By: Snigdha Roy B.A.,LLB(H) 4t S!"!#t!$
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………….... 1 2. Meaning of Waqf…………………………………………………………………1-2 3. Kinds of Waqf……………………………………………………………………2-3 4. Valid Object of Waqf…………………………………………………………….4- . !egal "onsequences of Waqf……………………………………………………. #. "onclusion……………………………………………………………………….. # $. %ibliogra&'(……………………………………………………………………... $
!iteral )eaning of t'e *ord *aqf is +detention,. In t'e language of la* *aqf )eans detention of a &ro&ert( so t'at its &roduce or inco)e )a( al*a(s be aailable for religious or c'aritable &ur&oses. W'en a *aqf is created t'e &ro&ert( is detained or is +tied u&, foreer and t'ereafter beco)es non-transferable. Meaning and arious t(&es of t'e *aqf is defined in t'is &rojects. /'ere is object be'ind )a0ing a *aqf. Office of Muta*alli )anager is er( i)&ortant. Waqf is binding and enforceable b( la* it 'as legal consequences *'ic' are dealt in t'is &roject. /'e la* of *aqf is t'e )ost i)&ortant branc' of Mo'a))edan !a* for it is inter*oen *it' t'e entire religious life and social econo)( of Musli)s.
MEANING OF WAQF W'en Musli) a &erson *'o is *or0ing for c'aritable &ur&ose under religious fait' and senti)ents and for t'e benefit and u&lift)ent of t'e societ( 'as donate 'is &ro&ert( in t'e na)e of lla' is called *aqf. Waqf literall( )eans +detention, sto&&age or t(ing u& )eaning t'ereb( t'at t'e o*ners'i& of dedicated &ro&ert( is ta0en a*a( fro) t'e &erson )a0ing *aqf and transferred and detained b( 5od. 6etails are gien in old te7ts about *aqf )ade b( &ro&'et. It is obsered in M Ka8i) s sg'ar li t'at tec'nicall( it )eans a dedication of so)e s&ecific &ro&ert( for a &ious &ur&ose or secession of &ious &ur&oses. s defined b( Musli) jurists suc' as bu 9anifa Waqf is t'e detention of a s&ecific t'ing t'at is in t'e o*ners'i& of t'e *aqif or a&&ro&riator and t'e deotion of its &rofits or usufructs to c'arit( t'e &oor or ot'er good objects to acco))odate loan. Waqf ct 1:4 defines Waqf as Waqf )eans t'e &er)anent dedication b( a &erson &rofessing t'e Isla) of an( )oable or i))oable &ro&ert( for an( &ur&ose recogni8ed b( Musli) !a* as religious &ious or c'aritable.; In so)e cases li0e Kassi)ia' "'arities .
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5od in suc' a )anner t'at its &rofit )a( be a&&lied for t'e benefit of 9is serants./'e object of dedication )ust be c'aritable or religious
5enerall( t'ere are t'ree t(&es of *aqf= 1. >ublic Waqf= /'ose *'ic' are dedicated to t'e &ublic at large 'aing no restrictions of an( 0ind regarding its use. ?or e7a)&le bridges roads *ells. 2. @uasi-&ublic Waqf= /'ose *'ic' are &artl( &ublic and &artl( to &roide for t'e benefit of a &articular indiidual or a class of indiiduals *'ic' )a( be t'e settlor,s fa)il(. 3. >riate Waqf= /'ose *'ic' are for t'e benefit of &riate indiiduals including t'e settlor ,s fa)il( or relations.
"ategories of *aqf fro) t'e &ers&ectie of its &ur&ose=
A Waqf a'li= t'e &roceeds of *aqf are designated for t'e *aqf founder,s c'ildren and t'eir offs&ring. 9o*eer t'ese beneficiaries cannot sell or dis&ose of t'e &ro&ert( subject-)atter of *aqf.
A Waqf 0'a(ri= t'e &roceeds of *aqf are ear)ar0ed to c'arit( and &'ilant'ro&(. B7a)&les of beneficiaries include t'e &oor and t'e need(. Waqf 0'a(ri is t(&icall( used to finance )osques s'elters sc'ools and uniersities. /'is is )eant to 'el& financiall(-c'allenged indiiduals and co))unities.
A Waqf al-sabil= a *aqf *'ose beneficiaries are t'e general &ublic. It is er( si)ilar to *aqf 0'a(ri t'oug' *aqf al-sabil is usuall( used to establis' and construct t'e &ublic utilit( )osques &o*er &lants *ater su&&lies grae(ards sc'ools etc. + AIR %&' N- *
A Waqf al-a*arid'= t'e (ield of *aqf is 'eld in resere so t'at it can be used at ti)es of e)ergenc( or une7&ected eents t'at negatiel( influence t'e lieli'ood and *ell-being of a co))unit( of &eo&le. ?or e7a)&le *aqf )a( be assigned to t'e satisfaction of s&ecific needs suc' as )edication for sic0 &eo&le *'o are unable to &a( )edication e7&enses and education of &oor c'ildren. Waqf al-a*arid' )a( also be used to finance )aintenance of t'e utilities of a illage or neig'bor'ood.
"ategories of *aqf fro) t'e &ers&ectie of its out&ut nature=
A Waqf istit')ari= t'e *aqf assets are intended for inest)ent.
A Waqf )ubas'ar= t'e *aqf assets are used to generate serices to t'e benefit of so)e c'arit( reci&ients or ot'er beneficiaries. B7a)&les of suc' assets include sc'ools utilities etc.
n essential for t'e alidit( of *aqf is t'at t'e dedication s'ould be for a &ur&ose recongnised as religious &ious or c'aritable under Musli) !a*. On basis of decided cases and t'e te7t of e)inent Mo'a))edan Curists certain objects *'ic' 'ad been declared to be alid objects of *aqf are=1. Mosque and &roisions for I)a)as to conduct *ors'i&. 2. "elebrating t'e birt' of li Murta8a 3. De&airs of I)a)baras. 4. Maintenance of K'an0a's. . Deading t'e Koran in &ublic &laces and also at &riate 'ouses. #. Maintenance of &oor relations and de&endant. $. >a()ent of )one( to ?a0irs. E. 5rant to an Idga'. :. 5rant to t'e college and &roisions for &rofessors to teac' in colleges. 1F. %ridges and "araan
erfor)ance of cere)onies 0no*n as Kada) <'arif. 1. /'e construction of a "obat or free boarding 'ouse for &ilgri)s at Mecca. 1#. >erfor)ing t'e annual ?ate'a of t'e )e)bers of 'is fa)il(. 1$. 6urga'or or s'rine of a >ir *'ic' 'as long been 'eld in eneration b( t'e &ublic.
/'e follo*ing are not recogni8ed as alid objects of *aqf b( t'e Musal)an la*. 1. Objects &ro'ibited b( Isla) e.g. erecting or )aintaining a c'urc' or te)&le. 2. *aqf in faour of absolute strangers toug' t'ere *as an i))ediate and substantial gift to c'arit(. 3. >roiding for t'e ric' e7clusiel(. 4. Objects *'ic' are uncertain.
. direction to s&end a certain su) of )one( for feasting "utc'i Me)ons eer( (ear on t'e anniersar( of t'e anniersar( of t'e settler,s deat' is not alid.
LEGAL CONSEQUENCES OF WAQF Once a *aqf is co)&lete t'e follo*ing are t'e consequences G 1. 6edication to 5od G /'e &ro&ert( ests in 5od in t'e sense t'at nobod( can clai) o*ners'i& of it. In Md. Is)ail s /'a0ur er)anent or >er&etual G >er&etualit( is an essential ele)ent of *aqf. Once t'e &ro&ert( is gien to *aqf it re)ains for t'e *aqf for eer. Waqf cannot be of a s&ecified ti)e duration. In Mst >eeran s 9afi8 Mo'a))ad 3 it *as 'eld b( lla'bad 9" t'at t'e *aqf of a 'ouse built on a land leased for a fi7ed ter) *as inalid. 4.Inalienable G ious or c'aritable use G /'e usufructs of t'e *aqf &ro&ert( can onl( be used for &ious and c'aritable &ur&ose. It can also be used for descendants in case of a &riate *aqf. #.B7tinction of t'e rig't of *a0if G /'e *a0if loses all rig'ts een to t'e usufructs of t'e &ro&ert(. 9e cannot clai) an( benefits fro) t'at &ro&ert(. $. >o*er of court,s ins&ection G /'e courts 'ae t'e &o*er to ins&ect t'e functioning or )anage)ent of t'e *aqf &ro&ert(. Misuse of t'e &ro&ert( of usufructs is a cri)inal offence as &er Waqf ct.1::.
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Waqf is a detention *'ic' is &er)anent and binding and enforceable b( la* also an( &erson interested )a( see0 re)ed( in ciil court. Office of )uta*alli is er( i)&ortant in *aqf &o*er can be e7ercised *'en t'ere is clear acanc( of )uta*allis'i& or t'ere is dis&ute as to co)&etence or eligibilit( of e7isting )uta*alli. Musli) *aqf is distinguis'ed fro) an Bnglis' trust or a 9indu endo*)ent of d'ar)a.
BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 'tt&s=HH***.la*cto&us.co)Hacade)i0eHconce&t-*aqf-)usli)-la*H last isited on &ril 1# 2F1$ 2.***.india0anoon.co) last isited on &ril 1#2F1$ 3. <(ed K'ali Das'id Musli) !a* Bastern %oo0 "o)&an( !uc0no* t' edn. 2F1#