength, Balor's greatest power lies in his gleaming white eye. Whilst it does not really require six Fimir to open his eyelid and his eye doesn't automatically kill all it gazes upon, Balor's eye is a terrible thing. Balor can turn this ability on and off at will by blinking - some Fimir believe Balor is most vulnerable at this point - so can speak to him directly. Of course, it must be said that the Bretonnians have their share of encounters with the Fimir, or Bone Daemons as they insist on calling them. Indeed, the old legends of the Bretonni tribe tell of a time when the western seas reached further inland giving rise to vast salt marshes. The legends have these marshes full of hideous monsters that are always attacking the Bretonni, but the beasts gradually vanish as the sea recedes and the land dries. Either that or the land is cleansed by some noble knight or another. Mindjou, it does sound a bit similar to old Dobbe Arend's epic of thejutones, Marius and the Hell-mother. Hard to say which might be true. Could ask the Fimir, I suppose, but there may be safer ways to waste one's time! Mist at noon; heartbreak soon. Wastelander saying
Lisaart is another Daemon Prince who the Fimir revere as a god, although not one in same league as Maris and Fimúl. Depicted as a giant scaled serpent with a long, dragon-like head, Lisaart is worshipped by those Fimm who value cunning and speed over brute force when it comes to battle. Lisaart is a silent and deadly killer, capable of swift, precise and lethal attacks. Cunning and secrecy are also elements of Lisaart's nature, and Fimir who have particular respect for this Daemon Prince often seek to learn Lisaart's skills of camouflage and hiding, especially Dirach who have become assassins and thieves in the service of their Meargh.
The Fimir offer prayers and offerings (usually giant insects killed and thrown into marshy ground or estuaries) to Lisaart in order to secure good luck in matters of healing, secrecy and battle. There is no ritual to summon Lisaart; if there ever was then it was lost long ago. However, the Fimir stories suggest that Lisaart can enter the real world at will in order to counteract activities of Nurgle and its minions when they directly threaten the Fimir. The origin of Lisaart's ties to the Fimir is unknown even to the Meargh, but it is presumed the bond was originally formed through Fimúl.
Lishaart Fimm Nobles who seek to decorate their helmets and avoid the wrath of the Dirach often have Lisaart as a decorative crest instead of horns; these Nobles and their Warriors can be more deadly than those who admire the unsubde and brutish qualities of Balor. Lisaart is said to be an opponent of Chaos in general and Nurgle in particular. Lisaart constandy worms through the marsh after Nurgle, purifying the ground the disease god has contaminated. For this reason, Lisaart is also the Fimir god of healing and is often prayed to by Dirach and Meargh when creating herbal curatives or binding wounds.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 7 7 0 6 5 5 7 5 9
Special Rules: Large Target, Magical Attacks, Poisoned Attacks, Tail Attack (S6), Terror, Unbreakable, Unstable, Ward Save (5+) Spit Acid: Lishaart can spit toxic acid from his poison glands once per battle. Treat this as a Strength 5 Breath Attack with no armour saves allowed.
The most famous Fimir tale concerning Lisaart features Balor during his mortal days. Balor caught and bound a hundred giant water beetles (insects being the reptilian Daemon's bound them with to tempt and snare Lisaart. With the Daemon Prince subdued, Balor milked Lisaart's poison fangs. Impressed by Balor's cunning, Lisaart chose not to take revenge when finally released. The venom is said to have been gathered in a brass vessel and sealed with bees' wax. Fimir believe Lisaart's poison to be the most painful and fatal in t he entire world. However, Lisaart's role as healer and purifier means the venom is also believed to possess incredible curative powers, although the stories are unclear as to how it can both hurt and heal. Nevertheless, this powerful duality makes the brass vessel and its contents a legendary Fimir artefact, though no Fimir knows where it presently resides, if it ever truly existed in the first place.
KROLL THE CONNIVING The Meargh and Dirach are equally impressed by the quiet intelligence and cunning of Kroll. Kroll is as comfortable in salt water as she is in fresh water and so is respected by coastal and inland Fimir alike. Kroll is rarely summoned, but always appealed to when the Fimm go to battle one of her earthly kin. Sacrifices are also made to her when the Fimir are under pressure on multiple fronts. If the Fimir summon Kroll under such circumstances, rather than appearing in the material world as a single gigantic bog octopus, Kroll can thrust up to eight single, massive tentacles into the world to assault, hold back or threaten those different fronts no matter where they are. The victims of these attacks are unlikely to realise just what it is they are really facing! Kroll is also called upon if the Fimir want to affect something or someone beyond their normal reach (a city, for example). Summoning Kroll involves a ritual requiring the sacrifice of one to nine living, intelligent creatures depending whether the Fimir want one or more tentacles, or the whole of Kroll with her terrible beak. Kroll's tentacles can be subtle as well as violent, able to coil around a sleeping victim's mouth before he wakes and screams, or pilfer objects from his pockets, or even put objects into his pockets. If she desired, she could also push her eggs inside an unfortunate victim. Kroll can speak, but only when partially submerged in water - her voice is a terrible, bubbling rumble. However, she can also speak psychically, her watery whispers insinuating themselves into her target's dreams, making all sorts of tempting offers, suggestions or instructions.
As marsh and estuary dwellers, the Fimir have more experience of the terrible beasts known as bog octopuses than most other races. Many clans have competed for territory with one of them at some time or other and bog octopuses have become respected and occasionally dreaded adversaries, especially the largest of their kind. In cases of especially powerful bog octopuses, the Fimir have settled for acceptance of a tentaclewaving neighbour who is kept from moving too far by sacrifices of food (live animals or people). This lengthy experience of contact, occasional semiworship, together with the respect and fear the octopuses inspire, have resulted in the formation of a gigantic, Daemonic creature in their image. Some Fimir believe Kroll has always existed and that natural bog octopuses are her earthly children.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 5 6 0 5 6 6 5 8 9
Special Rules: Large Target, Magical Attacks, Poisoned Attacks, Terror, Unbreakable, Unstable, Ward Save (5+) Flailing Tentacles: Kroll’s tentacles sweep across and through enemy formations with ease, crushing troops by the dozens. When making her Stomp attacks, she causes 2D6 hits, rather than the normal D6.
Kroll is a Daemon Prince worshipped at all levels of Fimir society. The Shearl admire her nest building abilities. The Fimm are impressed by her raw strength, deadly flailing arms and armourpiercing beak - the tradition of carrying two weapons by the Fimm Nobles stems from Kroll.
CHOOSING AN ARMY This army list enables you to turn your miniatures collection into an army ready for tabletop battle. As described in the Warhammer rulebook, the army list is divided into four sections: Characters (including Lords and Heroes), Core Units, Special Units and Rare Units. CHOOSING AN ARMY Every miniature in the Warhammer range has a points cost that reflects how valuable it is on the battlefield. For example, a Shearl costs just 3 points, while a mighty Meargh costs 235 points!
With the points total agreed, players need to pick their forces using the army list in the relevant Warhammer Armies hook, and the system presented here.
THE GENERAL An army must always include at least one Lord or Hero to be its General. Every army must have a General to lead it into battle. The General represents you — he issues the orders that lead to the moves, shots, spells and attacks that your troops make.
Both players choose armies to the same agreed points total. You can spend less and will probably find it impossible to use up every last point. Most ‘2000 point’ armies, for example, will be something like 1,998 or 1,999 points. To form your miniatures into an army, look up the relevant army list entry for the first troop type. This tells you the points cost to add to each unit of models to your army and any options or upgrades the unit may have. Then select your next unit, calculate its point and so on until you reach the agreed points total. In addition to the points, there are a few other rules that govern which units you can include in your army, as detailed under Characters and Troops.
MINIMUM THREE UNITS An army must always include at least three units in addition to any Lords and Heroes. An army just isn't an army unless it has plenty of warriors in its ranks. UNIT CATEGORIES Each army list divides the forces available into several categories. In a standard game, players are limited as to how many of their points can be spent from any particular category.
ARMY LIST ENTRIES Each unit is represented by an entry in the ar my list. The unit’s name is given and any limitations that apply are explained.
LORDS You can spend up to 25% of your points on Lords. Lords are the most powerful characters in your army, individuals possessed of fearsome martial or magical might.
Profiles: The characteristic profiles for the troops in each unit are given in the unit entry. Where several profiles are required, these are also given even if, as in many cases, they are optional.
HEROES You can spend up to 25% of your points on Heroes. Heroes are lesser characters, not as intrinsically deadly as Lords, but still worth a score of ordinary warriors.
Unit Sizes: Each entry specifies the minimum size for each unit. In some cases, units may also have a maximum size. Equipment: Each entry lists the standard weapons and armour for that unit type. T he value of these items is included in the points value.
WIZARDS AND SPELL LORES Some Lords and Heroes are Wizards, and have access to one or more spell lores. Although you won't generate the spells that your Wizards know until you start to play your game you do need to make a note in your army roster of which spell lore each of your Wizards will use. If you have a Wizard that is allowed to choose specific spells, you must select which spells they are at the time you pick your army.
Options: Each entry lists any available upgrades to the unit, together with their points cost. Special Rules: Many troops have special rules which are described in this section.
CORE UNITS You must spend a minimum of 25% of your points on Core units. Core units are the heart of your army, the ico nic troops who make up the bulk of every warband and warhost. Unlike other types of unit, there is no maximum to the proportion of your points that you can spend on Core units.
To further represent the scarce nature of Special and Rare choices there is a limit on how many duplicates of each troop type you can include in your army. This limit applies only to duplicate Special or Rare unit choices of the same type, not to the total number of Special and Rare units overall. Note that this limit applies to the basic troop type and isn't dependent on the size of the unit or optional war gear.
Some Core units do not count towards the minimum points you must spend on Core units (sometimes written as 'do not count towards the minimum number of Core units you must include' or variations thereof) or indeed the minimum number of units you must include in your army. I n fact, such units don't count towards any category, just the points value of the army.
Two Units For One Choice Some units are listed as taking up a single choice. As implied, this means that these two units count only as one choice. GRAND ARMY In a grand army, you can include up to 6 duplicate Special choices and 4 duplicate Rare choices. If choosing an army of 3,000 points or more, more, it is considered to be a 'grand' army, with enough patronage, cash or muscle to get a larger supply of scarce units: up to 6 duplicate Special choices, and up to 4 duplicate Rare choices.
SPECIAL UNITS You can spend up to 50% of your points on Special units. Special units are invariably elite troops, capable of anchoring a battleline of lesser warriors, or performing great deeds in their own right. RARE UNITS You can spend up to 25% of your points on Rare units. Rare units are the most unusual warriors in your army, mighty monsters, weird war machines and elite soldiers of unsurpassed skill. Rare units are often fantastically powerful, but often require a canny general to get the most from them.
ARMY SELECTION SUMMARY TABLE You must always include at least three noncharacter units, plus one Lord or Hero to be your General.
Lords Heroes Core Special Rare
DUPLICATE CHOICES An army cannot contain more than 3 Special choices of the same type and 2 Rare choices of the same type.
Points Limit Up to 25% Up to 25% 25% or more Up to 50% Up to 25%
Duplicate Choices No limit No limit No limit Up to 3 Up to 2
625 points
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 6 9 0 6 6 6 5 6 9
Equipment: Axes of Balor Heavy armour
Troop Type Monster (Special Character)
Special Rules: Eye of Doom Large Target Magical Attacks Terror Unbreakable Unstable Ward Save (5+)
• • • • • •
400 points
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 7 7 0 6 5 5 7 5 9
Equipment: Poison fangs
Troop Type Monster (Special Character)
Special Rules: Large Target Magical Attacks Poisoned Attacks Spit Acid Tail Attack (S6) Terror Unbreakable Unstable Ward Save (5+)
• • • • • • • • •
KROLL THE CONNIVING Profile Kroll Equipment: Tentacles and beak •
425 points
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 5 6 0 5 6 6 5 8 9 Special Rules: Flailing Tentacles Large Target Magical Attacks Poisoned Attacks Terror Unbreakable Unstable Ward Save (5+) • • • • • • • •
Troop Type Monster (Special Character)
235 points
Profile Meargh Magic: A Meargh is a Level 3 Wizard. She can use Fimir Magic, the Lore of Shadow, the Lore of Beasts, or the Lore of Death.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 3 1 4 4 3 3 1 9 Equipment: Hand weapon •
Troop Type Infantry (Character)
Options: May be upgraded to a Level 4 Wizard………….. 35 points May take magic items worth up to a total of….. 100 points •
Special Rules: Cold-Blooded Protect our Leader! Scaly Skin (6+) Swamp Strider • •
• •
FIMM WARLORD Profile Fimm Warlord Equipment: Hand weapon Light armour • •
150 points M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 6 2 5 5 3 5 4 9
Special Rules: Cold-Blooded Scaly Skin (5+) Swamp Strider Tail Attack (S5) • • • •
Troop Type Infantry (Character)
Options: May be armed with one of the following: Morning star………………………………….3 points Additional hand weapon……………………..3 points Great weapon……………………………… weapon………………………………... ...6 points May take a shield…………………………………3 points May upgrade light armour to heavy armour……... 3 points May take magic items worth up to a total of….. 100 points •
• • •
FIMM MISTMOR Profile Fimm Mistmor Equipment: Hand weapon Light armour • •
220 points M WS BS S T W I A Ld 6 6 2 5 6 5 4 5 8
Special Rules: Cold-Blooded Fear Scaly Skin (5+) Swamp Strider Tail Attack (S5) • • • • •
Troop Type Monstrous Infantry (Character)
Options: May be armed with one of the following: Additional hand weapon……………………..6 points Great weapon……………………………… weapon………………………………..12 points May upgrade light armour to heavy armour……... 6 points May take magic items worth up to a total of….. 100 points •
• •
120 points
Profile Dirach Magic: A Dirach is a Level 1 Wizard. He can use Fimir Magic, the Lore of Shadow, the Lore of Beasts, or the Lore of Death.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 3 2 4 4 2 3 2 8 Equipment: Hand weapon •
Troop Type Infantry (Character)
Options: May be upgraded to a Level 2 Wizard………….. 35 points May take magic items worth up to a total of…… 50 points •
Special Rules: Cold-Blooded Daemon Friend Scaly Skin (6+) Swamp Strider • • • •
90 points
Profile Fimm Finmor Equipment: Hand weapon Light armour • •
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 5 2 4 5 2 4 3 8 Special Rules: Cold-Blooded Scaly Skin (5+) Swamp Strider Tail Attack (S5) • • • •
Troop Type Infantry (Character)
Options: May be armed with one of the following: Morning star………………………………….2 points Additional hand weapon……………………..2 points Great weapon……………………………… weapon………………………………... ...4 points May take a shield…………………………………2 points May upgrade light armour to heavy armour……... 2 points May take magic items worth up to a total of…… 50 points •
• • •
BATTLE STANDARD BEARER One Fimm Finmor may carry the battle standard for 25 points. He may carry a Magic Standard (with no points limit), but if he carries a Magic Standard, he may not choose any other magic items.
FIMM FLAITHMOR Profile Fimm Flaithmor Equipment: Hand weapon Light armour • •
160 points M WS BS S T W I A Ld 6 5 2 5 6 4 3 4 7
Special Rules: Cold-Blooded Fear Scaly Skin (5+) Swamp Strider Tail Attack (S5) • • • • •
Troop Type Monstrous Infantry (Character)
Options: May be armed with one of the following: Additional hand weapon……………………..4 points Great weapon……………………………… weapon………………………………... ...8 points May upgrade light armour to heavy armour……... 4 points May take magic items worth up to a total of…… 50 points •
• •
CORE UNITS FIMM WARRIORS Profile Fimm Warrior Fimm Fian Unit Size: 10+
12 points per model M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 4 2 4 4 1 2 1 7 4 4 2 4 4 1 2 2 7
Special Rules: Cold-Blooded Scaly Skin (6+) Swamp Strider Tail Attack (S4) •
Equipment: Hand weapon Light armour •
• •
Troop Type Infantry Infantry
Options: One Fimm Warrior may be upgraded to a Fimm Fian.. 10 points One Fimm Warrior may be upgraded to a musician…. 10 points One Fimm Warrior may be upgraded to a standard bearer…………………………10 points A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to…………………….25 points The entire unit may be armed with one of the following: Morning stars……………………………1 point per model Additional hand weapons………………2 points per model The entire unit may take shields……………..1 point per model • • •
7 points per model
Profile Shearl Shearl Finn Unit Size: 10+
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 3 2 3 4 1 2 1 6 4 3 2 3 4 1 2 2 6 Special Rules: Cold-Blooded Dregs Scaly Skin (6+) Swamp Strider •
Equipment: Hand weapon •
• •
Troop Type Infantry Infantry
Options: One Shearl may be upgraded to a Fimm Fian………... 10 points One Shearl may be upgraded to a musician….............. 10 points One Shearl may be upgraded to a standard bearer…… 10 points The entire unit may be armed with one of the following: Spears……………………………..……..1 point per model Morning stars……………………………1 point per model Additional hand weapons………………2 points per model The entire unit may take shields……………..1 point per model • • • •
Do you know what the worst thing about them is? It's not that they kill and steal and abuse. It's not that they 're hideously ugly. It's not that they worship Daemons. The worst thing about them is that they're barely any different from us. They work, play and worship, do what they have to do to survive and every one of them is at the mercy of those more powerful. They're no crueller than we are; they're just more honest about it. Everything bad they do has been done by one Human or another at some time. They're just a more concentrated, purer form of our own evil. I loathe them, despise them and they haunt me every single bloody night! But believe me, I don't feel much better for being back amongst men. A rare lucid outburst from 'Alice', an unknown woman believed to have escaped from the Fimir, now cared for by the Clerics of Shallya
3 points per model
Profile Boglar Sludgesucker
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 5 4 2 3 2 3 1 3 2 5
Troop Type Infantry Infantry
Note: Boglars do not count towards the minimum number of Core Units you need to include in your army.
Unit Size: 10+
Special Rules: Beneath Contempt Skirmishers Swamp Striders Water-Birth •
Equipment: Hand weapon Throwing weapon •
Options: One Boglar may be upgraded to a Sludgesucker........... 10 points The entire unit may be upgraded to Toad-Gnoblars…………………………....2 points per model • • •
MOOR HOUNDS Profile Moor Hound Fenhowler
12 points per model M WS BS S T W I A Ld 7 4 0 3 3 1 3 1 6 7 4 0 3 3 1 3 1 6
Troop Type Warbeast Warbeast
Note: Moor Hounds do not count towards the minimum number of Core Units you need to include in your your army.
Unit Size: 5+
Special Rules: Fear Fast Cavalry Magical Attacks Swamp Strider Unbreakable Unstable Ward Save (5+) •
Equipment: Fangs and claws •
Options: One Moor Hound may be upgraded to a Fenhowler..... 10 points •
• •
• • • •
“I think their predominant colour was a dark green, though they had bronzed bellies. They were mostly smooth and leathery, but their tails were ridged and spiny at the ends. Their forms vaguely vagu ely suggested the anthropoid, while their heads were oval and drawn into a snout, with a single prodigious white eye, gleaming malevolently. There were no ears on the sides sid es of their heads and their three-fingered paws were clawed. They loped along the marsh, their tails high and swaying, sometimes dropping onto all fours to taste the ground... their high squealing voices... held all the dark shades of cruelty which their staring faces already suggested.” From The Shadow over Gasthaustmund', by H.P. Lieberwerk
60 points per model
Profile Fiana Fimm Fimm Fiarach Unit Size: 3+
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 6 4 2 4 5 3 2 3 7 6 4 2 4 5 3 2 4 7 Special Rules: Cold-Blooded Fear Scaly Skin (5+) Swamp Strider Tail Attack (S5) •
Equipment: Hand weapon Heavy armour •
• •
• •
Troop Type Monstrous Infantry Monstrous Infantry
Options: One Fiana Fimm may be upgraded to a Fi mm Fiarach…………………………..10 points One Fiana Fimm may be upgraded to a musician…..... 10 points One Fiana Fimm may be upgraded to a standard bearer…………………………10 points A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to…………………….50 points The entire unit may be armed with one of the following: Great weapons………………………...10 points per model Additional hand weapons………………5 points per model • • • •
SWAMP DAEMONS Profile Swamp Daemon Rotfiend Unit Size: 10+
15 points per model M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 4 0 3 4 1 3 2 7 4 4 0 3 4 1 3 2 7
Special Rules: Fear Magical Attacks Scaly Skin (5+) Swamp Lurker Swamp Strider Unbreakable Unstable Ward Save (5+) •
Equipment: Claws and teeth •
Troop Type Infantry Infantry
Options: One Swamp Daemon may be upgraded to a Rotfiend.................................................. 10 points •
• • • • •
MARSH REAVERS Profile Marsh Reaver Blood Reaver Bog Beast Unit Size: 3+
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 4 2 4 4 3 2 1 7 4 4 2 4 4 3 2 2 7 7 4 2 5 5 3 2 3 7 Special Rules: Cold-Blooded Fear Poisoned Attacks Scaly Skin (6+) Swamp Strider Tail Attack (S5) •
Equipment: Hand weapon Spear Light armour Shield •
• • •
55 points per model
• •
• •
Troop Type Monstrous Cavalry Monstrous Cavalry -
Options: One Marsh Reaver may be upgraded to a Blood Reaver ………………………….10 points One Marsh Reaver may be upgraded to a musician….. 10 points One Marsh Reaver may be upgraded to a standard bearer…………………………10 points A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to…………………….50 points The entire unit may upgrade to wear heavy armour…………………………..5 pts per model • • • •
60 points per model
Profile Fomorian Formor Unit Size: 3+
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 6 3 0 5 5 4 2 3 6 6 3 0 5 5 4 2 3 6 Special Rules: Ambushers Fear Stupidity •
Equipment: Hand weapon •
• •
Options: One Fomorian may be upgraded to a Formor...……… 10 points The entire unit may be armed with one of the following: Great weapons………………………...10 points per model Additional hand weapons………………5 points per model • •
65 points per model
Profile Fenbeast Unit Size: 1-5
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 5 3 0 5 5 4 1 3 8 Special Rules: Always Strikes Last Fear Regeneration Stupidity Swamp Strider Unbreakable Unstable •
Equipment: Fists •
Troop Type Monstrous Infantry Monstrous Infantry
• • • •
Troop Type Monstrous Infantry
Options: The entire unit may take one of the following: Born of the Bloodmarsh………...10 points per model Leeachloam……………………...10 points per model Lifebloom Silt…………………...15 points per model Fly-Infested Rotweed…………...15 points per model •
• •
NUCKELAVEE Profile Nuckelavee Bog Knight Unit Size: 5+
26 points per model M WS BS S T W I A Ld 8 4 0 4 4 1 4 2 8 8 4 0 4 4 1 4 3 8
Special Rules: Fear Fast Cavalry Magical Attacks Swamp Strider Unbreakable Unstable Ward Save (5+) •
Equipment: Hand weapon •
• • • •
Troop Type Warbeast Warbeast
Options: One Nuckelavee may be upgraded to a Bog Knight..................................... 10 points The entire unit may be armed with one of the following: Great weapons……………………3 points per model Additional hand weapons………...2 points per model •
• •
10 points per model
Profile Fir Bolg Crypt Keeper Unit Size: 10-25
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 3 2 4 4 1 2 1 6 4 3 2 4 4 1 2 1 6 Special Rules: Fear Join us… Magical Attacks Swamp Strider Unbreakable Unstable •
Equipment: Hand weapon •
• • • • •
Troop Type Warbeast Warbeast
Options: One Fir Bolg may be upgraded to a Crypt Keeper.................................. 10 points The entire unit may be armed with great weapons.. …………….2 points per model The entire unit may take shields………..1 point per model The entire unit may wear light armour…1 point per model •
RARE UNITS DAEMONOMANIC Profile Daemonomanic Unit Size: 1 Equipment: Hand weapon Light armour • •
250 points per model M WS BS S T W I A Ld 6 7 0 6 6 6 4 6 8 Special Rules: Large Target Magical Attacks Swamp Strider Tail Attack (S6)
Troop Type Monster
EYE OCULUS OF BALOR Profile Eye Oculus Unit Size: 1 Equipment: Hand weapon Heavy armour
Terror Unbreakable Unstable Ward Save (5+)
175 points per model
M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 4 2 4 6 6 2 6 8 Special Rules: Gaze of the Great Eye Stubborn
Troop Type Unique
Terror The Great Eye is Always Watching
ATHACH Profile Athach Unit Size: 1 Equipment: Hand weapon Morning star •
225 points per model M WS BS S T W I A Ld 6 3 0 6 6 5 3 5 7 Special Rules: Devastating Charge Impact Hits (D3) Large Target
Troop Type Monster
Poisoned Attacks Terror Hurl Rocks
EYE TYRANT Profile Eye Tyrant Unit Size: 1 Equipment: Huge maw with rows of razorsharp fangs •
175 points per model M WS BS S T W I A Ld 1 3 3 4 5 6 3 3 8 Special Rules: Death Gaze Hover Magical Attacks Terror
Troop Type Monster
Unbreakable Unstable Ward Save (5+)
GIFTS OF BALOR In this section is a li st of the 'Fimir only' magic items. These items can only be used by models from this book. Magic items must be selected within the points limitations set by the army list section. Note that the rules for magic i tems presented in the Warhammer rulebook also apply to the 'Fimir only' magic items.
Fetid Axe 40 pts Many of the numerous water pools around the Fimir clann hold contain unpure water, made fetid due to the centuries-long lack of streaming water. It is rumoured that when the still hot metal of a newly crafted weapon is cooled with this water, some of the unpureness stays upon the weapon. Such weapons are so poisonous that few are left untouched by it.
Vile Branch Crusher 55 pts This huge mace is made from a big root found in the deepest glades of the Forests of Firest. The end of the weapon is made up of strong, sharp wooden side roots, sprouting in all direction. These cause horrific damage when slammed against an enemy, piercing the body at multiple places. Great weapon. Each hit is multiplied into D3 hits.
The wielder of the Fetid Axe always wounds on a roll of 2+.
The Flagellator 50 pts A devastating weapon, the Flagellator embues its wielder with the speed and power to crush a whole regiment in mere minutes. However, should the wielder overexhausts its power, he might suddenly find that his weapon has no more might than a common flail.
Lishaart’s Tail 40 pts Lishaart, another daemon prince serving Fimúl, is depicted as a huge scaled serpent. He’s a deady and silent stalker. Crawling through the misty swamp, he sneaks up to his prew p rew and unleashes his fury. Some Fimm Nobles strap on a powerful magical blade it their tails to represent this flailing tail of Lissaart.
Flail. The wielder of the Flagellator receives +D6 attacks, rolled in each round of Close combat. If a 6 is rolled when determining the number of Attacks received, the item loses its power and will counts as a mundane flail from then on, starting next turn.
Lissaart’s Tail is a weapon fitted on the tail of the wielder. It increases the Strength of the wielder’s Tail Attack by 1 and allows him to do D3 Attacks with it instead of 1.
Fimúl’s Arms 45 pts The Axe and the Mace known as Fimúl’s Arms A rms are two of the most priced relics kept by the Fimir. They are the very same weapons Fimúl the Mud God used to protect his beloved Maris. When Fimúl was killed, the weapons where sold by the human merchants. One Fimir clann was lucky enough to raid a certain caravan transporting the weapons centuries later. They were probably on their way to a rich noble who bought them as collector items. Since that time, the axe and the mace are pa ssed on from clan to clan each year.
Kriss of Endless Sacrifice 25 pts This curved dagger has been used for so many ritual sacrifices that even the oldest Meargh cannot really remember. It has been passed down by the Mearghs from generation to generation. The blade is red with the gore and blood of its coutless victims. According to Fimir legends, the weapon can sense when it needs to send another soul to Fimúl the Mud God and that it does his best to please his god as much as possible. The Kriss gives the wielder Poisoned Attacks. Every 6 to hit grants the wielder an additional attack.
Paired hand weapons. The Axe gives the wielder +1 Weapon Skill and Armour Piercing Attacks. The Mace reduces the Weapon Skill, Strength and Attack value of enemies hit by it by 1 until t he end of the next close combat phase.
Froidrach’s War Hatchets 20 pts Lusting for blood just like its former master, these axes are the most dangerous the minute they get to taste a new battle.
Muckraker 40 pts This great mace has been the bane of many a foe, smashing them into paste with ease.
Paired hand weapons. The wielder of the War Hatchets receives +1 Strength and Attacks in the first round of combat.
Great weapon. Attacks from Muckraker have the Armour Piercing rule. In addition, each wound is multiplied into D3 Wounds.
Kroll’s Bellyshield 15 pts Kroll is usually depicted as a huge hug e bogoctopus with tentacles flailing around him. Around his main body, the daemon prince has a dull looking bellyshield, showing all kinds of shifting images, striking fear into all who gaze upon it.
MAGIC ARMOUR Obsidian Shield 45 pts Made from the blackest and hardest stone, stolen from caravans or dwarven slaves, this shield is crafted to protect the wearer from harmful magical effects. Mostly favoured by Fimm Nobles living close to human villages where a wizard resides, these armour pieces are hard to get by in the murky swamps.
Kroll’s Bellyshield gives the wearer a 6+ armour save which may be combined with other armour as normal. In addition, he causes Fear.
Shield. A spell cast on the bearer of this item or the unit he is with is automatically dispelled on a 5+.
Talon of Mother Gorne 60 pts An extremely potent talisman, its power only grows stronger the closer to death its bearer gets.
Helm of the Great Eye 30 pts This helm is an ancient artefact of the Fimir, said to have been worn by Balor himself. It is said that any eye seeing through this helm can look into the future and strike before the enemy can even react.
The bearer has a Ward save equal to his number of Wounds left.
Horrors of Firest 60 pts Firest, a daemon prince in the form of a dark forest with unspeakable horrors within, enjoys teasing his victims with getting them lost and fear games. One day, a crazed Dirach captured some of these visions into a small glass orb. He who gazes into the orb, sees only his deepest hidden fears and goes almost mad instantly.
The Helm of the Great Eye gives the wearer a 6+ armour save which may be combined with other armour as normal. In addition, he gains the Always Strikes First rule.
One use only. The bearer can reveal the Horrors of Firest to an enemy unit in at the start o f the close combat phase. This unit automatically br eaks and has to flee directly away from him. The bearer and his unit cannot pursue and must stay stationary. This item has no effect on units that are Immune to Pshychology.
Muck Armour 25 pts This armour has the embodied spirit of the swamps in which the Fimit reside. It makes its wearer incredibly resilient to harm, but takes its toll on his strength. Heavy Armour. The wearer is immune to Flaming Attacks and gains the Regeneration (4+) rule. However, he also suffers a -1 penalty to his Strength.
Bloodstone Garnet 45 pts This trinket, mostly used as a jewel to fasten the cloaks many Fimm Nobles or Dirach wear, radiates a powerful red glow. Empowered with the mystical forces of the swamp and the ancient spirit that dwell there, the stone is prized my all, because it gives the holder the ability to heal wounds almost instantly, regenerating limbs and becomming almost immortal.
Runic Bellyshield 25 pts This beautifully crafted piece of armour is inscribed with the most powerful runes the Fimir could whip out of their dwarven slaves. Fimm Nobles wearing such bellyshields are considered to be near invincible and are rightly feared on the battlefield.
The Bloodstone Garnet gives the bearer the Regeneration (3+) rule.
Runic Bellyshield gives the wearer a 5+ armour save which may be combined with other armour as normal. In addition, he ignores any Attack after being hit on the roll of a natur al 6.
Miasma of Malodorous Mist 45 pts This pendant contains the soul of a long since dead but powerful Dirach. Even though he died centuries ago, this spirit still seeks to go to war and still generates a mist cloud. This piece of jewelry is wanted amongst the Fimir Nobility because it gives them the opportunity to go further from a Dirach then they normally could.
Armour of Sacrifice 20 pts This leather armour made from the skin of those sacrificed to Fimúl is filled with malign power, protecting the wearer while taking the life of someone nearby instead. Light armour. The first wound suffered by the wearer can be transferred to a friendly model within 3”.
The wearer and any unit he is with always counts as being under the effect of the Swirlling Mists spell.
Swamp Glass Globe 20 pts There are different types of swamp gas out there. There is gas that can kill a grown man after only one sniff, there is gas that can drive even an Ogre crazy. One certain gas increases the magical capabilities of all who sniff it. Of course, not everyone knows this, but the Fimir long since discovered this secret.
ARCANE ITEMS Staff of Finfaust 75 pts This powerful staff was the property of the great Dirach Finfaust, until his sudden and untimely demise when he got sucked into the Warp after a spell cast with his staff had done its job a little too well.
One use only. The Globe can be used at the start of the Magic phase. When used, the bearer of this orb can add +1 extra Power Dice to each of her spells cast this turn.
When casting a spell, a roll of 6 on any of the Power dice will result in an Irresistable Force.
Scroll of Necromancy 60 pts This piece of parchment is made of human skin. It contains all manner of incantations, spells and glyphs used by the dark art of o f necromancy. When read, the parchement crumbles and the magical power is lost. But, the ground begins to boil and black water erupts from cracks. Fir Bolg arise from their watery graves to fight once more.
ENCHANTED ITEMS Pipes of Catastrophe 65 pts When played, these pipes give off the most h orrible sound ever to be heard by man or creature. Its eardrum shattering tones can even cause entire structures to collapse in piles of rubble.
One use only. When read, the bearer can summon a unit of 5+D6 Fir Bolg up to 12” away.
One use only. The bearer of the Pipes of Catastrophe may play the pipes, in any Fimir Shooting Phase, which effects all warmachines (and all warmachine like constructs such as Steam Tanks, Skaven Screaming Bells, etc), chariots, Steam Tanks and buildings within 18" of the bearer. Warmachines in range suffer D6 S6 hits, while chariots suffer D3 S5 hits and buildings collapse on the roll of a 6.
Orb of the All-Seeing Eye 45 pts This great orb can be used u sed to scry the winds of magic, binding them to the bearer. At the same time however, the orb may feel its due, and take the same power for itself. At the beginning of each Fimir magic phase, the bearer may consort with the Orb of the All Seeing Eye. Roll a D6; the bearer gains D3 dice. However, if the dice roll was a natural 1, the bearer loses 1 dice instead.
Eye of Balor 45 pts Said to be infused with a part of the evil from Balor, this necklace is made to respemble his great and terrible eye. The wearer of the Eye is seen as pure evil to all enemies who look upon him and they want to be as far from him as possible.
Hellmother’s Crown 45 pts This barbed metal crown once belonged to the fabled Hellmother, the Meargh who unites most of the Fimir race in the war against the humans. She was a very powerful wizard but also a lso very dangeous with words. The Fimir suffered greatly during that war though, and the Hellmother was slain by Marius who impaled her with his spear.
Eye of Balor makes the bearer cause Terror. In addition, and successful Terror test caused by him must be re-rolled.
Moss-Hide Cloak 30 pts This ragged cloak is made of all sorts of hard swamp grass and moss foeraged by the Shearls and knitted together with powerful runes by the Dirach. Whoever wears this cloak is rumoured to be able to resist a blow from even a Giant. The effect is temporary though and the moss is frail.
Meargh Only. Hellmother’s Crown gives the wearer a 5+ ward save. In addition, she knows one extra spell.
Maris’ Tears 35 pts This item is a small vial, filled with very clear and almost glowing liquid. The liquid within is s aid to be tears from Maris, the mother of all Fimir. They were collected by Fimúl when Maris was sad about all the selfeshness the humans showed to her. When the liquid is smeered upon the naked skin, it heals any wounds almost instantly.
The Moss-Hide Cloak gives the wearer a +1 Armour save and +1 Toughness until he suffers his first unsaved wound.
The Blood Drum of Bryzz 25 pts When the drum is sound, any warrior immediately becomes overcome with bloodlust and rage.
One use only. When used, the bearer regains all wounds previously lost in the battle.
The bearer of the drum and the unit he is with gains the Frenzy rule.
Crown of Lies 25 pts This deceptive crown fills the head of the wearer’s foe with lies and deceit, calming them into a false sense of security before striking.
Banner of All-Seeing 30 pts Its gaze reaching all around the battlefield, the warriors marching this banner will instinctively know the locaction of the enemy.
When fighting in a challenge, the wearer of the Crown gets to make one additional Attack with the Killing Blow ability before all other Attacks are made in each close combat ph ase.
One use only. The unit may declare a charge against a unit outside their line of sight, as long as they can roll high enough to reach the unit with their closest model.
Royal Cowl 20 pts Given by its Meargh because of some importan t deed or performance, the lucky Dirach now stands out from even the other Dirach, which infuriates the Fimm Nobles even more. But, it was the Meargh’s will that he got the cowl so he must be important and all the Nobles respect that thought.
Banner of the Burning Eye 25 pts Depicting the burning eye of Balor, the banner burns and sears the eyes of the hated foe, making them all but blind. One use only. When used, all enemy units in base contact with the unit carrying this banner must reroll all successful rolls to Hit.
Units within 8” of the Dirach may use his Leadership just as if he was the army’s General. Dirach only.
Bog Banner 25 pts Made from the skins of all their slain victims, this banner is truely a horrific sight to behold. It is dripping with goo and covered in slimy mud. Skulls and bones are put on top of it, often surrounded by a small flock of crows, picking at the rotting remains.
Blood-Drenched Mantle 15 pts Red with the blood and gore in which it was soaked, this mantle is a sign to all humans who face the wearer that they are going to be next. The smell of fresh human blood almost drives the Fimir mad with hatred and hunger towards them. In battle they will not stop until their hunger is statisfied or they themselves are killed.
The unit carrying this banner causes Fear. In addition, an enemy unit attempting to charge them must take a Leadership test. If failed, they may not charge and may not move voluntarily this turn.
The Blood-Drenched Mantle gives the wearer Hatred towards all Human units.
Fimúl’s Hatred 20 pts When Fimúl was cowardly murdered in the dungeons of the Marshland, his soul was banished back into the Warp. He swore to take revenge on those lowely mortals who killed him and his beloved Maris. As he couldn’t enter the material realm for a long time, he crafted a banner to represent his hatred and gave it to his most trusted Fimir, so that they could start his revenge on the mortal world.
MAGIC STANDARDS The Banner of the Mists 75 pts Enchanted by many Dirach and shrouded in the thickest mist, this banner makes those around it all but invisible in the distance. Units within 8” of the banner may not be targeted by spells or missiles that requires line of sight.
The unit carrying this banner Hates all units except but for Daemons and Undead.